Best congratulations to graduates from teachers, parents, classmates. Congratulations to schoolboy happy birthday in prose

Best congratulations to graduates from teachers, parents, classmates. Congratulations to schoolboy happy birthday in prose
Best congratulations to graduates from teachers, parents, classmates. Congratulations to schoolboy happy birthday in prose

Official and beautiful congratulations on the beginning of the school year from September 1 students of the school, the gymnasium in prose, original, comic and spiritual wishes to all schoolchildren from teachers, parents, director, school administration, text with the day of knowledge in their own words on the solemn ruler.

Text students with the beginning of the school year 2019 in prose

Dear disciples! We wish you success and joy in the new academic year. Perseverance and perseverance in achieving goals! Let the most bold plans and dreams embody, and parents and teachers are proud of you! Be successful not only in sciences, but also in sports, music and dancing! Open the world from all sides. Forward, to new victories and knowledge!

Knowledge Day is one of the most important and pleasant holidays for schoolchildren. Today is madly exciting and interesting day! Someone for the first time goes to school and this is a sea of \u200b\u200bemotions and new impressions, and someone will not come to a solemn rule on this day for this day.

In any case, all of you are united today the beginning of the new school year! Remember that knowledge does not happen much. Strive for the study of the new, because there are so many interesting and unexplored in the world!

Dear schoolboy! Let the new academic year give you only the joy and the sea of \u200b\u200bnew knowledge! Be diligent and tremble, do not forget to get five and fourths. Creek new, interesting friends. Be inquisitive and not be lazy! And let the world chap on new colors. Successes to you in the new academic year!

Dear student! Today, on the day of knowledge, you carry a pure diary and notebooks with you, who are simply waiting for good marks! Please do not abandon them, earn only "excellent" and "good." Let the enthusiasm accompany you, a dear friend, in the new school year, and Leng sends to rest!

Congratulations on the beginning of the school year 2019 Pupils in prose

In this beautiful and such an important day for you, I want to wish the sea inspiration! Put new and important goals in front of yourself, carry them out! We wish you creative success on this difficult, thorny path. Do not give up before difficulties, because they are "doors" to new opportunities! Plank achievements set high. Forward and only forward!

School time is the brightest and beautiful! Take it from it to the maximum and go through life with optimism - to conquer new vertices of knowledge! Communicate with old friends and find new! Remember, you are the future of our immense country! And let your achievements become proud of your family and teachers. Congratulations on the new school year!

Dear friends! Happy New School Year! Let it be so unlike the previous ones and bring you unforgettable emotions and new knowledge and skills! You rested in the summer, they scored new forces, and now confidently walk to the performance of the cherished goals! Patience, optimism and health to you, dear schoolchildren!

Unrest of former students 4, 9 and 11 classes are always noticeable at the celebration of the last call. The guys still do not know what awaits them ahead, evaluate their strength and opportunities. To give graduates of the initial, middle and older school excellent memories of graduation, help them forget about the alarms will be able to have beautiful parties to teachers. It may be wishes of good, success or touching to tears of instructions. Among the examples selected by us, you can find suitable words from teachers to graduates of all ages. We also recommend for easy preparation for speaking to class managers and first teachers of kids to view the proposed video example.

Wise words with teachers graduates graduates on the last call - examples of texts

Beautiful and wise faces of teachers appropriately sound on any graduation. After all, it is they who help to encourage the guys and give them useful tips. Select the original words from teachers to the last call among the examples provided below.

Examples of wise words of a fare of former students of 11 classes from teachers to the last call

We selected the words of a farewell can be beautifully sounded from teachers and at the beginning, and at the end of the graduation. They will give former grades of grade 11 excellent mood and positive emotions.

Today you leave your native school, and everything that awaits you in adulthood, now only depends on you. Here you have taught to be sincere, independent, responsible, responsive. Taught to be friends, defend your opinion, love science, carefully treat knowledge, that is, they gave the basis of that, without which it is impossible to become a real person with a capital letter! We wish you not to lose all this, but to increase, bring up the best qualities in yourself. We wish your dreams to be fulfilled. Good luck to you, luck, new achievements, happiness and success in the future life!

Well, it was perhaps one of the most important days in your life. High school graduation. So many paths are soothed around the school and so many roads opens into a new life. I wish you always with warmth to remember school years, school friends and of course teachers who gave for you such an important impetus to life, invested the most valuable and necessary. I wish you to make the right choice and get up on that road that will help you master your favorite and necessary profession, will help to get around all the failures, obstacles and acquire those good to which you are trying now, because your future depends on this. Strive, dare, go only forward and never retreat.

Graduation - a memorable event in the life of everyone. Leaving the walls of the educational institution, we come into a new life. So let each of us can say with confidence that the future he will be light, and plans are grandiose. Let everything that wish us today will come true, and the people who have said warm words will not forget.

That ended the next stage in your life. You go to adulthood, more responsible. Therefore, we want to tell you the part -ile words. Go always for your dream and do not retreat, find happiness in life and do not miss it. Good luck and success, let you be on a difficult but very interesting life path.

In this important and wonderful holiday, we wish to realize everything that is conceived about what is dreaming of. Ahead of the responsible life of an adult person. So let the paths and obstacles are not on the way. Remember your teachers, do not forget how much they have invested in every effort and labor!

Beautiful words from teachers graduates 9 classes on graduation - examples of adequacy

The good words of instructions must certainly hear the former students of the 9th grades. They will give the guys wonderful memories and help you forget about the alarms. Choose beautiful words for graduates from the teacher to the holiday of the graduation from the proposed examples.

Examples of beautiful words of a farewell for students of graders from teachers to graduation

Using one of our examples of the last words, each medium-class teacher will be able to beautifully wish former students to success and fulfill the desires. At the same time, ready-made facilities can be changed or supplemented with their own words.

The school with honor fulfilled his high mission - attracted you to sources of culture and spirituality, enriched the treasures of the native language and humanistic values, pointed to high horizons of national consciousness and civil society.

The graduation ball is only the first step on the way to adulthood, then the profession is being received. I wish you that the chosen future profession really became a loved one, inspired and brought real pleasure.

I wish you for yourself identify the highest life and professional height, and that each of you told: I achieved the highest plans.

Going to the distant and unknown road, take with you the blessing of parents and teachers - eternal as native land, parting words that you will give you faith in tomorrow, hopes for your own strength, purposefulness and courage in achieving high ideals and the desired goals of your lucky future . Not only your future, but also happiness, well-being of your families, prospects for Russia depends on this choice.

Dear graduates! From today, you have a new world, a completely different, not similar to the one before. Now you are independent personalities who are responsible for their actions. Do not forget your favorite school and teachers who taught you everything!

Today you have a significant day, a solemn and touching event - school graduation evening. This is a holiday of the best pore in a person's life - a holiday of youth. From the bottom of my heart I congratulate you with the end of the school and the beginning of an adult life. Behind - the yard of the native school, ahead - unknown roads of the future. However, you are the happy owners of a powerful force that will bring you to the desired heights. This strength is a younger zador and faith in yourself. You fell fate to live during a lot of changes when the formation, intellect, creativity and talent were determined. I believe that love for the native land, deep respect for the achievements of previous generations, high ideals, creative work will make your life happy, glorifying our hometown and Russia for the whole world.

I sincerely wish everyone from you to be confident in my abilities, a chosen way. Boldly make your choice. Learn, work, create and dare. Let the generous on good and joy will be your fate!

Dear disciples, expensive graduates! I cordially congratulate you on the feast of the last call, which symbolizes the end of the school year. For many students, this is a successful overcoming the next turn in school life, the transition to the next class, and for almost 12 thousand graduates today is especially joyful and memorable. After all, they say goodbye to the school and go to an independent adult life.

I sincerely wish you, dear graduates, good health, success, personal victories, realization of designs and creative plans!

Let the knowledge gained at school, will certainly become a pledge of weighty achievements, will help you achieve maximum peaks in your future activities!

God's blessing, generous fate, faithful friends, inspiration, optimism and inexhaustible energy!

Good luck in everything! Good luck!

Graduate, today I want to congratulate you on a wonderful holiday, which is also sad, and joyful - the day of graduation. You won't let down on the school threshold as a student, so do not forget your favorite teachers!

Video example of the performance of teachers on graduation in front of former students of 9 classes with facilities

Original prepare for the last call of the word farewell for former students of 9 classes to teachers will help the next video example. It includes good and warm wishes that will help the guys believe in their strength.

Touching to tears from the first teacher graduates of elementary school - examples

For each elementary school student, the first teacher becomes a true friend. Therefore, the words of a farewell from him will be the best gift for the guys on the farewell ball. We picked up touching wishes for teachers and instructions. Such words from the first teacher will give graduates with self-confidence, their forces and talents.

Examples of touching to tears of words by graduates of 4 classes from the first teacher

Dear our daughters and sons! We proudly look at how you finish the 4th grade. Congratulations on the graduation evening! For you it is only the very beginning of learning, but you all showed that they are ready and then worries. Today is an important day, because we will soon see you already completely different. For these years, you not only got the necessary knowledge, but also found true friends and comrades. We wish you that the time spent together, I remember for a long time, and friendship passed all the adversity and obstacles.

Today, when you finish the fourth grade, I want to wish you to gain strength, health and thirst for knowledge, because it is these qualities that will be most needed to you in the middle and especially older school. I wish you to grow up, think about the future, choose the profession that you would like to devote your life, and pay special attention to the study of sciences that will be useful in it. Good luck to you and strong teeth that you will gnaw granite science!

Today is the graduation of our 4-graders! Congratulations to young graduates with a holiday. We wish boldly and cheerfully walk along the training steps. In every way to develop, open up new opportunities, to know interesting, unusual and alien. Let in your lives there will be many joy, high marks and good mood!

Congratulations to graduates of 4Klass with graduation! You have passed the initial base where you got a lot of useful and necessary for yourself. We wish you great studies and fulfillment of all your desires. Be perfect in everything, your future depends on this.

Dear graduates today you leave the elementary school class. Now you are waiting for new adventures in the country of real science items, now you will quit serious discoveries and often make independent decisions. Do not forget your first teacher, do not be afraid to open the doors to new knowledge, stay always by a friendly class and certainly achieve great success.

After reviewing the examples of the latest words for graduates, and class managers, and the first teacher will easily find suitable facilities to the graduation. With their help, teachers will be able to express their attention and love to children. They will help to forget about the unrest of former students of grade 4 elementary school and give confidence in their forces to students of 9, 11 classes. Beautiful words from teachers graduates can complement their own instructions and wishes. Also touching to tears Examples are suitable for writing to the last call of completely new and unusual faces.

Autumn quickly arrived,
Already the day of knowledge on the threshold.
And we wish the disciples
Retribute to knowledge without alarming!

We all wish to teachers
Nerves strong, whole year.
Success creative, good luck,
And let the year you are waiting for happiness.

After all, the school is not a simple place,
In school, everything is one family.
So be successful, miles,
We congratulate everyone from the first of September.

Congratulations on the first of September students

Happy new school year you congratulate you
Warm meeting with classmates and teachers wish
Started on the summer holidays, long longing,
And ahead-pointer, tutorial, chalk and blackboard.
But still study - a useful thing,
Nobody pretended to anyone in life science,
We work the student, do not be sad, do not cry on vacation,
Learn, it will be useful, a lot of tasks will have to solve in life!

Congratulations on the Day of Knowledge Pupils

Autumn day filled with knowledge taste
On the day of information from the sources of science
Tasteful skills, skills and skills
Nibbled non-dusty, but sugar granite!
We wish you study how work,
So that with a sense of duty you
All setting, mystery to know
Science of a wonderful fabulous country!

Beautiful congratulations on September 1 to students

Outside the window ray of the sun flows,
Globe at school bored,
The party is happily laughing:
"Student adult has become!"

Happy colors, ink, discoveries!
Knowledge of the day came to you!
Joyful to you events
In the best of all schools.

Congratulations on September 1 students in verse

Such school great time
Autumn day he is the brightest!
Happy Value Day - at the School of Devora,
Such lush bows, bouquets!
Learn, children, just perfectly!
The Great Country hopes for you.
Decide all the tasks themselves personally -
Successes, life is only alone!

Congratulations on the first of September disciples in verse

Today, the school closer rang,
And the kids are waiting for their first lesson.
The road to knowledge opened
And in the smiles of children's school lit up.
First graders we want to wish
So that gnawing the granite of science was to move.

Congratulations on the Day of Knowledge Pupils in verses

We wish you new knowledge
And successfully nibble strong granite,
Get carried away with friends
Discipline called Life!
And in the school year new
You wish you success, victories
So that you yourself proud
After a lot of many years!

Congratulate the student from September 1

Red digit not marked
This day in the calendar
And the flags are not blossomed
Near the house, in the yard.
One simple
We will find out this day:
For children going to school
Cities and villages.
On a fun wave
On the face of students
On a special embarrassment
Seven year old newcomers ...
And let a lot of glorious,
Different days in the calendar,
But one of the most important -
The very first in September!

Congratulate the student from the first of September

For the first time you came to the school courtyard
Today, first graders became important,
Hope, the way you are in eternity for the country,
Today you just need to try!

We wish to study only on "five",
Let us lucky in all of you, children,
All books are interesting to read,
To engage in the possession of the planet!

Wish to students on September 1

Congratulations on the Day of Knowledge, all people around
We wish - to grow, develop!
For us knowledge - as the best of our friend,
Let them be with them - everything will be obtained.

Let the resentment to the new discoveries of the VMYG
You will give energy, strength,
So that you yourself studied, taught others
That life is bright, beautiful!

So you seem diverse all days
To excellence you seek,
We wish on the day of knowledge all the difficulties of the VMG
Bypass, dreams so that they are embodied!

Wish to students on the day of knowledge

On the first day of autumn
You are a captive science, -
Knows the whole class.

We still wish
You go ahead
I know that -
Good luck is waiting for you!

Wish to students from the first of September

The bell rang fun
Autumn all called to school.
Knowledge of the day we celebrate
Baby, congratulations to you!
Knowledge River,
And study is not easy.
All - patience, adjacent,
From the heart now we wish.
No matter how difficult it would be
Joyful knowledge of everyday life!
Study, study and study again!

Official greetings from September 1 to students

Knowledge Day, and, of course, the Day of the World -
Such for all day first in September,
When under the sounds of the waltz from the ether
Freight Congratulations Speaker Deat.
Knowledge Day - Peace Day, Required,
As a symbol of kindness and purity,
Long ago and firmly hotly beloved
And generous on smiles and flowers.

Autumn quickly arrived,
Already the day of knowledge on the threshold.
And we wish the disciples
Retribute to knowledge without alarming!

We all wish to teachers
Nerves strong, whole year.
Success creative, good luck,
And let the year you are waiting for happiness.

After all, the school is not a simple place,
In school, everything is one family.
So be successful, miles,
We congratulate everyone from the first of September.

He said that the road was not easy or short, but expressed confidence that students together with teachers would have achieved their goals in life. Romanian education needs all of us, teachers, parents, local governments and all institutions in the district and in the country police, hospital, church, business, government and parliament.

About 2, 3 million students and children of kindergarten returned to school on Monday after almost three-month vacation. The new academic year will be 176 business days, and the first holiday will be winter, which will begin on December 23. President Johannis criticized Monday at the opening ceremony in George Sinkai in Bucharest, as the government manipulates the situation in the field of education, referring to the methods of reintroduction "No long ago", and the leadership of one and drew attention to the most serious problems, from his point of view, Romanian standing in front of the formation system: an increasing number of functional illiterates goes beyond the school gate and a high percentage of school discrass, one of the largest in the European Union.

Congratulations on the first of September students

Happy new school year you congratulate you
Warm meeting with classmates and teachers wish
Started on the summer holidays, long longing,
And ahead-pointer, tutorial, chalk and blackboard.
But still study - a useful thing,
Nobody pretended to anyone in life science,
We work the student, do not be sad, do not cry on vacation,
Learn, it will be useful, a lot of tasks will have to solve in life!

There are, unfortunately, many students in Romania, starting academic year without textbooks or in buildings that do not meet minimal standards. It seems that every time a new school year begins, some people perceive them by surprise. Each government shrugged, indicating the government in advance.

This article is intended solely for your personal information. If you submit a media organization or company and want to consent to reprint our articles, email us at. Recall that at school, young people spend from 8 to 15 hours. And they sit, watch and listen most of this time! The most traditional age group offers the most traditional learning method.

Congratulations on the Day of Knowledge Pupils

Autumn day filled with knowledge taste
On the day of information from the sources of science
Tasteful skills, skills and skills
Nibbled non-dusty, but sugar granite!
We wish you study how work,
So that with a sense of duty you
All setting, mystery to know
Science of a wonderful fabulous country!

Do you like this kindergarten? It is not strange that it is unattractive for students, of which the motives often arise, the problems of the emotional climate, etc. Three years ago, the program "Creative Partnership", which included all Lithuania, encouraged the school to seek practical ways to change the situation. This project also takes place in our school.

As young people are sitting on the bench, they are curious that intrigues who are surprised, they need an adventure. How to create an adventure atmosphere in class? One small example of a lesson in designer music. The lesson begins in the class corridor. Students stand in a circle with closed eyes, and create practices, eloquent invite all thoughts to return to the word created to test the colors, smells and so on.

Beautiful congratulations on September 1 to students

Outside the window ray of the sun flows,
Globe at school bored,
The party is happily laughing:
"Student adult has become!"

Happy colors, ink, discoveries!
Knowledge of the day came to you!
Joyful to you events
In the best of all schools.

Congratulations on September 1 students in verse

Such school great time
Autumn day he is the brightest!
Happy Value Day - at the School of Devora,
Such lush bows, bouquets!
Learn, children, just perfectly!
The Great Country hopes for you.
Decide all the tasks themselves personally -
Successes, life is only alone!

Thus, communication has completely changed - from one person focused solely on a teacher or on a blackboard, now they interact with those who sits next to them and against them. The drawing was created by everyone together, so you had to agree on how it would look like.

Subsequently, he commented on joint work and, thus, found out the main features of impressionism. During the next music lesson, the practice and teacher student asked if music had taste? Listening to romantics, the students called for two Indian sweets and acidity. To taste, they were asked to describe the works that they heard to justify why they thought it. And there are many examples when students are offered unexpected "Change" criteria. And it is this surprise and oddity that encourage creatively to think and associate something that seems unrelated.

Congratulations on the first of September disciples in verse

Today, the school closer rang,
And the kids are waiting for their first lesson.
The road to knowledge opened
And in the smiles of children's school lit up.
First graders we want to wish
So that gnawing the granite of science was to move.

Congratulations on the Day of Knowledge Pupils in verses

We wish you new knowledge
And successfully nibble strong granite,
Get carried away with friends
Discipline called Life!
And in the school year new
You wish you success, victories
So that you yourself proud
After a lot of many years!

During the first meetings with practitioners, we noticed that several children were ignored in one class, and not indispensable and not strongly pronounced, but still mock. We even began to think about what methods and means to use for more coercion to talk about intimidation, humiliation of another person. But ultimately the problem was solved by itself. The creator of practice together with the Lithuanian teacher suggested that students create their own collage, reflecting their identity using clips for magazines.

Students worked a lot in groups, even from the country they saw that they were interested. After work was created, the disciples had to oppose the class and submit their work on the basis of one of the criteria - language energy. An alternative space was created for conversations - stool and chair.

Congratulate the student from September 1

Red digit not marked
This day in the calendar
And the flags are not blossomed
Near the house, in the yard.
One simple
We will find out this day:
For children going to school
Cities and villages.
On a fun wave
On the face of students
On a special embarrassment
Seven year old newcomers ...
And let a lot of glorious,
Different days in the calendar,
But one of the most important -
The very first in September!

After the presentation, the practitioner who created the poem commented on the pose, the intonation of each student, asked how the student felt - they were afraid, worried, shaken and so on. This student spoke perfectly: smoothly, interesting, playfully. He praised the practitioner, noticed that the speaker masks his excitement very well, he controls his voice well. The class also listened to the audience, eagerly encouraged, and the "backward" status melted.

Do teachers succeed in getting out of their everyday role? Our school has active teachers open to experimental innovations. At the beginning of the project, only 4 teachers participated in the project. If the teachers were horrified from the very beginning, because they did not know how it would be, they had to "get out" from their routine role. What happens if students do not accept this change, if the new methods offered to them will not like? These are natural questions about new experience.

Congratulate the student from the first of September

For the first time you came to the school courtyard
Today, first graders became important,
Hope, the way you are in eternity for the country,
Today you just need to try!

We wish to study only on "five",
Let us lucky in all of you, children,
All books are interesting to read,
To engage in the possession of the planet!

Now it's great to observe how the teachers in the new methodology do not like fish in the water. If earlier we used coordination with the responsible administrator, now the teachers themselves change lessons, extend, reduce their time, etc. We began to look for other educational spaces: school corridors, hall of activity, cultural center, student leisure zones, etc. There is a big clarity: it is not easy to use a multimedia that becomes a cradle of education, but it seeks to more effectively use video tools created by the students themselves in the learning process.

Wish to students on September 1

Congratulations on the Day of Knowledge, all people around
We wish - to grow, develop!
For us knowledge - as the best of our friend,
Let them be with them - everything will be obtained.

Let the resentment to the new discoveries of the VMYG
You will give energy, strength,
So that you yourself studied, taught others
That life is bright, beautiful!

For example, video posters that help to create associations and thereby consolidate the necessary knowledge. Students encourage curiosity, with intrigue, mysterious element, for example. This is a rating for each teacher. Unfortunately, these were divisions, "says Valdon Navikaite, a teacher working for more than two decades. Therefore, the teacher of the northern lyceum seeks to turn the school of today's youth in testing, fears and competition.

Teacher's task is to observe, evaluate and promote. Many twelve have already applied for training. It is easy to predict that the first choice of the teacher's profession was marked with less senior citizens than, for example, a lawyer or economist. However, working teachers are not afraid of this - people should come to school, provide their choice, correctly understand the objectives of work and responsibility on their shoulders.

So you seem diverse all days
To excellence you seek,
We wish on the day of knowledge all the difficulties of the VMG
Bypass, dreams so that they are embodied!

Wish to students on the day of knowledge

On the first day of autumn
You are a captive science, -
Knows the whole class.

We still wish
You go ahead
I know that -
Good luck is waiting for you!

It is important for me to open ways that the child will have fun to study the child, where everyone will be like a discovery for him, and learning will look fun and meaningful. According to her, for each child it is very important to see and appreciate that the school can communicate with good emotions.

I want every child to go to school more often, success is always observed, assessed, recognized its uniqueness and individuality, it is not comparable to any other, threatening tests or tests. Chichelitis, who felt like a teacher studying in elementary school, says that being a teacher first means to be a good person. I think the teacher, first of all, must send good energy to children. Also - to be energetic, learn to share knowledge and constantly learn independently.

Wish to students from the first of September

The bell rang fun
Autumn all called to school.
Knowledge of the day we celebrate
Baby, congratulations to you!
Knowledge River,
And study is not easy.
All - patience, adjacent,
From the heart now we wish.
No matter how difficult it would be
Joyful knowledge of everyday life!
Study, study and study again!

A teacher can show some behavior to children, explain the values \u200b\u200band tilt the child in the right direction. When a person is being formed, it is possible to discuss this together and find the truth together, "says a pre-school education specialist.

According to her, if the profession of the teacher was previously fixed, today the teacher should be able to exchange information, seek improvement and adapt to emerging issues. I try to constantly learn, search and open. This is a difficulty to get together with your children, understand that it is important for them, and what's interesting. The challenge is to pass the experience, learn, remember that most children learn from you that there should be an example. And sometimes children are so actively burning to find out what they need to learn.

Official greetings from September 1 to students

Knowledge Day, and, of course, the Day of the World -
Such for all day first in September,
When under the sounds of the waltz from the ether
Freight Congratulations Speaker Deat.
Knowledge Day - Peace Day, Required,
As a symbol of kindness and purity,
Long ago and firmly hotly beloved
And generous on smiles and flowers.

We recently talked to children about the diversity of dance, and the boys wanted to dance hippo. Well, I have to learn. Chichelite from new skills. The guarantor of success is mutual respect and learning errors. Such and similar adventures in the work of the teacher are everyday. According to Navikat, and does not allow boredom. For example, working with the smallest, you need to get used to the constant question "Why?".

The most interesting for me the youngest, only novice students of senior classes for which the world seems like such imperceptible and complete secrets. Their sincerity, admiration for innovation, the desire to learn, unacrettically creations, simply change the wiseship in view. In the life of each child, the first teacher remains in memory for life.

So again the school is ready to take you disciples. All of you have already become an adult, wisdom, more experienced. They began to understand more. There are new values \u200b\u200band priorities. New desires appeared. So let this new school year, fulfill all your expectations in full! Let the new opportunities will appear that still bring you closer to your dreams. Remember that persistence confidently leads you in front. And only work will help you to become exactly those who you see yourself in the future! So start to act right today, do not wait tomorrow! And then your dream will get closer on the day! With the first day of the school year, the disciples. © ©

Navikate, the responsible school should not be based on friendly, as on democratic, confidence-based relations, where the teacher respects the disciple, and the student is his teacher. No less important is the role of parents. Therefore, the inalienable attribute of the teacher is patience and creativity. Every day the teacher faces difficulties in his work - planning an interesting, active lesson, choosing methods that not only provide knowledge or develop certain business skills, but also creative thinking, the ability to solve problems.

In addition, adequately reacting to the behavior of others, for example, hyperactive children, when solving the problems of interpersonal relations between children, communicating with their parents, said Teacher "Northern Lyceum". The specialist noted that the environment is also very important for a qualitative educational process.

I remember how some of you, stood very small, with wide eyes without understanding anything. And today you are standing at all adults, completely different. In the eyes you can see confidence, perseverance and goal. I see that each of you has its own goal, there is its own way to which you strive today. I want to tell you that our school is proud of such students as you! What pride of our no limit. After all, you are our future! So let this year bring you new opportunities and goals. The main thing is that you always in the soul remained children, the same good and sincere! Happy holidays of you students. © ©

Today, in this solemn for students, schools, teachers day, I want to congratulate our school students with this day! I want to wish you that day, discovered new opportunities for you! He opened new goals for you, new facets of your life. Let for you this day begins brightly, festively and fun. Know that the school will do everything possible to develop your talents, open new forces in you for the teachings! Let all your lives fold well. After all, for each of our student it hurts our teachers, they always hurt the heart! So let's justify our hopes and hopes of your parents! Happy holiday you © ©

In the first September day, the day, when all students in elegant form come to school with flowers and joyful smiles on the faces. The school begins to revive, revive from that time when the walls were empty, the parties stood lonely. Everyone has an incentive to learn and learn from teachers and students. Today I want to wish to all students to always stay in a good spirit of the Spirit. And with a positive attitude to begin what has already begun, the road to successful learning. Which will lead you to the desired standard of living. Let the incentive study, does not leave you from the first day and to the end! Learn and work! Happy first day of study! © ©

It is always pleasant for me to watch how the morning of September first goes to school. When the disciples in elegant forms, with bows and gorgeous flowers come from everywhere! When the smallest schoolchildren first crossed the school threshold and are surprised to look at everything around. I congratulate you our disciples with the beginning of the school year! And I wish you on this day, another day to get closer to your dreams. After all, in order for a dream to become a reality, you need to make a maximum of effort and always stubbornly move forward. Happy holiday schoolchildren. Work, learn and become great people! © ©

School, school today again, already once again opens up for all students from the smallest, and up to the highest doors. She welcomed today all students and happily rings to the first lesson in this school year. Let this day, for you dear schoolchildren, brings happiness, inspiration and zeal to knowledge! Let the attitude that is available, you now do not fade to the most recent school day! After all, that mood is the key to the successful graduation. So dear students, let your success begins right today! Happiness to you and hard work! © ©

The most real holiday for all schoolchildren is the first call holiday! For someone and really first in life, and for someone seventh, ninth and for the highest, the first last bell! For each of you we have wishes! All of them are inclined to achieve something in life, you need not just wait, but to go to the goal through all the difficulties and obstacles! We wish you a zeal of knowledge, willpower, perseverance and ingenious thoughts! Let this call wake in your hearts inspiration that will help you conquer the new heads of textbooks and master simple life truths! Happy first school day! © ©

Favorite children, you are for us - not just disciples, and dear people for whom we have always experienced and answered. Now you leave school. I want to wish you a good way and happiness. Let each of you manage to carry out your cherished dream. Let there be faith and hope, love and joy, luck and luck.

You grow old, adultels,
And everyone has succeeded in their studies,
But it's time to say goodbye
And to the new way to go.

You are waiting for victory and accomplishment,
Doubts, ups and downs.
Do not believe Rosskaznyh dull,
You in this life - all forces!

Everything that thought - happens,
Only costs to work hard.
Do not be afraid to help ask
Learn to trust and live!

The day of parting, but guys, know: Teachers never forget their disciples. Years will be held, and you can always return to your native school as your home. Let your fate be in the best possible way and everyone will receive what he is persistent, labor and talent. Forward guys, you will find an adult world!

We taught you with love,
No closer and relatives,
Remember in the life of an adult
You are your teachers.

"In a good way" - today let's say
And we will skate.
Love, children, all of you are very,
Congratulations on this day.

Happiness to you, the success of loud,
Do not give up never.
Let always be a ray of light
Gives a bright star.

Congratulations to you, our dear and wonderful graduates. Today a farewell school ball is born in your honor, and tomorrow you will wake up with thoughts, where to go further, who to become and what to choose for yourself. We wish you, dear children, never lose faith in yourself, to go to the call of your heart and follow your dream. Let you accompany the wind of good luck and the bright rays of well-being in the world of adult life.

Today you have graduation -
This is the beginning of a big way.
But the secret of success is simple -
Wisely and honestly need to go.

Let your roads go
Over the horizons of bold victories.
Let the admissions around the edge
And life will be bright without trouble.

Be brave on the road,
Do not lose your honor and face.
After all, today on the school threshold
We are proud for you like no one.

Our wonderful and expensive disciples, today it is time to say "goodbye" school, it is "goodbye", and not "goodbye". After all, we hope that you will often come to visit us and remember our cheerful classes, wonderful adventures and fun stories. Let the further path hurt you a bright happiness, great success and great victories, let everything work, we wish you not to lose faith in yourself and your dreams.

We taught, and you surprised
We are success and kindness,
But rapidly you grow up
And now your prom is prom.

You, guys, happy roads
In this life, sometimes it is difficult
Will let her bright, beautiful
How today's graduation ball!

Completed school. And you matured.
And you have an exhaust evening.
Grew, rushing, finish wanted -
Take goodbye to the school country.

We teach you so hard
All that we have comprehended ourselves.
You argued and doubted
And the new one was opened.

Today, childhood you turn the page,
Enter serious, adult world.
We wish you graduates and graduates,
Good luck, faithful to take a reference point.

Go boldly, defeat all the obstacles,
Luck let accompanies on the road,
We wish you to get closer to the dream, guys
Let the side bypass and adversity bypass.