Draw a plasticine drawing of birch. Autumn birch gouache gradually

Draw a plasticine drawing of birch. Autumn birch gouache gradually
Draw a plasticine drawing of birch. Autumn birch gouache gradually

How to draw birch? Even if you are a very novice artist, it will not be a problem, because you have a good and simple phased lesson drawing from LessDRAW. If you have already prepared for drawing everything you need (in our case, it is a pencil, eraser, simple white paper and some materials for painting drawing, for example, paints or color pencils), then you can safely begin! You will definitely succeed.

To begin with, we draw a birch trunk, leaving a bit of place on top and bottom. We try to make lines neat and beautiful, and if something does not work, correct yourself with an eraser. Pay attention to what a slim trunk has such a tree - like birch, it does not look like a barrel at all, for example,. We make smooth bending and gradual narrowing to the top.

Now we will need to add additional branches. The lower branch branches, the longer. Please note how they are dramatically bent closer to the tip. Add the required number of branches and while watching even at this stage the birch tree looks harmoniously.

At this stage, I make several strokes, it will be the outline of the crown. Next, I will erase these lines, they need me to build a shape of the crown and total.

Throughout this area, the main branches draw extra. They have the form of a wave, from one branch goes immediately several and all of them are different. As a result, you should get something like that.

Now we remove the extra lines and proceed to the painting of the trunk. Distinctive feature of birch - dark spots on the crust, and we must take into account this moment during the drawing process. If you are planning to draw winter birch, then at this stage you can stop - it will be easy to draw a bluish snow, landscape and get rid of extra strokes. We will continue to draw.

Gradually fill birch twigs. Try to draw leaves of about the same size, they can only become less than standard to the ends of the branches.

Studying the basics of painting, the moment occurs when the drawing of landscapes is interested. To do this, you need to learn to depict trees. The most common trees of our strip - birch and fir.

Before proceeding with drawing, carefully consider birch and try to highlight the main features that distinguish it from other trees. The main feature of the birch is a white, yellowish or pinkish barrel coated with characteristic stains, the upper part of which is peeled with peculiar ribbons. The trunk is curved, the branches are directed down. Birch leaves gear and very small. It often seems that crown of wood is a homogeneous green mass. Autumn leaves acquire yellow color. Birch flowers are collected in earrings. Birch has a powerful root system, so thick vegetation is rarely under them. For a start, let's try to portray the birch pencil. Start drawing wood is necessary from its barrel. To do this, draw a little curved vertical line. Add the volume of the barrel, draw the branches. They should be quite a lot, they are all directed towards Earth.

Add a lot of lots typical of the birch of hanging "earrings" for each branch. Draw dark spots on the crust. Now proceed to the color of the leaves. Autumn birch leaves yellow, summer - green. To the picture turned out to be more alive, use a few shades of the same color, from very light to a saturated dark. Leaves draw as much as possible, thickly fill each branch.

Thin, weightless birch looks very beautifully performed by watercolor. To draw this paint, you need to have some skills and accurately follow practical recommendations. Start with creating sketch. To do this, take a tight sheet for watercolor and draw a stylted pencil on the rough side. Please note that the pencil cannot be sharpened too sharp, as it will leave scratches on paper, which are later visible through transparent watercolor paint.

Future birch start to draw from the trunk, we depict the branches. Unlike drawing with a pencil, we do not draw each sheet, but we indicate where the crown is. Draw with a minimum pressure so that later unnecessary lines could be easily wiped with an eraser.

Now prepare brushes for work. It is best to use natural round, made of squirrel wool. Also in the process you will need a palette, for this use the old glossy postcard. It is not desirable to apply plastic cups or covers, because At an absolutely smooth surface, the watercolor will be made in a drop, and the color will become strikingly differ from what you get in the end on paper. It is also important to stock with a separate water capacity for each of the colors used.

We proceed to the painting of our sketch. We start with the brightest shades. Green paint use for foliage and grass under the tree. Light blue outlining the sky. Light gray or gently pink coating a tree bark. After that, go to darker colors. For the sky, it is possible to use purple, putting it from above, gradually tamping no to the horizon line. Dark green, separate invasses directed down, denote by foliage. On the grass, Dorisuy the Shadow. On the bark of the tree, we mark dark dashes and stains, trying to place them as chaotic as possible. On the crane of the tree add thin hanging twigs.

As you can see, draw Berezu is not so difficult. Select your favorite tool and proceed to drawing.

In Russia, there are many beautiful trees that make gaze their gorgeous foliage. But only one is mentioned in films and songs more often than the rest. White Birch - is an inspiration for many poets, screenwriters, musicians and artists. The latter, especially accurately convey its appearance on canvas, portraying beautiful landscapes with it at different times of the year. Whether it is spring, summer, autumn or winter, the picture looks in its own unique, originally and interesting. Of course, redraw the masterpiece newcomer and the child can hardly succeed, but you can create your pencil drawing with a pencil, if you have a master class with step-by-step instructions and visual photos. So why not try to portray your eyesight on this tree, taking advantage of the selection of ideas collected in today's article?! With the right approach, the drawing with a birch made by a pencil will be at all worse than the original in the pictures below.

So, what is the drawing of a birch pencil? We find out today!

Figure Birch Pencil Summer, MK + Photo

During the summer time, nature is fragrant, glading surrounding with its beauty. Framed green leaflets in combination with zebroid bark are a harmonious tandem that complements sunny weather and a blue sky with soft snow-white clouds. You can look at this nature endlessly, it is a pity that summer lasts only three months. However, you can capture this beauty on the landscape sheet, inserting a finished product into the frame and hanging on the wall.

In order to start drawing, prepare everything you need in advance. Collect the stationery in a bunch, without which it will be impossible to start and finish the picture. We are talking about a landscape sheet or paper A4 format, a simple pencil, preferably with a soft blade, eraser and color pencils or watercolor paints to complete work.

  • Step number 1 - initial sketch

The first thing you need to think about is the original outline. It you need to portray 4 trees and one seedling. Three birks should be located on the left side in a row, and with the right only one adult tree and a small seedling. As a separator, you can draw a track, the foreground is allocated at the expense of the tops of the trees sticking away, and the Middle-sliding stones.

  • Step # 2 - Next Drawing

Strokes on birch, branches and green grass growing around trees trunks are the next part of the composition.

  • Step number 3 - Far and Middle Plan

The foreground should be highlighted at the expense of the top of the trees sticking away, and the near-sliding stones.

  • Step number 4 - foliage

Draw the crown of trees, as if decaying from the branches of each birch.

  • Step No. 5 - Final

The case remains behind the small - hatching, separation of contours and painting the finished sketch in black and white.

Figure Birch Pencil for Children Spring, Master Class + Photo

This MK is designed for school-age children who have decided to engage in creativity, depicting birch in the spring. Unlike the first option, this implies an image of a single curved tree with branches bowing down and growing bright green leaves growing on them who did not have time to become saturated.

The meaning of the phased work is to step by step fulfillment of all regulations. The scheme with the photo includes drawing wood and leaves, as well as coloring it.

Birch in winter drawing with a pencil

Draw a tree in the winter season is easier than in the spring, autumn and summer. Naked crown without leaves with snow-lying on the branches and falling snowflakes, it looks best at night, when a dark sky with the stars shaves white, slightly merging with a white sheet of paper in the snow.

Drawing birch pencil in autumn, photo

Autumn allows you to implement life in drawing. Falling leaflets of different colors allow you to transfer your author to the water rotation of the autumn leaf fall. With the right approach, it will not be difficult to get a beautiful picture.

Beautiful drawings of birch pencil, photo ideas:

1. When drawing leaves, please note that the vein goes into a stalk. Note also that the average vein of some sheets divides them exactly in half.
To draw a sheet, first draw oval. Then swipe the middle line and slightly take both halves. Check the drawing accuracy, and then draw half more clearly. Now add cloves on the edges.
Coloring sheet, remember that the veins are lighter than the leaflet itself.

2. Oak leaf can be started to draw with a narrowed book oval. In the middle of the oval passes a vein, turning into a sheet of sheet. The edges of the oak leaf remind the waves.

3. Drawing the maple leaf will begin with the display of its shape. Then you need to find the knot of all vehicles of the sheet (the maple leaf has five major veins, around each of which is a separate leaflet) and outline their direction. Then draw the toothed edges.

4. Now let's try to draw a branch with leaves. First consider it: how much the leaf on the branch, as they are located relative to the branch, what size they are, whether they are all visible entirely, what the leaves have a form, what leaves seem darker, what are the lighter, the same color leaves? Having answered these questions, proceed to the drawing in the first diagram.
Getting Started by the second stage, trace the direction of veins and edge zagnin on each sheet.
Painted drawing, display with light and shadow volume and color of leaves.

5. Drawing of wood needs to be started from the barrel. The trunk is the thick of the tree. From above, the trunk is thinner, and below is thicker. The branches are located along the barrel and are directed upwards. The closer to the top of the tree, the shorter the branch of the tree.
After the trunk, we draw large branches of the tree. They are drawn just like the trunk: at the top thinner, closer to the barrel - thicker. The branches on the trunk are at different distances.
Then draw small twigs that depart from large. A lot of them. Small branches are drawn the same thickness - they are thin, but also many trees stretch up.

6. One of the common trees with us is birch. Before drawing it, look carefully on it. A feature of bark branches is that they are pretty thin, bend, hang down, and the branches are softened to even thin twigs. In the wind, the bark branches swing from side to side.

7. Silhouette of the tree resembles a triangle. Drawing it, it should be remembered that instead of the leaves of her needles.

8. When drawing trees in the landscape, it should be noted that being away from the tree, we see only its shape, which you need to portray.

How to draw birch gradually.

Anyway will immediately recognize both in winter and summer on white color of the crust. Beresta is very white with longitudinal light brown specks, but they are small and on the scale of the whole tree indistinguishable. We published on the trunk of the birch, we also see marked - black cracks on the crust and traces of dead branches. At large branches, the bark is also white, and on thinner - dark brown, almost black. Bereza has a hanging (it is birching wrapped) often young thin branches hang long weaves. But, notice, it is not all birch. Very often you see - they grow near the birches and one - the whole droke, the branches hang the live curtain, and the second stands cheerfully, that you are linden or poplar - no despondency.

Comrades, when teaching drawing trees in kindergarten, kids are offered by the image of "birch", resembling a triangle ... in general, a cracked carrot with four-five branches. Having learned this image, the children later than any "birches" like this and stamps, bringing some diversity only in the width of the base of the "trunk", that is, from the acute-angled triangle, the trunk gradually turns into a stupid. What I don't know with it. Just not to learn so distortable schematic conventional signs. But in kindergarten it is almost inevitable. What to do now, how to draw birch realistic?

Well ... consciously abandon the stereotypes inspired in infancy and try to see a real tree, and not a template, imprinted in my head. In essence, this is possible.

Why am I talking about this? - Because children when drawing both by imagination, and from nature operate, mostly challenge in infancy stamps and have a strong internal resistance to the very idea of \u200b\u200bdrawing from nature. Therefore, I would have learned the drawing of trees from nature only adolescents already increasing the awareness and only those who love plants and really want to learn how to draw trees like. Such here is my opinion. What do you think about it?

So, we draw birch gradually.

The sequence is the same as always when painting plants: I draw first the scheme of the trunk and branches of the pencil.

Denote the crown and separate large branches:

Here I confess to be honest, from this place I have already drawn at home - felt-meters and then watercolor. To get out alone on the street with a watercolor box, the water and brushes of my determination are still not enough. Reduction is not embarrassed in the public, it is not developed at one moment.

Founding branches with small leaves Draws up with chips - brush number 1.