Beautiful high resolution watercolors. Delightful watercolor paintings of modern artists

Beautiful high resolution watercolors. Delightful watercolor paintings of modern artists
Beautiful high resolution watercolors. Delightful watercolor paintings of modern artists

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Watercolor is often called the most disobedient, the most capricious paint. It is difficult to work with her, it is difficult to store it, it is unpredictable and demands from the artist for maximum concentration. But those who managed to conquer and tame it, know the secret of creating truly amazing works, looking at which you ask the only question: "To whom they sold the soul to draw so?"

website Invites you to the gallery of truly atmospheric, bright and talented works. This is exactly the modern art that is not ashamed to confess to love.

Emotional realism of Steve Hanks

Faces of people on most paintings artist are darkened or turned to the side. This is done in order to express emotions and that the body "say". "I always tried to show the world only positive moments of life. I hope that my work brings joy, peace and comfort to the viewer, "says Hanks.

Rainy watercolor Lin Ching Che

Talented artist Lin Ching Che (Lin Ching-Che) 27 years. He inspires the autumn rain. Cloudy urban streets cause a guy not longing and despondency, but the desire to take a brush into the hands. Lin Ching Che writes paintings by watercolor. Multicolored water he chants the rainy beauty of megacities.

Boiling fantasy Arusha Motsmush

Under the pseudonym Arus, Mascmush hides a talented artist from Sevastopol Alexander Shtsovtsov. The artist says about her paintings like this: "I am not trying to prove anything to anyone. I first enjoy pleasure. This is a pure drug of creativity. Or pure life - without doping. Just a miracle. "

Charm of Paris in the works of Thierry Duvaly

Paris Born in Paris, Thierry Duval traveled a lot. From here and the availability of entire series of paintings by "geographical basis". Nevertheless, Paris remained a favorite destination. The lion's share of work is devoted to the city of lovers. He has its own technique of multi-layer watercolor application, which allows you to create pictures with practically with hyperealistic detail.

Evening tranquility Joseph Zbukovich

Today, Australian of Croatian origin, Joseph Zbukvich (Joseph Zbukvic) is considered one of the pillars of watercolor drawing worldwide. The artist fell in love with watercolor literally from the first smear, he was struck by the unaccession and individuality of this technique.

The secrets of the east in the eyes of mjo wines onga

The artist Mjo Win Ong (Myoe Win Aung) devoted all his creativity by his native Burma, her everydays and holidays, laity and monks, villages and cities. This world is calm, closed in tender tones, mysterious and slightly thoughtful as a smile of Buddha.

Incredible Watercolor Joe Francis Dauden

English artist Joe Francis Dowden draws hyperrealist watercolors. And it believes that it is for everyone to everyone, you only need to know the secrets of technology. The secret of his inspiration is extremely simple: "Throw watercolor textbooks and get lost in the present forest."

Magic ballet from Liu Yi

Watercolors of this Chinese artist can be bolded to call art about art. After all, his favorite theme is the images of people who have a direct attitude towards him - for example, ballerinas or classical musicians. It is peculiar to feed them in the pictures: people as if they appear from the fine MGLL, emotional and very characteristic. To some extent, they echoed with the images of the ballerina of the French artist Edgar Degas.

Watercolor - (from Franz. Aquarelle - Water, from Lat. Aqua - water) paint for painting. It consists of a finely broken pigment, and easily soluble glues of vegetable origin - gummyiabik and dextrin. Honey, sugar and glycerin hold moisture.

Watercolor - easy, transparent, at the same time complex. Does not tolerate correction. This paint is known from ancient times. They were used in ancient Egypt, ancient China and in the countries of the ancient world. A job weld needs special, porous paper. It was invented in China. Paint is easily absorbed into it. But the complexity in transparency is impossible to overlap one color to others - mixed. It is impossible to correct the error, except that to beat the unsuccessful spot. There are watercolor "in wet" and a watercolor "dry brush". I love the first reception. He is still called "A La Prima". It is easier, more transparent.

In Europe, watercolor painting entered into use later than other childbirth. One of the artists of the Renaissance, who had achieved great success in watercolor painting was Albrecht Dürer. An example of this can serve his work "Hare".

Albrecht Durer (1471-1528) hare

Albrecht Dürer (1471-1528) Primula Ordinary, 1503. Washington, National Art Gallery

In the XVIII-XIX century, thanks to Thomas Hertine and Joseph Turner Watercolor became one of the most important types of English painting.

Thomas Girtin, English Artist (1775-1802) Savoy Castle Ruins

Thomas Gender is a young artist, died at the age of 27, but he is rightly called an outstanding artist. He very quickly developed his style: noted by some old canons, removing the limited in the figure, began to abandon the development of the foreground, sought to capture an open space, striving for panoramicity.

Turner. Inner courtyard of the Church Kirkby Lonsdale

Watercolor also constantly improved its technique, studied the nature of water and air movement. By the beginning of the XIX century in their watercolors, he reaches strength and expressiveness, usually inherent in painting by oil. By discarding excessive detail, he created a new type of landscape, through which the artist revealed his memories and experiences.

NOVATIONS OF GORTIN, which began to use watercolor for paintings of large format, and Turnner, significantly enriched the arsenal of watercolor techniques, caused the further rise of the English watercolor in the work and artists-landscape players.

The English tradition of watercolors had a strong influence on Russian artists, first of all those who were associated with the Imperial Academy of Arts, who were in the capital of the Empire - St. Petersburg.

The first name in the chronicles of Russian watercolor - Peter Fedorovich Sokolov.

He performed portraits of his contemporaries.

Watercolor painting of St. Petersburg and Russia reached an exceptional heyday in recent decades of the XIX and the first two decades of the twentieth century. In times, when there were no photographs, the speed of execution, the minimum number of tedious positive sessions, the contamination of the flavor - in all of this, Russian society needed. And therefore, it was Watercolor who was successful in the highest and middle layers.

Eduard Petrovich Gau. . Gatchina Palace Lower Throne Hall. 1877.

His original tribute to the art of watercolors brought such painters like Ilya Repin, Mikhail Vrubel, Valentin Serov, Ivan Bilibin.


V.Rerov Portrait I. Stpina

Ivan Yakovlevich Bilibin (1876-1942). On the banks of the river. Pencil, watercolor

An important stage in the development of Russian watercolor was the organization in 1887 "societies of Russian watercolorists", which arose from the watercolor mug. Regular watercolor exhibitions, the creation of "society of Russian watercolorists" (1887) contributed to the widespread technology, an increase in its status. The company's program did not have an ideological orientation, representatives of different directions, united by the art of watercolor, were peacefully rooted. His first chairman was elected A. N. Benua. The Company was led by active exhibition activities, spending in 1896-1918. Thirty-eight exhibitions. His members were A. K. Beggrov, Albert Benua, P. D. Buchkin, N. N. Karazin, M. P. Klodt, L. F. Logario, A. I. Meshchersky, E. D. Polenova, A. P. Sokolov, P. P. Sokolov and others.

Alexander Beggrov Galen. Tver. 1867.

The task of preserving and transmitting the traditions of the watercolor school of the beginning of the XIX century and the preparation of the soil for the new take-off of the watercolor "Society of Russian Watercolorists" was undoubtedly completed. Watercolor began to perceive as an independent, possessing the region of fine art. Many representatives of the Company became teachers for the next generation of artists.

Watercolor painting fascinated and members of the Unification "World of Art" Alexander Benois (1870-1960), Lion Baksta (1866-1924), Ivan Bilibina (1876-1942), Konstantin Somova (1869-1939), Anna Ostroumova-Lebedev (1871-1955 ). Watercolor owned the poet Maximilian Voloshin (1877-1932), the drawings of which were crossed with his poetic works.

Lev Samoilovich Bakst. Dancer from ballet fever. 1910. Watercolor.

Ivan Bilibin

K.Somov. Batters. 1904. Paper, watercolor.

Aleksandrovsky Palace in a children's village (watercolor) P A Brojoymova-Lebedev


Among the largest winticraft masters of the XX century N. A. Tyrs, S. V. Gerasimov, A. A. Daineka, S. E. Zakharov, M. A. Zubereva, A. S. Verdnikov, G. S. Veresky, P . D. Buchkin, V. M. Konashevich, N. F. Lapshin, V. V. Lebedev, G. K. Klishe, A. N. Samokhvalov, S. I. Voskhovytov, V. A. Vertrogonsky, V. with . Klimashin, V. K. Tetherin, A. I. Fonvizin and others.

Tyrsa N.A. Portrait of Anna Akhmatova. 1928 Paper, Black Watercolor


Watercolor is considered one of the most capricious and temperamental paints, despite its simplicity and transparency. To explore the drawing, children start from watercolor, but many of whether they know how much the power of this harmless paint is actually?

Brief History: Start Development

The best watercolorists of the world were able to create their masterpieces due to China, where, after the invention, the paper happened in the II century. E. Watercolor equipment has become an opportunity to evolve.

In Europe, the first primitives appeared in the countries of Italy and Spain, when paper products arose and there (XII-XIII century).

Watercolor art entered into use later than other species of painting. One of the most famous first works, which is considered exemplary, was the painting "Hare" of the best watercolor of the world of the Renaissance - Albrecht Dürera in 1502.

Then watercolor technique began to engage in the artists of Giovanni Castiglione, as well as Antonis Wang Duck, but samples of work in such a technique continued to remain at a single level - a fact that Montaber confirmed in his treatise about painting. I mention about watercolor, he did not go into details, as it believed that this technique did not deserve professional serious attention.

However, watercolor equipment received its need for scientific and military studies when archaeologists and geologists needed to capture the studied objects (animals, plants, nature as a whole), as well as create topographical and architectural circuits.


In the XVIII century, closer to the middle, watercolor equipment has become entertainment in the circles of lovers. This event was influenced by the published notes of Gilpina William Suri, in which he described the provinces of England.

Also, the fashion for a portrait miniature was also spread to this time, which began to study the artists' amateurs using watercolor technique.

The best watercolorists of the world 18 and 19th centuries

Watercolor's real flourishing, which turned it into the main and significant sample of painting England, occurred at the moment when two artists, Thomas Gender and Joseph Turner, put their talented hands to this case.

In 1804, thanks to the TERNER, an organization called "Watercolor Society" is created.

The early works of Gertin landscape illustrations were traditional in relation to the British school, but gradually he was able to develop a much broader and large-scale romantic direction of the landscape. Thomas began to use watercolor for larger format.

The second best watercolorist of the world Joseph Turner became the youngest artist who received the status he was able to create his own and therefore a new type of landscape, with which he had the opportunity to reveal his memories and feelings. Thus, Turner turned out to enrich the Armada of watercolor techniques.

His loud name Joseph is also obliged to writer John Reskin, who, with the help of his writings, was able to declare Turner with the most significant artist of his era.


The activities of the two above-described geniuses influenced the vision of the art of such figures as

  • david Cox and Richard Banbinton;
  • the world's best watercolor architect Somehel Rourat;
  • professionals still lifes Smale Parter, William Hunt, Miles Foster, John Lewis and the girl Lucy Madox, as well as many others.

Watercolor in the United States

Watercolor flourishing in America falls on the middle of the XIX century, when the best watercolorists of the world are supporters of this type of painting, such as Thomas Roman, Winslow Homer, Thomas Ikins and William Richards.

  1. The role of Thomas Roman was to help with the creation of the Yellowstone National Park. At the suggestion of Cook, Thomas agreed to participate in geological research work, having departed to the Yellowstone region. His drawings awakened great interest to the public, which entailed the entry of the region to the list of parks national wealth.
  2. Winslow Homer was one of the genericants of American painting of realism. He managed to create his own art school. According to the majority of experts, he was one of the best landscape watercolorists of the world, which had its influence on the further (XX century) development of the painting of America.
  3. Thomas Ikins also had involvement in the appearance of realism in painting along with the master of the Homer mentioned above. The artist was fond of the mechanism of the human body, because the theme of nude and semi-nailed figures in the work of Ikins occupied the leading place. At his work, athletes were often depicted quite often, and even more accurately - rowers and fighters.
  4. The skill of William Richards was expressed in the rather accurate similarity of the work with the image of photographs. I gained fame in the status of a watercolor mountain landscape system, and subsequently the wizard of water paintings.

The best watercolorists in the world in France

The spread of watercolor art in France is associated with such names as Eugene Delacroix, Paul Maja, Henri Arpinie and the professional artistic Satire House.

1. Eugene Delacroix - the head of the direction of romanticism in the painting of Europe. He was elected to the Paris City Council and was awarded the Honorary Order. The first work, which announced his name, became the painting "Massacre in Chios", depicting the horrors of the Greek war for independence. Naturalism reached such skill that critics accused his technique even in excessively natural.

2. Paul Deerosh is a painter that is a representative and a member of the direction of Academicism. At 36 years he was elected to the post of professor who teaching the art of the city of Paris to the School of Fine Arts. The large-scale work of his whole life is the work of the "semicircle", which has accommodated 75 ingenious artists of the past.

3. Henri Arpinie is considered one of the best watercolor in the world of landscape in France of the time. In addition to the image of Nature, he worked in a portrait style. In his work, you can often see the rivers of children.

4. Onor houses was not only an artist, but also a schedule, sculptor, as well as a caricature specialist. Once for the work of Gargantua, the figure sent to serve the prison sentence. Fame received thanks to caricatures on political, public and personal topics, depicting successful people of France of their time.

Watercolor Masters in Russia

The ancestor and the discoverer of Russian watercolor is made by Peter Fedorovich Sokolova - one of the best watercolor artists in the world. He was the progenitor of a domestic watercolor portrait, and also included academics of the Imperial Academy of Arts in St. Petersburg.

The talent was famous for both the blood brothers of the Bryllov family. Carl was a watercolorist representing the directions of classicism with romanticism, and his older brother Alexander was not only an artist, but also an architect who owns many Petersburg projects.

In 1887, the organization "World of Art" was formed, which consisted of Ivan Bilibin, and the artist Anna Ostrumova-Lebedeva.

In the same year, the association "Society of Russian Watercolorists" begins to work, the first chairman of which was mentioned above Alexander Benoit.

In the XX century, the range of domestic masters is growing. One of the best watercolorists of the world from Russia are considered:

  • Gerasimov Sergey;
  • Zakharov Sergey;
  • Tyrs Nikolai;
  • Vedernikov Alexander;
  • Belief Georgy;
  • Tetherin Victor;
  • Bessev Maria and many other talented figures.


At the present time, watercolor technology has not lost its significance and its ability to disclose more and more new faces. A variety of figures works above the capricious and complex paint, the list of only some of the best watercolorists will be presented below.

1. Thomas Shacher is an artist and architect from America. As a watercolor admitted that in love with her for capable of expressing the unique voice of the artist. In the thematic preferences of the best watercolor world architecture (city landscape) and, of course, images of nature.

2. Thierry Duval is an Italian watercolorist who has its own paint appliance technique, which allows it in incredibly realistic to portray the details and the picture in general.

3. Stanislav Zoladz - Polish artist specializing in hyperealism. Creativity is interested in the fact that the author excludes the presence of a person and about its existence resemble only details (boats, houses on the horizon or abandoned structures).

4. Arus Mascmush - Domestic Watercolorist from Sevastopol. Own activity calls "Clean Drug of Creativity."

5. Anna Armon is an artist from Ukraine. Its works are very bold, as she is a mastery of paints, uses them very expressive.

6. Paul Dmoh is another watercolor from Poland. Pictures a real city landscape, combining shadows and light with an interior, exterior and architecture.

7. Joseph Zbuvych is the most famous Australian artist. He compares the favorite paint with a wild horse, which will never be able to curb to the end. Closer to the heart, he is the topics of the marine, as well as the opposite - urban landscape.

Below is a photo of the best watercolor of the world with his work.

Imagine: It was able to create one of my incredible work with just one paint - instant coffee.

8. Mary White is an American artist, which is one of the best portrait watercolorists in the world. Its paintings displays a variety of personality: elderly, children, African Americans, women, workers and others.