Perov's message is brief. Painter Perov: the history of his most famous paintings

Perov's message is brief.  Painter Perov: the history of his most famous paintings
Perov's message is brief. Painter Perov: the history of his most famous paintings

Painter; was born on December 21, 1833 in Tobolsk, died on May 29, 1882 in the village of Kuzminki, near Moscow. His father, Baron Grigory Karlovich Kridener, a former provincial prosecutor in Tobolsk, could not give P. even his name, because ... ... Big biographical encyclopedia

Perov Vasily Grigorievich- Vasily Grigorievich Perov self-portrait of Vasily Perov Date of birth: December 21, 1833 (January 2, 1834) (18340102) Place of birth ... Wikipedia

Perov Vasily Grigorievich- (1833/1834 1882), Russian painter. He studied at the Arzamas school of painting by A.V. Stupin (1846 49, with interruptions) and at the Moscow School of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture (1853 61; taught since 1871). Pensioner of the Academy of Arts (1862 69, until 1864 in Paris). Founder member of TPHV (see Wanderers). ... ... Art encyclopedia

Perov Vasily Grigorievich-, Russian painter. He studied at the Arzamas school of painting by A. V. Stupil (1846‒49; intermittently) and at the Moscow school of painting, ... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

Perov Vasily Grigorievich- Perov (Vasily Grigorievich) is one of the best Russian painters of modern times, was born in Tobolsk on December 23, 1833. He graduated from the course at the Arzamas district school, was sent to the art school of A.V. Stupin in Arzamas. Being in it, except ... Biographical Dictionary

PEROV Vasily Grigorievich- (1833/34 1882) Russian painter. One of the organizers of the Association of the Itinerants. Genre paintings exposing the mores of feudal Russia (Rural procession at Easter, 1861), imbued with ardent sympathy for the people (Seeing off ... ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

Perov Vasily Grigorievich- (1833/1834 1882), Russian painter. One of the organizers of the Association of the Itinerants. Genre paintings of the "accusatory" direction ("Rural procession at Easter", 1861) are often imbued with ardent sympathy for the people ("Seeing off the deceased", ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

Perov Vasily Grigorievich- V.G. Perov. Portrait of A. N. Ostrovsky. Perov Vasily Grigorievich (1833 or 1834, Tobolsk - 1882, the village of Kuzminki, now the territory of Moscow), painter. Studied at the Arzamas school of painting A.V. Stupin (1846-49, with interruptions) and in ... ... Moscow (encyclopedia)

Perov Vasily Grigorievich

Perov Vasily Grigorievich- one of the best Russian painters of modern times, b. in Tobolsk on December 23, 1833. After graduating from the course at the Arzamas district school, he was sent to the art school of A. V. Stupin in Arzamas. Being in it, in addition to copying the originals, became ... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary of F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron

Perov Vasily Grigorievich (1833-1882), Russian painter, one of the organizers of the Association of the Itinerants.

Author of genre paintings ("The Rural Procession at Easter", 1861), imbued with sympathy for the people ("Seeing the Dead", 1865, "Troika", 1866), psychological portraits ("A. N. Ostrovsky", 1871; "F. M. Dostoevsky ", 1872).

Born December 21, 1833 in Tobolsk. The illegitimate son of Baron G.K. Kridener. The surname "Perov" arose as a nickname given to the future artist by his literacy teacher, a junior deacon.

Vasily Perov studied at the Arzamas School of Painting (1846-1849) and at the Moscow School of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture (1853-1861).

Lived and worked in Moscow, and in 1862-1864 in Paris (pensioner of the Academy of Arts). Vasily Perov was especially influenced by the work of P.A.Fedotov, as well as French satirical magazine graphics and the German genre of the Düsseldorf school.

Perov was one of the founding members of the Association of Traveling Art Exhibitions. The early paintings of the painter Perov Vasily Grigorievich are imbued with anecdotally "accusatory" mood, representing picturesque caricatures, including the clergy ("Sermon in the Village", 1861; "Tea Party in Mytishchi", 1862); the artist Perov carefully wrote out the characters of his paintings and the setting, striving for a moralizing effect.

Perov continued to love the anecdote even later (painting The Arrival of the Governess at the Merchant House, 1866, Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow). The satirical mood, however, weakens over the years, giving way to dramatic expression or good-natured humor. Perov's color scheme acquired a new, sharper, tonal expressiveness in such paintings as Farewell to the Dead (1865) and Troika. The artisans' apprentices are carrying water ”(1866; both there).

Perov also made a great contribution to the art of portraiture. The painter created images of a number of famous figures of Russian culture - “A. N. Ostrovsky ", 1871; "V. I. Dahl "," M. P. Pogodin ").

The portrait of F.M.Dostoevsky by Perov (1872) is considered the best pictorial depiction of the writer.

Perov's characters, including the peasant "Fomushka the Owl" (1868) or the merchant I. S. Kamynin (1872), are full of special inner significance, regardless of their social and cultural status; a bright individuality is sometimes combined in them with an unprecedented intensity of spiritual life, sometimes on the verge of a painful tragedy.

The genre compositions of the 1870s seem to be a soft humorous relaxation against this background (The Birds, 1870; The Hunters at Rest, 1871; The Fisherman, 1871; all - the Tretyakov Gallery). Contemplating ordinary inhabitants with their by no means heroic, but still "human" soul, Perov here - if we talk about literary parallels - approaches NS Leskov.

His literary sympathies are directly reflected in the painting Old Parents at the Grave of their Son (1874), written as an illustration for the finale of Turgenev's Fathers and Children.

The artist himself also reveals his literary talent (stories from the life of the people "Aunt Mary", 1875; "Under the Cross", 1881).

In the late period of his work, Perov strives to create grandiose, generalizing images of national history. However, the completed historical paintings by Perov ("Pugachev's Court", 1875, Historical Museum, Moscow, version - 1879, Russian Museum; "Nikita Pustosvyat. Dispute about Faith", 1880-1881, Tretyakov Gallery) do not belong to his masterpieces, since both once the proper degree of monumental generalization in them cannot be achieved.

Vasily Grigorievich Perov died on May 29 (June 10), 1882 in the village of Kuzminki (now Moscow).

Wanderer. 1859

Sermon in the village. 1861

Received a large gold medal for the painting "Sermon in the Village" and received the right to travel abroad as a pensioner.

Procession. 1861

Amateur. 1862

Matchmaking. 1862

Organ grinder. 1863

Savoyard. 1864

Perov Seller of songbooks. 1864

Parisian organ grinder. 1864

Parisian rag-pickers. 1864

Seeing off the deceased. 1865

Another by the pool. 1865

Guitarist-bob. 1865

Craftsman boy. 1865

Arrival of the governess. 1866

Troika. 1866

For the paintings "Troika" and "The Arrival of the Governess in the Merchant House" V.G. Perov was awarded the title of Academician. The painting "Troika" was acquired by P. M. Tretyakov.

Round table conversation. 1866

Clean Monday. 1866

The drowned woman. 1867

Drawing teacher. 1867

Railway scene. 1868

Received first prize at the MOLH competition for the painting "Scene by the Railroad".

The last tavern at the outpost. 1868

Fomushka-owl. 1868

FF Rezanov. 1868

E.E. Perova. 1868

V.V.Bezsonov. 1869

Was awarded the first prize of the MOLH for "Portrait of V. V. Bezsonov"

Girl with a jug. 1869

A. F. Pisemsky. 1869

By order of P.M. Tretyakov, he painted "Portrait of the Writer AF Pisemsky".

Birder. 1870

Received the first prize of the Society for the Development of Artists for the painting "The Birds"

Wanderer. 1870

For the paintings "Wanderer" and "Birds" he was awarded the title of professor by the Academy of Arts.

On the eve of a bachelorette party. 1870

Arrival of the schoolgirl ... 1870

Self-portrait. 1870

F. M. Dostoevsky. 1872

V.I.Dal. 1872

I. S. Turgenev. 1872

Old parents. 1874

On the plot of Ivan Turgenev's novel "Fathers and Sons", he painted the picture "Old parents at the grave of their son."

Botanist. 1874

Monastic meal. 1865-1876

Christ in the Garden of Gethsemane. 1878

The return of the peasants ... 1880

Crying Yaroslavna. 1881

The old man on the bench. 1881

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Vasily Grigorievich Perov (1833-1882) - artist, one of the founding members of the Association of Traveling Exhibitions.

The artist's surname "Perov" comes from the nickname given to him by a grammar teacher for possessing a pen for writing letters. Vasily Perov was the illegally born son of Baron Georgy Karlovich Kridener. After his birth, his parents got married, but he was denied the rights to his father's surname and title.

The golden age of Vasily Perov

Perov's "Golden Age" began in 1860. In the late 1850s, the public got tired of mythological and "biblical" painting, and the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts was forced to start awarding medals for "sandals and sermyagi". In 1860 Vasily Perov received a small gold medal for the "First rank". Pavel Tretyakov wrote to him: "Take care of yourself for the service of art and for your friends." Later he received a large gold medal for "Preaching in a Countryside Church". Tretyakov bought many of Perov's paintings from this period.

In the early 1870s, the artist experienced a creative crisis. Perov's paintings no longer attracted everyone's attention. Delight from the artist's first works was replaced by bewilderment. Pavel Tretyakov wrote about Perov after visiting the 1875 exhibition: "What a pitiful thing Perov, what a wonderful transformation of talent into positive mediocrity." He was echoed by Kramskoy: "Four years ago Perov was ahead of everyone ... and after Repin's Burlakov, he is impossible."

The crisis was partly due to the death of his wife in 1869, and partly it was helped by fellow Itinerants.

Perov's biography

Vasily Perov.
Self-portrait 1851

V.G. Perov.
Self-portrait 1870

  • 1833.December 21 - at the provincial prosecutor's office, Baron Georgy Karlovich Kridener and a native of Tobolsk A.I. Ivanova, the illegitimate son Vasily was born. Soon the parents got married, but Vasily did not receive the rights to his father's surname and title.
  • 1842. Father Perov received the post of manager of the Yazykov estate in Sablukov, Nizhny Novgorod province. Here Vasily fell ill with smallpox, after which poor eyesight remained for the rest of his life.
  • 1843. Perov's studies at the Arzamas district school.
  • 1846. Studying at the Arzamas art school of A.V. Stupin. Perov did not finish school because of a conflict with one of the students.
  • 1852. Arrival of Vasily Perov to Moscow.
  • 1853. Admission of MUZHVZ. The teacher of the school E.Ya. Vasiliev, who settled Perov at home and took care of him as a father. Vasily Perov graduated from college under the direction of S.K. Zaryanko.
  • 1856. Small silver medal of the Academy of Arts for "Portrait of Nikolai Grigorievich Kridener", brother of Perov.
  • 1857. Large silver medal for the painting "The arrival of the police officer for the investigation."
  • 1860. Small gold medal for the painting "First rank".
  • 1861. Moving to St. Petersburg. Big gold medal and the right to travel abroad as a boarder for the painting "Sermon in the Village". Scandal over the painting "Rural religious procession at Easter". The artist Khudyakov wrote to Tretyakov: “And other rumors are circulating that as if the Synod would soon make a request to you: on what basis do you buy such immoral paintings and exhibit them publicly? and was soon removed, but nevertheless she raised a big protest! And instead of Italy, Perov, as it were, did not get to Solovki. "
  • 1862. Painting by Perov "Tea drinking in Mytishchi". Autumn - marriage to Elena Edmond Shains. December - Perov went abroad with his wife as a boarder at the Academy of Arts. Having visited Berlin, Dresden and Dusseldorf, I came to Paris.
  • 1863-1864. For two years Perov lived and worked in Paris. Having received permission from the Academy for an early return with the continuation of boarding in Russia, he returned to Moscow and settled in the house of his uncle's wife - F.F. Rezanov.
  • 1865 V.V. Stasov: "Perov created one of his best paintings:" The Funeral of a Peasant. "The painting was small in size, but great in content ... Perov gave complete abandonment and loneliness of a peasant family in its grief."
  • 1867. For the paintings "Troika" and "The Arrival of the Governess at the Merchant House" written a year earlier by V.G. Perov was awarded the title of academician. The painting "Troika" was acquired by P.M. Tretyakov.
  • 1868. The Academy of Arts extended the boarding school for Perov for two years. The birth of his son Vladimir.
  • 1869. Together with Myasoedov, who came up with the idea of ​​creating the Association of Traveling Art Exhibitions (TPHV), Perov organized a Moscow group of Itinerants and for seven years was a member of the board. Death of his wife.
  • 1870. Perov was awarded the title of professor by the Academy of Arts for the paintings "The Wanderer" and "The Birdman".
  • 1871. At the 1st exhibition of the TPHV Perov showed the painting "Hunters at a Halt". Appointment V.G. Perov as a teacher at the Moscow School of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture in place of the deceased S.K. Zaryanko. Painting portraits for Tretyakov.
  • 1872. Marriage to Elizaveta Yegorovna Druganova.
  • 1873. A trip to Nizhny Novgorod, to the Volga, to the Orenburg province. Severe cold while hunting, beginning of the process in the lungs.
  • 1874. Perov on the plot of the novel by I.S. Turgenev "Fathers and Sons" painted the picture "Old parents at the grave of their son." Creative crisis.
  • 1877. Withdrawal from the TPHV members. Collaboration in the journal "Nature and Hunting". Publication in the "Art Journal" of stories.
  • 1881. End of the year - deterioration of health due to typhoid and pneumonia.
  • 1882. Vasily Perov died.

Failed partnership

In 1871 the first exhibition of Itinerant artists took place. For almost a year she was disinterestedly accompanied by Vasily Perov and Grigory Myasoyedov. They did not even demanded a refund for the cost of the train tickets. It was assumed that the escorts would be members of the Partnership in turn. However, not everyone could afford it, and whoever could - preferred to paint. The St. Petersburg branch, bypassing the Moscow branch, hired an escort. There were other grievances and disagreements. V.G. Perov, being the treasurer of the Moscow branch, made a penny inaccuracy in the report. A scandal broke out. Perov acted as treasurer, again disinterestedly. To justify himself, he hired an accountant at his own expense.

In 1877 Vasily Grigorievich Perov left the Association. In a statement, he objected to the expansion of the Partnership, wrote: "... I am fully convinced and I think: where there are many gathered, there, of course, you can expect a lot of good, and even worse, which was, as I heard, with the artel artists that once existed in St. Petersburg ". Kramskoy's reaction was harsh: "God is judge Perov - we can do without him."

In 1871-1882. V.G. Perov taught at the School of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture. According to the memoirs of his student M.V. Nesterov "in the Moscow school of painting ... everything lived with Perov, breathed him, bore the imprint of his thoughts, words, deeds."

Vasily Perov was especially friendly with Alexei Savrasov. Together they created the Association of the Itinerants and worked at the School of Painting. Both left the school in 1882.

Pictures and portraits of Perov

Perov's paintings, written in the genre of everyday painting, are a story about the daily life of the people who surrounded the artist. Sometimes this is an illustration for the holiday, sometimes for rest, but more often - for everyday difficulties and ordeals. Over the years, Perov's irony and humor gave way to satire directed against the clergy and merchants. The critic V.V. Stasov wrote: "A whole gallery of Russian people living peacefully in different corners of Russia."

Many pictures of Perov P.M. Tretyakov bought immediately after their creation. Others got into the Tretyakov Gallery after 1925 with the nationalization of private collections.

Painting "Rural procession" written by Perov in 1861. At the same time it was exhibited at the Academy of Arts, but the next day it was removed from the exposition at the request of the authorities. The press reported that the painting "disappeared from the exhibition for reasons beyond the control of the artist." The work was transported to the exhibition of the Society for the Encouragement of Arts in St. Petersburg. Here, too, a scandal erupted. The critic V.V. Stasov remarked: "Such satire bites painfully." The picture was removed, and a card with the inscription "Acquired by P.M. Tretyakov" appeared in its place at the exhibition. The philanthropist bought the canvas, despite the warning that the author, instead of a trip abroad, could end up in the Solovetsky prison for blasphemy.

Painting "Tea drinking in Mytishchi, near Moscow" written by V.G. Perov in 1862 by order of the city administration. And although the picture was commissioned, it was painted as accusatory and highly social and made a huge impression on the Moscow public. The painting "Tea drinking in Mytishchi" was acquired for the private collection of K.T. Soldatenkov. Later, after 1925, during the nationalization, she ended up in the Tretyakov Gallery.

Painting "Monastic meal" , written by Perov in 1865, took eleven years to complete. She remained a satire on the clergy. Although this is grotesque, but, according to the author, the typical characters and precisely drawn out details of the picture should have convinced the viewer of the authenticity of what was depicted.

Painting "Troika" ("The disciples of the artisans are carrying water") written by Perov in 1866. This is one of the most poignant, in terms of emotional impact, works about the terrible existence of the poor in Russia at the end of the 19th century. "A whole life is told in their rags, poses, tortured eyes" - wrote the critic Stasov about Perov's picture "Troika". She immediately received universal recognition among her contemporaries. The painting was one of two works for which Perov was awarded the title of academician. But the highest praise for the artist was the purchase of a painting by P.M. Tretyakov immediately after the exhibition.

Painting "Hunters at Rest" written by Perov in 1871 for an exhibition in Europe. From the exhibition it was immediately bought by P.M. Tretyakov. In 1877, the second author's version was written for Alexander II. Now this painting is in the State Russian Museum in St. Petersburg. They say that there is also a third author's version, which was kept for a long time in the Nikolaev Regional Museum as a copy. Perov was a passionate hunter, so the topic of hunting is well known to him. The three men in the picture were doctors in Moscow life. The artist wrote the narrator in "Hunters at Rest" from the doctor of the Myasnitskaya police unit D.P. Kuvshinnikov. Later, in 1892, he and his wife, the mistress of the popular in Moscow in the 1880-1890s. literary salon, became the prototypes of Chekhov's story "Jumping".

The painting "Birds" Perov wrote in 1870 and received the title of professor for her. A very poetic work has emerged from a scene that the artist accidentally saw in the forest. The landscape for the painting "Birds" was painted by a friend and colleague Aleksey Savrasov

  • Myasnitskaya, 21. In 1853-1861. Vasily Perov studied, and from 1871 he taught and lived at the Moscow School of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture.
  • Tverskaya, 30. Since 1864 V.G. Perov lived in an apartment in a corner attic. Here he wrote "The Funeral of a Peasant".
  • The great Russian painter bore a different name all his life

    Every time you find yourself in the Tretyakov Gallery and stand in front of a canvas familiar from childhood, you get the feeling that at that very moment the world-famous masterpiece belongs exclusively to you. Nothing prevents you from hovering in front of him, examining every stroke and every stroke.

    Vasily Perov's canvases are one of those you don't want to leave. "Troika", "Fisherman", "Hunters at Rest" ... - a picture in your primer and a classic that people have been admiring for many years.

    December 21 marks the 185th anniversary of the artist's birth. We have selected five of his most recognizable works - each with its own story.

    1. The most touching

    • Oil on canvas, 51.5 x 65.8 cm

    A picture that you can't look at without tears. Its second name is “Apprentices-artisans are carrying water”. In the center, Perov depicted the wanderer's nine-year-old son, "Aunt Marya." For a long time her mother did not agree that the "master" wrote it to Vasya, fearing that after that he would wither away. And how I felt the trouble. Four years later, the boy was burned to death by smallpox. Marya, having met the artist, asked permission to look at the canvas with Vassenka - he brought her to the Tretyakov Gallery. “Approaching the picture, she stopped, looked at it and, clasping her hands, somehow unnaturally cried out:“ You are my father! You are my dear, here is your knocked out tooth! " - and with these words, like the grass cut by a wave of the mower fell to the floor, ”the painter recalled. He left the murdered grief mother alone, and she prayed for an hour, kneeling in front of the image of her son.

    2. The worst

    Click on the photo to enlarge

    • Oil on canvas, 68x106 cm
    • State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow

    A lifeless body caught from the waters of the Neva is an illustration for a criminal chronicle. A visit to the morgue, where he found the corpse of a young girl, helped the artist achieve complete reliability. The dead woman lay on the plank floor, under which there was ice so that the bodies would not decompose longer. Perov's escort unceremoniously pulled the sheets off the dead, saying: “Evo! How many beauties we have! Choose, your honor, which is more suitable for you. " The artist chose. The escort, carrying the corpse on his shoulder like a sack of oats, went from the glacier to the master's room. There he threw the load on the floor at full swing. And the artist, peering into the sharpened features, was stunned: that was the prostitute Fanny he knew - he painted the Mother of God from her. Why a prostitute? Yes, there was no other model. Brothels supplied girls for posing, because "decent" young ladies had to be persuaded to undress for a pittance. Perov recalled how, in the midst of the work, Fanny accidentally found out who the artist wanted to portray her. And when she found out, she was ashamed. Somehow pulling on her stockings, she ran away from the workshop in tears, considering herself unworthy of such an incarnation.

    In reality, Fanny did not drown herself, but died of smallpox. By that time she had even got married - she had a cheap wedding ring on her hand. But judging by the picture, one gets the full impression that it was precisely the "reduced social responsibility" that brought the unfortunate girl to suicide.

    3. Most underrated

    Click on the photo to enlarge

    • Oil on canvas 44 x 53.3 cm
    • State Russian Museum, St. Petersburg

    The painting was often criticized for its dry color. Art critic Alexey Fedorov-Davydov, Head of the Department of New Russian Art at the Tretyakov Gallery, noted: "One of the most acute in terms of subject matter, impressive paintings by V. Perov, this last one, is unpleasant in a pictorial sense ... The tones of this picture hurt the eyes unpleasantly." And Vasily Grigorievich's colleague in the shop, artist Ivan Kramskoy, and decided that the picture was too crowded. “The governess herself is charming, there is some embarrassment in her, some haste and something that immediately makes the viewer understand the personality and even the moment, the owner is also not bad, although not new: Ostrovsky taken. The rest of the faces are superfluous and only spoil the matter, ”he wrote.

    It is interesting that, making fun of the customs of the Moscow merchants, Perov closely communicated with Pavel Mikhailovich Tretyakov- the main patron of the Association of Traveling Art Exhibitions, who also came from a merchant family.

    4. The most scandalous

    Click on the photo to enlarge

    • Blank, oil, 71.5 x 89 cm
    • State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow

    For this creation, the artist was almost sent to Solovki - so bitingly the priests and their flock have never been portrayed. A drunken procession with icons and banners does not see where it is wandering. Peasants with half-closed eyes, a drunken priest who crushed an Easter egg with his foot. The sexton rushing to save the symbol of Easter. Nearby is a woman with an icon whose face has been lost. There is also a beggar carrying the icon upside down. The hostess of the house splashes water from a jug onto a peasant lying under the porch, who, apparently, doesn't care anymore.

    The painter captured the moment of "glorification" during Holy Week. Priests, who did not receive payment for their service, went around the peasant households, where they performed church chants and prayers, for which they received a simple offering. The poor people had a hard time with food - more often they offered the priest a drink. After such "donations" the priests could hardly stand on their feet.

    The painting presented at the exhibition of the Society for the Encouragement of Artists in St. Petersburg was removed as "spiritless", it was forbidden to reproduce it in print, and Pavel Tretyakov, who bought the canvas, was advised not to show it to visitors.

    5. The most unreliable

    Click on the photo to enlarge

    • Canvas, oil. 119 x 183
    • State Tretyakov Gallery

    The artist wrote the characters who were carried away by hunting bikes from his acquaintances. The narrator is a physician Dmitry Kuvshinnikov served as a prototype for Dr. Dymov in "Jumping" Chekhov. Kuvshinnikov's wife Sofya Petrovna was the owner of the literary and art salon, which Perov visited, Levitan, Repin, Chekhov and other artists and writers. At some point, a romance broke out between Sofya Petrovna and Isaac Levitan, who was ten years younger than her. The couple retired to sketches. And Chekhov got it for this, whose jumper turned out to be very similar to Sophochka. Levitan challenged the writer to a duel, but luckily her friends managed to upset her.

    In the image of an ironically grinning hunter, Perov portrayed a doctor and an amateur artist Vasily Bessonov. A young hunter, carried away by the stories of his older comrades, is a 26-year-old Nikolay Nagornov - future member of the Moscow City Council. Connoisseurs of hunting, paying tribute to Perov's knowledge in this field - he collaborated in the magazine "Hunting and Nature", found inaccuracies in the image. The carcass of a European hare, for example, is strangely intact - according to the rules of hunting with dogs, a killed animal had to be poked between the shoulder blades with a knife, its front legs were cut off and inserted into the saddle. It is not clear how the heroes managed to solve the forest bird and the hare - the inhabitant of the fields at once. The horn in the picture looks accidental - it was used for hunting dogs to gather hounds in a flock, but there is no flock of hounds. And a gun thrown to the ground - and not at any gate. An experienced hunter will never put his muzzle on the ground, so as not to clog the barrel bore.

    Drank to hell at 13

    The "speaking" surname of the future artist appeared by chance. Actually he Vasiliev, but this is not by birth - the illegitimate son of the provincial prosecutor, baron George (Grigory) Karlovich Kridener recorded on the sexton who baptized him. Mother, Akulina Ivanovna, got along with Kridener, burying her first husband. For some time, Basil's parents lived unmarried, and although they later sealed the union in the church, their son did not get either a surname or a noble title.

    And he would have been Vasya Vasiliev, if not for the ability to draw. The father sent his son to a private school in Arzamas - he wrote out letters with a pen so skillfully that he earned the corresponding nickname, which eventually became a surname. Once, together with fellow students, 13-year-old Vasily was invited to the name day of one of the young ladies. They broke away so that the young man was brought home by a driver in a completely drunk state. Perov was miraculously not expelled, and mother, Akulina Ivanovna, took the offspring under special control.

    Not much is known about the artist's personal life. In 1862, he married the niece of a professor at the Leningrad Conservatory Petra Ryazanov to Elena Sheins. But just five years later, the spouse, and after her, two older children died. Only the youngest son, Vladimir, survived - he also became an artist. Five years after the death of his first wife, the painter married again. There were no children in the marriage, but they appeared on his canvases - and it was clear that the author loves and regrets his heroes with all his heart.

    Touches for his portrait

    • December 21, 1833 (January 3, 1834) Was born in Tobolsk.
    • 1842-1846 biennium He lived with his parents on the Sablukovo estate in the Nizhny Novgorod province of the Arzamas district. I was painting on my own.
    • 1846-1849 Studied at the Arzamas school of painting Alexandra Stupina.
    • 1852 He moved with his mother to Moscow.
    • 1853-1862 Studied at the Moscow School of Painting and Sculpture.
    • 1861 Received a large gold medal from the Academy of Arts for the painting "Sermon in the Village" with the provision of content for improvement abroad.
    • 1863-1864 He stuffed his hand in Berlin, Dresden, then in Paris.
    • 1864 In August he received permission to return to Russia early. In the fall, having visited Italy, I came to Moscow.
    • 1866 For the pictures "Troika" and "Guitarist-boby" he received the title of academician.
    • 1867 Participated in the World Exhibition in Paris, where the paintings "The First Rank" ("The Son of a Sexton, Promoted to Collegiate Registrars"), "Dilettante", "Guitarist-Bob", "Farewell to the Dead", "Troika", "Drowned Woman" were presented.
    • 1870 He became one of the founding members of the Association of Traveling Art Exhibitions, was elected a member of the Board of the Association and the cashier of the Moscow branch. Received the title of professor for the paintings "Birds" and "Wanderer".
    • 1871 He taught at the Moscow School of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture.
    • 1872 Married to Elizaveta Egorovna Druganova. Painted a portrait Dostoevsky.
    • 1873 At the World Exhibition in Vienna he presented the paintings "Hunters at Rest" and "Fisherman".
    • 1874 Started working on a painting about the uprising Pugacheva.
    • 1878 Withdrew from the Association of Traveling Art Exhibitions. Took part in the World Exhibition in Paris ("Portrait of Dostoevsky", "Birds", "Wanderer").
    • 1881 He worked on the painting "Nikita Pustosvyat".
    • May 29 (June 10) 1882 Died of typhus and pneumonia in Kuzminki. Buried in the Danilov Monastery in Moscow.

    Soon after the birth of Vasily, his father was dismissed from the service, so the boy had to move a lot from city to city.In 1842 he fell ill with smallpox, as a result of which he was left with poor eyesight.

    From 1843 to 1846 he studied at the district school in the city of Arzamas. In 1846, he began to attend the Arzamas art school, but could not finish. In 1852 he entered the Moscow School of Painting.

    In 1862, Vasily married Helen Shains. Immediately after the wedding, they left for Europe and settled in Paris for several years.

    In 1869 he founded the Moscow group of the Itinerants, for a long time was a member of the board. In 1872, Perov married a second time - to Elizaveta Druganova.

    The most important paintings: "Hunters at a Halt", "Seeing the Dead", "The Last Tavern at the Outpost", "Troika", "Birds", "Rural Procession at Easter", "Arrival of the Stanovoy", "Tea Party in Mytishchi", " Dumbfounded ”,“ Fisherman ”,“ Drowned Woman ”,“ Sleeping Children ”.

    He died on May 29, 1882 from consumption. The artist was buried in the Danilov Monastery, but later the remains were transferred to the Donskoy Monastery in Moscow.