Funeral in Gypsy. My way to God

Funeral in Gypsy. My way to God
Funeral in Gypsy. My way to God

Gypsy Mausoleums Clan oglu in Novosibirsk November 3rd, 2015

I walked on the Zaeltsovsky cemetery of Novosibirsk on the Tomb of Yankees and drew attention to a huge grave resembling Mausoleum.

I thought some local original buried. But everything turned out to be much more interesting. Because the cemetery of such graves, probably, forty, and if you take other cemeteries of Siberia, then all the hundred will go.

Because it is the graves of the Gypsy clan of oglu, one of the largest in the part of Russia and known to its participation in the drugs of the 90s.

At the landmark - Mikhail Dudueevich Ogly (1965-2002), 37 years. He was killed in June 2002 in street disassembly. Interestingly, this grave after the burial was robbed - there was a whole room in the mausoleum - a bar with wine and expensive brandy, tables, a TV, a nice and mulz center, in a glass coffin - a dead man with Rolx, a gold chain, a ring with a brilliant ($ 15,000 According to rumors), in hand - 100,000 rubles and $ 3,500 in cash.

All graves are withstanding in one style - granite mausoleum, and upstairs - a huge tombstone of one of three types: Baro is sitting at the table with disadvantages, Gypsies are standing in the table in nature, individual individuals are in nature without doubt. Part of the elements is highlighted in gold in obligatory. Here is the tombstone Mikhail Dudueevich.

Mikhail oglu was one of the largest drug trains. Gypsies were afraid of him, among his fellow he had a reputation of a lawless person. During a meeting with the Gypsies from another clan, Mikhail disrespectfully responded to their mother. He was asked to apologize. Ogly refused. Then he was simply asked for knives.

Crescents in the corner means that Roma belongs to the Assyrian gypsies professing Islam. In the second photo after the coming was the Dobry Tatayevich Oglya Mausoleum (1963-1993), 30 years old, one of the Gypsies, the 90s in the naricines.

Vasily Dudinovich Oglya (1958-1997), 39 years old, with a horse. Also, the victim of the disassembly of the 90s.

Oglya is the self-sizing of the Gypsies professing Islam. Surnames as such they did not have, so when soviet power Gypsy began to pass, they simply gave them the name of the people to them all as a surname. The clans of the ogs are almost every city of Siberia. Large also in Khabarovsk.

There are two mausoleum at once in one place. Right Majari Derbyshevich Ogly (1972-2002), 30 years old. On the left of his brother, Peter Derbyshevich Ogly (1963-2002), 39 years old.

Underground dwellings are built by Romganes. The coffin is lowered into a concreted room, after which women remove all the gold jewelry and thrown into the pit. That is a custom: to know the dear dead man in the next day. Then the concrete plate is placed on the grave, poured with concrete solution. Streaming the stamped gold is impossible.

Baro ("senior") are completely different honors. They are sent to the luxury graves. In concrete crypts, they omit everything that it does not have any unbearable work: VCRs, TVs, gold, decorations, cell phones. Suddenly what will need.

Roman Petrovich Ogla (1974-2001), 27 years, despite the young age, was Baro, judging by the pose - sitting at the table with disadvantages.

The graves of the ogs are evenly crushed throughout the Zaletsovsky cemetery, they are like sightseeing, they can be sought within the quest. Here, for example, the grave on foregroundNow, now find two more in the back (I did not go to them and did not shoot, these are some that are not present in this report in detail).

By the way, quite another boy, Dmitry Petrovich Oglag (1976-1993), 16 years old, but in those disassembly did not spare anyone, the whole families cut out. Adidas suit especially deliberates - in those years it was an element of rich and prestige.

The crystal crypt is a cubic hollow construction of three-meter construction slabs, topped with cement mortar. The inner walls of the crypt are covered with plastic panels, the floor is covered with a Persian carpet. Inside the glass tables with crystal vases, full jewelry and money, instrument, drawers with alcohol, bags with the clothes of the deceased.

Many gold, big baro, Peter Smilovich Ogly (1942-1997), 55 years old, almost a long-liver in local standards. Apparently, the father of the novel and Dmitry. The novel was Baro, which survived the Father for four years.

Sometimes Gypsies are bought by the deceased personal belongings to invest them in the crypt and those who come to the funeral, saw what a rich dead man (late man). The same goals are the images of cars, jewelry, houses on the tombstones.

The grave is a little simpler, without Mausoleum, Andrei Jalitrovich Ogly (1972-2003), 31 years old. Two days after the birthday killed. The costume on it, of course, sits, Mom does not burn.

You do not think there are women here, but there are few of them. This is logical - they are mostly alive, buried their husbands, fathers and sons. Ekaterina Tataevna Ogly (1960-2011). The grave is relatively new, but the style is the same - an image with gold elements.

Behind the mausoleums are roasting. Several times I met these former mausoleums "Most likely, all the premises of them have long been looted, once even the tombstones stole.

The monument distinguished on a general background, Dmitry Boyarovich Ogly, Baro. There is no inscription on the monument, the tombstone broke a long time, found the name of the deceased on the Internet.

Clan oglu existed in soviet timeBut the graves were much more modest - then even for the money it was impossible to do what you want. Arza Sititna Ogly (1915-1984). Lived then longer.

Yanush Ivanovich Ogly (1969-1984). Although not all.

Even earlier. Cantuk Derbisovich Ogla (1914-1975).

Finally, three in one place at once. Left - Roman Gennadyevich Ogla (1963-1997), 34 years old. On the right - Tamara Oguns with non-prosecable patronymic and invisible years of life, in the background - even some oglu.

Gypsy customs associated with the funeral is one of the most interesting in the world. it nomadic peoplewhich does not have common established traditions associated with the care of the world other. Living B. different countriesah, these people borrow various, including funeral, rituals.

Traditions associated with Gypsy with a funeral

The attitude of this people to death is peculiar - it is simultaneously afraid, almost disgust to the "dirty" process of dying and at the same time extremely honored by the departed. It would seem that it is impossible, but this people joined the two opposites together.

  • Previously, this people simply buried their departed in the steppe, but later, Roma decided that it was easy to disappear as the ashes of their relatives could not, and began to bury their loved ones in the graves laid by brick.
  • Things of the deceased are considered unclean, so they are descended under the ground with the body of the deceased. By what things lie in the grave, they are judged by the wealth of other people in the world. Sometimes relatives, wanting "to let dust in the eyes" close, bought and put new things in the grave, which never had during life, and they are not just like that, but they are placed in the room, so that everyone has seen how well lived deceased. This is something like the burial of the ancient Egyptian pharaohs.
  • This people believes that, dying, man pollutes the house and bed, so the dying is attached to the tent (Bender) so that he leaves life there. Die in her bed for them is considered bad signbecause in this case the bed becomes unclean.
  • Opening of the body in Gypsy is taboo. They will not give it for anything, even if doctors or law enforcement agencies insist on it.
  • Oven the deceased in the coffin, but they burn in different ways, alone Roma - in the coffin, and others - wrapped carpets or expensive cloth, the carpet then a rack on the bottom of the crypt.

Funeral and coming

  • Gypsy funerals - the process is long, the body of the deceased may not betray the Earth for several days. At this time in the tent, where he died, come and say goodbye to the departed all who knew him, sometimes it can delay at how long.
  • They bury the world who went into the world, in his best clothes, women put on many elegant gypsy skirts.
  • To cremation, one gypsies relate negatively, others - agree, and some are asked to crem close man. In this case, the urn with a rush may not take away from the crematorium and not to betray the earth for quite a long time.
  • In general, the funeral of this people is quite funny, and more similar to the birthday of whether the wedding. Guests dance, sing and rejoice that the deceased went to the world without tears, needs and suffering.
  • Very often, the Orchestra is invited to the burial of relatives, but instead of mourning funeral marches, folk melodies are performed.
  • Commemoration sometimes go on for two or three days and also do not look like some sorrowful sight - the same songs, dances and music. Sometimes relatives remain on the fourth day.
  • Some representatives of this people make a commemoration also at the ninth and fortieth day, and some are not. Posts Most Gypsies do not observe.

So they bang dead relatives Russian gypsies. In other states, these people profess other religions (for example, there are Gypsies - Muslims and even Jews), and then customs are slightly different, but songs and dances in the world of dead The dead man escape almost always.

In life you need to make one thing: see the Gypsy funeral.

- I'm sick, when you become an adult, take Gullah from Ukraine to my wife.
- Ma, and on my galya?
- It is obvious! Her relatives live in the village, they have their own pigs and fat. Will become fat and pinkish. And then you serve for divorce and take Sarah to my wife, she is a Jew.
"Ma, a terrible Sarah, I have not seen anyone in this life.
- Actually, there is a connection with her parents, and they will not hurt in life. And after the divorce with a Jew, you take to my wife Azaze.
- Mom, and from gypsy what is the lot?
- What are they satisfied with the funeral, you would know!

And this is true, the lots of the funeral pass Divinely. Comparing with the funeral in Egypt, it is possible to say with accuracy that the pharaohs have something to learn.

The oldest representatives of the Gypsy people who are already very much will die, fear in our medical institutions the strongest. If suddenly it happens that he will die in the hospital, then an incredible scandal will begin, because the whole relative will come from all over the planet and start screaming and yelling on different languages. But this is not the end. If you take a camcorder in your hands, it will be possible to create a real horrorist in the future: Gypsy girls and women, as if squeezed, tear hair from the head, not only with their heads, they are fighting heads about the floor, lie and roar on the concrete (they arrange this "contest" For the reason that someone has smaller than the tears and will show less than all the grief will be hurt). The male part simply screams in different languages \u200b\u200bit is not clear to whom, but seeing one of the doctors, long and meaningless disassembly begin: "How did it happen that our 120-year-old grandfather Yanush died so suddenly and in just a couple of days? I think it was your fault!" Maybe even walking to a fight, in which not only honey workers will suffer. Institutions, but also technique. If for some reason grandfather did not rose even after the fight, then his relatives do not have anything left, except to begin preparation for the funeral. Funeral in different groups of Gypsies, respectively, are different. The most beautifully buryn the Crimea, as well as the Chisinau: relatives of the deceased in a few days repaid a real mansion under the ground, make it repair, which many live people are on the surface. Considering the fact that died man Prefers to lie down, he is buying the newest bed and other accessories.

One of the most expensive things is a coffin, the price of which is more than the cost of your apartment. On the coffin, they wear the most expensive fabric, which can be found, then the carpets everywhere. Naturally, it all also depends on how richly the Gypsy was during life. Also in the coffin put those things that need a living person: a razor, as well as replaceable blades (although, in life, many Gypsies have long been forgotten what a razor is and how to use it), perfume, sneakers, telephone and charging to it (suddenly he will call when -none) sunglasses, money and everything in such a spirit. The deceased in his coffin looks more like a cart for products in which all sorts of little things are on the action "Each for 100 rubles". It even reaches the fact that the deceased Gypsy, who loved during his lifetime there is smoked meat, will rot along with his beloved dish.

If we talk about employees of medical institutions, then okly they only dress the Gypsy, and the entire wine event that happened a few years ago. As you know, the late people do not dress up the top clothes through the head, in order not to mess with the taste of hands and so on. Clothing simply cuts and envelops the deceased. But one gypsy really wanted to say goodbye to his relative and hugged him, so that he, he sat down in a coffin. Because of this, everyone saw that the jacket was cut. Of course, no one expected this, and the Gypsy people were hung to the impossibility. The male part gathered her brothers and went to beat the Sanitars in the morgue. Although they acted within the framework of instructions, but, apparently, such people cannot explain it. After this incident, all the departed burst in clothes, carefully sold hands through the sleeves.

After the body of the deceased successfully fell several days of the house, relatives carry it out. Naturally, the entire procedure also requires a father. By the way, the Holy Father is very surprised if he sees at least one gypsha that can be baptized correctly. After the procedure, the father will be surprised again, as Roma pay solid: large amount Money is not all the gratitude of the Gypsy people. They will also hand over the employee of the church several kilograms of sausages, meat and other products. That is why priests love to spend the Gypsy funeral.

Let's talk about what is happening on the cemetery itself. It is more comparable to the films about Zombies, where millions of rebels from the dead moan and make strange sounds. Here is an approximately such picture you will see in the cemetery. The lower the coffin is lowered with the deceased, the stronger the sounds of Roma will be mastered. Some persons even jump after the departed, however, they are then getting out from there. After the ceremony, carpets are sprinkled. Then, in the grave of the relatives begin to throw money. If the family is rich, then the bills will be large. After a few minutes of throwing out money in the emptiness begins to instill the coffin of the earth. I wonder how much the archaeologists will be surprised, which several hundred years will dig such cottages, and within them not only bones, but also a razor, sunglassesas well as the phone.

Measure the deception start at the moment when he is still at home. Almost at any time of the year, Tsygane tables put on the street. Next to the coffin smoke so hard that the deceased is practically not visible due to smoke. But contrary to universal delusion, Gypsies do not sing our songs on the commemoration. After the corpse kisses the forehead and say goodbye, people start drinking, and quite a lot. Considering the fact that there are several eating tiers on the table, no one refuses anything. It looks like a gypsy wedding, but without champagne.

Several times I came across the posts that at the funeral of the bone thrown on the ground. All for the reason that the Gypsies bury all waste from the commemorative table. Even the basins put in order to throw off waste, they have an important part of the commemoration. But on Titovka everything happens wrong. The fact is that our gypsies are not champions on basketball, which is why getting into the pelvis is quite difficult, it's easier to just throw everything to the ground, and then the excavator burst everything underground.

Drunkenness, or so-called Gypsy amers continue for several days. All these days each of the representatives of the people with swollen persons speaks the other that today in a dream they saw their deceased relative and communicated with him. Naturally, most of these stories are no more than fiction. This is done for the fact that our Gypsy is to communicate with the dead means the construction of the fallen in the rank of Holy.

Each is memorial days It is also noted by Yaros, whether nine days, forty days, or even a year. So can be celebrated 25 years from the day of death, if there is at least one gypsy, which will remind.

Let's talk about monuments: they are height under 2-3 meters, some have an inscription in gold, well, the most main attribute is a picture of the deceased in full growth. In the back background, they always make what Gypsy loved: cars, rods, but anything! In our cemetery on one of the monuments depicted a huge syringe, almost full length. It's funny that the monument also depicts live representatives of the people. Alive people on the monument and the cemetery, they have strange traditions ...

In those gypsies, who is richer than others, always put a gazebo near the tomb. Sometimes there are integer chapels. Well, those who have no problem with money. Naturally, without a table nowhere, because every visit to the grave of the deceased group of relatives drags with you a lot of plates, saucepan and other cutlery. Looks like a cafe in nature. After the commemoration, relatives begin to walk around the cemetery and remember other people, that is why the cemetery slowly turns into a real reserve for drunks. Sometimes the deceased, too, pour alcohol in a glass. A cigarette is often ignited and left next to the monument. After the commemoration, everything aboard remains near the grave, like a bunch of garbage and union.

Gypsies are the largest ethnic minority in Europe with a predominance of predominantly Indian roots. These folk groups They live among the population of different countries and are divided into six major branches that have their own name.

For this reason, it was not without influence european states on the cultural features Each of them. However, in religion and the customs of Roma still remain common featuresuniting ethnos. This is especially true of the funeral traditions known for their scope, which is why the answer to the question "how to bury the Gypsies of their deceased" for many is acute interest.

Law and culture

Cultural customs of some gypsy tribes often lead to disagreements with laws in the territory where the Tabor wakes or lives. This is due to the strict taboo on damage to the integrity of the body of the deceased, and the roots of such a ban should be sought in magical beliefs.

Russian, Baltic and Scandinavian representatives this ethnos. The opinions are adhered to that a person is not able to gain peace without such internal organs, as a brain and heart, therefore oppose forensic examination.

Such a position is forced to obtain a death certificate for bypassing the law enforcement. If it takes too serious turnover, the Gypsy Baron is engaged in resolving the problem. In this case, if the latter considers disputes with the law of useless, the dead will go to the CME, but with the condition: after inspection internal organs Must be returned to the body of the deceased.

Gypsy customs and traditions

It is the opinion that only three branches of this ethnic group it is customary to arrange a luxurious funeral. However, single cases allow exceptions depending on the traditions formed in a separate talent or community. Of course, only two can be distinguished: the persistent disgust for the death and the construction of a certain cult of the deceased.

Gypsy funerals at the Baltic, Russian and Scandinavian tribes last 2-3 days, at the same time accompanied by "songs and dances". Such unusual customs are explained by Roma beliefs: it is believed that the death of a physical body is becoming free from all worldly problems and seals, moving to best world, deprived of suffering.

At the same time, the dying of the disease never leave one. In nomadic tribes, it moves to a special tent - "Bender", where close to the last remains with it. At the same time, until the very moment of death, the relatives should behave as usual: eat, drink, laugh and even sing.

No Gypsy will never allow themselves to stay in a common tent or home, since he will make it a dirty place, unsuitable for further living. Because of this, personal things of the deceased, also blurred by the bad, were previously distributed by the churches, and in recent decades Lower underground with the late, arranging them as if in the room.

In a word, as Koruni, today, no one does today. For example, instead of prayers over the departed, conspiracies read and, if possible, lowered the body into the grave without a coffin.

Preparation for the funeral

Some Roma branches are notable for advance preparation for the burial: it is expressed in the creation of savings from childhood, to later be able to secure decent funeral. For example, there is often a preliminary purchase of a place in the cemetery, where Gypsies bury.

Otherwise, the process of cooking to the burial depends on the religion of the tribe itself. Funeral rites Orthodox Roma for the most part Consist compliance christian traditions: The body is also kneaded and mourn with the only difference that herbal decoction is used for ablution, and prayers are replaced by conspiracies.

How to bury Gypsies

In many regions, the Roma funeral is lifted, especially if the Gypsy Baron dies. In Moldova in 1998, local Bulibashi betrayed the Earth only for 14 days, so that everyone who wanted to say goodbye to him could arrive, in parallel with this building a richly divided crypt with special niches. They are needed in order to put together with the deceased items of his life and beloved alcohol.

This funeral of the Russian, Baltic and Scandinavian branches of Roma is similar. They differ only in a common scale depending on the status of the deceased, and the number of days left for preparation.

Gypsy burials

So, we have already considered the question of how the Gypsies are buried. Note that the process largely depends on the place of burial.

Nomadic tribes do not have the means to buy a place in the cemetery, because those who have moved into the world another betray the earth in a deserted out of the outside corner, like a forest age or steppe under the blackberry bush. According to legend, this plant protects the grave from the desecration of animals. The things of the deceased are often simply burned.

Other sedentary representatives of the ethnos bury their loved ones, like everyone else: in cemeteries. Large gypsy settlements have their own grades on the bought ground.


To claim with confidence about the funeral customs of the Gypsy, it is necessary to personally attend the funeral or to be in the Tabor. This is explained by the fact that Roma with special care is protected by its traditions, because much, which is known today, is rumors or witnesses' stories.

Moreover, even those customs are not allowed, the value of which is forgotten by Gypsies. Perhaps the reason for this is the strict performance of all the required rituals associated with death and the funeral.

Rites Roma at the funeral are as follows. All the things of the deceased must be buried in the grave with him. Gypsies believe in afterlifeSo many put in the grave and new things, and old who can come in handy a person's soul.

If Gypsy is sick and dies slowly, it is advisable to transfer it to the rite special place - Tent, where he can die quietly. By tradition, if Gypsy died in his bed - this place is contaminated, so the bed is thrown out.

On the commemoration of the gypsies are having fun, sing songs, dance. Sometimes a commemoration can last a few days.


Feline rites in the cemetery

Ritals Roma in the cemetery have their own characteristics. By tradition, Gypsies are very responsible to such a rite as burial. Also Gypsies, time immemorial respected by the departed people, especially from the Tabor.

Even with living parents, children in Gypsy should start saving money and funds for the funeral. Since the funeral itself is usually the funeral - should be beautiful and rich.

On rites Roma they great importance Give the monument on the grave of the deceased. It is necessary that the monument is rich, from a good material.
On the other hand, the Gypsies consider the death of dirty, bad. And relate to this as well.

What are the burial rites from Asian Gypsies?

Asian gypsies differ from ordinary gypsies. They live in the territory Central AsiaThey speak Tajik language.
Ritals in such gypsies also differ from the usual.

According to religion, Asian Gypsies are Muslims. Therefore, the rite of burial happens on Muslim traditions. They also pray. Since, mostly, Asian Roma is a nomadic people, so they have no cemetery. They bury them not with so chic as other gypsies. A tent is also organized, a special place where you can say goodbye to the dead. Bury on the place where this moment stopped. The rite of the Roma of faith in the fact that the shower for 40 days is located next to alive, nomads are lost.