The Lost World of Arthur Conan Doyle Presentation. Images of prehistoric animals in the work of

The Lost World of Arthur Conan Doyle Presentation. Images of prehistoric animals in the work of
The Lost World of Arthur Conan Doyle Presentation. Images of prehistoric animals in the work of

Arthur Conan Doyle was born in the family of Irish Catholics, known for its achievements in art and literature. "True love for literature, the tendency to writing is coming from me, I think, from Mother, wrote Conan Doyle in autobiography. Bright images of the stories that she told me in early childhood, completely replaced the memories of the specific events in my life of those years. "

Arthur's school life was held in a Homader's Preparatory School. When the boy turned 9 years old, rich relatives offered to pay for his training and sent for the next seven years to the Jesuit closed College Stoniherst, from where the future writer shed hate to religious and class prejudices, as well as to physical punishment. In the boarding school, Doyle enjoyed sports, and also discovered the talent of the narrator, collecting peers around him, who listened for hours on the move invented stories.

Being a third-year student at Edinburgh University Doyle decided to try his hand in literature. His first story - "The Mystery of the Salsa Valley", the second - "American History". In February 1880, Doyle spent seven months as a ship's doctor in the Arctic waters aboard the whaling vessel "Nadezhda", receiving a total of 50 pounds for work. "I climbed onto the board of this ship a big clumsy boys, and a strong adult man came across the ladder," he later wrote in autobiography.

Having received in 1881 a university diploma and a bachelor's degree of medicine, Conan Doyle took up medical practice, first jointly, then individual. Finally, in 1891, Doyle decided to make literature his main profession. On the same days, he met with the future wife of Louise "Thay" Hawkins; Wedding took place on August 6, 1885.

The beginning of the First World War completely turned the life of Conan Doyle. At first he signed up by a volunteer to the front. After this proposal was rejected, he dedicated himself to journalistic activities. In 1916, Conan Doyle drove through the combat positions of the British troops and visited the Allied Army, considering his duty to support the fighting spirit of soldiers. Brother, son and two Doyle's nephews went to the front and died there. It was the strongest shock for the writer and imposed a heavy seal for all his further literary activities.

The whole second half of the 20s the writer spent on travels, without stopping active publicist activity. His last trip by Scandinavia has undermined his health. In the spring of next year, he spent in bed surrounded by loved ones. At some point, an improvement has come: the writer immediately went to London to demand the Minister of Internal Affairs abolition of laws pursued by mediums. This effort turned out to be the last: early in the morning of July 7, 1930 in his house in Crowborough (Sussex) Conan Doyle died of a heart attack. He was buried near his garden house.

The first story from the series "The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes", "Scandal in Bohemia", was printed in the magazine "Strend" in 1891. The prototype of the main character, which was soon the legendary detective consultant, was Joseph Bell, Professor of the Edinburgh University, famous for the ability of the smallest detail to guess the character and past of man.

"He was heightened more than six feet, but with his extraordinary hoodurb seemed even higher. His look he had a sharp, permeating, except for those periods of discharge, which was mentioned above; The thin eagle nose gave him an expression of living energy and determination. Square, a slightly protruding chin also spoke of a decisive character. " At the first meeting with Sherlock Holmes, Dr. Watson describes the great detective as a high, thin young man:

For two years, Doyle created a story for the story, and eventually began to be his own character. His attempt to "end" with Holmes in a fight with Professor Moriarty ("The last case of Holmes") was unsuccessful: the hero had to be resurrected to resurrect the reading public. Holmovskaya epic was crowned with the Roman "Baskerville Dog", which belong to the classics of a detective genre.

The adventures of Sherlock Holmes are devoted to four novels: "Etude in the crimson tones", "Sign of Four", "Baskerville Dog", "Horror Valley" and five collections of stories. The extraordinary popularity of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson gradually turned into a branch of the new mythology, the center of which to this day the apartment remains in London on Baker Street, 221-b.

The first artist of Holmes in the Russian scene was the artist of the Suvorin theater in St. Petersburg Boris Glagolin. He, playing Holmes, "was transformed from old people in young and back, acting cleverly, quickly and clearly." Criticism believed that Holmes would be perceived by the public as the "genius of the police tutorial, reasonable, fair, incorruptible", that the success of the performance was defined by the "longing of the bourgeois society in order", but the Glagoline saw in Holmes not a defender of a police response, but a good-natured voluntary fighter for the order and justice .

Ambassador Brenton in particular Ambassador Brenton in particular said to Mr. Livanova: said Mr. Livanova: "When I was a child, I loved Sherlock Holmes, and looking at your films, I can say that you are very similar to him. That's the way he was! "

The monument to the famous detective Sherlock Holmesu and the detective Sherlock Holmesu and his permanent assistant Dr. Watson was opened by Dr. Watson, was opened near the building of the embassy near the building of the UK Embassy at the Smolensk Embankment Embankment in Moscow, the legend is connected with him. The legend is connected with it. It turns out if it turns out to sit down, if you sit next to Dr. Watson and near Dr. Watson and hold up for his note to hold for his notebook, all problems and book, all problems and doubts will be solved. But if you touch doubt doubt. But if you touch the tube of the famous detection - care will noticeably add. The famous detective - care will noticeably add.

In 2007, the Mint of New Zealand released a commemorative series of four silver coins dedicated to the anniversary of the release of a book in light. On the reverse of each coin depicted the main characters of famous "notes" performed by Russian actors: Livanova, Solmin, Mikhalkov, Green and others.

Images of prehistoric animals in the work A. Konan Doyle "Lost World"

The participants of the expedition found themselves in the lost world

George Eduard Chelylaneger -Professor zoologist. He has an exotic appearance of "surcedocent Hercules", an impossible character. Journalists say that they would prefer to interview the alligator who escaped from the park than him. A rare combination of observation, iron logic and unusual fantasy, there are no such tasks that could not resolve its inventive mind.

The fanatic of science, a clot of human strength and vitality, "the author characterizes the flavor, made his first journey to the unknown lands of South America alone. It was a scientific feat. However, after returning, he was met with distrust and envy.

Summer Professor of comparative anatomy, scientific opponent of the Challenger, a high bile old man, similar to the theologian. They own "one, but fiery passion" to scientific discoveries. Unlike the romance of Challenger, Summerley - a large skeptic, which can agree with the arguments of his scientific opponent only in the face of irrefutable facts.

Lord John Rocketon He dedicated his life to travel and adventure, possesses a solid state, goes to a dangerous journey for sensation, fame and love.

Melone - Young journalist.

Purpose of Travel - Prove or disprove the fiction of Professor Challenger about prehistoric animals living on an unknown land.

a huge branching deer C198 appeared on the water

Carnivorous dinosaur, one of the most terrible animals, which were -Lo it was on Earth p.199 -200

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My favorite writer

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Once, having come to the library, I saw an ancient book in the leather binding on the shelf. Taking her, I saw a beautiful inscription: Arthur Kona Doyle. I brought this book home and started reading. It turned out to be stories about the insightful detective Sherlock Holmes. He investigated various crimes in which the police ran their hands and said: "We can not help with anything." Sherlock Holmes could determine who this person who does, where he does ... and therefore did not leave deserved penalties from herself. I really liked Sherlock Holmes for his mind and the ability to build a logical chain, and Conan Doyle became my favorite writer. I wanted to learn more about this writer.

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Young years

Present name of the writer - Arthur Ignatius Conan Doyle. Born in Edinburgh (Scotland) on May 22, 1859 in the family of Irish Catholics, known for their achievements in art and literature. Father Charles Altamont Doyle, architect and artist, aged 22, married 17-year-old Mary Fowie, passionately loved books and possessed the big talent of the storytellers. Family of the future writer experienced serious financial difficulties. And at the age of 9 years, rich relatives gave Arthur in a closed boarding school, where he discovered the talent talent and unbelievable religious class prejudices, as well as physical punishments. In 1876, Arthur graduated from college and returned home. Doyle preferred a medical career and entered Edinburgh University. He also wrote his first story. And in 1880, he walked on a whale ship for 7 months as a doctor. And he received in 1881 a university diploma and a bachelor's degree in Media, engaged in practice.

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Literary life.

In February 1888, A. Conan Doyle completed the work on the novel "Mika Clark", who narrated about the "Montmaut Mountain" of 1685, the purpose of which was the overthrow of King Yakov II. Roman saw the light in November and was warmly met criticism. From now on, in the creative life of Conan Doyl, conflict arose: on the one hand, the public and publishers demanded new works about Sherlock Holmes; On the other hand, the writer himself more and more sought recognition as the author of serious novels (primarily historical), as well as plays and poems. The first serious historical work Conan Doyle is considered the novel "White Detach". With some assumption to the category of historical, the novel "Rodney Stone" (1896): the action here is happening at the beginning of the XIX century, Napoleon and Nelson are mentioned, Sheridan playwright.

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In 1900, Conan Doyle returned to medical practice: as a surgeon of the military field hospital, he went to the Anglo-Boric War. In 1902, the book "War in South Africa" \u200b\u200breleased in 1902 met the hot approval of conservative circles. As a result of its activities in 1907, the appellate court was created in England, which before that was not. In 1909, the Conan Doyle in Africa again fell into the sphere of public and political interests. This time he made the exposure of the brutal colonial policy of Belgium in the Congo and criticized the British position in this matter. In 1912, Conan Doyle published a science fiction story "The Lost World" (subsequently not once shielded), followed by the "poisoned belt" (1913). The main character of both works was Professor Challenger, a fanatic scientist, endowed with grotesque qualities, but at the same time in his own humans and charming.

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The beginning of the First World War fully turned the life of Conan Doyle. At first he signed up by a volunteer to the front, being sure that his mission was to file a personal example of heroism and serving homeland. After this proposal was rejected, he dedicated himself to journalism. Starting from August 8, 1914, in London Times, his letters appear on the military theme. He proposed to create a massive battle reserve and civilian troops to carry the "Service for the protection of railway stations and vital objects, to help in the construction of fortifications and perform many other combat missions." In Himself in Crowborough (County Sussex), Doyle his own engaged in the organization of such detachments and put 200 people under the gun under the gun. In 1916, the writer drove through the combat positions of the British troops and visited the allies army. The result of the trip was the book "On three fronts" (1916). In 1924, the autobiographical book of Conan Doyle "Memories and Adventures" was published. The latter large product of the writer became a scientific-fiction story "Marakothov Vzless" (1929).

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Last years

The whole second half of the 20s the writer spent on travels, visited all continents, without stopping active publicist activities. After this trip, the writer has dramatically undermined health. At some point there was an improvement, and Conan Dail went to London, but, alas, early in the morning of July 7, 1930 in his home in Crowborough (Sussex). Conan Doyle died of a heart attack. He was buried near his garden house. On the tombstone at the request of the widow, only the name of the writer, date of birth and four words were engraved: Steel True, Blade Straight ("faithful, like steel, just like blade").

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Arthur Conan Doyle was born in the family of Irish Catholics, known for its achievements in art and literature. "True love of literature, a tendency to writing is coming from me, I think from the mother," Konan Doyle wrote in autobiography. - Bright images of the stories that she told me in early childhood, completely replaced the memories of the specific events in my life of those years. "

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Arthur's school life was held in a Homader's Preparatory School. When the boy turned 9 years old, rich relatives offered to pay for his training and sent for the next seven years to the Jesuit closed College Stoniherst, from where the future writer shed hate to religious and class prejudices, as well as to physical punishment. In the boarding school, Doyle enjoyed sports, and also discovered the talent of the narrator, collecting peers around him, who listened for hours on the move invented stories.

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Being a third-year student at Edinburgh University Doyle decided to try his hand in literature. His first story - "The Mystery of the Salsa Valley", the second - "American History". In February 1880, Doyle spent seven months as a ship's doctor in the Arctic waters aboard the whaling vessel "Nadezhda", receiving a total of 50 pounds for work. "I climbed the board of this ship a big clumsy young man, and there was a strong adult man in a ladder," he later wrote in autobiography.

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Having received in 1881 a university diploma and a bachelor's degree of medicine, Conan Doyle took up medical practice, first jointly, then individual. Finally, in 1891, Doyle decided to make literature his main profession. On the same days, he met with the future wife of Louise "Thay" Hawkins; Wedding took place on August 6, 1885.

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The beginning of the First World War completely turned the life of Conan Doyle. At first he signed up by a volunteer to the front. After this proposal was rejected, he dedicated himself to journalistic activities. In 1916, Conan Doyle drove through the combat positions of the British troops and visited the Allied Army, considering his duty to support the fighting spirit of soldiers. Brother, son and two Doyle's nephews went to the front and died there. It was the strongest shock for the writer and imposed a heavy seal for all his further literary activities.

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The whole second half of the 20s the writer spent on travels, without stopping active publicist activity. His last trip by Scandinavia has undermined his health. In the spring of next year, he spent in bed surrounded by loved ones. At some point, an improvement has come: the writer immediately went to London to demand the Minister of Internal Affairs abolition of laws pursued by mediums. This effort turned out to be the last: early in the morning of July 7, 1930 in his house in Crowborough (Sussex) Conan Doyle died of a heart attack. He was buried near his garden house.

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The first story from the series "The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes", "Scandal in Bohemia", was printed in the magazine "Strend" in 1891. The prototype of the main character, which was soon the legendary detective consultant, was Joseph Bell, Professor of the Edinburgh University, famous for the ability of the smallest detail to guess the character and past of man.

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"He was heightened more than six feet, but with his extraordinary hoodurb seemed even higher. His look he had a sharp, permeating, except for those periods of discharge, which was mentioned above; The thin eagle nose gave him an expression of living energy and determination. Square, a slightly protruding chin also spoke of a decisive character. " At the first meeting with Sherlock Holmes, Dr. Watson describes the great detective as a high, thin young man:

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For two years, Doyle created a story for the story, and eventually began to be his own character. His attempt to "end" with Holmes in a fight with Professor Moriarty ("The last case of Holmes") was unsuccessful: the hero had to be resurrected to resurrect the reading public. Holmovskaya epic was crowned with the Roman "Baskerville Dog", which belong to the classics of a detective genre.

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The adventures of Sherlock Holmes are devoted to four novels: "Etude in the crimson tones", "Sign of Four", "Baskerville Dog", "The Valley of Horror" - and five collections of stories. The extraordinary popularity of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson gradually turned into a branch of the new mythology, the center of which to this day the apartment remains in London on Baker Street, 221-b.

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The artist of the Suvorin theater in St. Petersburg Boris Glagoline became the first performer of Holmes in the Russian scene. He, playing Holmes, "was transformed from old people in young and back, acting cleverly, quickly and clearly." Criticism believed that Holmes would be perceived by the public as the "Genius of the Alignment Police, reasonable, fair, incorruptible", that the success of the play was defined by the "longing of the bourgeois society in order", but the verboline saw in Holmes not a defender of a police response, but a good-natured voluntary wrestler for the order and justice.


Sir Arthur Conan Doyle: BIOGRAPHY

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle: Sherlock Holmes

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle: Complete Works



Novelist, Short Story Writer, Poet, Physician




Detective Fiction, Fantasy, Science Fiction, Historical Novels, Nonfiction



Arthur Conan Doyle Was Born 22 May 1859 in the Capital of Scotland, Edinburgh.

His Father Charles E. Doyle Was An Artist and Architect by Profession. HE DRANK A LOT AND EARNED LITTLE. HE Died Young and The Doyles Were Poor.


After Leaving School Conan Doyle Became A Student of the Medical Faculty At The University of Edinburgh.


AS The Ship "S Doctor He Traveled to the Arctic and West Africa.

He Began His Medical Practice In A Small English Town Southsea. His Spare Time He Devoted Literature.

In August 1885 He Married Louise Hawkins A Sister Of One Of His Rare Patients. They Had Two Children Mary Louise and Kingsley and Strongly Encouraged Him to Persevere in Literature.

In 1887, He Wrote His First Detective Story "A Study In Scarlet".

The Main Characters Were Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson.

In Decept 1899 The Anglo-Boer War Began. Conan Doyle Went to Africa AS A MILITARY DOCTOR. Then He Wrote a Book "The Great Boer War".

In 1902 King Edward VII Gave Arthur Conan Doyle Knightly Name And The Title "(! Lang: Sir". !}

1894. Family Portrait.

Arthur Conan Doyle.

Foyle Mary, The Mother of the Writer

Conan Doyle "S First Wife Louise

Jean Leckie Was Doyle "S Second Wife In 1906.

"Andershou" is a house of Arthur Conan Doyle in The Countryside Hayndhede. The Writer Lived Here for Ten Years. These Were The Years of His Creative


Beside Detective Stories Conan Doyle Also Wrote Historic Novels. HIS Two Fantastic Stories " THE LOST WORLD " (1912) and " The Poison Belt. "(1913) WERE QUITE SUCCESSFUL.

All His Life Conan Doyle Liked Sport. He Skied, Played Golf and Went in for Boxing.

Writer and His Family Traveled A Lot.

Arthur Conan Doyle Died in July 7 in 1930. He Was Buried in Minstead Hampshire.

Doyle Statue In. Crowborough , East Sussex.

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle: CHRONOLOGY

Conan Doyle Wrote His First Story About Sherlock Holmes in 1887. In This Story The Detective Met His Friend Dr. Watson. Holmes and Watson Lived AT 221-in Baker Street in London.

Adventures of Sherlock Holmes Had Four Novels: "A Study in Scarlet" (1887), "The Sign of the Four" (1890), "Hound of the Baskervilles", "The Valley of Fear" and Five Collections of Short Stories, The Most Famous of Which "The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes" (1892), "Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes" (1894) and "The Return of Sherlock Holmes" (1905).

The Popularity of Sherlock Holmes and His Faithful Companion and Biographer Dr. Watson Became A LEGEND, The Center of Which Is An Apartment in London in Baker Street 221b.

Museum Literary Hero.

There is Sherlock Holmes Museum in London. IT WAS RECONSTUTED AS Described in the Books.

Baker - Street 221b

In Russia The Film about Sherlock Holmes Is Very Popular.

The Best Acting Duo -

Vasily Livanov (Holmes)

Vitaly Solomin (Watson)

The Statue of Sherlock Holmes in Edinburgh Is Opposite The Birthplace of Doyle Which Was Demolished.


"The Poison Belt".

Arthur Conan Doyle Wrote More Than 200 Works.

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle: