Who is Katya Light Biography Cause of death. One of the most famous performers of chanson - Katya Ogonos

Who is Katya Light Biography Cause of death. One of the most famous performers of chanson - Katya Ogonos
Who is Katya Light Biography Cause of death. One of the most famous performers of chanson - Katya Ogonos
Katya Light is the Russian singer who performed compositions in the genre of Chanson. The author of such hits like "Katya", "I am jealous", "North night" and many others. Although the Russian chanson - the genre is traditionally not feminine, Kate managed to conquer the confidence of his connoisseurs.

The texts of her songs were deprived of fumes and triviality, the penetrating manner of execution could hook and warm up even the most frozen soul, and her stage image was completely deprived of the "star" and Paphos.

Childhood and Youth Years

The real name of the singer - Christina Evgenievna Poinhasov, she was born in a small village on the Black Sea coast in a creative family. Her Pope, Evgeny Semenovich, - the musician and composer, performed in Via "Gems." Mom, Tamara Ivanovna, - Professional dancer, artist of the Wrensky ensemble.

When the girl was six years old, the family moved to Kislovodsk. There, parents gave Katya to a music school and choreographic studio, as they dreamed of seeing her artist in the future.

Father made every effort to get used to good music to good music, bought her a tape recorder and personally selected the records of famous world performers and composers. The girl from an early one was well understood in Jazz, loved and knew classical music.

In the adolescence, Christine actively participated in amateur activities, performed on discos, sang in local pop groups. But it could not boast of good performance and approximate behavior: it could break the raw eggs on the school battery to threaten the lesson, or burn a class magazine.

Musical career

At the age of 16, Christina moved to Moscow and thanks to his father's relations (he was familiar with the songwriter Alexander Shaganov, who wrote to Christine a debut song) "lit up" on television, sleeping with a duet with superpopular at that time a pop singer Zhenya Belousov.

After that, the Girl's speech was interested in the composer Alexander Morozov and offered her cooperation. A year later, their joint album came out, which turned out to be quite successful. In parallel, she acted as part of the group "10a" and for some time collaborated with the team "forestry" and was in a good account at his head Mikhail Tanich.

Katya Ogonosok - "Katya"

But gradually Christina began to move away from pop music towards Chanson, who was closer and clearer to hooligan with the Bunlet temper and a characteristic hoarse in his voice. Since 1995, she began to cooperate with Mikhail Sheleg, replaced the name on the creative pseudonym Masha Sha (Mikhail was called Misha Sha) and released two albums: "Misha + Masha \u003d Sha!" And "Masha-Sha - Rubber Vanyusha".

But the famous made her producer Vyacheslav Klimenkov, who invited the singer to his project "White Taiga". In 1998, he came up with a girl legend about the prison past, gave her a new name Katya Light and developed the musical concept of her further creativity. The fictional biography of Kati was as follows: allegedly it was convicted under Article 211 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (the hijacking of the aircraft, train or water transport) and departed for a bastard of 2.5 years, after which it was released on parole due to interest in prison sentence.

Katya Ogonosk - "I'm jealous of you"

Katya was so organically born into his new way, which instantly won the love and confidence of the public interested in chanson and prison topics. After the release of two joint albums ("White Taiga" in two parts) about separation and sadness, spat without "female" tribalities and trifles, incredibly penetratively and soulful, Katya woke up famous.

Her speeches caused a stormy delight, and the public was ready to stand in the aisles at concerts, just with one eye to look at the singer, performing such close and those who understand the songs in a heartfelt voice.

Katya Ogonosk in the program "Old Plate"

Two years later, Katya decided that he was ready to go to an independent swimming, broke the contract with Klimenkov and began to work with Vladimir Chernyakov. She left the head in tour, traveled Polimyr, released several more albums.

Katia Ogonosk and Vladimir Chernyakov - "Far and far"

Personal life Kati Ogon

At 19, Katya officially married a friend of childhood, which was waited from the army. Three years later, the spouses broke up, and in 2001, the singer gave birth to the baby Lero from Boxer Levan Koyava, with whom he lived in civil marriage.

Katya was brought to Pete on a directory from intensive care and even nurses, which during the years of work saw everyone, in horror, holding her mouth with her hand, looked at Katya. Kati did not have a frontal bone, there was just a failure on his forehead. She lay on the catal and looked at all huge eyes. Kati had a small, perfectly round face and huge eyes - she was like a doll. Katya was very beautiful, but it was impossible to look at it. Scary.

Katya asked her husband to charging on the scooter, her husband sat down behind, Katya sat behind the wheel, and they rushed - young, very happy. Katya recently became the boss, and it was the first step to a big career, Kati had a loving husband for whom she got married so early that everyone was discussed, and now no one believed that her daughter is almost a first grader. Katya lived in a complete life, everyone loved her for light character and fragile, puppet beauty.

Katya flew on a scooter, her husband hugged her and the wind turned her hair ... and happiness. And then she saw the trolleybus, which it was necessary to go around, and because of the trolleybus, the car left the speed, and the night came, the happiness ended.

Mom Katie said that the blow to the asphalt was such a force that it was not clear how Katya survived - her head turned into fragments, even the fattest and strong frontal bone crashed into parts, split into tens of debris, exposing the brain.

Katya was brought to the hospital, and then, by quota, in the best hospital on the injuries of the brain in Moscow - to the hospital named after N. N. Burdenko. And Katya lived, fought, and, though, it seemed that it was impossible to live, almost without a head she was trying. She was very young, remember, and she had a loving husband and a daughter who wanted to go with her mother to the first line of school.

She even became better, but then in her brain, exhausted by fragments, began to flow through some invisible holes one after another infection. And Katya turned out to be in intensive care, and then, when a little bit became better, in Pete - the ward of intensive therapy.

Now, she lay on a separate bed, Sergei was lying next to her, who fell on the construction site, and did not even see his newly born her son, and Andrei, who knew that his wife would change himself in his head, but remained alive, and East The guy Vakhtang, who crashed on a quad, and his father cried, stuck on a chair in the corridor. And with Katya now I was sitting, my husband came to Kat, but only a daughter did not bring to Kat.

- Why do you show the Kate movies? - The nurses of her husband asked.

"Because she answers me, I see it," he said.

"Firth, not wait, don't you see, it's useless," familiar, colleagues at work told him.

"This is my wife, and I will always be with her," he answered, and squeezed Kati's hand.

Without forehead, with a shaved head in huge scars, but with beautiful eyes and a puppet larrik Katya lived.

Only one could not withstand either sisters nor neighbors on the ward, nor mom nor husband. Kate very often hurt, and then she cried. And all are nurses, doctors, nurse, were ready to do anything, just not to see this crying. Because all patients had tracheostas, because all patients pit could not speak, even if they wanted very much, and Katya widely opened her mouth and silent, horrible cry screamed. If Kati had a voice, the whole branch of traumatology in the Burdenko hospital would have heard this suffering, this huge cry of pain. But Katya shouted with a silent cry and there was nothing awful of this crying.

Doctors could not find anything, even give the name all new infections penetrating the cathin brain. Katya was constantly studied, drove to surveys, they were torn, tormented, and therefore Katya was constantly crying. Each movement of its body reduced by a tone, hurt her pain. And the nurses rushed out of all his might, when I shifted Katya to the catal and begged and stroked her, and asked for: Katya do not cry! Because there was nothing worse than this silent scream.

But infections were roetened by Katya, her poor broken head, on which, starting from the eyebrows, there was no living place. Kat became getting worse, she constantly temperatil, and nothing helped.

Katya died.

And everyone who was with Katya, who knew her at least a little, thought: Thank God that Katya died. Because no one could see Katya crying. Because no one else wanted Katya to suffer, nor nurses, nor neighbors on Peit, nor native nor husband nor mom. I think death herself could not watch more like Katya crying. She came, leaned over her wounded, shaved, such a beautiful head and said: Let's go with me, I'll bring you there, where you will never be crying!

And the deceased Katya smiled.

Star of Russian chanson Katia Ogonek died in the morning of October 24 in the intensive care of one of the Moscow clinics. The cause of the death of a 30-year singe was pulmonary edemacaused by heart failure. "In the hospital Katya got after an attack - she suffered from childhood epilepsy, "said the producer of singer Vladimir Chernyakov. - I always thought that it was not dying. She spent five days in the clinic, three of them - in intensive care. It seems to be corrected ... "


As told Days Friend and colleague singer Victor Korolev, Sunday Kate really got better. She came into consciousness, and everyone closely hoped for her recovery.

The disease was stronger. On Wednesday, Kati Ogonek did not. The singer managed to record five songs for the new album "You're in my heart," writes Komsomolskaya Pravda. Unfinished disk will be released as an artist memory.

By the way, despite the rumors about the criminal past, in prison Katya Ogonek never sat. "Katya Spark - this is a fictional character, And Christina, as an artist, I portrayed it, "explains Vladimir Chernyakov. - The songs that I wrote to her were about life, and from her either a betrayal, nor death, no prison will throw out. "

Christina Poinhasova was born in the Krasnodar Territory, in the resort town of Dzhubga, located on the Black Sea coast. Parents were creative people. Mom Tamara Ivanovna is a former professional dancer. In the youth, the participant of the National Honored Academic Ensemble of Dance of Ukraine named after Pavel Worse. Evgeny Semenovich Penhasov's father was a musician, collaborated with several well-known teams, including the famous "Gems" ensemble.

When Christine turned 6 years old, the family moved to Kislovodsk. Here the girl studied not only in a secondary school, but also studied in choreographic and music schools. Father's friend, a famous poet songwriter, wrote a song for a young girl and even helped make a demo record at the local recording studio. Of course, no popularity of this test of Poinhasov did not bring, but allowed to gain experience with sound.

Kristina Plenhasova - the real name of Kati Ogon

At 16, the girl leaves for Moscow, as the producer and poet Alexander Shaganov created the Pop Group "10-A" and invited Christina Plenhasov as a vocalist. In this semi-sustained team, she performed under the pseudonym of Christina Pozharskaya. Also collaborated with the well-known group "forestry" as a soloist and back vocalist.


In 1995, the Soyuz Soyuz Soyuz Province conducts a casting for a new music project in the style of Russian chanson. Christina becomes a participant in the contest and wins. As part of the project under the pseudonym Masha Sha, she produces albums "Misha + Masha \u003d Sha !!!" And "Masha-Sha - Rubber Vanyusha". Both records came out in 1998 and differed quite low-dollar texts on erotic subjects, the author of which was Mikhail Sheleg. After the release of Christine's albums, not only the repertoire, but also a pseudonym on Katya Sparkle.

Since 1997, she collaborates with the composer and producer Vyacheslav Klimenkov and under his leadership issues in 1998 the "White Taiga" album. A year later, there is an album-continuation "White Taiga-2". The songs of these albums are written in the company's branded for Kati Light of the Russian Chanson, from which she will no longer go away.

Many texts of these compositions raise the topic of prison life, but also many songs about love, separation, solitude of man. Albums have become very popular with lovers of the genre of Chanson.

The uniqueness of Kati Spark was in her ardent feeding of a material characteristic of a young woman. After all, most of the performers of the genre are mature men. On their background, the girl's voice was very highlighted.

In 2000, the albums of new songs "call from the zone" and "after years" are published, as well as several collections from popular famous compositions of the singer. Since 2001, her plates began to leave annually one. "Road Roman", "Commandment", "Debut Album" with rises by early songs, "Kiss", "Katya". The last disk during the lifetime of the singer was the album "Happy Birthday, Koreh!" 2006.

Katya Light was a very popular executive of the Russian chanson not only in Russia and the countries of the former Union. She was invited to tour in many countries where former compatriots lived in Israel, Germany, USA. But in America she was not destined to speak due to bureaucratic wires. In 2007, Katia Ogonek worked on new songs, but I did not have time to see my new album. The CD "In My Heart" came out in 2008 and became a posthumous monument to the singer.

Personal life

The only official marriage of Katya Spark concluded when she was 19 years old. It was a friend of childhood she was waiting for the army. Spouses lived together for 2 years, then separated and a year later - divorced officially. In the future, the singer had only civil marriage and production novels.

The last husband of Christina Poinhasova was the former boxer Levon Koyava. In 2001, Katia Light gave birth to his daughter Valery, who later would go in the footsteps of the mother and dedicate one of her songs to her. She lived and brought up Lera from the parents of the singer.

It is known that Katia Spark in his youth, in addition to dancing and music, was fond of different martial arts, especially female boxing.


Katia Ogonosk died in the morning of October 24, 2007 from acute heart failure and ethics of lungs. The cause of death, according to doctors, was the cirrhosis of the liver, although the singer's hospital came after an attack of epilepsy, which suffered from early childhood.

The funeral was held in Moscow, at the Nikolo Arkhangelsk cemetery. To establish a monument on the grave of the famous singer, which many fans called the "Queen of the Russian chanson", Kristina Plenhasova's father had to organize a charitable concert in the city of Krasnogorsk in 2010.


  • 1998 - White Taiga I
  • 1999 - White Taiga II
  • 2000 - call from the zone
  • 2000 - after year
  • 2001 - Road Roman
  • 2002 - Command
  • 2003 - Debut Album
  • 2004 - Kiss
  • 2005 - Katya
  • 2006 - Happy Birthday, Koreh!
  • 2008 - My heart

Katia Ogonosk (real name of Christina Evgenievna Poinhasov). Born on May 17, 1977 in the village. Dzhubga (Krasnodar Territory) - died on October 24, 2007 in Moscow. Russian singer, the performer of chanson.

Christina Pozhayskaya (Penhasov) was born in the village of Dzhubga Tuapsinsky district of the Krasnodar Territory. Then the family moved to live in Kislovodsk.

Mother - Tamara Ivanovna, dancer - danced in the studio Virgin. Father - Evgeny Semenovich, musician, worked with the "Gems" ensemble.

He graduated from the 9th grades of high school, as well as musical and choreographic schools in Kislovodsk. He studied in school badly. "Teachers, must have crossed, giving me a document on the end of their torment," she told.

"In school, I communicated mainly with boys and variations on school packs I can enumerate infinitely. For example, in winter it is possible to break down a few raw eggs on hot batteries, just a couple of hours it is impossible to stay at school. Thus, the vacation of the day is two to everyone. Once I went to the teacher and burned a class magazine. Even it fell from the hands, it must have been lost to lose the school "artist". I very actively participated in school amateur, sang, danced, "she recalled.

Her father was friends with the famous poet songwriter Alexander Shaganov, who came to visit him, and one day Dad Christina persuaded a friend to write a song for her daughter. Then the album was recorded, where the singer fulfilled the songs with an untouched childish voice. The album was not needed to anyone, but the experience of Christine was useful when she moved to Moscow.

At the age of 16 she moved to Moscow.

"It is Moscow that taught me smoking and drinking wine, made an adult," said the artist.

For several years she worked with Shaganov, released an album. Then she sang Pops, but at the time began to look close to the Russian chanson.

Performed as part of the group "10 A". Some time worked in the group Mikhail Tanich "Forest". However, relations with the team, despite the support of Tanich himself, did not work out.

In 1995, the Soyuz Privacyment began to prepare the project in the genre of the Russian chanson. A competition was announced among performers and Christina won the competition and began to perform in the project. Since then, she spoke with songs in this genre (initially under the pseudonym Masha Sha, then - Katya Ogonok). Many toured, released several albums.

Katya Ogonosok - Convoir

At first, discs were released with "Hard" humor under the pseudonym Masha Sha: "Misha + Masha \u003d Sha !!!" And "Masha-Sha - Rubber Vanyusha", in the creation of the C, which in these albums took himself the pseudonym "Misha Sha".

Songs from the albums "White Taiga I" and "White Taiga II", created in the coitancy with Vyacheslav Klimenkov, are already the genre, to the direction of the Russian chanson, which will be the main in the work of Katie Ogonos for the years. Many of them are prison, cortisy songs, but there are songs about simple, human - about love and separation, loyalty and sadness, the loneliness of a person in front of life. Two songs from these two albums of Sveta V. Klimenkov: "Koster" and "soul sick." Songs "Thief", "Black, Black Sea" Vyacheslav Klimenkov and Katya Ogonoku jointly performed, the rest - Katya Ogonos.

Music from the song "Khakinsk" still sounds (like background music) in each issue of radio broadcasts for the prisoners "Kalina Red", weekly afters of the radio for Radio Russia.

In the series "Legends of the Russian chanson" in 1999, Dr. Katie Ogonok (Volume 5) came out. There were no new songs in it, just already released in the albums "White Taiga I" and "White Taiga II", except in some other arrangements. But the next album "call from the zone" consisted of entirely from the music prime minister. Then again came the remix album again, then again new in the album "after a year" (2000) with the song "Zhigan", the hero of which, as Katya Ogonok said in one of the interviews, became her favorite hero of her songs for her.

In 2000, the producer Vladimir Chernyakov starts working with Katya. Under his leadership, 8 albums were recorded.

Katya Ogonosok - Zhigan

In a number of early interviews, the singer argued that allegedly was sentenceded in places of imprisonment. In fact, a special "legend" was invented for Kati Light, designed to increase its popularity among the listeners of "Blatnika" - in an interview she said that in his youth was convicted of part of the second article 211 (hijacking aircraft, water vehicles or railway rolling stock) And allegedly served two more than a year. She told that he fell under the amnesty "for good singing" - sang in places of detention in local amateur time.

"There I recorded some songs on a cassette tape recorder, mostly pop sloggers, and handed over to their parents. My dad took this film to Moscow, showed the producers from Soyuz-Promakshn. They became interested in me and came to the zone with professional portusty, Where we, having received permission, for two weeks I was recorded the album "White Taiga". I performed the songs of Glory Klimenkova, the Moscow author, written especially for me. Before the exit, there were four months left, "the singer told. But this will repeat, only the legend for the development of the stage image.

Subsequently, the singer ceased to mention the "prison experience", and the producer of V. Chernyakov finally denied this legend after the death of the singer.

Everyone who knew Katya Ogonok, noted her modesty. Vladimir Okunev told: "Katya earned so much. She lived in Moscow on a removable apartment, contained parents. Katya was a simple Russian woman (although she had Jewish roots) and no one noticed any stars for her. "

On the question of their musical preferences, Katya answered: "I love to listen to Ela Jerola, Steve Wander, Ella Fitzgerald ... Their composition I sang in my youth. And at the same time I adore Lidia Ruslanov. In general, I love the grades of strong people, bright personalities. Weak usually dissolve in this life. So it is necessary to be strong. "

Katya Ogonosok - I'm jealous of you

He fond of martial arts, in particular, women's boxing.

Katya Ogonosk died in Moscow on the morning of October 24, 2007 from the eighth and acute heart failure, probably caused by cirrhosis of the liver (according to other reports, she suffered from epilepsy and fell into the hospital after the attack).

"She lay in the hospital for a while, and already thought that everything went to the amendment, but, as you can see, made a mistake. As far as I know, she has long had some sores, of which, unfortunately, she could not get out . This year we celebrated her thirtiethly, and, of course, no one could think about how everything will turn, "said Arthur Vasin's radio director of Radio" Chanson ".

He was buried at the Nikolo Arkhangelsk Cemetery in Moscow.

In October 2010, a monument was established on the grave of the singer, to collect funds for the installation of which the father of Katie Ogonokuk organized a concert in the Moscow region Krasnogorsk.

In June 2013, in the Concert Hall "The World" producer and official representative of the family, Elena Bader organized a concert of memory of Katie Ogonok, the funds from which went to support the family of Katie Ogonos.

On May 17, 2016, the concert of the memory of Kati Spark in honor of her birthday was held, the organizer of which was Elena Bader and the actress, the singer Lyudmila Sharonov. At this concert, the premiere of the second song of the daughter of Kati Ogonek - Lera Sponak called "Wanted".

Growth of Katie Ogonos: 157 centimeters.

Personal life of Katie Ogodek:

Was married, in 2001 gave birth to her daughter Valery.

"If we talk about first love, I didn't even have it as such. At least I don't remember that, like other girls, I was roaring in a pillow. All sorts of suffering have already come for years to twenty, when I had The first divorce with my husband, maybe, by the way, it was my first love, I waited for my husband from the army, although what love is 19 years old, the girl was still, the habit was just. Yes, and a white dress, wedding - I wanted to try. In general , 2 years I tried, although in marriage we were officially 3 years old. Then another person appeared, and my husband and I divorced, "the artist told.

He consisted in a civil marriage with the former boxer Levan Koyava.

The daughter of Lera, with the support of Helena Bader and the Soyuz Soyuz Soyuz, recorded a song in the style of Chanson, which he devoted to the memory of his mother. The official representative of the family of Katie Ogonek is now Elena Bader, she is also director and producer Lera Spark.

Lera Ogodek - Wind-breeze

Parents of Katie Ogodek - Tamara Ivanovna and Evgeny Semenovich Poinhasov - they are confident that their daughter was practically killed.

The discussion in the studio during the recording of the TV program was violent, the dialogues reached direct insults. To the final of the transfer of passion, they ran to such an extent that Mom Katya Tamara Ivanovna had to call a doctor. It turned out that not only the death of the light causes many questions.

The singers fell somewhere mysteriously evaporated. In addition, often Katia Spark worked for much smaller money than she was supposed to. "She was constantly deceived," - confirmed the guest of the Willy Tokarev program. Or could it be otherwise if the financial affairs of the singer was conducted by a person who had no relation to the show business and absolutely not dismantling in concert activity? This led to the fact that the Zhansson star had nothing to bury. Collected, as they say, with the world on a thread. "Levon did not want to work, and from Kati all the juices squeezed," Mom exclaimed in the hearts.

Seeing in what conditions the Queen of Chansson lived, many of those present lost the gift of speech. In common, such an apartment is called a bomzatnik. Being a sought-after singer, Katya Light could not only buy housing, but even repair a removable apartment. How is this possible? In all the listed, as in the death of Spark, the parents of the singer accuse her civil husband Levon, from which Katya gave birth to her daughter Valery. According to Tamara Ivanovna, Levon and herself abused alcohol and did not hold back his wife. Levon constantly traveled from light on tour and was not able to control the endless banquets of Kati, where the singer was invited with enviable regularity.

Katya Ogonosok - the victim of Chanson. Let them talk

An even more shocking was another recognition of parents. Already when Katya was in intensive care, Levon asked her doctor attending her as soon as possible to put the singer on his feet. After a couple of days, Kate had to go to concerts, the prepayment for which Levon was already received. Cynically, but the fact. On the eve of these concerts, Katya died.

Parents of the singers told that the light was treated for many years a civilian spouse singer was friends with many years. At first there was a suspicion of cirrhosis of the liver, and then Katya was put in the cardiology department. When Tamara Ivanovna saw the deceased daughter, her terrible swelling of the face of Kati surprised her.

"More like asphyxia, than to stop the heart," Mom Kati said with tears in his eyes. And the father of Evgeny Semenovich heartily repeated: "This tie killed her. I will definitely deal in everything. They deprived us daughters. " All guests Malakhov agreed that Katu ruined the concert race and an unhealthy lifestyle. Trying at least somehow justified, Levon stated the colleagues of the light: "Yes, each of you once brought her a glass."

All his creative career Katya Light sailed downstream. By and large, no one really did her. At first she tried to become a pop singer and spoke under the pseudonym of Christina Pozharsk, leaving his real name. At different stages, composers Alexander Shaganov, Alexander Morozov and others tried to help her. But with Popus did not work out. But in the chance of Katya Sparkle flashed - so so that he managed to move from the pedestal.

True, for some reason, the light spoke not on decent sites, but preferably shone to prisoners. Katya was invited to the Kremlin Palace of Congresses for the national concerts of Chanson to the Kremlin Palace, but every time at the last moment her name was drawn up. Two queens are closely in one concert or is it just a confluence of circumstances? Nevertheless, at the shooting of the program Malakhov singer, Lyubov Uspenskaya for some reason did not come, although she was invited.

A little later, Kati did rumors at all that Lyuba did offense at her. Katya Spark, of course, was true and did not hesitate to say everything he thinks. But in the address of Assumption, a single bad word she never said. The Chanson Queen died with a poor and really lonely in the soul man, the only joy of which was the scene and daughter.

Discography Kati Ogodek:

1998 - "Misha + Masha \u003d Sha !!!"
1998 - "Masha-Sha - Rubber Vanyusha"
1998 - "White Taiga I"
1999 - "White Taiga II"
1999 - "The legends of the Russian chanson. Volume 5 "
2000 - "Call from Zone"
2000 - "Remixes"
2000 - "After year"
2001 - "Road Home"
2001 - "The Road of My Life"
2001 - "Road Roman"
2002 - "Commandment"
2003 - "Refugees"
2003 - "Debut Album"
2004 - "Kiss"
2004 - "Tattoo"
2005 - "Katya"
2006 - "Gorky Honey"
2006 - "Happy Birthday, Koreh!"
2006 - "And for tramp"
2007 - "Eternal sadness"
2007 - "Applause and Flowers"
2008 - "My heart"