Christmas paintings of famous artists. "The case was in January"

Christmas paintings of famous artists.
Christmas paintings of famous artists. "The case was in January"

The famous Russian artist very much loved to depict folk festivities during the Christmas and New Year holidays, his paintings were always distinguished by special fabulousness. The canvas "Winter" demonstrates a small town, drowning in the snow, and elegant three horses on which people ride fun. This picture, filled with joy, exceeds the winter holiday mood.

Alexander Buchkuri. "Christmas Bazaar". 1906 year

Buchkuri is another Russian painter, among whose works can be a canvas for New Year's theme. The "Christmas Bazaar" depicts a cheerful and colorful fair that the towns of the town visited to acquire everything necessary for the holidays. Here and Christmas trees, and gingerbread houses, and sweets, and toys. On the faces of people joyful smiles from the anticipation of the New Year.

Viggo Yuhansen. "Merry Christmas". 1891 year

This Danish artist preferred to depict episodes from family life on his pictures. One of his truly magical works is the "happy Christmas" canvas, where against the background of human shadows sparkles with bright lights a dressed up tree. It is this contrast and transfers the fabulous atmosphere of the holiday and waiting for a miracle, thanks to which it is impossible to tear away from the picture.

Olga Romanova. "New Year's treat." 1891 year

All the children of Emperor Alexander III studied painting, but only Olga was seriously engaged in this art. Her canvas "New Year's treat" was written in emigration, but the princess very accurately handed the spirit of the Russian holiday. In the picture, we see a covering table on the background of a decorated tree, on a white tablecloth there is a samovar, a tea set, a jar of jam and a festive cake.

Henry Mosler. "Christmas morning." 1916

The canvas of this American artist is characterized by some special magic and mysteriousness. The picture "Christmas Morning" depicts two children who froze in front of a fitted door in impatient and anticipation. A richly dressed christmas tree is visible in the opening, which is decorated with burning candles, and on the floor you can even consider gifts.

Tatyana Erein. "Pre-New Year'schairs". 1953.

Among the works of this talented and diverse Soviet artist there is also a very atmospheric figure that transmits the expectation of the holiday - "New Year's Eve. On the canvas you see a joyful family: Dad carries the Christmas tree, Mom is a cake in the box, and the little daughter is a figure of Santa Claus. Around a lot of people with shirts - everyone is trying to buy to the holiday of gifts.

Alexander Dudin. "Christmas tree". 1953.

The paintings of this Russian painter are characterized by elegant simplicity, where there is nothing superfluous. Festive coniferous beauty, decorated with glass toys and a brilliant rain, depicted on the Elka's canvas. That is how Christmas tree decorated in Soviet times: rustled figures in the form of balls, cones and fungi. The picture very well transfers the fabulous atmosphere of the New Year.

Norman Rockwell. "Santa Claus". 1921 year

The works of this American illustrator are more similar to Christmas cards - they are so impregnated with magic. At one of his charming illustrations, you see a sleeping girl, near the crib of Santa Claus with a bag of gifts. The artist left us a mystery, whether the older girl dreams, or this fabulous character actually exists.

Alexander Glyaev. "New Year". 1967 year

This Soviet artist is surprisingly accurately transmitting the atmosphere of the holiday. In the picture "New Year" depicts the usual working family at the time of the decoration of the tree. Outside the window of the evening, dad sits at the table and watches with a smile, like a mother with children get out of the box Christmas toys and dress up a coniferous tree. And everything is so cozy and homely, which involuntarily causes a sincere smile.

Alexander Mokhov. "Dec. 31". 2005 year

Surprisingly, modern cloths of this Russian artist seemed to be drawn at the beginning of the last century - they exactly transmit the atmosphere of those times. In the background of the painting "December 31" we see snow-covered rural houses, and on the front - a fragment of the table. On it there is a vase with coniferous branches and a red cat, touching a paw hanging from the branch of the ball.

These bright days, when it works in a special way in a miracle, when hope for the best, we bring to your attention a selection of paintings on the plot of the Nativity of Christ. These are paintings by artists of different countries, different periods and directions in art, but they all recreate the unique atmosphere of the winter fairy tale, the expectations of the miracle, family comfort.

It is believed that for the first time the Christmas of Christ was celebrated in Rome in the second quarter of the 4th century, and the origins of the iconography of the Nativity of Christ are taking place to images in the catacombs and on sarcophagas. Recessed images - much later.

Painting Capella branches in Padua, artist Jotto di Bondone (1305-1313)

Jotto di Bondone, "Christmas of Christ"

Sandro Botticelli

Interesting is one of the last paintings of the Florentine artist Sandro Botticelli "Mystical Christmas". In the upper part of the web, a Greek inscription is preserved, which says:

She was written at the end of 1500 during the riots in Italy, me, by Alexander, in half of that period, at the beginning of which the head of the IX of St. John and the second revelation of the Apocalypse, when Satan reign on the ground three and a half years. According to this period, the devil will be chained again, and we will see the overthrown, as in this picture.

Artist Master Franke (Ok. 1380-1436)

Master Franke, "Birth of Jesus"

Fir Filippo Lippey.

Image of christmas artist Fir Filippo Lippey. (1406-1469) - Florentine painter, one of the most prominent masters of early Italian revival.

Frappo Lippi, "Christmas of Christ"

Conrad von ZOS.

Christmas story from a Westphalian artist Conrad background Zosta (1370-1422)

Konrad Von Zost, "Christmas of Christ"

El Greco

El Greco, "Christmas of Christ"

Boris Kustodiev

One of the favorite topics of the Russian artist Boris Kustodiev There were folk festivities during the winter holidays. The plots of his paintings are always fabulous, here is one of them.

Vladimir Borovikovsky

Master of portrait painting Vladimir Borovikovsky also wrote to the famous biblical plot:

Vladimir Borovikovsky, "Nativity of Christ"

Nicky Boehm

The works of the American artist Nicky Boehmu are always vividly delicate and warm, full of good and magic.

Viggo Yuhansen

One of the most magical works of the Danish artist Viggo Yuhansen. Often refer to the picture "Happy Christmas".

Thomas Kinkade

One of the most popular modern American artists - Thomas Kinkade (1958-2012) created such beautiful, filled with light and the hope of painting.

Henry Mosler

American artist Henry Mosler In his picture, "Christmas Morning" depicted the moment of anticipation of the pleasure of the holiday.

The State Museum of Fine Arts named after A.S. Pushkin implemented another significant project. In the halls of the Moscow Museum there was an exhibition dedicated to the work of an outstanding artist Michelangelo da Caravaggio. The exhibition is held in the framework of the Year of Italy in Russia.
The exposition includes 11 works of the master from the ITALY and Vatican assemblies. The exhibition is small, but rare in its meaning. Among the presented works such masterpieces of European painting as a "boy with a fruit basket" from the Borghese gallery, almost never leaving the walls of the Vatican Palace "Position in the Coffin", "Dinner in Emmaus" from the Milan Gallery of Brera, "Appeal Sawla" from the Church of Santa Maria Del Popolo and other canvas.

The following paintings are presented in the selection dedicated to Christmas:

4. Georgeon. Worship of Magi.

5. Rogir van der Wayden. Worship of Magi.

6. Rembrandt, Harmene Van Rhine. Flight to Egypt.

7. Hugo van der Gus. Christmas.

10. Mikhail Vasilyevich Nesterov. Nativity.

12. He is Henri Paul Gajen. Christmas.

Georgio Vazari. (1511-1574) - Italian painter, architect and writer.

Vladimir Lukich Borovikovsky (1757-1825) - Russian artist, master portrait.

George Barbarelli yes Castelfranko, more known as Georgeon (1476/1477 - 1510) - Italian artist, representative of the Venice School of Painting; One of the greatest masters of high rebirth.

Rogir van der Wayden (1399/1400 - 1464) - Wang Eyka's opponent for the title of the most influential wizard of the early Diderland painting.

Rembrandt Harmers Wang Rhine (16-6-1669) - Dutch artist, draftsman and engraving, great master of lighting, the largest representative of the Golden Age of Dutch painting.

Hugo van der Gus (Ok. 1420-25 - 1482) - Flemish artist. Albrecht Dürer considered him the largest representative of the early Diderland painting along with Jan Van Eyk and Rogrir van der Wayden.

Sandro Botticelli (1445-1510) - Nope of the Florentine artist Alessandro di Mariano di Banny Filipei, which brought the art of a quatrocheto on the threshold of high rebirth.

Michelangelo Merisi de Caravaggio (1573-1610), Italian artist, reformer of European painting of the 17th century, one of the largest masters Baroque. One of the first applied the Maneru of the letter "Kyarostkuro" - a sharp oppression of light and shadow.

Mikhail Vasilyevich Nesterov (1862-1942) - Russian and Soviet painter. Honored Art Worker of the RSFSR (1942). Winner of the Stalinist Premium First Degree (1941).

Shebuyev, Vasily Kozmich - (* 2 (13) April 1777 in Kronstadt - † 16 (28) June 1855, St. Petersburg) - Russian painter, a valid Stat Counselor, Academician, Honored Rector of Painting and Scale of the Imperial Academy of Arts (1832), one of leading masters of late classicism and academism.

Eugene Anripol Gaugugen (1848-1903) - French painter, sculptor-ceramist and schedule. Along with Cezanne and Van Gogh, he was the largest representative of postpressionism.

Nativity. Patriarch Learn the sovereign in the Golden Chamber.
Buchholts Fedor (Theodore Alexander Ferdinand) Fedorovich (Gustavovich) (1857-1942).
Illustration for the magazine "Niva". Engraved shyubler

Christmas bargaining.
Henry Matveevich Manizer. Canvas, oil.
Omsk Regional Museum of Fine Arts. M. A. Vrubel

Christmas market.
Buchkuri Alexander Alekseevich (1870 -1942). 1906

Preparatory drawing to the picture "Christmas bargaining". 1918.
Kustodiev Boris Mikhailovich

Christmas bargaining.
Boris Mikhailovich Kustodiev. 1918. Canvas, oil. 98x98.
Krasnodar regional art museum. F. Kovalenko, Krasnodar

The canvas on the themes of festive provincial life are different, only for Kustodiev characteristic brightness, multicolored and the vitality of the smallest details. Folk holidays and festivities have reflected in many works of the artist of different years. Becpending the student of the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts, Kustodiev the theme of his thesis chose a picture on a similar plot. He traveled around the villages, wrote etudes - portraits of peasants, landscape sketches, genre scenes. The same topic also includes the "christmas bargain" - a work created by the artist in 1918.

Hitting the life and morals of the Russian province, Kustodiev surprisingly combined painting with verbal and musical folklore - with a song and a fairy tale. Attentive, thoughtful viewer not only sees, but also "hears" the artist's work. Written, most likely, in memory, the picture does not have an accurate geographical address - this is Russia at all, not the Astrakhan or Kostroma Christmas Bazaar. The effect on the canvas is as if "in some kingdom, in some state." The spacious sky and the gilded domes of the church over a fussy human anthill - who are only not among this motley crowd! Real wonderfully combined with fantastic: colorful tale, full of living parts, appears before us. And the artist, as if a real storyteller, emphasized everything funny, toy, which is in this uncomplicated narration, hiding everything serious that could be in it hidden. The Christmas Bazaar is depicted by an artist as a festive spectacle. The pattern of the picture resembles a stage platform. The location of the figures, at first glance, is given chaotic: the image can be continued and right, and left. The impertness of the composition, its peculiar fluidity even more strengthens this is the overall impression.

A great place is allocated in this genre scene. The scenery - fabulous seems to be church domes on the background of a snow-covered sky, ate was removed into elegant winter clothes - the main object of bargaining at the fair. The brush smear on the canvas artist did easily, smoothly, even somehow delicately. Large importance attached to the line of line, drawing, playing color spots. Light in this case does not matter much, the light becomes very conditional. Local color spots form a harmonious decorative whole. The sky closed with clouds does not have depth, the dome of the church is intense in color, so that the difference of plans is reduced almost.

On the one hand, the bush is notified and transferred to the canvas genuine types of the Russian province, the real atmosphere of the pre-New Year fuss is transferred and on the other - a festive performance, a costume performance with beautiful scenery is playing in front of us by the artist. Joyful, with nothing with a comparable feeling of fullness of life and movement permeates the canvas. Life in this work is visible everywhere: the people are happy and fussy, in the sky draws his intricate snowy winter patterns in the sky, and all this action will enhance the fresh coniferous aroma of the ate-beauties.

The world in the picture of Kustodiev is similar to the magic light with ever-changing pictures - you can endlessly observe his diverse, so simple, Nomudren and at the same time a complete deep meaning of life. The blue and gentle-white paint paintings are packed, pleased, as if they burn, creating a gentle and poetic atmosphere of the miracle standby on the eve of the holiday - timeless, always modern. They remind us eternally busy and anywhere in a hurry that everything in this world is fine that life is amazing already because it is life.

From the book: T. Kondratenko, Y. Solodovnikov "Krasnodar Regional Art Museum named after F.A. Kovalenko". White city, 2003.

Behind Christmas trees

Return from the Christmas Fair.
MM Germishev (Bubello). Postcard

Preparing for Christmas.
Sergey Vasilyevich Leopsin (1869-1916). 1896

Christmas tree.
Corin Aleksey Mikhailovich.1910

Nikolai Ivanovich Feshin (1881-1955). 1917

Christmas tree.
Alexander Morazov. 1921

New Year's treat.
Great Princess Olga Aleksandrovna Romanova (Sister Imp. Nicholas II). 1935

Christmas day. In the monastery.
Ivan Stolech Goryushkin-Sorokopudov. Illustration in the journal "Niva"

Slavic cities.
Solomatkin Leonid Ivanovich. 1867 canvas oil

Solomatkin Leonid Ivanovich. 1868. Canvas, oil.
State Russian Museum

Solomatkin Leonid Ivanovich. Canvas, oil.
State Vladimir-Suzdal Historical and Architectural and Art Museum-Reserve

Solomatkin Leonid Ivanovich. Canvas, oil.
Odessa Art Museum

Solomatkin Leonid Ivanovich. 1872. Canvas, oil. 40.3? 51.5.
Ulyanovsky Art Museum

Solomatkin Leonid Ivanovich (1837-1883). 1872. Canvas, oil.
Perm State Art Gallery

Solomatkin Leonid Ivanovich (1837 - 1883) visited the classes of the Imperial Academy of Arts and received a small silver medal for the paintings of the "Name Day" (1862) and "Slavic-Gorodi" (1864), which V. V. Stasov welcomed as "Wonderful Fresh Fedotovskaya Siblings schools. The last plot was subsequently repeatedly repeated, not less than 18 copyright replicas, although the first option was not preserved. Art Catalog

In the cellar on a spanime week.
Solomatkin Leonid Ivanovich (1837-1883). 1878. Canvas, oil. 26.5x21.5.
Art Gallery of the Foundation Generations of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous District of Ugra
Arrival: 2003

In the painting "In the cellar on a batch week", Solomatkin depicts his favorite heroes - stray musicians. Talent is a burden or gift, happiness or curse? Talent is fate. The artist himself and his heroes did not make talent happy, but they with dignity fulfill their destination. The musicians depicted in the picture knew the best days. The Cello, which plays an old man is a professional tool that allows the musician to qualify for a certain chosenness, indicating a certain level of living, remaining in the past. The old man is accompanied by a boy blowing on him on a pipe. Apparently, for the sake of this boy, carefully covered with a warm scarf, the old man has to wander with a heavy zucchini tool in a zucchini, earning bread. In the room there is a Christmas tree decorated with toys, and masks and masquerade costumes hang on the hanger, giving all this a phantasmagoric tint. Art Gallery Fund Generations KhMAO Ugra

Waits. (Children of the Old Village).
Fedot Vasilyevich Sychkov (1870 - 1958). 1935. Canvas, oil. 63x83 cm
Mordovian Republican Museum of Fine Arts named after S. D. Erzi

With a star.
Reproduction from the picture M. Rhermashev, published by Rishar, printed in the printing house of the Partnership "R.Golike and A.Vilborg". Petrograd, 1916

Christmas card Figure Boris Zvorikina

Carols in Malorussia.
Truitansky Konstantin Aleksandrovich (1826-1893). No later than 1864
Russian painting

Nikolay Kornilovich Pimenko. Second floor. 1880s. Canvas, oil. 170x130.
Donetsk Regional Art Museum

Buchkuri Alexander Alekseevich (1870 -1942). Canvas, oil.

Nunty palette and christmas paint on the canvases of Russian artists. We consider with Natalia Summer.

The artist-holiday is in the pre-New Year bustle. Following Boris Kustodiyev, we will go to the "Christmas Torg". In search of fair paints of pre-holiday, the painter traveled by provinces and villages. "Everything is so simple and beautiful," the master said in admiration. And there is. High sky, gilded dome, ringing frosty air, fluffy christmas trees in the snow. And also - Homon and laughter, which sound from the canvas.

B. Kustodiev. Christmas bargaining. 1918.

Picture as a photo from a family album. The artist Zinaida Serebryakova, dressed up the daughter of Katya in the blue blouse and the powdered tri-fingell, did not lend it to the new-fashioned photo equipment. In the best family traditions, the descendants of Benouu and Lancer - took the paper and pastel and "stopped a moment" at the home tree. The picture instead of the family archive fell into the collection of the Pushkin Museum. The girl after just two years old became a Parisian. Fancy birds on the home tree - one of the last children's impressions about Russia.

Z. Serebryakova. Katya in blue in the Christmas tree. 1922. GMI them. Pushkin

A small table with a white tablecloth, an elegant service, a simple treat. Grazing to the brilliance of Samovar may argue in a shine with Christmas tree toys generously decorated Christmas tree. "New Year's treat" of the Great Princess Olga Romanova. In the imperial family, they trained painting of all children, but only the youngest daughter Alexander III became an artist. One of the most nostalgic among two thousand, the picture is written in a foreign land. Olga Alexandrovna lived in Denmark and Canada, but the Russian traditions kept carefully.

Great Princess O.A. Romanova. New Year's treat. 1935.

Calm, quiet, fabulous. The family evening of the artist Alexander Moravov - a picture "Christmas tree". At one table under the lampshade for reading a family gathered. In anticipation of the new year, waiting for Christmas. As if outside the window in the evening dusk not 1921 and there is no civil war. Alexander Morazov managed with a cannut just between two periods of the "Christmas Falls" - first as a bourgeois relic, then as religious. The usual family evening, which the smell of ate is still comfortable.

A. Moraveov. Christmas tree. 1921.

Cheerful, noisy, joyful. The new year is exactly what brought him to Russia the main crowned amateur of entertainment - Peter is the first. Masquerade - how he saw the artist illustrator Nikolai Ustinov. Little story from lyrics. Nothitroly decorated room: from the festive only a tree, masks and twisted pairs. Value for youth moment - invitations to dance. New Year is the time of hopes and dreams. But how dreamed when you 16 ... and the new year seems to be almost a new life.