Analysis of the 2 chapters Master and Margarita briefly. Analysis of the head of "Pontius Pilate" from Roman M.A.

Analysis of the 2 chapters Master and Margarita briefly. Analysis of the head of "Pontius Pilate" from Roman M.A.

Sections: Literature

(Slide number 2)

Purpose: To monitor the details of the artistic text, while simultaneously analyzing their own feelings that have arisen as a response to events taking place with heroes.

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  • Explain the causes of the states of Pontia Pilate through the observation of his mental experiences; Make all the subtleties in his behavior, speech, intonation, explain the contradiction of his feelings.
  • Analyze your own feelings that appear when reading text.
  • Create psychological dictionary of their feelings.

Equipment: Microsoft Power Point Presentation (Appendix 1), Two Watman Sheets, Felt Fans

During the classes

Teacher's introductory word.

So today we proceed to the analysis of the 2 chapter of the Roman MA. Bulgakov "Master and Margarita", which is based on the eternal problems of human existence: good and evil, faith and challenging, betrayal and love, power and freedom, the problem of repentance and fair retribution.

Before us unfolds a whole panorama of human morals, exposing old as the world, and eternal, as life itself, questions. What is a man? Is he responsible for his affairs? Can even the most severe circumstances serve as an excuse of an immoral act? You know that part of the Roman Bulgakov "Master and Margarita", his individual chapters is the novel of his hero, the master, facing events in almost two thousand years of history, but having a direct connection with the events occurring in Moscow on the 30s. The plot of this novel resembles the biblical legend of the crucifixion of Jesus Christ and the impression of a documented presentation of the events that really happened, as the heroes are almost historical faces. However, there is something that distinguishes the Master's novel.

In the Gospel of Matthews, it is said that, having gathered 12 students on the secret evening on the eve of the Easter holiday, Jesus Christ predicted his death from the betrayal of one of them ...

(Slide №4)

Message of a student about the biblical plot of the Crucifixions of Christ (he tells the legend of the crucifixion of Christ, complementing the story next quotes from the Bible):

"- True I tell you: one of you will betray me.

Pupils were sealing, and they began to ask alone after another:

- Isn't I, Lord?

Then Judas, who first betrayed him, also asked:

- Of course not me, teacher?

Jesus replied:

- Yes, you ... "

(Matthew Gospel, Ch.26 (20-22, 25, 46-52,) Ch.27 (1-5)

Teacher: There is no doubt that Yeshua Ga-Nochri - a kind of twin of Jesus Christ. Moreover, Yeshua in the Aramaist language means Lord (salvation), and Ga-Nochri - from Nazareth. Jesus Christ, born in Voflyema, before the beginning of his activity, constantly lived in Nazareth, because of which Jesus Nazarein is often called him. What do you think is the feature of the interpretation of the evangelical plot?

(The writer significantly deepened the biblical plot, handed over the whole range of feelings and experiences of heroes, he "walked" them, which causes the readers to empathize and compassion for them. He puts them before moral choice, and it seems, Bulgakov appeals to everyone: "I could You are also courageously, badly, like Yeshua, to accept the suffering in the name of your idea, to the end, keeping the faith in a good start in a person, not at the iota without allowing the feelings of the bits and resentment for their destiny? ")

In the second lesson, the study of the novel M.A. Bulgakov "Master and Margarita" you got the task: to re-read the 2 chapter "Pontius Pilate" and answer questions:

  1. Can we, sincerely sympathize with Yeshua, understanding the injustice of his punishment, categorically condemn to Pilate for his cruelty? What is the true Wine Pilate?
  2. Why did the circumstances be higher than the desire of the procurator of the preacher? Why did Yeshua be the above these circumstances?
  3. Did Pilate have the opportunity to choose why he chose evil after all?
You can answer these questions, running on the content, but for something describes MA. Bulgakov experiences Pilate? Probably, everything is not so simple, as it seems?

Individual homework (report 2 students with a presentation of their slide)

1 The student performed the task: to trace how the mood of pontium pilate is changing. Make a dictionary of their feelings that have arisen during reading 2 chapters.

2 The student analyzes the behavior of Yeshua Ga-Nochri and makes up the sadness of their own feelings.

(Slide number 5)

Speech 1 student:

As soon as Bulgakov introduces us to the Palace of Herod of the Great and introduces a pilate with Pilat, immediately striking the atmosphere of some concern. The painful state of Pilate confirms this ("again began a hemikran attack when he hurts the halfolons").

So, for the first time meeting with the procurator, we see him irritated. It is felt that the inhabitants of the palace and approximated are accustomed to the cruelty and sharpness of its character. Talking with the arrestant given to him, he interrupts him in a half-word, when Yeshua appealed to him: "Good man ..." Pilate declares that everyone whisper about him in Yerschlaim: "The fierce monster", "and it is completely true" in confirmation of their words Pilate causes Kenturion, the terrible brand of the rat: "The criminal calls me a" good man ... "explain to him how to talk to me. But do not cripple. "

(There is some terrible feeling of fear and bewilderment and the question: "For what?")

But later, it seems, and Pilat himself became interested in talking with this man. After all, "the easiest way to be expelled from the balcony of this strange robber, uttered only two words:" hang it. " However, the procurator does not make it. And when Yeshua clarifies the procurator to the reason for his sufferings ("Truth is primarily that you have a headache ... You are not only able to talk to me, but it's hard for you to look at me ..."), Pilate is just fighting.

The procurator calms down when Yeshua continues to talk about the fact that "evil people are not in the world," and in his head herself there was a formula: "Inemon disassembled the case of the stray philosopher Ishua, named Ga-Nochri, and did not find the composition of the crime in it. In particular, I did not find the slightest connection between the actions of Yeshua and the unrest, which occurred in Yerschlaima recently. Stray philosopher turned out to be mentally ill. As a result, the death sentence ... The procurator does not approve ... "

(Here the reader is involuntarily rejoicing for the procurator and for Yeshua and waiting for a happy junction.) And suddenly it turns out that everything is wrong.

- All about him? - asked Pilate at the secretary.

No, unfortunately, he suddenly answered the secretary and filed Pilat a different piece of parchment.

- What else is there? - asked Pilate and frowned.

(Here really wants not to have this second parchment, it becomes scary that it will spoil everything.)

The procurator itself feels, who is trying to prevent the danger to the whole being to the whole being, even before the signs of Yeshua. (Therefore, the feeling of excitement and anxiety increases) Moreover, Pilate arises terrible hallucination, which seems to be foreshadowed by trouble: "So, it was aimed at him that the head of the arrestant was saved somewhere, and instead of her another appeared. On this bald head, a rare-faced golden crown was sitting; On the forehead there was a round ulcer, energized the skin and lubricated with ointment, ... Away, as if, lost a knight and concern, and very clearly heard a nasal voice, taking a pulling word: "The law on insulting Majesty ..." Story Yeshua about what and how He spoke with Juda from the Cariaff gives rise to Pilate the mood of hopelessness. He feels that he loses the chances of salvation of a naive arrestant. (The feeling of anxiety increases)

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Speech 2 student:

Brutal, unfair punishment, it seems, did not even cause an arrested indignation. He's just like a child, asks Kenturion in response to his formidable tone: "I understood you. Do not hit me." (This is of interest to him and respect)

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In the future, the sincerity and ease of his conversation with the Pilate simply captures.

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For this reason, the directness of the answer struck Pilate with his audacity: "Do you think that you suspected her, Inemon? If so, you really mistaken " (At this point there is a fear that Yeshua can harm themselves) Pilate "flinched and answered through his teeth:" I can cut this hairs. "

"" And you would let me go, Inemon, "the arrestant asked unexpectedly, and his voice was disturbing," I see that I want to kill me. "

(At the time of the sentence, the reader arises a sharp sense of disagreement with what is happening: so brightly shows the cruelty of the procurator and his powerlessness.)

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"You believe unhappy that the Roman procurator will release a person who spoke what you said? I do not share your thoughts! "

Interestingly, Pilate does not calm down, but arranges a date with President Sandrion Caiful. The conversation with him was the last hope for the salvation of Yeshua, and Pilate attached all efforts to it.

After that, it covers longing, developing in the terrible anger of powerlessness. The procurator is aware of his guilt and feels terrible meal of conscience, and after it is experiencing almost rage to him for the fact that he trampled the last hope. The procurator seizes open resentment:

"You remember then saved Var Ravan and regret." But the high priest is adamant:

"... You wanted to release him then so that he would be embarrassed by the people, the faith was abused and led the people under Roman swords! But I, the high priest of the Jewish, as long as I was alive, I will not let the crowd of faith and protect the people! "

(Reading this scene feel such indignation, from the fact that there was no strength that could prevent this ridiculous and monstrous injustice.)

Going to the platform and saying the words of the sentence, Pilate does not even look towards criminals. "He saw nothing. He did not need it. He also knew that for his back the convoy already leads to the bald mountain of Ga-Nozri, who the procurator himself would pronounce the death sentence and whom he wanted to see alive

(When you read these lines, the feeling of indignation and horror covers you. And still impotence. It remains only to observe what is happening.)

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Slogus, reflecting feelings and experiences when reading the chapter

Pontius Pilate


Fear (incomprehensible cruelty)

Sympathy (standing simply)

Bewilderment (for which they beat)

Interest (sincere like a child)

Curiosity (conversation result)

Respect (resistance, fearless)

Excitement (premonition of trouble)

Fear (can harm yourself)

Anxiety (sentence)

Joy (waiting for a happy junction)

Despair (wrote down)

Fear (at least did not spoil everything)

Impotence (no one will help)

Anxiety (unshakable Yeshua)

Indignation (from injustice)

Disagreement (with the decision of the procurator)

Disgust (cowardice - the downstream trait)

HORROR (death sentence)

Teacher:So, we see that the pontium figure of Pilate is indeed complex and contradictory. He wanted to save Yeshua, understanding the unreasonableness of the sentence made by the Sedrin. But even the omnipotent procurator, a person whose one glance throws into a stupor, turned out to be powerless to save Yeshua from death. Why did circumstances be higher than the desire of Pilate? Why did Yeshua be the above these circumstances? Was the prosecutor with the opportunity to choose? And why did he ever chose evil?

Group task(performed on computers or on watman sheets)

Group1 Create a cluster of the character of the character of Yeshua Ga-Nozri, manifested in the 2 chapter of the novel

Group 2. Create a cluster of the character of the character of Pontia Pilate, manifested in the 2 chapter of the novel

Speech by representatives from groups with the protection of their work.

(Slide №11)

Comparison:it is proposed to attention the student color spectrum of the character of the character of heroes, performed by the teacher. Teacher's explanations:

Yeshua is the ideal of individual freedom. The main feature is humanity.

(Slide number 12)

The main goal on the Earth-peaceful preaching of the Kingdom of Truth and Justice. And therefore no forces can make him get to betray the faith in good. (Recall the episode when he asks before the death of the executioner not for himself, but for another: "Let him drink"). He does not betray the decision taken forever - his truth. It is internally surrounded by a halo of light feelings: love, freedom, good.

The pilat is always annoyed, embittered, incredulous, cruel. In addition, he has to live in the city that he hates, he manages the people who does not like. His will cannot contradict the will of a higher clergy authority in the face of Great Caesar, high priests and all Sanhedrin. Therefore, pilat turns out to be internally connected, depending on its position.

He is constantly experiencing an internal disorder.

In Yeshua, Pilate felt something that was not enough to himself: understanding, sincerity, sensitivity, the strength of the Spirit. In addition, this philosopher was able to guess not only his loneliness, suffering, but he took off his physical pain, awakened the long-forgotten feelings. He wants to help Yeshua.

The procurator face to face turns out to be a choice: either take a step towards the salvation of Yeshua and thus make good; Or destroy it and make evil.

Pilate understood perfectly, the injustice of the punishment of Yeshua and the whole strength of his soul wanted to choose good

But on the other hand, the procurator is a powerful ruler. He cannot let go of a person who spoke about power what he said, and what is recorded not only in the report of Judas, but also in the protocol of the Procurator Secretary. Then the career and position will be destroyed. It - slave Caesar, his office and his career. Pilate chooses evil, betraying her conscience.

He was waited to solve the fate of others, but can not, it turns out to be managed by his actions and actions. And therefore pilat is doomed to eternal mental flour, the blame, which for almost two thousand years he is not able to redeem, because there is no greater vice than cowardice.

Output: Yeshua leaves, and the procurator for the Millennium remains in the chamber of his loneliness, where he dreams of the moon road, according to which he goes and speaks with the Arrest of Ga-Nozri, because, as he claims, he has not spoken something at the fourteenth number of the spring month of Nisan. And he is waiting and hopes that he will be forgiven and let go.

The literary drawing completely coincides with the pattern historical, even in trifles and subtleties. And the name of Pilate - and as a gospel person, and as a Bulgakovsky character - there will always be hand in hand with the name Yeshua-Jesus, in punishment for inaction. Immortality in the centuries is his curse.

Pilate, his fate, his soulful flies of Bulgakov convinces us that a person is responsible for his affairs. As a living being, he can resist the fulfillment of his civil debt by all over his own and find a justification - in the thirst of life, in habit, in a natural desire to rest, in fear of suffering or before the authorities, before hunger, poverty, expulsion, death. But as a spiritual essence, possessing moral consciousness, he is always responsible before his conscience. Here he has no allies on which he could shift at least part of his responsibility, and no external circumstances and conditions of choice cannot serve it with justification.

Such conclusions come, analyzing the contradiction of the feelings experienced by the Pilate. In his words, eyes, the votes are catched a wide variety of feelings: hopelessness, longing, rage, despair. And it turns out that Pilate is a person suffering, a fierce disease and a misunderstanding, cushing with its authority. But the main thing is lonely, smart, deeply feeling.

In life there is always a choice, even in the most, it seemed, there should be some decision on hopeless positions. And only it depends on how it will live longer: in Lada or in the disaster with his conscience.

(Slides number 13, 14)

Summing up the lesson: Why did Bulgakov needed such an artistic reception - in parallel the narrative of the modernity of the Roman written by the Master and telling about the events that took place two thousand years ago? ( The novel is devoted to eternal problems, they exist in the present just like thousands of years ago. Long mankind goes to the truth and will come to her knowledge - it is unknown).

Estimates for the lesson.

Homework:Choose material concerning the history of the master, b) the total atmosphere of life of the 30s of the 20th century, using chapters 5, 6, 7, 9, 13, 27.


  1. "MA Bulgakov "Master and Margarita" Moscow "Olymp" 1997
  2. Russian literature 20th century Part 2 "edited by V.P. Zhuravleva Moscow "Enlightenment" 2006.
  3. "Russian literature of the 20th century. Reader "Compilers A.V. Barannikov, TA Kalganov Moscow "Enlightenment" 1993 p.332.
  4. MP Zhigalova "Russian literature of the 20th century in high schools" M Bulgakov and his Roman "Master and Margarita" in scientific and methodological studies p. 10-9 Minsk 2003.
  5. Journal "Literature at School" No. 7 2002, p. 11-20.
  6. When creating a presentation, the Internet resources are used.

Episode "Interrogation in the Palace of Herod of the Great" is the core of the second chapter of the Roman MA. Bulgakov "Master and Margarita" "Pontius Pilate". This chapter logically splits the first and third - modern chapters, in which various descriptions of modernity appear: Through the rationalist representation of the world (Berlioz, homeless) and a view of the world as a totality of complex, including supernatural and unpredictable phenomena, and deepens the philosophical idea that connects them , Helps the reader to formulate the problem of the whole novel. In particular, the interrogation scene by the procurator of Judea Pontiya by the Pilate of the Wearing city to the city of Philosopher Ishua Ga-Nozri makes it possible to think about what the world in which we live is what is the position and role of a person in this world.

Pondi appears in the White Cloak with a bloody approach. White - symbol of purity, light, truth; Bloody - blood, cruelty, doubt, life in contradictions. The procurator hated the smell of rose oil (later learn that roses are the favorite Flowers of the Masters and Margarita). These parts are alarming, and still learn about the "invincible, terrible hemicrane disease." So, Pontius Pilate is a vertex of human destinies, the focus of the authorities, to assert the death sentence of Sanhedrion, but it is already clear that this person will not make such a step. And so before him the criminal, his hands are connected, under the left eye a big bruise, in the corner of the mouth - an abrasion with blood baked. But his view is full of not fear, but anxious curiosity, he is not depressed, confident in his innocence. He is a free person. Perhaps the procurator, declaring the first accusation, which is that Yeshua appealed to the people with a call to destroy the temple, feels the power of the arrestant who appeared before him. That is why he is harsh, sitting like a stone, the lips are slightly moved when the words are pronouncing, and the head is burning "hellish pain." Hells in it struggles with the ruler, a heart with a cold calculation. Tie conversations - the words of the arrested, addressed to the game: "Good man ..." These words plunged Pittia Pilate, he does not understand how his, "fierce monster," you can call that way. He is angry. The power takes the top, but this moment I cannot continue the conversation, asks the rat to bring themselves to Ishu and explain how to talk to him, but at the same time do not cripple. Nevertheless, the words "good man" sounds victorious. The rat did not hit the arrested heavily, but he instantly collapsed the ground.

From pain? From pain, too, but more from humiliation, because he asks not to beat him. In the following conversation, calls Pilate Ememon, so that this humiliation is no longer repeated. The rest of the philosopher is adamant. Does not want to aware of what I did not commit. Pilate "the easiest way to be expelled from the balcony of this strange robber, uttered only two words:" hang it. " But the conversation continues, we learn the essence of the crime of Yeshua.

"I, Inemon, talked about the fact that the temple of the old faith collapses and a new temple of truth will be created." This is not about creating a new faith - faith blind. From faith to truth, the essence of human being is and is the history of mankind. For the great procurator, this is a crazy. A person is not given to know the truth, nor even what is the truth. But the mind does not listen to Pontia Pilate. He can not ask a question, although the tone is ironic. That is an unexpected answer: "The truth is primarily that your headache is hurting, and it hurts so much that you are unwell think of death." He amazes the fact that the abstract concept of "truth" becomes alive, real, here it is in the abundant pain. Truth turned out to be a human concept, it comes from man and closes on it. But Pilate is not able to immediately dismiss the usual building of thought. He cannot believe that he saved Human participation from pain. The compassion saved rid of suffering.

And then he returns to the fact that he initially caused irritation: "And now tell me, what do you use the words" good people "all the time? Are you all, what are you called? " "All," the arrestant answered, "there are no evil people in the world." Most likely this statement MA Bulgakov, together with his hero, wants to say that evil is a fact that it makes a man unhappy. Mark Rats "became cruel and darling," because "good people rushed to him like dogs on the bear." The procurator of the Jews does not agree with the arrested, but also does not contradict him. And in the "light" head already formed the formula: "Inemon disassembled the case of the stray philosopher Yeshua, named Ga-Nochri, and did not find the composition of the crime." He would not approve a death sentence, recognizing Yeshua the stateless, if the defendant himself did not sign him. After all, he was charged with a second accusation, more serious, as it concerns the Roman emperor. Ga-Nozri violated the "Law on Insult Majesty".

The accused is recognized that with Judea from Kiriaf expressed his own view of state power. Noteworthy scene in which the Pilate makes it possible to get lost, escape, avoid execution if he refute his words said about Caesare. He suggests him that in the truth, preached by this man, the salvation of his soul. "Died!", Then: "Died! .." "- Listen, Ga-Nozri," the procurator spoke, looking at Yeshua somehow strange: the face of the procurator was terrible, but the eyes are disturbing, - you have ever said that Is it about great Caesare? Answer! Spoke? .. or ... not ... said? "Pilate stretched out the word" not "somewhat more than it was relied on the court and sent Yeshua thought, which I wanted to inspire the arrestant." But Yeshua did not take advantage of the capabilities given to him by the Pilate. "The truth is to speak easily and pleasant," he says and confirms his idea about that "that any power is violence against people and that the time will come, when there is no cesarians, nor any other power. A person will go into the kingdom of truth and justice, where no power will not be needed. "

Pilate shocked and scared. If he is released Yeshua, he will break the usual relationship between him and the authorities governing them, he drives Caesar, his position, career, and although it really wants to save Yeshua, cross the chains of this slavery above his strength. Allegorically sounds the words of the procurator: "You believe, unhappy that the Roman procurator will release a person who spoke what you said? Oh gods, gods! Or do you think I'm ready to take your place? " Yeshua, knowing, which will take death for their convictions, does not refuse the truth as opposed to Pilate, cowardly agreeing with the sentence of Sanhedrin. Faced two opposite in the philosophical essence of the world. One is the world of Pilate, the familiar, comfortable, in which people themselves sharpened in the unfortunate, suffer in it, but the fear of power is stronger. The other is the world of good, mercy, freedom, the world in which the person has the right to doubt, say what he thinks to listen to his heart. And the Terrible Procurator felt the reality of this world, and everything that seemed unshakable, eternal, collapsed. Ga-Nochri went forever, and the entire creature of Pilate penetrated the "incomprehensible longing". Choosing for the heroes of the novel, after the reader.

Episode "Interrogation in the Palace of Herod of the Great" is the core of the second chapter of the Roman MA. Bulgakov "Master and Margarita" "Pontius Pilate". This chapter logically splits the first and third - modern chapters, in which various descriptions of modernity appear: Through the rationalist representation of the world (Berlioz, homeless) and a view of the world as a totality of complex, including supernatural and unpredictable phenomena, and deepens the philosophical idea that connects them , Helps the reader to formulate the problem of the whole novel. In particular, the interrogation scene by the procurator of Judea Pontiya by the Pilate of the Wearing city to the city of Philosopher Ishua Ga-Nozri makes it possible to think about what the world in which we live is what is the position and role of a person in this world.

Pondi appears in the White Cloak with a bloody approach. White - symbol of purity, light, truth; Bloody - blood, cruelty, doubt, life in contradictions. The procurator hated the smell of rose oil (later learn that roses are the favorite Flowers of the Masters and Margarita). These parts are alarming, and still learn about the "invincible, terrible hemicrane disease." So, Pontius Pilate is a vertex of human destinies, the focus of the authorities, to assert the death sentence of Sanhedrion, but it is already clear that this person will not make such a step. And so before him the criminal, his hands are connected, under the left eye a big bruise, in the corner of the mouth - an abrasion with blood baked. But his view is full of not fear, but anxious curiosity, he is not depressed, confident in his innocence. He is a free person. Perhaps the procurator, declaring the first accusation, which is that Yeshua appealed to the people with a call to destroy the temple, feels the power of the arrestant who appeared before him. That is why he is harsh, sitting like a stone, the lips are slightly moved when the words are pronouncing, and the head is burning "hellish pain." Hells in it struggles with the ruler, a heart with a cold calculation. Tie conversations - the words of the arrested, addressed to the game: "Good man ..." These words plunged Pittia Pilate, he does not understand how his, "fierce monster," you can call that way. He is angry. The power takes the top, but this moment I cannot continue the conversation, asks the rat to bring themselves to Ishu and explain how to talk to him, but at the same time do not cripple. Nevertheless, the words "good man" sounds victorious. The rat did not hit the arrested heavily, but he instantly collapsed the ground.

From pain? From pain, too, but more from humiliation, because he asks not to beat him. In the following conversation, calls Pilate Ememon, so that this humiliation is no longer repeated. The rest of the philosopher is adamant. Does not want to aware of what I did not commit. Pilate "the easiest way to be expelled from the balcony of this strange robber, uttered only two words:" hang it. " But the conversation continues, we learn the essence of the crime of Yeshua.

"I, Inemon, talked about the fact that the temple of the old faith collapses and a new temple of truth will be created." This is not about creating a new faith - faith blind. From faith to truth, the essence of human being is and is the history of mankind. For the great procurator, this is a crazy. A person is not given to know the truth, nor even what is the truth. But the mind does not listen to Pontia Pilate. He can not ask a question, although the tone is ironic. That is an unexpected answer: "The truth is primarily that your headache is hurting, and it hurts so much that you are unwell think of death." He amazes the fact that the abstract concept of "truth" becomes alive, real, here it is in the abundant pain. Truth turned out to be a human concept, it comes from man and closes on it. But Pilate is not able to immediately dismiss the usual building of thought. He cannot believe that he saved Human participation from pain. The compassion saved rid of suffering.

And then he returns to the fact that he initially caused irritation: "And now tell me, what do you use the words" good people "all the time? Are you all, what are you called? " "All," the arrestant answered, "there are no evil people in the world." Most likely this statement MA Bulgakov, together with his hero, wants to say that evil is a fact that it makes a man unhappy. Mark Rats "became cruel and darling," because "good people rushed to him like dogs on the bear." The procurator of the Jews does not agree with the arrested, but also does not contradict him. And in the "light" head already formed the formula: "Inemon disassembled the case of the stray philosopher Yeshua, named Ga-Nochri, and did not find the composition of the crime." He would not approve a death sentence, recognizing Yeshua the stateless, if the defendant himself did not sign him. After all, he was charged with a second accusation, more serious, as it concerns the Roman emperor. Ga-Nozri violated the "Law on Insult Majesty".

The accused is recognized that with Judea from Kiriaf expressed his own view of state power. Noteworthy scene in which the Pilate makes it possible to get lost, escape, avoid execution if he refute his words said about Caesare. He suggests him that in the truth, preached by this man, the salvation of his soul. "Died!", Then: "Died! .." "- Listen, Ga-Nozri," the procurator spoke, looking at Yeshua somehow strange: the face of the procurator was terrible, but the eyes are disturbing, - you have ever said that Is it about great Caesare? Answer! Spoke? .. or ... not ... said? "Pilate stretched out the word" not "somewhat more than it was relied on the court and sent Yeshua thought, which I wanted to inspire the arrestant." But Yeshua did not take advantage of the capabilities given to him by the Pilate. "The truth is to speak easily and pleasant," he says and confirms his idea about that "that any power is violence against people and that the time will come, when there is no cesarians, nor any other power. A person will go into the kingdom of truth and justice, where no power will not be needed. "

Pilate shocked and scared. If he is released Yeshua, he will break the usual relationship between him and the authorities governing them, he drives Caesar, his position, career, and although it really wants to save Yeshua, cross the chains of this slavery above his strength. Allegorically sounds the words of the procurator: "You believe, unhappy that the Roman procurator will release a person who spoke what you said? Oh gods, gods! Or do you think I'm ready to take your place? " Yeshua, knowing, which will take death for their convictions, does not refuse the truth as opposed to Pilate, cowardly agreeing with the sentence of Sanhedrin. Faced two opposite in the philosophical essence of the world. One is the world of Pilate, the familiar, comfortable, in which people themselves sharpened in the unfortunate, suffer in it, but the fear of power is stronger. The other is the world of good, mercy, freedom, the world in which the person has the right to doubt, say what he thinks to listen to his heart. And the Terrible Procurator felt the reality of this world, and everything that seemed unshakable, eternal, collapsed. Ga-Nochri went forever, and the entire creature of Pilate penetrated the "incomprehensible longing". Choosing for the heroes of the novel, after the reader.

Episode "Interrogation in the Palace Herod of the Great" is the core of the second chapter of the Roman M. A. Bulgakov "Master and Margarita" "Pontius Pilate". This chapter logically splits the first and third - modern chapters, in which various descriptions of modernity appear: through the rationalist representation of the world and a view of the world as a totality of complex, including supernatural and unpredictable phenomena, and deepens the philosophical idea connecting them, helps the reader to formulate the problem Total novel. In particular, the interrogation scene by the procurator

Judea Pontiya Pilate Wearing from the city to the city of Philosopher Yeshua Ga-Nozri makes it possible to think about what the world in which we live is what is the position and role of a person in this world.

Pondi appears in the White Cloak with a bloody approach. White - symbol of purity, light, truth; Bloody - blood, cruelty, doubt, life in contradictions. The procurator hated the smell of rose oil.

These details are alarming, and still learn about "invincible, terrible hemicrase disease." So, Pontius Pilate is a vertex of human destinies, the focus of the authorities, to assert the death sentence of Sanhedrion, but it is already clear that this person will not make such a step. And so before him the criminal, his hands are connected, under the left eye a big bruise, in the corner of the mouth - an abrasion with blood baked.

But his view is full of not fear, but anxious curiosity, he is not depressed, confident in his innocence. He is a free person. Perhaps the procurator, declaring the first accusation, which is that Yeshua appealed to the people with a call to destroy the temple, feels the power of the arrestant who appeared before him. That is why he is harsh, sitting like a stone, the lips are slightly moved when the words are pronouncing, and the head is burning "hellish pain." Shelovka is struggling with the ruler, a heart with a cold calculation.

Tie conversation - the words of the arrested, addressed to the game: "Good man ..." These words plunged Pontius Pilate, he does not understand how his, "fierce monster," can be called that way. He is angry. The power takes the top, but this moment I cannot continue the conversation, asks the rat to bring themselves to Ishu and explain how to talk to him, but at the same time do not cripple.

Still, the words "good man" sounds victorious. The rat did not hit the arrested heavily, but he instantly collapsed the ground.

From pain? From pain, too, but more from humiliation, because he asks not to beat him. In the following conversation, calls Pilate Ememon, so that this humiliation is no longer repeated. The rest of the philosopher is adamant.

Does not want to aware of what I did not commit. Pilate "the easiest way would be expelled from the balcony of this strange robber, uttered only two words:" hang it. " But the conversation continues, we learn the essence of the crime of Yeshua.

"I, Inemon, talked about the fact that the temple of the old faith collapses and a new temple of truth will be created." This is not about creating a new faith - faith blind. From faith to truth, the essence of human being is and is the history of mankind. For the great procurator, this is a crazy.

A person is not given to know the truth, nor even what is the truth. But the mind does not listen to Pontia Pilate. He can not ask a question, although the tone is ironic.

That is an unexpected answer: "The truth is primarily that you have a headache, and it hurts so much that you are inexorably think of death." He amazes the fact that the abstract concept of "truth" becomes alive, real, here it is in the abundant pain. Truth turned out to be a human concept, it comes from man and closes on it. But Pilate is not able to immediately dismiss the usual building of thought.

He cannot believe that he saved Human participation from pain. The compassion saved rid of suffering.

And then he returns to the fact that he initially caused irritation: "And now tell me, what do you use the words" good people "all the time? Are you all, what are you called? " "All," the arrestant answered, "there are no evil people in the world." Most likely, by this statement, M. A. Bulgakov, together with his hero, wants to say that evil is the generation of incompatibility, she makes a person unhappy.

Mark Rat "became cruel and worm," because "good people rushed to him like dogs on the bear." The procurator of the Jews does not agree with the arrested, but also does not contradict him. And in the "light" head already formed the formula: "Inemon disassembled the case of the stray philosopher Yeshua, named Ga-Nochri, and did not find the composition of the crime." He would not approve a death sentence, recognizing Yeshua the stateless, if the defendant himself did not sign him.

After all, he was charged with a second accusation, more serious, as it concerns the Roman emperor. Ga-Nochri violated the "Law on Insult Majesty".

The accused is recognized that with Judea from Kiriaf expressed his own view of state power. Noteworthy scene in which the Pilate makes it possible to get lost, escape, avoid execution if he refute his words said about Caesare. He suggests him that in the truth, preached by this man, the salvation of his soul. "Died!", Then: "Died! .." "- Listen, Ga-Nochri, - spoke the prosecutor, looking at Yeshua somehow strange: the face of the procurator was terrible, but the eyes are disturbing, - you have ever said that Is it about great Caesare?

Answer! Spoke? .. or ... not ... said? "Pilate handed out the word" not "somewhat more than it was supposed to be in court and sent Yeshua thought, which I wanted to inspire the arrestant."

But Yeshua did not take advantage of the capabilities given to him by the Pilate. "The truth is to speak easily and pleasant," he says and confirms his idea that "that any power is violence against people and that the time will come, when there is no cesarians, nor any other power. A person will go into the kingdom of truth and justice, where no power will not be needed at all. "

Pilate shocked and scared. If he is released Yeshua, he will break the usual relationship between him and the authorities governing them, he drives Caesar, his position, career, and although it really wants to save Yeshua, cross the chains of this slavery above his strength. Allegorically sounds the words of the procurator: "You believe, unfortunate that the Roman procurator will let go of a person who said what you said?

Oh gods, gods! Or do you think I'm ready to take your place? " Yeshua, knowing, which will take death for their convictions, does not refuse the truth as opposed to Pilate, cowardly agreeing with the sentence of Sanhedrin. Faced two opposite in the philosophical essence of the world. One is the world of Pilate, the familiar, comfortable, in which people themselves sharpened in the unfortunate, suffer in it, but the fear of power is stronger.

The other is the world of good, mercy, freedom, the world in which the person has the right to doubt, say what he thinks to listen to his heart. And the Terrible Procurator felt the reality of this world, and everything that seemed unshakable, eternal, collapsed. Ga-Nochri went forever, and the entire creature of Pilate permeated "incomprehensible longing".

Choosing for the heroes of the novel, after the reader.

(2 Votes, Average: 3.00 Out of 5)

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  39. Roman M. A. Bulgakov "Master and Margarita" can be called a masterpiece of world literature. This work written at the beginning of the last century does not cease to disturb and occupy the minds of millions of readers. Each chapter of this novel is a significant, interesting, meaningful. The string of events unfolding on the pages of the work is interspersed with deep philosophical reflections, tightening the reader, without letting it come to his senses, forcing him to reflect [...] ...
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Analysis of chapter 2, parts 1 Roman Bulgakov "Master and Margarita"

Chapter 2, Part 1 Roman Bulgakov Master and Margarita

Episode "Interrogation in the Palace of Herod of the Great" is the core of the second chapter of the Roman MA. Bulgakov "Master and Margarita" "Pontius Pilate". This chapter logically splits the first and third - modern chapters, in which various descriptions of modernity appear: Through the rationalist representation of the world (Berlioz, homeless) and a view of the world as a totality of complex, including supernatural and unpredictable phenomena, and deepens the philosophical idea that connects them , Helps the reader to formulate the problem of the whole novel. In particular, the interrogation scene by the procurator of Judea Pontiya by the Pilate of the Wearing city to the city of Philosopher Ishua Ga-Nozri makes it possible to think about what the world in which we live is what is the position and role of a person in this world.

Pondi appears in the White Cloak with a bloody approach. White - symbol of purity, light, truth; Bloody - blood, cruelty, doubt, life in contradictions. The procurator hated the smell of rose oil (later learn that roses are the favorite Flowers of the Masters and Margarita). These parts are alarming, and still learn about the "invincible, terrible hemicrane disease." So, Pontius Pilate is a vertex of human destinies, the focus of the authorities, to assert the death sentence of Sanhedrion, but it is already clear that this person will not make such a step. And so before him the criminal, his hands are connected, under the left eye a big bruise, in the corner of the mouth - an abrasion with blood baked. But his view is full of not fear, but anxious curiosity, he is not depressed, confident in his innocence. He is a free person. Perhaps the procurator, declaring the first accusation, which is that Yeshua appealed to the people with a call to destroy the temple, feels the power of the arrestant who appeared before him. That is why he is harsh, sitting like a stone, the lips are slightly moved when the words are pronouncing, and the head is burning "hellish pain." Hells in it struggles with the ruler, a heart with a cold calculation. Tie conversations - the words of the arrested, addressed to the game: "Good man ..." These words plunged Pittia Pilate, he does not understand how his, "fierce monster," you can call that way. He is angry. The power takes the top, but this moment I cannot continue the conversation, asks the rat to bring themselves to Ishu and explain how to talk to him, but at the same time do not cripple. Nevertheless, the words "good man" sounds victorious. The rat did not hit the arrested heavily, but he instantly collapsed the ground.

From pain? From pain, too, but more from humiliation, because he asks not to beat him. In the following conversation, calls Pilate Ememon, so that this humiliation is no longer repeated. The rest of the philosopher is adamant. Does not want to aware of what I did not commit. Pilate "the easiest way to be expelled from the balcony of this strange robber, uttered only two words:" hang it. " But the conversation continues, we learn the essence of the crime of Yeshua.

"I, Inemon, talked about the fact that the temple of the old faith collapses and a new temple of truth will be created." This is not about creating a new faith - faith blind. From faith to truth, the essence of human being is and is the history of mankind. For the great procurator, this is a crazy. A person is not given to know the truth, nor even what is the truth. But the mind does not listen to Pontia Pilate. He can not ask a question, although the tone is ironic. That is an unexpected answer: "The truth is primarily that your headache is hurting, and it hurts so much that you are unwell think of death." He amazes the fact that the abstract concept of "truth" becomes alive, real, here it is in the abundant pain. Truth turned out to be a human concept, it comes from man and closes on it. But Pilate is not able to immediately dismiss the usual building of thought. He cannot believe that he saved Human participation from pain. The compassion saved rid of suffering.

And then he returns to the fact that he initially caused irritation: "And now tell me, what do you use the words" good people "all the time? Are you all, what are you called? " "All," the arrestant answered, "there are no evil people in the world." Most likely this statement MA Bulgakov, together with his hero, wants to say that evil is a fact that it makes a man unhappy. Mark Rats "became cruel and darling," because "good people rushed to him like dogs on the bear." The procurator of the Jews does not agree with the arrested, but also does not contradict him. And in the "light" head already formed the formula: "Inemon disassembled the case of the stray philosopher Yeshua, named Ga-Nochri, and did not find the composition of the crime." He would not approve a death sentence, recognizing Yeshua the stateless, if the defendant himself did not sign him. After all, he was charged with a second accusation, more serious, as it concerns the Roman emperor. Ga-Nozri violated the "Law on Insult Majesty".

The accused is recognized that with Judea from Kiriaf expressed his own view of state power. Noteworthy scene in which the Pilate makes it possible to get lost, escape, avoid execution if he refute his words said about Caesare. He suggests him that in the truth, preached by this man, the salvation of his soul. "Died!", Then: "Died! .." "- Listen, Ga-Nozri," the procurator spoke, looking at Yeshua somehow strange: the face of the procurator was terrible, but the eyes are disturbing, - you have ever said that Is it about great Caesare? Answer! Spoke? .. or ... not ... said? "Pilate stretched out the word" not "somewhat more than it was relied on the court and sent Yeshua thought, which I wanted to inspire the arrestant." But Yeshua did not take advantage of the capabilities given to him by the Pilate. "The truth is to speak easily and pleasant," he says and confirms his idea about that "that any power is violence against people and that the time will come, when there is no cesarians, nor any other power. A person will go into the kingdom of truth and justice, where no power will not be needed. "

Pilate shocked and scared. If he is released Yeshua, he will break the usual relationship between him and the authorities governing them, he drives Caesar, his position, career, and although it really wants to save Yeshua, cross the chains of this slavery above his strength. Allegorically sounds the words of the procurator: "You believe, unhappy that the Roman procurator will release a person who spoke what you said? Oh gods, gods! Or do you think I'm ready to take your place? " Yeshua, knowing, which will take death for their convictions, does not refuse the truth as opposed to Pilate, cowardly agreeing with the sentence of Sanhedrin. Faced two opposite in the philosophical essence of the world. One is the world of Pilate, the familiar, comfortable, in which people themselves sharpened in the unfortunate, suffer in it, but the fear of power is stronger. The other is the world of good, mercy, freedom, the world in which the person has the right to doubt, say what he thinks to listen to his heart. And the Terrible Procurator felt the reality of this world, and everything that seemed unshakable, eternal, collapsed. Ga-Nochri went forever, and the entire creature of Pilate penetrated the "incomprehensible longing". Choosing for the heroes of the novel, after the reader.

Roman Bulgakova "Master and Margarita" is an extraordinary, fascinating work, which many times we want to take into your hands and read with the same trepidation, interest, as the first time.

All Heroes of Bulgakov stand in front of us alive. Such a feeling that they are somewhere nearby. We sympathize with them, together with them, we laugh and cry. But there are two heroes who are not like anyone who is alien to the troubles and the problems of Moscow ordinary people, because they are a gleam of a different time . This is Yeshua and Pontius Pilate. Yeshua in the Roman Bulgakov is not like Jesus Christ, he suffers from the heat with knitted hands and looks like an ordinary person: "... dressed in an old and torn blue chiton ... under the left eye ... a big bruise, in the corner of the mouth - the abandon with blood stuck" . Yeshua, like anyone, very afraid of pain: "I understood you, do not beat me." Pilate accuses Yeshua in the fact that he destroyed the temple. But no, not the temple, which was built from bricks, and the temple of the old faith in human souls. He called everyone to the new faith, led to light and good. But people are afraid of all new, and Yeshua understood it on her bitter experience.

But why did Pilate executed him? Didn't he have the opportunity to save human life? Moreover, Yeshua saved him from terrible pain. Pilate could leave him alive, make his personal doctor, assistant. But it seems to me that his fears and doubts are tormented. After all, he, whatever it seems terrible and Grozny, in the depths of the soul - the most ordinary person. As well as all people, he is inherent fear of new, he has his weaknesses. The fact that destiny has encountered Heshua is a kind of step in his life. One of the most difficult issues, important decisions. Killing Yeshua, Pilate execute and his soul. Yes, he took a step in immortality, but not in a bright, like Yeshua, but in the dark, terrible, terrible, like an impenetrable night. In the full moon insomnia torments him: "At the feet ... The worm of the broken jug and the Bulk-colored stool extends."

The procurator is bitterly repeated in the death of Yeshua, he rushes all the soul to him, wants to say what he did not have time. And the best completion of all tragic history is the words of the master facing the Pilate: "Free! He is waiting for you!". And Woland says: "Yes, he deserved the light!". Yeshua forgives everything, giving people peace, the light and all that they did not have in life.

Roman "Master and Margarita" is the top of the creativity of Bulgakov. In the novel, the author affects many different problems. One of which is the writer tragedy of a person who lived in the 30s. For this Writer, the worst thing is not to be able to write about what you think, to freely express your thoughts. Such a problem was touched upon one of the main characters of the novel - the Master.

The master differs sharply from other writers of Moscow. All the ranks of the massolist, one of the largest Moscow literary associations, write to order. The main thing for them is the material benefits. Ivan Homeless admits to the master that his poems are terrible. In order to write something good, you need to put the soul into the work. And the themes on which Ivan writes is absolutely not interested in it. The master writes a novel about Pontius Pilate, while one of the characteristic features of the 30s is the denial of the existence of God.

The master wishes to recognize, become famous, to arrange his life. But money is not the main thing for the master. The author of the novel about Pontius Pilate calls himself a master. Also calls him and beloved. The name of the master in the novel is not given, as this person performs in the work as a talented writer, the author of the ingenious creation.

The master lives in a small basement at home, but it does not oppress him at all. Here he can calmly engage in his loved business. Margarita helps him in all. Roman about Pontius Pilate is the work of the Master's Life. He invested his whole soul in writing this novel.

The tragedy of the master is that he tried to find a confession in the society of hypocrites and panties. Roman refuse to print. But the manuscript was clear that his romance was read and re-read. Such a work could not remain unnoticed. The reaction in the literary environment immediately followed. Articles criticized the novel. In the soul of the masters settled fear and despair. He decided that the novel was the reason for all his misfortunes, and therefore burned him. Shortly after the release of the article, the Latunsky Master is in a psychiatric hospital. Woland returns the Master Roman and takes him and margarita with him, since they do not have a place among greedy, cowardly, insignificant people.

The fate of the master, his tragedy echoes the fate of Bulgakov. Bulgakov, like his hero, writes a novel, where the questions of Christianity raises, the first draft of his novel burns the first draft. Roman "Master and Margarita" remained not recognized criticism. Only many years later, he became famous, was recognized as a brilliant creation of Bulgakov. Reaffirmed the famous phrase of Voland: "Do not burn manuscripts!" The masterpiece did not disappear without a trace, but received world recognition.

The tragic fate of the master is characteristic of many writers who lived in the 1930s. The literary censorship did not miss the works that differ from the total flow of what had to be written about. Masterpieces could not find recognition. Writers who risked freely express their thoughts, fell into psychiatric hospitals, died in poverty, and without achieving fame. In his novel, Bulgakov reflected the real position of writers in this difficult time.

One of the main characters of Roman Bulgakov "Master and Margarita" is a master. The life of this person, as well as his character, is complex and unusual. Each era in history gives humanity of new talented people, in whose activities is reflected in one degree or another surrounding their reality. Such a person is the master who creates his great novel in conditions where to evaluate him according to merit cannot and do not want, as the Roman Bulgakov himself cannot appreciate. In the "Master and Margarita" reality and fantasy are inseparable from each other and create an extraordinary picture of Russia of the twenties of our century.

The atmosphere, in which the master creates his novel, does not have the most unusual topic, which he devotes him. But the writer independently writes about what worries him and interests, inspires to work. His desire was to create a work that would admire. He wanted deserved glory, recognition. He was not interested in money that can be obtained for the book if it would be popular. He wrote, sincerely believing what he creates, not asking for the goal of obtaining material benefits. The only person who admired them was Margarita. When they read the heads of the novel, not yet suspecting the disappointment, which was waiting for them ahead, were excited and truly happy.

The reasons for which the novel was not appreciated properly was somewhat. First, it is envy that appeared in the talentless critics and writers. They realized that their work was negligible in comparison with the Master's novel. They did not need a competitor who would show that there are true art. Secondly, this is the topic of the novel, which is forbidden. She could influence views in society, change the attitude to religion. The slightest hint of something new, for something overlooking censorship, is subject to destruction.

The sudden collapse of all hopes, of course, could not help but influence the mental state of the master. He was shocked unexpected disregard and even contempt, with what the writer's whole life was reacted. It was a tragedy for a person who realized that his goal and the dream were not feasible. But Bulgakov cites a simple truth, which is that true art can not be destroyed. Let even more years later, but it will still find its place in history, their connoisseurs. Time erases only the mediocre and empty, not deserving attention.

Margarita - Beautiful Muscovite, Sweetheart Master. For love is ready for everything. She plays a very important role in the novel. With the help of Margarita Bulgakov showed us the perfect image of the genius. Before the meeting with the master was married, her husband did not love and was completely unhappy. When Masters met, I realized that I found my destiny. She is capable of deep love throws her husband, when he understands what a master needed, that he disappears without her.

It was Margarita that called the hero master, reading his novel. The heroes were happy together while the master did not publish an excerpt of his novel. Critics poisoned them. When I leave the master of one, he burns the novel and runs into a psychology hospital. For a long time Margarita Coriuse himself for leaving his beloved one in the most difficult moment for him. She cries and suffer greatly until Asazello meets. He says she knows where the master is. For this information, she agrees to be coral on the great ball at Satan. Margarita becomes a witch. By selling your soul, she gets a master. At the end of the novel, she and the master deserve peace. Margarita is stronger and walking a woman's own way. She is ready to sell his soul to Self and does it. Margarita remains the ideal of eternal, irreversive love, she has the power of feeling.

This is a female ideal for Bulgakov. Many people believe that the prototype of the image of Margarita served as the wife of the writer Elena Sergeyevna Bulgakov.