Name Day 20 female. Name Day in December: Angel Day for the Church Calendar

Name Day 20 female. Name Day in December: Angel Day for the Church Calendar
Name Day 20 female. Name Day in December: Angel Day for the Church Calendar

Selecting a name for a newborn - the task is not a lung. Usually parents think about this issue long before the birth of a baby. After all, it is important not just to understand what kind of name is like, but also to choose the right one from the category of what is suitable for your baby. In this article we will consider the question of how to name the boy born in December. What needs to be considered by choosing a small son name?

Why is it important to choose your child correctly?

The name is not only a set of sound forms destroyed in a harmonious combination. The name accompanies the person all his life: from birth to death. For each of us, our name is expensive, it emphasizes the individuality, makes a person unique, dissimilar to another.

According to the ancient reference, any name carries a secret sign. In other words, each name has its own unique meaning. The blind child in one way or another, parents program him on a certain fate, worldview, the system of views, belief. Therefore, you need to very carefully approach the selection of the name, in order not to bring unnecessary problems to your own child, troubles, fears. If you think about how to call the boy born in December, then our advice will be useful to you.

What are the December children?

Children born in December are distinguished by purposefulness, huge power of will, psychological endurance, durability, vitality. The boys are very temperamental, persistent, since childhood can seek the goal and know what they want from life. They will not be able to deceive - they are very insightful and easily recognize false. The name of the boy born in December must be combined with the qualities of the nature of a strong, self-confident man. As a rule, such boys grow in bold and self-sufficient men. Demanding and striving for victory in their blood. They themselves organize their space in such a way as to feel comfort and content. Be sure your son will achieve high results in the future, and you can rightly be proud of them!

But not so easy to choose the name of the boy. In December, volitional people who have leadership abilities are born. Often they are ambitious and independent, love to be in the spotlight, talk about their person, attract attention to themselves. Of these, talented actors and singers are obtained.

What should pay attention to?

Several important points should be taken into account. First, the name should like you, parents. The opinion of grandparents, girlfriends and friends, of course, can be listened, but the primary should be your own preference. Do not seek to please someone, because your child, and raise, it will be necessary to raise it.

You should not call a child (no matter, boy or a girl) in honor of someone: beloved aunt, grandmother or uncle. In such a case, the child will freely or unwittingly adopt the fate of people close to you, but it is extremely important for him to be able to preserve their individuality. In general, any person needs to live his life, and not someone else's. The name should be harmoniously combined with the patronymic and sound beautiful, for example, Roman Dmitrievich, Peter Kirillovich, Viktor Petrovich, Arkady Petrovich, Pavel Olegovich. Examples of unsuccessful Vladislav Vyacheslavovich, Vyacheslav Stanislavovich, etc.

How to name the boy born in December? For this month, the following names are perfect: Ivan, Pavel, Konstantin, Gennady, Andrei, Boris, Vasily, Daniel, Nikolay, Yuri. If possible, it is better not to call the child Dmitry, Sergey, Denis. These excellent names are much more suitable for other months.

Orthodox male names in December

According to the Orthodox calendar for every day, a week of the month is allocated by special names that can be called a child. For the boy you can choose the following names: Georgii, Guri, Zakhar, Vladimir, Stepan, Seraphim, Anatoly. If the parents decided to accurately follow the church calendar, then he should first study, which means each of the born in December, can be both very simple and unusual, exquisite. The main thing is that it sounds soft and beautiful, suitable child in all respects.

The combination of name and patronymic

The name of the boy born in December should sound in a special way. It may sometimes seem that these children have a somewhat freedom-loving character, the will of another person cannot obey. Sometimes December children look unnecessarily harsh. This is because by nature they are very independent and ambitious. Allows it to be easily and almost free to achieve the desired. At the same time, patronymic plays a far from the last role in the fate of man. It must be remembered that the solid patronymic will only enhance a difficult character, while soft to largely soften the steep temper.

Thus, there are a lot of options for how to call the boy born in December. The main thing in this matter is not to rush and in all trust your own heart. Whatever extended opinions and no matter how much acquaintances, parents, friends, choose your heart. Only it does not deceive, but tells a really right decision.

What is the name to give the girl in December? What are the names of girls on the sacrons in December, suggests Orthodoxy? In the first winter month, children are born with some severeness in character, as they have been prepared for long winter days from the first day. Therefore, the name of the December girls needs to be selected carefully to "soften" their traits of character, and also influence fate.

Options, what the name give a little baby, but, unfortunately, you need to pick up a single name. At the same time, it is not worth a child to give the name of grandmother or close relative, let the child live his own fate, without repeating someone's path. Well, if you think that the child needs to be called in honor of someone, then in this case it is better to contact the sacraticles, and choose a name from the church calendar. In December, for a church calendar names, and they are pretty diverse.

Choosing a name across the sacnesses, parents choose the specific personality of the Holy, which was decided to canonize for certain affairs and feats. In the church calendar there are a lot of different female names. Basically, the names of girls in December of December have Slavic, Hebrew and Greek origin. Among the names of girls in December, the names that the names that are becoming increasingly popular every year are becoming increasingly popular. We can safely say that the December church calendar is an inexhaustible storehouse of beautiful, bright names for girls who carry a large inner energy.

What are the names of girls in December, it is better to choose?

Girls born in December are very quick-tempered and emotional, but at the same time they are persistent and know how to succeed without fear to overcome difficulties. In addition, the advantages of December girls can be called their kindness, responsiveness and unlocking. They are departious and almost never offended. In the soul of the December girls of romance and very faithful. Choosing a name for your daughter remember that a beautiful combination of sounds is not enough, the name must bear some sense, because it affects not only the character of a person, but also on his fate.

Names of girls across the sacrons: December

The fact that his own name causes the most vivid emotions from a person, in what language it does not sound, has already been scientifically proven fact. But what kind of emotions will be, positive or sharply negative, depends entirely on the choice made by the parents. It is from the awareness of the responsibility that you need to take, the process of choosing a name for the future or already born baby turns into a real test for moms, dads, and all relatives who will not miss their capabilities to make their contribution. And in order to dispel the confusion, we will offer you the most suitable names for boys who appeared in December.

Character of December men

It is believed that the nature of man is more dependent on the genes received from parents. However, funny and cheerful mom and dad can be very surprised by the fact that in their family, though a small, but volcano man appeared, which replaces the periods of the clutch and unrestrained activity with enviable regularity. There is nothing strange in this, because it is enough just to watch the nature in December, when cute and sunny days sharply turn into a blizzard and strules. Approximately this is happening for children born in this stern period.

Gives his imprint and zodiac sign, under which kid born. In December, you may appear either a small shooter (until December 21), or Capricorn (from 22, respectively). You can not believe the horoscope or treat him with a share of humor, however, the centuries proven knowledge is still worth taken into account. Boys, and then, the shooters are distinguished by infinite optimism and curiosity. They are incredibly sociable and in every way they seek to acquire all new and new acquaintances. Be prepared for the fact that the first love will occur already in kindergarten, but in most cases the subject of adoration changes quite often.

In addition, Men Sagittarius are incredibly ambitious, and on the way to their goal are ready to dream of literally all obstacles. Names for future men under this sign should be entirely displayed by these qualities and fully comply with them. Choose sonorous, powerful options that emphasize the character. Such may be Alexander, Taras, Andrei, Vladislav, Fedor. Forgotten, but no less sound is Gabriel, Akim, Ostap, Casimir, Spartak. A little to soften the hot-tempered temper, you can call the boy Nikita, Julian or Igor.

It is quite another thing - Capricorn. Being on the nature of positive and optimistic guys, they are able to show these features only in the circle of the closest. With outsiders, they are often closed and uncommunicable. They are hardworking and scrupulous, but unlike Sagittarov, they are gradually and calmly go to their goal. "Go through the corpses" is clearly not for them. As a child, they really need parent support and absolute understanding. Even a casual mistrust uttered or mockery can lead to the fact that your child will be closed and stop you trust. How to name a boy born in December under the sign of Capricorn?

Here you need to give preference to the name, which will add masculinity and strength unnecessarily calm. Such may be Miron or Miroslav, Eduard, or Ilya. Unusually sound the name of Askold, Venedikt, Broneslav or Joseph. Of course, the features described by us do not necessarily be fully implemented, because in the first place it all depends on the environment in which a person is developing from parental education, thanks to which those or other deposits will be cultivated.

Choosing the name of the Schaints

Tradition with thousand-year roots. From the moment of adoption of Christianity, before our ancestors, the question of choosing the name of the infant was not upset, his date was predetermined. On the day of commemoration of which holy it happened, then the name and will wear a baby. It was believed that so a person acquires his guardian angel who will help in all endeavors.

Recently, it became very popular to choose names for the Orthodox calendar, and then choose here exactly there is from what, since December is very rich in the name day. But even if on the day of the appearance of your baby, the suitable name is not found, you can pick up those who will be ahead.

  • 1: Roman, Plato, Nicholas;
  • 2: Dmitry, Philaret, Jacob, Mikhail, Leonid, Alexander, Gennady, Vasily, Adrian, Varlaam, Veniamin, Ignatiy, Illarion;
  • 3: Ivan, Ivani, Alexey, Anatoly, Nikolai, Makariya, Probl, Arseny;
  • 5: Arkhip, Ivan, Yakov, Maxim, Mikhail, Pavel, Fodor;
  • 6: Seraphim, Fedor, Alexander, Boris, Grigory;
  • 7: Semen, Mark, Alexander, Mikhail, Grigory, Evgeny, Prokop, Alexey;
  • 8: Vasily, Victor, Pavel, Kuzma, Ivan, Peter, Semen, Nazar, Nikon, Nikolay;
  • 9: Daniel, Georgy, Egor, Ivan, Vasily, Mikhail, Yakov;
  • 10: Vsevolod, Vladimir, Demyan, Dmitry, Seraphim, Roman, Fedor;
  • 11: Peter, Fedor, Thomas, Andrey, Daniel, Konstantin, Stepan, Sergey, Erofey;
  • 12: Paramon, Denis, Nikolai, Ivan, Valerian;
  • 13: Andrei;
  • 14: Anton, Philaret, Naum;
  • 15: Matvey, Cyril, Dmitry, Pavel, Solomon, Stepan, Fedor, Vladimir, Ivan;
  • 16: George, Gabriel, Egor, Ephraim, Savva, Andrei;
  • 17: Seraphim, Gennady, Dmitry, Vasily, Alexey;
  • 18: Sergey, Zakhar, Ilya, Savva;
  • 19: Nikolai;
  • 20: Anton, Ignat, Lev, Peter, Paul, Gregory;
  • 21: Sergey, Kirill;
  • 22: Stepan, Sofron, Vladimir, Alexander;
  • 23: Gregory, Alexander, Anatoly;
  • 24: Vikenty, Nikon, Emelyan, Ivan, Daniel;
  • 26: Hermann, Eugene, Yakov, Nikolai, Arkady, Arseny;
  • 27: Filimon, Illarion, Nikolay;
  • 29: Makar, Arkady, Semen, Paul, Vladimir;
  • 30: Daniel, Ivan, Nikita, Stepan, Denis, Peter;
  • 31: Mark, Victor, Egor, Ilya, Sevastyan, Fyodor, Mikhail, Modest.

The choice is really huge, and here are found as familiar to us, and for a long time forgotten, which became very exotic.

It is very difficult to choose a name for a boy, so many Christians appeal to the church calendar - the Scholes. Especially since the church calendar offers a wide variety of names for every day. In December, the saints account for a lot of names. Choosing the names of boys across the SCangens of December, you will probably pay attention to unusual, rare and sonorous names in the list. In this case, each name refers to a separate saint. Many mistakenly believe that the names in the sacraticles are the names of the same people, because one name can be repeated more than 20 times a year. But it should be noted that each name has its own canonized holy, which will patronize the child, in case the boy name in his honor.

We all know that the name has a special energy with which we, one way or another, program your child, sending sound signals at the subconscious level. Therefore, the name of the name you need to come with responsibility. By December, the boy can choose such sonic names as Roman, Nikolai, Makar, Gerasim, Alexander, Sergey. These names affect the characteristics of the winter child, strengthening positive qualities.

How to choose the names of boys across the sachets of December?

It is best to cast a child with the name of the saint that they honor the day of his birth. For example, your child was born on December 2. You were truly lucky, because according to the sacnes, the boy born on December 2 can be called the following names: Varlaam, Philaret, Porfiry, Sergey, Mikhail, Alexander, Ivan, Konstantin, Ignat, Semen, Dmitry, Yakov, Veniamin, Grigory, Peter, Gerasim, Valentine, Leonid, Timofey, Adrian, Illprion. If these names are not suitable for you, then you can choose names a few days ahead, the main thing is that the tribute to the honorable saint no longer passed.

Choosing the name across the sacnesses, note that the name and patronymic must be combined, otherwise the boy will always be uncomfortable. Recently, parents began to give children dual names, most often girls give out such names. If you want to follow such a fashionable trend, we advise you to give a child one - the worldly name, and the second is church. By hanging the child with the name of the saint, you can be sure that your baby will guard from heaven. After all, the saint, in honor of which the child was called, will patronize the baby.

The names of boys across the sacrons: December

1. Plato, Roman, Nikolay

2. Varlaam, Philaret, Porfiry, Sergey, Mikhail, Alexander, Ivan, Konstantin, Ignat, Semen, Dmitry, Yakov, Veniamin, Grigory, Peter, Gerasim, Valentin, Leonid, Timofey, Adrian, Illprion

3. Gregory, Proble, Makar, Alexey, Alexander, Vladimir, Ivan, Vasily, Nikolay, Arseny, Anatoly, Illarion, Isaki, Ipathia

5. Filimon, Arkhip, Mikhail, Vladimir, Ivan, Vasily, Pavel, Yakov, Fyodor, Ilya, Alexey, Athanasius, Gerasim, Peter, Valerian, Maxim, Prokofij, Mikhail

6. Grigory, Alexander, Alexey, Mitrofan, Makar, Seraphim, Ivan, Boris

7. Evgraph, Eugene, Mikhail, Porfiry, Semen

8. Clement, Peter, Seraphim, Grigory, Vasily, Ivan, Semen, Illarion, Yaroslav, Alexander, Victor, Andrei, Pavel, Nikolay

9. Georgy, Innokenty, Nikolay, Ivan, Nazarius, Vasily, Ilya, Daniel, Mikhail, Tikhon, Peter

10. Yakov, Vsevolod, Gabriel, Andrei, Nikolai, Vasily, Boris, Fedor, Alexey, Ivan, Sergey, Xenofont, Alexey, Seraphim, Nieon, Roman

11. Stepan, Seraphim, Peter, Alexey, Nikolay, Fyodor, Vasily, Grigory, Ivan

12. Paramon

13. Andrei, Ivan

14. Naum, Philaret, Anyany

15. Ivan, Matvey, Dmitry, Konstantin, Nikolay, Sergey, Vladimir, Fedor, Pavel, Boris, Athanasius, Andrey, Stepan

16. Savva, Andrey, Nikolay, Georgy, Ivan, Fedor

17. Ivan, Alexey, Alexander, Nikolay, Vasily, Dmitry, Gennady

18. Savva, Ilya, Gennady, Sergey, Guri, Zakhar

19. Nicholas

20. Neil, Anton, Sergey, Mikhail, Nikifor, Galaktion, Peter

21. Kirill

22. Vladimir, Vasily, Alexander, Sofron, Stepan

23. Yakov, Alexander, Anatoly, Evgeny, Konstantin, Nikolay, Peter, Mikhail, Lawrence, Grigory, Sergey, Alexey, Ivan, Stepan

24. Daniel, Nikolay, Ivan

25. Spiridon, Alexander

26. Evgeny, Alexander, Ivan, Vladimir, Yakov, Nikolay, Arkady, Arseny, Nicodematic

27. Filimon, Nikolay, Vasian

28. Pavel, Stepan, Illarion, Alexander, Vasily, Trifon

29. Vladimir, Arkady, Ilya, Pavel, Fedos, Alexander, Makar, Peter

30. Daniel, Alexander, Nikolay, Sergey, Peter, Ivan, Stepan

31. Mark, Victor, Faddia, Nikolay, Ilya, Ivan, Vladimir, Sergey, Semen, Mikhail.

The men born in December differ in high emotionality, hot-tempered in trifles and unbalanced, in moments of irritation with difficulty they own. They need a frequent change of surroundings, a circle of communication, they do not endure monotony and monotony. However, the explosive nature does not prevent them from being persistent, they know how to overcome various obstacles and achieve the desired goal. The correct selection of the name will make the boy more retired and decent. Strong, bright, sonorous name will give him dedication and energy.

December men are ambitious and independent. They are straightforward and are not capable of tricks and intrigues. In addition, they are unusually sociable, society is necessary for them as air. Most of all, they appreciate their freedom, striving always and to dominate everything. Avoid any obligations.

Incruitable romance and idealists, they know how to be real friends. The December man will always tell the truth, which bitter it would be. They never hide anything from each other or the second half. Straight and decent, they are waiting for such behavior and others. Always prefer the bitter truth by ignorance, albeit that the imaginary mental balance retaining them.

Men who have emerged in the first month of winter are becoming excellent leaders, if you are not amenable to unjustified risk. The outstanding mind, good memory, courage, determination and originality helps representatives of a strong sex, born in December, easy to take their place in any field of activity.

Family life in December men is difficult. They are impulsive, tend to give in to the gusts, in love and are inconstant, it is very difficult for them to build a stable long-term relationship. It is not easy for them and planning a family budget. They are not afraid and do not know how to spend money.

The main advantage of the men December is a kindness, responsiveness and lack of evil. They are easy to remove them, but they quickly depart and rarely offended seriously.

The most suitable names

For a boy who has emerged in December, well-fit names: Mikhail, Maxim, Alexander Alexey, Valery, Makar, Fedor, Peter, Christopher, Yakov, Roman, Platon, Grigory, Ivan, Mitrofan, Clement, Vsevolod, Paramon, Arkady, Arseny, Orest, Mark, Adrian, Georgy, Egor, Yuri, Innokenty, Vsevolod, Lev, Pavel, Kirill, Thomas, Daniel, Arkhip, Gabriel, Vasily, Stepan, Andrei, Naum, Guri, Modest, Sophon, Nikon, Spiridon, Athanasius, Savva, Gennady, Zakhar, Anton, Valerian, Prokokii, Yaroslav, Philaret, Trifon, Sevastyan, Semen.

Bringing happiness born in the first winter month such names like Roman, Alexey, Grigory, Andrei, Mikhail, Artem, Stepan, Kirill, Maxim, Alexander, Paul.

It is not advisable to call the December boys by names: Anatoly, Nikolai, Dmitry, Sergey, Stanislav.