Andrei Grizzly declassified a star mother. Andrei (Grizzly) Rivel singer Grizzly Andrei

Andrei Grizzly declassified a star mother. Andrei (Grizzly) Rivel singer Grizzly Andrei
Andrei Grizzly declassified a star mother. Andrei (Grizzly) Rivel singer Grizzly Andrei

Singer Andrei Grizzly is known as the participant of the third season of the show "Voice", a participant in the project "Stylagi Show with Maxim Galkin" as a winner in the three nominations of the "New Wave" contest. Andrei says a little about his family, but meanwhile, the mother of the singer is Lyubasha (Tatiana Zalouoch) is a famous composer and the author of dozens of songs for Russian pop stars.

With Mom Tatyana Privoto (Lubash)

"At the beginning of a career, I did not want to advertise the name of my mother to avoid biased relationship. I achieved success with my own to prove to everyone, and, first of all, myself, that I can. Now, when the viewer was able to appreciate the viewer in the same "voice", as I can, like a singer, I can in all, thank my mother for the support and our musical union, "says Grizzly.

Little Andrei Grizzly also dreams of a musical career

Since childhood, the creative atmosphere has reigned in Andrei's house, the boy always surrounded the musicians and singers. Among the artists, with whom Lyubasha collaborates such as Alla Pugacheva, Philip Kirkorov, Valeria, Lyme Vaikule, Nikolay Baskov, Christina Orbakayte, Nadezhda Babkin, Alexander Buynov, Dima Bilan and many others. The result of this cooperation with the stars were hits: "A migratory bird", "be or not be", "at the table in the cafe", "I will be your cloak", "take up me on the stars" and others. In addition, Lyubasha is the author of the soundtrack To serials and films: "unequal marriage", "His person", "Love-carrot 2", "Love-carrot 3", "Night sisters", "Vacation of love", "8 first dates", etc.

Igor Krutoy, Lyubasha and Nikolay Baskov

Despite such a "pop" Mom's environment, Andrei Grizzly developed his music style, which for a long time did not fall into "formats". "For a long time I fought for my right to be heard and finally came my time when my music is in demand for radio and TV," says Grizzly.

Most of their songs Andrei writes himself, writing music and words, working with arrangement. Now Andrei Grizzly began to cooperate with the producer center of Dad Music. "I finally found people who understand and feel the music as well as I am the company" Papa Music "and its producer Dmitry Cher (famous works with groups of screaming Vidoplyasov and Boombox, artists Polina Griffith, Alexander Rev, and others) He creates Absolutely new sound for my songs. Fresh musical material, over which work is underway in the studio, sounds at the level of world standards. " And when the GRAVLY writes the words of Lyubash, such hits are obtained as "this music", "no word about you," "see her deception."

Andrei Grizzly, Alla Pugacheva and Lubash

Lyubasha rarely collected artists at their beneficial concerts, to fulfill their songs with them, which have long become hits. After one of the Kremlin concerts, Lyubash received a proposal to speak by the author of music and songs for the new children's animated series "Lelik and Barbarika".

Lubash and Anastasia Volochkova at the presentation of the book "Barbarika"

"Work on children's songs captured me entirely! I worked with such an exemption over Barbarika, which recorded a whole album of children's songs. Songs "Friends There are no weekends", "What is kindness", "happy birthday and I and I" became hits, it can already be said that the whole generation of children has grown on them. This is an incredible feeling when, at concerts, my songs sings with me, "says Lyubasha. - To date, I have 4 children's books of poems and songs with musical disks complete. Together with Igor, the anthem of the festival "New Children's Wave" and the festival "Alina" - children's rhythmic gymnastics under the patronage of Alina Kabayeva. Now I work with Soyuzmultfilm, which produces animated films on my children's songs. "

Andrei Grizzly, Lyubasha, Vakhtang

Children's songs Lyubashi are translated into Chinese with a famous poet and translator Xue Fans and are executed by Chinese children. Last year, Lyubasha at the same secular party passed its children's books and disks for the kids A. Pugacheva and M.Halkin. Literally a few days after that, Alla Borisovna invited her to teach her children's creativity at his school.

Valeria, Alexander Rezzin and Lubash

Currently, Lubash is actively working on creating music for movies, musical performances and musicals, and also continues to cooperate with domestic performers.

»Channel One.

Andrei Grizlie It acts as an independent singer on the club sites. Playing the piano. He writes music not only for himself, but also for other performers.

Andrei Grizzly. Biography

Talent Andrei first noticed his mother Tatiana ( Lubash)When he was only three years old. Somehow Andrei's father brought all the stevie Wonder and Queen cassettes from America. They were heard so much that Andrei could sing any song to the loss of instruments and improvisations. Soon Andrei began to study in a music school in a class of violin, piano, guitars, but not a single course graduated from, since "there was no special zeal to become a musician in the orchestra."

More seriously engage Andrei Grizliebefore 15 years. Then he liked Rap and Hip-Hop most of all, which to this day are an integral part of his life and creativity. In 2004, Andrei entered the Institute of Contemporary Art, who successfully graduated from the 2010th.

In 2011, Andrei tested the largest music label of Russia Gala Records (S. B.A. Music Publishing), concluding a contract with him. In the same year, the TV channel "Russia 1" prepixed Grizzly to take part in the TV project "Stilya-Show with Maxim Galkin", where Andrei becomes the finalist.

In 2013, Andrei released a clip I Love You Babywith Alexander Revava starring . The program is at least for Andrei for the next year - to release an album, to hold his presentation, remove several high-quality video, "then overcome Eurovision and consolidate your success with the second album.

Andrei Grizzly on the show voice, season 3

On "blind auditions Andrei Grizlie I performed the Kaver songs "You Know", and when Dima Bilan turned to him, he learned the singer with whom he worked. Chose the grizzly to mentors

A talented musician, a member of the 3 seasons of the show "Voice" Andrei Grizzly always believed his inner "I", and this confirm his songs. In conversation with ok! Andrei told how his music appeared from coffee, traffic jams and love

Photo: Dr.

Andrei, tell us the story of your pseudonym« Grizzly» ? Why did you choose exactly this, I will not be afraid of this comparison, totem?

Grizzly is nature, this is my reflection in nature. I wrote my best music outside the city, in the forest. It was there that such songs were born as "ocean", "good more than evil", "hero" - spiritual, powerful, which will never put on the radio, but which will definitely give people hope and light. Grizzly is my inner feeling. And my music is my perception of the world.

And if you were asked to call only one word that could be your reflection, how would it be?

Your first song "This music" really appeared "of coffee, traffic jams and love"?

Yes, that is right. It happens, you go around the city, and the weather is cloudy, gray. And if you believe the statistics, the mood must be spoiled. But even in the rhythm of the big, sometimes sad, the city in which I live, you can find inspiration. You just need to look with the right angle. This is your happiness. Just people were lost in the megalopolis and watch the life of their own, somehow tired. And the world is wonderful, he is that there was "from coffee, traffic jams and love."

How is your music, poems are born? Is it happening in the lucky moments of your life, or is it a creative rush adjacent to sadness?

At all moments of life. Feelings are multifaceted, and it inspires me like happiness and sadness. Experiences, joy are my emotions, my life. And when I write, I'm not thinking about anything. My feelings are becoming songs.

There was an end of summer. In my life, nothing has happened. As often happens with artists ... Summer is the dead season. I was bored. I can't rest for a long time and sit without a business. I found out about the casting for the 3rd voice "Voices" and immediately decided to go. I was invited to 1 and 2 season, but I did not perceive seriously - just a new show. And by the 3rd, I already realized that there are really talented and serious musicians. And I wanted to be on this "ring". So, this decision was not a goal - I always have everything spontaneously, everything is unexpected. Fate itself suits the path for us. And to her voice you need to listen. Although, and plans are sometimes important.

After participating in such projects, the life of contestants, as a rule, is changing radically. Usually everyone talks about a new life, bright impressions ...

I think that you should not hope for endless possibilities after the show. If you count only on this, then you will remain a "guy from voice." My life remained moderate, as before: I count only on myself, I work on the album, which will be released in the fall, in the music studio - Papa Music, based jointly with my friends. I am doing a favorite thing. In the eyes of Yogon, in the soul - the desire. Everything goes with your cat.

Your goals and dreams remained the same, or "voice" still changed your plans?

"Voice" has not changed my plans. I still want to record a strong album, which will unite all the best of my creative activity for ten years. It will be my first album. And from the global? The goal is to become a recognized musician who has something to tell people without relying on the formats.

Your music really has its own unusual style. Did you specifically come to such an original execution?

I felt purposefully to do what I like and like me. In the fact that I feel really, what the soul is striving for and my musical temper. And this is important. I always wanted something special to do.

Andrei, what is the most important thing in your life?

The most important thing is to find your niche in life, which will feel a mental balance. Happiness is family, creative ... and remain faithful to your inner "I".

Do you believe in dreams?

I think dreams are our fears and anxiety. The dreams steal information from the subconscious, not allowing to hide children's dreams, plans and thoughts about the future - all that we run or just do not solve. It seems to me that dreams are prophetic.

I recently read somewhere that you went to the "Big Tennis", as if thanks to dreams. Tell us about this part of your life: Is it just a hobby, or are you seriously thinking about a sport career?

Yes it's true. It happens and so - the dreams will revive our long-standing dreams and pushed to the first, and, important step. That dream reminded me of what I always wanted to do from my childhood - to play sports. I did not waste time and went to tennis. I can not even call himself a professional, but I really try and responsibly approach training.

We will soon have a new star in sports?

Yes, may be. (Smiles). It would be good: become a famous musical athlete.

Music, of course, artists will take away the most time. In your case, it is also serious sports. Do you have any other hobbies?

I love to engage in household matters. I love to experiment with the interior in my apartment. I love to travel, I love cars, I love to play football with friends. I quickly fond of different sports. I even have professional paintball equipment.

What do you believe in?

I believe in God. I am baptized man. I do not go every Sunday to the church. But recently defended the service - my first service. In general, if I talk to God, then Te-A-Tet. I believe that we may not be alone in the universe. And most importantly - just to believe something, only that this faith makes you a good person.

Andrei, and love is important for the musician?

Sometimes relationships can slow down work. This is the case when they say at the end that the feelings were deception. But, if the love is true - this is a strong artifact that is capable of having to heaven. And you do not have time to control the tide of inspiration, you just work out.

Do you like the way? What do you appreciate in girls?

It so happened that I like brunettes with thin hands and long hair. But more importantly, this is wisdom and ability to be ourselves, not hiding behind masks.

Andrei Grizzle (Grizz-Lee), the present name Andrei Zalochny. Born on October 6, 1986 in Zaporizhia. Russian singer and composer, participant of the third season of the show "Voice".

When Andrei turned fourteen years old, the family moved to Moscow.

About his stage pseudonym explained the sector: "Grizzly is nature, this is my reflection in nature. I wrote my best music outside the city, in the forest. It was there that there were such songs as the" ocean "," good more than evil "," Hero "- spiritual, powerful, Which will never put on the radio, but which will definitely give people hope and light. Grizzlys are my inner feeling ".

The tendency to music has been manifested in early childhood: when he was only three years old, he could already sing almost all the compositions recorded on the tapes of Steve Wander and Queen, who his father brought from a trip to the United States. Therefore, parents decided to give it to a music school, where he had to learn to play violin, guitar and piano. True, none of the courses have never graduated, because then his music was little interested.

Everything has changed when Andrei passed 15 years. At that time, he was seriously carried away by hip-hop and rap, and these musical directions still play a significant role in his work.

Andrei decided to continue his musical education, entered the Institute of Contemporary Art, which graduated in 2010, and a year later, she took part in the New Wave Competition, and it was extremely successful because he won in three nominations immediately. He was noticed by one of the largest Russian musical labels, Gala Records, and even concluded a contract with him. In addition, the leadership of the TV channel "Russia 1" suggested Andrei Grizzly participation in the project "Stylagi-Show with Maxim Galkin" on which he went to the final.

In 2013, this singer began to cooperate with Alexander Yeva, and even took the clip with him.

In addition, Andrei began preparations for the production of solo album. On the "blind" listening to Andrei Grizzly performed a cover version of the song "You know", which Dima Bilan (with whom he, by the way, had previously worked), as well as Leonid Agutin, who became a mentor as a result.

"The goal is to become a recognized musician who has something to tell people without relying on the formats", "he said. And the singer has a cherished dream to win on the Eurovision contest.

Andrei Grizz-Lee - This music

Andrei Grizzly's growth: 175 centimeters.

Life life Andrei Grizzly:

Not married.

"The most important thing is to find your niche in life, which will feel the soul equilibrium. Happiness is family, creative ... and remain faithful to your inner" I "," said Andrei.

He said about his tastes against girls: "I like brunettes with thin hands and long hair. But more importantly, this is wisdom and ability to be ourselves, not hiding behind masks."

Loves to travel, cars, play with friends in football. In addition, it is fond of paintball.

Andrei Grizzly filmography:

Andrei Grizzly is a singer who himself writes music, and not only for himself. He has long been performing on stage as an independent performer. Spectators could see it in such a show as "styles show" and "voice."

Childhood and family Andrei Grizzly

Today, Moscow considers Moscow to be Muscle. His mother is Ukrainian, and dad - Greek. He was born in Ukraine in Zaporizhia. Only when Andrei was fourteen, the family moved to Moscow. The tendency of his son to music noticed the mother of the future composer and artist. Being a three-year-old child, he diligently sang songs who listened many times on the cassettes - these were Queen collections and Stevie Wonder, brought by Father from the USA. Amazing was that the boy imitated even improvisation and losses. When Andrei went to the music school, immediately began to study the piano, then the violin and guitar followed. He didn't have the dreams to become a musician in the orchestra, so he did not overcome one of the courses.

Beery serious music classes have become already at a fifteenth age when Grizzlyli is fucked by rap and hip-hop. It should be noted that hip-hop, and RPP to this day remain an integral part of Andrei's creativity. The young man wrote his first songs approximately at the same age.

In the eighteen, the future performer became a student of the Institute of Contemporary Arts, who graduated with success in 2010.

Start musical career Andrei Grizzly, "New Wave"

In 2011, Grizzly took part in the "New Wave" contest and won the three nominations. It must be said that this success was not the only one for Andrei in the 2011th. In about the same period of time, the Music Russian Label Gala Records concluded a contract with a promising performer.

In 2011, the singer accepted the invitation of the channel "Russia 1" to take part in the project Maxim Galkina called "Stylagi Show". Andrei on this show became a finalist.

In 2013, Grizzly released a clip, the main role in which Alexander Revva was played. The name of this clip is I Love You Baby. Almost all musical channels appreciated the clip with his Latin American motifs. He came to taste and a million listeners. In the same year, Coca-Cola singer with a powerful velvet voice was chosen as the artist of New Year's Hit. The roller "Holiday to us comes" is known to almost each of us. In 2013, he was performed by Andrei Grizzly.

Andrei Grizzly on the show "Voice"

Andrei once again appeared in front of the telemarians, becoming a member of the third season of the music show "Voice". According to him, he came to this show with the aim of popularizing his music. On the "blind" listening to the singer presented a Kaver-version of the song "You Know". The first to the talented performer turned Dima Bilan with whom Andrei collaborated in his time.

The second to Grizzly turned his chair Leonid Agutin, who was chosen by a singer as a mentor. According to his memories, he remembers the songs of Agutin since childhood, they often sounded in his house. Get acquainted, and even more so work with these man for Andrei was a dream.

In the contest of duets, the rival of a young man was Marie Nizhipukaya. Mentor made a choice in favor of Andrei. According to the participant of the show, on the first minute after declaring the result, he felt a disorder from the fact that Marie is forced to leave the project. During the shooting, the performers became friends. Andrei supported her, hugging right on stage. Only after some time Grizzly felt the joy of Victory obsessed at this stage.

The stage called "knockouts" was also successful for the singer, he again stayed on the show. Andrei considers his mission to "vote".

Andrei Grizzly today

Andrei grandiose plans for the future. In the near future, he will release the disk and hold his presentation. Most likely, viewers will be able to estimate not yet one music clip of the artist and composer.

Another step, to ascend to which Grizzlys seek is a Eurovision contest. In the brave plans of the singer not only participation in the competition, but also victory on it. Andrei believes that there should be a long break between his solo albums, so no later than a year after the release of the first album, he plans to record and present the second.

Personal life of Andrei Grizzly

Andrei manifests itself not only as a composer and performer, he succeeded and as a lead. It was repeatedly invited to conduct the events of the most different scale - from weddings and corporates, to presentations and large concerts. Andrei concerts emit the most powerful energy. As you know, he writes his songs himself. He has no arranger and producer. It is possible that the reason for such success is that Andrei completely does everything himself.

As a sound-producer and composer Grisli more than once collaborated with such famous performers as Dima Bilan,