Eternal flame. Eternal Flame Need Eternal Flame

Eternal flame. Eternal Flame Need Eternal Flame
Eternal flame. Eternal Flame Need Eternal Flame

Last Friday in Volgograd, the second for this summer is an eternal flame. The first for the reconstruction was closed a memorial on the square of the fallen fighters, then a turn of fire appeared on Mamaev Kurgan. This year, at the main height of Russia, a large reconstruction is carried out - since May, work on the repair of the lake of the Lake Sears on the Heroes Square is repaired, the hall of military glory is repaired. The fact that the eternal flame will have to pay off, employees of the Museum-Reserve "Stalingrad Battle" reported a long time ago: in the hall of military glory, the mosaic coating will be overhauled, in addition, the floor will be opened and work on the gas pipeline. It is quite logical for the work of such an eternal fire to pay off. For the first time in 47 years of Memorial's existence. So the procedure has been furnished quite solemnly.

The fire was to be ground, but his part was decided to keep in the lamp to ensure that after the end of the repair work again "return the fire in its place." Thus, the fire was supposed to be preserved as really "eternal."

The "selection" procedure of the particle of the eternal flame is quite standard - with the help of a long pole from the burning fire, a small raise the torch, which is then descended down and light the lamp from it. Such a procedure was carried out at Mamaev Kurgan more than once.

Welcome fire in the lamp from the torch lowered down the veteran was trusted:

The fire in the lamp closed, and now the eternal flame is turned off:

Now the lamp is transmitted to the company honor guard, the soldiers of which are solemnly carry the particle of the eternal fire through the top of Mamaeva Kurgan to the office of the Museum-Reserve, where it should be stored for the entire repairs time.

The fire makes a circle around the hall of military glory ...

Entering the area of \u200b\u200bsorrow ...

So, solemnly and with the honors, the extinguishing of the eternal flame was furnished. A few hundred people - Volgograd, tourists gathered at the ceremony. Everything seemed to be good and right. That's just ...

Does not make up something in Russia with fire. And the year did not pass, as Zippo built its advertising campaign at the Olympic Games. So here it was not without a lighter. I do not know how it happened, people were engaged in the procedure, such an impression is that the kerosene lamp keeps the first time in their hands. How they were going to set fire to her wick directly from the torch - I do not know. Well, no matter the torch will not climb into a small gap under the raised glass:

As a result of the persistent "Packaging" torch, rejuceed, and then a lighter came to the rescue, the lighter was already not "Zippo", but a yellow so nooneem, in abundance sold in retail chains and kiosks. From the lighter Fitil Kerosinki flashed, because before, even during manipulations with a burning torch, the wick lamp was unscrewed up the very "no," the light turned out to be very nicely.

As it could turn out - it is difficult to understand, because, as mentioned above, the inspection procedure from the eternal flame was held at the Mamaev Kurgan not for the first time. Literally a year ago, a similar procedure was held without a single failure - no one had sowed a torch in the lamp, and took advantage of a pre-harvested fine candle, which was easily penetrated into the inside of the lamp. In short, "children" (students, of course, but still) coped

Further more. Nobody lowered the lamp glass after the wicking of the phytel (although the surrounding people suggested). The natural consequence of this, as soon as the procession came out of the room on the fresh air, the fire was planted the first impulse of the wind (yes, the wind on Mamaev Kurgan). Next, the soldiers of the guard guard marching on the Kurgan with a wiggy extinct lamp:

Of course, no one stop to stop the procession, because Show Must Go On ... And now it lies somewhere in the road, this lamp is waiting for its o'clock when they again lit it from the lighter and solemnly will bring the public to the public - that's the same Eternal flame that will never go out.

I remember when I was repaired in Moscow at the grave of an unknown soldier in the Alexandrovsky Garden, already a special "reserve" memorial was built on a possessing grief, so that everyone saw - the fire is eternal, as eternal and memory. Well, in Volgograd his patriotism.

That's the way that day hundreds of people gathered at Mamaev Kurgan were able to observe how once again the actual cases are replaced. How to call such an irresponsible attitude to the memory of the heroes fallen in the Stalingrad battle, if not blasphemy?

Eternal flame symbolizes the courage and courage of warriors who gave their lives for the brave case. When the German fascist occupiers violated the non-aggression pact and treacherously invaded the territory of the Soviet Union, everything, from Mala to Great, as they could have contributed to the Great Victory. Most boys and girls volunteers went to the front to beat the enemy, those who did not go to the front, stood behind the machines, manufacturing shells and tanks for the Soviet Army, mostly these workers were children.

The first days and months of war were very heavy and tense. With incredible courage and courage, Soviet people defended their great homeland. In the Belarusian forests, volunteer partisan detachments were organized, which by their actions tried to rip the lightning plan for the seizure of the Soviet Union Adolf Hitler.

Opening of the first eternal fire of glory

One of the first monuments to the fallen soldiers were opened in the battles back in 1921. The memorial complex was built under the triumphal arch in the French capital - Paris.

In the Soviet Union, in Moscow, in honor of the celebration of the Great Victory in 1955, the monument solemnly lit the eternal flame. However, the "eternal" is difficult to call him, as he lit up periodically, only several times a year:

  • to celebrate Victory Day;
  • on the day of the Armed Forces and Navy, later, from 2013, on the Day of Defender of the Fatherland;
  • on the day of liberation Shchekino.

A truly eternal fire is considered to be a fire in St. Petersburg (former Leningrad), which was lit on November 6, 1957 on the Marsfield.

To date, there are only three such memorial complex in the capital. The first eternal flame was lit on February 9, 1961. Over time, the gas supply supply gas was worn out, and, since 2004, it was temporarily disconnected during the execution of repair work, and by 2010 they lit again.

Monuments and memorial complexes built in the 50s and 1960s of the twentieth century, to our time pretty worn. Especially suffering gas pipes leading to fire. Therefore, the government annually allocates funds to reconstruct and replace pipes from many monuments of the country as soon as possible.

Photos of the memorial complex

On the photo posted below - the eternal flame near the Kremlin Wall, which was lit on the grave of an unknown soldier in 1967. The solemn event on the opening was headed by Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev. In 2009, the fire moved to the Victory Park on Poklonnaya Mount. In 2010, he was returned again to the Kremlin wall.

With a proposal to open Memorial on Poklonnaya Mount, representatives of Moscow Veterans Society were made. The public was hotly supported by this initiative, because such monuments symbolize the eternal memory of the dead warriors and teach modern youth not to forget the terrible pages of the history of their country.

Welcome eternal flames were awarded wonderful and brave citizens:

  1. Participant of hostilities for the defense of Moscow, honorary citizen, chairman of the Council of Veterans of War and Labor Vladimir Dolgikh.
  2. Hero of Russia Colonel Vyacheslav Sivko.
  3. Representative of a public organization Nikolai Zimilorov.

After the opening of the memorial complex, this place was the most visited in the Russian capital. Not only residents of Moscow come here, but also numerous tourists wishing to look at the sights of the city of Hero.

Do you need eternal flames?

Modern youth is increasingly interested in the history and those distant disturbing days of the Great Patriotic War. Also less people who have passed the waters of the fiery walls of the age of those years. Nevertheless, we should never forget about the feat that our fathers and grandfathers committed in the name of the world of future generations. One of these reminders also serve as monuments and memorials with eternal and non-relative fire, reminiscent of the heroic soldiers' heroic exploits on the battlefields.

When designing and restoring monuments, specialists reflect on how to make eternal flames, but there are people and officials who are against it. They argue this by the fact that they need extra material costs for eyeliner and maintenance of gas pipes and burners. But it is very good that such people are units, because the eternal flame symbolizes the eternal memory of the feat that people committed in the name of the world.

Where veterans are found

In many cities, monuments and memorials with eternal fire are open in many cities. These places have long become attractions and visiting cities, they attract many people of different ages, guests and tourists. For veterans, they serve as a place of meetings and memory of the distant military days and dead comrades.

On the day of the celebration of the Great Victory over the German-fascist invaders, on May 9, the monuments and memorials carry live flowers and lay wreaths. Here, very often deploy field kitchen for veterans with mandatory front-line hundred grams.

Eternal flame on the grave of an unknown soldier

During the bloody battles, a huge number of soldiers and officers were missing. Still find the remains of the victims of the warriors on the former places of hostilities. In the defense of Moscow, in 1941, a huge number of workers and soldiers flew in 1941, in 1967 a monument of the "Tomb of the Unknown Soldier" was built. At his foot of the bronze five-pointed star, the pointed languages \u200b\u200bare broken up, symbolizing about the unforgettable exploits of heroes.

The monument "Eternal Flame" serves as a place of meetings, because people bring fresh flowers to him daily, thereby having the memory of soldiers who gave their lives for a bright future. It serves as a meeting place for students of Moscow (and not only) schools with war veterans. Each child then captures seen, creating a drawing. The eternal flame flared up with a bright flame in young hearts.

Creating a picture

How to draw eternal flames? Before proceeding to sketches, you need to see live once at least once. It is best to make a sketch without leaving the memorial, so you can choose the most appropriate angle. The monument should be photographed in order to complete the started drawing at home.

On a sheet of paper, you need to sketch the outline of the memorial. It is important to remember, creating a drawing: the eternal flame should not reach the edges of the leaf, you should leave the indents of two or three centimeters. In this case, the image will be beautiful and bulky. Sketch and the drawing itself should be performed with a sharp simple pencil, catching low-fat lines.

Completion of work

The next step will be drawing a clearer contour. Parents can give their children their advice on how to draw eternal flames, but it is better to perform it in the form of a five-pointed star in the form of a ray with the Dorisovka of all sides of the shape.

To give the volume from each top of the star raise (omit) perpendicular lines relative to all patterns and connect them with parallel lines. The final point will be the connection of the star center with its vertices. After that, go directly to the drawing of the flame. Fire languages \u200b\u200bare better not to paint into a catchy bright red color, but to make orange-red.

In complete, it is necessary to remove all the auxiliary lines to the eraser and paint the picture using color pencils or watercolor paints.

Heroes city

The inscription on the granite plate of the Memorial Memorial "The Grave of the Unknown Soldier" reads "Your name is unknown, the feat of your immortal." In the continuation of the historical ensemble, in parallel with the Kremlin wall, urns with the Earth, taken from the Heroes Cities: Minsk and Leningrad, Sevastopol and Kiev, Kerch and Volgograd, Brest and Smolensk, Tula and Murmansk.

As can be seen in the photo, "Eternal Flame" - a monument that always has a lot of people. The flame is constantly burning, and the peak of the memorial ensemble is decorated with a soldier's cater, poured out of bronze, a laurel branch and a combat. Look at the Eternal Flame on May 9, on the day of victory, thousands of people come, as well as veterans, which are a minute of silence make up the memory of the dead warriors, who have shown during the Great Patriotic War, the uncommon courage and the strength of the Spirit in the fight for freedom.

Crafts for Victory Day

Craftsman "Eternal Flame", made with their own hands, will become the most beautiful and expensive gift that can give a schoolboy who fought grandparents and grandfathers. On the eve of the holiday at school and houses, adults should talk with children about the heroic exploits of Soviet soldiers on the battlefields with the German-fascist invaders.

The cauldron is made of paper or other girlfriends. She should not be difficult, so as not to beat off the hunt in children to perform it. To make the eternal flame of paper, the child will require perseverance, attentiveness, the ability to use scissors and glue. Such crafts are better to make middle school students, pupils of fifth-sixth grades. For the manufacture of a gift, scissors will be required, colored paper, glue, simple pencil and ruler. First you need to draw a star from the reverse side of the colored paper, cut it and glue the bulk figure. You also need to enter the image of the fire.

You can easily make the eternal flame with your own hands. For this, such components will be required: Flour, water and one tablespoon of vegetable oil. Ask the older or try to knead the dough yourself. From it, like plasticine, stick to the cake and press it with something flat, such as a saucer or plate. From the resulting cakes should be cut a five-pointed star with a knife. In the middle to make five small holes for fire. For the manufacture of flame languages, color red paper will be required. On the reverse side, the fire should be drawn, then cut. Flame languages \u200b\u200bshould be five pieces. Cutting out of paper, they must be inserted into the holes done in the test. Crafts are ready, and it can be given to grandmother or grandfather!

Fire burns eternal glory

Many representatives of the younger generation do not even know that once their grandfathers and great-grandfathers fought for freedom of their homeland. The primary task of teachers and parents is to work with children aimed at ensuring that they do not lose a thin thread, connecting the history of the Fame and the realities of the current life. Almost no one can answer the question about when the first eternal flame was lit, few will be able to tell about what he burns and what symbolizes. Stories about the war - an integral part in the upbringing and development of the child.

The eternal flame in Moscow and many cities of the immense expanses of the Motherland burn at the foot of the memorial ensembles and monuments.

Memory Nonna

In Cherkessk at the celebration of Victory Day in 1967, fire was solemnly lit by the memorial to the victims of the liberators who gave their lives for the independence and freedom of Russia. From the conversation with the director of the Local Lore Center, Herdichlebov S. managed to find out that he was collecting information about the soldiers who died in the Great Patriotic War, defending the city of Cherkessk. Based on this material, the book was published and the memory of the heroes in the form of a memorial complex with eternal fire was emerged.

It is very important that the current generation never forget about terrible crimes against all mankind committed by Hitler's invaders to never repeat the horror of the war that our grandfathers experienced, especially since every year less and less remains in living witnesses of those terrible and less Tense days.

"The Great Patriotic War" - B.S.Uugarov "Leningradka (1941)", 1961. A.A. Didineka "Defense Sevastopol", 1942. P.A. Krivonogov "Victory" 1945-1947. S.N.Priekin "Marshals of the Soviet Union G.K. Zhukov and K.K. Crosovsky on Red Square on June 24, 1945" (Fragment), 1985. M.I.Samsons "Sister" (fragment), 1954. Visively - Didactic manual, Mosaic-Synthesis publishing house.

"The Great Patriotic War of 1941" - Mothers often do not sleep at night - Mothers are waiting for sons. O. Of course, in the military manual. Poems. Great-quality and tetreativeness. Disclable Leningrad. How many heroes gave rise to the partisan movement. The family demanded salvation, demanded support. And in technical terms, Soviet troops seriously inferior to the Germans.

"Rear in the years of the Second World War" -? Over a thousand writers left the front. The activation of the National Movement caused the toughening of the national policy of the country's leadership. National policy during the Great Patriotic War. Hitler believed that the multinational Soviet power would fall apart from the very beginning of the war. Ioffe A. - radar, S. Chaplygin - new samples of aircraft.

"Death Camps" - Salaspils - Camp of Death in the territory of the Occupied Nazis during World War II Latvia and intended for the mass destruction of people. According to testimony, more than 100,000 people were destroyed in the camp. )