French surnames are ailleurs. Most common surnames in European leagues & nbsp Most common surnames

French surnames are ailleurs.  Most common surnames in European leagues & nbsp Most common surnames
French surnames are ailleurs. Most common surnames in European leagues & nbsp Most common surnames

Most common surnames in European leagues

On Saturday, the goal of "Real" was struck by striker "Levante" Ivan Lopez with a pass ... defender Ivan Lopez. Where else is this possible?

Inspired by the successful cloning at Levant, we conducted a mini-research to find out which surnames are the most common in the Russian and European top championships.

Spoiler alert: The Spaniards are beyond competition.



The surname of Basque origin is the most popular in Spain. It is worn by about one and a half million people in Spain (4% of the country's population). This is reflected in football as well. Immediately 13 representatives of La Liga perform under the name Garcia. And among them there is not a single close relative. Among the well-known Garcia are Saul from Atlético, now playing for Athletic, ex-mattress raul, Valencia coach Marcelino Garcia Toral and Xavi (Betis) and Samu (Levante), who are well known to us from the Premier League.

In second place is Lopez. There are already 10 of them. Interestingly, five of them play in one team at once - Espanyol (Pau, Diego, Adrian, Xavi and David). Three - Pedro already familiar to us and two Ivans from "Levante". And you can remember Adrian Lopez from Deportivo from his performances for Atlético.

The rest of the common surnames lose a lot. In the top Spanish division there are five Suarezes (including Denis and Luis from Barcelona), five Hernandez, the same number of Gomez, Sanchez and Jimenez. As for the Jimenez, it is worth making a reservation - their surnames are written both with the letter J and with G, but they are pronounced the same way. Despite this, we decided to combine them into one item.

And another curious detail - in La Liga there are three Zidans at once. In addition to the Real Madrid coach, these are his children - Enzo and Luca. Here's a family row.

My dad is a star! And your?

Our story is about football "families": from the heirs of Zidane and Bebeto to scouts and goalkeepers of Russian clubs.


The most common surname in the country: Martin

In any case, the surname Martin is the most common among the indigenous population of France. In all Ligue 1, there is only one footballer with this surname - Strasbourg player Jon Maarten. But Traore is more than enough - as many as six. Among the acquaintances of a wide audience are Bertrand from Lyon and our good old Lasina.
The second most common surname is Toure (the brothers Yaya and Kolo have not been seen), Sarr, Mendy, Kulibali, Kone (needless to say that all representatives of these surnames in League 1 are blacks?) And ... Silva. Together with Thiago from PSG, there are three of them.


The most common surname in the country: Smith

In England, everything is somewhat more prosaic. Although there are plenty of Smiths here - it's Brad and Alan Smith from Bournemouth, as well as Tommy from Huddersfield. In general, the Bournemouth line-up is a treasure trove of common English surnames. There are two Cooks at once - Steve and Lewis, one King (plus Andy from Leicester and Adam from Swansea), and one Wilson (there is also Liverpool Harry).

For reference: the most common surname in the Premier League is Ward. Although in the list of popular British surnames, she is far from the first place. There are four Wards in the Premier League - Danny (Liverpool), Joel (Crystal Palace), Stephen (Burnley) and James Ward-Prause (Southampton). Also note the non-British surname Sanchez - with the arrival of Davinson Sanchez in Tottenham and Renata Sanchez in Swansea, there are three of them in the league. You do not know who is the third?

18 footballers whose hearts demand change. And money

Not only Coutinho and Diego Costa.


The most common surname in the country: Muller

Müllers, or millers, are the most common surname in Germany, which is directly reflected in the Bundesliga, where there are four of them: in addition to the star Thomas, these are Nikolai from Hamburg, Florian from Mainz and Sven from Cologne. And no, none of them are related to the Bayern striker.

Otherwise, nothing interesting - in the Bundesliga there are 10 players who have namesakes in the league (including brothers Mario and Felix Goetze, as well as Sven and Lars Bender). Not very much compared to the same Spain.


The most common surname in the country: Russia

Not so long ago, there were enough players with the name Rossi in Serie A. Now there are only two left, and then with reservations. Atalanta goalkeeper Francesco and Roma captain Daniele (the prefix De means "from"). In general, Italian surnames are quite diverse, as they have many derivatives based on status, profession and father's name. Therefore, among the leading names in the Italian division, the majority of the names are foreign.

Four players named Costa (including Douglas from Juventus), two Gomes and two Zapatas. Interestingly, one of the most common surnames is Donnarumma. In addition to the Milan prodigy, this is his brother Antonio, also a goalkeeper who was discharged by the Rossoneri to keep Gigio at the club. And the midfielder of Benevento Alessio, who has no relationship with the first two.


Portuguese belongs to the Romance group of the Indo-European family of languages ​​and is considered the official language of Portugal, Brazil, Angola, Mozambique, Cape Verde, Guinea-Bissau, Sao Tome and Principe, Timor Leste and Macau. About 80% of Lusophones (native Portuguese speakers) live in Brazil.

Map of the distribution of the Portuguese language in the world (Wikipedia):

Names in Brazil and Portugal

Portuguese legislation carefully monitors how its citizens should be named. There is a special list of permitted and prohibited names, and the number of prohibited names is increasing every year. Among the allowed names are predominantly from the Catholic calendar, carefully calibrated according to the standards of Portuguese spelling. Discrepancies are discouraged: for example, a child can only be named Tomás, but not Thomaz(this spelling is considered archaic and inappropriate to the law), Manuel, but not Manoel, Mateus, but not Matheus.

In Brazil, names are treated much more simply. The abundance of immigrants from all over the world has taught Brazilians that names can be anything: unusual, exotic, pretentious or even incredible. Therefore, Brazilians (even of Portuguese origin) willingly give children foreign names: Walter, Giovanni,Nelson, Edison... So, Italian name Alessandra so much ahead of the Portuguese version in popularity Alexandra that many Brazilians consider him a primordially "domestic" name.

The Brazilians also treat the spelling of names in the same way. If a Portuguese, who decided to name his daughter Teresa, is forced to be content with the only acceptable option - Teresa then the Brazilian can write in the registration documents and Tereza, and Thereza, and in general whatever your heart desires.

Both the Brazilians and the Portuguese have diminutive names in common use. Moreover, it can be difficult to immediately grasp the connection between a diminutive and a passport name. It is good if the diminutive is formed simply with the help of a suffix, such as, for example, Ronaldinho- from Ronaldo... But here's to guess that Zezito- this is Jose, Kaka -Carlos, a Tekinya -Theresa, not every foreigner can do it.

Diminutive names are successfully formed from double names:

Carlos jorge-Cajó
Maria José
José Carlos
João carlos
Maria Antonia
Antonio José
Maria luisa
,Maria Lúcia-Malu

Pronunciation and transcription of Portuguese names

As you know, the Portuguese language has two variants: European and Brazilian. At the same time, the pronunciation in Portugal and Brazil is quite different. So, the name of the great Portuguese poet Luis de Camões (Luís de Camões) in Portugal is pronounced "Luis de Camoes", and in most regions of Brazil - Luis de Cums... So the adequate phonetic transfer of Portuguese names into Russian is not an easy task. The matter is complicated by the fact that while in Portugal there is a single officially recognized pronunciation norm, in Brazil it, in fact, does not exist. The most "literate" is the pronunciation of the inhabitants of Rio de Janeiro ("carioca") and São Paulo ("Paulista"), although these dialects, in turn, differ greatly. For example, where the carioca says s in portuguese style - like "NS", Paulista (and with him the vast majority of residents of other states) will say "with".

There is another complication as well. For a long time, in Russian, Portuguese names and titles were transmitted "in the Spanish way": Vasco da Gama(but not Vashka da Gama), Luis de Camões(but not Luis de Camoes). They began to take into account the real peculiarities of pronunciation quite recently, but since Portuguese is not the most common language in our latitudes, few people understand the intricacies of pronunciation. Hence the massive inconsistency in transcriptions. Particularly unlucky for the Portuguese footballer Cristiano ronaldo: whatever commentators call him - Christiano Ronaldo,Christiano Ronaldo,Christian Ronaldo... Although there is only one correct option - Cristiano Ronaldo: there is no soft "l" in Portuguese at all, the unstressed "o" at the end of a word in both variants of the language is reduced to "y", and s before voiceless consonants in Portugal is pronounced as "sh" (although the footballer was not born in Madeira, but where -you might be in Sao Paulo Christian Ronaldo…).

Another unlucky man is a Brazilian musician Juan Gilberto (João gilberto), which appears in various sources as Joan Gilberto,Joan Gilberto and even Joao Gilberto... In general, the only way to avoid such inconsistency is to use the rules of Portuguese-Russian transcription (for example, according to the Ermolovich reference book). Of course, accurately convey the nasal sound ão(and other delights of pronunciation) in Russian letters is impossible, but of all the options, the reference book gives the one that is closest to the original: "an" - Juan.

Emphasis in Portuguese names ()

In a simplified way, the rules for stating stress in Portuguese can be described as follows:

The stress on the last syllable is in all words ending in:

-i, u, ã, ão, ães, ãe, im, om, um;
- for a consonant except s, em, am;
- on s if before s costs u or i.

Stress on the penultimate syllable - in all words ending in:

-a, o, e, em, am;
- on s with previous a, o, e.

Also, in words ending in io and ia, the stress falls on i.

Words that are exceptions to these rules are marked with graphic stress (as in Russian).

Spelling Portuguese names

Until recently, the spelling norms in Portugal and Brazil were different, which, accordingly, left an imprint on the spelling of names: port. Mónica- braz. Mônica, port. Jerónimo- braz. Jerônimo.

In July 2008, at the Summit of the Community of Portuguese-Speaking Countries, held in Lisbon, it was decided to unify the spelling, which brought the Portuguese spelling closer to the current Brazilian one. ()

The question of the unification of the spelling of names remained open.

Most common Portuguese names

Most Popular Newborn Names (Portugal, 2008)

Male names Female names
1 João 1 Maria
2 Rodrigo 2 Beatriz
3 Martim 3 Ana
4 Diogo 4 Leonor
5 Tiago 5 Mariana
6 Tomás 6 Matilde

Most Popular Newborn Names (Brazil, 2009)

Male names Female names
1 Gabriel 1 Júlia/Giulia *
2 Arthur / Artur 2 Sofia/Sophia
3 Matheus / Mateus 3 Maria Eduarda
4 Davi / David 4 Giovanna/Giovana *
5 Lucas 5 Isabela / Isabella
6 Guilherme 6 Beatriz
7 Pedro 7 Manuela / Manoela / Manuella
8 Miguel 8 Yasmin/Iasmin
9 Enzo* 9 Maria Clara
10 Gustavo 10 Ana clara

Names borrowed from Italian are marked with an asterisk.

Portuguese surnames

The full name of the average Portuguese consists of three parts: personal name (usually one or two), mother's surname and father's surname. For example: João Paulo Rodrigues Almeida (Juan and Paulo- personal names, Rodrigues- mother's surname, Almeida- father's surname), Maria Filipa Guimaraes da Costa, Rodrigo Gomes Silva... In everyday life, a person is usually called only by the last (paternal) surname: Senor Almeida, Senora da Costa, Senor Silva.

When a woman gets married, she does not change her surname, but simply attaches her husband's surname (less often both surnames) to hers. So, if Maria Filipa Guimaraes da Costa marries Rodrigo Gomes Silva, then her full name will sound like Maria Filipa Guimaraes da Costa Silva or Maria Filipa Guimaraes da Costa Gomes Silva... In turn, their children will receive the "paternal" surnames of the mother and father: da Costa Silva, or, at the request of the parents, all four surnames: Guimaraes da Costa Gomes Silva... Such multi-storey structures are far from uncommon: on the contrary, in Portugal, a person with only one surname is perplexing. In Brazil, this is treated more calmly: many descendants of immigrants of non-Portuguese origin ignore Portuguese traditions and are content with a single surname.

Qual é o seu nome? What is your name? If you ask this question in, then the answer to it can tell a lot about the origin of the Brazilian. For more than 3 centuries this country was a colony of Portugal (1500-1822). It is for this reason that Portugal has had a tremendous influence on the formation of the culture of Brazil, incl. on names. And the official language in Brazil is precisely Portuguese (albeit with a sharp local dialect).

However, it should be borne in mind that immigration, officially enshrined in 1808, has always played an important role in the formation of the population. Since that time, foreigners have been legally allowed to acquire land ownership. Brazilians are a nation formed as a result of long-term contact of 3 main earthly races. On the local palette, 3 colors were mixed: white - the Portuguese and immigrants from Europe, black - African blacks imported to work on plantations, and yellow - the local Indian population.

The huge number of emigrants from all over the world has led to an impressive variety of names. That is why modern local names have not only Portuguese roots, but also other European, African, Jewish, Japanese and even Slavic roots.

How are Brazilian first and last names constructed?

Brazilian names, as a rule, consist of a simple or composite (2 names) personal name, as well as two or three surnames, less often one or even four. The number of surnames is determined at the request of the child's parents.

Imagine that Jose Santos Almeida(José Santos Almeida - father) and Maria Abreu Melo(Maria Abreu Melo - mother) a daughter was born, who was named Joana Gabriela(Joana Gabriela). In this case, its full official name can be indicated by several options:

  • Joana Gabriela Melo Almeida(classic version: compound name and surname of mother + surname of father);
  • Joana Gabriela Abreu Melo Almeida(2 surnames from mother, 1 from father);
  • Joana Gabriela Abreu Santos Almeida(1 surname from mother, 2 from father);
  • Joana Gabriela Almeida(the last name of the father);
  • Joana Gabriela Abreu Melo Santos Almeida(Conservative Portuguese: 2 surnames from each parent).

At the same time, for practicality in everyday life, all "insides" are usually removed and only the first name and the last surname are used in circulation - Joana Almeida.

Also, in Brazilian names, particles such as da, das, do, dos, de are often used. All these particles can be translated as "from" or "s", i.e. they answer the question of where the origin of the genus begins. Moreover, it does not have to be the name of some locality, city or region. It can also be the name of the slave owner, who at one time owned the founders of a particular family. For example, (in abridged versions): Joana do Rosário, Maria da Cunha, José das Neves, Ronaldo Souza dos Santos, etc.

Portuguese conservatism and Brazilian "do not care"

The conservative government of Portugal has been closely monitoring the registration of the names of Portuguese newborns over the past 3 centuries. Their legislation even has a separate article defining a list of standards for spelling names. Based on this list, for example, the parents cannot name the boy Thomas or Tomas - only Tomás. Or you can't call the girl Theresa - only Tereza. Moreover, each traditional Portuguese name has some meaning, mainly of a Catholic interpretation.

In Brazil, names are treated much easier than in the former metropolis. Unlike Portugal, in Brazil there can be only one surname - the paternal one, and the child can be called whatever you want: Tereza, Thereza, Teresa, etc. This simple-minded nation was formed by emigrants, it was this factor that influenced the fact that Brazilian names can be very diverse: unusual, exotic, foreign, and often just hastily invented. Basically, representatives of the poorest stratum of the population - local residents like to give such names.


It often happens that Brazilian children have the same names as their parents, but with some diminutive endings, such as -inha, -inho, -zinho, -zito, etc. For example, Teresa's daughter becomes Teresinha (translated as "little Teresa"), Carlos becomes Carlinhos, and João becomes Joãozinho, etc. A prime example: Ronaldinho is the son of Ronaldo. Also, boys are very often simply credited with the ending Junior, for example, the son of Neymar - Neymar Junior.

Brazilians also like to take pseudonyms for themselves, which are usually formed by the usual abbreviation (Beatrice - Bea, Manuel - Manu, Frederico - Fredo, etc.) or double repetition of one of the syllables in the name. Thus Leonor becomes Nonô, José becomes Zezé, Joana becomes Nana, Ricardo becomes Kaká or Dudu, etc. NS. A combination of abbreviation and suffix addition is also possible (eg Leco from Leonardo).

The son of Kaka, in turn, can be called Kakinho, the son of Zese - Zezinho, etc.

Popular Brazilian names

Below is a list of the most popular names in 2018. The ranking was compiled from 362.8 thousand names of children born in Brazil during 2018.

Womens Mens
1 Alice Miguel
2 Sophia Arthur
3 Helena Bernardo
4 Valentina Heitor
5 Laura Davi
6 Isabella Lorenzo
7 Manuela Théo
8 Júlia Pedro
9 Heloísa Gabriel
10 Luiza Enzo
11 Maria Luiza Matheus
12 Lorena Lucas
13 Lívia Benjamin
14 Giovanna Nicolas
15 Maria Eduarda Guilherme
16 Beatriz Rafael
17 Maria Clara Joaquim
18 Cecília Samuel
19 Eloá Enzo gabriel
20 Lara João Miguel
21 Maria Júlia Henrique
22 Isadora Gustavo
23 Mariana Murilo
24 Emanuelly Pero henrique
25 Ana Júlia Pietro
26 Ana luiza Lucca
27 Ana clara Felipe
28 Melissa João Pedro
29 Yasmin Isaac
30 Maria Alice Benício
31 Isabelly Daniel
32 Lavínia Anthony
33 Esther Leonardo
34 Sarah Davi Lucca
35 Elisa Bryan
36 Antonella Eduardo
37 Rafaela João lucas
38 Maria Cecília Victor
39 Liz João
40 Marina Cauã
41 Nicole Antônio
42 Maitê Vicente
43 Isis Caleb
44 Alícia Gael
45 Luna Bento
46 Rebeca Caio
47 Agatha Emanuel
48 Letícia Vinícius
49 Maria João guilherme
50 Gabriela Davi Lucas
51 Ana laura Noah
52 Catarina João gabriel
53 Clara João Victor
54 Ana beatriz Luiz Miguel
55 Vitória Francisco
56 Olívia Kaique
57 Maria Fernanda Otávio
58 Emilly Augusto
59 Maria Valentina Levi
60 Milena Yuri
61 Maria Helena Enrico
62 Bianca Thiago
63 Larissa Ian
64 Mirella Victor Hugo
65 Maria Flor Thomas
66 Allana Henry
67 Ana sophia Luiz Felipe
68 Clarice Ryan
69 Pietra Arthur Miguel
70 Maria Vitória Davi Luiz
71 Maya Nathan
72 Laís Pedro lucas
73 Ayla David Miguel
74 Ana Lívia Raul
75 Eduarda Pedro miguel
76 Mariah Luiz Henrique
77 Stella Luan
78 Ana Erick
79 Gabrielly Martin
80 Sophie Bruno
81 Carolina Rodrigo
82 Maria Laura Luiz Gustavo
83 Maria Heloísa Arthur Miguel
84 Maria Sophia Breno
85 Fernanda Kauê
86 Malu Enzo miguel
87 Analu Fernando
88 Amanda Arthur henrique
89 Aurora Luiz Otávio
90 Maria Isis Carlos eduardo
91 Louise Tomás
92 Heloise Lucas gabriel
93 Ana vitória André
94 Ana cecília José
95 Ana liz Yago
96 Joana Danilo
97 Luana Anthony gabriel
98 Antônia Ruan
99 Isabel Miguel Henrique
100 Bruna Oliver

    Almeida (port. Almeida) toponym and proper name. Geographical features Almeida is an urban-type settlement in Portugal, the center of the municipality of the same name in Guarda District. Almeida region (fregesia) in Portugal, part of Guarda district. ... ... Wikipedia

    There are articles on Wikipedia about other people with this surname, see Almeida (surname). Uh-huh Almeida ... Wikipedia

    There are articles on Wikipedia about other people with this surname, see Almeida (surname). Francisco Almeida, Viceroy of India. Francisco de Almeida (c. 1450-1510) is the first Portuguese viceroy of India. Along with Albuquerque, he laid ... Wikipedia

    There are articles on Wikipedia about other people with this surname, see Almeida (surname). Manuel de Almeida Occupation: history, literature, missions Date of birth: 1580 ... Wikipedia

    There are articles on Wikipedia about other people with this surname, see Almeida (surname). Nicolaou Tolentino de Almeida Nicolau Tolentino de Almeida Occupation: poetry Date of birth ... Wikipedia

    Jobin, Antônio Carlos Antônio Carlos Jobim Antônio Carlos Jobim Full name Antônio Carlos Brasileiro de Almeida Jobim Date of birth 25 January 1927 (1927 01 25) Place of birth ... Wikipedia

    Antônio Carlos Jobim Antônio Carlos Jobim Full name Antônio Carlos Brasileiro de Almeida Jobim Date of birth 25 January 1927 (1927 01 25) Place of birth ... Wikipedia

Inspired by the successful cloning at Levant, we conducted a mini-research to find out which surnames are the most common in the Russian and European top championships.

Spoiler alert: The Spaniards are beyond competition.

The surname of Basque origin is the most popular in Spain. It is worn by about one and a half million people in Spain (4% of the country's population). This is reflected in football as well. Immediately 13 representatives of La Liga perform under the name Garcia. And among them there is not a single close relative. Among the well-known Garcia are Saul from Atlético, now playing for Athletic, ex-mattress raul, Valencia coach Marcelino Garcia Toral and Xavi (Betis) and Samu (Levante), who are well known to us from the Premier League.

In second place is Lopez. There are already 10 of them. Interestingly, five of them play in the same team - Espanyol (Pau, Diego, Adrian, Xavi and David). Three - Pedro already familiar to us and two Ivans from "Levante". And you can remember Adrian Lopez from Deportivo from his performances for Atlético.

The rest of the common surnames lose a lot. In the top Spanish division there are five Suarezes (including Denis and Luis from Barcelona), five Hernandez, the same number of Gomez, Sanchez and Jimenez. As for the Jimenez, it is worth making a reservation - their surnames are written both with the letter J and with G, but they are pronounced the same way. Despite this, we decided to combine them into one item.

And another curious detail - in La Liga there are three Zidans at once. In addition to the Real Madrid coach, these are his children Enzo and Luca. Here's a family row.

The most common surname in the country: Martin

In any case, the surname Martin is the most common among the indigenous population of France. In all of La Liga, there is only one footballer with that name - Strasbourg player Jon Martin. But Traore is more than enough - as many as six. Among the acquaintances of a wide audience are Bertrand from Lyon and our good old Lasina. The second most common surname is Toure (the brothers Yaya and Kolo have not been seen), Sarr, Mendy, Coulibaly, Kone (needless to say that all representatives of these surnames in La Liga are black?) And ... Silva. Together with Thiago from PSG, there are three of them.

In England, everything is somewhat more prosaic. Although there are plenty of Smiths here - it's Brad and Alan Smith from Bournemouth, as well as Tommy from Huddersfield. In general, Bournemouth's line-up is a treasure trove of common English surnames. There are two Cooks at once - Steve and Lewis, one King (plus Andy from Leicester and Adam from Swansea) and one Wilson (there is also Liverpool Harry).

For reference: the most common surname in the Premier League is Ward. Although in the list of popular British surnames, she is far from the first place. There are only four Wards - Danny (Liverpool), Joel (Crystal Palace), Stephen (Burnley) and James Ward-Prowse (Southampton). Also note the non-British surname Sanchez - with the arrival of Davinson Sanchez in Tottenham and Renata Sanchez in Swansea, there are three of them in the league. You do not know who is the third?


Most common surname in the country: Müller

Müllers, or millers, are the most common surname in Germany, which is directly reflected in the Bundesliga. There are four of them - in addition to the star Thomas, these are Nikolai from Hamburg, Florian from Mainz and Sven from Cologne. And no, none of them are related to the Bayern striker.

Otherwise, nothing interesting - in the Bundesliga there are only 10 players who have namesakes in the league (including brothers Mario and Felix Goetze, as well as Sven and Lars Bender). Not very much compared to the same Spain.

The most common surname in the country: Rossi

Not so long ago, there were enough players with the name Rossi in Serie A. Now there are only two left, and then with reservations. Atalanta goalkeeper Francesco and Roma captain Daniele (the prefix De means "from"). In general, Italian surnames are quite diverse, as they have many derivatives based on status, profession and father's name. Therefore, among the leading names in the Italian division, the majority of the names are foreign.

Four Costa (including Douglas from Juventus), two Gomes and two Zapatas. Interestingly, one of the most common surnames is Donnarumma. In addition to the Milan prodigy, this is his brother Antonio, also a goalkeeper who was discharged by the Rossoneri to keep Gigio at the club. And the midfielder of Benevento Alessio, who has no relationship with the first two.

The most common surname in the country: Ivanov

Surprise, but there is only one Ivanov left in the Premier League - the same Oleg from Akhmat. And in general, in terms of surnames, our league is diverse. Almost all owners of the same surname are relatives - Berezutskys, Kombarovs, Miranchuks, Koryans, Gabulovs. However, the most common surname in the top Russian division is Chernov. However, neither Evgeny ("Tosno"), nor Nikita ("Ural"), nor Alexei ("Ufa") are brothers. We also note the presence of two Yusupovs (Artur from Rostov and Artyom from Ural), Timofeevs (Artyom from Spartak and Andrey from Ural), Fernandes (Mario and Manu Fernandes from Loko) and, until recently, two Zabolotnykh (Nikolai recently canceled his contract with Ural).