Which group of tools includes a boil. Scottish Musical Instruments: What we know except bagps

Which group of tools includes a boil. Scottish Musical Instruments: What we know except bagps
Which group of tools includes a boil. Scottish Musical Instruments: What we know except bagps

What does your imagination draw you when you hear the sounds of the bagpipes? Most often, this tool is associated with us with large man In Kilt, a big lover of Scotch, with an incomprehensible headdress. In general, with a classic scotch. Perhaps for someone is awesome the fact that the lady is not a Scottish tool at all! Actually exists a large number of The varieties of this tool, although, undoubtedly, the most popular today is the Scottish cheese called Great Highland Bagpipe.

It is believed that the story of the boil takes its origin in the east. Obviously, the prototype of this tool performed the brass - predecessors of the gobouse or horns. Many musicians in their works combine violence sounds with these tools. The first mentions of Volynka are dating back 400 a year BC In the written works of Aristofan. However, there is no data on who exactly decided to add fur to the wind instruments. The bagpipe significantly diversified the sound of melodies, because unlike ordinary such tools, it is characterized by a bardon multipath.

Breaks are made from a whistling, calf or goat skins. It is completely removed from the animal, stitching in the form of a Burdyuk, to which the tube is fixed to fill the fur with air. At the bottom, another or more tubes are attached, which create a kind of sound.

There is still no unequivocal opinion about when it is and how the lady appeared in England. Some believe that it was delivered by Romans. Scottish cheese is significantly different from English or Irish. It is equipped with an additional furnace tube with eight gaming holes, as well as a tube through which air is blown. The musician, playing on the Scottish Cheat, blows into one tube, after which it presses the elbow to move the air to another, eating sounds. Interestingly, the bagpike was so loved by the Scots, which became a family instrument, and each family performed her unique melodies and on a kind of manner. In the colors of the fabric, which she was finished, one could determine its belonging to one or another owners.

In the XII-XIII centuries, in the midst of cross hikes, the bagpberry became more and more famous in european countries. In general, the geography of the distribution of this tool is quite extensive. The lady was a street instrument, and only from the 17th century her sound could be heard in the room.

But in Russia, the bagpipe did not take root, nor as a popular instrument, nor among the highest sections of society. Her sound was considered boring and inexpressive, with which, in fact, it is difficult to disagree. In the XIX century, more than the change of Volyn complex tools - Harmony and Bayan, who are in our days are loved by the Russian people.

Almost every country has its own variation of the bool. Different peoples We modified the tool to your own way, adding those or other elements or manufacturing it from other materials. His version of the bagpipes are in Italy, France, Belarus, Spain, Armenia, Ukraine, Mordovia and Chuvashia. In the latter, for example, a bubble of a cow or bull used for the manufacture, and the tubes were made of bones or metal.

But, probably, neither in one other country the bagpipe did not have such weighty historical and cultural meaningAs in Scotland, where she became a symbol of unity and power. During the fighting, the sounds of the instrument raised the morale of the Scottish, which, by the way, later served the reason for her ban in the British kingdom, however, for a while.

Historically, the bagpipe has become an exceptionally male tool, because to play on it, you need to have very strong and developed lungs. In Scotland, cheese enjoyed great respect because they are the National Spirit. Even today, no holiday in Scotland does not do without a doom.

Pushka ... The sounds of this unique tool invariably cause images of green slopes of Scotland, checkered skirts and fabulous locks. Most suggests that this multi-eyed tool has original Scottish roots. However, historians lead a dispute about where this unique tool originated.

Where does the sound come from?

It is difficult to determine the time and place of the emergence of the musical instrument - the progenitor of modern violence. Historians talk about China, Ancient Greece and Rome. Mention of the instrument can be found on stone plates in a few centuries before the Christmas of Jesus Christ. Magnia is a mysterious tool that can be found in the history of Europe and Asia. No one can definitely determine when the tool has become traditional for Scotland.

Presumably, the Volyn was brought with them the Romans, whose troops were doomed. According to the available historical data, she loved the sounds of the bagpipes and knew how to play the instrument. But even before the emperor Nero, the lady was mentioned in verses of Vergil. Currently, it is impossible to determine reliably, it was brought or the Romans took advantage of the tool in the country. Magnia is a musical instrument with multinational roots, each of which put a fingerprint on her sound. Whatever way she fell into Scotland, there she was somewhat modified and became the tool as we used to see it.

Making tools

Traditionally, the bagpipes are handmade tools. The use of traditional materials is still very common, the modernization of the production of boils led only to the improvement of the method of manufacturing a tool, and not to deterioration or loss of any important quality.

Scottish boil from the first days has been made of marsh oak, but then began to use wood hardwood from exotic countries. The sound tonality of the boil depends on the quality and type of wood used. Interestingly, different parts of the boil can be made from different types of wood. In the manufacture of the tool, the humidity of the climate of the country is also taken into account, where it will be used.

For example, bourons can be made of ebony black wood, which is very suitable for wet and not suitable for dry regions of the United States. Therefore, in most cases, plastics for pipe production is used to avoid climate influence.

Bag of boil - the most important part of the tool, which is traditionally manufactured from sheepskin, but in different countries World Material varies. In the United States Elk, and in Australia - Kangaroo.

A good hacker always has not only parts that are responsible for sound, but also decorations. In the former time, the Scottish boil was decorated with elements from ivory or bevel of walrus. But to preserve these species of animals, decorations are made of horns or artificial materials.

Pushka is a tool consisting of several parts, so it will never be the subject of mass production. Traditional methods Production will always prevail.

Music boils

Pushka is historically very important tool For the UK. In the sounds of the bagpipes, all events occurring in the clans of Scotland were reflected. Chelyzers composed music about joys and sorrows, battles and victories.

Creating a boil, as well as a game on it, for a long time was considered the prerogative of men, since some models have a lot of weight. Dooms can be small and big sizeBut any has a fur bag and five tubes of various purposes. There is a boiler through which the air is in the bag. Three more tubes called Burdoni create a unique sound. The musician can move them, change the height. All this allows you to enjoy different tones and overflows. The ringtone is created by the Tube Chanter. It is on it that there are holes, clamping who get the motif of music.

The sound of the bool loud, sonorous. Its in the Middle Ages was used as signals between clans. And at present, its sound is well combined with electronic and rock music. Volyanka is national instrument, harmonious sounding in the modern world.

Vintage sounds in modern processing

In the UK there are many orchestras with boils, such as a British military orchestra. And even the queen herself listens every morning the delightful, unforgettable sounds.

A variety of sounds that are able to publish a floly, musicians are used in modern music. One of the best combinations is a drum and a play on a voyage. Speeches in such a combination are pierced to tremors. Concerts of Chotesta Consumer Orchestras, who come around the world, conquer the hearts with their musical masterpieces.

We use the demand of cheraners at wedding celebrations, banquets and dinner dinner.

Once he heard, do not forget the music of the lady. She can like or not, but indifferent will not leave anyone.

Bagpipe, Arm. Պարկապզուկ, Bret. Binioù, Belor. Duda, Gelsk. PìOB, Polish. Dudy, Irl. Píobaí, Scotts. Bagpipe, Ukr. Goat, Bulgarian. Hyda.

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Technical recovery of sound

One of the tubes (melodic tube, Chanter) has side holes and serves to perform a melody, while the other two (bourdons) are bass, which are configured into pure quint. Bourdon emphasizes the oskto of the octave Lada (vegetable sound), on the basis of which the melody is composed. The height of the sound of the bardon tubes can be changed by the piston in them.

History of Volynky

Machine one of the most ancient musical instruments known to humanity. Her story has not one millennium. The reason for this is its uncomplicated and affordable device. Leather Burdyuk and a wooden tube - everything you need for the simplest recovery of sound. The history of the tool relies on an extensive historical material, which includes the chronicles, frescoes, bas-reliefs, figurines, vintage manuscripts, up to the lobby pictures depicting the dooms in different periods of their development.

The remains of the first musical instrument identified as a boil were found at the excavations of the ancient city of the UR on the territory of the Kingdom of the Sumer, and are dating 3000 a year BC. e.

One of the first viscas images found is dated 1300 a year BC. e. It was found on the walls of the ruins of the Eyuk Palace in the Hittte town of Sacchagheism in 1908. On the territory of Persia, the image of the first ensemble of musicians - quartet was discovered among which more clearly loymen. Two terracotta figurines depicting more than 3,000 years have been found on the territory of the city of Sudes. Millennial history numbers and others musical instruments - Pre-preparation of modern violins found in India, Syria, Egypt and a number of other African countries.

The first mentions of the boils in written sources are found in ancient Greek sources, starting from 400 BC. e. So Aristophan mentions the Volynka in his two comedies. In the "Lisuctor" of the bagpipe (bag) is necessary for Spartan dance, and in Akharnyanov, it is present as a musical instrument for chasing a fuber and notes that it is noted that they blow a bag through the bone tube.

The lady was popular in ancient Rome. Its mention can be found both in written sources and in the preserved images in the form of frescoes and figurines. Judging by the mass of such sources, the boil was available to all sectors of society from the aristocracy to the beggars. The pillar was particularly popular in the reign of Emperor Nero. The reason for the Roman emperor himself is a lover of music and theater. He himself was not against practicing the game on Volynka. Dia Zlatoust in the first century mentions Nero playing on tibia Utricularius. hands, as if herbs and adds that it eliminates flutes from their curse - red brush and punched eyes. Svetoniy in the second century argued about Nero, as a talented player on a voyage.

Together with Roman conquests, the bagpitus applies to Scandinavia, the Baltic States, the countries of Western and of Eastern Europe, Balkans, Volga region, Caucasus, North Africa countries. It applies to England, Scotland and Ireland. It was in Scotland that she got the greatest development and popularity, especially in the XVI-XIX centuries in the north-west of the country, becoming a truly popular tool - a symbol of the country. The boil has become an integral element that provides sound support of all important events in the life of the Scots - from ritual and solemn dates to various household signals. In England, the bagpit confessed as a variety of weapons serving to raise the combat spirit.

At the same time, in the Rome itself with his decline, mentions gradually disappear and about the boils itself up to the IX century. One of the first printed images of the bagped was created by Durer in 1494. On the Kysylography created by him, a prayer, neglecting a lute and harp, was depicted. Woodcut intended for the edition of Brant Ship Durakov and then posted in the book of Johanna Geilera "" Navicula, Sive Speculum Fatuorum1511.

Starting from the XIV century, the making of the bagpipes in Europe are massive, and its images becomes close to modern.

Typology and differences

Some dozens are arranged so that they are inflated not by mouth, but fur for injection of air, which is driven right hand. Such boils belongs to Uilleann Bagpipe - Irish Breeding.

Kazakh Volyn

The Kazakh national tool is called the name of the ribbies, externally resembles a leather Burdyuk, is made from goat skins. The neck of the ribbousase is closed by a special blockage. In order for the tool to be carrying a durable leather cord on the neck to it. IN lately The tool is used in concerts of Kazakh national orchestras and folk ensembles. Found at archaeological excavations, It is stored in the Museum of National Musical Instruments named after Sylas Dooka. Stable temperature is maintained. So that the mole did not eat the exhibit, the dust of special gauze regularly erases. Famous composer Nurgis Tlendiyev for the first time used the bakers in the concerts of Orchesta "Perez Saza".

Armenian Volyn

Irish Volyn

Cillian Vallely plays a "full set" of Irish bagpipes

Russian cheese

The lady was once very popular in Russia, a popular musical instrument. It was made from a lamb or oxuous leather, there was a tube for injection of air, from below - two bass pipes, creating a monotonous background, and a third small paddle with holes, with which the main melody was played.

The highest circles of the bolery society ignored, since her melody was considered a non-harmonic, inexpressive and monotonous, it was usually considered a "low", common tool. Therefore B. xIX course The eyelid of the bagpipe was gradually ousted by more complex wind instruments of the type of harmony and bayan.

Information about this musical instrument is quite extensive in the iconographic and written monuments of culture of the Russian people, the period from the XVI century to the XIX century. The earliest image is available in the Radzivilovian chronicles (XV century) on the miniature of the "Glavica Glavic" miniature.

In 2015, when excavations on Pyatnitskaya excavation in Old Rousse Detail of the bolery was found - Cancer (melodic tube). Nakhodka dates back to the end of the XIV century and is the most ancient and only on the territory of Russian principalities

Ukrainian Volyn

In Ukraine, Volyanka has the name "goat" - apparently, for the characteristic sound and manufacture of goat skins. Moreover, the tool is also attached external similarity With animals: Tight goat skin, attach the clay goose head, and the tubes stylize under feet with hooves. The goat was, in particular, the constant attribute of festivities and carols. There are boys with a goat's head, in almost all Carpathian regions - Slovak, Polish, Czech, Lemkovsky, Bukovinsky - there is traditionally goat head, wooden, with horns.

French vabbles

In France, there are many types of boils - this is due to the large variety of musical traditions of the country's regions. Here are just some of them:

Jean Raskalu - performer at the Overnskaya Cabrete

  • Central phrantsuz violence ( musette du Centre, cornemuse du Berry.), common in the territory of Berry and Bourbon. It is a two-bit tool. Burdons are large and small, small is located at the bottom, near the chunter, are configured with each other in octave. Channel Channel Double, Burdonny - Single; Air is injected through the spot. The sound is chromatic, the range of 1.5 octaves, the appliqué is semi-closed. There are later variants of this tool with 3 bourdes and furs for air injection. Traditionally used in a duet with a wheeled liar.
  • Cabrete (FR.: chabrette., Overnsk. Oxitan. : cabreta.) - Single-bourneous crook of the elbow type, which appeared in XIX century In Wednesday, Paris Overnights and rapidly spreading in the very province of Overnal and in the surrounding regions of the center of France, practically disappointing local, more archaic types of tools, for example, Limuzen Shabrett ( chabreta Limousina.).
  • Bodega (Oxitan.: bodega.) - Pipes with a fur of goat skins, a spot and one Bourdon, are common in South Oksologo-speaking departments of France.
  • Muzet de chip (Fr.: musette de Cour.) - "Salon" boil, widely used in the XVII-XVIII centuries in court baroque music. This type of boil is characterized by two game tubes, a bardon barrel and a fur for injection.

Chuvash Volynka

Scottish Volyn

Play on Volyn

Scottish cheese took part in all the British Army Military Campaigns over the past 300 years. In the Battle of Waterloo in Belgium, held on June 18, 1815, during the counter-attack on the body of the French imperial marshal, the Patriotic march was first fulfilled on the Scottish Volyanka 52nd infantry brigade of Scottish shooters Scotland Brave (English "Scotland The Brave", Galsk. "Alba An AIGH"), who later became an informal anthem of Scotland.

Estonian Volyn

Estonian Volyn (EST. Torupill) Made from the stomach or bladder of a large animal, such as a sea cat, has one, two or (less often) three bardon tubes, flute as a voice tube and an additional air blowing tube.

Service and consumables

A special composition is placed in the bag (Bag Seasoning, Bagpipe Seasoning), the purpose of which is not only to prevent air leakage from the bag. It serves as a coating that holds the air, but the producing water. A bag of solid rubber (it is found for unsuitable boils, wall-mounted souvenirs, which are deceived by tourists) completely filled with water for half an hour of the game. Water from the hazard goes through the wedding of the skin of the bag.

Canes (and bardon, and chanther) can be made of cane or plastic. On plastic canes, it is easier to play, but the sound is better in natural, cane canes. The behavior of natural canes is very dependent on air humidity, in the wet air, the canes work better. If the natural cane dryed, in some cases it helps to put it in water (or lick), pull out and wait for a while, and it is also impossible to pass. (In manuals for beginners, the Council is often found to try to play at Volynka with drying canes for an hour or a few, as long as canes will not get moisture from exhaled air. Perhaps once this recipe was invented as a joke or punishment for irregular occupation.) With certain mechanical manipulations, the cane can be made "easier" or "heavier", adapt it to a greater or smaller pressure. Regardless of the material, each individual cane has its own character, the musician must adapt to it.


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    Modern baguette (made in 2000 Walter Biella) in Sol / g

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Duda, Gelsk. PìOB, Polish. Dudy, Irl. Píobaí, Scotts Bagpipe, Ukr. Goat, Bulgarian. Hyda.

Technical recovery of sound

Irish Volyn

Irish Village (Eng. uilleann Pipes. [Ɪlən paɪps.]) - Illyan Pipes, translated from Irish - Lokhogaya Volyanka - the Irish version of the bool, who finally arranged by the end of the 18th century. The air is pumped into the bag with the help of fur, and not a fuch tube. The Irish Village, in contrast to all other boles, has a range in two complete octaves, and in its full version, in addition to the melody, play an accompaniment with regulators.

Spanish Volyn

Also called "Gaita" (La Gaita), comes from Galicia, as well as Asturias and the eastern part of Leon Province.

Russian cheese

The lady was once very popular in Russia, the popular tool. It was made from a lamb or oxuous leather, there was a tube for injection of air, from below - two bass pipes, creating a monotonous background, and a third small paddle with holes, with which the main melody was played. The highest circles of the bolery society ignored, since her melody was considered a non-harmonic, inexpressive and monotonous, it was usually considered a "low", common tool. Therefore, during the XIX century, the boil was gradually ousted by more complex wind instruments such as harmony and accordion.

Ukrainian Volyn

In Ukraine, Volyanka has the name "goat" - apparently, for the characteristic sound and manufacture of goat skins. Moreover, the tool is attached to the external similarity with animals: they are tightened by goat skin, attach the clay goose head, and the tubes stylize under their feet with hooves. The goat was, in particular, the constant attribute of festivities and carols. There are boys with a goat's head, in almost all Carpathian regions - Slovak, Polish, Czech, Lemkovsky, Bukovinsky - there is traditionally goat head, wooden, with horns.

French vabbles

In France, there are many types of boils - this is due to the large variety of musical traditions of the country's regions. Here are just some of them:

  • Central phrantsuz violence ( musette du Centre, cornemuse du Berry.), common in the territory of Berry and Bourbon. It is a two-bit tool. Burdons are large and small, small is located at the bottom, near the chunter, are configured with each other in octave. Channel Channel Double, Burdonny - Single; Air is injected through the spot. The sound is chromatic, the range of 1.5 octaves, the appliqué is semi-closed. There are later variants of this tool with 3 bourdes and furs for air injection. Traditionally used in a duet with a wheeled liar.
  • Cabrete (FR.: chabrette., Overnsk. Oxitan. : cabreta.) - Single-bourneous culley of the elbow type, which appeared in the XIX century in the middle of the Paris Overnights and rapidly spreading in the province of Overli and in the surrounding regions of the center of France, practically displacing local, more archaic types of tools, for example, Limuzen Shabrett ( chabreta Limousina.).
  • Bodega (Oxitan.: bodega.) - Pipes with a fur of goat skins, a spot and one Bourdon, are common in South Oksologo-speaking departments of France.
  • Muzet de chip (Fr.: musette de Cour.) - "Salon" boil, widely used in the XVII-XVIII centuries in court baroque music. This type of boil is characterized by two game tubes, a bardon barrel and a fur for injection.

Chuvash Volynka

Scottish Volyn

Bagpipe (eng. Great Highland Bagpipe.) - an old Scottish tool. It is a tank of sheep skins or goat, turned inside out (goose) to which three bardon tubes (drones) are attached, one tube with eight gaming holes (CHANTER) and a special short tube for blowing air. It has a simplified air supply - through a confusing tube - ensures freedom to the right hand.

When playing Piper fills the reservoir with air and, pressing his elbow left hand on it, makes the bardon and game tubes, in turn, supplied with special tongues (canes), and, in bardon tubes, single, and in the game tube double canes made from reeds .

Estonian Volyn

Estonian Volyn (EST. Torupill) Made from the stomach or bladder of a large animal, such as a sea cat, has one, two or (less often) three bardon tubes, flute as a voice tube and an additional air blowing tube.

Service and consumables

A special composition is placed in the bag (Bag Seasoning, Bagpipe Seasoning), the purpose of which is not only to prevent air leakage from the bag. It serves as a coating that holds the air, but the producing water. A bag of solid rubber (it is found for unsuitable boils, wall-mounted souvenirs, which are deceived by tourists) completely filled with water for half an hour of the game. Water from the hazard goes through the wedding of the skin of the bag.

Canes (and bardon, and chanther) can be made of cane or plastic. On plastic canes, it is easier to play, but the sound is better in natural, cane canes. The behavior of natural canes is very dependent on air humidity, in the wet air, the canes work better. If the natural cane dryed, in some cases it helps to put it in water (or lick), pull out and wait for a while, and it is also impossible to pass. (In manuals for beginners, the Council is often found to try to play at Volynka with drying canes for an hour or a few, as long as canes will not get moisture from exhaled air. Perhaps once this recipe was invented as a joke or punishment for irregular occupation.) With certain mechanical manipulations, the cane can be made "easier" or "heavier", adapt it to a greater or smaller pressure. Regardless of the material, each individual cane has its own character, the musician must adapt to it.

see also

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  1. Volyanka / K. A. Vertkov // Big Soviet Encyclopedia: [in 30 tons] / ch. ed. A. M. Prokhorov. - 3rd ed. - m. : Soviet Encyclopedia, 1969-1978.
  2. breizh.Ru:
  3. MORDVA: Historical and cultural essays / Ed. Col. V. A. Balashov (Avd. Ed.), V. S. Bryzhinsky, I. A. Efremov; Hands. Auto Team Academician N. P. Makarkin. - Saransk: Mordov. kn. Publishing House, 1995. - P. 462-463. - 624 s. - 2000 copies. - ISBN 5-7595-1049-5.
  4. (port.). Associação Gaita de Foles. Checked on September 24, 2016.
  5. Tereshchenko A. . - St. Petersburg. , 1848. - T. 1. - P. 485.
  6. URVE Lippus. And. Ingrid Rüütel.. Estonia //. - OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS.


  • // Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron: in 86 tons. (82 t. And 4 extra). - St. Petersburg. , 1890-1907.
  • - article from the Encyclopedia "Circlevet"
  • Kashashvich T. A.
  • Nikiforov P. N., Mari Folk Musical Instruments, Yoshkar-Ola, 1959, p. 48-58
  • Remishevsky K. I., Kalaseta V. V.
  • Eshpai Ya. A., Marytsev's national musical instruments, Yoshkar-Ola, 1940, p. 23-28.
  • Anthony Baines. Bagpipes. - Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1960.
  • Joshua Dickson. The Highland Bagpipe: Music, History, Traditon. - Ashgate Publishing, Ltd, 2009.
  • Angus Cameron Robertson. The Bagpipes: History and Traditions. - McBeath & Company, 1930.


  • (rus.) (Checked August 6, 2011)
  • (rus.) (Checked August 6, 2011)
  • (rus.) (Checked August 6, 2011)
  • (rus.) (Checked August 6, 2011)

Pickling excerpt

"Well, my dear," the prince of Vasily said jokingly, "tell me:" Yes, "and I will write it from myself, and we will kill the bold calf. "But the prince of Vasily did not have time to finish his joke, like Pierre with rabies in his face, which reminded his father, without looking into the eyes of the interlocutor, said Shopot:
- Prince, I did not call you to myself, please go! - He jumped up and opened the door to him.
"Go," he repeated, he did not believe himself and rejoicing the expression of embarrassment and fear that seemed to the face of Prince Vasily.
- What's the matter? You are sick?
- Go! - once again spoke a trembling voice. And Prince Vasily was supposed to leave without receiving any explanation.
A week later, Pierre, having gone with new friends by Masons and leaving them large sums on alms, went to his own. His new brothers gave him letters to Kiev and Odessa, to the local masons, and promised to write him and lead him in his new activity.

Pierre's case with Dolokhov was jammed, and despite the then the severity of the sovereign against duel, nor both enemies, nor their seconds were injured. But the story of a duel, confirmed by the gap of Pierre and his wife, disclosed in society. Pierre, who looked condescendingly, patronically when he was an illegal son, who caressed and glorified when he was the best fiance Russian EmpireAfter his marriage, when the brides and mothers had nothing to be expected from him, heavily lost in the opinion of society, especially since he did not know how he did not want to promote public favor. Now he was accused of what was accused of what he said, they said that he was a stupid jealous for the same sneakers of bloodthirsty rabies, like his father. And when, after leaving Pierre, Helen returned to Petersburg, she was not only welcoming, but with a touch of respect for her inseparable, accepted by all his acquaintances. When the conversation came about her husband, Helen took a decent expression, which she is, although not understanding his meanings - according to her Trache, hesitated himself. The expression it said that she decided not to complaining, to transfer his misfortune, and that her husband eating a cross sent to her from God. Prince Vasily frankly expressed his opinion. He shrugged when the conversation came about Pierre, and, pointing to his forehead, said:
- UN CERVEAU FELE - JE Le Disais Toujours. [Polushemissed - I always spoke it.]
"I said forward," said Anna Pavlovna about Pierre, "I also said right now, and before everyone (she insisted on her championship) that this is a crazy young man spoiled by the depraved ideas of the century. I then still said it when everyone admired them and he just came out of the border, and remember, I somehow imagined some Marat from myself. What is the end? I still did not want this wedding and predicted everything that would happen.
Anna Pavlovna still gave himself in free days Such evenings, as before, and those that she had a gift to organize, evenings, on which she was going, first, La Creme De La Veritable Bonne Societe, La Fine Fleur de L "Essence Intellectuelle De La Societe de Petersbourg, [Cream of a real good society, the color of the intellectual essence of the St. Petersburg society,] As Anna Pavlovna herself said. In addition to this sophisticated selection of society, Anna Pavlovna was still the fact that every time at his evening Anna Pavlovna filed some new one, interesting personAnd that nowhere, as at these evenings, did not speak out so obviously and firmly degrees of the political thermometer, at which the mood of the courtie legitimist St. Petersburg society was.
At the end of 1806, when all the sad details of the destruction of Napoleon of the Prussian army under the yen and auchette were obtained and about the delivery of the most part of Prussian fortresses, when the troops were joined in Prussia, and our second war began with Napoleon, Anna Pavlovna collected himself evening. La Creme De La Veritable Bonne Societe [Cream of a real good society] consisted of a charming and unfortunate, abandoned husband, Helen, from Mortemariet "A, charming Prince Ippolit, who had just arrived from Vienna, two diplomats, aunt, one young man, which used in the living room, simply D "Un Homme De Beaucoup de Merite, [a very decent person,] one newly composed Freilline with mother and some other less noticeable persons.
Anna Pavlovna died as a novelty on this evening, Boris Drubetskaya, who had just arrived by the courier from the Prussian army and was an adjutant in a very important person.
The degree of the political thermometer, indicated at this evening, was the following: no matter how much European sovereigns and commander did not try to indulge in Bonaparte, in order to make me these troubles and grievances in general, our opinion on Bonaparte cannot change. We will not stop expressing their immutation on this subject of thoughts, and we can only say to the Prussian king and others: the worse for you. TU L "AS VOULU, GEORGE DANDIN, [You wanted this, George Danden,] That's all we can say. This is what the political thermometer indicated at the evening Anna Pavlovna. When Boris, who had to be brought to the guests, entered the living room, Already almost the whole society was assembled, and the conversation, led by Anna Pavlovna, was about our diplomatic relations with Austria and about the hope of union with her.
Boris in Shchegolsky, Adjutant Mundire, outraged, fresh and ruddy, loosely entered the living room and was allocated, as he shoulded, for greetings to the aunt and again joined the overall mug.
Anna Pavlovna gave him his dry hand to kiss him, introduced him with some strangers to him and everyone defined him.
- Le Prince Hyppolite Kouraguine - Charmant Jeune Homme. M R Kroug Charge D "Affaires de Kopenhague - Un Esprit Profond, and just: M R Shittoff Un Homme De Beaucoup de Merite [Prince Ippolit Kuragin, a cute young man. Circle, Copenhagen attorney in affairs, deep mind. Shitov , a very worthy person] about the one who wore this name.
Boris during this time of his service, thanks to the concerns of Anna Mikhailovna, their own tastes and properties of their restrained character, managed to put themselves in the most profitable service situation. He was an adjutant with a very important person, had a very important assignment to Prussia and had just returned from there with a courier. He fully learned the uncommitted subgroup to him in Olmyuta, according to which the ensign could stand without a comparison above, and on which, for success in the service, they didn't need efforts in the service, not work, not bravery, not constancy, but it was necessary Only decrease to contact those that are rewarded for the service - and he often wondered himself to his rapid success and how others could not understand this. As a result of this discovery, his whole lifestyle of his life, all relationships with the previous families, all his plans for the future - completely changed. He was not rich, but he used his last money to be dressed better than others; He would rather deprive himself of many pleasures than would allow himself to go in a bad crew or seem in the old uniform on the streets of St. Petersburg. He climbed and looking for dating only with people who were above him, and therefore could be helpful to him. He loved Petersburg and despised Moscow. The memory of the house of growth and his children's love for Natasha - it was unpleasant to him, and he had never been in growth from the very departure to the army. In the living room, Anna Pavlovna, in which he considered to be attended for an important increase in service, he immediately immediately understood his role and provided Anna Pavlovna to take advantage of the interest that in it was attentively watching every person and evaluating the benefits and opportunities of rapprochement with each of them . He sat on his place in his beautiful helen, and listened to a general conversation.
- Vienne Troupe Lez Bases Du Trait Propose Tellement Hors D "Atteinte, QU" On Ne Saurait Y Parvenir Meme Par Une Continuite De Succes Les Plus Brillants, Et Etle Met En Doute Les Moyens Qui Pourraient Nous Les Procurer. C "EST LA PHRASE Authentique du Cabinet de Vienne - said Danish Charge D" Affaires. [Vienna finds the grounds of the proposed contract before it is impossible that it is impossible to achieve them even near the most brilliant successes: and it doubts the means that they can deliver them. This is a genuine phrase of the Vienna Cabinet, "said the Danish attorney in the affairs.]
- C "EST Le Doute Qui Est Flatteur! - said L" Homme A L "Esprit Profond, with a subtle smile. [Doubt Foreway! - said the deep mind,]
- Il Faut Distinguer Entre Le Cabinet De Vienne et L "Empereur D" Autriche, "said Mortemariet. - L "EMPEREUR D" AUTRICHE N "A JAMAIS PU PENSER A UNE PAREILLE, CE N" EST QUE LE Cabinet Qui Le Dit. [It is necessary to distinguish between the Vienna Cabinet and the Austrian Emperor. The Austrian emperor could never think of this, it only says the office.]
- EH, MON CHER VICOMTE, - Anna Pavlovna intervened, - L "Urope (for some reason I spoken L" urope, as a special subtlety of French, which she could afford, speaking with French) L "Urope Ne Sera Jamais Notre Alliee Sincere . [Ah, my cute Viscount, Europe will never be our sincere allied.]
Following this, Anna Pavlovna brought the conversation to the courage and the hardness of the Prussian king in order to introduce into Boris's business.
Boris carefully listened to someone who says, waiting for his series, but at the same time he managed to look at her neighbor several times, the beauty of Helen, who he met with a smile several times with his eyes with a beautiful young adjutant.
Extremely naturally, speaking about the position of Prussia, Anna Pavlovna asked Boris to tell his journey to Glogau and the situation in which he found Prussian army. Boris, not hurry, clean and correct french language, I told quite a lot of interesting details about the troops, about the courtyard, at all time my story diligently avoiding the statements of his opinion about the facts that he transmitted. For a few times, Boris took possession of general attention, and Anna Pavlovna felt that her treat was made with the pleasure of all guests. More attention to Boris's story was helen. She asked him several times about some details of his trip and seemed very interested in the position of the Prussian Army. As soon as he cummed, she with her ordinary smile turned to him:
- Il Faut Absolment Que Vous Veniez Me Voir, [you need to come to see to see me,] - she said to him such a tone, as if for some reasons that he could not know, it was absolutely necessary.
- Mariedi Entre Les 8 et 9 heures. Vous Me Ferez Grand Plaisir. [Tuesday, between 8 and 9 hours. You will make a great pleasure.] - Boris promised to fulfill her desire and wanted to join her conversation when Anna Pavlovna recalled him under the pretext of the aunt, who wanted to blame him.
- You know her husband? - said Anna Pavlovna, closing his eyes and a sad gesture pointing to Helen. - Ah, this is such an unfortunate and adorable woman! Do not speak with her about him, please do not speak. She is too hard!

When Boris and Anna Pavlovna returned to a common mug, the prince of Hippolit took a conversation in it.
He, having moved forward on the chair, said: Le Roi de Prusse! [Prussian king!] And saying it, laughed. Everyone turned to him: Le Roi de Prusse? - asked Ippolit, again laughed and again calmly and seriously sat down in the depths of his chair. Anna Pavlovna waited for him a bit, but since Ippolit decisively seemed to not want to speak more, she began talking about how Godless Bonaparte kidnapped in Potsdam Spoig Friedrich the Great.
- C "EST L" EPEE DE FREDERIC LE GRAND, QUE JE ... [This is a sword of Friedrich the Great, which I ...] - She began, but IPPOLIT interrupted her with words:
"LE ROI DE PRUSSE ..." And again, as soon as they turned to him, apologized and fell silent. Anna Pavlovna frowned. Mortemariet, the buddy of the Ippolitis, resolutely addressed him:
- Voyons a QUI EN AVEZ Vous Avec Votre Roi de Prusse? [Well, what about the Prussian king?]
Ippolit laughed, as if he was ashamed of his laughter.
- Non, CE N "Est Rien, Je Voulais Dire Seulement ... [No, nothing, I just wanted to say ...] (He intended to repeat the joke, which he heard in Vienna, and which he was going to put a whole evening.) Je voulais Dire Seulement, Que Nous Avons Tort De Faire La Guerre Pour Le Roi de Prusse. [I just wanted to say that we are in vain fighting Pour Le Roi de Prusse. (Unless words of words that are important: "on trifles".)]
Boris smiled carefully so that his smile could be attributed to a mockery or for the approval of a joke, looking at how she will be accepted. Everyone laughed.
"Il Est Tres Mauvais, Votre Jeu de Mot, Tres Spirituel, Mais Injuste," said Anna Pavlovna threatened with her finger. - Nous Ne Faisons Pas La Guerre Pour Le Roi de Prusse, Mais Pour Les Bons Principes. AH, Le Mechant, CE Prince Hippolytel [Your word game is not good, very smart, but unjust; We are not fighting Pour Le Roi de Prusse (t. e. on trifles), and for the good starts. Oh, what is he angry, this prince is Ippolit!] - she said.
The conversation did not subside the whole evening, referring mainly near political news. At the end of the evening, he was particularly revived when it came about the awards complained to the sovereign.
"After all, I received a NN tobackerka with a portrait last year," said L "Homme A L" Esprit Profond, [a deep mind man,] - Why does SS cannot get the same award?
- Je Vous Demande Pardrait De L "Empereur Est Une Recompensse, Mais Point Une Distinction," said the diplomat, un Cadeau plutot. [Sorry, tobackerka with a portrait of the emperor there is a reward, and not a difference; rather a gift.]
- Il Y Eu Plutot Des Antecedents, Je Vous Citerai Schwarzenberg. [There were examples - Schwarzenberg.]
- C "EST IMPOSSIBLE, [this is impossible,] - objected another.
- Paris. Le Grand Cordon, C "Est Different ... [Tape is another thing ...]
When everyone rose to leave, Helen, who spent very little whole evening, again appealed to Boris with a request and gentle, significant orders so that he was on Tuesday.
"I really need it," she said with a smile, looking at Anna Pavlovna, and Anna Pavlovna by that sad smile, which accompanied her words with speech about his high patroness, confirmed the desire of Helen. It seemed that this evening from some words told by Boris about Prussian troops, Helen suddenly discovered the need to see him. She seemed to promise him that when he arrives on Tuesday, she would explain this need.
Having arrived on Tuesday evening to the magnificent salon Helen, Boris did not receive a clear explanation, for which it was necessary to come. There were other guests, the Countess talked little with him, and only saying goodbye when he kissed her hand, she with a strange lack of smile, unexpectedly, a shop, told him: Venez Demain Diner ... Le Soir. Il Faut Que Vous Veniez ... venez. [Come tomorrow dine ... in the evening. It is necessary that you come ... Come.]
In this visit to St. Petersburg, Boris became a close man in the house of the Beshovaya Countess.

The war flared up, and the theater was approaching Russian borders. Everywhere heard the curses of the enemy of the human bonaparte; In the villages gathered warriors and recruits, and from the theater of war came disgraceful news, as always false and therefore differently broken down.
The life of the old prince Bolkonsky, Prince Andrei and Princess Marya changed in many ways since 1805.
In 1806, the old prince was determined by one of the eight commander-in-chief of the militia, appointed then throughout Russia. The old prince, despite his old weakness, especially the noticeable time at that time when he considered his son was killed, did not consider himself himself to refuse his post, which was determined by the sovereign himself, and this newly discovered activity initiated and strengthened him. He was constantly in the roads in three entrusted to him by provinces; It was executable to Pedantism in his duties, strict before cruelty with his subordinates, and reached the slightest details of the case. Princess Mary stopped already take from his father mathematical lessons, and only in the mornings, accompanying the breadwinner, with a little prince Nikolai (as his grandfather called) was part of the father's office when he was at home. Breast Prince Nikolai lived with the breadwinner and nanny Savishnaya in half the deceased Princess, and the Princess Maria spent most of the day in the nursery, replacing, as he knew how, the mother's little nephew. M Lle Bourienne Also, as it seemed, passionately loved the boy, and Princess Marya, often depriving himself, inferior to his girlfriend to nurse a little angel (as she called a nephew) and play with him.
The Altar of the Lisogorsk Church was a chapel over the grave of a little princess, and the marble monument was brought from Italy, portraying an angel, who, who, who was ready to rise to heaven, was delivered from Italy. The angel had a little raised the upper lip, as if he got to smile, and once the prince Andrei and Princess Marya, leaving the chapel, admitted to each other, that strangely, the face of this angel was reminded them the face of the deceased. But what was still more strange and what Prince Andrei did not say the sister, was that in the expression, which was randomly the artist's face of Angela, Prince Andrei read the same words with a meek of the ukrizna, which he read then on his dead wife: "Oh, why Did you do it with me? ... "
Shortly after the return of Prince Andrei, the old prince separated his son and gave him Bogucharsovo, a great estate that was in 40 versers from the Bald Mountains. Part of the heavy memories associated with the Lysi Mountains, part of because, not always the prince Andrey felt in power to transfer the character of the father, part of and because he had to privacy, Prince Andrei took advantage of Bogucarov, was built there and spent most of them time.
Prince Andrei, after Austerlitsky campaign, firmly carried out never to serve more in military service; And when the war began, and everyone had to serve, he, in order to get from the actual service, took the position under the head of the Father on the collection of militia. The old prince with her son as if changed roles after the 1805 campaign. Old prince, excited activities, expected all the best from the present campaign; Prince Andrei, on the contrary, without participating in the war and in the secret of the soul, sorry about that saw one bad.
February 26, 1807, the old prince left around the district. Prince Andrei, like more part During the opposite of the Father, remained in the Bald Mountains. Little Nichushka was unhealthy for the 4th day. Couter, who drove up the old prince, returned from the city and brought paper and letters to Prince Andrei.
Camderner with letters, not a making a young prince in his office, passed half of the Princess Marya; But there was not there. Camperin said that the prince went to the nursery.
"You came to your beggar, Petrushe with the papers came," said one of the girls of Nanny assistants, referring to the prince Andrei, who was sitting on a small children's chair and trembling hands, frowning, a capal from the stingy medicine in a glass, poured to half the water.
- What? - He said angrily, and carelessly having drinked with his hand, overflow from the stkling in a glass of an unnecessary amount of drops. He splashed the medicine from a glass on the floor and asked again water. The girl gave him.
The room was a crib, two chests, two chairs, a table and a children's table and a chair, the one on which Prince Andrei sat. The windows were walked, and one candle was burning on the table, forced by a twisted tank book, so that the light did not fall on the bed.

- People's World Tongue Music Tool. It consists of a tank (a bag of leather or bubble of an animal), which inserted a tube for injection of air, several bardon tubes equipped with a single or double cane to remove the sound, as well as a melodic tube with holes (from the number of holes the booling range). The number of bardon tubes can be from one to four.

Bourdon (Fr. Bourdon, letters. - thick bass) - a continuous sound when playing 1-2 bass tubes organ item is a sound withstanding in the bass, against which other voices are moving freely. The tonic organ clause promotes sound stability. Burdon tubes are configured in quarts, quint, sext, octave in relation to the melodic tube.

The bagpipes belong to the oldest musical instruments. According to researchers, this is an instrument of ancient Asian origin. Volyanka sounded in military orchestras Ancient RomeIn the instrumental ensembles of France (XVIII century), in the solemn processions of musicians in Scotland.

It was played and playing still in the villages of Romania, Poland, the Czech Republic. Volyanka (Gaida) received a lot of distribution from the XI century in South Slavs in Yugoslavia, Bulgaria, Albania. It was used mainly to accompany the dances.

In different countries, the tool has different names: "Goat" - in Ukraine, "Duda" - in Belarus, "Volyanka" - in Russia. The image of the bagpipes on the miniature of the "Games of Slavs Vodyci" in the Radzivilovsky Chronicles (XV century) gives reason to assume that along with essays and dulls, the scene of Kievan Rusi used in their musical creativity and Volynka.

"It is difficult to decide which musical instruments first existed in the Slavs. One can only guess that first of all we used wooden canes and also a horns of domestic animals. Therefore, it can be assumed, it is probably that the twin and the horn were in the Slavs the most first tools. Then the pity, horn and sweater appeared; Finally, hack, beep, balalaika, spoons and hussley."(M. Forinin." Russian people, his customs, rites, superstitions and poetry "). The book gives the following description of the bagps:

« Represents a very peculiar tool, resembling a harmonic or fur in the shafts; There is air, enclosed in the batter of the fur to which three pipes and a tube are applied. In the tube attached up, the air is hit from two opposite sides, two different tubes are defined through which air, passing, gives bass voices, and the third small tube has several holes on the side, which makes it possible to play different voices and sounds».

Tool varieties

In addition to the animal skins, a bubble bubble was used as an air tank. The method of its processing is as follows:

  • the walls of the bull bubble are washed in water;
  • in order for the bubble when inflatable acquired a large volume, it is treated with wood ashes sifted through a sieve;
  • the multiple treatment of the walls of the bubble is carried out ash on two sides (outer and internal) and washed again in water, while the walls of the bull bubble are thinned and become soft and elastic;
  • subsequent treatment is carried out crushed chalk, which removes fat and moisture. At the same time, the bubble acquires viscosity;
  • the dry bubble inflates air with the help of a tube inserted into its hole.

Then the air tank (bubble) is installed on the air tank: one for supplying air to the bag, one game (melodic), from one to four - bardon and placed in a bag, stitched from an animal or tissue skins.

As a material, you can apply an oxygen pillow used in medicine. Quite large sizes (660 x 500 mm) and volume, elastic and durable pillow tires are suitable for such work.

In Volynka, as a rule, a gaming tube of the type of swirls was used, only with a meal. In Russia, the play tube also has a slurry (cow horn) to enhance sound.

Production of air tank

One of the sides of the oxygen pillow is cut along the entire length so that a small strip remains for subsequent gluing. The holes for fastening melodic and bardon tubes on the pillow are cut out by the following way: the circle is to be cut into segments and cut through the center so that eight petals are obtained; Apply a thin layer of glue to segments and to withstand for 5-10 minutes, and then tightly attach to the base of the sleeve and tighten with a strong cord, the ends of which also glue. A bardon tube in relation to the air tank can be on the side of the artist, or on the shoulder, or at the bottom of the air bag. When fixing all parts on the body of the boobs, the air bag itself gloves last, withstanding a certain time under cargo. To check the tightness of the gluing, you need a hole for a bardon tube. Close the cork and on the melodic tube to remove the sound when the air leakage is detected, to repeat the air outlet.

Basic doings.

The final stage in the work: Pillow Put in the case, stitched from the skin of animal or fabric, fasten straps or ribbons that support the tool on the shoulder or on the neck of the artist, and install the tubes. The airbone (fine lady or rubber), glued to the end side of the air tube, helps to preserve air in the air tank (bag). The valve closes the return air outlet from the bag at the moment when the musician launches air blowing tube. The attachment of the tubes is carried out with the help of threads acted on the tubes.

The principle of extracting sound in the voyage is to fluctuate the tongue on the mouthpiece, which in turn is inserted into the melodic and bardon tubes. Inflating the bag, the musician squeezes it with both hands or one hand, presses the side of the body and leads to hesitation of the tongues in the tubes located in the body of the tool. Periodic air puff supports constant air pressure. It is necessary to fluctuate the tongues. When installing additional bardon tubes, air flow increases, so the dimensions of the tool and its volume are also increasing.

When setting up the tool, you need to install a general balanced sound - bright and loud or quiet, soft, muted. Burdonny (bass) tube when sounding should not overlap the sound of the sound melodic. To increase the sound to melodic gaming and bardon tubes, resonators are put on. The tuning of the tubes is carried out in the same way as when setting up the faults, moving the tongue up - the sound is raised, and on the contrary, down - the sound is lowered. In old times much attention paid to the appearance of the instrument. The tubes of the bagpipes made various configurations and decorated with carvings, inlay, painted. The leather bag was squeezed with colorful fabrics and tied with fringe with brushes. Figures and animal heads cut out of wood, strengthening then on the tool. In Belarus and in Ukraine, Volynka was decorated with a wooden goat head. Hence, apparently, the dialect name of the flushing - the "goat", "Kozian".

Air tube to the tool.

Burdon tube. General view of connecting tubes with sleeve.

Tool Setup

In a two-eye voyage, in this case the car major, melodic and bardon tubes are configured in unison. The melodic tube has a source from the 1st octave salt to salt 2nd, and the bardon tube sounds below the salt of small octaves. In a voyage with three game tubes - a melodic tube from salt 1st, the second one - the 1st, the third is a salt of small. Structure of a boil having four tubes, - 1st - salt of the 1st octave, 2nd - re 1 octave, 3rd - Sol Small, 4th - a large salt. The most common and most used dooms used in the musical work has two additional tubes. It is enough to have one housing and several tubes configured in different tones, and you can change the system of boils. Dimensions of the tubes are above - "Just".

Types of dooms:

Scottish Mountain Volyn
Galissian Gaita
Bulgarian Gaida
Czech goat
Russian cheese
Lithuanian Labanna Duda, Dudmyshis
French "Muzet"
Georgian "Sviri" (Gudeni)
Estonian "Torupilla"
Ajara Village "Chiboni"
Moldavian and Romanian Village Chimp
Shabr (Shapar) - Chuvash Village

Mary Varieties - Shwwear, Shump, Schubber