As the "outer-one" returned to us with old friends. How Surrected Peter Kushing for "From-One

As the
As the "outer-one" returned to us with old friends. How Surrected Peter Kushing for "From-One

The emergence of the late Peter Kushing in the movie "Ex-One" has become a popular topic. How did it happen, what will turn out and would you like the actor yourself?

As soon as the conversations came about the fact that the Governor Tarkin will appear in the movie "ONE", the Internet has been indignant: they are unsusited by Peter Kushing? The actor who is no longer with us is 22 years old received a digital copy, which is better to judge the audience about the quality.

All this was already

Hollywood is not the first time rising actors. During the removal of the Drama, Ridley Scott "Gladiator", in May 1999, went from the life of Oliver Reed, who played one of important role In the picture. The director decided to finish the scenes with the participation of proximo, the hero of the Reda, resorting to the help of the twin and computer graphics.

The man who was not

Of course, this resurrection relies on the need to get the approval of the descendants of the actors. And in the case of Kushing, who died in 1994 (the actor's wife died in 1971) and did not leave the descendants, the studio received good from the former secretary of the actor Joyce Broton. She is responsible for Peter Peter Cushing and after watching the film was extremely touched by seeing the actor on the big screen.

Supervisor visual effects John Nolle, who owns the idea of \u200b\u200b"izgoy-one", offered the director Gareth Edwards not to take similar actor On the role of Governor Tarkina, and make a digital dubler. Edwards admits that many were nervous, learning about a similar decision.

As you know, Kushing was filmed in the "New Hope" solely on the belt. The actor found boots incredibly uncomfortable and replaced them with soft slippers. But now Tarkina was able to show in full height. In many ways, thanks to the British actor, Gay Henry. In his homeland, he knows well on the TV series "Holby City".

Rumors about Henry's participation in the "expense-one" have been wandering over the network. It was assumed that he would play young Tarkina, but no one guessed that the similarity of Henry and Kushing would become the basis for the computer model of the late artist. Edwards is extremely grateful to the actor who went to this step, knowing that his work would be completely erased from the screen.

"Ideally, for such things you need to work with the actors who played in the original, the director believes. - But, given how many years after the release of the first film of the original trilogy, it is impossible. People have become very much, and even with the capture of movement, nothing will happen: with the age of all we have changed body language. "

Technology of all countries, develop

Former Vice-Chairman of the Community Community Effects Richard Taylor (not to be confused with Richard Taylor, who worked on the "Lord of the Rings") says: "We have been making photorealistic people for five for a long time. And now questions are starting: "Can they start agents?" "Taylor worked on the concept of the original" throne ", but long before that he was created by the creation of the first computer man For the Short Film Adam Powers, The Juggler.

Taylor with great enthusiasm discusses the work on "Furious 7", but not very pleased with the rejuvenated version of the hero Jeff Bridges for the film "Throne: Heritage". However, according to a specialist, technology in this area is developing at the speed of light. Reality has almost approached the story shown in the film "Congress", where Robin Wright is digitized to save it a copy for filming in other films.

The current project of Taylor - new technology virtual reality Eymerce - will allow the audience to interact with photorealistic people in real time. Among the partners of Taylor - the show "Concerts Legends" from Las Vegas, where the twins of celebrities are. Thanks to new technologies, this phenomenon can be displayed on new levelWhereas the actor who studied the body of the star is able to give computer simulation accuracy with the help of traffic capture technique.

Death is not the end

If the celebrity has already left our world, then its resurrection becomes the subject of a conversation for lawyers. Using the image of the late star should be necessarily coordinated with her descendants.

According to Richard Taylor, now many celebrities are passing the scanning procedure to subsequently provide their families by moving in the movies even after death. "It is useful even in the event of insurance: if someone got injured on the set, you can not stop the process, but use the digital twin," says Taylor.

Hollywood begins to gradually wonder questions related to digital copies. Suppose the actor refused to be filmed in the sequel of some movie. Is it legal to use his digital copy? And if according to the contract, the actress does not want to remove nude, is it correct to use the virtual dubler of her body?

In California, there is a law adopted in 1984. It is designed to protect the rights to use the actor's image after death. According to this decree, the right to public use can be obtained only 50 years after the death of the artist. This law was born after judicial trial With the descendants of Bella Lugoshi, who could not be prevented by the commercialization of the image of Dracula in the execution of Lugoshi. Over time, the actors guild extended the ban on the use of the image of the late actors up to 70 years.

What would Kushing say?

Oddly enough, Peter Kushing, most likely, would approve the solution of cinematographers to resurrect his character. The actor was very different philosophical attitude to death. In many ways, it originates as an actor's childhood: the mother punished the little Peter, pretending to be dead.

When his beloved wife died in 1971, Helen, Peter Kushing could not come to himself for a long time and even thought to commit life. But then he decided to plunge into work with his head, taking any suggestions, just to fill the emptiness that appeared after the death of his wife. And "Star Wars" became one of these works.

Working on the scenario, George Lucas introduced the Governor of Tarkina for the sake of human presence in the empire, because the main villain, Darth Vader, wore a mask. Hammer Studio Star, Kushing I am used to playing sinister characters, but, according to him, Lucas first offered him to play Obi-Van and only after a personal meeting he decided that the actor would be better than Tarkina's role. Kushing himself admitted that Kenobi would have played, but did not succeed due to lack of time.

Peter Kushing and his compatriot Alec Guinness at the time of filming were the most famous actors. Kushing perfectly revealed with the entire film crew, despite the fact that he was at the site very long. In addition, Darth Vader played Kushing Colleague on the films of the studio Hammer David Praus. The first replica of a beginner actress Carrie Fisher in the "New Nadezhda" was pronounced in Cushing Company (Princess Leia looks at the destruction of her native planet). Later actress confessed: to play hatred for the hero Cushing turned out to be difficult. The actor was a pleasant and cute gentleman, and besides him, it smelled very tasty "linen and lavender". Mark Hamill was not shot with Kushing, but was a big fan of the actor and came to the playground on his shift to ask the autograph.

It is known that "New Nadezhda" Piter Cushush really liked. He was even slightly upset that Tarkin died in the final and could not participate in the sequelch. So, most likely, he would now be glad that his character again came to life on the big screen.

The plot of the film "Route-1" simply could not do without ominous Grand Moff Tarkina - the Imperial Governor, who gave an order to destroy the Alderaan planet in the very first episode of "Star Wars".

Grand Muffa Wilhaff Tarkin in the film "Star Wars. Episode IV: New Nadezhda "was fulfilled by the elderly Peter Kushing. At the time of the premiere of "Zagoya-1" by the Eminent British actor would be 103 years old! Unfortunately, Peter died back in 1994 from cancer, and finding a replacement classic image was not easy due to an outstanding appearance of the actor. As it is easy to guess, the image of Tarkina in the "oto-1" was recreated using computer graphics, but the extraordinary similarity was achieved thanks to 3D technologies.

The twin of Peter in the new film spoke British actor Guy Henry, just distantly similar to Cushing. The face of the new actor had to "redo" under the more colorful appearance of the predecessor. Industrial Light & Magic Special Effects Studio Specialists are incredibly lucky to find the castle of the face of Cushing, made for the film "Top Secret" of 1984.

A miracle of the preserved mask was digitized using a laser 3D-scanner NexTengine, and the obtained meshes were used to recreate the appearance of Tarkin in its entirety of its original glory due to computer graphics.

Despite the excellent results there were critics that indicated the moral side of the venture. Have cinematographers have the right to "reanimate" the dead actor long ago? "I don't think we did something that would cause complaints from Peter Kushing. The work was done with large love and throughout the effort. We know that Peter was very proud of his participation in the "Star Wars", which he himself repeatedly spoke and even regretted that he could not be held in other episodes of saga, since George Lucas "killed" his hero, "explains John Nolle, Head of the Special Effects Department for the film "Exposure-1".

By the way, the image of the young princess lei organs was recreated in the same way, but the role of the role, Carrie Fisher, who died after filming the film, supported the idea of \u200b\u200btwo hands. But to generate a digital twin Carri for the seventh and eighth episodes of the saga creators are not going to.

Darth Vader will forever remain in the memory of mankind as an embodiment Dark side. Even despite the teenage cry "noooette!" At the end of the third episode. But the real fans of "Star Wars" will never forget the Grand Moff Tarkina. The head of Vader, the amoline embodiment of the military power of the Empire, the British actor embodied on the screen Peter Kushing.

Before sowing fear in the eyes of Princess Lei without any of there, Kushing played a lot of iconic Studio roles Hammer. In 1977, he starred in "Star Wars" to at the end to die along with the star of death. Kushing himself died in 1994 from prostate cancer. And now there have been news that Cushusgu has to return for new "Star Wars" to respond to Tarkina again.

According to the source from Dailymail, the revival of Tarkina may be required for the movie "Exchange". The action of Spin-Off takes place between the third and fourth episodes and tells the history of the abduction of the most plans of the star of death. It is due to the courage of a small squad that still only emerging rebels, the hatch managed to become a hero of resistance.

Because of the time actions, there was a need to revive an 81-year-old actor. This will require great amount Efforts and complex work of experts on CGI. " This is the most difficult and expensive CGI revival. Kushing is an important part of the plot, since it was he who created Darth Vader, and there is a whole prehistory, which will come out"," Writes DM.

There should be no special problems. Only this year we saw on the big screen, which threw off a few decades, and fastening tumaled buttocks. Before that, Oliver Reed, who died during the filming of the "gladiator", revived on the computer, and the head of Lawrence Olivier flashed in the Heavenly Captain and World of the Future. With such technology it will be easy to rejuvenate Kerry Fisher, for the likely appearance of the princess lei.

Difficulties may appear when recreating the legs.

For the digital revival of the wizard on special effects, thousands of photos scan and move. All in order to accurately repeat everything using computer graphics. When Lucas removed the fourth episode, money for normal costumes and equipment was not enough. Even the helmets of the attack aircraft were painted from the hands of badly cheap paint. Imperial officers got an uncomfortable form and poorly fitted boots. On the filming, Kushing constantly complained about uncomfortable shoes and, in the end, Lucas surrendered and allowed him to be filmed in slippers. That is why the operator removed him from the knee and above, and in general plans he always stood at the dashboard.

« They crossed the kilometers of the old horror films to correctly recreate the movement of the legs and feet, - Source says. - Crazy to see when dead man Roars on the screen».

On the this moment The creators and actors of the new "Star Wars" are trying to distance themselves through computer graphics. The first three episodes were very bad, and Abrams tries in every way to show that this time everything would be according to the rules as the ancestors. This is peculiar new wave in modern cinemaWhen CGI again moves to the background and is used only in case of extreme need.

Before that, the cinematographers have already taken an attempt to return Tarkina on the big screen. Thus, in the third episode, the Grand Muffe seemed in the final frames on the screen to watch the construction of a new star of death. He looked good, although he left a strange impression. Despite the love of Lucas to the chart, then he was played by actor Wayne Pigram in makeup to recreate the famous sharp scams of Cushing.

Ultimately, the main thing is that the director Gareth Edwards does not decide to make Tarkin too important figure in spin-off. As we remember, for a five-minute scene with a young Schwarzenegger in the "Terminator: Genesis" specialists had to sweat for almost a year. But even with the condition that they will do everything qualitatively and quickly - the digital version can only be imitate. She will not be able to like a British actor to transfer all shades and subtleties of the game. So it remains only to wait to see everything with your own eyes.

On December 15, new "Star Wars" are published on Russian film screens - not another film in the next trilogy, but a separate story.

Long ago, in far galaxy... We will not wait for the usual traveling tits. "Izgoy-one" is not a film from the trilogy (any trilogy), it is a separate story - the first, perhaps from the collection of stories telling about individual episodes, is hardly mentioned in the trilogy.

"New Nadezhda" begins with the fact that Darth Vader pursues the princess leu, who had the plans of the Star of Death, the new Supervision of the Empire, the killer of the planets. But how did these plans be at Lei? It is about this that "Knife-one" will tell.

The new set of heroes - although we will see several old acquaintances; new approach to old plots; Well, of course, a new hope.

Gareth Edwards, before the Monsters who shot the Monsters and High-budget "Godzilla", moves in the same Fervater of films about the war: these are different aspects, but still - the war. For the entire franchise "Star Wars" of his "Knip-one" became the first film, concentrated in the war as such: on hostilities, intelligence, losses, price human life and the price of the idea leading people into battle. Yes, there was a place and strength, but not she's here - the main driving force (sorry for tautology); main force - It is hope.

Didnaging whether to refer to the films of the Second World War (right up to the speech of Churchill " We will fight them on the beaches" in her visual form - The truth is also fighting on the beaches!) Or inadequate - but this is the first film franchise, in which the focus is made on the "wars", and not on the "star".

We just need one victory, one at all, we will not stand at the price.

Excellent film, look - you will not regret.

We will tell about 11 heroes of the film (although in fact, as in every military film, the heroes there are much more) - and how there was a preparation over images.

Jean Erso.

Jin is not some kind of girl in trouble; Gin independent, smart, tough and confident. Jean has grown in harsh conditions, and since childhood knew what suffering and constant struggle.

The daughter of Galen Erso, an imperial developer of weapons, it turns out to be equally needed and the empire, and the alliance - and will be equally hiding from those from others until circumstances will make it make a choice.

When it became known that Jin would be the main character of the new film, as theories of the cornquality fell out of the horns, who can be. Mother of someone from the heroes of the VII episode - let's say, Rei? Someone who we know under a different name: Perhaps Jin is a pseudonym?

Not that theories did not have the right to exist - but Gin is interesting and in itself, and not only as a link with the main characters of other films. Gin is a bold, desperate, harsh, and at the same time very wounded, - deserves to be interested in both her personality.

Many actresses were in the list of contenders on main role. At some point, it seemed, it was enough to be an actress over 15 and younger than 60 to please in the prescribed list of contenders for the role. More often than others were mentioned by the names of Tatiana Maslany ("Dark Child"), Olivia Cook ("I, Earl and a dying girl", "Oyji: The Devil Board") and Gina Rodriguez ("Virgin"). But the role was received by a miniature British Feliciti Jones, a nominee for Oscar ("Universe Stephen Hawking").

After the appearance of the first trailer, many saw the similarity of Jean with China Everdin (harsh, dark-haired main characterwhich rebels against the tyrannical regime), however, believe me, in fact, the similarity is completely superficial. But yes, girls and there, and there was not easy - Feliciti, remembering shooting, says that as if " seven months spent in the army».

Captain Cassian Andor

An exploration officer Andor only appears on the screen - and immediately it becomes clear that a person has a goal in life, and this goal is by no means in the salvation of each individual human life. He is ready to follow the victims, including the human, for the victory of the Alliance. However, he is ready to sacrifice not only by others - such a job! - But with me, and everything is in the name of the future.

When the creators stated that the Mexican actor of the Moon will play one of the main roles in the film, began to guess who he could play - especially since it was already known that Felici Jones got the main role. The Internet was descended in the fact that there is a jin - a thief and a criminal, then Cassian can get a job to attract it to the tasks of the alliance. Watch the movie - and learn whether the theory was right.

Diego says that main trait, which attracted him to Cassian - his dedication to the ideas and the absence of fear blurred hands. " Cassian is exactly the hero that we all would like to be", Add an actor.

Diego Moon says that during filming every month I watched the "Apocalypse of our Days" to tune in to the desired way and maintain this mood. The gloomy mood, I must say.


If Cassian is gloomy the main character, then a reprogrammed imperial droid K-2SO has often appeared with him in the frame endowed with a sense of humor. Yes, a sense of humor of the Hangman - but still; Should someone joke even in the most murderous situations, since this film did not get heroes-optimists like Khan Solo or Dameron?

Alan Tyudik plays a two-meter droid - he was not used to, in the "I, Robot" he was already playing Sonny, a robot with a very feeling of humor. And the spacecraft of Tyudik has already managed already - in the series "Firefly" he played Usha, the pilot "Serenti".

Her Hero Tyudik in one of the interviews compared with the old man - it seems like the behavior of a droid, resulting in reprogramming, similar to the behavior of an elderly person among young people. We are then urgently coming to another robot hero, with whom I want to compare the new droid: this is, of course, Melancholic Marvin from the "Highway in the Galaxy". On the background of Marvin, however, K-2SO is an optimist optimist!

Edwards says " K-2SO - it's as if you took the Chubakka and S-3Po yes, they united them in one hero».

Chirrut Bez

Blind Chirrut is as if the return to the origins. Since "New Nadezhda" was a paraprase of the film Akira Kurosava, it is not surprising that her straight prequel also draws inspiration in East Cinema. Let's say, the magazine Empire calls Chirrut "Space Sodach", and its battle style is "Strength-Fu" (by analogy with kun-fu); I would like to still look at this in the Universe of Star Wars.

Yes, yes, here he is a carrier of force, but at the same time - not a Jedi; The force was found in the realistic world of the total war, but it is only a certain element that gives the hope of heroes, and not the main thing in the Galaxy.

Chinese actor Donnie Jen, who acting the role of Chirrut, endowed his hero not only desperately a charming smile, but also the brightest, it seems, a sense of humor in the film.

Base Malbuse

Thanks to Chirrut and the beebee, "one" received a pair of rebuing heroes, it seems to be quite inspired by the characters of the "hidden fortress" Akira Kurosava: we, of course, we mean the peasants of Tahoe and Matasiti.

Chirrut's childhood friend is not by force, but quite ordinary weapons, and assures that this is due to his help blind monk still not fell in some battle.

Baiza plays Chinese actor Jiang Wen. Directed by Gareth Edward said that Jiang Wen saw a single film from the entire franchise - not only until the casting, but still, because Edwards begged the actor to the premiere of the films not to watch.

Bodhi hands

The imperial pilot of the cargo ship, which (pilot, not ship!) Leaves the service and is supplied to the rebels - more precisely, to with Germero. How immediately the paranoic CO and his environment begins to think - this is all the cunning plan of the empire for the introduction of the rebels; You yourself will see, so it is or not really.

The simulated image of the pilot Reese Ahmed this year has already declared himself very loudly, playing the main role in popular TV series "Once at night"; "Izgoy-one", we hope, will allow him to consolidate his reputation of an excellent actor. Previously, you could see it in the film "Stringer", where he played with Jake Gillenholl.

Unlike the previous hero, Riz Ahmed on the "Star Wars" rose, and, according to him, " would be happy to eat tea on the set", Just to be part of the work on the film.

Gareth Edwards says that the character closest to him is just bodhi, because he in the film that says all the time " what madness, how did I get here?».

Director Orson Krennik

Responsible for the creation of a star of death, imperial long-term, which clearly did not turn taxes from one planet, is forced not only to return a runaway engineer (this scene was shown even in one of the televisers), but also to manage construction, and somehow try to make sure that Larger bumps did not assign their laurels. In the end, when the star of death earns (spoiler? No, already for 39 years not a spoiler), she has to destroy the planet, it is expensive.

There were already villains with light swords and simply owning force, and here - a bureaucrat, albeit with unlimited practically (in comparison with the rebel!) Opportunities.

The role of Australian Ben Messelson. You could see it in the roles of the second plan in a lot of not the most high-profile (but excellent) projects: from "Casino Robbery" before "Strictly to the West"; In his asset and small roles in large paintings - including in films " The Dark Knight: Revival of legends "and" Australia ". This is the most person which you exactly somewhere sawAnd now, I would like to believe, it will be possible to see it more often and more.

Edwards tells that while " The empire was kind of like Bibisi, sort of like Oxbridge, right? And I wanted to show that the Krennik was not like a career was clearly from the lowest, but the fact that he does is extremely effective. "

Ben Messelson speaks about the same. "Krennik is not from imperial aristocrats, he is a person who has reached his position due to his skills. His weapon is the old blaster, because he is just an old warrior, which was set to ensure that everything was done as it should. And everything will be done. He is not Darth Vader, he does not use strength; He uses just force. "

Galen Erso

In just two months, we saw on the screens of Mads Mikkelsen in the two biggest Disney franchises - first in the world of Marvel (in the film "Dr. Strandzh"), and now in the "Star Wars". " In one frame with Darth Vader - it is a neurotic something, as with James Bond ", "Says Mikkelsen (yes, with James Bond in the frame, he was also, we remember!).

Galen Erso - Gin's father, the very scientist who director Krennik really wants to return to work on a star of death.

Mads Mikkelsen tells that " in some places it seemed that we would shoot a small film, very realistic, like those in which I am filming in Denmark. Garet is such a guy, he needs realism».

From Gerrera

The blast man, who even members of the Alliance consider a terrorist; The man who decided to resist the empire only and exclusively violence and not abundant extreme measures. From Gerrera - the personality in the alliance is legendary, and it is he who is the thread that will lead Jean Erso to the rebels.

From Germero - the character we have already seen in the world of "star wars", namely, in the series "Wars of Clone". He was familiar and Anakin Skywalker, and Obi-Van Kenobi; He is a bridge between the featuring trilogy and a new film.

Waureate "Oscar" Forest Whitaker was the first choice of Gareth Edwards for the role - and Whitaker agreed.

Katlin Kennedy, the producer of the film, regret notes that " failed to use so much how we would like" However, even in those few scenes, where CO is, he will impress you - and will remember for a long time.

Governor Tarkin

If from Herrera was a link between the trilogy of the prequel and a new film, then the governor Tarkin is a bridge between the new film and "new hope." Along with another large person In the Empire - namely Darth Vader, who, of course, will also appear, albeit not for long, - he will try to suppress the aggression of the Alliance.

In the original trilogy of Tarkina, Peter Kushing played, the legend of British horror films; Unfortunately, the actor died in 1994.

We will not show Tarkina in a new film. Let's just say - you are sure to be surprised.


Create new film "Star Wars" is like to get to the collection of toys collected in four decades. For the creators of the "Rogue One" ("Rogue One") - a film conceived as an introduction to classic "star wars" - this means a chance to touch iconic characters, locations I. vehicles.

However, subjected to revision of the 1977 film from George Lucas, who placed the beginning of the "Star Wars" franchise, and providing on-screen time not so famous heroes And villains, employees Lucasfilm and Industrial Light & Magic faced some artistic and technical problems. The question arose in front of them: how, combining computer effects and real actors, to recreate the image of Grand Moff Tarkina on the screen. The commander of the death star of the death and ally of Darth Vader in Episode IV "Star Wars" played Peter Kushing, the actor of horror films, which died in 1994.

When they took up this problem, they also had to solve the issues of ethical properties: is it appropriate to extend the life of a character in the event of the death of the actor, is it appropriate to achieve one hundred percent similarity?

Experts on the creation of special effects who worked on the "outcast-alone" say that they carefully weighed everything and oppose and tried to treat an interstellar epopea with maximum reverence.

"Many of us found themselves in this industry thanks to" Star Wars", And we are all experiencing large love to the materials of the original source, "said John Nolle, artistic director ILM and a leading specialist in special effects in the movie "Izgoy-One". In the "expense-one" he is the author of the scenario on a par with Gary Whitta. According to Nolla, special effects when creating characters were "in the spirit of what the Star Wars" were famous in past times. "

To revive some characters from the distant past, it was easier than others. In the role of General Dodonna, an officer of the rebels from the classic "star wars", simply removed another actor. He initially played Alex McCrindl, and Ian McAllehinnie played in the new film.

Jimmy Smith, who played the Senator Baila to the body in the featuring trilogy "Star Wars", returned to his role. Geneviev O "Raili starred in Episode III -" Revenge of Sith "- as a leader of the rebel movement of Mont Motma, however, from the final version of the film, this episode was carved. In the" expen-one ", she finally got the opportunity to present his heroine on the screen. This role in the "return Jedi" played Caroline Blackiston.

Tarkin represented much more difficulties, but the creators of the film said that exclude it from the narration, where the star of death is shown, will be as difficult. The star of death was his brainchild, and he even refused to evacuate from her at the time of the attack of the rebels in classic "star wars".

"If it is not in this film, we will have to explain why it is not there," said Kiri Hart, head of the story group Lucasfilm and the sophisticator "Zonga-One". "This is his creation."

For the main process of shooting, the creators of the film used the English Actor Guy Henry ("Harry Potter and Deathly Hallows"), which the physique and posture resembled Cushing and could speak in its characteristic manner. During the shooting, Guy Henry wore a device on the head for Motion Capture so that his face could be subsequently replaced by an unforgettable face of Cushing, recreated with digital technologies.

John Nolle described this process as a "ultra-high-tech and labor-intensive version of the grima".

"We also change the appearance of the actor so that it becomes like another character - just use digital technology for this," he said.

In an attempt to keep the balance between the figure created on the computer, which looks like a real, and the actor, externally strongly resembling Cushing, even small-wing touches could have essential importance - and these parts were subjected to constant rework.

For example, the lighting in the classic film "Star Wars" (which later received the name "New Nadezhda"), was different from what was in the "expense-one", and questions arose about how to impose light on the character.

Hal Hikel, Head of the Animation Department in ILM, said that "an attempt to highlight Tarkina as it was in the" New Hope ", improved the degree of similarity, but at the same time he began to look alien, because he did not like the other actors in the frame."

A frame comparison of scenes with Peter Cushing and scenes taken from Ham Henry with Mo-Cap, made it possible to see the subtle nuances in the game of the original actor.

As John Nolle explained, "When Peter Kushing pronounces the sound" AAH ", he does not move the upper lip. He only slightly lowers the lower jaw, and his lips form a rectangular figure, exposing the lower teeth. "

Before all the nuances seemed to be taken into account, the creation of special effects specialists, according to Nolla, "was like more on the relative of Peter Kushing, than on him himself."

Animators followed the Golden Rule: "Realism is more important than similarities."

If the result of their efforts did not satisfy them, then in the reserve there was an alternative version of the plot, which allowed to minimize the presence of Tarkin on the screen. "We discussed options with Tarkin, participating in a conversation through a hologram, or in order to give his replica to other characters," said John Nolle.

As Lucasfilm and ILM reported, the recreation of the image of Cushing on the screen was made with the consent of the members of the actor's family. However, the used technologies have become the object of criticism from the audience and journalists. "Huffington Post" called it "screaking disrespect for the late", and "The Guardian" said that it looked "just amazing" - but, nevertheless, called him a "high-tech insult."

According to John Nolla, he and his colleagues knew that "get up on a slippery way", and that recreated by them Kushing opens the doors for large number Films where the deceased actors reproduced in the figure will be used. However, Noll does not think that it will ever happen.

"I can not imagine that this happened," he said. "What we did was done by quite significant and explained from the point of view of the plot to reasons. It is a character that was extremely important for our history. "

"This is an extremely time-consuming technology, expensive to use," he added. "I don't think that it can easily take adhering to anyone anyone."

If the "Star Wars" films will continue to shoot another 50 or 100 years, said Nolle, then the audience may not be distinguished by the Hamilla brand playing Luke Skywalker, or Harrison Ford, playing Khan Solo, from the real. He also noted that the actor of Olden Airereyk was taken to the role of a young Khan Solo in the upcoming Spin-Off.

"We do not plan to put digital reproduction on the flow," said Noll. "It made sense only for a completely definite film."

The filmmakers also mentioned the scene at the end of "iz-one", when the intercepted drawings of the star of death were delivered to the Princess Leie - which was recreated with the help of computer technologies to resemble Kerry Fisher from " New Hope" Recall that Kerry Fisher died on Tuesday, December 27, 2016.

In the first scene, when Leia is behind us with your back (with your famous hairstyle), it plays an actress of flesh and blood, Ingvilda Dale. Then the camera turns, and when we see the face of Leia, then all this is a face, hair and dress - is a digital recreating the image of Kerry Fisher, based on the materials of the "New Hope" (extended hand belongs to Ingvilda Dale).

"To convey this moment to gain hope, it was absolutely necessary to show the viewer her face," Kiri Hart said, special effects were useful here the best way: They increase the significance of the scene, its emotional saturation. "

The creators of "izgoy-one" analyzed the video of the "New Hope" and were able to insert several easter eggs. In particular, they took no previously used frames with the pilots of the "crushers", known as the Red Leader (Drew Hanley) and the Golden Leader (Angus Makinnes), who help lead the attack on the Star Death.

According to Nolla, some of these materials was removed with insufficient exposure, and they needed to be diagnosed with digital processing. The actors were cut out of the original environment and placed in the cockpit fighters created on the computer.

John Nolle said that he did not find any "golden veins" among unused Lucas video footage. "Removing your films, George acted very economically," he said. "When he was pleased with his execution, he simply said:" Excellent, removed. ""

Nolle penetrated the "Star Wars" even greater respect when I saw short scenes Or scraps of dialogs left on the floor of the mounting room. One of these carved moments was a scene with Peter Kushing and Kerry Fisher - after the princess of Leia Tarkin and his team used a star of death to destroy Alderaan, native planet Leia. Leia in this scene exclaims with bitterness: "And you call yourself a man!".

"From the point of view of the fan to see this - just great," said Noll. "But this replica is absolutely unnatural, and I understand why they cut it out."