What dreams of sunscreen glasses are shot. What dreams of glasses in a dream, dream book see points what means

What dreams of sunscreen glasses are shot. What dreams of glasses in a dream, dream book see points what means
What dreams of sunscreen glasses are shot. What dreams of glasses in a dream, dream book see points what means

Points are a means for improving vision for those who do not see well or protect against the bright sun of reality. In a dream, they are a signal in order to better consider the real situation.

Especially such a dream is important to decipher those dreams who have acute vision that does not need correction.

Symbols of sleep

Snowstanding glasses - symbol Coming Changes that may be provoked by unknown personalities. What exactly will they, help learn sleep details. It is necessary to pay attention to their color, appointment, action with them, etc. Have they been yours and you wear them in life.

If a glasses dreamed of a man with bad eyesight, perhaps, physiology through the subconscious suggests that it is time to check the vision to pick a new correction tool.

If the dream "Orliny" gazeBut in a dream you have tried glasses, then in this situation you need to deal with the meaning of the dream. Some dream interpreters claim that in life you just want to look solid and feel older.

Ask yourself a question that such a glasses for you? If you perceived them in a dream, as part of the image, then such a dream does not carry any warning.

If not, then I will feel helplessness and need support and even protection from your environment.

Glasses in dream girls

The appearance of this accessory in the ladies; Not at all to good. He warns that someone has intentions to deceive you and confuse. The current situation will really be confused, but keep prudeliness.

In this case, you need to pay attention to your manipulations with this accessory in a dream.

Wearing and measure glasses. Sleep expresses your concern about the events that occur. You doubt someone and wait for this person. You are not satisfied with the current situation. But before acting, analyze it to the smallest detail and there is the correct answer.

Purchase. Such a dream can be understood in two ways. On the one hand, you may have to visit the oculist because of vision. On the other hand, you need the wise council in reality. But you have a well-developed intuition, rely on it, it will replace any advice.

Find glasses. In reality, you will receive unexpected support from an unfamiliar person. And the help parse is just in time.

The mysterious person will help to figure out the most confusing matters.

Lose glasses. Such a dream warns of a severe life situation that you will be difficult to transfer. To survive, you will have to estimate objectively all the circumstances of what is happening.


Sunscreen in a dream It suggests that in reality you need to protect yourself from communicating with bad people who have a bad reputation. They not only glory such, but also the thoughts that can harm you strongly. Sleep promises change to the worst in your life, if you do not remove from these "dark" personalities. They are much stronger and more influential than it seems. Your subconsciously warns about it.

Broken glasses in dream Sluts separation with a loved one in a short time. But this should not be concerned, but those temptations that will arise in his absence. Sleep warns you to find the strength and abandon temptations, otherwise the relationship will give a fatal crack.

If a in a dream, glasses broke, then wait for the free news about your relative environment. Information will reveal your eyes on some of them. And you will change the opinion of them in the root.

Read in glasses

A dream in which you read in a dream, warns about the unpleasant situation. You may be safe and unfair to blame, erecting imaging and slander. To participate in this will be your ill-wishers not without supporting someone from your environment. Especially to be afraid you need the dreams who do not use glasses in life. In this case, the situation can go far and likely unfavorable finals.


A dream in which you drop out of hand glasses, suggests that in life you act very indecisive. This is the reason for your turmoil and failure. If you change the tactics and become more damaged - wait for changes to the better. Bela is a band, but only if your solutions will be the same wise, as before, only the speed of their adoption will change.

Points on another person

See in dream glasses on someone Another also a bad harbinger.

Be careful not to trust a stranger, especially if some important transaction is on the nose. The consequences of this deception will pursue you for a long time.

Miller's interpreter attaches negative meaning greeted points in a dream. You are waiting for inevitable life changes. They will be the result of the actions of the people unfamiliar to you. These individuals may appear in your reality through a close environment. Therefore, be alert, among the native people there are traitors and liars who use your trust. Try to calculate these horns.

Erotic dream book

A dream about glasses says aboutthat you do not want to look in the eye and do not notice important events around. This refers to the behavior of a loved one, to his adventures and adventure on the side. Your intuition warns about deception, but you refuse to take it.

If in a dream you saw how glasses are broken, Know that I will have "goodwires" who will open up the truth. And then it will be impossible to deny it.

Points personify insight and insightness. If you saw this sign in night gold, I will reveal the previously selected path. You want to hide your erroneous decision taken in the past. Only now you realized what it led to.

If a frames were multicolored lensesThis indicates disunity of views with your loved ones. This misunderstanding will turn into a conflict.

Esoteric dream book

In this interpretation points are a third eye symbol. And only his discovery will help to cope with all the wrong problems. If you speak easier, then you need to look at the situation not head, but by intuition. Such an unusual method will give unexpected results. It also concerns and revise its attitude towards others.

In this interpretation eyepieces are harbing bad mood. In such a state, you should not make important decisions, because because of the emotions you see the situation is not entirely objective. Try that your storm will not affect people relatives to you, otherwise do not avoid problems in relationships.

In addition, seen in a dream glasses can warn about the loss of the location of the person important in your life. It can be lost grace from the leadership.

Glasses in a dream warn the dreamIt should be revealed to look into the essence of what is happening, throwing the visible. And what exactly to pay attention will be prompted by interpreters.

In the article on the topic: "Dream Dream Man in glasses" - presents current information on this issue for 2018.

If in a dream you saw or someone else on my face glasses, carefully consider how they looked. Dream Interpretation advises to prepare for the coming changes specially caused by unknown people. To learn more, what dreams this accessory is, it is possible, but for this you need to remember the entire plot in the details.

Sun protecting

Sleep, in which sunglasses dreamed of, foreshadow the coming success in affairs.

The universal dream book promises a dream, who saw sunglasses in his nightly Gresses, the presence of people in his life with bad thoughts, which are much stronger than it seems at first glance. They can greatly harm if they want.

In a dream, this accessory in a young girl, which means that someone wants to deceive, confuse her and confuse. The dream in which the girl quarrels with his chosen one and it is put on black glasses, promises a long separation or parting.

Broken, broken

If broken glasses have dreamed, it promises an ambulance with a loved one and the fight against temptations due to its temporary absence.

Modern dream book predicts disappointment in a close person, to open the eyes on which the "well-wishers" could. But, do not hurry to believe these people, and better, as you think about everything, you can, perhaps, this is an evil joke and the devoid of intention to embroil you with a young man.

If the glasses broke in sleep, it predicts that soon information will appear, it is able to change your opinion about people who are very close.

Wear and try on

If in a dream you ourselves wore glasses for sight, this may mean personal disbelief in all what is happening and waiting for a trick from others.

To learn more to what the present plot dream will help the details and semantic ending of the dream. Sheremen's dream book warns that if seeing it leads to indignation, you should be alert. If you dreamed of something good, joyful, then try to relax a little and distract from bad thoughts.

If you dream that you are attending glasses, then you do not like the current state of affairs.

Grishina's dream book is confident that changing points - a warning that calls to look at the approximate and surroundings, reconsider your lifestyle.

Purchase in the store

The plot in which you bought glasses in a dream, doubly decrypted.

According to the first version, it is necessary to seriously treat your vision. Perhaps the near future will have to visit the oculist.

The second version reports that you need a wise council without which it is impossible to make an important decision.

Another explanation option, what is the dream is similar - your intuition is perfectly developed. With it, you can easily find a way out of the most difficult situations.

Various interpretations

Having a dreaming man in the eyepieces, whether he is familiar or not, gives hope that the feelings that you experience to a young person are mutual and they have a future.

Finding in a dream of eyepieces means get help from an outsider who will help to figure out the confused affairs. The dream of Ezopa Sulit is an unexpected "insight" and a cardinal change of your opinion in a positive or negative side.

Miller Dream Interpretation in Night Glasses decodes as the foresight of the future change, whose faults are previously unknown people. The discerning accessory assumes the presence in the close environment of deceivers that abuse your trust.

I bought glasses for sight, with the purpose of buying.

I was presented with very beautiful glasses for sight. And I wore them, periodically removing.

I would like to hear the decoding of sleep.

Departure, leaving for a job, rushed with loved ones.

I have already seen twice how my glasses break in a dream. At first in half, then the holders on the nose flew away. Although with your beloved, and so far in separation. And yes, there are gossip, virtues who want to divide us.

In a dream, Lenin glasses were handed me. Although it was not seen on TV, so that Lenin be wore glasses. What can it mean?

I walked down the street in a dream and saw a beautiful glasses from Dior were beautiful, they were in general on the hands there were 4 pieces, what it was and I still had them.

Business competitor sells sunglasses. I worry in a dream.

My sunglasses moved the car, but the rim was Czeme, there was no lenses.

In a dream at night, I put on sunglasses, and they broke and froze.

He dreamed that the man I love, but broke up a month ago, sits in glasses with a black big rim and it also gives me glasses, but with very small, straight tiny lenses. I put on a while, and then removed. Other glasses lay on the table.

What dreams of glasses

To see the glasses in a dream - the subconscious signal that you should consider the reality as it really is. Usually, a similar dream is interpreted as a warning to which it is important to treat with all seriousness. So why dream fashion accessory?

Interpretation of popular dream books: Miller, Hassei Other

Miller warns that the dashed glasses are a symbol of change, mainly due to the actions of other people. The surrounding abuse the trustworthy of a dream, he has undergiving a lot.

Medium Hasse explains the glasses seen in a dream as a chance to live to a deep old age.

White magician Y. Longo interprets the image of glasses in a dream as a need to really look at things. A lot of dreams in their lives explains annoying chance, but this is not always the case. Tip: It's time to "reveal" eyes, otherwise you can lose not only a positive mood, but also your own career, finance, friendly relations. It is now important for you to be more attentive and not to share with all the details of your life.

Tsvetkova's dream book says: Sleeping about glasses warns of distrust of you one of your friends.

By the dream of Loffa see points in a dream - it means the subconscious wants to tell you: Do not make yourself deceive! I'll show you lygut, hide the truth, and you do not notice cheating or not recognize that they noticed. If you broke the glasses in a dream: the secret will become apparent.

Who dreams sleep: man, woman, girl

  1. For a girl: a dream in which she was in glasses, he foreshadows communion with people unpleasant to her. If this accessory in a dream was not she, and her beloved man, then in reality, you can wait for a quarrel right up to break. Broken glasses symbolize the temptation, which you can succumb to when you are in separation with your guy. Did you dream with protective glasses? So, the subconsciously warns about the bad reputation of the surrounding people.
  2. Woman: Snnowment about glasses foreshadows disappointment, confusion. The married young lady This image in a dream warns about the possible infidelity of the spouse or about his dishonesty towards you in some words or actions. Your vigilance shifts beautiful words and sweet promises, but just during this period you need to be especially attentive.
  3. For a man: a dream in which he wears glasses, means deception, disappointment in colleagues and business partners. The subconscious warns: you can betray those who you trust. Be careful in actions and words. If you have lost glasses in the dream, it symbolizes your uncertainty. Perhaps, in reality you have to make an important choice, and you want to draw all the pros and cons.

What glasses have dreamed: to improve vision, sunscreen, broken or broken stools

You have dreamed that you are wearing sights for vision, although in reality, do it without this subject? In reality, you do not believe someone, wait for the trick from the people who surround you. Remember how in a dream you treated what they looked through the glasses glasses. If you did not like what is happening, you were furious, then in reality it is worth being alert. Winned pleased you - relax and distracted by unkind thoughts that do not give rest.

Dreamnation in which sunglasses was present, there are some interpretations. It all depends on whom they were put. If this accessory wore you - I will have a quick success in matters. Dark glasses on someone else: you lost confidence in someone from people around you. Perhaps you are biased to evaluate some life situation.

Broken glasses or broken windows shot to disappointment. Perhaps the dreams recognize the true cause of the actions of a loved one. However, do not hurry to trust everything that will say, and chop out the spur. First, listen both sides, weigh everything and only then make a decision. Dreaming that you break the glasses warns of financial loss due to your inattention.

Right of the glasses that you have seen in a dream symbolizes family status. If in a dream it is broken, be morally ready for problems in the family. Cracked frame: the dream will be difficult to establish relationships with loved ones. Right of gold: in reality will be accused of half in infidelity.

Dunning actions: Buy, find, measure and not only

  1. Buy in a dream, glasses - the showing of the dreams deliberately closes his eyes to certain things. You can't take an important decision and need a wise council. Contact your person who trust, and whose recommendations have not helped in life. Some dreams, on the contrary, interpret a similar dream as you have a well-developed intuition.
  2. Did you dream about the glasses? You are very unhappy with your lifestyle, or some kind of sphere. This image in a dream is the signal of your subconscious. Take care carefully to others, perhaps the relationship with many of them should be completed. Revise the usual reality. Most likely, it is worth a lot to change to be satisfied with your own life.
  3. If you measure the glasses of the deceased: the dreams will reveal a profitable offer or profit. But after that thank the deceased. If you know where the grave is located, then drive there, correct the fence, put flowers. Do not know - go to church and put a candle for the rest of his soul.
  4. Did you read what you read in glasses? Be prepared for an unjust charge.
  5. Drop the glasses in a dream - to a temporary stop in affairs, obstacles to the way to achieve the goal.
  6. If in a dream you gave points - I will get a valuable advice from the wise person.
  7. Find glasses in a dream - to powerful support. Someone will contribute to the implementation of your plans. You may find out with a person who can reveal you the true essence of many things and situations.
  8. Did you lose this accessory in the dream? In reality there is a disappointment. Search for them - to bustle and fear. Perhaps you will look for the opportunity to earn, protect yourself from impending trouble.

Did you dream of a man in glasses? In reality, this dream promises mutual feelings with a loved one. Your relationship has a future! And vice versa, if in a dream your boyfriend, groom or husband wore glasses - wait for a quarrel.

If you dreamed of a girl in glasses - someone from loved ones deceives you, hiding the real objectives of the actions.

Points, which in a dream, constantly slipped into the nose, foreshadow tedious communication with a unpleasant person. He will impose your society to you, strive to spend time with you, despite your obvious reluctance of this.

It dreamed that even with glasses you can not clearly see - I will wait for obstacles to your goal. It is quite possible, a small unpleasant event will happen, the solution of which will have to spend a lot of time and effort.

In a dream, I sat on the glasses - I will refuse to give up the help you will be offered. If you dreamed that you give you glasses or a person close to you - you will seem to seek to you in real life who will give you a good advice. They took accessory to the accessory at the Nefsau - in reality, let's go on the gossip.

Most often, glasses in a dream call a dream to pay attention to the real state of affairs. What would this be related - work, friendly relations, family - accessory warns you of possible deception. Be careful, careful, and remember: it is better to know the true face of a person than to continue to be mistaken in imaginary relationships.

What we are foreshadowed and what the glasses are shot - popular dream books reveal the secret of sleep.

Points are a means for improving vision for those who do not see well or protect against the bright sun of reality. In a dream, they are a signal in order to better consider the real situation.

Especially such a dream is important to decipher those dreams who have acute vision that does not need correction.

Symbols of sleep

Snowstanding glasses - symbol Coming Changes that may be provoked by unknown personalities. What exactly will they, help learn sleep details. It is necessary to pay attention to their color, appointment, action with them, etc. Have they been yours and you wear them in life.

If a glasses dreamed of a man with bad eyesight, perhaps, physiology through the subconscious suggests that it is time to check the vision to pick a new correction tool.

If the dream "Orliny" gazeBut in a dream you have tried glasses, then in this situation you need to deal with the meaning of the dream. Some dream interpreters claim that in life you just want to look solid and feel older.

If not, then I will feel helplessness and need support and even protection from your environment.

Glasses in dream girls

The appearance of this accessory in the ladies; Not at all to good. He warns that someone has intentions to deceive you and confuse. The current situation will really be confused, but keep prudeliness.

If in a dream came familiar man in glassesSo, in reality you have hope for mutual feelings. Your relationship has a future.

Sleep, in which the beloved person appeared in dark glasses, promises parting, which will follow after a major quarrel.

Glasses for sight

In this case, you need to pay attention to your manipulations with this accessory in a dream.

Wearing and measure glasses. Sleep expresses your concern about the events that occur. You doubt someone and wait for this person. You are not satisfied with the current situation. But before acting, analyze it to the smallest detail and there is the correct answer.

Purchase. Such a dream can be understood in two ways. On the one hand, you may have to visit the oculist because of vision. On the other hand, you need the wise council in reality. But you have a well-developed intuition, rely on it, it will replace any advice.

The mysterious person will help to figure out the most confusing matters.

Lose glasses. Such a dream warns of a severe life situation that you will be difficult to transfer. To survive, you will have to estimate objectively all the circumstances of what is happening.


Sunscreen in a dream It suggests that in reality you need to protect yourself from communicating with bad people who have a bad reputation. They not only glory such, but also the thoughts that can harm you strongly. Sleep promises change to the worst in your life, if you do not remove from these "dark" personalities. They are much stronger and more influential than it seems. Your subconsciously warns about it.

Broken glasses in dream Sluts separation with a loved one in a short time. But this should not be concerned, but those temptations that will arise in his absence. Sleep warns you to find the strength and abandon temptations, otherwise the relationship will give a fatal crack.

If a in a dream, glasses broke, then wait for the free news about your relative environment. Information will reveal your eyes on some of them. And you will change the opinion of them in the root.

Read in glasses

A dream in which you read in a dream, warns about the unpleasant situation. You may be safe and unfair to blame, erecting imaging and slander. To participate in this will be your ill-wishers not without supporting someone from your environment. Especially to be afraid you need the dreams who do not use glasses in life. In this case, the situation can go far and likely unfavorable finals.

A dream in which you drop out of hand glasses, suggests that in life you act very indecisive. This is the reason for your turmoil and failure. If you change the tactics and become more damaged - wait for changes to the better. Bela is a band, but only if your solutions will be the same wise, as before, only the speed of their adoption will change.

Points on another person

See in dream glasses on someone Another also a bad harbinger.

Be careful not to trust a stranger, especially if some important transaction is on the nose. The consequences of this deception will pursue you for a long time.

Dream Miller

Miller's interpreter attaches negative meaning greeted points in a dream. You are waiting for inevitable life changes. They will be the result of the actions of the people unfamiliar to you. These individuals may appear in your reality through a close environment. Therefore, be alert, among the native people there are traitors and liars who use your trust. Try to calculate these horns.

Erotic dream book

A dream about glasses says aboutthat you do not want to look in the eye and do not notice important events around. This refers to the behavior of a loved one, to his adventures and adventure on the side. Your intuition warns about deception, but you refuse to take it.

If in a dream you saw how glasses are broken, Know that I will have "goodwires" who will open up the truth. And then it will be impossible to deny it.

Psychoanalytic dream book

Points personify insight and insightness. If you saw this sign in night gold, I will reveal the previously selected path. You want to hide your erroneous decision taken in the past. Only now you realized what it led to.

If a frames were multicolored lensesThis indicates disunity of views with your loved ones. This misunderstanding will turn into a conflict.

Esoteric dream book

In this interpretation points are a third eye symbol. And only his discovery will help to cope with all the wrong problems. If you speak easier, then you need to look at the situation not head, but by intuition. Such an unusual method will give unexpected results. It also concerns and revise its attitude towards others.

Slavic dream book

In this interpretation eyepieces are harbing bad mood. In such a state, you should not make important decisions, because because of the emotions you see the situation is not entirely objective. Try that your storm will not affect people relatives to you, otherwise do not avoid problems in relationships.

In addition, seen in a dream glasses can warn about the loss of the location of the person important in your life. It can be lost grace from the leadership.

Glasses in a dream warn the dreamIt should be revealed to look into the essence of what is happening, throwing the visible. And what exactly to pay attention will be prompted by interpreters.

Binoculars microscope

Dream Dark Glasses, Protective Strengthen the feelings of suspicion, distrust of that, on whom they are dressed; The blessing of the assessment of the situation.
Glasses in a snow Mistrust; mind; Independence from someone else's opinion. Dream Stranger

Dream Points Glasses in a dream foreshadow changes, the reason for which people unknown to you will be accurately. Beware of abuse your trust. Wearing glasses in a dream - to a painful communication with an obsessive man. If the girl dreams her chosen one in glasses - inevitable quarrel or gap. Broken glasses foreshadow forbidden pleasures during separation with your loved one you. Protective glasses in a dream warned against communicating with people with a bad reputation located next to you. A young woman such a dream warns of the need to resist false assures that can confuse her. Modern dream book

Dream Points Sleeping about glasses: predicts that some unfamiliar people will change your affairs. You cruelly pay for excessive gullibility. If you are shot broken glasses: such a dream foreshadows the alienation that you will experience because of love for unauthorized pleasures. See in a dream Protective glasses: the fores of the rapid acts. You lose money by following the advice of people with a dubious reputation. A young woman see protective glasses in a dream: it means that she will stick to beliefs that reverse her future. Modern dream book

Sleep value glasses Points: Image of an alien "Computer Program", which manages a person or situation, distorts reality in a certain direction. This symbol indicates a tendency to negate the deviation signals from the right path. Italian dream book Meneghetti

Sleep glasses To see the glasses foreshadowed that in a frivolous pursuit of entertainment, miss the moment, thanks to which you could provide a quick takeoff of your career. Wearing glasses in a dream foreshadows the receipt of all the best, which will affect not only you personally, but your closest relatives. You will buy glasses - in real life you will be surrounded by the honors, have the right to which you yourself will doubt and feel embarrassed in such a position. Losing glasses means that you do not fully appreciate what you have, and not fully use the opportunities provided for you to create your own happiness. Break points foreshadows troubles that you can avoid if you overcome your confusion on time and will act strongly and vigorously. Sunglasses - sign of coming success in affairs. Glasses with a gold rim foreshadow an unexpected and strange incident, which will make you doubt the loyalty of a husband or a lover. Read in a dream in glasses - get a false idea of \u200b\u200ba person with whom to meet, but the meeting will put everything in its place. To see someone in glasses that are not harmonized with the face of this person - your feeling will find a response in the heart of the desired man. Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Dream glasses Points: insight. Calculation of deviations from the previously selected path. The desire to hide the person due to the fact that the points are the detail of the mask. Defenseless because the loss of points leads to "blindness". Lenses on glasses of different colors: conflict in views, ambivalence. Psychoanalytic dream book

What dreams of glasses Sleep about broken glasses means because of the separation with your beloved you will look for consolation in dubious pleasures. If the girl dictates safety glasses, it means that she should not listen to the advice of false people, otherwise she risks being deceived in their best feelings. A girl or a woman who dreamed that her beloved wearing glasses, reappearly quarreled or discernment with him. Dream interpretation for lovers

Dream Points Glasses: a signal that you need to closely look at your surroundings or to the future. Microscope: warns you against exaggeration of difficulties. Put the glasses if you do not wear: exercise excessive curiosity. See glasses: Call to look at the situation. ABC Interpretation of dreams

Dream Points Glasses: Difference to close people wearing glasses: You will buy long years to buy glasses: Be careful to lose glasses: Look good for your property, break points: to suffer losses Dream Azara

Dream Points Wearing glasses in a dream, although I don't wear them in a dream: Sleep advises you to take more close attention to what is happening around you. You are ready to write off an error or chance in the light, and meanwhile happens on someone else's will. This wagon can greatly worsen and your complacent mood, and a state, if, of course, you will not take any measures. And these measures are very simple: not to tell all your friends and unfamiliar about their affairs and problems, do not frankly with whom fell. Remember: even a completely random person can become a source of malicious forces, such as a passenger in the subway, with whom you talk from the overaffect of sociability. Agree, to know how your second half is doing, or what problems your children arise, it is not necessary for those in whom you are not sure. Trust this information by proven, reliable friends who will not cause you evil. Split glasses in a dream: you are waiting for a monetary loss, and your reason will serve as a reason. Most likely, you will lose some significant amounts of money in transport or overpay the extra on the market. Be careful, and sleep may not come true. If in a dream you have poorly seen even through glasses: it means you are waiting for some obstacle in your desire to have a good weekend. Perhaps you will get the guests to you, which will prevent you from stroll or just lie on the sofa. Perhaps the dream will proper annoying trouble, which nevertheless takes you a lot of time and effort. Dream of white magician

Dream Points Points. If you dream glasses - it means that there will be change in your life, and people will be failing for that. Deceivers will be abused by your trust. Broken glasses mean that separation from a close person will push you to unauthorized pleasures. See the protective glasses is a dream warning you about the power of people with a bad reputation that are near you. If the protective glasses will see a young woman in a dream - this means that she is in vain listens to false assures that can confuse her. Wearing glasses in a dream - promises you the socio-friendly society that you will be painful. If the girl will dream of her chosen one's glasses - inevitable quarrel or gap. Large dream book

Dream Points Glasses: In your life there will be unwanted changes, whose faults will be unknown to you, you will find yourself in the authorities of deceivers that will abuse your trust. Dream of Future

Dream Points Points will be drawn to changes, whose guilt can be unknown to you. If you dream broken glasses, remember that separation from a close person is not a reason for unauthorized pleasures. Sleeping about sunglasses warns that people with a bad reputation have a strong power with a bad reputation. If the protective glasses will see a young woman in a dream - she can confuse her anyone's sense. The dream in which you wear glasses promises you a society of some obsessive person. The girl who dreamed of her chosen one can quarrel with him or even part forever. Large universal dream book

Dream Point If you dream of a game of cards or how someone gives cards, and especially what you notice is one of the points: This means that you will become a key figure in a love adventure (Claw point), lawsuit (Clep Tref), the fight for Legacy (Point of Bube) or Scandal (Pick Opening).
Glasses in a snow Glasses: You make a profitable discovery for yourself. Your enemies hoped that you would not notice. Gypsy dream book

Dream Points "To look at the world through dark (or pink) glasses." Idiom dream book

Dream Points Glasses - distrust; mind; Independence from someone else's opinion. Dark glasses, protective - strengthen the feelings of suspicion, distrust of that, on whom they are dressed; The blessing of the assessment of the situation. Dream Interpretation Master Dreams

Dream Points Glasses (binoculars, microscope) - a signal that you need to closely look at your environment or to the future. The microscope warns you against exaggeration of difficulties. Put the glasses (if you do not wear), look at binoculars - to show excessive curiosity. See glasses, binoculars, lens - a call to look at the situation. Sonniest Medea

Dream Points Glasses in a dream: foreshadow change, the reason for which people unknown to you will be accurately. Beware of abuse your trust. Wearing glasses in a dream: to a painful communication with an obsessive man. If the girl dreams of her chosen one's glasses: inevitable quarrel or gap. Broken: foreshadow the forbidden pleasures during separation with your loved one you. Protective glasses in a dream: warn from communicating with people with a bad reputation located next to you. A young woman is such a dream: warns about the need to resist false assures that can confuse her. Dream of a modern woman

Dream Points Points: Image of an alien mechanical program that manages a person or situation, distorts reality. Points in your dreams: indicate the reluctance to listen to the voice of their intuition and, as a result, about deviation from the right path. Dream of Past

Dream Points (Binoculars, Microscope) The signal that you need to carefully look at your environment or to the future. The microscope warns you against exaggeration of difficulties. Put the glasses (if you do not wear), look at binoculars - to show excessive curiosity. See glasses, binoculars, lens - a call to look at the situation. Tutorial interpretation of dreams

Dream Points Points are starred: to change, whose fault can be unknown to you. If you are dreaming broken glasses: remember that separation from a close person is not a reason for unauthorized pleasures. Sleeping about sunglasses: Warns that people with a bad reputation have a strong power with a bad reputation. If a protective glasses will see a young woman in a dream: she can confuse her anyone's sense. Sleep, in which you wear glasses: promises you a society of some obsessive person. The girl who dreamed of her chosen one's glasses: can quarrel with him or part forever. Family dream book

Dream Points We all ever did the fact that we themselves embarrassed: you feel that we made yourself a mixture and so you dreamed of glasses? Think of such an interpretation of sleep if you don't wear glasses in real life. If you often dream about glasses: I still advise you to turn to the oculist and check your eyesight. We all want to clearly see things. If in a dream you wear glasses, and in real life you do not wear: perhaps it is a sign that you want to more clearly see the situation. Where are you in a dream? It can suggest, in what area of \u200b\u200byour life you would like to achieve clarity. Nowadays, glasses have become a fashionable accessory: in a dream, glasses make you more or less attractive? You may want to give yourself a more business view. Or you just want to enjoy the illusions of life, i.e. Look at the world through pink glasses. Sunglasses: were invented to hide the squint, and now they have become trendy accessory. We approach the choice of glasses as seriously as to the choice of hairstyles. If you dream of sunglasses: it means that you have no clear idea of \u200b\u200bsomething. Do you prefer to look at life through rose glasses? It is also possible that you do not want people to know where you are looking at and what your attention is drawn. If in a dream you wear sunglasses with reflective glasses: what kind of person in your dream wants to know what you think about him? Do you need something to tell this person in real life? In a dream, do you wear sunglasses in a dark room? Where are you?: This will determine what you think you should hide. You feel uncomfortable or, on the contrary, consider yourself a fashionable and modern person, i.e. Do you need such details to raise self-esteem? In fact, sunglasses: protect us from blinding light. In your life there is something as bright and bright, that you can't look at it right? Tips received in a dream

Dream Sunshine glasses

Sleep, in which glasses have dreamed, quite frequent phenomenon. It is worth paying attention to him if they were one of the main sleep symbols. If you are concentrated in a dream exactly on them, or they attracted your attention with something.

What dreams of glasses

All dreams, without exception, give an interpretation to such a symbol as glasses. First, their great many varieties. Secondly, as a rule, dreams with them contain an interesting storyline, and therefore have a variety of interpretations.

Opinions Sonnikov

At the moment we will be interested in sunglasses. What, in the opinion of the interpreters of dreams, they can dream.

Dream of Evdokia

If dreamed of sunglasses

The healer believed that seeing sunglasses on another person - to a meeting with a powerful patron, which would help to settle unresolved affairs, help with protection. But at the same time he will not have a flawless reputation. You will have to decide whether to choose a quick outcome of a complex business, but stain yourself, or get everything on your own.

Dream interpretation housewife

Dark are considered a Bulletin of approaching well-being, good luck.

If you see a person in original, designer glasses - your feelings for another will be mutual.

Modern dream book

Sunglasses in a dream, indicate you that unpleasant people, with bad inclinations in your environment have great power. Do not join them into an open conflict, better hold on with removed.

For a young, unmarried girl, a similar dream may mean that some of his flattering can captivate her on the wrong path.

Dream Miller

Similar dreams, take off when you hang up the threat from an influential, but unprincipled person. The dream is a warning, do not trust the vile personalities. For their small service, they will require too high price.

For a girl - do not listen to false assurances, they are taking a sense and give you away from the target target.

Wearing dark glasses - there will be a bad communication with an unpleasant person.

Health Dream Interpretation

This dream book puts forward a hypothesis that any glasses that you dream, and in particular sunscreen, lead to a disease associated with vision.

Negative predictions

A dream in which this accessory is present to protect against the Sun, has several negative interpretations:

To separation from your loved one

  • among friends deceivers;
  • vision problems;
  • separation with your loved one or deception from his side;
  • difficult situation from which you will look for a long time.

Individual predictions

If, after waking, you remember not only dark glasses, but also related symbols - interpretation will be more complete.

  • What dreams of buying Dear Designer Accessory? For a trip to the sea.
  • What do they dream in your pocket? To a merry feast with expensive hearts.
  • What to measure sunglasses? Find a way out of not a good situation.
  • What dreams of glasses with round glasses? To romantic dinner.

If you drop them and disarm them, it means that soon you can learn a new craft, or get useful skills.

In a dream, lenting someone's glasses - the possibility of a romantic weekend or travel.

To drop and crush the foot - we will become an experimenter in an intimate life.

Find - You can't part with your complexes. There is another interpretation, what to dream to find sunglasses - you will be able to get help from the right person.

Other interpretations

Lying on the beach in glasses - you have feelings for your work colleague.

Drive the car in glasses protecting from sun rays - signs of attention from an unfamiliar person who will answer reciprocity.

Give someone - promising dating. Receive as a gift - a pleasant pastime with a stranger.

Glasses without glasses - get on a tour of beautiful places.

Dream Interpretation argues that most interpretations that sunglasses dream are indicated by the distorted perception of reality. The reason for all sorts of misinformation and people who hide the true essence. Some details in a dream will help to expose hypocrites.

Eyes Miller

Miller's dream book you can find a variety of explanations, what the sunglasses are shot. Often it is a harbinger of change, as well as a warning sign. Sleeping is desirable to look at the surrounding, among which may be personality with unkind intentions.

When a girl in a dream happens to see the chosen face, a quarrel is possible on the basis of distrust, and if herself is high likely to be in an unpleasant company. Damage to glass or rim in a dream will enhance something previously unauthorized in real life.

welcome to reality

In a universal dream interpretation of sleep, what dreams of measuring sunglasses, often depends on the place of action and the result of the fitting. A luxurious boutique foreshadows rest on an elite resort, and a pesting cheerful shop - a lot of friends.

To see that the accessory in a dream perfectly approached, it happens to those who can take non-standard solutions in difficult situations. If a model was dreamed of, which is not at all to the face, sleeping risks disappointing the meaningful person for him.

When in a dream, it is necessary to measure too darkened solar optics, the revision of the usual looks. Sometimes the symbol means excessive curiosity on the verge of unceremonia. If you have made it possible to measure dark windows, the interpreter of Dmitry and the winter hopes believes that you are too pessimistic.

The choice is yours

Dream Longo offers a very curious interpretation, what dreams of choosing sunglasses. Looks like a sweet lie to you more to taste than bitter truth. Whether you are ready to write off meanness and deception on a mistake or confluence.

In predicting a new era, a symbol means that excessive word is threatened to turn against you. When you choose a beach accessory in a dream, you have a young person, the Jewish dream book recommends that the call of heart is more than someone else's words. A good choice testifies to respect for friends and colleagues.


In dreams contained explanations, what the broken windows are shot, broken rims and other troubles:

  • If in a dream, it was lit to break this item, troubles in the family are coming;
  • Broken glass foreshadows damages by negligence, be alert;
  • Broken protective accessories symbolize blindness, fortunately, in a figurative sense;
  • When cracks interfere with seeing, in reality, something can upset to tears;
  • The grid of cracks also suggests that you are trying to drag something from you;
  • If you have dreamed that optics after falling are not subject to repair, master the new business;
  • Break sunglasses intentionally happens to lovers of sexual experiments.

If in a dream it was lucky to find sunglasses, the dream book of the Wanderer promises unexpected support. With the help of a stranger or unfamiliar person, you can achieve a lot.

The snorker from A to I claims that such finds can be dreamed of stubbodnes, which even marked on the brain map will not convince the selected route.

According to a psychoanalytic interpreter, it is possible to find such a thing in a dream to be unusually insightful people with developed intuition, which is almost impossible to deceive.

Towards adventure

Dream intercoms explain in detail what dreams of getting sunglasses as a gift. Most of them recommend not to turn their back to someone who dreamed as a donor. The dream hero intends to mislead for mercenary purposes.

If the figure of the donor is blurred, I remember only the very fact of receiving the present, the dream is ahead of the Lestenness band. The predictor of the XXI century encourages that random travelers in the car, visits to strangers and credibility in financial matters will go from the hands.

When you make such a gift, the snorker promises new promising acquaintances with experienced and influential people.

Key to health and success

If large sunglasses have dreamed, Health Dream Suspects the beginning of problems with vision and advises to adopt prophylactic measures. If I happened, being in them, to see an unpleasant person, in reality the opinion about it will change for the better.

When the counter guy was dreamed with a closed half face, the female oracle warns that joyful perolet is expected in the personal life of sleeping.

Children's dream book assures that the one who was lucky to see himself in black sunglasses, reality unrealistic.