Magellan's research. Traveler Fernan Magellan: The Biography of the Marigalemaker, who first committed around the world

Magellan's research. Traveler Fernan Magellan: The Biography of the Marigalemaker, who first committed around the world
Magellan's research. Traveler Fernan Magellan: The Biography of the Marigalemaker, who first committed around the world

(port. Fernão de Magalhães, Sp. Fernando de Magallanes, English. Ferdinand Magellan) (1480-1521) - Portuguese navigator, who has entered the story, as a person who first accomplished a trip around the Earth and as the first European overlooking the Atlantic Ocean in Quiet.

He opened (574 km), connecting the quiet and Atlantic oceans, which was subsequently named in his honor. Fernão de Magalhães, Sp. Fernando (Hernando) de Magallanes


Fernan Magellan was born in Portugal, in the town of Ponti-da Barka. The outcome is once noble, but with the time of the indispensable provincial nobleman, Magellan consisted of a pack of service at the Royal Yard. In 1505, he was sent to Eastern Africa, where for 8 years she served on the fleet. Fucked in the incessant clashes in India, was twice wounded, after which he was withdrawn to his homeland.

In Lisbon, Magellan is working on the development of a project, which subsequently becomes the main business of his life, - sailing to the homeland of spices - Molukski Islands. He decides to get to the islands in Western, however, the king rejects his plan. Without receiving nor material support in the homeland, nor recognition, offended by many years of oppression and injustice, in 1918 Magellan moves to Spain. In Seville, it is profitably married and acquires the favor of the young king of Charles I (subsequently became Karl V - Emperor of the Roman Empire), which agreed to appoint Magellan commander-in-chief of flotilla, which was supposed to go to the search for the sea route to India to Molukskoe Islands from the West.

Fernan Magellan sailed on September 20, 1519 from the port of Sanlucar. 265 people went to the expedition, the flotilla consisted of 5 small vessels: Trinidad, Concepcion, Santiago, San Antonio and Victoria. All of them did not differ in the necessary maneuverability for swimming such a scale. Magellan did not use sea maps. Despite the fact that in the sun he was accurate to determine the latitude, reliable devices at least for an approximate definition of longitude had no longer. At such primitive vessels equipped with only a compass, sand clock and astrolabe (sextant predecessor), Magellan and went to the uncharted seas.

South America

The transition through the Atlantic Ocean passed relatively calmly, although the flotilla often fell into a strong storm. At the end of November, they reached the shores of South America and began to move down along the shore. Already at that time, the eastern shores of the South American continent were carefully studied by thousands of kilometers. Swang along the coast accounted for very slowly. It was dangerous, but Magellan categorically refused to remove from the shores, fearing to skip the strait to the South Sea. All bays needed to examine carefully.

Meanwhile, winter was approaching in the southern hemisphere, and at the end of March 1520 the ships were forced to dwell on the wintering for almost 4 months, landing around in the place where the famous city is now located. There they have replenished food reserves and carefully examined the coast and. The flotilla came into a series of incessant Antarctic storms. On San Antonio, Concepcion and Victoria, the rebellion rose, but Magellan was able to turn the situation and accept the command of all flotilla on himself, having ordered the captains of the rebeling ships. At this time, Santiago was sent for intelligence, but his terrible fate was expected: he crashed about underwater cliffs.

Only 4 months later, in August, the expedition continued its way along the South American coast, and on October 21, 1520, the ships reached a barely noticeable entrance to the strait, which is now called. The largest ship of the San Antonio flotilla was lost, and Magellan slowly spent the remaining ships in a narrow strait, on both sides by framed cliffs, where tidal waves reaching a 12-meter height periodically hit the flotilla at the speed, which several times higher than The speed of movement of the most high-speed ships. Finally, the ships of one after another were floating out of the strait, swinging on the waves of an unknown sea, where the Western casting came across a powerful oriental ocean flow. It was the ocean, which Magellan named quiet, because The expedition passed on it, never hitting the storm.


For the hundredth day of swimming in the Pacific Ocean, the top of the mountain was noticed. Thus, the island of Guam was opened. Soon after, Fernan Magellan reached its main goal - the Philippine Archipelago. Threatening to the local ruler weapon, he forced that to obey the Spanish crown, swearing on the loyalty of Spain and adopt Christianity. Soon Magellan was interfered with the civil war and on April 27, 1521, while in a step from the realization of the dream of his whole life, was killed in a ridiculous vessel with natives. The three remaining vessels continued their journey to the West, however, for one reason or another, only one "Victoria" returned to Spain from 17 (from 293-x) sailors on board. Captain of the Victorious Ship Juan Sebastian Elkano Awarded the medal, mortifying and wealth, and about the commander-in-chief flotilla, the great discoverer, no one even remembered.

He forever put an end to the disputes of the form of our planet, providing a practical testimony of her sofiform. Thanks to him, scientists finally got the opportunity to determine the true dimensions of the Earth are not speculative, but on the basis of irrefutable data.

In March 1518, Fernan Magellan and Rui Faleir, Portuguese Astronomon, were in Seville to the Council of India, and said Molokki - the most important source of Portuguese wealth - should belong to Spain, since they are in Western, Spanish hemisphere (under the contract 1494) But penetrating these "islands of spices" is needed by Western way, so as not to initiate suspicion of Portuguese, through the South Sea, open and attached Balboa to Spanish possessions. And Magellan convincingly argued that between and the South Sea should be shed south of Brazil. Magellan and Falairu demanded first of the same rights and advantages that Columbus were promised. After a long bargaining with the royal advisers who spoke to itself a solid share of expected income and concessions from the Portuguese, the contract was concluded with them: Karl 1 pledged to equip five ships and supply the expedition to the supplies for two years. Before sailing, Faleir abandoned the company, and Magellan became the sole head of the expedition. He raised the Admiral flag on Trinidad. The captains of the rest of the courts were appointed Spaniards: Juan Cartagena - San Antonio; Gaspar Kesada - "Concepcion"; Louis Mendoza - Victoria and Juan Serrano - Santiago. The full-time composition of this flotilla was calculated in 293 people, there were still 26 freelance crew members on board, among them the young Italian Antonio Pigafetga, the historian of the expedition. Since he was neither a sailor, nor a geographer, a very important primary source, serve records in ship journals, which Francisco Albo, assistant navigator, led to Trinidad. In the first world swimming, an initinal team was departed: except for the Portuguese and Spaniards included representatives of more than 10 nationalities from different countries of Western Europe.

Flotilla came out of the port of San Lucar at the mouth of Guadalquivira on September 20, 1519. When moving through the ocean, Magellan has developed a good signaling system, and the diversionable ships of his flotilla never separated.

On September 26, the flotilla approached the Canary Islands, on November 29 reached the coast of Brazil, December 13 - Guanabar Bay, and on December 26th - La fees. The expedition navigations were the best at the time: they determined the latitude, made adjustments to the map of the already known part of the mainland. So, Cape Kabi Frou, by their definition, is not at 25 ° YU. sh., and in 23 °. Magellan has been examined for about a month both low-lying banks; Continuing the opening of the plain territory of Pamppa, begun by Juan Lyhboa and Juan Solis, the main pilot of Castile, he sent "Santiago" up parana and, of course, did not find a passage to the South Sea. Next extended unknown land. And Magellan, afraid to miss the entrance to the elusive strait, on February 2, 1520, ordered himself with an anchor and move as close as possible to the coast only during the day, and in the evening it is to stop. In the parking lot on February 13, the Bahia-Flotily Blanca found a terrifying thunderstorm, during which the lights of St. Elma appeared on the masts of vessels - electric discharges in an atmosphere having a shape of glowing brushes. On February 24, Magellan opened another major bay - San Mathias, revealed the Valdez peninsula identified by him and shelted overnight in a small harbor, which Puerto San Mathias called (Gulf-Nuevo Bay on our maps). South, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe mouth of the Chubut River, February 27, flotilla came across a huge accumulation of penguins and southern sea elephants. To replenish the reserves of food, Magellan sent a boat to the shore, but unexpectedly flourished squalls threw the court into the open sea. The remaining sailors in order not to die from the cold, they were hidden by the bodies of dead animals. Taking the "stovers", Magellan moved to the south, pursued by storms, examined another bay, San Jorge, and spent six storm days in a narrow bay. On March 31, he decided to winter in San Julian Bay. Four ships entered the bay, and Trinidad became anchored at the entrance to her. The Spaniard officers wanted to force Magellan "Run Royal Instructions": Rotate to the caution of good hope and eastern way to go to Molokkam. The same night began a riot. Magellan costs Captain-Bunvaders cool: He ordered to cut off Kesade's head, a quarters of Mendoza's corpse, put on the deserted coast of Cartagena, along with a priest's conspirator, and spared the rest of the riskers.

In early May, Admiral sent Santiago to the south to intelligence, but the ship crashed on the cliff near the Santa Cruz River and his team could hardly be saved. On August 24, the flotilla came out of the Bay of San Julian and reached the mouth of Santa Cruz, where he stayed until mid-October. On October 18, the flotilla moved to the south along the Patagonian coast, which forms a wide bay of Bahia Grande on this site. Before entering the sea, Magellan told Captainam, which will look for a passage to the South Sea and turns to the east, if it does not find the strait to 75 ° YU. Sh., that is, he himself doubted the existence of a "Patagonian Strait" (so called Magellan), but he wanted to continue the company to the last opportunity. The bay or the Strait leading to the West was found on October 21, 1520 after Magellan opened the previously unknown Atlantic coast of South America for about 3.5 thousand km. Having conceded Cape Dev (Cape Virhenes), Admiral sent two ship forward to find out if there is a way out in the West to the open sea. At night, a storm rose, which lasted two days. Messenger ships threatened death, but at the most difficult moment they noticed a narrow strait, rushed there and found themselves in a relatively wide bay; They continued on her and saw another strait, followed by a new, wider bay. Then the captains of both ships - Mishkit and Serrano - decided to return and report to Magellan, which, apparently, found a passage leading to the South Sea. However, before the exit to the South Sea was still far: Magellan sent to the exploration "San Antonio" and "Concepcion". Sailors returned "Three days later with the news that Cape and Open Sea saw." Admiral was sacrificed from joy and called this Cape "Weling".

Trinidad and Victoria entered the southwest canal, stood there for anchor four days and returned back to connect with two other ships, but there was only "Concepcion": in the south-east he went to a dead end - in Bahia Bay -Inutil - and turned back. San Antonio on the back of the path hit another deadlock. Officers, not a dropping on the spot of the floor, wounded and challenged into the shackles of Misiech and at the end of March 1521 returned to Spain. To justify himself, Deserters accused Magellan in treason, and they believed them: Mishkit was arrested, the Magellan family is deprived of a statement. Admiral did not know under what circumstances the "San Antonio" disappeared. He believed that the ship was died, as Misiek was his tested friend. Following along the northern coast, a strongly narrowed "Patagonian Strait", he overtakes the southernmost point of the South American continent - Cape Froard (on the Brunswick Peninsula, 53С54 'Yu. Sh.) And five days (November 23 - 28) Led three ships in North-West As if on the bottom of the mountain gorge. High mountains (the southern end of the Patagonian Cordillera) and the bare shores seemed to be deserted, but in the south of the day the haze was visible, and at night there are fires fires. And Magellan called this southern land, the size of which he did not know, the "land of fire" (Tierra del Fuego). On our maps, it is referred to as the fiery land. After 38 days, after Magellan found the Atlantic entrance to the strait, which really connects two oceans, he passed the "desired" cape (now Pilar) at the Pacific exit from Magellanov Strait (about 550 km).

On November 28, 1520, Magellan left the strait into an open ocean and led the remaining three ships first north, trying to leave high latitudes as soon as possible and holding about 100 km from the rocky coast. December 19, he passed near the Titao Peninsula, and then the courts retired from the mainland - December 5, the maximum distance was 300 km. December 12 - 15, Magellan again approached the shore and at least three points saw high mountains - the Patagonian Cordillere and the southern part of the main Cordillera. From the island of urine ships turned to the north-west, and on December 21 - to the West-North-West. Of course, it is impossible to say that during his 15-day swimming north of the Strait Magellan opened the coast of South America for 1500 km, but he at least proved that the West Coast of the Necklish to the latitude of the island urine has an almost meridional direction.

Crossing, Flotilla Magellan passed at least 17 thousand km, of which most in the waters of South Polynesia and Micronesia, where countless small small islands were scattered. It is amazing that at the same time the sailors met for all the time only "two deserted islets, which were found only by birds and trees." Historians are perplexed why Magellan crossed the equator and went in 10 ° C. Sh., - He knew that Molokki was at the equator. And it is there that the South Sea is already famous to the Spaniards. Perhaps Magellan wanted to make sure whether it really is part of the newly open ocean. On March 6, 1521 in the West, finally, there were two inhabited islands (GUAM and Rota, the most southern of the Mariana group).

March 15, 1521, passing back to the West of about 2 thousand km, the sailors saw the mountains from the sea - it was the island island of the East Asian group of islands, later than the Philippines mentioned. Magellan in vain sought a place for anchor parking - the shore of the island was rocky, and the court came out a little south, to the island of Siargao, near the southern tip of the island of Samar, and there spent the night there. The length of the path passed by Magellan from South America to the Philippines turned out to be many times the distance, which was shown on the maps of the time between the new light and Japan. In fact, Magellan proved that there is a giant water space between America and tropical Asia, much wider atlantic ocean. The opening of the aisle from the Atlantic Ocean in the South Sea and swimming Magellan through this sea produced a real revolution in geography. It turned out that most of the surface of the globe is occupied by non-land, but the ocean, and has proven to have the presence of a single world ocean.

From caution, Magellan, March 17, he moved from Siargao to the uninhabited island of Homonachon, lying south of the Big Island of Samar to stockpoint and give to relax. Residents of the neighboring island delivered to the Spaniards of fruits, coconuts and palm wine. They reported that "in this edge a lot of islands." Magellan called the San Lasaro archipelago. The local elders, the Spaniards saw gold earrings and bracelets, cotton fabrics embroidered with silk, cold weapons decorated with gold. A week later, the flotilla moved to the southwest and stopped at the island of Limasava. The boat approached "Trinidad". And when Malats Enrique, Slave Magellan, called the rowers in his native language, they immediately understood him. After a couple of hours, two large boats arrived with people and with the local ruler, and Enrique was freely explained with them. Magellan became clear that he was located in the part of the old world, where the Malay language was spread, that is, not far from the "islands of the spices." Thus, Magellan completed the first in history around the world. In the role of the patroner of new Christians, Magellan intervened in the internecine war of the rulers of the island of Mactan, located opposite the city of Cebu, as a result of which eight Spaniards died, four of the Allied Islanders and Magellan himself. The old saying was confirmed: "The Lord God gave the Portuguese a very small country for life, but the whole world for death."

After the death of Magellan "Victoria" and "Trinidad", coming out of the strait, passed by the island, "where people are black, as in Ethiopia" (the first indication of the Philippine Negritos); Spaniards called this island Negro. At Mindao, they first heard about Luzon's largest island located northwestern. Random Lotsmans led ships across the sea court to the Palawan, the western island of the Philippine group. From the island Palavan Spaniards arrived - the first of Europeans - to the Giant Island of Kalimantan and became anchored by the city of Brunei, by whose name is the whole island, and then other Europeans began to call Borneo. The Spaniards concluded alliances with local rages, bought products and local goods, sometimes robbed oncoming vessels, but still could not recognize the road to the "Islands of Spices". On September 7, the Spaniards went in swimming along the north-western coast of Kalimantan and, reaching his northern tip, stood almost a month and a half in a small island, stroking products and firewood. They managed to capture Johnka with the Malay sailor, who knew the way to Molokkow, which was the court to the market of spices on the island of Tydor at the West Bank, Halmackher, the largest Moluk Islands. Here, the Spaniards cheaply purchased spices - cinnamon, nutmeg, carnation. Trinidad needed repair, and it was decided that, at its end, Espinos would go to the east, to the Panaman Bay, and Elkano will lead to the Motherland "Victoria" by Western way - around Cape of Good Hope.

Of the five Magellan ships, only one overtakes the globe, and only 18 people returned to their homeland (there were three Malays on board). But Victoria brought so much spices that the sale of them with interest covered the costs of the expedition, and Spain received the "right of first discovery" to the Mariana and Philippine Islands and presented claims to Molokki.

Fernan Magella (Fernian de Magalyansh) - Portuguese (Spanish) navigator that has begged around the Earth on his box "Victoria", and as official history says it was first. In honor of him even called one strait.
So Fernian Magella man commanded the first expedition, which made the first world journey around the Earth. It is necessary to understand one thing that only official versions and sources that have come down to us may have been another expeditions before. But the historically confirmed world tour of only Ferna Magella.
Around the world expedition was preparing for several years and September 20, 1519, a squadron consisting of 5 ships and 256 people led by Magellan left the port of Sanlucar de Barrand (the mouth of the Guadalquivir River) and moved towards South America and on November 29, the squadron reached Brazil's banks.
On March 6, 1521, the squadron saw the island of Guam's largest island from the Mariana Islands archipelago, which is now owned by the United States, it is next to him and is the deepest place on Earth - Mariana Vpadina. At that time, the island was already populated. There is no point in writing about the details of the location of Magellan on the island, they say, most of this is a story of fiction.
Then there were today's Philippines, where April 7, 1521, flotilla entered the port of Cebu Island, Philippines.
On April 27, Machelan died on the island of Machelan, from the hands of the rebels of Filipints.
Next were the Molokk Islands and the possible purchase of spices.
Reversely reached the ship "Victoria" under the leadership of Juan Sebastian Elkano, who struggled to have had a good hope and then two months straightforwards went to the north-west along the African coast to Spain.
And on September 6, 1522, Victoria still got to Spain arriving in Seville. On the only remaining ship there were eighteen surviving crew members. Later, in 1525, four of the 55 members of the team of the Trinidad ship were delivered to Spain. Then, members of the Victoria ship were redeemed and returned and returned, which were captured by the Portuguese during the forced parking lot in July on the islands of the Green Cape in Portugal.

And the goal of the Magellan's travel in the stories of historians was banal and simpler, he did not want to be a discoverer or the first person in a round-the-world journey, he just went for spices: pepper, cinnamon and other growing in Molukskie Islands in the Pacific Ocean.
But there is a more sound reasoning on this occasion at that time had the value of Bronze, and it, in turn, cannot be obtained without tin, it was for fishing and drove Fernan Magellan. He walked not only by Molokkie Islands, as well as in Malaysia, where on the coast in the beach sands was tin. Also, the tin ore was in Yemen, Singapore. Therefore, on another version of historians, this cause of the journey was more rational than for example spices.

World Travel Map Fernan Magellan 1519 -1522

Modern copy of the ship "Victoria" Fernana Magellan

BBC Documentary Film in the Best Traditions on Travel Fernan Magellan

Fernan Magellan was born on October 8, 1480, in the terrain of the Sabrose, Vila Real Province, in Portugal. The father of Magellan was Rui or Rodrigi di Magalyaine, the former one-time Alcald fortress Aveiro, Mother - Alda de Mosquita. In addition to Magellan, they had four children. In his youth, Magellan was a pack of Queen Leonora Avisian, Zhuan II wife.

Related, but a noble nobleman in 1492-1504 served as a PJ in the retinue of the Portuguese Queen. He studied astronomy, navigation and cosmography. In 1505-1513, he participated in maritime battles with Arabs, Indians and Moors, showed himself a brave warrior, for which he received the rank of maritime captain. Because of the false accusation, he was refused to further enhance the service and in 1517, having resigned, he moved to Spain. Going to the service to King Carlo I, he suggested a circulation of circulation, taken after a long bargaining.

In September 1519, five small ships are "Trinidad", "San Antonio", "Santiago", "Conception" and "Victoria" with a crew of 265 people came out into the sea. When crossing the Atlantic, Magellan used its alarm system, and the diversion ships of its flotilla never separated. On November 29, the flotilla reached the coast of Brazil, and on December 26, 1519 - La fees, for about a month, the bay was examined, but he did not find a passage to the South Sea.

Ships entered a narrow winding strait on October 21, later called by the name Magellan. On the south coast of the Strait, the navigators saw fires of fires. Magellan called this land of fiery land. A month later, three ships were passed with a small strait, the 4th San Antonio ship was deserted and returned to Spain, where the captain slandered Magellan, accusing him in treason to the king.

Magellan on November 28 with the remaining three ships came to the Unknown Ocean, having encouraged America from the south of the shed. The weather remained good, - and Magellan called the ocean Tikhim. Almost 4 months a very difficult swimming lasted when people were fed with driny dust mixed with worms, saw rotting water, fir oily skin, wood sawdust and ship rats. Hunger and king began, many died. Magellan, although there was a low growth, but was distinguished by a great physical strength and confidence in himself. Crossing the ocean, he passed at least 17 thousand kilometers, but met only two island - one in the Tuamot Archipelago, the other in the Line group. He also opened two inhabited islands - Guam and Rota from the Mariana Group. On March 15, the expedition approached the Big Filipino Archipelago. With the help of weapons, decisive and brave magazine made the ruler of the island Cebu obey the Spanish king.

In the role of the patron siest of baptized natives, Magellan intervened in a civil war and was killed in a skirmish at the island of Mactan. The ruler Cebu invited part of the crew for a farewell feast, treacherously attacked the guests and killed 24 people. On three ships, only 115 people were left - people were missing, and the ship "CONSEPATION" had to burn. 4 months ships wandered in search of the islands of spices. The Island of Tidor, the Spaniards bought a lot of cloves, a nutmeg and others. And divided: "Victoria" with captain Juan Elkano moved to the west around Africa, and Trinidad, who needed repair, remained. Captain Elkano, fearing the meeting with the Portuguese, held significantly south of ordinary ways. He was the first to go to the central part of the Indian Ocean and, opening only the island of Amsterdam, proved that the "South" mainland does not reach this latitude. On September 6, 1522, "Victoria" with 18 people on board completed the "Around Move", which lasted 1081 days. Later, another 12 members of the Victoria crew returned, and in 1526 - five from Trinidad. The sale of brought spices with interest covered all costs for the expedition.

One of the leaders of the island of Macan Lap-Lapa resisted with the new orders and was not going to surrender to the power of Humabon. Magellan organized a military expedition against him. He wanted to visually demonstrate to the local residents of the power of Spain. The battle turned out to be unprepared. While finding Europeans in Cebu, local residents had the opportunity to explore European weapons and its weaknesses. They quickly moved, without giving Europeans to aim, and attacked sailors to the unprotected arm armor.

This ended the first round-the-world swimming, which proved the shag-likeness of the Earth. For the first time, Europeans crossed the largest of the oceans - quiet, opening the passage from the Atlantic. The expedition found out that much most of the surface of the earth is not dry, as Christopher Columbus and his contemporaries thought, and the oceans. The name of Magellan was called the strait and two star clusters, which described the historiographer and the participant of the Expedition of Antonio Pyfuqet. The fate of Magellan, his sudden feat is dedicated to the Roman of the Austrian writer Stephen Tsweig "Magellan".

The famous Portuguese navigator and the discoverer Fernan Magellan forever left his mark in the history of mankind, becoming one of the most famous researchers. He went into a brave journey, the outcome of which replenished our piggy bank of knowledge and told the mass of the new contemporaries of Magellan. It is impossible to merit it to overestimate, and you can be sure that the name of Fernana Magellan will never be forgotten.

  1. Magellan is the first person who has made around the world.
  2. The name of Magellan is not only a famous strait, but also two galaxies - a large and small magtellane clouds, as well as a crater on the moon.
  3. It was Magellan who opened the Filipino Islands to Europeans, where the Republic of the same name is now located (see).
  4. In the sea battle in the diu, which happened on February 3, 1509, Karavella Magellan broke through the system of enemy ships, and Magellan took the flagship ship of opponents to the board.
  5. One day, several flotilla ships, as part of which Magellan sailed, suffered crash, and sailors on boats got to a desert island. It was decided that part of the sailors would go on boats for help, and the rest will wait on the island from return. Private sailors were outraged by the fact that all officers go on boats, leaving only sailors on the shore, fearing that no one would return for them. Bunny did not flare up, but Magellan calmed down the team, remaining on the island with sailors. Soon all of them were saved.
  6. Once, Magellan lent one merchant a solid amount of money that he did not wish to return. The debt was returned to Magellan only six years after the trial.
  7. Before his famous journey, Magellan has been placed a lot - both in Malaysia, and in India, and in Africa. Subsequently, leaving military service, he decided to devote his lives to peace research.
  8. The world journey Magellan made under the Spanish flag, as the King of Portugal did not want to finance his expedition. But the Spanish crown according to merit appreciated the famous navigator.
  9. In a round-the-world trip, a squadron of five ships went, taking food for two years with him, and Magellan hid from sailors and other captains the route of swimming, which has repeatedly caused discontent.
  10. Magellan has remained the only captain for many years, who spent the flotilla through the strait, who received his name, without losing any vessel at the same time.
  11. The Pacific Ocean received its name precisely thanks to Magellan, who recalculated him, having passed 17 thousand kilometers and without having a single storm. As practice has shown, the name it turned out to be an increasing - the Pacific Ocean is famous for a bright character. Magellan is just lucky in his swimming.
  12. Magellan was not going to take round-the-world swimming - he was looking for a passage to Musk's Islands.
  13. Magellan himself did not perform around the world swimming, driving in the Philippines. During the swim, most of the expedition died - out of five vessels, on board, there were 250-300 people, only one ship with 18 people on board returned to Spain. Thus, the Magellan's expedition became the first round swimming.
  14. Archipelago Fire Land got its name, also thanks to Magellan, who took the lights of the Indian fires for volcanoes. In fact, there is no single volcano on the archipelago (see