Short New Year Scenes for Adults for Two. Scene options for adults

Short New Year Scenes for Adults for Two. Scene options for adults
Short New Year Scenes for Adults for Two. Scene options for adults

The new year is closer and closer. And so it turned out that it would be a year of the rooster. For someone, this topic is funny, and for someone is not very. But no matter how it was, it will still be all the new year and have fun. New funny scenes for the new year 2017 for a corporate party with jokes are fairy tales in an adult. We offer you Scenes Express, which are still called instant performances. Such scenes will go with a bang on any corporate party, and your employees will affect their immediate participation.

Scene fairy tale - rooster and paints.
Everyone knows a fairy tale called - Rooster and paint. But we have a new year and this fairy tale has become a little different. Let's see what happened.
This scene in the form of impromptu. Scene participants speak their replicas, and the main part of the text reads the lead.
Participants and their words:
- Rooster (words: honestly, I did not want it)
- Paints (words: the brightest)
- Santa Claus (words: now fix everything)
- Dog (words: I'm not angry)
- Boy Vova (words: I am the usual kid)

There was a boy Vova ( i am the usual kid). And he had one passion - he really loved to draw. And on the eve of the New Year to please Santa Claus ( now I fix everything) I decided to Vova ( i am the usual kid) Draw a rooster ( ). Vova looked ( i am the usual kid), and paints ( the brightest) - ended. But Vova ( i am the usual kid) I did not upset and decided to draw a rooster ( honestly i didn't want it) One pencil, not painted. I took and painted. Drew and waited for Santa Claus ( now I fix everything). And cock ( honestly i didn't want it) It became boring and decided to go for a walk. Got up and went. She saw a rooster ( honestly i didn't want it) Dog ( i'm not angry), and how to laugh. Rooster ( honestly i didn't want it) I stopped and asked the dog ( i'm not angry) - What are you laughing? What a dog ( i'm not angry) Replies - so you're not a real cock ( honestly i didn't want it) You are not painted! Looked cock ( honestly i didn't want it) At yourself in the mirror and understood, he really is not painted. What should I do? And the dog ( i'm not angry) He says - go to the colors ( the brightest) They paint you. And went rooster ( honestly i didn't want it) to the paints ( the brightest).
And at this time to the boy's boy ( i am the usual kid) Santa Claus came ( now I fix everything). Vova was delighted ( i am the usual kid) And ran after my drawing. He took a sheet from the table and stretches his grandfather Claus ( now I fix everything). Looked by Santa Claus ( now I fix everything) on a white sheet and says: and where is the drawing? Who did you paint? Vova ( i am the usual kid) I took a drawing and looked at him - and the rooster ( honestly i didn't want it) there was no. I planted Vova ( i am the usual kid), and Santa Claus ( now I fix everything) I began to calm it.
And while Vova ( i am the usual kid) Plate, rooster ( honestly i didn't want it) I went to the colors ( the brightest) And they painted it. After a couple of minutes, a beautiful painted rooster appeared at the entrance ( honestly i didn't want it). Vova ( i am the usual kid) I saw him and delighted. And Santa Claus ( now I fix everything) Said - Happy New Year! And presented the voyage ( i am the usual kid) New paints ( the brightest). After Santa Claus ( now I'll fix it) said - and the symbol of the year will be a bright and beautiful rooster ( honestly i didn't want it)!

Scene - Ryabina Vico

He lived, grandfather da Baba. And they had a rockey rush. But this in a fairy tale demolished the chicken Golden Egg. And we have a rumor rumor demolished many eggs and all of them are magical! Each egg executes one desire and now you yourself make sure!

For this scene you need chocolate eggs Kinder Surprise. Total need 7 chocolate eggs. Each egg is wrapped in one such template.

Scenario of the New Year's year "Bremen Musicians"


Santa Claus
Snow Maiden


In the center of the decorated hall is worth a Christmas tree. In the corner of the hall there is a house of robbers. Robbers enter the hall. Atamani in the hands of Butaforski playing cards. They sing a song on the music of the Rogue Songs from the M / f "Bremen Musicians."

Ataman: Say we are bjaki beech
We can rustle ask
Give it, cards in hand
On "frost" to pay

Robbers choir:
Oh, la-la! Oh, la-la!
Worked not in vain!
Oh, la-la! Oh, la-la!
Eh, Ma!
Soon a holiday from the people
There is some new year
Santa Claus arranged a Christmas tree
Well, I will not call us.

Oh, Liu! Oh, Liu!
And I love holidays!
Oh, Liu! Oh, Liu!
Eh, Ma!

Robbers choir:
Santa Claus Bit Map
And we have it outfit
(Show children Santa Claus fur coat)
The case will be shito-indoor
Cards are talking to the truth
Ataman: Oh la-la! Oh, la-la !!
I will rule my ball!
Oh la-la! Voila!
Eh, Ma!

Robbers are fun dancing.

Ataman: And the bag where you have?
Dropped uneven an hour?
Panty: Oh, it seems, we have lost.
Yes, we have stolen!
Ataman: What about about? Stole?
Who! When?
I serve it here!
Everything: (Magnifying to the coward):
What are you challenging, wondered.
Yes, no one would have dreamed.
Robbers steal
Well this is great to get!
Balbese :
Tuta he, for that mountain.
Heavy and big.
He won't go anywhere
Fit it here?
Panty: Yes! Let it be in sight.
I'll wait here.

Ataman walks around the Christmas tree, looking at children. Panty, cylinder and experienced with great difficulty sticking a huge bag into the hall and put it in the tree.

Ataman: What are the tired of the climb?
Oh, do not like work.
I have time to replace you,
Stick again to lean.
Well, brothers who are bold
(refers to children)
Who are prompt and skillful.
We want to robbers
Feel free to come.
We measure your strength
Who will fit us, check.

Treating rope

Children and robbers drag the rope from each other, win,
of course, children.

Ataman: Oh, strong! All go around for me(refers to children).
You are loafers - learn
(refers to robber).

I will write down in a gang,

But late, but right now I have a hurry.

Delta needs to be checked

To the palace to look

We were not invited to the ball

We will come to the palace

And arrange them the pogrom

Start of form

Bremen musicians go. Snow Maiden enters the hall, she wipes tears with a handkerchief and sings the songs of the king from M / f "Bremen Musicians"

"... Just a daughter dietary egg ..."


Snow Maiden: Here are the guests gathered, soon the new year.
And my grandfather disappeared, something does not go.
My handkerchiefs got hurried from tears.
Where is the grandfather frost?

Neither notes from him nor messages
Oh, and long my expectations.
Maybe something happened to him seriously?
Where is the grandfather frost?

Rogues in the hall are run by the Song of the "Accident" group - "New Year"

(chorus) :
New Year rushes to us
Soon everything will happen
Will come true what dreams
That again deceived us
Nothing will give anything.

Ataman: Waiting for old frost?
Wait, wait, Melnoga!
Until the redemption give,
Do not wave an old man!

Snow Maiden: Who are they? What you need?
Nobody invited you!
And where does this fur coat come from
Did you send you a grandfather?

Ataman: It was laid, a lot of honor.
Nobody sent us.

Snow Maiden: What do you want from us?
What you need? Speak.

Ataman: We want fun, laughter,
Games different, fun,
And the main gifts,
Sweet and bright.

Snow Maiden: Well, will the guys do?
Need to save grandfather.
There is nothing to do

To play with this whip.

Song-game "Makarena".

Game: Hee Hee Hee - ha ha ha

Robbers come to the guys with a song to music robbing songs from M / f "Bremen Musicians"

Robbers: Let there be a knife and an ax,
But strong both hands and legs
Hard labor workers
Romantics with a big road.

We do not want eh, we give you away,
Do not leave so simple
Do not leave so simple
We will be with you ... fight.

Santa Claus runs into the hall

Santa Claus: Stand stand
Drak do not.
Soon holiday - New Year.
Let's sit down, let's
Stop in a friendly dance.
Only a fur coat
(refers to robber)
If the holiday you want.
Snow Maiden: Here and Grandfather Frost,
How did we wait for you!
Sparkles not lit.
(Shows on the Christmas tree)
The ball was not started.
Santa Claus: I forgive the robbers
And I invite you for the holiday
We will have fun together:
Sing, dance, play, frolic.
Happy New Year!
I invite everyone to the ball
And declared open
New Year's carnival!

Snow Maiden: Happy New Year!

Santa Claus: Happy New Year!
I wish you good!
Happiness, joy, health,
A lot of laughter, the defortion!
Let's say friendly
One two Three
Our Christmas tree, Gori!
Around the Christmas tree let's go

Together with the children of Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, the Bremen musicians and the robbers will lead the dance "Christmas tree was born in the forest."

Santa Claus: Here are the grandfather,
Sang the song, well done,
And now play, let's!
Who is bold, Torubants?
Snow Maiden: Do you want to play?
You are frost ask:
Well, Grandfather Frost,
You can freeze handles.

Santa Claus: Oh! Favorite game.
Become a defector.
Now it's time to play! Are you not afraid of frost? Beware, beware! As I'll win, witness - in the midst of frost! Well, handles stretch, stretch, and then remove them! And then after all the corrosion!

Game "Mitten"

Santa Claus (sits on the chair near the tree) : Here are the game, a miracle, laughter.
I laughed louder than everyone.
You're not tired
Do you read poems to me?

Children read poems.

Santa Claus: Here are the grandfather,
Rested you by the soul
I am supplied for you gifts.
Where is my bag big?

Robbers together drain bag with gifts.

Santa Claus: I had fun with you,
But it's time to part,
And until next year
We have to say goodbye.
Happy New Year once again,
Happiness, joy, good,
So that for the whole year enough.
Goodbye, Devora!

This carbon monoxide, cool comic New Year's scene for adults, whom the modern author Anastasia Borzenko wrote, really liked the site. We hope you will like it. Thanks to the author for the talent!

Sandscape Scene New Year

Once in the student winter season, the wolf from the forest came out, there was a strong frost!

Looks, rises slowly into the mountain ... Spring, king something under the nose!

(Spring appears, something singing under his nose, in his hands he has a bag)

And then the wolf thought ... What good luck, my wife's fur coat sore

I asked under the Christmas tree as a gift to leave ... You need to repass my beloved!

(Wolf) - Eh, Gold I, Big Well done ... Under the New Year Such Sester!

Pescent is truly in the morning, confessing, a little Misha in a warehouse stirred,

while sweetly hung Misha in a warm crib - a pot with delicious honey heard himself.

And joyful rushed home to soon for a delicious dinner to surprise the family,

I did not know, he was pecifying on his sovereign ... that he decided to alter him in the fur coat!

(Lescent) - We do not call on the Raen, and they call, honey barrel, Misha has fledged!

(crashed into the wolf, shakes)

(Sester) - Hello Wolf, Clutch Tubes!

(Wolf) - Well, what kind of children's fun! It's time without labels ... as if the wolf is distinguished by one presence of teeth! You, too, glad, scribe ... And you ... beautiful, well done! (feeling the sands) and your wool is soft and spray, for our places is quite gorgeous!

(Lesse in shock looks at the wolf. Bear appears.)

(Bear) - great, brothers!

(Wolf displeased) - Kosolapy ...

(Spring joyful) - Let's be a cool paw! (hides behind it from the wolf), - how good you came, I went around the whole edge!

(Bear) - and I, and I, dreamed me that my honey, it became, in trouble! As if someone wants him to unheezelessly breathe themselves! And wake up - exactly, in hand! My honey was stolen ... what ...

(Pescent) - My friend! What are you, Misha you say ...

(The wolf delighted the sands) - Oh, how you glue in the sun!

(Bear) - I will find, and I will roll!

(Wolf) - I need a separate vacation from my wife, as soon as I will give a fur coat!

so gathered on the New Year's place the bear, wolf and sands ... What, however, the end is possible, very interesting!

One dreams of a honey to resell, so that the holiday fun to fly, another to trim the sandy fur and shoot the thing that the heart is best!

And the third is looking for Tuneevtsev, in order to pay for theft ...

(Lescent) - for the new year, what are your plans?

(Wolf) -I from happiness I will be drunk, sands, let's go to my chambers, let it seek the thief of Kosolapiy!

(Takes the sand in a shirt and trying to drag it)

Farming wonderfully, here is the luck!

(Bear) - And what kind of sticky traces ... and like honey they smell!

(Spring frightened bags swings)

(Bear) - however, a friend you are well done .... Well, now you ....

(Wolf) - Sesame!

(Bear) - Yes, it is, Sress!

(Wolf) - Well, no, I will not give it, so my madam is waiting for a fur coat! And you will spoil it, Misha, you're better honey your takes and put the holiday mark!

(Lescent) - I, fur coat ???

(Wolf) - Come here, my goal!

(Bear) - You confuse something, the wolf ... And well, the way away your paws, I will be a paw with a panel, let him do not sink in someone else's honey!

(Wolf) - And there will be a fur coat without a sleeve? Will not work! And we do not live in India, in Russia they do not do that!

(Lescent) - In Russia, everyone always forgive! After all, we are a great country, let's just disperse, my fluffy friends?

(Bear) after thought. - And let's! Honey will come back, but if you encroach ...

(Lescent) - And you, toothy, podkinnik!

(Wolf) Sress, silently you would be better! You do not understand that there is love, she frosts his head and blood!

(Bear) - also used in such a cold ... To run in the edge without a hat, wonderful animals in love! You give her better honey! She did not eat such a sropean, squirrel, give him a pot

(Lescent) Hold, my tender friend!

so in the student winter temper the story ended in a gentle word!

The deposit of a successful corporate party is a cheerful and relaxed atmosphere, in which absolutely all members of the team, regardless of position, feel comfortable. It is largely achieved with the help of a good humor, for example, cool scenes and fun musical numbers in the script. Even the most status participants in the team may take part in such funny productions. Most often, the readiness to play a comic scene appears in the majority in the framework of New Year's corporate. It is at such festive parties that colleagues are most relaxed and open for amateur. If we talk about what sketches for the new 2019 year for adults are always relevant to the corporate, then first of all it is worth noting the short numbers on modern topics. Also cause a smile and sincere laughter from colleagues scenes with funny musical accompaniment, converted fairy tales, performances in the style of standa. Excellent ideas and examples of cool scenes for the new year 2019 will find in the next article.

Best New Year Scenes for Corporate - the most funny ideas and examples, video

If we talk about the most pressing ideas for cool scenes to the New Year's corporate party, then first of all it is worth noting the options on the topic of the holiday. We are talking about traditional characters, traditions, signs, films related to the New Year. For example, you can beat the situation with humor, as the preparation for the holiday in the average family is being prepared. Also relevant numbers on how the last holiday days are held at work. In most companies, the end of the year is associated with a large stress when it is important to close all reports and transactions. And since the corporate stands often pass when all statements are closed, you can safely laugh with colleagues over recent working difficulties.

Examples of cool ideas for the best New Year scenes for corporate party

Also on New Year's corporate, you can put sketches with Santa Claus and Snow Maiden. At the same time, you can get all members of the team to participate in this issue. For example, driving a dance around the Christmas tree, telling the grandfather of the poem, to help sculpt a snowman, etc. At first glance, children's fun will surely enjoy adult employees and will help to tune in to the festive evening atmosphere. Even more examples of cool scenes on New Year's corporate party will be found in the following videos.

Cheerful Scenes for New Year 2019 for Adults - Short Music Numbers on Corporate

Some of the most fun rooms for adults on a corporate party in honor of the new 2019 can be called short musical scenes. As a rule, these are small numbers without words to dynamic music or a song. The chief emphasis in such scenes is made on facial expressions and gestures of participants who try to make all those present at the holiday. The basis of musical numbers is fun and funny situations from the life with which many have come across at least once in their lives. For example, using a properly chosen melody for each participant, you can show how a person reacts in certain circumstances. This may be a number about who comes in the morning to work (one is always late, the second sleeps on the go, the third boils coffee to the whole team). It is desirable that the prototypes of the scenes are the real people present on the corporate party. Then the room will be even more funny and funny.

Versions of short music scenes for the new 2019 year for adults on corporate

Instead of music in music numbers, cutting audio tracks from well-known films and TV shows is quite often used. With their help, it is easy to compile a whole dialogue for a cheerful scene, and the participants do not have to teach a lot of text. The main thing is to choose a relevant topic, for example, a choice of a gift for the new year for colleagues in the shopping center 5 minutes before it is closed. Next, we offer you even more fun options for short musical scenes to corporate in honor of the new 2019 for adults.

Funny Scenes for New Year 2019 for adults - converted fairy tales with jokes to corporate

Another current topics for funny scenes for the new year 2019 for a corporate party - converted fairy tales with jokes and jokes for adults. This is a fairly simple and at the same time an interesting version of the funny number, which can be played differently. For example, you can literally rewrite the dialogs of the characters of famous children's fairy tales, and you can use cutting from movies and songs instead of words. In any case, with a sufficient level of artistry participants, such a converted fairy tale is ridiculous and cool.

Funny ideas for scenes fairy tales with jokes for the new year 2019 adults on corporate

As for the plot for ridiculous fairy tale scenes to the New Year's corporate party, you can take almost any children's work, changing it under the interests of adults. Well, if you get to beat some winter fairy tale with the participation of Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, snowman and other traditional characters. But you can also take a completely simple children's fairy tales, such as a bunny or repka. In such cases, the story should be played on a more modern topic, preferably concerned about the working weekdays. For example, instead of the huge turnip of the grandfather (director) and the Baba (Chief Accountant) may try to pull the company's annual income. Several interesting and fun examples of converted fairy tales for New Year's corporate standards will find in the following videos.

The most cool scenes for the new year 2019 - universal options for a funny company, video

It is not necessary that the numbers on the corporate in honor of the New Year 2019 are devoted to the work and the company, and cool scenes on universal topics are also suitable. For example, you can put a cheerful number about typical family and templates of behavior of spouses, problems between parents and children, important social problems that exciting many. At the same time, it is important to comply with the balance between the good humor and the acute parody, which can hook the feelings of those present.

Funny options for universal scenes for a fun company for the new 2019 year

As for the format of such a cool scene on a universal topic, you can use any: dance, musical, parody, based on pantomime, etc. In the next selection of video, we tried to collect exactly such universal options for cool scenes, which are perfect for the New Year's corporate party.

Cheerful and Funny Scenes for New Year 2019 Yellow Pig - Modern Videos

Humor does not stand still and that matter, more and more interesting formats of rooms and scenes appear, which can also be used for the New Year's corporate party. As an example, you can bring popularity recently the format of the stand. As a rule, only one person participate in this issue, but you can arrange short performances for several people. A distinctive feature of the stand - reading jokes on topical topics from the position of the speaker, which postpones his imprint on their interpretation. In other words, the author expresses its opinion regarding popular questions through the prism of jokes and humor. Such a format will be especially relevant for the New Year's corporate party, if there is a person in the team who can sharpen and is not afraid of the scene.

Merry options for funny modern scenes for the new year 2019 yellow pig

Also among modern funny scenes for the new year 2019 yellow pigs can be noted in the "Waiting / Reality" format. They can be both on the workplace, and beat some domestic situations. Several interesting examples of fun modern scenes for the new year 2019 yellow pig will be found in the next selection.

Playing cheerful scenes on the New Year corporate can absolutely all members of the team. Especially if you take part in a humorous short room with music and dancing, which is necessarily present in each scenario. Also, the scenes in the format of converted fairy tales on modern ways can be used for this festive format. The main thing is that funny and funny scenes for the new year 2019 for adults on corporate gave all smiles and good mood! And then you can not worry for the relaxed and relaxing atmosphere of this holiday!

Want to meet the new year in a new way and original? Then this section is for you. The new year 2019 is not far off and for him we have prepared New Year's scenarios 2019 - Funny and funny. You will find here various corporate scenarios for the new year 2019 for all ages and for every taste. Meet the new year 2019 fun! Choose scripts, contests, fairy tales, funny parties on or modern funny scenarios! As well as scenarios and for Dad's Pope Claus! And so just funny pigs in the year. I have everything for you, just click on the desired dedicated word.

Scenario for the New Year for those for those for 50

Winter melody sounds. The lead comes on the scene. The phonogram ends.

Leading. Good afternoon, our dear, our favorite guests! We are very pleased that, throwing all your homely troubles today, you came to us! They came to meet the most beloved, the most long-awaited, the most exciting holiday - the new year! So much is good I want to wish you this day that even thoughts in the head are confused. In the meantime, I collect my thoughts for New Year's congratulations, the Children's choreographic ensemble "Shaluns" appears on the scene.

Performed by artistic amateur time.

Leading. So, I collected my thoughts and start all of you, my cute, congratulations! I wish you this year the fulfillment of all your most cherished desires. Sometimes it seems to us that a person is older and dream of something. Or his dreams should be landed and ordinary. I want to notice that while man dreams, his life is filled with meaning and energy. And as soon as the dreams disappear from our life, we start Handing, sad and, ultimately, sick. Remember the words of the famous song "... We are born to make a fairy tale ..."? So let's get our dreams, our fairy tales turn into a job! What do you need a person in order for a good dream in his head? First of all, health and good mood. Here is perhaps with a good mood and start! He will give you ...

The phonogram of the song "At the forest on the edge ..." from behind the scenes there are a lot of buba Yaga, who sings this song.

Baba Yaga

In the forest is not on the edge

Yaga lived in the hut.

She is Solila snowballs

In Birch Kadushka.

She dried grass

She was prohibited there

And therefore pretty

Leading (finally came to mind). Cituit, stop immediately your disgrace! The phonogram breaks down sharply.

Baba Yaga (With great dignity, today she has a wonderful mood at the celebration). I am not a disgrace! I made an element of surprise, zador, unpredictability to your tedious-tedious holiday!

Lead (continuing to resent). And we do not need your unpredictability! We keep our evening for a clear scenario, which is rehearsed to the smallest detail.

Baba Yaga (sighs). Oh! I haven't heard anything more dreary! But where did you see that everything was scheduled at the New Year's Eve? Where is mysterious? Miracle? Magic?

Leading. On mysteriousness we have a snow maiden. On Magic - Santa Claus. And when they appear together on our holiday, then, apparently, will show us New Year's wonders!

Baba Yaga. I thought it was, everything is as always. But today everything will be different! Because! .. This New Year evening I take in my hands!

Leading. Who will allow you to do this?

Baba Yag. Yes, you dear-ah!

Lead (Heavy). I?! Like this? Baba Yag. And you will like the evening with me!

Leading. I will like?

Baba Yaga. Yes! That's what you wanted to declare there?

Leading. Now in front of our guests should be the Vocal Group "Nocturne". Until you all spoiled.

Baba Yaga. Who declares so much? Who! Vocal group "Nocturne" - and that's it?

Leading. And what else?

Baba Yag. By the way, I saw your vocal group. And I would declare them so ... on the charming stage, do you think girls? Ah, no, better than girls. They are still charming, they are still wonderful. About these still say that they are berries again!

Leading. Yes, who declares so? Who declares so much?

Baba Yag. Do not bother! So, we meet the desperate girls who are still singing, and not a cowel hide!

Leading. And a pupil here with what?

Baba Yag. Cudel - sticking. I'm from a fairy tale. How without saying?

Leading. Let me announce the number, and I'll talk to the scenes.

Baba Yag. Well, declare, declare! Routine, everyday ...

Leading. But it is clear. Dear guests, the Vocal Group "Nocturne" sings for you.

Baba Yaga and leading leave the scene. Entra view number. The lead and Baba Yaga appear on the stage.

Leading. And why did you decide to come to us for the evening? Why not meet him in the forest?

Baba Yag. In the woods? What are you? I have a repair in the hut!

Leading. Repairs?

Baba Yaga. And what are you surprised?

Leading. You are from a fairy tale. Magic yes with their promsions in the blink of an eye would have been repaired.

Baba Yag. By magic, I can only destroy. But repaired - only humanly.

Lead. What, the builders brigade hired?

Baba Yag. What is my brigade maybe? Leshel - Programmer, Cat - Builder, and Kikimor - in chernokhroker goes.

Leading. Well, how is repairs in such a company?

Baba Yaga. But not yet progresses.

Leading. Why so?

Baba Yag. And because the stove broke, the roof was disassembled. And the legs of chicken from such an attack took away, and the hut now stands right on the snow.

Leading. And how are you going to live there now?

Baba Yag. I do not know yet, honey. I think that I still have to hire builders brigade to fully restore my hut. I will roll all the skis, we will get to my housing through the forest.

Leading. Ski is a good idea. So we have been invited to our holiday skiers. Meet the ensemble ...

Leading and Baba Yaga leave the scene. Entra view number. On the stage again leading and babe Yaga.

Leading. Still, I'm interested in why you came to our holiday? After all, the elderly gathered here today.

Baba Yaga. And who, do you think?

Leading. And who are you, in your opinion?

Baba Yag. And in our opinion, I am deep elderly, so deeply, that it is terrible to think.

Leading. You are what, do not remember how old you are?

Baba Yag. Of course, I do not remember, it seems to me that I live even eternity.

Leading. But eternity - she is infinite. Baba Yag. I know that endless. But I'm also infinite.

Leading. Well, that can not be!

Baba Yag. Can! Can! I guess that my appearance confuses you.

Leading. Yes a little.

Baba Yag. For your endless years I look fine. But what efforts I apply to this!

Leading. What?

Baba Yag. Huge.

Leading. And if more precisely.

Baba Yag. Or rather ... Firstly, daily shakes - I swear with my hut. Second, daily flights in the open air. Third, a daily mask of dried frogs and poisonous roots. And here is the result!

Lead (with a mockery). Yes, the result, as they say, is evident.

Baba Yag. And you are not a squirrel. First, they live to my infinity, and then let's see who of us will be dishes. In the meantime, the number declare your!

Leading. And I again invite you to our New Year's scene the Vocal Group "Nocturne". Leading and Baba Yaga leave. Entra view number. On the stage again leading and babe Yaga.

Leading. Listen, Baba Yaga, you are so, so you will disturb all evening?

Baba Yag. And I do not bother!

Lead. Do not bother? Baba Yag. Not!

Leading. And what, sorry for the indiscreet question, are you doing here?

Baba Yag. I help you to spend New Year's Eve!

Leading. Oh, thanks! Baba Yag. Oh please! And what about us next on the script?

Leading. I will spend the New Year Quiz now.

Baba Yaga (interrupts). Well, spend! And I will stand in the sidelines, I will listen, and then I will spend my quizzine. Let's allow?

Leading. Allow! Allow! Just please do not bother now!

Baba Yag. Everything! Silently!

Leading. So, dear friends, I suggest you to answer the questions of my quiz! And the quiz, of course, about the new year.

Quiz New Year

1. What holiday Peter the Great introduced in Russia in 1699? (New Year.)

2. Following the European Fashion, Peter I changed the chossing. So, 7208 from the beginning of the creation of the world became what year from the Nativity of Christ? (1700)

3. It was Peter I that introduced on the custom on Rus on January 1 to congratulate Happy New Year! The subjects had to congratulate each other with this holiday. And what did parents have to entertain their children on this day? (Skating from the hill.)

4. In which city was the first new year in Russia? (8 Moscow.)

5. The first fireworks were produced in Moscow on Red Square during the celebration of the New Year in Russia. And who was the main pyrotechnic? (King Peter I himself.)

6. Who brought to Russia the first New Year tree? (King Peter I.)

Lead. So, winners receive prizes. And the holiday will continue ...

Baba Yaga (interrupts). And I will continue the holiday! He tortured the people with their king! How is it there? (Remembers.) His Peter I.

Leading. Let's see what you offer!

Baba Yaga. And I will offer a fabulous quiz - Baboyjhevskaya!

Leading. What? What?

Baba Yaga (displeased). Baboyevskaya. And you do not bother me! (Move the lead.) Will, come on to the sidelines!

Quiz from Baba Yaga

1. Question first. How old are I? (I myself do not remember. But I live long.)

2. The question is the second. What place is I living in? (In more often forest.)

3. Question the third. What is my home? (A hut on chicken legs.)

4. Question fourth. What aircraft have? (StUP and Pomel.)

5. The question is the fifth. Which tribe belongs to? (To the unclean forest.)

6. Question Sixth. He is the main one. How do you call me gentle? (Yagush, Yaguskin, Yagushchka, etc., who will come up with.) Baba Yaga (addresses the lead.) Well, I finished. Can I declare a concert number?

Leading. How is the number? And prizes winners?

Baba Yag. What such prizes?

Leading. For the correct response, participants must receive a small New Year souvenir!

Baba Yaga (indignantly). Yes, I am a member!

Leading. And why then make a quiz?

Baba Yag. Why did you check?

Leading. To give gifts for knowledge, and who did not know that he learned something new for himself!

Baba Yag. About me, too, not everyone knew everyone, and now everyone learned!

Leading. But the audience was waiting for our other!

Woman. Yaga. How else?

Leading. Gifts, they, though small, but still joy!

Baba Yag. Yes, I myself is very big joy!

Lead (absolutely without strength). Do you restore you?

Baba Yag. And you do not argue!

Leading. Already forces there are no arguing!

Baba Yag. Well, the number of concert can I declare?

Leading. Yes, declare! Declare!

Baba Yag. On the scene of crumb chuckling dance. Naughznik girls, long eyelashes. Girls-Topotki, Grees and Vostochi with some kind of "Shalya-Valya" now we will arrange a dance pause.

Baba Yaga and leading leave the scene. Performed by artistic amateur time. Leading and Baba Yaga again on stage.

Lead. Tell me, dear, do you know what time we meet the year?

Baba Yag. What? What? .. And what?

Leading. Eastern calendar ...

Baba Yaga (interrupts). On the Eastern calendar - it is necessary, they have been waiting! We live in Russia, personally, I will celebrate the New Year on the Russian calendar.

Leading. We will also be in the Russian, only from Eastern we can not get hardened! The whole world accepted it. And we, as part of the world, also accepted it.

Baba Yag. And what about it is so interesting?

Lead. Every year we encounter one animal, and we win the other!

Baba Yag. And what, every time different?

Leading. Well no! In twelve years, everything is repeated!

Baba Yag. And with whom are you going now? And who forgive with?

Leading. We meet with a pig, but say goodbye to the dog!

Baba Yag. I listen to you and Diva I give! It seems I am evaluating forests! And you carry all kinderbilities and damn, and not me!

Leading. Well, do you know where you are against the whole world?

Baba Yag. And here I am against the whole world! The world is changing, and I all live and live. And your hut with a cat on any pig or there is a dog I will not trade!

Leading. And what I argue with an uneducated woman!

Baba Yaga. That you, educated, live so little. And for my life, so much I gone, which is already formed by your stay!

Leading. I do not think that the audience is interesting to our tedious dispute.

Baba Yag. That's it! True, the eyes of a roller!

Leading. Maybe you still give me to declare the next dance number?

Baba Yag. Maybe yes!

Leading. Dear friends, our New Year program continues ...

Baba Yaga and leading go. Performed by artistic amateur time. On the stage again leading and babe Yaga.

Leading. And you do not seem to be dear uninvited guest, what have you turned our New Year's Eve in the evening - unclean power?

Baba Yag. Why so?

Leading. Yes, because the main guests of the New Year's Eve Santa Claus and Snow Maiden.

Baba Yag. Surprised! And Baba Yaga Gostya not only at the New Year's Eve, and almost every holiday for children, adults and very adults.

Leading. Yes, but at our New Year's Eve evening we would calmly cost you.

Baba Yaga (rolls hysterics). Me, the most elderly from the elderly, deprive the rights to attend the New Year's Eve for the Elderly!

Lead (Trying to calm down). Well, what are you so promoted?

Baba Yaga (absolutely calmingly). Rejoice that I still do not satisfy the dirty! Today I am peaceful. Today is my day off! Holiday! You can count, you are lucky!

Leading. Lucky?

Baba Yaga (interrupts). Lucky! Lucky! You can not thank. Let's get better to call this: with a beard and bag!

Leading. As you disadvantaged about Santa Claus! Does he come when they say so?

Baba Yaga (frightened). And what can not come?

Leading. May not come!

Baba Yaga (nervous). What about gifts?

Leading. How are you still mercantile!

Baba Yaga (comes to the lead). You think about me!

Lead (down). And I do not call. This word all educated people know, and you have the most educated.

Baba Yag.a (Troubleshoot). Of course, the most educated one. And I understood what you said. (To the audience.) I did not understand anything!

Lead (to viewers). Dear our guests! It was time to call Santa Claus. Let's go together as in childhood, call him ...

Baba Yaga (interrupts, shouts and runs around the hall). Santa Claus, come! And your bag is brought!

Baba Yaga shouts three times. After that, it starts to rush around the hall and on stage, looks at the scenes.

Baba Yaga (refers to the lead). Well, where is he? Where?

Lead (strictly). Still, you will have to remove you from our holiday!

Baba Yaga (Grozno). Yes, just try! (Begins to bet.) Well, what doesn't he go, I called him so loud?!

Leading. But you called him alone, he did not hear you! And, I must say, it's good that I did not hear!

Baba Yaga. Why is it good?

Leading. You can not be offended by whom you call!

Baba Yag. And I did not hurt.

Leading. But about the bag you shouted louder!

Baba Yag. Why do I need Santa Claus without a bag?

Leading. What do you mean why? For joy, holiday, finally, for magic!

Baba Yag. I am also magic, however, no one calls me anywhere!

Leading. Sorry, of course, but you are evil magic, and Santa Claus is good.

Baba Yaga (offended). Of course, who needs an old old woman Yaga, and even without a bag!

Leading. Baba Yaga, enough to breed! Let's better all together Santa Claus Cook!

Baba Yaga is trying to scream, but the leading breaks it.

Leading. No, Baba Yaga, just together. All together, dear friends, shout: "Santa Claus, come!"

Seniefs are called Santa Claus. Music sounds. On the scene, the choreographic ensemble performs the "snowflake dance", at the end of which the Snow Maiden appears on the scene.

Baba Yaga (disappointed). Fi-and-and! Thought! Named! And why do we need this Snow Maiden? Besides without a bag.

Leading. What do you mean why? First, where the Snow Maiden, Santa Claus will certainly appear there! Secondly, the Snow Maiden also always gives New Year's surprises!

Baba Yaga (Begins to run around the Snow Maiden.) Where? Where, I ask you? Where? Where? Where?

Leading. Calm down immediately! Tell me clearly, what are you looking for?

Baba Yag. Like what? Christmas Surprises! After all, somewhere should lie! Something should lie! Do they come from the sky? Surprises, and even New Year, can lie only in the bag! In the bag of Santa Claus! And in general, we called Santa Claus! Why? Why? Why did Snow Maiden come?

Snow Maiden. Why did I come? I'll answer! And ... (thinking slightly.) Even I will answer in verses.

Baba Yag. Surprised! In verse! We can also in verses!

Snow Maiden

So, I start! ..

Someone flew in the forest,

All trees broke!

Disorder in the forest, trash,

My grandfather got out!

Forest in order will lead

And for the holiday comes to us,

To congratulate a happy new year

All the people spent!

Baba Yaga

Wow about things! FROM

it seems to be miracles!

For a whole hour, the people languishes,

Waiting for that grandfather,

And it is not in mom!

What is it for the avral?

Snow Maiden

He overslets the challenge!

Who in the forest of the pogrom made up?

You're not, answer!

Baba Yaga

Maybe it bothered,

But he hurried much!

Prevailed beauty

Bought again broom,

Shopping easy committed

That's why I could have broken,

But it was not late!

And now we will continue in prose,

From poems in nemogot!

Lead (to Baba Yaga). Shame on you!

Baba Yaga But not ashamed! You have been visible away everywhere, and in the forest none! I have a purely random to the edge of the eye alone noticed when in the neighboring thickets flew. I had to gather a hurry, and this is not my wines, but yours!

Snow Maiden That's fault, and everything will get out! Yes, so what is not to blame at all.

Leading. Snow Maiden; What will we do?

Snow Maiden. Waiting for Santa Claus! Without him, the holiday is not a holiday!

Baba Yag. How to wait? Wait again? In absolute silence, or what?

Leading (to Baba Yaga). Where you, absolute silence is impossible! Impossible!

Snow Maiden. Do not quarrel! In silence we will not wait! I really prepared a New Year's gift for you - he is musical.

Baba Yag.a (there is no limit to indignation). Again musical! I want natural!

Lead (Loses patience, to Baba Yaga). I demand that you immediately leave the scene!

Baba Yaga. And I do not want!

Snow Maiden. Then you will stay without gifts.

Baba Yag. Leave! (Runs away from the scene.)

Snow Maiden. And for you sings ...

Snow Maiden and leading leave the scene. Performed by artistic amateur time. Snow Maiden and presenter appear on the scene.

Snow Maiden. My friends will have to hurry Santa Claus!

Leading. Let's once again on my team Krique: "Santa Claus, come!" Seniefs are called Santa Claus.

Santa Claus goes through the hall and sings a song on the motive of the melody "A Christmas tree was born in the forest."

Santa Claus (sings).

I went for a long time to you through the forest,

The order in it brought.

And finally, and finally

For a holiday came to you!

We stand together in the dance,

To meet the new year!

And new year, magical year,

We will bring happiness!

The two last lines in each quatrain are repeated twice.

Santa Claus. Hello my friends! I am glad to see you in good health and a good mood!

Snow Maiden. Grandpa! You probably tired, disassembling that challenge?

Santa Claus

Strong granddaughter, I'm tired,

Viewing that challenge.

And since the meeting I am a villain,

Your frost will not regret!

I will get down degrees under forty

To remember him

And did not swallow

Build next year!

Snow Maiden. We found a villain!

Santa Claus. Well, where is he, where is the villain?

Baba Yaga (With a downstream head, barely live, wanderee from behind the scenes). I am a villain! I'm poppy! On the! Frost me!

Santa Claus. Yaga? Well, how about the holiday without you?

Snow Maiden. Grandpa! We have already figured out everything here! So you do not punish her!

Santa Claus. Interesting! Interesting! What happened here? What even the granddaughter for Yagu asks?

Leading. Yes, I wanted a very Baba Yaga on our holiday to get! And it is for our! After all, our evening for veterans, and she, too, after all, no, and the veteran of his work.

Snow Maiden. So she hurried, was afraid that he would not have time!

Santa Claus. And what, not even dropped?

Leading. No, Grandfather Frost, even tried to help lead evening!

Santa Claus. So what happened?

Leading. The first pancake com.

Baba Yaga (Finally dared to speak). Nothing else!

Snow Maiden. Grandpa, forgive her!

Santa Claus. Kohl is a case, I forgive! And we leave our holiday! Come on, Snow Maiden, call the people in the New Year's dance!

Snow Maiden. Grandpa, so the tree is not yet lit! Santa Claus. Now Zazhga! Snow Maiden. Without magic?

Santa Claus. So it's not for children, I came to adults.

Snow Maiden. Well, that, without magic, no lights on the Christmas tree will light up!

Santa Claus. Then the command itself!

Snow Maiden. To meet the new year, stand together in the dance! But first the lights, our Christmas tree, brand! Let's say friendly: "Once! Two! Three! Our Christmas tree, Gor! "

Spectators repeat the words behind the Snow Maiden. From the third time, the lights on the Christmas tree are lit.

Santa Claus

New Year calls, friends,

In the familiar, the familiar

To this new year

Became usual for us:

Without disease, without alarming,

Without misfortune and worries!

What else to wish? Health!

All of you with happiness New Year!

Everyone gets up in the New Year's round dance.

Games, contests are held, and then dancing, loved by the elderly.

Snow Maiden. With new happiness! Happy New Year! It was fun today!

Santa Claus. It is interesting to live! Happy New Year Congratulations!

Snow Maiden. Bye!

D. dorry. Until next year!

Leading. All are good in the new year!

Baba Yag. See you!

Scenario for the new year 2019 "Magic lamp under a degree"

The leading 1 starts New Year's corporate, welcoming guests and calling them to tune in to the festive way.

Overweight running 2.

Leading 2:
Fuh, managed!

Leading 1:
What? Lose weight for the new year?

Leading 2:
Crue! Get a magic lamp of the alladin. With her and we lose weight, if necessary. And in general, can be revealed!

The leading 2 pulls out the lamp: the usual glass bank of a small capacity or an aluminum bank used, for example, from under condensed milk. The lamp from plasticine has been attached to a spout and handle.

Leading 1:
Somehow I imagined her other. Where did you get?

Leading 2:
I ordered an aliexpress, urval last.

Leading 1:
So you now hint that this subject of Chinese handicraft production performs its direct functions?

Leading 2:
Sure! I studied reviews, all in a wild delight!

Leading 1:
Without a loach and life is bad.

Leading 2:

Leading 1:
I say a profitable purchase.

Leading 2:
Even some! It is said that the lamp is especially valid if they cause Gina, standing in a full moon of breasts to the east, chewing dried mole.

Leading 1:
About mole is clear, and what boobs? Nude? Men's or female?

Leading 2:
How is it male? We say breasts, mean Baba.

Leading 1:
Do not say, at present, even the presence of certain organs is not a one hundred percent sign of gender.

Leading 2:

Leading 1:
We drove. What is there in full moon?

Leading 2:
With this in the span, in the yard a decreasing moon, which stays in Scorpio. The percentage of the light of the moon is 29%. However, there are harmonious aspects of 60 sextil degrees between the Sun and Moon, so the stars on our side.

Leading 1:
Are you talking to anyone now?

Leading 2:
We lose time!

Leading 1:
This is another thing! We start holiday!

Leading 2 takes a lamp for a handle, which is laid out, she quickly sticks her in his pocket and, holding a lamp for the bottom, rubs it.

Meanwhile, the leading 1 slowly walks backwards, singing in several goals of the word: "Eh, once, once again, many more times."

Leading 1:
How is it going? Will the Chinese industry we will transmit? And in general, why it was necessary to bother for the new year. All 3 wishes performed. As a last resort, it was possible to go fishing, catch a goldfish. Not caught and figs with her. Culturally relaxed on the lap of nature, drank, bored. By the way, in the throat something dryed. So, while your Ginn sat down in a lamp, as partisans in the forest, I suggest to meet with another Gin and his friends.

Toast.More interesting when he is voiced for the first time. Of course, you can try to put traditional words from festive wishes: health, happiness, success, money, etc. But it is better to arrange a competition-toast for the new year. Several participants receive the same task and a couple of minutes to meditate, after which they announce their version. Raise glasses after each toast, a group of participants or competition is the business of the host.

The first 3 people are called.

Their task: to say toast consisting of words starting with the letter "P".

Task for the second group of participants: to tell a toast, be sure to use the following words: frost, snow, roses, guitar, sanctions, French kiss. Words can be inclined.

Task for the third group of participants: Pronounce toast using proverbs, sayings, promotion (for example, in some kingdom, in a certain state Honey beer drank, flowed across the mustes, and did not fall into the mouth, and in the new year I wish you to drink wine, raisins, prune and gingerbread to eat).

After the competition, the leading 2 shakes the lamp.

Leading 1:
What are you doing? You ignite it so there.

Leading 2:

Leading 1:
Throw it. What do you need a man who can fulfill only 3 desires?

Leading 2:
I have everything calculated! Performs 2 desires, and the third we force it to catch the goldfish. She performs 2 desires, and the third frees the old man hottabich. Everything is wherever he has vegetation on the body, he will have a fantastic humpback horse, which, like a real man (there are still such in fabulous villages) gives flowers-seven-dealers. Here!

Leading 1:
Maybe I'm a hard?

Thunder is heard, the hall includes a saturated subject in family shorts, stretched T-shirt with a Fingal under the eye.

Leading 1:
What a lamp, such and genie.

Leading 2:
Can not be!

Meanwhile, Ginn is trying to find the point of support to firmly stand on the legs.

Leading 2 is suitable for Ginn.

Leading 2:
Can you talk?

Ginn nods his head.

Leading 2:
Are you jinn?

Ginn nods his head.

Leading 1:
From face water do not drink. The main thing is that in working condition it was.

The leading 2 shows the genu of 3 fingers.

Leading 2:
Wishes are ready to execute?

Ginn shaves his head negatively and, showing something with his hands, trying to say.

Leading 2:
Why not?

Leading 1:
Because it performs 3 desires, and not 6.

Leading 2:
So I ask 3.

Leading 1:
Send 3, and he sees 6, bothering poor in the eyes. Merry life, see, in the lamp, does not bored there.

The presenter shows 1 finger.

Leading 2:
Wishes are ready to execute?

Ginn again negatively waves his head and is trying to explain something.

Leading 1:
Again worship. Now he sees 2 fingers. (Turning to the genie), Milk, three wishes are ready to perform?

Ginn convincingly shakes his head and slowly settles on the floor. Leading pick it up.

Leading 1:
Top to the table, does not interfere with him.

The process of raising glasses will pass more fun with contests. 4 participants are called: 2 men and 2 women. Mixed commands are created. Women are outstanding folded leaves (in each it is written toast, well, if it is written specifically for the collective, you can with names, areas of activity, etc.) on which the same toast is written. Men are issued on a bottle of wine and a corkscrew. Who will open the bottle faster, it will win the right to the announcement of the toast, which will read a woman.

Ginn raises glasses with a team. After that, it is transformed, confidence is visible in his actions.

Like you, Girls. Why do you need such a difficult scheme with a goldfish, hottabych and other? I give you an inexhaustible source of well-being.

Ginn clap into his hands, the wand was flying to the hall. He raises him.


Ginn swears with a stick, the sound of the braking machine is heard.

And let the whole world wait!

I'm sorry, what? Stip your pockets. In addition, the wand takes care of adjacent spheres.

Leading 1:
What is it like?

Are you dreaming about a cool wheelbarrow?

Leading 2:
I dream.

Ginn waves a stick. The room imports a garden wheelbarrow (ideally genuine, after the absence of such an opportunity, a self-made device from cardboard). One of those engaged in a wheelbarrow gives a master's license.

Leading 2. (reads certificate):
Clement for the control of a steep garden truck acting within (indicates the coming year).

Leading 1:
The principle is generally not bad. But we have different consensions.

Leading 2:
Let us dwell on the traditional 3 wishes.


Leading 1:
You will not argue with this, we will not risk, let's make your magic.

There is one condition. The wand is magical in my hands so that she earned in yours, then the enlightenment must pass.

Leading 2:

Now everything will be arranged.

Ginn causes the whole male part of the audience, builds them by Shangoy, a small distance is preserved between men. Their task with the help of legs, without using hands, pass the rod from one to another. That is, the first clamping his legs shod below / above the knee and so transmits it ahead of the standing man and so the stick should reach the closing in Shero. Ginn takes a wand, waving her, goes out the light. The light turns on, there is no lamp, there is no lamp, the lead in the hands of the wand. She wakes up her and the concert program begins for the audience.

Here everything rests on fantasy and in money. If with finances tight, then the concert is carried out by its own (songs-alterations, scenes, contests). If possible, professional artists are invited: Gypsy ensemble, Fair Show, etc.

Funny Scenario for New Year for adults

During the preparation, the scenario should prepare costumes and accessories for artists. In particular, three transparencies are harvested. From dense cardboard (packaging boxes for equipment are suitable) rectangles are cut off to which the inscription "Happy New Year!" (The same on all for three transparencies is typed on the computer, all letters are made multicolored). Instead of a stick, holding a roll from parchment paper or paper napkins. Three identical costume of the Christmas tree are also made. For example, an old sheet or curtain is taken in it for the head, it turns out a cape and the Christmas tree cut from felt (they can be replaced by viscose wipes for cleaning).

In the hall runs out, out of breath, lady, dressed in a Christmas tree outfit holding a transparency and a green balloon in the hands.

Christmas tree 1:
Happy New Year!

Tree 1 looks around, looks at the clock.

Christmas tree 1:
Stick I, it means, torn off an exclusive costume, Corpela over a transparency, lungs, inflating the ball. A broken hour is standing here and nobody! Everyone before the Feniva that the new year is on the nose. That's how?! How to celebrate?! Well, the discipline!

Two more Christmas trees are included in the hall (packages are carried in one hand or you can wear backpacks, in this case your hands will be free) and the fiber of a resting man dressed in training and shirt.

Christmas tree 2:

What do you clutch me?

Tree 3:
And what do you get drunk? You do not know your happiness! Taking it still here. Men went to the men!

Christmas tree 1:
Appeared! Instead of their New Year duties, they are shy on men. What are you scarecrow here?

Christmas tree 2:
We are these most responsibilities and perform. Instead of standing in the third position, it helped it to fix it in place.

Christmas tree 1 is not suitable and takes a man for something (for example, for clothes).

Release! I need to go home!

Tree 3:
Are you at home!

Due to you, I tell you.

Tree 2 pulls out of the package (backpack) Santa Claus, puts it on a man.

Tree 3:
Santa Claus you will!


Christmas tree 1:
Oh, not like. Oh, girls, Haltur! Get the beard hook him or something.

Tree 2 pulls out a beard from the package (backpack), attaches it on a man (he is trying to break through, but the tree 3 holds it tight).

Christmas tree 1:
Well, that. My grandfather has an intelligent face.

Here the individuals ask not to concern!

Christmas tree 2:
You will have to meet the New Year's New Year with this Santa.

Tree 3:
And where is the staff?

Christmas tree 2:
No, disappeared

Christmas tree 1 and tree 3:
How disappeared?! Without him, as without hands. How will we cheer?! How will we give?!

Christmas tree 2:
It will have to get out of them.

Tree 2 is suitable for a man, straightens the cap, beard on it.

Christmas tree 2:
Maybe this is what will invent. Are you like magic?

Yes what kind of magic?! Water I, water! What is Santa Claus?! I have a holiday! I'm working with spring by autumn and completely differently!

Christmas tree 1:
What harmful grandfather caught! So nicely brought him, dressed, they are going to feed and drink, and he is all dissatisfied!

Christmas tree 2:
What do your grandfather change your grandfather? And then he replaced you, maybe.

Okay! Only, first ride and feed, and then everything else!

Christmas tree 1:
Three ways! Christmas trees festive position occupy!

Two other Christmas trees from their packages (backpacks) take out transparencies and balls (the ball can be tied to the package knob (backpack)). All three trees are built up, everything is obtained in the same costumes, with the same transparencies and balls.

ABOUT! It was still not in the mouth and Makowinka, but already tricks.

Christmas trees fold their transparencies.

Christmas tree 1:
Grandfather, call three volunteers!

Why is it? I'm not working in debt!

Christmas tree 2:
So it is necessary for a toast!


The man causes three people (the principal difference in the choice of gender is not). Players of the Christmas tree give their balls. Participants must burst them, but they are not issued for this. As not the restrictions. They can use everything in the hall. In the balls in advance the paper is put. Each is written an excerpt from one toast and number (1 is the first part of the toast, 2 - second, 3-end). The text on all three pieces is one toast. Participants pierce something balls, get the paper and according to the numbers read the toast.

Raising glasses.

Men (satisfied):
Right now sleep!

Christmas tree 1:
Together we sing!

Called 6 people from which 3 teams are created for two people. Preliminary preparation of embodiments scenario: texts are taken 2-3 of any famous New Year's songs, you can even take children's. Texts are printed and cut on line. It will take 3 caps, the same number of lines (perhaps some kind of team will be from one song 2, and from the second and third songs 1 cub, but all players must be in equal terms). As a result, in one hat there should be a line, for example, the first and last couplet "The Christmas tree was born in the forest", a verse "Tell, Snow Maiden, where was there?" And the "Three White Kony" verse. Players take out all the lines from the header and, in meaning, must compile couplets. Each team has their own couplets from all 3 songs. The team, the first to make up its parts of the songs, receives a prize. When all texts are collected, you can start singing. The name of the songs can be played with the audience. One person is called, his ear talks to the name of the song, and he must explain to the Pantomime before the hall. Spectator, the first named song receives a prize. After that, this song is executed. Each team sings their couplets and all together chorus. Then the second name is played, the performance of the song and the hall is guessing the third song and it is executed. If that, the Christmas trees suggest what a verse for what follows and together with a man also sang.

Christmas tree 1:
In! Now two things have become!

Christmas tree 2:
The bigger, the better!

Tree 3:
Real New Year!

Guy 2. (runs up to the peasant):

I hear from the impostor!

Guy 2. (Trying to remove the header):
Discount suit!

Pardon! I have not been recorded in the stripters here! Robbery in broad daylight!

Christmas tree 1:
My crumbs! No need to quarrel!

Guy 2:
I'm not a crumb! I am Santa Claus!

What will prove?

Christmas tree 2:
Grandfather, where is your staff? We were unworthy everywhere, as the water was rushed, that you are that staff.

What do you roll on me? As a staff?!

Tree 3:
Where are you?

She herself said that in the water, the staff was blocked.

Christmas tree 2:
It is just such an expression from the script.

This script is offensive and ask him to not apply!

Christmas tree 1. (referring to the peasant):
Okay! Good, calm down! turning to the peasant 2) Grandfather, but where? Baba Yaga, what a whistled?

Guy 2:
Worse. Crisis, his mother. The property was described, the wand was selected.

Christmas tree 2:
And what now?

Guy 1:
Yes. And I have a swamp in pledge.

Guy 1 comes up to the man 2, stretches his hat.

Guy 1:
Why there. Cap the case will not correct. What will we do without a provoke?

Everyone in thought go circles.

Christmas tree 1:
Eureka! It is necessary to take the same staff. Go there, distract and replace your staff! They still will not suspect anything, he is magic only in your hands!


Guy 2. (runs up to someone from the hall, puts on a hat):
Santa Claus you will! Temporarily! Hold on to my arrival!

Christmas tree 1 hands the new Santa Claus sheets - the script program, while they are missing and prizes. There are riddles and decking on New Year's theme. Chastushki about the new year, but there are only 3 lines. Santa Claus reads them, and someone from the audience must come up with a fourth line. When a chastushka is folded, it should be felt, the right is given to the author of the last line. I gave the viewers of the riddles and writing the chastushki Santa Claus gives prizes.

Returns to the Christmas trees and men. Guy 2 dressed in full program (except for the cap) and with the staff. Guy 1 in a festive suit.

Men 1 is suitable for I.O. Santa Claus, takes off his cap and puts him on the real Santa Claus.

Guy 2:
Thank you for your care.

The viewer, temporarily replacing Santa Claus, is awarded a special prize for the work done.

All presenters distribute gifts.

Scenario for the new year "New Year in Papuasska!"

When all guests have already gathered and dressed in Papuans, the Supreme Priest goes to the middle and, hitting the tambourine, dancing a ritual dance, collecting all the guests around him and notifying about the beginning of the celebration.

The priest almost does not speak Russian, but explicit in the language of the African tribe. The keeper of the focus acts as a translator, explaining to guests what to do. After the ritual dance, everyone goes to his knees and put on the priest.

Priest (exclaims): Like! Okhlona!

The keeper of the hearth. Stand up, please knees dear guests! Listen to me.

Priest. Nivans of the tribes Novgo. Wellows of the Wiel Luna standing!

The keeper of the hearth. O Great Residents of the Novgo tribe! Tonight, when the big moon leaves the horizon and the sun will rise, the new year will come.

Priest. Davas shouty!

The keeper of the hearth. For his meeting, we must read the spell, thereby the oval of the God of the Sun, that we are ready to celebrate and glorify the New Year.

Priest. GOTA? The keeper of the hearth. You are ready?

Everything. Yes.

The keeper of the hearth. Then let's start!

Priest. Bala Bala Mi!

Heart keeper: You must answer "Haye."

Everything. Haye.

Priest. Chica-Chikha. The keeper of the hearth.

You must answer "Haye". Everything. Haye.

Priest. Chick!

The keeper of the hearth. You must answer "Haye."

Everything. Haye.

Priest. Chick! The keeper of the hearth. You must answer "Haye."

Everything. Haye.

Priest. Chirik Chig Chic.

The keeper of the hearth. You must answer "Hay-Haye."

Everything. Hay-Hey.

Keeper of the focal. How to go? Everything. In (raise thumbs up)!

The keeper of the hearth. Maybe you are already tired?

You must answer: "We didn't take such with them!"

Everything. We did not take such such!

The keeper of the hearth. Well done!

You must answer: "Hurray!". Everything. Hooray!

The keeper of the hearth. Well done!

Everything. Hooray!

The keeper of the hearth. Well done!

Everything. Hooray! Hooray! Hooray!

The keeper of the hearth. And now again.

Priest. Bala Bala Mi!

Everything. Haye.

Priest. Chica Chica-Chi!

Everything. Haye.

Priest. Chick!

Everything. Haye.

Priest. Chick!

Everything. Haye.

Priest. Chirik Chig!

Everything. Hay-Hey.

The keeper of the hearth. How to go? Everything. In (raise thumbs up)!

The keeper of the hearth. Maybe you are already tired?

Everything. We did not take such such!

The keeper of the hearth. Well done!

Everything. Hooray!

Heart keeper: Well done!

Everything. Hooray!

The keeper of the hearth. Well done!

Everything. Hooray! Hooray! Hooray!

Priest. Havchik Nam Yam.

The keeper of the hearth. I invite everyone to the table.

All drink, eat.

Priest. Maleese costumes.

The keeper of the hearth. Oh, great warriors, before celebrating the New Year, we must make ritual drawings. I invite two men and two women (you can children).

Competition "Ritual drawings"

A man and a woman form a couple. A woman should apply a ritual drawing on the body of a man using a set for makeup, lipstick, finger paints, etc., and it will make it blindfolded. The competition begins on the strike of the "Shaman" in the tambourine and also ends. The best drawing is determined by guests. After each competition, the winners of the priest gives prizes (fruits, bracelets). The winners in competitions can be put on the body a special mark (for example, multi-colored stripes) or handing a pen. Sharing more lanes or feathers gets the title of the best warrior. After each competition, the warriors surrounded by his tribe celebrate, filling the glasses of "fiery water".

Priest. Spears methas.

Keeper of the focal We invite the most tidy warriors for a spear throwing competition. We accompany the year of the pig - it means that this animal we won. A piece of foam rubber in the shape of a pig is hanging on the wall, with a target applied to her.

Each warrior is given 3 darts (you can use "sticky balls" from the children's game "Darts"). The winner is the one who was more accurate. Warriors and tribesmen celebrate the victory over the pig, accomplishing the outgoing year. Exactly at midnight on the middle of the room runs away the leader of a tribe and starts a ritual dance, holding a pumpkin in the hands. At some point (for example, with the twelfth strike of the chimes), he throws a pumpkin to the floor, and it breaks into pieces. This means that the new year began.

Guests get up in the circle and shout three times: "Happy New Year!". Then the priest together with those present repeats the learned spell. Pumpkin is cleaned, and dancing begins. The leader more than two thousand years ago Hippol Fifth invented a wonderful New Year's dance, which called the "winter shaking". I think everyone understands that during this dance you need to shake. How - I'll show you. Sing with me.

The wise priest had forty sons, forty sons and forty daughters.

They did not drink and did not eat

dancing, as they wanted ...

And now I say: "Right hand", and this means that you need to once again perform this song and shake at the same way. So, sing and shake!

The song sing again and again, shaking on the team first with his right hand and right shoulder, then - with his right hand, right shoulder, left hand, left shoulder, right knee, left knee, belly and head.

Finally Leader Says: "And now everyone is dancing arbitrarily" (African motives sound). The keeper of the hearth. And now it's time to eat!

All drink, eat.

The keeper of the hearth. We have so many fruits in Africa! I suggest to fulfill an "orange dance" (dance with oranges).

Couples are dancing a slow dance, closing an orange between his foreheads, then - between the belly, between the blades, and, finally, between the buttocks. Couple dropping orange, dropping out. The winner becomes the last remaining couple. Before the next competition, guests are learning a new spell in which each line is repeated.

Heart keeper: Chika-boom - cool song! We will sing it all together. If you need a cool noise, please contact us Chik boom! I sing I boom-chika boom! I sing I boom-chika boom! I sing Bum-Chika-Raga-Chika-Raga-Chika-boom! Oh-oh, oh-e, well done!

Leader. And now the contest of African drummers. You will need to catch up on the drum some New Year's melody ("A Christmas tree was born in the forest", "the little Christmas tree is cold in winter", etc.). "Feathers" may sing drummers. The winner is chosen by the vote.

The keeper of the hearth. And now all the most sensitive are invited! We play the game "Crocodile Tail."

The keeper of the hearth. Everyone is built into the column and keep each other for the belt. The first to get the leader, he is the "crocodile head". The last person in the column is "tail" of this mighty animal. "Head" hardly tries to grab the "tail", but the "tail" is touched. The game continues until the "head" does not catch "tail." At the end of the evening, the leader calculates multicolored stripes or feathers (awards to the winners for contests during the evening), announces the name of the most agile, strong, miserable, bold warrior (warriors) and presents him (im) the magic totem (for example, a soft toy - mouse, mickey -Maus - as a symbol of the coming year of the rat). The evening ends with a festive firework.

New Year's contests "Occoltovy"

For the competition you will need colored hair bands, 10 each color. Men take part in the competition, each of which receives gums of one color. The task of participants - in a few minutes during the dance "Okolzat" as many women present as possible. Elastic bands are put on ankle. Wins the most agile.

"A gift for the very bold"

In the room where the celebration passes, put on a high place - for example, a closet is a small box without the bottom and with the opening top. Outside, cover the inscription in large letters "A gift for the very bolder", and put confetti into the box. Guest wishing to receive a gift will raise the box, and the box is without the bottom!


Among the guests are chosen by the lead, the rest of the participants form a circle, putting shoulder to the shoulder; Hands are discharged behind the back. The presenter gets up in the center of the circle. Banana is transmitted by the participants to each other - as closely as possible, from hand to hand. The task of the lead is to determine who at the moment is a banana. The player, in whose hands was a banana, must unnoticately bite off from him when the presenter looks in the other side, and pass in a circle. The task of players is to eat the whole banana. If the presenter determines, in whose hands is the banana, this player becomes the lead.

"Bison Hunt"

Three-four men take part in the competition, one of which plays the role of Bizon, the rest - hunters. "Bison" hang on the back target, which hunters strive to hit "cartridges", in which the price tags-stickers of different colors can perform, for example. The game goes for a while, and "hunters" is prohibited to be enough or retain "Bizon". The most descendant "hunter" wins.

Funny scenario of New Year's party for adults "Desires"

Presenter Scenario:

- Holiday when everyone wants fun, joy, good and execution of desires. And you know, if the desire is kind, sincere, and not designed for the help of aliens or a person-spider, then it is really fulfilled.

In this minute, all of us unites one desire: so that this evening was truly festive and kind. And we are able to us. Feel yourself wizards! Let's take in the hands of the filled glasses, say everything together: "Happy!", - And, here it is, a miracle: a good mood will now not leave you at least until tomorrow morning!


On the eve of the new year, it is accepted by a good word to remember the year outgoing. Have you wanted to say thanks to the old year? (gives you the opportunity to say wishing)

Conducting the old year

Everyone let yourself nap

As a reward how much wants

But, note that we have

Ahead of the magical hour

The fulfillment of desires, by the way.


You can make wishes in different ways. Many believe that desires must be reinforced by money. Let's check the extent to which your desires will be fulfilled next year. In our New Year's fortunelock, as in life, it all depends on you. Everyone will make an airplane from any bills. From the start line launch the airplane. Whose will fly on, more chances next year.

(Prizes are awarded losers).

Leading New Year's party:

And I propose to play the winner to play a New Year's intellectual game "Who wants to be the best friend of Santa Claus."

Attention, question 1. Homeland Russian Santa Claus is the city:

A) Great bows.

B) Great flour.

C) Great Iron.

(D) Extheug block.

(Choose the correct answer)

Question 2. Who is Santa Claus usually comes to a holiday?

A) with guards.

B) with girlfriends.

C) with a lawyer.

D) with granddaughter.

Question 3. How do Santa Claus cause Russia?

A) by phone number 01.

Consider that it was a rehearsal. Now we are ready to meet with Santa Claus. Moreover, with us his best friend. (Hands the prize)


Whatever adults we did not seem to have, in each living faith in Santa Claus. And, surprisingly, the older and the significant we become, the easier it is to finish it. That is, if in childhood we called it a triple, then now it is enough to call, pay, whisper: "Santa Claus!", - And he is already here. Hear, stuck under the door? Well, what, whisper?

Santa Claus:

Ege gay, honest people,

At the threshold of the New Year!

Let him come to you with good

And with a smile in every house!

Let health and success

New Year carries for everyone!

Snow Maiden:

And to come true dreams in the New Year,

We need to arrange a big dance!

(All guests are in the dance around the Christmas tree)

Snow Maiden:

Our New Year's Eve, of course, magical. And if you touch her barns and make a desire, it will certainly be fulfilled.


And my desire is to see all of you in a good mood. Therefore, I propose to arrange a contest at our New Year's party for adults "Christmas Bazaar". We all love to dress up the Christmas tree, and now I suggest sitting at the tables to become briefly teams of designers who have to decorate the Christmas tree using what is at hand. On the role of the Christmas tree, choose the most beautiful man behind your table.

(The results of the competition brings the Snow Maiden).

Snow Maiden:

Dancing you - be healthy!

And who is ready to fight choirs?

Let's check out which table the most singing. I propose to hold the competition "Battle of Choras". Topics - "Winter", "New Year". Companies are completed at one verse and the chorus of winter songs. (Award the best teams or everything.)

Santa Claus:

In the New Year, it is customary to make gifts. I have a gift here in this box. And he will receive him the one who rents that it is.

(The present set questions requiring the answer "yes" or "no". For example: "Is it round?", "Is it edible?", Etc. Guessing receives a gift.)

Santa Claus:

Not everyone got gifts today

But everything is still ahead.

And every gift is your New Year

Under Elko will be able to find!

Snow Maiden:

Testament your desire

Let them be performed in the new year.

And happiness your certainty

Each of you will find.

Let's not clear tasks

They are resolved soon

Let you smile good luck,

And in life everything will be about Kay!


Until the new year is not so much time. Let's spend it so that it is remembered for a long time!

Funny and funny scenario for adults for the new year. Party "On Excellent"

Before holding a New Year's Eve, it is necessary to purchase a few souvenirs for future contests and quizzes, to think about who will participate in them, pick up the leading assistants, and otherwise look in circumstances. The scenario is appointed for the minimum memorization of text and cooking costumes, mostly all imprompt.

1. Leading:
There is a holiday special and ancient, where the feast on the wide tables,
Where ate - forest trees - grow on parquet floors.
Beautiful such moments, and festive night, and debt,
And the world is blocked by a shut-off ... We wish love and good!
Let there be ringing glasses today.
Let the wine sparkles today,
Let nightlocks
You will look into the window.
In this wonderful night without a smile
Pain and sorrow - away! Happy new year friends!

Dear friends! Let's fill the glasses and drink for the coming new year!
All drink and eat. A minute later, it's not worth the master continues to spend the evening.

2. Leading:
We have today - the New Year.
There will be dancing, dance.
On the door of the door
We all wait for guests.
Oh, and today will be!
Santa Claus will now arrive

Dear colleagues let's look at the entrance doors, Santa Claus should appear now. (According to the preliminary agreement, the head of the company, while everyone is looking at the door, puts on the Red Hat of Santa Claus and trying to portray him.) Let's all be happy to come to us Santa Claus. (Everyone is beginning to scream "Santa Claus")

But our Santa Claus appeared, the Word of our grandfather Claus, of course you learned it - this is our dear head ... Today, instead of Santa Claus, it will give us gifts.
(The head congratulates everyone, presents the best award workers and pronounces toast)

3. Leading:
Life - Mirage, Hope, Passion, Waiting for Dream
Only, if you wish everyone to get around.
Let dope the cheese tree, and not a fooling confusing.
Let the spiny needles in the house will be only from the Christmas tree!
Let them shoot a feast of guns, and firefish, and clappers -
Let him get away from you a dream away in the New Year's Eve night.
The arrows up the upstairs rose, they agreed on twelve.
The term has come! Twelve beats!
Be happy, New Year!
Old year, leave sadness,
Forget the alarm, offense, trouble.

Dear colleagues, let's spend the old year with him with all adversity and sadness. Fill the glasses and drink to the bottom, and I hope, with the latest drops of sparkling drink, all the alarms and resentment will leave you.

4. Leading:
So, we spent the old year, drank over the coming, but the holiday does not erect on it, he just started. I propose a little to warm my head, and then your hands, probably, are tired of working with cutlery.
Every child today knows: the best gift is money. And I suggest the hall of the game per million. those. The game on lemon. So, who is willing to engage in the fight for this exotic fruit? Having answered correctly to the question, you get one slicker from Lemon (Lemon Assistant Leading is divided into 10 pieces).

Lemon game

The essence of the game: A question is asked and several answers, one of them is correct (marked *). Who answered correctly, gets a lump of lemon.
1. Who feeds feelings for cats:

2. The main hero of the film "White Bim, Black Ear":
Synthesive apparatus operator

3. Who is the best friend of man:
A computer

4. Who leaves non-identity heaps on your yard:

5. Who turned into a wolf when he was tamed:
In man
In a dog *
In the ghost which thundering in your bedroom chains
In a monkey

6. Whose devotion to the owner is the strongest:
At Sparrow
Dog *

7. Who will always bring a stick:

8. Who helps the militia to find drugs:

Whoever won the lonakes of lemon, and this ...
Not a gift - just treasure.
Our colleague is very happy.
Our "limon is a million" word.

5. Leading:
Dear friends! Once in front of the New Year I witnessed one funny story. Drunk rides on the bus. And he has an urgent need for petty needs. For some time he suffers, and then it does not stand and starts. Conductors indignantly tells him:
- Man, what is it?
- Snow Maiden I, you do not see that if I start to calm!

Something without Snow Maiden became boring. Santa Claus we have. He urgently needs a Snow Maiden. And we will choose it now, among our expensive women. To do this is chosen
1. Each of the women, contenders in the Snow Maiden from the products from the New Year's table prepares the dish within 1 minute - it can be a fantastic sandwich, a new year composition of all available salads, i.d.e. What a snack for subsequent toast.
2. The most erudite Snow Maiden. Snow Maiden in a circle tells the names of films, where actions occur in winter or under the New Year. Who will say the latter, he won this contest.
Following the two contests, the jury from men choose the Snow Maiden for the evening. Snow Maiden gives a word for congratulations.

6. Leading:
Dear Colleagues. How much do you remember yourself, so much, probably, and remember the meeting of the New Year holidays. Let's plunge a little in childhood. Remember the dances around the Christmas tree in the Children's Court and School, they answered them together with Snow Maiden's questions and Santa Claus. Ready? Just let's be carefully and friendly and loudly answer me.

And now, friends, play
In an interesting game:
What christmas tremble
I'll call you now.
You obey carefully
And answer necessarily
If I tell you true,
Speak "Yes" in response.
Well, if suddenly - incorrectly,
Speak boldly "No!"

- Multicolored flappers?
- Blankets and pillows?
- clamshells and cribs?
- Marmalaka, chocolates?
- Glass balls?
- Wooden chairs?
- Teddy bears?
- Buvari and books?
- Multicolored beads?
- And the garlands are bright?
- Snow from Wat White?
- Stands and briefcases?
- Shoes and boots?
- Cups, forks, spoons?
- Candy shiny?
- Tigers real?
- Golden cones?
- Stars rays?

Yes, even though we are already adults for a long time, but still stay children, so
I, children, congratulations,
Happiness, I wish you joy.
Have fun, sang songs.
So that you always ring your laughter!
Happy New Year to all, everyone!

And who of you became mistaken in the game. Well, of course, this is our respected colleague ...., but he is fortunately, he has already accepted on his chest - noticeable. He will give him a tongue.
(Colleague pronounces toast)

7. Leading:
In the meantime, so not to miss,
I propose to play!

Now I will ask comic questions, and you try to know yourself in them or your neighbors on the table, and answer my question "This is me!": Or "it's he (she)!"
1. Who is a fun gait sometimes walk with vodka?
2. Which of you, tell me out loud, catches flies at work?
3. Who frost is not afraid, the bird drives a bird?
4. Which of you, slightly grow up and will go to the bosses?
5. Which of you does not go gloomy, loves sports and physical education?
6. Which of you, so wonderful, drinking vodka always barefoot? (On Lake Baikal)
7. Who does the working task perform exactly on time?
8. Which of you drinks in the office, how is today a banquet?
9. Which of your friends, walks dirty to ears?
10. Which of you on the pavement goes upwards?
11. Which of you, I want to know, loves to sleep at work?
12. Which of you comes to an office late for an hour?

As expected in our company such a very little, almost no. Here for our friendly team and let's drink!

8. Leading:
Dear Colleagues! Today we have a visit to the Gypsy.
Pre-agree with one of the colleagues, that it depicts "Gypsy". To do this, he needs to dress up gypsy, just put on a handkerchief and crushed his lips, after the sixth wine gland, can play almost any. You need to print in the form of playing cards below the suggested wishes. "Gypsy" goes to the hall and offers to pay to everyone and predict for the evening of fate. The guest pulls the card and reads in his rumor that he expects him today. If the proposed wishes are not enough for all guests, they are not difficult to add, taking any horoscope.

The second half of the evening for very close communication with the partners of the opposite sex!
You are awaiting a huge success at today's evening!
This day favors the ideas aimed at the future, and their discussion with the partners of the opposite sex!
Today it is more important for you emotional mutual understanding and physical contact than verbal time feeding!
Today, dating and hobbies are likely for you, especially in the second half of the evening!
Tonight, with the help of words and beliefs are able to achieve anything!
Today the best for you is hope for your own strength, especially at the end of the evening!
Avoid the cold, from the partner of the opposite sex and be always on the check!
Fruitably work with a spoon and fork for today's table, in the evening will bring certain fruits!
At this evening, communication with friends will bring you a lot of joy!
Today, especially an important evening in your life, pay special attention to your neighbors behind your table!
At midnight - you can start keeping a quiet way, and now having fun!
Today evening is good for any entertainment!
Carefully reinfeit to each nanite winery and do not miss her past my mouth!
Your creative successes at this evening will be noticed by all those present!
The second half of the evening can be used by you for the belief of other people, especially the opposite sex!
Today you may have a tendency to privacy with someone!
The evening will give it unusual and mysterious for you, be prepared for everything!
Today you will especially be slopes to alcohol, do not get drunk hard!
Avoid conflict at the table due to not drunk on time!
Tonight, it is advisable not to avoid the partners of the opposite sex during the dance!
Today be attentive and see do not sleep in a plate of a neighbor on the table!
Excessive drinking alcohol tonight can lead to loss of orientation in space and in time!
Today, sexual communication is not recommended with anyone!
Tomorrow you will have an excess in energy, so sweep it today!
Independent today's actions from you will allow you to improve your financial situation!
Today, a major win awaits you! Today's evening is favorable for intimate acquaintances!

After the last divination, "Gypsy" congratulates everyone a Happy New Year! Pronounces toast.

There is a break, dances and contests with the presentation of prizes.

9. Leading:
Dear colleagues, you probably have been tired during the break, you need to warm up, and so that the warm-up has passed successfully, you need to drink. Let's drink for when we go home, we would attaches money to us and we could not fight back from them!

10. Leading:
The warm-up successfully passed, I hope for everyone on the way they will attack the money with which you can spend the whole next year. And now you have to think a little a little, although it will be difficult for some. I will make riddles, and you will have to guess them. Whoever marries the most, will receive a prize.

Riddles (deposits in brackets):
1. What we choose instead of money,
If we play with Yakubovich? (prize)

2. This food is different:
Black and red? (caviar)

3. Well what kind of relatives
Father's brother for me? (uncle)

4. Here is the placement ship,
By appointment - freight? (hold)

5. There is a grandfather's wife.
For me who she is? (woman)

6. He sucks you a couple of lines,
In dash language and points? (radioist)

7. In schools to shift the table,
Unfortunately came? (desk)

8. Here they will answer instantly all.
What is the first grader in the spit? (tape)

9. Under the shell of this
Skeletons are stubborn? (leather)

10. What is the Bear and Zhabotinsky to the parade
Did you put the Olympics on the first day? (flag)

11. Fashion! You call me
Skirt-record holder in length? (maxi)

12. Needlessly slowly
Hold her left-handed? (flea)

13. What we say when
Gives us the word Tamada? (toast)

14. And here is a very simple question:
Who brought you to your parents? (stork)

15. Radio engineering know:
This metal soldered? (tin)

16. Remember you would need
What kind of Vishnevsky came up with the drug? (ointment)

17. According to university
His most important is there? (rector)

18. What is swimming on the river
And on a chessboard? (rook)

19. The question is so:
Who is Peter Sit? (Neva)

20. For forty years, you really saw
What covers Fidel's head? (cap)

21. Remember soon
Source source? (bread)

22. Reflect on what a little bit:
Beetle Colorado - Who is it for potatoes? (pest)

23. If the head is
Does she appear? (dandruff)

24. The day passed yes night
What was happening away? (day)

25. Who conquered Siberia
And the king presented? (Ermak)

26. Answer Clear
Ware for vodka? (glass)

27. An important question he decides
Gina power reduces? (tonic)

28. Starting from the place that takes
Attal and airplane? (acceleration, acceleration)

29. This mushroom, in theory, we are more
We can meet in Osinova more often. (Boostic).

30. For a short time, he could surely persecute
What keeps everyone in heroic mittens. (Hedges)

31. What do we go early in the morning
Offers feel from the screen? (Gusto)

32. His transfusion I will
I will understand that you are for the student. (Diary)

33. This mystery is easy,
Short brother stocking? (Sock)

34. On target Sector for Mazil,
I hope you realized? (Milk)

35. The film in which Kikabidze
To the sky managed to misery. (Mimino)

36. Plot aqueous, where always
Will the tributes of the court? (Bay)

37. Do not think long
Homemade whit. (Broom)

38. She is traditionally in our troops
Biggest than platoon, but less battalion? (Company)

39. Sea. Closer to the north it.
And still there is wine. (White)

40. Shed for rustic randnev.
It is clear, they are not carried out in a hlev. (Senal)

41. Liner, sunken in the ocean
And victorious pop-up on the screen. (Titanic)

42. River between the United States and Canada.
Known by its waterfall. (Niagara)