What were the first Mausoleum of Lenin. If there was such a technique and if such a technique worked - the Bolsheviks would be kept in power

What were the first Mausoleum of Lenin. If there was such a technique and if such a technique worked - the Bolsheviks would be kept in power
What were the first Mausoleum of Lenin. If there was such a technique and if such a technique worked - the Bolsheviks would be kept in power

Another text, repeatedly tied and neutered by the Ukrainian media. Read the full version.

On one of the plates of Lenin's Mausoleum in Moscow there is a completely amazing inscription - "Niatomiyoteotl, in Tlahtoani. Nehuatl NirusitLalpantecuhtli. Axcan Nitechitoa" Find it is not difficult.
On the right side of the structure, which is suitable directly to the Kremlin wall, on the lowest, the far slab is knocked out these letters. The reason for their occurrence is so ominous that every time I mentally shudder, when I remember my investigation. This story began in more than twenty years ago and ended only recently, starting the monstrous layers of human atrocities and low-lying passions. But let's in order.

On the first of May 1988, on Red Square, the Kremlin Wall has produced the last massive shooting of distemper. Such public executions were the norm in Soviet Russia, starting in 1924. Excirations were usually confined to holidays and were held with a large crowd of the people, including children. So this time, only subsided by the automatic queues, the festive columns of the Russians began the May Day demonstration. It is elegantly dressed people stepped in foot and sang the hymns with their saints - Lenin, Stalin and the Communist Party.
To say that I was shocked - it means nothing to say, especially, given the fact that I visited the USSR as part of the human rights delegation. The purpose of the trip was assistance in conducting democratic reforms on the Western model and ensuring the development of freedom of speech.
In deep thoughtfulness, I walked around the Red Square in the evening. Blood washed from the paving slabs, the wind spread out faded flower petals and scraps of balloons. Then I saw this sinister inscription: "Niatomiyoteotl, in Tlahtoani. Nehuatl NirusitLalpantecuhtli. Axcan Nitechitoa" Being not able to understand the meaning, I carefully copied it into my notebook, and at the same time I took a photo. It is forbidden to photograph from the mausoleum, but I rightly decided that a person with an American passport was sometimes allowed to do at his discretion, even if it is in such a country as communist Russia.

Returning to the USA, I asked my friends, Soviet emigrants, translate this inscription. What was my surprise when I found out that it was not in Russian, but some other language! One of the friends suggested that it was Italian. Soon it turned out that the Italians see this language for the first time. However, they decided that this could be Icelandic, based on the fact that some words are very long. But here I was waiting for disappointment. The only Icelandic media in New York only shrugged and suggested that the inscription is easy to encrypt. And given its communist origin, he does not doubt this at all. The Russian words, in his opinion, usually in length are superior to Icelandic, for example (here he glanced in the book) "Ukrspecliftremontontazh".
In a word, the investigation went into a dead end at the very beginning. The continuation occurred after a long eighteen years.

It was 2006, the Orange Revolution turned rarely in Kiev and in general, the events developed with the speed of a tornado, somewhere in South Dakota. The countries of the post-Soviet space one by one chose freedom from Putin's Russia.
In those days, I, as a consultant of the Russian opposition on democracy and human rights, visited the Department of Historical Sciences in one of the prestigious Universities of Denver (Colorado). There was an important and painstaking work. It was required to make the most falsifying the role of Stalin in history to help develop democratic and anti-social trends in the countries of the former USSR and the Eastern Block. Special emphasis was made on explanatory work in Poland, Ukraine, Georgia and Baltic States.
Many had to communicate with Professor Jacques Monroe, the author of the monographs famous for the whole world "Basics of Human Rights Movement in Russia" and "the place of communism - in the dump of history."
In one day we went to the cross. I suddenly remembered a strange inscription and told the professor about this riddle.
"I think I need to look in the languages \u200b\u200bof the Indians of Central America," he said, not in the second.
- Why?
- Did you not notice that the mausoleum on the Red Square externally does not differ from the Mayan pyramid? This is classical theocalli, the temple for human sacrifice. You can show the inscription?
"Well, please," I replied, rejoicing my habit to never part with the old records.
- And there is! - he exclaimed, is Naiathl, the language of the Aztec. Come with me.
The Department of Foreign Languages \u200b\u200bwas in the next building, and after half an hour I kept a decoding of the mysterious inscription in my hands: "I am a bald God, Lord and the Lord of Russia. Now I command you."
- But who is such a "bald god"? - I was amazed, - and what does he command?
- In this case, I almost all clear. - answered Professor. - Let's sit down, on the bench, I will explain now.

What he told me turned all my ideas about the history of Russian communism, although I always considered himself an expert on this issue. This story began shortly before the Bolshevik couch of 1917.
As it always happens in Russia, at the then opposition, the Bolsheviks party, there was no votes in the Duma no money for the needs of the revolution. And therefore, their leaders Lenin and Trotsky went to the West in search of funds. As Putin would say, "Shake". Lenin went to Germany, with which the then Russia was in a state of war. He fairly judged that he could take the necessary money loan for the promise to give the Germans to the Germans. (So \u200b\u200bhe later did) Trotsky went to the United States with a promise if the revolution success is successful to the Far East rich resources.
Lenin then managed to negotiate with the German government. Trotsky did not achieve success. ("Unfortunately did not achieve. - Professor Monroe stressed. - If America then took up the section of Russia, this would not have done now. Nobody knew that Lenin would go to the legs so quickly")
However, Trotsky does not lose and goes to neighboring Mexico, which is in contact with representatives of the sect of God atomothel, whose name is translated as a "bald God." The cult of atomotivity in medieval Mexico was distinguished by such cruelty, which was banned back in the 13th century and went into a deep underground. According to the ideas of Aztec, this God was Lys and was the patron saint of folk uprisings. Lion Trotsky understood well that to seize power in Russia - it was only half. You need to keep it too. This will require religion - new, bright and cruel. The cult of "bald god" just approached for these purposes. And its main ritual was massive human sacrifices.
Trotsky then agreed with the priests of the sect that Lenin will be represented as a living embodiment of atomothel. And representatives of the Directorate sects will be able to receive certain material resources from Soviet Russia.
No sooner said than done. Trotsky returns to Russia, having a new ideology for the young worker-peasant state with him. A few years after the revolution, Lenin dies. Following this, on the orders of Trotsky, the first temporary mausoleum in the form of Aztec pyramid - theocalli is erected. Soon the second is built, according to a similar project. Then the first human sacrifices begin. However, then the differences of Trotsky with Stalin have emerged. The first believed that the sacrifice should be presented aesthetically. The victim was decorated with flowers and sang hymns. Stalin decided that the beauty is not important and the mass. And according to his order, the Kremlin Wall began group executions of dissidents on holidays. Of course, it was not the only disagreement, and in the end, Trotsky had to return to Mexico practically with anything. The promise given to the Priests, he could not fulfill. In Moscow, the third, modern version of the stepped pyramid dedicated to the brutal "bald God" was completed. The plates, with the commandments of the "Great Tlatani" atomicotype with their subjects, are ready for them. However, by order of Stalin, these stoves urgently polished on the reverse side and installed this smooth side to the outside. And only with one slab something happened wrong. Probably, she was defective and polished the other side could not. Therefore, it was installed "as is", with a fragment of the inscription. At the same time, it was hidden away from human eyes on the far wall. So this mysterious inscription on Aztec arose.
Meanwhile, Trotsky's case in Mexico was worse. The sect's leadership came young and ambitious priest Istakotl, "White Jackal". In one day, he appeared to Trotsky with the ice ax over the sinus. "Oh atomothel! And by the sacrifice of the despicable slave of Lion Trotsky!" - Exclaimed priest and wrapped the ice ax on the head of the ideologist of the proletarian revolution.

Well. A little left to tell. What kind of rally was supposed to focus on the wall of the Mausoleum we still do not know. Most likely it is the usual list of Ilyich Testaments, which even preschoolers are known in Russia. In essence, these are quotes from various articles of Lenin - "The next tasks of Soviet power", "Small Earth", "What are friends of the people", etc.
Istakotl, a more famous pseudonym Ramon Mercider died in 1978 in the rank of Hero of the Soviet Union. And less than ten years, human sacrifices have ceased to the mausoleum.

"Intelligence Inside". Vinsboro.
Yuri Shimanovsky

The first wooden mausoleum (project A. V. Schuseva) was erected by the Vyshi Vistimir Ilyich Ulyanov (Lenin) (Lenin) (January 27, 1924), had the form of Cuba, topped with a three-stage pyramid. He stood only until spring 1924.

In the second temporary wooden mausoleum, established in the spring of 1924 (Project A. V. Schuseva), to stepped volume were attached from two sides of the stands. The initial draft of the sarcophagus was recognized as technically difficult and architect K. S. Melnikov developed and presented eight new options. One of them was approved, and then implemented as soon as possible under the supervision of the author himself. This sarcophagas stood in Mausoleum until the end of the Great Patriotic War.

The concise forms of the second mausoleum were used in the design of the third, currently existing option from reinforced concrete, with brick walls and cladding with granite, with marble, labrador and raspberry quartzite (Porphir) (1929-1930, according to A. V. Shusheva's project with the authors team) . Inside the building there are lobby and mourning hall, decorated by I. I. Nivinsky, with an area of \u200b\u200b100 m². In 1930, new guest stands (architect I. A. French) were erected on the sides of the mausoleum, the graves of the Kremlin Wall were decorated.

In the period of the Great Patriotic War, in July 1941, the body V. I. Lenin was evacuated to Tyumen. It was kept in the current building of the main building of the Tyumen State Agricultural Academy (Ul. Republic, 7), on the second floor in the audience 15. In April 1945, the leader's body was returned to Moscow.

In 1945, the central tribune of the Mausoleum was built. In the same year, with a new design of the interior of the Mausoleum, the sarcophagus of the design of K. S. Melnikov was replaced by Sarcophag, made according to the project A. V. Schuseva and sculptor B. I. Yakovlev. In 1953-1961, the body of I. V. Stalin was also in the mausoleum, and the mausoleum was called "Mausoleum V. I. Lenin and I. V. Stalin."

As long as the granite plate of the appropriate (uniquely large - 60-ton labradorite monolith from the Golovinsky career of the Zhytomyr region) was found, on the already installed granite plate in 1953. On top of Lenin's inscriptions were applied to Lenin's inscriptions and "Stalin." According to eyewitnesses, in severe frosts, the old inscription "appeared" through the inscriptions, applied on top of her. In 1958, the stove was replaced by the slab with the inscriptions located above each other: "Lenin" and "Stalin". In 1961, the granite slab with the name of Lenin was returned to his original place. Simultaneously with the funeral of I. V. Stalin, the unfulfilled decree on the future transfer of the sarcophanes of both leaders in Pantheon was adopted.

In 1973, a bulletproof sarcophague was installed (Chief Designer N. A. Maizin, Sculptor N. V. Tomsky).
Until October 1993, the Mausoleum had a post of honor guard No. 1, replacing every hour at the Kremlin Chorant sign. In October 1993, during the constitutional crisis, post number 1 was abolished. From December 12, 1997 post restored, but already at the grave of an unknown soldier.

Biochemist B. I. Zbars, who developed a "balsamic fluid" recipe, which was immersed every 18 months in which Lenin remains. Zbarsky took care of the remains to his own death in 1954. At the end of 1939, a research laboratory was created as part of the Ministry of Health of the USSR to solve scientific and practical problems and complex problems related to the preservation of Lenin's body.
The temperature and humidity of the atmosphere of the sarcophagus and the body, the composition of the impregnating solutions, the content of preventive measures, the chromaticity of the skin, photoregistration of the objects of the face and hands, the study of the fabric destruction processes is an incomplete list of problems studied by this laboratory. According to the conclusion of the Government Commission, established in 1990 by the Council of Ministers of the USSR to study the activities of the Research Laboratory, the body of V. I. Lenin can be maintained in a unchanging form not yet one dozen years.

Since 1992, the laboratory at Mausolee V. I. Lenin is part of the All-Union Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (Vilar) and is called the research and development center of biomedical technologies. Since 1993, financial assistance from the scientist has provided "Charitable Public Organization for Mausoleum V. I. Lenin" (until 1999 - "Independent Charitable Foundation" Mausoleum V. I. Lenin ""). The statutory goal of the Fund is the preservation of Mausoleum V. I. Lenin as a monument of history and masterpiece of world architecture and ensuring the safety of the body V. I. Lenin.

Employees of the laboratory were embalmed with the smell of Georgy Dimitrov (1949, Bulgaria), Marshal Khorhlogan Choibalsan (1952, Mongolia), Joseph Stalin (1953, USSR), Clement Gotlland (1953, Czechoslovakia), Ho Chi Mini ( 1969, Vietnam), Agostinho Neto (1979, Angola), President of the Cooperative Republic of Guyana Lyndon Forbça Burnema (1985, Georgetown, Guyana), Kim Il Senya (1995, DPRK).

According to the example of Lenin's body, the body of the leaders of the communist parties and the states of Sun Yatsen, Georgy Dimitrov, Clement Gotgald, Chojibalsan, Enver Khoja, Agostinho Netto, Lyndon Burnema, Ho Chi Minh, Mao Zedong and Kim Il Sena, from which By the beginning of the XXI century, only the last three were preserved.

The first wooden version of the mausoleum did not have tribune. Its necessity appeared only in connection with the greatest influx of visitors and the utterance of mourning speeches. Therefore, the following projects of the Mausoleum have already envisaged its availability.

In the future, the mausoleum was used as the Tribune on which the Politburo and Soviet Government figures appeared, military leaders, as well as honorary guests during a different kind of celebrations on Red Square (primarily marchs on May 1 and parade on November 7, and from 1965 and parade on May 9). A special premises were also provided, where the faces on the podium came to drink and eat. From the Mausoleum to the participants of parades, the Minister of Defense of the USSR usually appealed with the speech. Western "Silmenologists" conclosed on the influence of certain persons in the Politburo of the Central Committee of the CPSU and built forecasts for the future on the location of the figures on the Tribune of Mausoleum during official events.

Moscow is the only city of Russia in which the point of reference of the road distances is not the building of the main post office of the city, but the Mausoleum of Lenin. The Moscow Post Office is located a little less than two kilometers from the Mausoleum, on the meatsky street.

On March 19, 1934, Mitrofan Mikhailovich Nikitin tried to shoot the harnessed body of the leader. He was prevented by quickly reacting security and visitors. Nikitin in place shot himself. With it, a letter of protest content in the address of the party and governments was discovered.

On November 5, 1957, A. N. Romanov, a resident of Moscow without certain classes, threw a bottle with ink in the mausoleum. Sarcophages with the bodies of Lenin and Stalin were not injured.
On March 20, 1959, one of the visitors threw a hammer in the sarcophagus and broke the glass. Body V. I. Lenin and I. V. Stalin did not suffer.

On July 14, 1960, a resident of Frunze K. N. Minibaev jumped into a barrier and a leg of sarcophagus broke the leg. Shards damaged the skin of the harnessed body V. I. Lenin. Due to restoration work, the mausoleum was closed until August 15. The minibuses on the investigation showed that since 1949 she kept the intention to destroy the coffin with the body of Lenin, and on July 13, 1960, it was specially for this flew to Moscow.

On September 9, 1961, L. A. Smirnova, passing by sarcophagus, spit into him and then threw a stone in the sarcophagus, wrapped in a handkerchief, accompanied his actions by curses. The glass of sarcophagus was broken, but Lenin's body was not injured.

On April 24, 1962, a resident of Pavlovsky Posad Pensioner A. A. Lutikov also threw a stone in sarcophagus. Lenin's body did not suffer. Subsequently, it turned out that the nurses in the previous two years wrote anti-Soviet letters to the central newspapers and at the Embassy of Western countries.

In September 1967, a resident of Kaunas in the surname of Krysanov blew off the explosive belt near the entrance to the mausoleum. The terrorist and a few more people died, the mausoleum was not injured.

On September 1, 1973, an unknown embodied improvised explosive device inside the Lenin's Mausoleum. The criminal and one married couple died, several people, including children, were injured. The body V. I. Lenin was not injured, because by the time the sarcophagus was already closed with a bulletproof glass.

On March 15, 2010, a resident of the Moscow region Sergei Krapetsov passed through the fences, climbed into the tribune of Lenin's Mausoleum and began to shout out calls for the destruction of the mausoleum and the speedy burial of the body V. I. Lenin. When detained by his police officers, Krapetsov provided armed resistance, but still was detained. Subsequently, it turned out that at that moment Krapetsov was wanted for committing a robbery.

On November 27, 2010, the police detained a man who threw Lenin in the Mausoleum on the Red Square of a roll of toilet paper and a brochure. The detainee was hospitalized in a psychiatric hospital.

In 1990, there was a loud scandal: during the May Day demonstration, part of the demonstrators carried anti-communist slogans before the tribune. M. S. Gorbachev and all the Politburo demonstratively left the tribune. In 1992-1994 Parads and processions were not carried out on the Red Square. On May 9, 1995, a parade was held on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the victory, which was held on Poklonnaya Mount. On May 9, 1996, a parade was held on the occasion of the 51th anniversary of the victory, during which the Mausoleum was last used as a tribune. Since 1995, the Victory Parada has been held again every year, but since 1997, the state leaderships are at the same time on the temporary stands built every time. During the festive events (parades, concerts), Mausoleum closes the shields since 2005.

Currently, the mausoleum is open to access every Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday from 10 to 13 hours. Access to the mausoleum and burials from the Kremlin Wall is carried out through the checkpoint from the Nikolskaya Tower, where the inspection of the metal detector is made. When visiting the mausoleum is not allowed to have photo and video equipment, mobile phones with a camera. Also, it is also impossible to carry bags, backpacks, bags, large metal objects and bottles with liquid (wishing to be provided with a paid storage chamber service in the building of the Historical Museum). Access in the mausoleum is free. In the mausoleum, it is relying, keeping silence and without lingering at the coffin, make a semicircle around the sarcophagus. Men - remove the headdress.

Mausoleum V. I. Lenin (in 1953-1961 Mausoleum V. I. Lenin and I. V. Stalin) - a monument to the tomb in Red Square at the Kremlin Wall in Moscow.

The idea of \u200b\u200bcreating and the ideological purpose of the Mausoleum

According to Soviet historiography, the idea does not get buried the body of Lenin, but to preserve it and put it in the sarcophagus, there was an environment of workers and ordinary members of the Bolshevik Party, which sent numerous telegrams and letters about this leadership of Soviet Russia. Officially, this offer voiced M. I. Kalinin. Only L. D. Trotsky acted against openly, who called this idea "madness."

Most post-Soviet historians believed that this idea was actually inspired by I. V. Stalin, and the roots of this idea were seen in the desire of the Bolsheviks to create a new religion for the winning proletariat. According to historians, Stalin already at that time intended to restore the historical paradigm, giving the people of the king in the face of themselves and God in the face of Lenin. Political scientist D. B. Oreshkin believed that the Bolsheviks deliberately created a new pagan cult, in which the "source of faith and the object of worship was the mummy of a deified ancestor, and the Supreme Priest is the Secretary General." N. I. Bukharin wrote in a private letter: "We ... instead of icons hung the leaders, and we will try to open the power of Ilyich under the communist sauce." In 1946, Stalin said Professor Mochalov, who worked in the team of other scientists on the creation of the biography of Stalin: "Marxism is a class religion. What we say is necessarily for the fulfillment by the people. This is a symbol of faith. "

The idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a mausoleum in itself elements not only a Christian, but also more ancient tradition - the custom of embalming the rulers existed in ancient Egypt, and the structure itself resembled the Babylonian zikkurat.

History of construction

The first temporary wooden mausoleum was erected by Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov's funeral (Lenin) (January 27, 1924) on the project of Academician A. V. Schuseva. According to the project, the construction should consist of three main parts of the massive stylobate of the cubic shape, a medium tier with geometric steps and a vertical completion - a high monument in the form of four columns, overlapped by the antablement. Due to the compressed terms of construction and structural difficulties, Mausoleum remained unfinished - only the lower and middle tiers were erected. On the sides of the construction, small cubic lobbies were built for input and output. The first mausoleum stood only until spring 1924.

In the process of sketching the second wooden mausoleum, A. V. Schusev again experimented with the idea of \u200b\u200bcompleting the construction of various types and height by columns, until the final project of the colonnade turned into the upper tier of the stepped construction. In the second Mausoleum Shchusov applied composite techniques and simplified forms of order architecture (pilasters, columns, etc.); Tribunes were attached to the step volume from both sides. The initial draft of the sarcophagus was recognized as technically difficult and architect K. S. Melnikov developed and presented eight new options. One of them was approved, and then implemented as soon as possible under the supervision of the author himself. This sarcophagas stood in Mausoleum until the end of the Great Patriotic War.

The concise forms of the second mausoleum were used in the design of the third, currently existing option from reinforced concrete, with brick walls and cladding with granite, with marble, labrador and raspberry quartzite (Porphir) (1929-1930, according to A. V. Shusheva's project with the authors team) . Inside the building there are lobby and mourning hall, decorated by I. I. Nivinsky, with an area of \u200b\u200b100 m²; Opposite the main entrance is the coat of arms of the USSR, performed by I. D. Shadrom. In 1930, new guest stands (architect I. A. French) were erected on the parties to the Mausoleum, the graves of the Kremlin Wall were decorated.

In the period of the Great Patriotic War, in July 1941, the body V. I. Lenin was evacuated to Tyumen. It was kept in the current building of the main building of the Tyumen State Agricultural Academy (Ul. Republic, 7), on the second floor in the audience 15. In April 1945, the leader's body was returned to Moscow.

Between the summer of 1938 and in the summer of 1939, the central tribune of the Mausoleum was built. In 1945, with a new design of the interior of the Mausoleum, the sarcophagus of the K. S. Melnikov was replaced by the sarcophagus, made according to the project A. V. Shushev and the sculptor B. I. Yakovlev. The main reason for the replacement is the unsuccessful angle of inclination of the sarcophagus, causing glare. In 1953-1961, the body of I. V. Stalin was also in the mausoleum, and the mausoleum was called "Mausoleum V. I. Lenin and I. V. Stalin." As long as the granite plate of the appropriate (uniquely large - 60-ton labradorite monolith from the Golovinsky career of the Zhytomyr region) was found, on the already installed granite plate in 1953. On top of Lenin's inscriptions were applied to Lenin's inscriptions and "Stalin". According to eyewitnesses, in severe frosts, the old inscription "appeared" through the inscriptions, applied on top of her. In 1958, the stove was replaced by the slab with the inscriptions located above each other: "Lenin" and "Stalin". In 1963, the granite slab with the name of Lenin was returned to his original place. Simultaneously with the funeral of I. V. Stalin, the unfulfilled decree on the future transfer of the sarcophanes of both leaders in Pantheon was adopted.

In 1973, a bulletproof sarcophague was installed (Chief Designer N. A. Maizin, Sculptor N. V. Tomsky).

In 2013, the current reconstruction was carried out. Efforts were made to strengthen the foundation of the structure: along the perimeter of the monolithic slab on which the mausoleum was installed, about 350 wells were drilled, where concrete was then flooded. "In fact, the vertical support system was supplied under the mausoleum," said the official representative of the Federal Service for Russia's Protection of Ninth. The mausoleum was closed in the autumn of 2012, the active restoration and reconstruction work of the complex began in December. He recalled that part of the construction is located on the spot in the XIX century Agevizova RVA, that is, on an unstable soil, in connection with which the foundation was strengthened. During the work, the internal volume of the mausoleum was not affected. Ahead is the second stage of work, during which, in particular, it is supposed to dismantle an extension located behind the Mausoleum - there was an escalator earlier there for lifting party leaders and the government, now this construction is not used.

Incidents and attempts of explosions in Mausoleum

  • On March 19, 1934, Mitrofan Mikhailovich Nikitin tried to shoot the harnessed body of the leader. He was prevented by quickly reacting security and visitors. Nikitin in place shot himself. With it, a letter of protest content in the address of the party and government was discovered.
  • On November 5, 1957, A. N. Romanov, a resident of Moscow without certain classes, threw a bottle with ink in the mausoleum. Sarcophages with the bodies of Lenin and Stalin were not injured.
  • On March 20, 1959, one of the visitors threw a hammer in the sarcophagus and broke the glass. Body V. I. Lenin and I. V. Stalin did not suffer.
  • On July 14, 1960, a resident of Frunze K. N. Minibaev jumped into a barrier and a leg of sarcophagus broke the leg. Shards damaged the skin of the harnessed body V. I. Lenin. Due to restoration work, the mausoleum was closed until August 15. The minibuses on the investigation showed that since 1949 she kept the intention to destroy the coffin with the body of Lenin, and on July 13, 1960, it was specially for this flew to Moscow.
  • On September 9, 1961, L. A. Smirnova, passing by sarcophagus, spit into him and then threw a stone in the sarcophagus, wrapped in a handkerchief, accompanied his actions by curses. The glass of sarcophagus was broken, but Lenin's body was not injured.
  • On April 24, 1962, a resident of Pavlovsky Posad Pensioner A. A. Lutikov also threw a stone in sarcophagus. Lenin's body did not suffer. Subsequently, it turned out that the nurses in the previous two years wrote anti-Soviet letters to the central newspapers and at the Embassy of Western countries.
  • In September 1967, a resident of Kaunas in the surname of Krysanov blew off the explosive belt near the entrance to the mausoleum. The terrorist and a few more people died, the mausoleum was not injured.
  • On September 1, 1973, an unknown embodied improvised explosive device inside the Lenin's Mausoleum. The criminal and one married couple died, several people, including children, were injured. Body V. I. Lenin did not suffer, because by the time the sarcophagus was already closed with a bulletproof glass ..
  • On March 15, 2010, a resident of the Moscow region Sergei Krapetsov passed through the fences, climbed into the tribune of Lenin's Mausoleum and began to shout out calls for the destruction of the mausoleum and the speedy burial of the body V. I. Lenin. When detained by his police officers, Krapetsov provided armed resistance, but still was detained. Subsequently, it turned out that at that moment Krapetsov was wanted for committing a robbery.
  • On November 27, 2010, the police detained a man who threw Lenin in the Mausoleum on the Red Square of a roll of toilet paper and a brochure. The detainee was hospitalized in a psychiatric hospital.
  • On January 19, 2015, activists of the "Blue Horseman" movement sprinkled by the Mausoleum of Lenin Holy Water. During the action, they shouted the slogan "Stand and Ridge". After a few seconds, both men detained policemen.

In the Red Square of Moscow near the Kremlin Wall since 1924 there is a monumental structure, resembling the tomb of the ancient ruler of Mauchal. From his behalf it got a name. This is the Mausoleum of Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, listed in the UNESCO World Heritage List. Over the years of existence, more than 120 million visitors visited it.

History of Lenin's Mausoleum.

It is believed that the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a mausoleum for the leader of the world proletariat suggested ordinary people and ordinary members of the WCP (b). However, N.K. Krupskaya and some members of the Central Committee did not support this idea. The first two tips were built from a tree on the project of architect Schusev. Both were erected in the form of rectangular stepped pyramids. In the second option, the wooden trim was impregnated with varnish, because of which the structure had a light brown color.

The construction of a stone tomb began in 1929. Brick walls of the structure were tested by polished plates from granite, Labradorite, marble and porphyra. Now the mausoleum had a length of 24 meters, climbed into a height of 12 meters and consisted of five steps. The top ledger was shocked to the Kremlin wall. Unlike previous options, the tribune added in the new. It was used to pronounce the identity speeches and appeals to the people during parades held on May 1, May 9 and November 7. On the stands in front of the mausoleum were the leaders of the Soviet state and invited guests. The last time appeal to people sounded from the Tribunes in 1996 since 2005, during the processing of the Red Square, the mausoles are protected by protective shields.

Mausoleum Lenin - description.

On a monolithic plate from a black labradorite, enshrined above the entrance, letters from red quartz is written "Lenin". Inside the mourning hall, in which visitors fall, falling on the left staircase, on a small pedestal there is a sarcophagus with the body of Lenin. Here reigns peace, silence and muted light. A black suit, to which an icon of a member of the USSR is hooked. The hall has a cube shape with a stepped ceiling and a facet of 10 m. By walking the sarcophagus, visitors go out of the hall and, rising by the right staircase, leave the mausoleum.

At the time of the Patriotic War, the leader's body was exported to Tyumen, where it was stored until April 1945. After the death of I. V. Stalin, until 1961, two leaders rest in the tomb. With the arrival of N. S. Khrushchev, the body of the "Father of Peoples" was made from the tomb and burned near the Kremlin wall.

Karaul from Lenin's Mausoleum.

From 1924 to 1993, the Mausoleum had a post number 1. Every hour, Karala change took place for the battle. This spectacle attracted many tourists. Now the post stands at the grave of an unknown soldier.

Mausoleum Lenin - mode of operation.

Visiting Lenin's Mausoleum is possible from 10 to 13 hours any days, except Monday and Friday. You can get into it through the checkpoint near the Nikolskaya Tower. Payment for the entrance is not required, but an indispensable condition is the test of the metal detector and compliance with silence. Conduct photos and video is prohibited. Men in the mourning hall are obliged to remove the headdress. Bags and manual staging before visiting must be passed into the storage chamber.

Interesting facts about Lenin's Mausoleum.

  • In interesting facts, the fact that unique combustion methods developed by scientists V. P. Vorobyev and B. I. Zbars were applied to the preservation of the body. They allow you to store the facial features and the body of the object without changes about a hundred years.
  • Many political figures were similar to such embellishment. Currently, besides Lenin, the body of Mao Zedong, Kim Il Sen and Ho Chi Mina preserved.
  • A special laboratory is constantly working in the mausoleum premises, the employees of which are followed by the state of the mummy of the leader of the proletariat.
  • Because of the attempts on Lenin's body in the 60s of the 20th century in 1973, the sarcophagus was covered with a bulletproof dome. To maintain the building in the proper condition, reconstructions are constantly carried out, the last of which was in 2013.

Mausoleum Monumental burial structure, which included a camera, where the remains of the deceased, and sometimes a memorial hall. Named by the tomb of the Carian king of Malcarrus in the city of Galicarnas (now in Turkey; Middle of the IV century BC). It… … Encyclopedia Newsmakers

Mausoleum Lenin - On Red Square (see Red Square). Monument to the assistant V. I. Lenin (see Lenin Vladimir Ilyich) still keeps crystal sarcophagus with a disheveled body. The first wooden version of the Mausoleum, which represented a cube, topped ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

Mausoleum V. I. Lenin - Monument The tomb of the Kremlin Wall on the Red Square of Moscow, in the mourning hall of which the sarcophagus was installed with the balsamized body of the founder of the Soviet Socialist state in Russia Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov Lenin. ... ... Encyclopedia Newsmakers

Mausoleum Vladimir Ilyich Lenin - Mausoleum V. I. Lenin Monument, construction from the Kremlin Wall on the Red Square of Moscow, in the mourning hall of which the sarcophagus was installed with the balsamized body of the founder of the Soviet Socialist state in Russia Vladimir Ilyich ... ... Encyclopedia Newsmakers

mausoleum V. I. Lenin - Mausoleum V. I. Lenin. Moscow Red Square. Gabronorite, Granite, Labrador, Labradoritis, Marble, Porphyr. 1929-1930. Architect A. V. Schusev. Mausoleum V. I. Lenin in Moscow, a monument to the tomb at the Kremlin Wall on Red Square, in ... ... Artistic Encyclopedia.

Mausoleum V. and Lenin - Mausoleum V. I. Lenin, a monument to the tomb at the Kremlin Wall on the Red Square of Moscow, in the mourning hall of which the sarcophagus was installed with the balsamized body of Vladimir Ilyich Lenin. During the celebrations (demonstrations, rallies, military parades and ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

Mausoleum V. I. Lenin - In Moscow, a monument to the tomb at the Kremlin Wall on Red Square, in the mourning hall of which sarcophagus was installed with the body V. I. Lenin. During the folk celebrations, Mausoleum serves as a government tribune. January 27, 1924 Architect A. ... ... Artistic Encyclopedia.

Mausoleum - Lenina, Moscow. Mausoleum (Latin Mausoleum, from the Greek Mausoleion), a monumental burial structure, including the camera, where the remains of the deceased were placed. It is called the tomb of the Carian king Mauchal in Galicarnassa (mid 4th century to ... ... Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary

MAUSOLEUM - (Lat. Mausoleum). The magnificent gravestone monument of Mausola, the King of the Kariasky, delivered by his wife. Now means an excellent tombstone monument at all. A dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. Chudinov A.N., 1910. Mausoleum ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

Mausoleum Ho Shi Min - (Vietn. Lăng CHủ Tịch Hồ Chí Minh) Tomb of the First President North ... Wikipedia


  • Mausoleum Lenin, S. Khan-Magomedov. The book set out the history of the construction of Mausoleum V. I. Lenin on Red Square in Moscow, the construction and modification of which was conducted for more than 20 years since 1924. Detail considered everything ... Buy for 1125 rubles
  • Mausoleum Lenin, Alexey Abramov. Story about the history of the creation of Mausoleum Vladimir Ilyich Lenin ...