Drawing by balloons in kindergarten. Unconventional drawing on balloons

Drawing by balloons in kindergarten. Unconventional drawing on balloons

Education area: "Cognition", "Communication", "Music", "Artistic Creativity".

Types of children's activities: Game, communicative, productive.

The development of abilities in children understand the emotional state of another person and the ability to adequately express their own.


Educational: To introduce children with unconventional drawing equipment in balloons.

Developing: improve drawing technique with gouache paints.

Railing: to educate activity, independence, confidence.

Materials and equipment: emotion pictograms; Disk with musical works: P.I. Tchaikovsky "Waltz Flowers", V.P.Gerchik "Song of Dragonflies", E.Grieg "in the cave of the mountain king"; Balloons; gouachey paints; wide soft brushes; water capacity; mirrors.

Preliminary work: listening to musical works; Conversation by themes: "I am satisfied", "I'm sad", "I'm angry"; Determination of the mood of children to arrive in kindergarten.

During the classes

1. Creating a gaming motivation.

Travel to the country of "moods".

We have an unusual journey today, we will go to the country of "moods". To get to it, you need to call the "Magic Word", guess:

Game "Guess the Word":

Even the ice block melts from the word good ... (Thank you).
If the girl is sick, she wreaks hoarsely,
And sneezes again, let us say ... (be healthy).
When to blame, we hurry, please, please ... (sorry).
Talk to friends is not too lazy, smiling ... (good day).
To each other for a farewell, we say ... (Goodbye).
For the day we are tired very, say everything ... (good night).
Like, it seems, the word reign, on the friendly ... (Hello).

Coming to visit, we greet, wanting health. We will greet the inhabitants of the country "mood".

Pooh "Hello"

You will tell a person.
- Hello!
He smiles in response.
And probably
Will not go to the pharmacy
And healthy will be many years.

2. Psychological etudes.

The first "mood" that lives in the country is joy. Let's imagine that we are a little seed.

(Music sounds, children are depicting gestures and faithful joy).


The warm beam fell to the ground and warmed in the ground seed. Sprout sneaked from the seed. Beautiful flower grew out of the sprout. The flower in the sun is inappropriate, substitutes the heat and the light every little petal, turning his head after the sun.

The second "mood" is sadness, sadness. Let's imagine that we are dragonfly with you that frozen, we are cold and hungry.

(Music sounds, children are depicting gestures and facials sadness and sorrow of dragonfly).

"Dragonfly frozen"

Winter came, and the dragonfly did not prepare a house, not a storage of food. Dragonfly tremble from cold:

Cold, cold,
Oh - she is her - she!
Hungry, hungry,
Terribly in winter!
I have nowhere to go,
Submissions are not reading.
Stay wake up
And let me eat.

And in this country lives - anger, anger. Imagine the anger and anger of King Borovik.

(Music sounds, children are depicting gestures and faithful anger and anger of the king).

"King Borovik is not in the spirit."
Walked King Borovik
Through the forest directly.
He threatened his fist
And pounded the heel.
There was a king of Borovik not in the Spirit:
The king bit flies.


3. Drawing.

Children are considering their faces in the mirror, call part of the face. Determine your mimic: joyful, sad, evil. Draw your mood in balloons.

(In the course of execution, work is considered and discussed by children).

4. Reflection.

So ends our journey. It's time to return.

Saying residents of the country "sentiment" bye, it means to a quick date.

Everyone will say for a piece of fare
Leaving, all "Goodbye!".

And now I want to know what your mood is, after our trip. Game "Find my mood."

(Children convey their mood in facial expressions and gestures).


1. Davydova N.G., "Non-traditional drawing techniques in kindergarten",

Moscow "Publishing Scripture 2003". 2008

2.Tufracou R.A.; Kudeko M.V., "Idea Collection", Moscow "Link-Press". 2004

3. Einon D.A., creative game: from birth to 10 years old. - M., 1995.

4. Colddis D.N., Gaming classes with children. - M., 2010.

5. Drawing with children of preschool age: non-traditional techniques, planning, abstracts of classes / ed. R.G. Cossack. - M., 2007.

6. Tyuyanova I.V., "The workshop of young artists. Development of pictorial abilities of preschool children, "St. Petersburg, publishing house" Childhood-Press ", 2004.

Most holidays, how original and rare, they would not be, are always accompanied by stable decor elements. Of course, this is a cake, a couple of drunk individuals, a bunch of banal toasts mixed with the same jokes, as well as one special element that delivers the joy of kids. At the request of the latter, you will now see a lesson about how to draw balloons in stages. The ball is primarily a geometric figure on so many polygonal that it seems rounded with a naked eye, and armed and suppressed. The balloon is far from round, from which it complex and often finishes the life of suicide, the progress of itself to any sharp object, or refuses to breathe, from which the anorexia suffers and is completely blown away. The presence of sabzha on unwritten laws increases the level of festivity in any situation per hundred units.

On the other hand, the ball is the average name of the dog of any breed and origin, so familiar in native land, which this information is already in their genetic code. Less trite sounds tuzik, a shepherd and chestnut, but it is extremely rarely used. This process is controlled by an unknown force, to which humanity is not yet ready, nevertheless, separately every tum is a little ball, and this is already a paradox.

Stupidity and not only:

  • The first balloons were inflated from the skin of bulls and whales, presumably the dead at that time. Nightmare;
  • Argumental balls - a new word in the field of nanotechnology of the future, in which the ball has thinking and can determine the cause and consequences of its inflation;
  • An interesting record was delivered to the Walt Disney studio, which launched 1,592,744 balls into the air simultaneously. Beautiful Cho;
  • One ball raises 3 grams of weight. ATTENTION Question, and how many balls do you need to raise you into the air?

And it is not difficult to draw them. See for yourself:

How to draw balls with pencil stages

Step one. At first, you need to prepare a drawing, drawing several shapes and lines as in the bottom figure.
Step second. Now add a person holding the same inflatable balls in the hands.
Step Three. Add a bit of high grass, glare on the balls and test the girl's body.
Step fourth. Clear the drawing and add strokes with shadows to your taste. Here, ready:
There are still many interesting things in the world that can be syrupted, for example.

Svetlana Legin

Subject: « Balloon»

Software tasks:

Teach Children Image Rounded Form (ball); distinguish between colors correctly call them; keep the brush correctly paint on the brush, MAKATING HER TO ALL VASS IN A jar, remove paintBy touching the pile about the edge of the jar.

Develop the aesthetic perception of children,

Educate the interest of children to drawing.

Equipment and materials:

Demonstration material: Teddy bear buzzed red, inflated air balls by the number of children

Handout: landscape sheet, gouache, tassels.

Travel course:

Guys, TS-S-C, hear, someone knocked on the door to us. Sit quietly, I will go and look, maybe someone came to visit us?

Baby see who came to us. Who is it? (Bear). Look, he cries. I ask him why he cries? (Yes). Teddy bear Why do you cry?

Guys, I walked to a hare for a birthday, carried ball as a gifthooked over a twig in the forest and ball burst, what to do? I do not know….

Let's calm the bear, and play the game « Ball»

Fingering game « BALL»

Fast ball inflation

He becomes big

Suddenly the ball burst,

The air came out,

He became thin

Guys you like paint? (Yes). Guys, and let's do we draw a bear balloons. What was ball at Mishk? (round, red)

And what colors are there balloons? (red, Yellow, etc.) Correctly guys balls we have multicolored

Show explaining

Show how we will draw our balls.

I take a tassel, above her clothes. And now dry brush in paint. . I take green paint And I begin to conduct a rounded line and connect one end with another. And I paint with a slight movement.

Opened ball?

Now draw a line. It will be a rope ball.

Here it turned out green ball.

And now the guys raised brushes. We spend all together in air rounded line. Connect one end with another, so that we get ball. AND pain the rope line to the ball.

Well done!

Tassel keep three fingers, right hand.

And now dry the brush in paint. Paints need to draw carefully. Like this. Now let's draw rounded lines so that one end is connected to another. Everything drawn? And now the light movements of the hand are painted balloons. Try not to go beyond the circle. Let's try to balls from us turned beautifuland bunny will walk and watch how you can beautiful draw.

FINAL PART (with a teddy)

Me Teddy said what everyone beautiful balls are obtained. Well done!

Guys see how a bear is praised, he even stopped crying.

Thank you guys for such balloons! Now I will go for a birthday, how my friend's bunny will be delighted! Goodbye, guys! (Bye).

Guys are all today, well done. I prepared for you balloonsPlay with them.

Publications on the topic:

Form Node: Fine activity - Application. Education area: artistic and aesthetic. Organization form: subgroup.

MUNICIPAL EDUCATIONAL EDUCATION CONSTRUCTION Kasternsitskaya Main secondary school Summary of directly organized activities.

Abstract Node for cognitive development in the middle group "Air ball" Objective: to summarize the presentation of children about the air and its properties, contributing to the formation of cognitive interest. Tasks: educational:.

Abstract Watercolor paints "Cosmeya" in the senior group An abstract classes in the older drawing group "Flowers" (Cosmeya) Tasks: Continue to acquaint with watercolor paints, teach ways to work.

"Aerial view of the air balloon." An abstract classes on artistic creativity (applique) Excretion on the applique "Air Type of Transport - Balloon". Purpose: Teach children to create an air type of transport from paper. Tasks:.

Abstract Classes on unconventional drawing in the middle group Subject: "Cosmos" (drawing test or 3D-paints) MDOU "Kindergarten" Birch "Abstract An unconventional drawing in the middle group Theme:" Cosmos "(drawing with test or 3D-paints).

Nelli Romanov

Drawing technique:

"Writing with balloon"

AGE: From 4 years

Means of expressiveness: Spot, texture, color

Materials: Dense paper of any color, size (color cardboard, watercolor or gouache, diluted to medium consistency, painting brush, slightly inflated air balloon without pattern.

Master - Class


"Magic Flowers"

Method number 1.

The child holds the ball behind the knife tied and covers its surface on from all sides.

Puts a ball on paper perpendicularly and with a different force presses on top of it - it turns out a round shape.

In the process of drawing, you can change or add colors of paint. Details (stems, stamens, leaves, and. Etc.) are drawn to a brush.

Method number 2.

Holding a ball for the tip, cover its surface at 2/3, using both one and several colors of paint

Put the ball on a sheet of paper perpendicularly, holding it for

Tilt the ball up and slightly pressing paper - return to its original position. In the future, apply it in any direction, painted by the side, rotating around its axis. When drawing terry colors, prints are superimposed several times each other.

In the process of drawing, it is possible to change or add color, parts (stalks of the leaf of stamens and. Etc.) are drawn to the brush.

Let's find out how to draw balls with a pencil stepmate. This lesson is very light, and you will definitely work out, even if before that you never painted with pencils or paints. Prepare drawing materials and can be processed.

Before drawing any item, still life or portrait, it is recommended to place a sheet. You must imagine the size of the subject, its proportion and fit all this on the sheet. I place the sheet in this way before drawing the balls.

I start drawing balls from the bottom of the ligament. Draw three - one in the middle and two on the sides.

Take five more balls in the upper part of the figure so that they are all inscribed in it. The main lines first can be drawn very light strokes, and then bother already with confident lines, so your drawing will look neat and beautiful.

Now you need to draw strips from the balls, we painted eight balls, so there will be eight threads too.

Add a beautiful bow down at the bottom to our drawn balls looked at all festive.

Let's describe the balls that we painted. Choose the brightest colors, then it all looks very cool.

Here is a drawing in the end we succeeded. If you liked to draw balls in a phased pencil with me, I recommend trying other lessons.