Britney Spears. What happened to Britney Spears, Christina Aguilera and other successful pop singers of the 2000s Britney Spears' sample menu for the day

Britney Spears. What happened to Britney Spears, Christina Aguilera and other successful pop singers of the 2000s Britney Spears' sample menu for the day

Has achieved considerable heights. She is known in the world as a successful singer, talented dancer, demanded film actress and winner of the prestigious Grammy award. Almost the entire female half of the planet is jealous of this girl, but recently her "authority" has shaken ...

Britney Spears

The popular American publication MTO NEWS published a photo report from the red carpet of the Hollywood Beauty Awards, which was attended by the world famous pop singer Britney Spears. For the publication, the artist chose an ultra-short translucent sleeveless dress embroidered with sequins.

Britney Spears

The photos, which are captured in full growth, caused absolutely nothing but admiration among her fans. Many women dream of looking at 36 the same as a pop diva - slender legs, wasp waist, firm breasts ... But people's reaction changed when photos of Britney, taken at close range, appeared on the Web.

Britney Spears

In the resonance image, the face looks older than its years. Deep wrinkles, bags under the eyes and "wrinkled" skin - that's what opened up to the eyes of people when they brought closer the photos of their favorite. Perhaps it's all about bad makeup?

Britney Spears

Internet users, discussing the photographs, noted that the problem is not in age, but in the fact that she does not take good care of her skin. Such wrinkles could be avoided by regularly visiting spas and nourishing the skin with all kinds of creams:

“Nightmare, did not expect this…. A figure is a dream, but here's a face .... ”,“ Life has been tattered ”,“ Wow, I started myself. You need to take better care of yourself, since you are a public person "," I don't understand, there is money, why go to beauty salons? You need to take care of yourself. ”

I, like many of my peers and peers, grew up on the songs of Britney Spears. 🙂

When I was 10-12 years old, I had my first musical idol. I don’t know what I liked more about her - her appearance, songs or dances, perhaps all together. Plus her unique image of a perky schoolgirl, beautiful, fashionable, sporty and cheerful, and by the way, it seems to me, at that time, quite modest. 🙂 A T-shirt with Britney, school dances to "Oops I did it again", and many, many videotapes with recordings of her videos - funny and very pleasant memories from my childhood.

Britney, of course, grew up and we were together with her, her songs, as usual, also became less childish, more sexuality and energy appeared in them. In this article, I do not want to mention the period when Britney got out of her rut - her unsuccessful marriages, depression, etc., but to recall her most beautiful images, most beloved clips and gorgeous dances of a child's idol - Britney Spears 🙂 So let's get started!

Britney Spears then and now

Britney Spears music video - Baby one more time

I remember how this video and song made a splash. And how fashionable it has become to wear wide sweatpants with short tops that reveal the belly. And the pigtails and makeup with brown lipstick are just Wat! 🙂 By the way, now a similar lipstick color is back in vogue, although it is generally played out a little differently. 🙂

Britney Spears Clip - Crazy

In this video, she seemed insanely beautiful to me! Makeup, hairstyle, hair color - all emphasize her youthful beauty. And of course, dancing! I think no one will argue with the fact that Britney's dances in the first half of her career were excellent - choreography, energy, the presence of sexuality, while not very vulgar, pleasant sports dances. But what can I say, at school we put numbers under her songs, copying as much as possible (as far as we could) the movements from the clips. 🙂

I was born to make you happy

This song is playing in my head right now. 🙂 It seems to me that in a girl's life she is relevant throughout her life, but I will speak for myself - I listen to very different music, believe me - but I just adore this song! 🙂 Having watched this clip now, I was instantly transported to my childhood…. Thanks Britney! 🙂

Oops I did it again

Space clip and Britney's space red suit. I also remember that even then - as a child - I really liked her makeup in this video.

Britney Spears song Stronger

Another clip with insanely beautiful Britney Spears makeup. And dancing with a chair. 🙂 The cool colors of the clip give it a kind of mystery and drama, which is unusual for her previous videos. It seems to me that it was in him that the feminine Britney Spears appeared, turning from a teenager into a woman. Wait a minute, it was in the song "I am not a girl, but not a women"! 🙂

I'm slave for you

I quickly jumped from young, modest Britney Spears clips to more explicit and sexy ones. I wanted to clarify that I also like many of her other videos, but here I will single out my favorites. 🙂 I think it was Britney who set the trend for jeans with a sooooo low rise at that time. Nowadays fashion strives for a "high waist" and in my opinion this is great. But despite this, it seems to me that the video is very stylish, bright - juicy colors, cool music and gorgeous dances, what else is needed? I think this period was one of the most filled with already very professional dances in videos.

Me against the music

Dance, dance, dance! This is one of my favorite dance performances of all her videos. In my opinion, it's just a gorgeous video, a very energetic and catchy song, even though I don't really like Madonna's work, this duet was a success! 🙂

My prerogotive

It's not a children's clip of Britney Spears anymore. As far as I remember, the video release period roughly coincides with the beginning of her failed marriage. There is no dancing in this video, but there is a very sexy, matured Britney. I like this song. And by the way, this is, in my opinion, the first clip of Britney, where curls are present in her image, and that's why he seemed very unusual to me. :). And of course, her parking in the pool couldn't fail to impress. 🙂


Another clip that I wanted to mention. If I remember correctly, this video was filmed after all her experiences. And this is one of the most successful and beautiful clips of that time, in my subjective opinion. It seems to me that it was not very easy for her to look gorgeous at that time, but she did it! And this is not surprising - for many years of her work, she has proved that she is a real professional!

In fact, Britney Spears still has new clips coming out, albeit not as popular as before. And it seems to me that she very firmly again embarked on her creative path - this makes me very happy, even though I am not her ardent fan, as in childhood! 🙂 But probably, like many others, Britney Spears for me will forever remain that perky girl with amazing dances and funny songs from my childhood!

Let's wrap up by just checking out some of her coolest looks from early 2000 to the present. Let's go 🙂


Everyone who is now more than 25 years old remembers that in the late 90s the American singer Britney Spears was at the peak of popularity, her videos were played on all music channels, and the girls tried to imitate her style of an innocent schoolgirl. Years passed, Britney Spears changed, and at some point in her life there was a turning point when the singer unexpectedly shaved her head and seemed to go crazy. She behaved scandalously in public, took drugs and alcohol, which led to the fact that she was deprived of her parental rights. Now Britney has already come to her senses and continues her career, and we invite you to take a look at how her image has changed over time.


A charming blonde with a snow-white smile, singing about problems understandable to any teenager - of course, millions immediately fell in love with her!


The era of revealing outfits and experiments with hair began. Bright blond and "corrugated" strands - this is something new.


If you do not take care of the blond, he will definitely turn yellow. Which is exactly what happened to Britney. The eyebrows also turned yellow in solidarity with the hair color.


Very stylish Britney: new haircut, highlights and expressive eyebrows.


So, so, so ... Chubby cheeks and even more plump hands ... It seems that someone has ceased to follow the figure. And yes, the lipstick color is just awful, sorry Britney.


The legendary shave is still 4 years old, but Britney is already trying on wigs. By the way, the blonde wig with colored strands suits the singer very well.


Careless ponytail (even if not your own), oblique bangs, the right accent in makeup - Britney, you are beautiful!


Britney married her dancer Kevin Federline this year. And now, instead of the usual blonde sexy girl with a steel press, we suddenly saw this.


Britney, Britney ... Excess weight should be hidden, not emphasized. In this dress, the singer looks like a "barrel". Hair and make-up are also "so-so". The feeling that Britney has ceased to take care of herself and goes out in whatever it is, even at social events.


And here is the very turning point: Britney freaked out and shaved her head.


The increased strands saved the day: a year later, the singer looks decent again. It remains only to throw off the heels of extra pounds.


The nervous tension of recent years did not pass without leaving a trace: the image of the singer became sloppy, her skin and hairstyle seemed unkempt, and her weight was constantly "jumping".


Everything changed in 2011: Britney became engaged to her former agent Jason Travik, began to devote more time to her appearance and lead a healthy lifestyle.


Britney lost weight, prettier and back in the ranks!


Apparently, Britney is tired of the classics: the singer again returned to extended strands. This time - all colors of the rainbow.


It seems that our beloved pop princess has finally found harmony. Britney "pulled herself together" and began to take care of herself.

Britney Spears took the world stage in 1999 with the release of an album named after her hit song of the same name, Baby One More Time. Expressive performance and girlish appeal of the seventeen-year-old singer hooked many. Then there were the first places in the charts, victories at music awards, multimillion-dollar sales of an album, singles, tickets to shows. Britney has released nine albums in total, the last of which was released last year. She continues to shoot videos and perform, but the former deafening popularity is gone, and Spears has not turned from a pop princess to a pop queen.

In addition to her career, Britney Spears is busy raising sons - twelve-year-old Sean and eleven-year-old Jaden - from her ex-husband, dancer Kevin Federline. A divorce from an unfaithful spouse, tired of her fame and too close attention of others, the singer was going through hard: there were nervous breakdowns, and unrestrained parties, and fights with the paparazzi, and treatment for harmful addictions. Fortunately, this is all in the past. Spears is now dating 23-year-old fashion model Sam Asgari.

Christina Aguilera

Christina Aguilera recently appeared at the American Music Awards with a "new" face. Some of the singer's fans decided that she was too addicted to fillers and was becoming less and less like herself. Christina herself does not hide that she struggled with excess weight for a long time after the birth of her son, and then calmed down and stated that a woman does not have to look like a slender teenager. Behind, Christina also has a difficult divorce - with producer Jordan Bratman, whom she accused of domestic violence and abuse. For seven years now, Aguilera has been living in a civil marriage with assistant director Matthew Ratler. The couple have a common daughter, Summer.

Winner of six Grammy awards and one of the 100 Greatest Female Singers of All Time by Rolling Stone (by the way, she became the youngest representative and the only one under 30 on this list), Christina is still in demand and successful. True, the hit Genie in a Bottle, which became a breakthrough for her in show business, was released seventeen years ago, and now the singer rarely pampers fans with new records. Christina's last studio album to date was released in 2012.

Nelly Furtado

Nelly Furtado's career took off in the late 90s. Her hit I "m Like A Bird (for which Nelly won a Grammy for Best Female Pop Vocal) was probably heard by everyone. Her records and singles have sold over forty million copies all over the world. New album The Ride The singer released this March on her own label, and it's different from what she's done before.

Nellie herself also began to look different and from a girl with protruding collarbones she turned into an appetizing lady. The singer has a daughter, Nevis, from musician Jasper Gahania, named after one of the islands of the Caribbean archipelago where she was conceived. Furtado divorced Cuban sound engineer Demacio Castellona last year after eight years of marriage.


Pink became popular in early 2000 with the release of the album Can "t Take Me Home. The second, more rock album Missundaztood was also successful worldwide. The third studio work cemented the singer's success - for the song Trouble she received a Grammy in the nomination" Best Female a rock song. ”In October, after a five-year hiatus, Pink released the long-awaited album Beautiful Trauma, which started at # 1 on the Billboard 200. So the zero star does not lose her grip!

Many of the songs on the album were inspired by Pink's uneasy relationship with her husband, motorcycle racer Carey Hart. Despite violent quarrels, partings and family problems, they have been together for more than sixteen years. The couple have a six-year-old daughter, Willow, and a son, Jameson, who was born late last year.

In 2010, Alisha Keys married rapper and producer Swizz Beatz, from whom she has two sons - seven-year-old Ajipt and two-year-old Genesis. She recently began to promote a love of natural female beauty: she completely gave up makeup and stopped braiding her lush curls into tight braids. Keyes opposes diets and treating women as a sexual object. In one of the interviews, the singer stated that she was in vain for many years listening to producers who imposed standards of beauty and attractiveness on her.

Photo: getty, globallookpress, instagram

Britney Jean Spears is an American singer and pop icon of the 2000s. Having woken up famous after the song "Baby, One More Time" was released in 1998, she gave the world dozens of hits, including "Oops, I Did It Again", "Gimme More" and "Toxic".

Britney Spears childhood

American pop singer Britney Spears was born on December 2, 1981 in McComb, Mississippi. However, the artist's childhood was spent in Kentwood, Louisiana. The family of a celebrity is more than ordinary: mom is a teacher in elementary school, and dad is a builder and a cook. Britney's family, besides her, has a sister, Jamie Lynn.

Until the age of 9, Britney Spears was professionally engaged in rhythmic gymnastics and even participated in regional competitions.

Britney has been singing since childhood. In kindergarten, at the graduation ceremony, the girl performed a Christian song called "What kind of child is this?" Spears began her singing career with a church choir in a Baptist church. At the meetings of believers in Kentwood, where the girl's parents were regular parishioners, Britney sang various religious hymns.

The mother of the future star Lynn saw her daughter's talent and decided to help her build a career. Britney Spears constantly went to dance and vocal tutors, her mother encouraged her little daughter's "home performances", and also took the baby to various competitions for young talents.

After little Britney Spears won all the local contests possible, Lynn took her daughter to Atlanta for a casting in a remake of the famous Mickey Mouse Club TV show in the 50s.

At the age of 8, Britney got into the Disney Channel's New Mickey Mouse Club, despite the fact that the producers considered her too young. For the next three years, Britney attended the New York Professional Performing Arts School in Manhattan and took part in various productions, including the 1991 Ruthless! ("Ruthless").

In 1992, when the singer was 10 years old, Britney Spears took part and won a competition called "Star Search". The girl performed the composition "Love can build a bridge", which the jury liked very much, but the victory was still given to another participant.

After that, Britney got on the Mickey Mouse Show for the second time and the 11-year-old girl became a MOUSEKEEPER. Spears, by the way, was the youngest participant in the show, where she met future stars Christina Aguilera and Justin Timberlake.

Britney Spears' early career is a resounding success

In 1994, the show was canceled and Spears returned to Louisiana, where she attended a regular high school. During her studies, the girl sang in the girl group Innosense. However, she soon decided to start a solo career, left the band and recorded demodisc. Lynn sent her songs to various record labels. The producers from Jive Records liked the disc and they signed a contract with the singer.

Britney Spears' debut single "... Baby One More Time" was released in 1998. It was written for the singer by Max Martin, who at one time ensured the success of the Backstreet Boys. The song instantly became popular and topped the charts. The self-titled disc with the composition went multi-platinum in Canada, France, Sweden, Germany, Japan and Taiwan, and worldwide sales of the single exceeded 9 million copies. In the UK, for example, in the entire history of music, only three artists sold more records in the first week than Spears (among them The Beatles), but Britney was the youngest of all record holders. On the very first day of sales in the country of Foggy Albion, 124,000 cassettes and discs of the singer were sold out.

The first album was followed by an equally successful second album called "Oops! ... I Did It Again". In the summer of 2000, the singer went on her first world tour with the album. In the same year, Britney Spears received two Billboards Music Awards and was nominated for a Grammy for Best Pop Album and Best Live Performance.

New song by Britney Spears and Will I Am - Scream & Shout

Meanwhile, Britney Spears fever flares up all over the world. Products with the image of the singer enter the product market. T-shirts, dolls, calendars, mugs are sold out at lightning speed. In parallel with this, Britney becomes a member of the Pepsi advertising campaign.

In 2001, Britney's third album "Britney" was released, immediately topping all sorts of charts and ratings.

Together with her mother, Britney wrote the book "Heart to Heart", where she described her life before her popularity.

In parallel with writing the book, Britney Spears organized an annual charity event for talented children from low-income families. However, the singer's charitable work did not end there - the girl regularly donated huge sums to the victims of the tragedy of 9/11 and the victims of Hurricane Katrina.

Around the same time, a scandalous performance at the MTV Video Music Awards followed. Britney performed on stage with Madonna and Christina Aguilera. The fans still remember the kiss of the three singers.

MTV Music Awards 2013: Britney Spears, Christina Aguilera and Madonna

Britney Spears again appeared on the scene in the summer of 2003 and a few months later released her fourth studio album "In The Zone", where she acted as both a songwriter and a producer. The album once again conquered the top of the charts. After the fourth disc, Britney left the stage, returning only in 2007 with the fifth solo album "Blackout", which was recognized as the worst in the entire singer's career.

Released a year later, the album "Circus" returned Britney to its former popularity. Since 2010, the girl has been working on the recording of the seventh studio album "Femme Fatale".

In addition to her singing career, the girl also showed herself in the cinema. Britney Spears' first serious role was in the 2002 film Crossroads. For her, Spears received the "Golden Raspberry" in the nominations "Worst Actress" and "Worst Song from a Film."

In 2006, the girl played a cameo role in the TV series Will and Grace. In 2009, a documentary about the life of a world celebrity “Britney Spears. Life behind glass. " The singer herself invited journalists to make a film about her.

In 2009, Britney Spears finally began to climb out of the pit. She starred in a joint project with Madonna and even recorded new albums. So, in 2009 her disc Circus was released, in 2010 the album Femme Fatale was recorded, but it was "leaked" on the Internet two weeks before the start of official sales.

In 2011, the girl received the MTV Video Music Awards from the hands of the singer Lady Gaga.

In 2012, the singer became the chairman of the jury of the American remake of the talent show "Factor X", for which the FOX channel paid her $ 15 million. Her ward, 12-year-old Karlie Rose Sonenclair, became the silver medalist of the show. Despite the success, Britney refused to attend the third season.

In 2013, the singer recorded the song "Ooh La La" for the cartoon "The Smurfs 2" and released the single "Scream & Shout" with rapper Will I Am. In November of the same year, Britney Spears' eighth studio album, entitled "Britney Jean", was released. The first singles from the disc - "Work Bitch" and "Perfume" - instantly became hits.

Alternative income Britney Spears

Britney Spears is engaged not only in creativity, but not only concerts and sales of discs bring her income. The girl showed an excellent commercial streak: she released her own reality show and wrote 4 books. But her triumph as a businessman went to perfumery.

Perfume Circus, released in support of the album of the same name, brought the singer $ 14 million. This fragrance even became the best-selling fragrance in the United States in 2009. In 2013 Britney released another perfume, Island Fantasy. In total, 7 fragrances have already been released under the singer's brand.

Britney Spears' personal life

After the second world tour, Britney announced a retirement and broke up with her boyfriend Justin Timberlake, whom she had dated for 4 years.

By the way, Timberlake behaved very unworthy during the breakup. He constantly publicly stated that Britney had somehow betrayed him, and also told the world that he had deprived Britney of her innocence (the singer herself at that time exploited the image of "America's last virgin" and stated that she wanted to "wait until marriage").

In early 2004, Britney married her longtime friend Jason Alexander for the first time in a small chapel in Las Vegas. However, the marriage only lasted 55 hours. Then the star said: "Yes, it was crazy, but I just wanted to know what it means to be married!"

The singer immediately went on the third round, where she met Kevin Federline. Three months later, the couple announced their wedding and signed in the fall of 2004. In the fall of 2005, Spears' first son, Sean Preston Spears Federline, was born. A year later, the girl became a mother for the second time. Britney's son was named Jayden James.

Britney Spears scandals

By this time, Britney's "motherly ability" had already been questioned twice. Once she was spotted driving a car with Sean Preston on her lap, and the second time she went out with her son on one hand and in the other holding a glass of water. The boy almost fell out of his mother's arms. Spears' awkward movements were captured by the cameras of the ubiquitous paparazzi.

A few weeks after the birth of her second son, Britney Spears filed for divorce. A difficult, scandalous and painful divorce process began.

During it, Spears was more than once noticed in the company of the famous party girl Paris Hilton. The singer began a riotous life - she was noticed walking around without underwear, accused of alcohol and drug abuse, which the singer was supplied by producer Sam Lafty.

After the persuasion of family and friends, Britney went to a rehabilitation clinic. Analyzes showed that Britney's blood does not contain harmful substances, and it was decided to release her.

At this time, the children of Britney Spears and Kevin Federline were under the supervision of their father, who at that time sought to deprive Britney of the right to date with the offspring.

In 2007 Britney Spears returned to the stage with the single "Gimme more" from the album "Blackout". Fans accepted the star with a bang, but critics called the new song a failure. In the same year, the Los Angeles court took away the custody of her sons from Spears, after which the singer again went all out, including public threats of suicide. The singer's life was taken under control by her father, Jamie Spears. Under his supervision, the girl pulled herself together and began work on new compositions.

After the presentation of the single, Spears said that she was working hard on her ninth studio album.