"I even forgot that the shooter is black": Fans of Stephen King are watching the "dark tower. Beat the clock on the Dark Tower Tom Taylor and his ommage to her hero Jake Chebers

"I even forgot that the shooter is black": Fans of Stephen King are watching the "dark tower. Beat the clock on the Dark Tower Tom Taylor and his ommage to her hero Jake Chebers

Ehh ... This heavy sigh was caused by viewing the long-awaited adaptation of the "Dark Tower" Stephen, our King. I approached view as a person who did not even mastered the first book, since it is insanely boring, and even with such favorable conditions (and zero expectations) the film specifically disappointed me.

Our world is not the only one of the existing ones. The sworn enemies of Roland dispel, the last of the order of the shooters, and Walter O'Dim, also known as a man in black, behave eternal struggle. On Konu - the mythical dark tower, the last stronghold and hope of the universe, without which the world will be defeated in complete chaos and destruction. The forces of good and evil are destined to face the last fight, because Roland Diskin is the only one who can stop the person in black, before he destroys the dark tower.

Yes, in relation to this film I was lazy even in my own words briefly describe the plot. The plot itself is bad. And bad not because "neither in the book !!!", but because he is bunal and boring it. The whole film is a man in black looking for boys to destroy the tower, and the arrows looking for a man in black to revenge. Everything. Further, the film does not leave. And this, damn it offensively. Even without a special look at the original source, it would be possible something more interesting to come up. But I'll give it all right, there are some good jokes here.

The most controversial point: the actors and how they play. I will say right away, I was on the side of Idris Elba from the very beginning. He is an excellent actor, and proved it at least "Luther", "rooted beasts" and "long dear to freedom", and since I did not read the books I don't care about his skin skin, and after watching I declare with full responsibility : Idris Elba perfectly approached the role of an arrow at least in the cinema hatch. The shooter in the film version is a man who lost everything, and whom it broke, and now he will dismiss his thirst for revenge, and even on the purpose of the shooters, to put it mildly on the drum. And the role of such an elb arrow approached well. A man in black from all his beloved Matthew Macanagi turned out a bit strange. Walter Padik here with his techniques reminds Killgrav from Jessica Jones, but with some shades of Volan de Morta, although in a pair of moments he reminded his behavior ... Shaightanych from "Hottabach" with Tolokonnikov. But Makanaga drags with her charisma, there is no questions for him. But the second plan is not happy at all. Jake Note and resembles an acre, his mother, played by Catherine Winnik quickly merges, although Catherine is chic. Jackie Earla Haley and Abby Lee, very talented actors stuffed on the background, like Dennis Hisbert, who appeared in two scenes.

The technical side of the film is also not very famous. All this could be written off to the budget, but in the film there are two things that simply do not allow it to do:

The first - there are no particular special effects or scenery in the film, which it was necessary to spend a lot of money. Unusual locations in the film are not enough, and the rest is happening in New York. From special effects, only a couple of explosions, a couple of monsters, and other light music;

The second is a darkness. Almost all the action takes place at night or in the semi, and you just find it difficult to see anyone who shoots. It seems to me that it was done specifically to hide some mission of graphics, and it infuriates.

Also, the music was also very much disappointed, and this is just a blow from the most unexpected side, since Tov Holcenborg was responsible for music, he was Junkie XL. The soundtrack is neither a drop is not expressive, and not remembered, and it is strange, since the soundtrack of the last "insane Max" I heard to holes. That's really, kick in the back.

Well, probably, the most important minus that killed the film for me is boredom. Mad boredom of all that is happening. We went to the film in four, according to the result, one glance was a staff, the second also fell asleep from time to time, and with the third, we just chatted the rest of the movie, commented on the screen and lazilized on the phone. And for the film, positioned as a blockbuster, it seems to me, this is a death sentence. In principle, there is nothing more to say. A disgusting and boring film with a wicked potential, a small blockbusterity, the whole action of which is tied to the use of revolvers with auto-aim. And at the end, probably, still I will indicate that I don't want to blame the director of the film, Nikolai Arsel, since the film is not so bad in terms of the direction. Just he got a terrible scenario, which by the time of filming was like a monster Frankenstein, and at Nicholas himself, as a newcomer in Hollywood did not have much opportunity to influence the situation. In general, go better on atomic blonde.

I did not understand why horrors are indicated in the genres? Horror from the quality of the film, except.

By the way, in front of the "Dark Tower" session, it was suddenly shown ... Trailer "Dark Tower" !!! Probably, as the last frontier, they say "the guy, you did not understand what movie came? Run from here, not too late !!!

And by the way, our dubbing distinguished again, and redid the cult "Forgot the face of his father" in "disgraces his father."

Sinemphia looked at the shielding of Stephen King and gathered interesting facts about the film.

One of the most anticipated films of this year (although we will not smash, decades), started at the box office on Thursday. Clash Idris Elba and Matthew McConaehi as good and evil forces in the filmization of the cult work of Stephen King. The shooter guards the dark tower, which is the center of all worlds, and the man in black seeks to destroy it. And there is one boy living in New York, who sees these heroes in dreams. He can disrupt the balance of strength, but in which direction?

1. The history of the "Dark Tower" has almost 50 years.

The first publication about the arrow was in October 1978 in THE MAGAZINE OF FANTASY & SCIENCE FICTION. At the same time, King said that he had turned over this story for eight years before. By 1982, four more stories were released, which were then combined into a single book.

2. The history of adaptation is also not short - it all started almost 10 years ago.

The first to the thoughts of adaptation in 2007 turned Jay Jay Abrams and his colleague to "stay alive" Damon Lindelof. But two years later, they abandoned this idea, giving way to the possible director of the Ron Howard's cult series.

Together with Universal Pictures and Writer Akiva Goldsman, Howard planned the trilogy of films, mixed with two seasons of a television series, which would cover the gaps between the films. Javier Bardem was chosen on the main role, and the shooting group almost started the serial part of the adaptation. But soon Universal decided to completely cancel the project due to delays in the shooting and budget problems.

Several years ago, Sony was united with Media Rights Capital to finally breathe on the screen life in the creation of King, and Howard, by the way, remained in the producers. Goldsman is also a script in the authors, although Nikolai Arsel rewritten for the Sony project.

3. The film is sequel to a series of books.

For not reading - a series of books "Dark Tower" is a cyclical, that is, the last book is the forerunner first. Arsel film is an alternative continuation of the last book.

4. Elba added mystics to his hero.

Idris Elba in one of the interviews described the Roland: " In it, undoubtedly there is mysticism. For about 200 years old. It exists in this world for a very long time, and therefore is deeply tied to the entire mystical component of the film. Roland, I would say, is the main embodiment of this. When the viewer sees it for the first time, it is a stoic silent character, but when you recognize it closer, you understand how much he knows about this world and its history».

5. Actors performing the main roles exchanged with cute tweets after the official announcement of the Caste.

6. Stephen King liked.

Everyone, of course, was worried about how the author responds to the film. But strict King said: " This is not exactly my story, but it exactly keeps the mood and topic, so I am happy».

7. A few secrets are hidden in the poster.

Of course, many noticed that the poster to the "Dark Tower" is very similar to the poster to the "beginning", but he tait more mysteries that do not immediately pay attention. The outlines of the tower, which fold from the turned new york skyscrapers, are quite obvious. And the main characters are very clearly visible on her background. But the antagonist of the film is a man in black - hiding in the shade. To find it, look at the right of the tower.

8. Tom Taylor and his ommage to his hero Jake Chembers.

Tom was chosen on this role from a dozen candidates. And for the official announcement of obtaining role, he chose the famous phrase of his hero.

9. Words in the pictures.

To the output of the film, one portal fastened three famous phrases from the book with the help of pictures. Try your strength and you. Answers - at the end of the article.

10. Easter eggs.

The "Dark Tower" is part of the enormous multi-depleted Stephen King. Therefore, in the film there was a place for reference to other works and the screening of the author. For example, in the film you can see Penniveza. And one of the actors - Nicholas Hamilton - played Lucas Hanson in the "Dark Tower", and soon we will see it in "it."

11. And then there will be a series.

This week was announced that the film would be a feature for the series about the arrow. It is not yet known whether Idris Elba will return to this role, but he will definitely appear in the caste. The executive producers of the series will be Akiva Goldsman, Ron Howard and Brian Grazer, who initially conceived to move King's books to Teleker. It is planned for 10-13 episodes, shooting will begin in 2018.

  1. First smile, then lie. At the end - shots.
  2. The battles lasting 5 minutes give birth to legends, the existing millennium.
  3. I am not a hand,
    One who is a hand is hand forgot his father's face.
    I kiss the eye.
    I shoot no hand,
    The one who shoots his hand forgot the face of his father.
    I shoot a mind.
    I do not kill weapons
    He who kills weapons forgot his father's face.
    I kill my heart.

What is human energy centers and why I do not agree with the theory about chakras, and more than that - why I think that without understanding the centers there will be no practice. This article is a basis if you decide to try to practice my system, this is "our own".

Amen, friends, and drove :)

I am not a hand,
One who is a hand is hand forgot his father's face.
I kiss the eye.
I shoot no hand,
The one who shoots his hand forgot the face of his father.
I shoot a mind.
I do not kill weapons
He who kills weapons forgot his father's face.
I kill my heart.

In the recently released film "Dark Tower" I liked the "oath of shooters" - defenders of the foundations of the universe.

That is what sounds in the original, in English. Russian adaptation above.

This is very much reminded of mechanics to work with the upper (male) centers.

And I immediately catch a clear association with another film - "Equilibraum", I seem to write even that in the plot, in the ideal future, they brought the "Katu Arrow", that is, the ideal sequence of war of war, when every action is clearly worked out and any Oxyst or error - stands about life.

It reminds me of an impact scheme for reality - the key principle of all rituals of all confessions "Blow-Block-Blow-Action".

(Both films, if you have not seen them, useful for viewing - especially you will understand what I am writing about.)


This is how most people are in spiritual practices - through their own "magic worldview". The term, by the way, taken from marketing - there it means that a person believes that something "in some way" will improve his business, but does not understand in detail - exactly. Just an example is the popularity of Instagram service, which suddenly began to actively develop everything - from supermarket chains to coffee stalls. Develop without understanding the mechanics of service, the rules of promotion and target audience of this social network.

As opposed to the magical worldview there is a realistic (or rational) - when you studied the principle of work of something and only then apply it to yourself. When you understand the principle of work.

Actually, if you can admire your hands and say a pathos spell on an esterans and nichrome will not change, Ahalai Mahalai, Lasiki-Massis!

And if you act on the principle of "blow-block-block-action", while activating the process of proper breathing and understanding from which energy center is the impact - then everything will turn out.

Let's look at first blow-to-blockAnd then add centers, and I will explain.

So, most of the impacts on reality and people are simplified and in the root of the wrong "strike-action" scheme.

That is, we are climbs like a ram on a new goal, plaster and gates are filled with us open. But in the incatch there is an evil master of the house with a gun, from which we in the guise of the Infernal Baran have to fly.

And we immediately: "This is karma."

What is karma, in essence? This is our openness after impact, insecurity.

I am surprised by the superstitious fear of many practitioners "I'm afraid, no matter how you hit me in response."

And what are you afraid of, question? I wrote about and field, by the way. And I insist that it is impossible to be defended to situationally, you need to keep the field constantly. You have protection, then if there is a reverse action (and it will be) - then it will attend the minimum. There you will break the nail, or a heel, or from the pocket will fall 100 UAH.

But this is not a problem, yes?)

The second point - with the correct placement of the action - the block and provides you with blocking right away until you are the most open to the world.

And four more actions are made with breathing. Breathing is generally a steep thing, with its help we activate vibrations.

So, the blow (inhale) - the block (exhaler) - the second blow (inhale) - action (re-exhalation)

At the end of the article we will connect it with a poetic "oath of the arrow" centers. But first we will understand in nature and location of the centers.

So about the centers

Each second knows about chakras - these are such points on a thin body that have different zones of responsibility in the body, some of them are similar to the location centers.

So - the centers are literally "fastening" consciousness into the body. It is just not stuffed.

And it is through the centers that the main power of consciousness is collected.

So, I highlight three groups of centers.

Top (or men's), or rhombus.

These are generally the main centers, they are more used in men's learning systems - this will, intellect and logic.

The first is between the eyes.

Second - solar plexus

The third and fourth - shoulders, there is a discover bone.

The second group is the bottom, or women's centers, or axis.

5 center - 5 cm from solar plexus down.

6 center - 2 cm. Up from the navel.

7 Center is the simplest "under the line of panties", 5-6 cm from the navel.

8 Center - in the pubic area.

All the witch is built on the axis - so the female magic you understand yourself from where it goes, because the 8th center is the main in the scheme.

If you, for example, feel the negative from the witch - then your blow should not be in the forehead, namely on the axis - on top below.

The third group is the centers of power, oval.

These centers "germinate" later, there are only developing consciousnesses.

9 Center - the last vertebra

10 Center - Copchik (protruding bone)

Connected to oval. The whole devouring theme is also coming from these centers from them that we connect with any egregor - and begin to drink.

About each group center will be a separate article, the task to read this article is to find each center and feel. Understand how they are grouped.

So, a simple exercise to eliminate imbalance. It is necessary - to sit in a convenient position and "count" your centers from the first to 10th. It is important to feel every point.

Consciousness is movably and if the centers are not balanced - from here depressing, uncertainty, scattered and whining. Feel without reason the reflection - sat down, counted up to 10 and well done.

Now I will show how to work upper centers + blow + block + blow + action.

So, kata arrow in our maintenance:

I kiss the first center, I define the goal, the task and result. (punch breathing)

I put a block 3 and 4 center, I keep back the wave and paying it to reverse, defending myself (block exhalation)

I hit the first and second center, I beat again and sincerely believe in my actions, in their correctness (a blow - inhale-exhale)

"I break a reality with your heart" - I connect all the points of the centers in the rhombus, or rather if there is a pyramid volume, whose vertex is directed from me, and the base is in front of me. (action - second exhalation)

The rest of the centers also "pulls out" on the second exhalation of the 2nd Center, as if energy is received from each thin channel for impact.

As you can see everything is not easy, you can not understand without half a liter, or rather - without constant practice. Only the correct execution of our divine Katu gives the result. If you are wrong, you will not understand or you will not be sure - it will not work out.

There is only a work. Or do it once correctly, to be motivated by the result and understand the principle.

I will still write about the centers, the topic is very voluminous.

By the way, for everyone who has questions - alas, I do not always answer in social networks or in the mail, and I will try to go on the forum.

And I will definitely answer.

I am not going to hand, the one who is a hand to hand, forgot his father's face. I kiss the eye. I shoot no hand, the one who shoots his hand, forgot his father's face. I shoot a mind. I do not kill not a shot from the revolver, the one who kills a shot, forgot the face of his father. I kill my heart.
S.King "Dark Tower".

Crystal Cups and Silver Cups,
They are filled with scarlet wine, as if blood scarlet ...
The toast is raised ... crucified horses ... and we are time ...
Not the fact that we all return back, perhaps.
The last Knights of Elda was a corner in the horn,
Today will be difficult as day yesterday,
And we choose from thousands of other roads,
Road on roses field near the dark tower.
Slug Darkness sends a scarlet king for us.
Rays that kept the world, kills time.
We are waiting ahead of betrayal, blood and pain,
Loss of friends and loved ones, vobs burden.
Long revolvers managed to change the blades,
But seeing the descendants of Arthur, people believe in us.
The last knights of the Elda name Arrows
You do what I should ... and then? - And be it, what will happen!


It seems that you have added something new to the trilogy about the dark tower and the arrow .. :) But well :)
My Dark Tower is mixed with the sensations with the talisman (although they are different, these books) ... there is a bright ...
But the last one is a line - just about it general :)

Yes, I understood - there, in these two books, one spring is not the one that is in the clock-alarm clock, but a combat spring in a firearm .. not counting time, but changing it ....

One of the sleeper books :))) "The Dark Tower" fascinated another year ... 12 Back :)) Then reading the fourth book all I put it on the ears looking for the following :))) Well, who could know that King writes "Tower" all life ... Now everything is completed ... Seven books ... the number is mystical, like the work itself.

Thanks for the response ...

And the spring ... we love the springs, too ... one lives ... Most likely it is too ... not from the alarm clock :)))

I am not a steel rod - a spring.
I get bend, does not mean to surrender.
I am submored and immovable,
Until you tired fingers

Spassib ... Now I know that the books are seven ... And then, for a long time, it was thought that if the trilogy is so it is forever .. and it turns out that there is still ..
I will look for

The daily audience of the portal poems.ru is about 200 thousand visitors who are in total viewing more than two million pages according to the attendance counter, which is located to the right of this text. In each column, two digits are specified: the number of views and the number of visitors.

"I am not going to hand - the one who is a hand to hand, forgot the face of his father. I kicker eye! I shoot no hand - the one who shoots his hand forgot his father's face. I shoot a mind! I do not kill with a weapon - the one who kills the weapon forgot the face of his father. I kill my heart! "

Dark tower - A fantastic film, filmed based on the eponymous Romanov cycle of Stephen King. Directed the picture of Danchanin Nikolai Azsel, who personally decar an unknown person, and the budget of the painting amounted to 60 million dollars.

The plot of the film tells about the confrontation of the dark and light forces for the dark tower, which holds our world as well as several parallel worlds in equilibrium. And also tells about the fate of the 11-year-old boy Jake Cheymberz, living in New York, who sees in a dream the mysterious visions, in which there is a dark tower, arrows and a man in black, and sketches them on paper. His parents believe that he is mentally ill, and are going to send him to the clinic. He runs out of the house and falls into another world, passing through the magic portal in an abandoned house. There he meets the shooter from dreams and is trying to confront a man in black. Unfortunately, the film turned out to be very superficial, since even a small part of the literary cycle could not be covered in a purely, and transfer the universe, which King for decades created in his works. If you are not familiar with the original source, it will be extremely difficult to understand the history! The plot from the go is immersed by the viewer in scraps of the fantastic universe, and most of the information about it is fed through the visual paintings. Here, we see some parallel worlds, the tower that these worlds unites and protects against some kind of danger. Incomprehensible, empty villain who wants to arrange chaos and destroy the balance of worlds, strange monsters appearing from the outside, and also " special", Which with a steep shooter is trying to stop it all. Everything is too superficial! We do not disclose the prehistory of the main characters, do not explain the concept and laws of the Universe and at the expense of this film looks" dust". It seems that the film was removed not on the scenario, but according to his brief retelling it is sad.

According to the actor's game, there is particular enough, due to the weak study and opening of the characters. Major, I can except the main character - a boy who played Tailor well, and then by virtue of a less worked character. Idris Elba or the black arrows (a departure from the canon), just a steep dude, and Matthew McConaehi is a stylish, cool dude on the other side of good! That's basically it. Regarding other characters, they performed the feature of the entourage around the main characters and no longer remembered.

The soundtrack in the film is no, just cutting epic music from the strategy games that are inserted into the scene action. Compositions go backdrop and when viewing you do not pay the slightest attention.

The visual component and action was not particularly impressed. Yes, worlds are visually perceived well, but everything is still cheapful " closes outward"And when viewing it is clearly visible. Some special effects do not cause anything except the smirk, but the scene has been sharply delivered, given the budget of the paintings.

As a result, it turned out the next passing film. With a superficial plot, weak scenario, empty characters and a conventional video sequence. I do not recommend the fans of creativity King to view, since " pukany"The latter will explode from discontent! It is not possible to see fans, but you can hardly" will go"This is too superficial film, except for once. 0