Pictures of winter landscape of famous artists. Snow ten Russian artists

Pictures of winter landscape of famous artists. Snow ten Russian artists
Pictures of winter landscape of famous artists. Snow ten Russian artists

Winter landscape!

"The snow flies, spinning,
On White Street.
And turned the puddle
In cold glass. "

Nikolai Nekrasov

Winter! Heavy test for all living things.

Nature freezes in anticipation of future spring.
Winter! This is a time that awakens hope and dreams for the future.
Winter! One of the most interesting natural phenomena. And it's not by chance that this time of year with the delight of real artists is chanting in numerous works of Russian glorified writers and poets.

Not only Russian poets admired the harsh Russian winter.
Brilliantly did it and the best Russian artists.

"Charger in winter
Warred, the forest is worth
And under the snowy fridge,
Fixed, dumb,
Wonderful life he glitters. "

Fedor Tyutchev

"Frost and sun; Wonderful day!
You still do not sleep, the friend is lovely -
It's time, beautiful, wake up:
Open a bonor closer
Towards the North Aurora,
Star of the North, say! "

Alexander Pushkin

In this section placed pictures dedicated to winter landscape.
Winter. Winter nature.
Winter landscape.
Winter landscape in the work of Russian artists.
Pictures with winter landscape.
Winter landscape in the paintings of modern artists.

Pictures with winter landscape are loved and with pleasure are purchased both for themselves and as a gift to your loved one.

There are many wonderful paintings dedicated to winter, this is an interesting time of the year. Winter landscape in the paintings of artists is very diverse.

"Painting Winter Landscape" Painting Winter
"Winter fairy tales: Snow Maiden and twelve months"
"Here is the forest frost in frosty silence"
"On snowy field is coming Lonely rushing traveler "
"Children play snowballs and ride from the mountains on sledding and skis"
"Troika rushing on the snowy road"
All these are plots with beautiful winter landscapes.
Winter landscape. Pictures winter landscape. The genre of the winter landscape is very popular with many artists and is diverse in the form of filing it in the paintings.

"Painting Winter Landscape" Painting Winter
About the wizard Winter, which is also called the gray hostess, which "shook empty from their perica", the people folded a lot of proverbs and sayings. Of course, the main theme in them is cold. Here, for example, how many options "fur coat" question:
- in winter without a fur coat is not ashamed, and cold;
- fur coat in winter is not a joke;
- Winter - not summer, in a fur coat;
- In winter fur coat and frosts - joke.

"Painting Winter Landscape" Painting Winter
Winter. Winter landscape.
Winter. Pictures Winter landscape, filled with romanticism of harsh and beautiful nature. They are remembered immediately and for a long time. There are many lovers of paintings with winter landscape. They have beautiful collections of paintings with a variety of winter landscapes. They already have a lot of beautiful, original and beautiful paintings dedicated to the winter landscape. But they are looking for and find new and beautiful paintings With winter landscape.

"Painting Winter Landscape" Painting Winter
Modern artists.
Our contemporaries also draw and write - winter landscape. Pictures with a winter landscape can be found in our gallery of modern artists.
Winter landscape. Winter. Pictures winter landscape. In the genre of the winter landscape there are paintings that can charm real painting lovers.

"Painting Winter Landscape" Painting Winter
We love our stern edge with his unique Beauty. We love very much good paintings With winter landscape. We have big choice paintings dedicated to the winter landscape. We hope that the charm of these paintings will touch you. Winter. Winter landscape. Love these pictures and you love our real Russian winter even more!
Winter. Modern artists paint and write a real Russian winter nature. Winter landscape is beautiful. You love our Russian winter. Choose a picture for yourself with a winter landscape, select your favorite winter landscape!

Eutile white flakes. Cozy creak under his feet. Sparkling snow reflects the sunlight. The perfect winter is the mercy of nature. And if it is not clearer, so art will not let. Russian artists in centuries paint winter. Also not knowing - the future. We consider winter landscapes with Natalia Semnikova.

The mood of winter gives a little by the guys. Being in the village of Ladeyki under Krasnoyarsk, Vasily Surikov I decided to convey the whole loan Siberian, which sesters even in winter fun. "I wrote what I saw many times." Images painter searched for every market day. Organization of nature is a snowy town and an equestrian Cossack on the "assault" - the merit of the brother of the artist. Alexander Surikov himself took a place in the picture in " spectator"- on the sleigh covered with a bright carpet.

Taking a snowy town. 1891. State Russian Museum

Landscapes artist marinist. True rarity. Aivazovsky wrote for his creative life About six thousand paintings. And almost every work - the sea. But the painter of the Chief Maritime Staff used in the palette and silver, drawing no crest of the wave ... and the snow-covered forest. The source of inspiration is not only South Feodosia, but also the Northern Saint Petersburg, where the gifted young man Ovanes Awazyan grew up in the artist Ivan Aivazovsky.

Winter landscape. 1876. Private collection

"In the north of wild ..." Poetic lines Mikhail Lermontov And the name of the picture of Ivan Shishkin. Half a century from the day of the death of the poet ... Russian artists wrote pictures on his poems. Shishkin chose the theme of loneliness and saw his pine in the town of Kemi distant Finland, where the painter's daughter moved. Night, twilight, silence, privacy - not a sentence, and marvelous winter sleep. "... in the very province, where sunrise, / one and sad on the rock stainch / beautiful palm tree grows."

"In the north of the wild ...". 1891. Kiev Museum of Russian Art

Tale, Opera, picture. And it's all about her. Snow Maiden came up with dramatourg Alexander Ostrovsky , I got a coluturated soprano composer Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov and brought the artist on the edge of the forest Victor Vasnetsov . Touching girl whose prototype was Sasha - daughter Savva Mamontov, takes a step in big world. Snow-white edge and gray mound away. Anxiety in maiden eyes and ... feeling a fairy tale, even with a sad end.

The detachment is to accept the whole being what is happening around you in this moment. An irrational aspect of admirement by nature - without aware of himself in it - this is a zen child. It is very strange to see the "first snow" plastov ask children at school. Or not strange, but right?

The art of drawing and the most painting is nothing but tools that promote literature and, consequently, the enlightenment of the people.
Alexey Gavrilovich Venetsian

Winter picture modern Masters on the classic topic About frost and the sun pleases birch and snow. Nikolai Anokhin depicts Russian transfer and standing on the feather house. The canvas it will take a worthy place in our meeting of winter reproductions.

Picture famous artist Konstantina Jun is inherent from her name - " Martov Solze". Otherwise, we could not understand that it was Mart, the end of winter. Thank you, the author explains. Let's see the canvas, bright and solid? Not quite. The composition "Cutlery" reflects movement, turn, to light and by summer.

Famous picture Viktor Grigorievich Tzaplakov "Frost and the Sun" depicts not the sun actually, but the effects of lighting. The painting is opposed to strong houses and sleighs with horses moving along the snow-covered road to us - viewers.

The picture of Alexei Savrasova depicts the corner of the courtyard on snow, fenced with a strong fence. Savrasov wrote and swinging huts, and these are the courtyards, and wide deserted winter landscapes of the middle strip.

Imprint at first glance Alexey Savrasova Pictures even not winter, but space. And not the road - Dal. Practically reduced to white and dark flavor is interesting for analysis.

Interesting winter landscape Gustava Kourbe depicts a deserted outskirts of the village in a disgusting, dummy, cold and crude weather. And where are the horses and people? In the stalls and in the corrches, perhaps.

Surprising modern artist Nikolai Krymm. His " Winter evening"I would greatly looked in the gallery of artists on the supernisage or Crimean shaft. That's just now they write everything, well, or through one, and Krymm. - first. And very different.

Greetings, my favorite readers. On Winter Street, therefore the topic is winter today. I propose to once again help our schoolchildren in study and prepare material for children about the paintings of Russian artists about the winter. I am sure, in the very near future, he can come in handy in the lessons of the Russian language and literature.

Lesson plan:

What is attractive for the artist Winter?

Russian winter is not only our business card For any foreigner, which is twisted from the cold only when it is mentioned. This is also I. real Nakhodka For landscape players. Where else, how not in Russia, in such a splendor you can see fluffy snow flakes and sparkling under the rays of winter snow?

How if not an artistic brush famous authors, with an accuracy of the slightest rustle to convey that the most cozy creak under the legs? Who, if not Russian artists, can plunge us from their artistic canvas with serene magnificence of sleeping winter nature, looked by a snow-white bedspread?

In short, "... frost and sun, wonderful day ...." Inspired beautiful poetic word famous masters Literature on the Russian winter, painting masters created beauty on the canvas, and beauty is more often joyful, sunny and full of bright colors.

Let us rather get acquainted with the description of some pictures of famous Russian authors and immerse yourself with their creativity in the fascinating winter world of nature.

Distribution Winter Vasily Surikova

Let's, perhaps, with the most interesting plots for children - about mischievous games, because often winter mood Something resembles the childhood.

It is about that who wants to tell us from her cloth "Taking the Snow Town" Vasily Surikov. His work is considered one of the most optimistic picturesque paintingsAnd in the collection of works of Surikov - the only one, where there is no tragic, nor conflict notch, which was inclined by the author.

Appeared work of fiction Painting on the light during the author's stay on a small Siberian homeland in Krasnoyarsk. Local fun from childhood was to the artist with Cossack roots. He often observed such games from the window of his house, and he himself participated in them. Snowy towns have always appeared as part maslenic festivitiesTo which they were preparing in a few days.

The entire Moltenian Zador found an embodiment on the canvas, where the main characters are Siberians with ruddy and joyful faces. The admired views of the peasants in the Toulups and coastal coats are directed to the rider who took the snow fortress.

The crowd of winners is happily laughing, smiling to us from the canvas. Special flavor and holiday in the picture create a holiday effects applied by Surikov - Painted Strins, bright details clothes. There is also a familiar technique for the artist - there are always many characters, each with his facial expression and in a certain pose, everyone is endowed with its character, as if the author breathed in them the soul.

Surikovskoe canvas - it is as if revived, full of motion frosty freshness of the winter noon, full of bright contrasts.

Azure Winter Igor Grabar

I loved the whole soul winter landscapes Igor Grabar always found in clean, at first view of white winter paints, Different shades. His paintings are far from boring white covers, closing everything alive. The author considered it to write winter, you need great amount different shades. That is why its winter on the canvas is azure, in bright blue-blue paints, whose flawlessness sometimes ripples in the eyes.

"Winter Morning" artist is a visual confirmation of this. Although if you look attentively, you can see the other paint palette that does not knock out of the total azure tone. Snow-covered Out, shrouded in the morning, trees occupy a central place on canvas.

A special mood is created by the powdered sun rays, which their soft yellow light are forced to sparkle everything around, creating a feeling of the morning froze.

Igor Grabar did not try to draw every detail. On the contrary, everything on canvas is written with little thick strokes and slightly merges into a single landscape, creating an enthusiastic mood like a fairy tale.

Mysterious winter Ivan Shishkin

Painting I. Shishkin called "Winter" is a real mystery. Here are only thick trees and white snow. On canvas only many trunks and huge branches covered with large white snowdrifts. And nothing more. And the more artist did not need anything to give us the whole mystery of the winter dense forest.

Neither a single trail speaking about the presence of a living soul, only fallen trunks and silence, composed by frost. Everything suggests that nature is really sleeping.

The work of the author in some way even looks like modern photo, so naturally closely he managed to convey the landscape. We look through the mighty trees and, it seems that now the hero from fairy tales will come out because of them. Maybe the trees hide behind the trees, and maybe a frost with a magic staff is pierced through the branches?

Only two colors are white and black, but as a skillfully landscape officer Shishkin was able to give us the winter calm of the Forest Polyana and the outgoing distance in the bright "window". But it is worth looking at the closest, and in the snow we will see the shades of yellow, and the trees are far from sad, but written in soft brown tones.

And life is present on the canvas, it turns out! Varnish: on a branch in this deserted winter fabulous world Sits a bird. And this also adds mysteriousness and mystics to the work of Shishkin.

Rustic Winter Isaac Levitan

Picture titled "Village. Winter "Levitan wrote when he was only 18 years old, and it was his first, but quite successful steps in painting.

The simplicity of the plot folds out of the fucking, as if frozen together with winter Nature. Rustic houses, located on the sides of a brought footpath. Dense snowy beds covered their attached silhouettes, lined up in slender rows.

It seems that everything froze along with the winter came to the village. There is nothing to see the figure of a person who, which is not so easy to see in the landscape with a deserted street and bare trees in the background.

City Winter Konstantin Jun

Winter is good not only in the forest, it is beautiful not only in rustic landscape. She is also unusually surprising in urban plots. W. famous painter Jouta favorite theme was an image on the canvas of the Trinity Lavra. Often he managed winter landscapes with architectural monument.

His picture "Troitskaya Lavra Winter" was impregnated by the author's love and carries hope and faith. The central place on canvas occupies a temple that stretches his domes to the sky. And the whole bustle freezes in this place as if ...

A long series of people is sent to an endless ribbon along the trading path past the temple, and in the sky it is a string of birds, as if reflected. Freshness and peace The author was able to transfer us with a snow-white bedspread. Full winter calm.

Here is such a winter old fide today turned out. And this is only a small Tolik among many pictures of famous Russian artists about the winter. Maybe you have your favorite? Share your impressions. Tell us about them in the comments)

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Beautiful winter!