The scenario of the literary excursion "Path of Childhood" (according to the work of V.A. Caverin). Interregional campaign for the anniversary of Veniamina Cavery in the Children's Library of N3 Caveryin The name of the exhibition in the library

The scenario of the literary excursion
The scenario of the literary excursion "Path of Childhood" (according to the work of V.A. Caverin). Interregional campaign for the anniversary of Veniamina Cavery in the Children's Library of N3 Caveryin The name of the exhibition in the library

To the 110th anniversary of the birth of V.A. Cavery

For ten-year-old boy, I read the wonderful book of Veniamine Caveryin "Two Captains". And the next life I follow the principle of its main character Sanya Grigorieva: "Fight and seek, find and not surrender!". It is very important to understand what you are fighting for.

Fazil Iskander called the "two captains" of Kaverin "Three Musketeers" of our days.

Kaverin, V. Two Captain: Roman / V. Caveryin. - M.: AST, 2005. - 624 p. - (World Classic).

Roman for all times

Veniamina Kaverina "Two Captain" Roman is one of the brightest works of Russian adventure literature of the 20th century. This story about love and loyalty, courage and purposefulness for many years does not leave indifferent neither an adult or young reader.

The book was called "Roman Education", "adventurous novel", "idyllic-sentimental novel," but was not accused of self-deception. And the writer himself said that "this is a novel about justice and what is more interesting (so said!) To be honest and bold than a coward and a liar." And he also said that it was a "novel about the inevitability of truth."

On the motto of the heroes of the "two captains" "fight and seek, find and not surrender!" Not one generation of those who adequately answered all sorts of time challenges.

Fight and search, find and not surrender. From English: then Strive, To Seek, To Find, And Not to Yield.
The source is the poem "Ulysses" of the English poet Alfred Tennison (1809-1892), 70 years of which are devoted to the valiant and happy heroes.
These lines were carved on the grave of the polar researcher Robert Scott (1868-1912). In an effort to achieve the southern pole first, he nevertheless came to him second, three days after the Norwegian pioneer Rulia Amundsen visited there. Robert Scott and his companions died on the way back.

In Russian, these words have become popular after entering the light of the novel "Two Captain" of Veniamine Cavery (1902-1989). The main character of the novel Sanya Grigoriev, who dreams about the polar campaigns, makes these words with the motto of all his life.

Cited as a phrase-symbol of loyalty to its goal and its principles.

"Fight" (including with its own weaknesses) is the first human task. "Search" means to have a humane goal. "Find" is to make a dream to reality. And if there are new difficulties, then "not surrender". The Knight's moral of half a century contributed to the replenishment in the USSR series of pilots, sailors, polar explorers. The charge of high morality and optimism was obvious, which gave people Kaverin's heroes.

The first volume of Roman V. Kaverin "Two Captain" was first published in 1938, the second volume was published in 1944. The book was published several hundred times; was transferred more than 10 foreign languages; Her children and adults read it. In 1946, the Book "Two Captain" Caveryin was awarded the Stalin Prize.

Before the announcement of awarding in the Soviet press, a massive critical attack was held on the author and his work, because there is not a single word about the party, Komsomol and never mentioned the name of Stalin. The fact that critics considered the disadvantage, later turned out to be an indisputable advantage - the book was so loved by the readers that Cavery himself began to fear, which will remain in the history writer of one book.

The plot of books is based on real events. The story of Sanya Grigorieva reproduces in detail the biography of Mikhail Lobashev, famous genetics, professor of the University of Leningrad. V. Kaverin met him in the mid-30s, and this meeting pushed the writer to create a book.

"It was a person," he recalled later, in which the terrain struggled with straightforward, and perseverance - with an amazing definitude of the goal. He knew how to succeed in any business, be it even a party in the cannon, which we were then fond of. The clear mind and the ability to the deep feeling were visible in every judgment.

For six evenings, he told me the story of his life - extraordinary, because she was full of extraordinary events, and at the same time similar to the life of hundreds of other Soviet people. I listened, then I began to record, and those forty or fifty pages, which were then recorded by me, formed the basis of the novel "Two Captain" (Kaverin V. "Hello, brother. Writing is very difficult ..." (M., 1965), with . 238).

"Even so extraordinary details, as a little small sleigh, are not invented by me," the author confessed.

"When the first chapters were written, in which Sanya Grigorian's childhood is told in Encos, it became clear to me that something extraordinary - case, event, meeting should occur in this small town. The novel was written in the late thirties who brought huge Soviet countries, exciting the imagination of victory in the Arctic, and I realized that the "extraordinary" I was looking for, this is the light of Arctic stars, accidentally fallen into a small, abandoned city "(Caveryin V." Hello, brother. Writing is very difficult ... "(M., 1965), p. 240).

The image of Captain Tatarinova forces me to remember immediately about several historical analogies. In 1912, three Russian polar expeditions went to swim: one, on the ship "St. Fock", headed Georgy Sedov; The second - Georgy Brusilov on Schun "St. Anna", and the third, on the bot "Hercules", led Vladimir Rusanov. All three ended tragically: their leaders died, and returned from swimming only "St. Fock". The expedition on the schooner "St. Mary" in the novel actually repeats the travel time and the route "St. Anna", but the appearance, the nature and views of Captain Tatarinov relative to him with Georgy Sedov.

"For my" older captain "I took advantage of the history of two brave conquerors of the Far North. One I took a courageous and clear character, the purity of thought, the clarity of the goal - everything that distinguishes a man of a big soul. It was Sedov. The other is a fantastic history of his journey. It was Brusilov. My drift "St. Mary "quite accurately repeats the drift of Brusilovskaya" St. Anna ". The Diary of the Klimova's navigator, given in my novel, is fully based on the navigant diary "St. Anna "Albanova - one of the two remaining participants in this tragic expedition" (Caveryin V. "Hello, brother. Writing is very difficult ..." (M., 1965), p. 241, 242).

Georgy Yakovlevich

Georgy Lvovich

Valerian Ivanovich

Another prototype of the main character was the Military Pilot-fighter Samuel Klebanov, heroically died in 1943. Talented pilot and beautiful, pure man. It was he who dedicated a writer in the secrets of flight skills. "I was proud of his friendship," V. A. Kaverin recalled.

"Ask any, Cavery - the author of what? And they will say: "Two captains". This is a book of rare fate. And no matter how long the author lived to our joy, we can safely say that she will survive him for several lives. "Two captains" in the title know how "Tom Sawyer", like "Three Musketeers," - before even the name of the author remember.

... The action is deployed as a spring. Short lubricants, in each of which a new turn of life is promised, some kind of event, some kind of riddles. Skulling construction! In the first paragraph, the tie: postal bag with splash letters and drowned postman. Letters of these, caught by secret your curiosity, will appear again somewhere closer to the middle of the book and will behave a plot. In the meantime, the action is rapidly spinning, capturing new individuals on the way, so it is impossible to postpone the book aside ...

Cavery - Romantic in the spiritual warehouse. But his youth romance, I think nothing has nothing to do with pompous romanticism. Cavelin himself lives like a young man, in his books, lives by the expectation, the hope, having a mystery and a sense of honor.

The hero of the "Two Captains" Sanya Grigoriev devoted all his life to restore the name of Captain Tatarinov. A wonderful traveler, whose name is not left on any geographic map due to her meanness, due to ill-wishers, due to the non-recognition of its discovery. The plot of the novel and is built on the passionate desire of Sanya Grigorieva to reach this truth, to restore this name. The return of the filthy justice, the good name of the person - here is the highest feat, which Cavery romance recognizes. And if the romance can in some cases be a way to lead from the truth, then it may be a means of coming to it. "

Caveryin recalled: "During the Leningrad blockade, I came to me from Radioomitus to say a few words on behalf of Sani Grigorieva - the hero of my novel" Two Captains ". I said: "But, let me, because it is a semi-winged character." They replied: "Nothing guys believe that he is alive and healthy, tell me a few words from his behalf." At the front, the situation was very difficult, and I on behalf of Sani Grigorieva - a literary hero - made a speech facing the Baltic Komsomolets. I would say, here's a bridge, which literature moves to life. "

(Kaverin V. Teach literature (countertime, 1973, No. 1, p. 20).

In 1986, Caveryin confessed in an interview: "I still amazed the success of the" two captains ", not counting this novel as the best novel."

Two captains (Roman) [Electronic resource]: Wikipedia material - free encyclopedia. - Access mode:

Educational student portal: [site]. - Access mode: - 17.04.2012.

"Take care of honor" [Electronic resource]: The lesson of extracurricular reading on the novel V. A. Kaverina "Two Captains". - Access mode: - 17.04.2012.

"Be destiny with his captain" : Reading Conference on the book of V. Kaverin "Two Captain" [Electronic resource]: For students in grades 7-8. - Access mode: Http: // Bibsosh 2. RU / Kopilka / Szenarii / 79- Chitatelskaya - Konferenciya - Po - Knige - V - Kaverina - Dva - Kapitana. HTML. - 17.04.2012.

EMPOV, A. G. "Fight and seek, to find and not give up"[Electronic resource]: opening a book. V. Caveryin. "Two Captain" / Albina Gennadevna Echupeova // Festival of Pedagogical ideas "Open Lesson". - Access mode: - 17.04.2012.

Nechynova, S. V. Take care of honor[Electronic resource]: (The problem of honor in the works of A.S. Pushkin "Captain's daughter" and V. Cavelin "Two Captain"): a lesson of extracurricular reading in the 8th grade / Svetlana Vasilyevna Nemchinova // Educational student portal: [site] - Access mode:

Expedition "In the footsteps of the two captains" (2010)

On a unique Russian polar expedition. Her goal is to reveal the mystery of the death of Schunov "Holy Anna", whose captain was Georgy Brusilov. In August 1912, the ship went along the Northern Sea Route. From the whole team alive only two remained. One of them is the sturger of the albão, the diaries of which became the basis for the famous "two captains" of Cavery. As, time shows, the motto of the hero of the novel Sani Grigorieva - "Fight and look, to find and not surrender!" - Follow the captains of the XXI century.

Sanya Grigoriev, the protagonist of the famous novel of Veniamine Cavery, eventually found the remnants of the Polar Expedition of Captain Tatarinov. So it was in the "two captains" - a book and a film. But in fact, the secret of Schunov "Holy Anna" and her crew led by Lieutenant George Brusilov managed only in the summer of 2010, when a search expedition was visited by Franz Josef on Earth under the leadership of an honorary polar explorer Oleg sold.

Preparation for the search for traces of the Brusylov team took five years: studied the archives, they were preparing for historical, archaeological and other scientific research. All expenses - for equipment, arrangement and functioning of the camp, as well as conducting the workselves with the exception of transport support - researchers had to take over.

The expedition was crowned with success. The remains and personal belongings of the Polarnikov-Brusylovers who died in the archipelago of Franz Joseph in the archipelago in 1914 were found.

Achildiev, C. In the footsteps of the two captains: Ros. The polar explorers opened the curtain of the mystery over the fate of the Lieutenant Fleet of Fleet George Brusylov, who deceased almost 100 years ago: A search expedition was visited by Franz Joseph's land under the leadership of Honorary Polyarnik Oleg Sold / Sergey Achildiev // Nevsky Time. - 2010. - 25 Aug. - S. 7: Col. fot. - Access mode: - 17.04.2012.

So he, the very glacier, next to which the remains and things of the members of the expedition of Georgy Brusylov were discovered. From now on this place will stand a memorable cross

Maybe it was the last letter of one of the dead polarons? It is difficult to pass the feelings that are experiencing, reading strings, written almost 100 years ago ...

Chistyakova, A. Secrets in Ice: The members of the expedition "in the footsteps of the two captains" intend to reveal the reason for the mysterious disappearance of the Schunov team "Holy Anna" / A. Chistasyk // Russian newspaper. - 2011. - 6 Aug. - P. 19. - (North-West. Expedition).

Kots, A. Footprints of the polar expedition were found from the "Two Captain" novel [Electronic resource]: In the Arctic, traces of the expedition missing 96 years ago, whose tragedy was based on the famous novel / Alexander Kots. - Access mode: - 17.04.2012.

Photo by the author

All these finds were mentioned in the Blogman's diaries "Holy Anne" Albanova

Mystery "Two Captains"[Electronic resource]: In the Arctic, traces of the polar expedition from the famous novel were found. - Access mode:

Yes, there are no many chic exhibits here, there is no greater diversity, but there is a special spirit. Burning the topic! And it becomes a little sorry that Roman Cavery has practically fell out of school studies, despite the fact that a modern child has an explicit deficit of positive heroes. No, this is not a long-lasting era, for childhood, through which the "two captains" passed the red thread. He still continues to be relevant and modern, because the idea of \u200b\u200bgood, the victory of justice was and remain in reassuring values.

Museum. The history of the museum : [Museum of the novel "Two Captain" V. A. Kaverin] // Pskov Regional Library for Children and Youth. V.A. Cavery: [site]. - Access mode:

Nekrasov, C. Return of "Captains": 68 years old they were next to the deceased pilot / Sergey Nekrasov // AIF - Pskov. - 2011. - 12 - 18 Jan. (No. 1-2). - S. 11. - Access mode: - 17.04.2012.

The Museum of the Roman "Two Captain" was replenished with a truly unique exhibit, which 68 years old in the cockpit of the Soviet aircraft of IL-2 was shot down under the Demyansky (Novgorod region) - the first volume of pre-war publication (1940) of the "Two Captain" novel, which in front of its last departure read Deputy Commander 2 squadrons of 568 assault airlock Lieutenant Mikhail Gavrilov (the pilot was killed on April 30, 1942).

In general, the fact that it is preserved, if not a miracle, then an amazing confluence of circumstances. Even after drying, Tomik clearly gives the aviation dielary. At the same time, the book was lying in the headed pocket of the pilot's light jumpsuit along with the other - the "combat experience of Soviet aviation".

When studying the book, its new owners found that the 38th page was wrapped up as it was done when a person is in a hurry. Perhaps, it was at this place that Lieutenant Mikhail Gavrilov received a team to take off and in a hurry there turned the page before the last time to raise his plane into the sky. It can also be assumed that this book was his talisman, but the fact that the "two captains" helped him beat the enemy, can be considered immutable.

Ageenko, A. Museum of the city of Ensk: This is exactly what Veniamin Cavery called Pskov in his novel "Two Captain" / Alexander Ageenko, Mikhail Glushchenko // Pskov News. - 2010. - 3 Nov. (No. 27). - P. 20. - (Family Archive). - Access mode: - 17.04.2012. Fot.

In the library for children and youth. V. A. Kaverina operates the museum of one literary work - the novel "Two Captain" // Pskov province. - 2009. - June 17-24 (No. 23). - P. 3.

Briefly about exhibitions: "Beautifully lived life" (about the brother of the writer L. A. Zilber) and the exhibition dedicated to the 65th anniversary of the publication of the book "Two Captain".

Chernokhev, the city of Arctic stars. Museum of the novel "Two Captain" in the cultural space of the region / Galina Chernokhev // Bulletin of Moscow libraries. - 2009. - № 3. - P. 30-31.

In the Pskov Regional Library for Children and Youth. V. A. Kaverina is working a unique museum of one book - the Museum of the Roman "Two Captains".

Volkova, N. Roman with a continuation / Natalia Volkova // Library at school. - 2008. - 16-30 Nov. (No. 22). - Access mode:\u003d200802203. - 17.04.2012.

The main thing is that this library is famous - the Museum of the "Two Captains", the most famous novel of Veniamine Cavery. About this side of the Life Library and about why this work is in general, it tells her director.

Moiseenko, Yu. Ships and captains: Adults intend to return to schoolchildren love for the book / Yuri Moiseenko // Russian newspaper. - 2008. - 7 Oct. - S. 11. - (North-West). - Access mode: - 17.04.2012.

To signing a treaty between the Pskov Regional Library for Children and Youth. V.A. Kaverin and High School No. 2 of St. Petersburg.

Mal Spool, yes Roads: "Hybrids" or "New Types"? / Premium. T. Filippova, S. Matina // Library case. - 2007. - № 18. - P. 7-13.

About museum-libraries, incl. The Museum of the novel "Two Captain" in the library named V. A. Kaverin.

Tokareva, L. The latest history of the city of Ensk: [Children's and Youth Library. V. A. Kaverin. Museum of the novel "Two Captain"] / Lydia Tokareva // New Pragmatics: Inform. - Analytical magazine. - 2006. - № 2 (Apr. - May). - P. 120-123: Fot. - Access mode: - 17.04.2012.

Romanovskaya, L. Sanya Grigoriev will leave the building last : "Two captains" are registered in Pskov / L. Romanovskaya // Culture. - 2006. - 23 Feb.-March 1 (No. 8). - p. 4. - Access mode:

"Two Captain" - not just the Roman of the Russian Soviet Classic of Veniamin Cavery, this is already for several generations of our country - a symbol of courage, honor, loyalty, knightly self-sacrifice in the name of a cherished goal, in the name of friendship and love. What to say, such concepts have become not very popular in our "commercial" days. And as if the challenge of the deception and Truck, embodied in the bronze covenant "Junior Captain" Sanya Grigoriev "to fight and seek, to find and not surrender" Rose in the ancient Pskov Monument to the two captains (the authors are young St. Petersburg Vyatteli M. Belov and A. Ananyev). The eldest, Captain of Tatarinov, is very similar in sculpture on O. Yu. Schmidt, and the younger, Sanya, - well, a slightly matured boy from Pskov, called Ensky in the Cavelian novel. (Art. Golden). This composition was approved by the caveryin himself.

Cavery saw a sketch when in 1986 came to Pskov: celebrated the 200th anniversary of the Pskov male gymnasium (now - School No. 1), where the future writer studied. I liked the sketch of Veninee Alexandrovich later and later, in a letter to the Rector of the Leningrad Institute named after Repin Peter Fomin, he wrote about the work of his students, young sculptors Mikhail Belov and Andrei Ananyeva: "I can not convey to you that deep feeling of gratitude, which I feel, thinking about What my sixty-year-old stubborn and, dare to say, honest work will be perpetuated by such a priceless gift, as a monument to the heroes of my novel ... ".

The writer was not destined to live before installing the monument. His discovery took place in July 1995 - the very clear goal of Sanya Grigoriev and romantic, elevated, raised to the pedestal, the captain of Tatarinov, very similar to the famous researcher of the North O. Schmidt, now every day welcomed residents of the city, visitors to the museum and readers Libraries.

Sanya Grigorieva's bronze hand sparkles from the touch of idle lovers to film with monuments, but also from rare secret steams of those who share with the hero of a hot oath "fight and seek, to find and not surrender!".

Golden, S. Heroes for all times: [About the monument "two captains"] / S. Golden // Library. - 1997. - No. 3. - p. 34. - Access mode:

In 1976, Evgeny Karelov was filmed a six-part film "Two Captain" (Mosfilm) -

Music "Nord-Ost"

In 2001, Musical "Nord-Ost" was put in Moscow in Moscow (the producers of the Music "Nord-Ost", the authors of music, libretto and productions A. Ivashchenko, Vasilyev) - http: // www.

"It was an amazing job, the only one, there is no more such work, and I do not know whether. "Nord-Ost" was played more than 400 times, and every time it was a holiday, "the author of music admits to the musical of Alexey Ivashchenko.

Smirnov, K. See you in two captains [Electronic resource]: The history of the Cavelian Kati and Sani of our days with a prologue and an epilogue, told by themselves in a dialogue with the correspondent "New Gazeta": [Conversation with performers of the roles of Katya Tatarinova and Sanya Grigoriev in the Musical "Nord-Ost": Catherine Guseva and Andrei Bogdanov two months after capturing the terrorists of the theater center on Dubrovka] / Kim Smirnov // New newspaper. - 2002. - 26 dec. - Access mode: - 17.04.2012.

Shimina, M. Veniamin Caveryin set a record[Electronic resource] / Marina Shimadina // Kommersant. - 2002. - 20 Apr. - P. 8. - Access mode: - 17.04.2012.

Anniversary of Veniamin Kaverin (100th birthday) The Musical Team "Nord-Ost" celebrated on the North Pole. In the spirit of popular ever excursions in literary places, theatrical captains were traced in the footsteps of the Cavelian heroes, polar pilots and researchers. At the point of intersection of all meridians on drifting ice, with a 40-degree frost, a fruent of the musical was performed, which was recorded as the official record as a representative of the Book of Records of Russia.

Two captains capable of melt and hearts, and polar ice [Electronic resource] // Today. - 2002. - 19 Apr. - Access mode:

The format of audiobook gives a new opportunity to enjoy the unsurpassed skill and the talent of people who created this radio show.
Artists: A. Mikhailov, M. Kupriyanova, I. Viktorovna, E. Perov, I. Voronov, Peubov and others.
Duration: 1 hour 43 minutes.

18th of Febuary in children's library-branch number 4 (ul. Vidova, 123) passed literary game "On the pages of Roman V. Kaverin" Two Captain ". Chief librarian Isaenko Margarita Vladimirovna At the previous event "In the name of Truth", held on January 21, told readers 8 "in" class Maou School No. 40 about a wonderful writer Veniamin Alexandrovich Caveryin (True Surname Zilber) and his most famous book "Two Captain", which has become a real textbook of life for several generations of our compatriots. The novel was so popular that in those years, many schoolchildren at the geography lessons proved that the Northern Earth was not opened by Lieutenant Wilkitsky, but the hero of Caverin Captain Tatarinov. Of course, the current schoolchildren are not so emotionally react to the events described in the novel, and do not like to read thick books, nevertheless, they are also interested in the plot and heroes. After the month of training in the walls of the library, two eighth graders teams met: "Saint Fock" and "Holy Maria". The Captain of the first became the Kaminsky Alexander, the second - Morozova Irina. The warm-up with the help of Blitz questions immediately gave the opportunity to team Alexander advance. The second stage of the game "Answer questions" showed that reading the text of the book and acquaintance on the Internet with the content of the novel - all the same different things. Not remembered eighth graders School nickname Sani Grigoriev, could not apply logic and erudition in response to the question: "How did Caveryin come from his pseudonym?"
However, there were also such participants in the game that pleased us not only by knowledge of the content of the novel, but also attentive to individual details and subjects surrounding the main characters. They helped the team of Alexander again to distinguish between the Competition "Find out the subject." The Compass of Captain Tatarinov, the Montersky Knife Sani, because of the loss of which was arrested and died in prison his father. But there were difficulties with a photo of Valery Chkalov, they could not remember the participants of the game to remember the book of I.Turgenev's "Notes of the Hunter", which Sanya still read, although she didn't like it. Captain Competition made Alexander and Irina think. They could not fully answer the questions: "What rules of Sanya installed for the development of his will?", "Merit of Captain Tatarinov in front of the country" and used the help of teams. Of course, this voluminous and multidimensional romance is impossible as "two captains", covering two events: there is a lot of inactive. The desire to continue the game and excitement, with whom adolescents were looking for answers, showed that the book of Cavery was interested in eighth graders, although the path to her was not to read it, but through the recommendations and emotions of the librarian and the literature teacher of the literature, Alexandra Lvovna.

Description of the presentation on individual slides:

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This surname of the writer - Zilber. 6 (19) of April 1902 was born in the family of Kappelographer of the 96th Infantry Omsk Regiment Abel Abramovich Zilbera and his wife - the original Khan Girshevna (Anna Grigorievna) Dssan, the owner of music stores.

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His father Alexander Zilber was a dropmaster of the Omsk Infantry Regiment. Alexander Zilber was a man with outstanding musical abilities, he spent a lot of time in the barracks, rehearsing the army marches with soldiers orchestrants. On Sundays, the overall orchestra under his leadership played for the public in the summer garden on the open stage. Father deliberately delve into the life of children, and the financial situation of the family was not easy. Most concerns lay on the shoulders of the mother who had a much greater influence on the fate of their talented children. Anna Grigorievna was a highly educated woman, graduated from the Moscow Conservatory in the class of piano and all his intelligence, energy and breadth of interest handed over to children. Anna Grigorievna gave music lessons, organized concerts for Pskovich, at her invitation to Pskov came famous musicians, singers and dramatic artists

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Remembering yourself in early childhood, Veniamin wrote: "I am struck by everything - and the change of day and night, and walking on the legs, while it was much more convenient to crawl on all fours, and closing the eye, the visible world's magically cut off from me. Food repeatability struck me - three or even four times a day? And so all your life? With a feeling of deep surprise, I got used to my existence - no wonder in children's photos I always have wide eyes and raised eyebrows. "

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In 1912, Caveryin entered the Pskov gymnasium, where he studied for 6 years. Later he recalled: "I was not given arithmetic. In the first class, I arrived twice: I fell because of arithmetic. For the third time, he passed the exams in the preparatory class. Was glad. We then lived on Sergievskaya street. I left the balcony: show the city that I am a gymnasist. " The years of study in the gymnasium left a bright mark in the life of Veniamine, in all events of the student life, he was an active and direct participant, became a member of a democratic society in 1917 (reduced DOU) ..

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The border that shared childhood and his youth, the writer considered the winter of 1918, when the German troops occupied Pskov: "The Germans slammed the door for my childhood." The most important place in the life of Veniamine, from the moment he learned to read, occupied books. Reading struck the boy the opportunity to go to another world and to another life. The role of the 20th century began to read in the lives of Pskov youth, Veniamin Alexandrovich recalled in the sketch "Interlocutor. Notes on reading

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In 1919, Veniamin Zilber left Lvi from Pskov to Moscow. He took with him a poor wardrobe, a notebook with verses, two tragedies and the manuscript of the first story. In Moscow, Veniamin graduated from high school and entered Moscow University, but on the advice of Tynyanov in 1920 he was transferred to Petrograd University, while at the same time enrolled in the Institute of Eastern Languages \u200b\u200bat the Faculty of Arabiste.

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The pseudonym "Cavery" was taken by the writer in honor of Husar, a friend of the young Pushkin (led by him under his own last name in Evgenia Onegin). So dark: he sits in Sanki. "Paddy, Paddy!" - Cry came; Frosty dust silver his beaver collar. Talon rushed: He is confident that his caveryin is waiting there. I entered: and a stopper in the ceiling, the fault of the comet splashed the current, before it is roast-beef bloody, and truffles, luxury of young years, French cuisine is the best color, and rhinestic cake rampant between cheese Limburg alive and pineapple gold.

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In 1922, Veniamin Kaverin married his friend's sister Yury Tynyanov - Lydia, later became the famous pediatric writer. In this happy and long-lasting marriage, Veniamine and Lydia had two children - Nikolay, who became a doctor of medical sciences, professor and academician Ramna, and Natalia's daughter, who also became a professor and doctor of medical sciences.

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In 1923, Caveryin released his first book "Masters and Apprentices". Adventurers and crazy, secret agents and card shlers, medieval monks and alchemists, masters and burgomistra - the fancy fantastic world of the early "desperate original" stories of Cavery inhabited very bright personalities. "People play cards, and cards play people. Who will understand this? " Gorky called Cavorin "the original writer" and advised to take care of his talent: "This is a flower of original beauty, forms, I tend to think that for the first time on the soil of the literature Russian blooms such a strange and intricate plant."

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The Roman "Equipment of Desires" was released in 1936, but really saved Kaverina Roman "Two Captains", otherwise the writer could share the fate of his older brother, Academician Lion Zilbera, who was arrested three times and sent to the camps.

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The novel "Two Captain" liked Stalin's rumors - and after the war, the writer was awarded the Stalinist Prize. The novel "Two Captain" became the most famous work of Cavery.

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During the Great Patriotic War, Veniamin Kaverein was a special front-line correspondent of Izvestia, in 1941 on the Leningrad Front, in 1942-1943 - on the Northern Fleet. His impressions of the war were reflected in the stories of wartime, and in post-war works - "seven pairs of unclean" and "science of parting", as well as in the second volume of "two captains".

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In 1944, the second volume of the "Two Captain" novel was published, and in 1946 a decree of the Central Committee of the WCP (b) on the magazines "Star" and "Leningrad" was published. Mikhail Zoshchenko and Anna Akhmatova, who called the Zhdanov Politburo in his report, called the "scum" and "Bludnitsa," immediately found themselves in isolation. Many "friends", having met Zoshchenko on the street, passed to the other side, but Zoshchenko with Kaverin tied old friendship and their relationship after the decree did not change.

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Municipal General Education

Podgorenskaya Secondary school №1

Voronezh region

Literary living room

Roman V.Kaveryina

"Two Captain" - Book

at all times.

Abstract of extracurricular activities

VIII Class

Russian language and literature teacher

Lachina Yulia Petrovna

MOU Podgorenskaya SOSH №1

Podgorensky municipal district

Voronezh region

P.G.T. Podgorensky

2008 year


    Expand the ideas of students on the artistic world of V. Caverin on the material of the novel "Two Captains".
    To shape the idea of \u200b\u200bthe meaning of human life, its values.
    Education of honor and debt.
    Education of aesthetic taste by means of artistic words and music.


Reading good books opens us

taught in our own soul



Travel course.

    Teacher's introductory word.

Application. Presentation. Slide 2.

Dear Guys! There are many books in the world: scientific and artistic, Russian and foreign, old and modern, interesting, cognitive, bright, memorable ...
In our age of high technologies and universal computerization, in spite of everything, none of us can do without reading. The great thinker D. Didroh somehow said: "People cease to think when they stop reading." It is amazing, but a random meeting with a good book can forever change the fate of a person. After all, the book contains the best part of the person: his soul, and therefore the book is the same subject of the need for people like bread, sleep, air and sun. It is impossible to disagree with Charlock Piermon, who claimed that reading good books opens the thoughts cured in our own soul. These words guys will be an epigraph to our today's conversation about one remarkable book and an amazing Russian writer, which created this unique work. Of course, you guessed that we are talking about the novel of Veniamine Caveryin "Two Captains". Guys, preparing for our meeting today, I reread this novel again and worried again and rejoiced a meeting with the book. I really want this good book to be the discovery for you, forced you to stop and look back, look at yourself from the side: what am I grow and live on earth? What is happening to me? It is time for expensive friends, put such questions and answer them. At today's lesson, we will learn to this, and we will still form our reader taste and the ability to understand the writer.III. Word about Veniamin Cavery.

Application. Slide 3.

Guys, let's get closer with the writer Veniamin Alexandrovich Kaverin. Here is his portrait. Pay attention as gentle and wisely on this serious, focused face glow eyes, which good and attention will come from all the appearance of this amazing person. The motto of life of the Life of Veniamin Cavery was the words: "To be honest, do not pretend, try to tell the truth and remain yourself in the most difficult circumstances." It is these life principles that Visited the writer and guided them all his life. Message of a student about the biography of V. Kaverin.

Kaverin Veniamin Alexandrovich (1902 - 1989), prose.

Born on April 6, 1902 in Pskov in the family of a musician. In 1912 he entered the Pskov gymnasium. "Friend of my older brother Y. Tynanov, later a famous writer, was my first literary teacher who was imposing a hot love for Russian literature," Kaverin will write. He arrived in Moscow and in 1919 he graduated from high school here. Wrote poems. In 1920, the Moscow University was transferred to Petrogradsky, at the same time enrolling the Institute of Oriental Languages, he graduated from both. He was left at a university in graduate school, where for six years he was engaged in scientific work and in 1929 he defended his thesis .. In 1921, together with M.Zoshchenko, N.Tikhonov, Sun. Ivanov was the organizer of the literary group of "Brothers Serapion". For the first time printed in the Almanac of this group in 1922 (the story "Chronicle of the city of Leipzig for 18 ... year"). In the same decade, they are written by stories and stories ("Masters and Apprentices" (1923), "Bubnovaya Maste" (1927), "End of Haza" (1926), a story about the life of scientists "Scandalist, or evenings on Vasilyevsky Island" (1929 ). I decided to become a professional writer, finally devoted himself to literary creativity In 1934 - 36, he writes its first novel "Execution of Desires", in which I put the task not only to convey my knowledge of life, but also to develop your own literary style. It succeeded, the novel was successful. The most popular work of Kaverin became a novel for the youth - "Two Captain", the first of which was completed in 1938. The beginning of the Patriotic War stopped working on the second volume. During the war, Caveryin wrote front-line correspondence, military essays, stories. At his request was directed to the Northern Fleet. It was there that, everyday communicating with the pilots and submariners, I understood, in which direction the work on the second volume of the "two captains" will go. In 1944, the second volume of the novel was published. In 1949 - 56 he worked on the trilogy "Open Book", the formation and development of microbiology in the country, about the purpose of science, on the nature of the scientist. The book has won the reader's popularity. In 1962, Caveryin published a story "Seven pairs of unclean", telling about the first days of war. In the same year, the story "oblique rain" was written. In the 1970s, he created the book of memories "in the old house", as well as the trilogy "illuminated windows", in the 1980s - "drawing", "Evening day". V.Kavherin died on May 2, 1989.

Application. Slide 4.

Teacher: About whom and what could be written by Cavery, he tells about what he was fond of, and that he knew well. Friendship is the main topic, throughout the life of the writer, she meant too much for himself. "Lost time is not a failed job or an unfair desire, and the years when you do not see friends." Books of V. Kavlerina (by Slide 4).
IV. "Two captains" - a book for all times. " Book exhibition.

Application. Slide 5.

You have read one of the best works V. Caverin. The novel "Two Captain" - an exalted and romantic story about the love of young people, in which, as in a drop of water, the Great History of the Great Country reflected. It was intertwined in love and hatred, heroism and betrayal, romance and faith in justice. "Fight and look for, find and not surrender!" - Under this motto of the boy, Sanya Grigoriev, overcoming all the difficulties, finds his place in life.
Message of a student about the book "Two Captains".
The first volume of Roman V. Kaverin "Two Captain" was first published in 1938, the second volume was published in 1944. The book was published several hundred times; was transferred more than 10 foreign languages; Her children and adults read it. In 1946, Kaverin was awarded the State Prize of the USSR for the Book "Two Captain". The plot of books is based on real events. The story of Sanya Grigorieva reproduces in detail the biography of Mikhail Lobashev, subsequently famous genetics, professor of the University of Leningrad. V. Caveryin met him in the middle30s, and this meeting pushed the writer to creating a book. "Even so extraordinary details, as a little small sleigh, are not invented by me," the author confessed. Another prototype of the main character was the Military Pilot-fighter Samuel Klebanov, heroically died in 1943. It was he who dedicated a writer in the secrets of flight skills. The image of Captain Tatarinova forces me to remember immediately about several historical analogies. In 1912, three Russian polar expeditions went to swim: one, on ship "St. Foca", headed Georgy Sedov; The second - Georgy Brusilov on Schun "St. Anna", and the third, on the bot "Hercules", led Vladimir Rusanov. All three ended tragically: their leaders died, and returned from swimming only "St. Fock". The expedition on the schooner "St. Mary" in the novel actually repeats the travel time and the route "St. Anna", but the appearance, the nature and views of Captain Tatarinov relative to him with Georgy Sedov.The words "fight and seek, find and not surrender" are a quote from the poem of the English poet Alfred Tennison. They are carved at the grave of the polar researcher Robert Scott, who died in 1912 during the return path from the southern pole.V. List pages of the Great Book ...

Application. Slide 6.

Guys, I hope you enjoyed reading the "two captains".You know, a certain sign of any good book is that she likes the more than a person more often applies to it. Let's today, my dear, and Polystay once again the pages of this amazing book, remember the episodes liked, test the joy of communication with your favorite heroes. I suggest you break our memories into several parts whose names you see on the screen.1. So "Old letters" ... Pupil message. Once in the city of Enk, on the banks of the river, a dead postman and a bag with letters were found. Aunt Dasha read every day with his neighbors out aloud one letter. Especially remembered by Sana Grigoriev Strings about distant polar expeditions ... Sanya lives in an ensk with parents and sash sash. In ridiculous chance of sanitary father accused of murder and arrest. Only Little Sanya knows about the real killer, but because of the challenges, from which only later will relieve his wonderful doctor Ivan Ivanovich, he can't do anything. Father dies in prison, after some time the mother gets married. Stepfather is a cruel and forgive man who torments both children and his wife. After the death of Mother's mother, Aunt Dasha and the neighbor of the Schovenniks decide to send Sanya with his sister to the shelter. Then Sanya and his friend Petya Frying Skin Road flew to Moscow, and from there to Turkestan. "Fight and search, find and not surrender" - this oath supports them on the way. The boys get on foot to Moscow, but Petkin Uncle, on which they expected, went to the front. After three months of almost free work at speculators, they have to hide from checking. Petke succeeds to run, and Sanya falls first to the distributor for sleepwear, from there to school-commune. San like in school: he reads and sculpts from clay, he appears new friends - Valka Zhukov and Chamomile.2. Tatarinov. Pupil message. Once Sanya helps to convey the bag of an unfamiliar old woman who lives in the apartment of the head of the Nikolai Antonovich school Tatarinov. Here Sanya meets Katya, pretty, but somewhat prone "set" a girl with pigtails and dark live eyes. After some time, Sanya turns out again in the familiar house of Tatarinov .. The apartment of Tatarinov becomes for Sani "Something like the cave Ali-Baba with her treasures, riddles and dangers." Nina Kapitonovna, whom Sanya helps in the farm and who feeds him dinners, "Treasure"; Marya Vasilyevna, "Neither a widow, nor a man's wife, which always walks in a black dress and often plunges in longing, -" Riddle "; And "Danger" - Nikolai Antonovich, as it turned out, cousin Uncle Kati. The favorite theme of Nikolai Antonovich's stories is a cousin, that is, Marya Vasilyevna's husband, about whom he was cared for all his life "and which" turned out to be ungrateful. " Nikolai Antonovich has long been in love with Marjew Vasilyevna, but as long as she is "ruthless" to him, rather her sympathy is sometimes coming to visit the Geography of the Armchair. Although when the ship makes Marya Vasilyevna offer, he receives a refusal. On the same day, Nikolai Antonovich collects the school council at home, where the ship is sharply condemned. It was decided to limit the activities of the Geography Teacher - then he will be offended and walked, Sanya informs the ship of everything heard, but as a result, Nikolai Antonovich drives out his sone from home. Offended Sanya, suspecting the ship in betrayal, leaves the commune. He drowned in Moscow for a whole day, he completely disrupted and enters the hospital, where Dr. Ivan Ivanovich rescues him again.3. Catin Father. Pupil message. Four years have passed - San Seventeen years. In school there is a theater representation, it is here that Sanya meets Katya again and reveals her secret: he has long been preparing to become a pilot. Sanya will finally recognize from Katy's history of Captain Tatarinov. In June of the twelfth year, he, having failed to say goodbye to the family with his family, came out on Schoon "Holy Maria" from St. Petersburg to Vladivostok. The expedition has not returned. Maria Vasilyevna to no avail sent a petition for assistance to the king: it was believed that if Tatarinov died, then according to their own fault: he "casually appealed with state property." The captain family moved to Nikolay Antonovich. Sanya is often found with Katya: they go to the rink, in the zoo. On the school balus Sanya and Katya remained alone, but a chamomile is interfered with their conversation, which is then reported by Nikolay Antonovich. Sanya is no longer taken from Tatarinov, and Katya is sent to the aunt in Enk. Sanya beats the chamomile, it turns out, and in history with the ship, it was he who played a fateful role. And yet Sanya repents in his act - he is leaving with a heavy feeling in Enks. In the hometown of Sanya finds the aunt Dasha, and the old man Skovorodnikova, and sister. Once again Sanya reread old letters - and suddenly understands that they really belong to the expedition of Captain Tatarinov! Sanya's excitement learns that no one else like Ivan Lvovich Tatarinov, opened the northern land and called it in honor of his wife Marya Vasilyevna, that it was precisely the fault of Nikolai Antonovich, this "terrible man", most of the equipment turned out to be unsuitable. Rows in which the name of Nicholas is directly named, blurred with water and are preserved only in the memory of Sani, but Katya believes him. Sanya firmly and strongly refuses Nikolai Antonovich before Maria Vasilyevna and even demands that she "presented the charge." Only then Sanya understands that this conversation finally struck Marwa Vasilyevna, convinced her in solving to end with him, because Nikolai Antonovich had already been her husband ... Doctors could not save Marre Vasilyevna: she dies. At the funeral Sanya approaches Kate, but she turns away from him. Nikolay Antonovich managed to convince everyone that the speech in the letter was not at all about him, but about some kind of "vomirmymy" and that Sanya is guilty of Mary Vasilyevna's death. San remains only hard to prepare for entering flight school, to ever find the expedition of Captain Tatarinov and prove its right.4. Diary of the navigator. Fight and look! Pupil message. Last seen from Katya, Sanya Grigoriev leaves learning to Leningrad. He is engaged in flight school and at the same time works at the factory. Finally, Sanya seeks destination to the north. In the city of Polar, he meets with Dr. Ivan Ivanovich, he shows him the diaries of the Natural Mary of Ivan Klimov, who died in 1914 in Arkhangelsk. Patiently deciphering records, Sanya learns that the captain of the Tatarinov, sending people to search for land, himself remained on the ship. The navigator describes the hike, with admiration and respect responds about his captain. Sanya understands that the traces of the expedition should be found on the land of Mary. From Vali Zhukov Sanya lets about some Moscow news: the chamomile became the "closest man" in the house of Tatarinov and, it seems, "going to marry the Kate". Sanya constantly thinks about Kate - he decides to go to Moscow. In the meantime, they get the task to fly into the deaf becoming a womban, but fall into a blizzard. Thanks to the forced landing Sanya finds the Baggun from Schununa "Holy Maria". Gradually, a slim picture is drawn up from the "fragments" of the Captain history.5. Find and not give up! Pupil message. In Moscow, Sanya plans to make a report on the expedition. But Nikolai Antonovich Tatarin hinders him. Katya leaves the house of Tatarinov. Now she is a geologist, Head of the Expedition. Sanya returns to the north. It takes five years. Sanya and Katya, now Tatarinov-Grigoriev, live in the Far East, then in the Crimea, then in Moscow. In the end, they settle in Leningrad. Sanya is involved in the war in Spain, and then when the Great Patriotic War begins, departs to the front. One day, Katya meets the chamomile again, and he tells her about how he, saving the wounded Sanya, tried to get out of the entities of the Germans and as Sanya disappeared. Katya does not want to believe the chamomile, at that difficult time it does not lose hope. And really chamomile is lying: In fact, he did not save, but threw heavily wounded Sanya, who hesitated his weapons and documents. San manage to get out: it is treated in the hospital, and from there go to Leningrad in search of Kati. In Leningrad, Kati is not, but the Sanya is invited to fly to the north, where the battles are also going. Sanya, and not finding Katya in anyone in Moscow, where he just missed her, nor in Yaroslavl, thinks that she is in Novosibirsk. During the successful implementation of one of the combat missions, the crew of Grigoriev makes a forced landing near the place where, according to Sani, you need to search for traces of the Expedition of Captain Tatarinov. Sanya finds the body of the captain, as well as its farewell letters and reports. And returning to the polar, Dr. Pavlova Sanya finds both Katya. In the summer of 1944, Sanya and Katya spend a vacation in Moscow, where they see with all friends. Sane needs two cases: he gives testimony in the case of the convicted Romashov, and his report on the expedition is held in geographical society, about the discoveries of Captain Tatarinov, about whom this expedition died. Nikolai Antonovich with a shame is expelled from the hall. In Enk, the family is going at the table again. The old man of frying lists in his speech unites Tatarinov and Sanya and says that "such captains move forward humanity and science."Vi. Captain Tatarinov.

Application. Slide 7.

Friends, in front of our eyes, the history of the life of Kaverin's heroes and the history of the whole country flew up. In my opinion, it is impossible not to stop more on the image of a person who did not regret his own life in the name of the Motherland. This is a real hero Captain Tatarinov. Pupil message. Cavery not just invented the hero of his work of the captain
Tatarinova. He took advantage of the history of two brave conquerors of the extremeNorth. One of them was Sedov. Another he took the actual history of histravels. It was Brusilov. Drift "Holy Mary" is completely accuraterepeats the drift of the Brusilovskaya "St. Anne". So how did Ivan Lviv Tatarins grow? It was a boy born in the poor fishing family on the shores of the Azov Sea. In his youth, he walked the sailor on oil courts between Batumi and Novorossiysk. Then he endured the exam on the "maritime ensign" and served in the hydrographic control, with proud indifference to carry out the arrogant non-recognition of officers. Tatarin read a lot, made notes on the fields of books. He argued with the great traveler Nansen. That captain was "completely agree", "I absolutely disagree" with him. He reproached him in the fact that without reaching the pole of somefour hundred kilometers, Nansen turned to the ground. Brilliant thought: "Loda himselfdecides its task "was recorded there. On a leaf of yellowed papernansen who fell out of the book, was written by hand Ivan Lvovich Tatarinova:"Amundsen wants to leave the honor of opening for NorwayNorth Pole, and we will go this year and prove to all the world asrussians are capable of this feat. " He wanted like Nansen, maybefurther north with drifting ice, and then get to the pole on dogs. In mid-June 1912, Schuna "Sv.Maria" came out of St. Petersburgin Vladivostok. First, the ship was walking around the course, but in the Kara Sea"Sv.Maria" frozen and slowly began to move north along with the polarice. Thus, the Willy-Neils Captain was supposed to refuseinitial intention - to go to Vladivostok along the shores of Siberia. "Butno Hud without good! A completely different thought now takes me, "he wrote inletter to his wife. The ice was even in the cabins, and every morning had to cut downax. It was a very hard journey, but all people kept welland, probably, they would cope with the task if they were not delayed with equipment, and if this equipment was not so bad. By all his failures, the team was obliged to betrayal Nikolai Antonovich Tatarinov. Of the sixty dogs, which he sold the team in Arkhangelsk, most of the new land had to shoot. "We went to risk, we knew that we were going to risk, but we did not wait for such a strike," the Tatarinov wrote - "The main failure - a mistake for which you have to pay daily, every minute - the one, that the equipment of the expedition I ordered Nicholas ... " Among the farewell letters of Captain were the map of the captured area andbusiness paper. One of them was a copy of the obligation, according to whichthe captain refuses every remuneration, all commercialmining on returning to "Greater Earth" belongs to Nikolay AntonovichTatarinov, the captain meets all his property in front of Tatarinov incase loss of the vessel. But despite the difficulties, he managed to draw conclusions from his observationsand the formulas proposed by them allow you to subtract speed and directionmovement of ice in any area of \u200b\u200bthe Arctic Ocean. It seemsalmost incredible if you remember that a relatively short drift"St. Mary" was held in places that seemingly not given data forsuch wide results. The captain remained alone, all his comrades were killed, he could no longergo, Merz on the go, at the privals, I could not even warm up, frostlegs. "I'm afraid it's over with us, and I have no hope even that you sometime to read these lines. We can no longer go, frown on the go,at the privals, even for meals it will not be warm up, "we read his lines. Tatarinov understood that he was soon the turn, but was not completely afraid of death, because he did more than in his power to stay alive. His story ended in not defeat and unlucky death, but victory.At the end of the war, making a report in geographical society, Sanya Grigorievreported that the facts that were established by the Captain ExpeditionTatarinova, did not lose their meaning. So, on the basis of studying driftscientists suggested the existence of an unknown island between the 78th and 80th parallels, and this island was opened in 1935. Permanent driftNansen, was confirmed by the Travel of Captain Tatarinov, and formulasthe comparative movement of ice and wind is a huge contribution torussian science. Film films were manifested, leaving around nearthirty years. On them, he appears to us - a tall man in the fur hat, in furboots pulled under knees straps. He stands, stubbornly bowinghead, leaning on a gun, and a dead bear, folding his paws like a kitten,lies at his feet. This was a strong, fearless soul! Everyone got up when he appeared on the screen, and such a silence, suchthe solemn silence reigned in the hall that no one bold even sigh,not something to say at least the word. "... bitterly to me to think about all the affairs that I could do,if I were not what helped, but at least did not interfere. One consolation is thatthe new extensive lands are open to my works and attached ... "-we read rows written by brave captain. He called the Earth with the namehis wife, Maria Vasilyevna. Teacher: Cooly and clear character, cleanliness of thought, clarity goals - all this denounces a large soul person. And the captain of Tatarinov, like a hero, was buried. Customs coming in the Yenisei bay from afar of from afar seen his grave. They pass by her withfit flags, and mourning salute rattles from guns. The grave is constructed from white stone, and he dazzlingly sparkles under the rays of the incoming polar sun. The following words were carved at the height of human growth: "The Body of Captain I.L. Tatarinov, who committed one of the most courageous travels and who deceased on the way back with the open northern land in June 1915. Fight and search, find and not surrender! " That is why all heroes are considered to be I.L. Tatarinova Hero. becausethat he was a fearless person, fought with death and, no matter what.achieved his goal.
VII. Sanya Grigoriev. Guys, after all that was said about life and the feat of the second captain from the book of Cavery, Sanya Grigoriev, the best addition to the characteristic of this image will be the song "Captains of Own Fate".

Application. Slide 8.

    Take care of honor.
- Guys, to which product of Russian literature is the epigraph: "Take care of honor"? - Yes, of course, this is the story of Pushkin "Captain's daughter". What is common in these two works? What unites the main characters by A.S. Pushkin and V.A. Caverin? - Let's try to hold parallels between the heroes of the works and find the correspondence between the images in the story of Pushkin and in the "Two Captains" of V. Caverin.

Application. Slide 9.

- Reflecting on the actions that make the heroes of works, we constantly return to the word "honor". V.I. Dal in the "Live Dictionary of the Living Great Russian" determines the word "honor" as "the inner moral dignity of a person, valor, honesty, the nobility of the soul and a clean conscience." - Is it honored with the quality of a purely noble or then the universal concept? Prove your thought based on the novel "Two Captains". IX. Museum of the Great Book.

Application. Slide 10.

It happens rarely. But if it happens, this is evidence of nationwide love and appreciation. I am talking about the monument to the heroes of Roman V. Kaverin "Two Captains". The monument was established in 1995 in Pskov, the hometown of the writer. And in the Pskov Regional Library Created a museum of this book ...

X. "Nord-Ost"

Application. Slide 11.

On October 19, 2001, the premiere of the Musical "Nord-Ost" took place in Moscow, which was created based on the "two captains" of Cavery. This musical has proven in his own example, which is not only on Broadway, but in Moscow you can play the performance for years, collecting the full halls every day. On Nord-Ost, it was accepted to come with the whole family: people of different generations find important and interesting for themselves in this performance. So far, no one in our country has repeated such success: in Moscow for 15 months, the musical was shown 411 times. In 2003, Nord-Ost got the theatrical award "Golden Mask".

Xi. Afterword ...

Application. Slide 12.

Reading text on the slide.

Guys, I hope that you have enjoyed our meeting with the novel "Two Captains". And most importantly, I really want to hope that the book of any of you left indifferent ...

Program VI of Cavelian reads dedicated to the 110th anniversary of V.A. Caverin and the 10th anniversary of the Museum of the novel "Two Captain"

10.00 Laying colors to the "Two Captain" monument.
10.30 - 13.00 Opening of readings. Plenary session. Venue: Pskov, ul. Nekrasova, House 24, Assembly Hall of the Philology Faculty of Pskov State University.
  • Welcome word Chairman of the State Committee of the Pskov Region on the culture of Golyshev Alexander Ivanovich;
  • Welcome word granddaughter V.A. Caverin Berdikova Tatiana Vladimirovna.
V.Kavherin. LIFE AND ART
  • "Pushkin origin of the pseudonym" V.Kavherin ". Stepanova Tatiana Alekseevna, Head of Department, Pskov Regional Library for Children and Youth. V.A.Kaveryin
  • "Honor and dishonor: to the problem of the concept of personality in the early Romanov V. Kaverin." Lavrenev love trifonovna, doctoral student of Daugavpils University (Latvia)
  • "Pskov's gardens in the work of Cavery and his contemporaries." Razumovskaya Aida Gennadievna, Doctor of Science, Associate Professor of the Department of Literature of the Pskov State University
  • "The image of a musician in the work of Caverin." Evazov Zhanna Ragifovna, graduate student of the Department of Literature of the Pskov State University
  • "V.Kavherin. 1963: new vision. " Azeri Dina, Doctoral student Daugavpils University (Latvia)
  • "Sophisticated pages of Soviet history in the work of Veniamine Cavery:" Black Book ". Easter Tatyana Borisovna, Coordinator of educational programs of the Civil Education Center Pippro, Pskov
  • "Iceberg Artistic Text". Tatyana Eduardovna Kruglov, Chief Librarian, Pskov Regional Library for Children and Youth. V.A.Kaveryin

13.00-14.00 Lunch break

14.00 - 18.00 Continuation of the plenary meeting. Venue: Pskov, Oktyabrsky Ave., House 7A, Pskov Regional Library for Children and Youth. V.A. Caveryin, Reading Room, II Floor

Enchanted Pskov

  • "Enchanted Pskov". Mednov Mikhail Mikhailovich, Chairman of the Club of Region, Pskov
  • "The cultural life of the province at the end of the 19th - early 20th century: the publication of Cadet magazines." Starovoitova Olga Rafaelievna, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Library Science and the Theory of Reading St. Petersburg University of Culture and Arts
  • "Archbishop Arseny (Stadnitsky): to the history of the creation of the Church Museum." Mednikova Tatyana Viktorovna, Scientific Secretary of the Pskov State Joint Historical and Architectural and Art Museum - Reserve
  • "Movage. Alla Alekseevna Mikheyeva's memory. Volkova Natalia Stepanovna, Director of the Pskov Regional Library for Children and Youth. V.A. Kavherina
  • "Cavery Street - to be!". Levin Nathan Feliksovich, Honorary Citizen Pskov, Region
  • "Ten years of the Roman Museum" Two Captains ". History of success". Chernokheva Galina Arturovna, Chief Librarian, Head of the Museum of the Roman "Two Captains", Pskov Regional Library for Children and Youth. V.A.Kaveryin
  • "Pupils of the Leningrad School Larisa Mikheenko - Pskov Partizanka: the results of the research and search work of the School Museum No. 106 of St. Petersburg in the Pskovskiy region." King Alice Nikolaevna, Deputy Director for Educational and Educational War GBOU School No. 106 of the Primorsky District of St. Petersburg
  • "Social life of Pskov began the beginning of the twentieth century." Torgasheva Elena, five-year student of the Philological Faculty of Pskov State University
  • "The cultural life of Pskov began the beginning of the twentieth century." Maghera Nikita, student 5 courses of the Philological Faculty of Pskov State University
  • "The literature of the beginning of the twentieth century. Pskov authors. " Salomatova Ekaterina, 5th year student Philological faculty of Pskov State University

12.00 Session of the club "Two Captain", Dedicated to the memory of Stanislav Golden

Venue: Pskov Regional Library for Children and Youth. V.A. Caveryin, Reading Room, II Floor April 27.11.00 Summing up and awarding winners of the regional literary and art competition "Postman's bag"

12.00 - 15.00 Excursion to the State Historical and Architectural and Natural Landscaping Museum - the "Izborsk" reserve.