Professional - who is it? What you need to know and be able to profession? Who is a real professional.

Professional - who is it? What you need to know and be able to profession? Who is a real professional.
Professional - who is it? What you need to know and be able to profession? Who is a real professional.

How to get happiness? These questions can be safely put in one row, because they determine the quality of our life and do not allow it to go to normal existence.

Competent people

People who are well versed in a question, always respected and respect them, they are advised, they are advised to their loved ones, friends and acquaintances. They are rarely looking for work, rather, the work finds them itself. Such personalities are valued by gold weight.

Competence is the quality with which it is impossible to be born. This is the result of acquiring knowledge, experience, training and other efforts on yourself. If a person does not work on himself, prefers to be inert and closed, then, therefore, has a low standard of living.

You can have a common idea of \u200b\u200bmany things, but truly competent can be only in some one sphere. As a rule, people who seek to know and try to learn something new every day in different areas of life, cannot become real professionals of their business. Professionalism and true competence is the ability to dig deep into, not stylish.

Know common ideas - it's great, but when we get to the surgeon, I want him to know anatomy, and not just common ideas.

Artificial Intelligence

In the modern world, many mathematical and various mechanical work can perform a robot. Computers can keep so much information, and it is so structured that the human brain cannot compete with them.

As for mathematics, computers are the best professionals of their business. People who have several tens of years ago could calculate the sums of the four-digit components, find the difference between numbers, were considered geniuses and professionals. Now the need for such a talent has decreased dramatically.

But there are areas of life in which artificial intelligence cannot exceed a person - this is art. The computer can create something qualitatively new only by the hands of a person.

Also, artificial intelligence is weak in matters of psychology and with regard to the emotional sphere of man. Professionalism should be appropriate and useful for a particular era.

Concept of the term

The ability to qualitatively and skillfully perform their work at any time, under any conditions and in any condition is called professionalism. Explain. If you draw well, sing or dance only when you visited the muse, then you can call you, and a professional is still early.

To become a master, you need not only to improve in a particular matter, but also work on your volitional deposits: muffle the dream when the fatigue knocks you down, to endure pain, even when it interferes with the direct execution of the case, etc.

Regarding not only the miracter of your physical and moral states, but also to quickly adapt to external conditions. Remember the brilliant violinist Niccolo Paganini, who played his "Capris" on one string, as the rest during the speech burst.

Professionalism levels

Severe five main levels of professionalism:

  • doprofessionalism;
  • professionalism;
  • superprofessionalism;
  • non-professionalism;
  • afterprofhesionalism.


Anyone who dreams of becoming a master of his business, a professional, passes through this stage. It is characterized by familiarization with a certain type of labor, the development of rules, norms, concepts, nuances and other mandatory components. This level of development of professionalism is distinguished by its complexity and necessity, but at the same time ineffectiveness.

Doprofessionalism can be observed from interns, young professionals or beginners in any field of activity. This is a great time when you forgive shoals and mistakes, this is the moment when you can and you need to stuff your own cones and learn from the shortcomings not only others, but also your own.

Strangely enough, but the more mistakes make a person at this stage, the more professional he will be in the future. The main thing is not to be disappointed in yourself and do not stop trying.


High quality experts, professionals of their case first master the norm and rules of their profession at a high level. They work "by template" and fulfill their work diligently and good.

Having achieved this level, a person feels part of the profession, based on his experience can see other ways to solve certain problems that are not spelled out in the Statutes, can in turn, is distributed on the tip.

How to determine if you achieved at least the initial level of professionalism? If you can effectively train newbies, that is, to tell about the specifics of work or profession, familiarize yourself with the main problems with which he may encounter, train an algorithm for the execution of certain actions, etc., then you have already achieved something in your business.


This is the highest level of professionalism, which any sensible person wants to achieve. It is possible to reach it only when a person grows out of the framework of his profession. He not only at the highest level can perform his work, but knows how to make a revolution in his native field of activity.

Such a man is full of unique ideas. These people no longer think about how to make their work, but on how to change this sphere of human activity for the better. Even to the nonwork profession, they begin to treat creatively.

It is such personalities that the steering wheel of world progress, they shift many sciences from the dead point, create revolutionary products and trying to do this world better every way. Their names fit into history.

Such personalities perceive the world otherwise. Some, looking out the window, see the landscape behind him, others - the window frame, the third - Tulle. Superprofessions own excellent "vision" in all three registers and can switch on time. They also master a number of adjacent professions or sciences.


Non-professionals are people who work for a long time in any sphere, but still could not achieve heights, to master sufficiently skills, master the rules, etc.

Most likely, these individuals do not differ in the necessary talents and abilities, they may have chosen not the profession for themselves.

Nonprofhesionalism is not a sentence, but, on the contrary, the indicator that a person tries himself in different areas and is in the search. If it lasts years or decades, then you need to solve the problem.

It is necessary to initially choose those professions in which you will be effective and useful for society in which your development will take place with great pleasure, and not under the breakdown.

Often, non-professionals are delayed at their work, because they are satisfied with salary, schedule, prestige, conditions, team, so they are carefully hidden for hyperactivity in the workplace. We spend more time and forces not for personal improvement, but to create the visibility of your work.


People who lived to retirement age come to this level. In the past, they were popular with commercials and know exactly how to become a professional professional. Some share their experience with the younger generation, remaining the consistent guru of their business, thereby increasing their professionalism.

This period of life everyone lives in different ways: someone continues to improve and instruct, and someone acquire new hobbies and also achieve great success.

Professionals are smart people, and smart people live longer, since their brain is more plastic, and neural connections are stronger, it means that the brain is better quality. And this is the same body that controls the whole body.

Stages of professionalism

You can identify such:

  1. Adaptation stage. This is a period of entry into the profession, familiarization with the basic rules, methods, problems, techniques and techniques. The first year or two people adapts to the new role of the artist. Study is the process of acquisition of knowledge, and the work is to reproduce them in practice. Often this stage passes painfully, and some people are delayed for years.
  2. Self-actualization. Having felt in the profession, a person has its own handwriting, a style and algorithm of actions, he already knows about his strengths, learned how to smooth out weaknesses. At this stage, the personality is evolving the means of profession.
  3. Fluency. At this level, the person learned all the rules and rules of his profession, got acquainted with all sorts of problems and their decisions. The fulfillment of their direct duties no longer requires special efforts.

How to be a professional?

Here are some tips:

  1. Do not be afraid of failure. As a rule, one who does not focus on their failures reaches success, but, on the contrary, it rejoices. Any defeat has a huge number of necessary information that does not get if it is not accidentally missed. It is necessary to draw conclusions and forget negative emotions - they brake the process of professional growth.
  2. People who are professional professionals are planning their day. To do this, use a diary, organizer or special applications for the smartphone. If a person is seriously tuned towards his future, he appreciates the time more than any other resources.
  3. The ability for some cases require a very urgent solution, others may wait, others do not even matter at all. The true professional is able to correctly assess the situation.
  4. If you work in the "man-man" sphere, then respect and attention to people is the key to success. If you have to negotiate, communicate, maintain, teach, treat, etc., you need to be as friendly as possible, because positive emotional exchange gives strength and energy for further professional formation.
  5. Systemativity plays a big role in the acquisition of the necessary experience. If you perform your work with a certain regularity, then you can achieve great success even in those areas in which you seemed to be an absolute amateur.
  6. You need to love what you are doing. When a person enjoys work, it works more efficiently and with less cost.

Professionals of their business

There may be a lot of examples, because a huge number of professionals work in the shadows, but it is thanks to them that we go on escalators, we go to smooth roads, we carry beautiful clothes, we use the latest gadgets, listen to excellent music, in time we arrive on the plane and so on.

All those benefits of civilization, which we have the opportunity to observe and use daily, were created by the hands of true professionals.

It is thanks to personalities with congenital perfectionism and the desire for ideality, we know a lot of famous and decent brands and trust them, we have the opportunity to watch and admire the enchanting show.

Professionals and competent people always appreciate, they are heard, in the language and in the head as a landmark. They are smaller, they learn, they imitate them, they are advised and never cease to respect.

A musician who can play a work on one string when the rest burst, athletes speaking on world competitions with broken legs, hands or spine, pilot that makes a forced landing somewhere in a taiga, a doctor who operates thirty hours in a row - these are superprofessions And while on Earth there are people who know how to surrender professions, humanity is not at risk.

In the modern world to be a non-professional equal to the disaster. But it is not necessary to forget that for the acquisition of professionalism requires a minimum of 10,000 hours of painstaking work.

"Reading is art"

We will understand in such concepts as "professionalism" and "Professional". They lies with the answer to the question - who is a professional - a carrier of a high level of knowledge, skills and skills in certain professional activities or a person who has several other characteristics? Let us turn to the lead scientist exploring this problem. So, E.A. Klimov believes that professionalism is a certain systemic organization of the consciousness and psyche of a person, this is a complex education consisting of a variety of elements, each of which is connected with each other and the manifestation of which in the aggregate gives a person to perform work at a professional level and to be considered a professional.

The scientist highlights the main components of professionalism :. The properties of a person as a holistic education - the image of the world; Professional orientation; attitude to peace, people, to themselves; creation; intellectuality; Professional skill; Performing abilities; emotionality; understanding of kinship with other professions; an idea of \u200b\u200bcomplex abilities and a combination of their personal qualities; an idea of \u200b\u200byour place in professional community; . Practically significant features (Praxis): Motorika; skills, skills, actions addressed to the subject area of \u200b\u200blabor and the area of \u200b\u200bproduction organization; Communicative skills; skills addressed to information conversion

methods; skills, self-regulation skills; . Professional gnosis - attention, memory, feeling, perception, performance, ability to accept and process information, the ability to take professional decisions, understand non-standard situations; . Professional awareness, experience and culture: orientation in different scientific fields; specific professional knowledge (on the purpose of their activities and their life, the means of labor, the conditions of professional development and the achievement of success); . Features of the power of experiences, the speed of their shift; . understanding of issues of their age and sexuality due to the requirements of the profession; understanding the role of physical qualities, appearance, health, contraindications to work in this professional area.

N.V. Kuzmina The concept of "professionalism" is consumed in two semantic meanings: as "professionalism of activity" and as "personality professionalism". Professionalism of activity is the qualitative characteristics of a subject of activity as a representative of this profession, which is determined by the measure of possession of them with modern means of solving professional tasks, productive methods of its implementation. The professionalism of the teacher's pedagogical activity is determined as the ownership of the art to form students with readiness for productive solving problems with the means of its subject (specialty) for the time allocated to the educational process. The professionalism of the individual is a qualitative characteristic of the subject of labor, reflecting a high level of development of professionally important and personal-business qualities, acmeological components of professionalism, high level of creativity, adequate level of claims, motivational sphere and value orientations aimed at progressive development. N.V. Kuzmina, depending on the results of the teacher, allocates the following levels of professionalism: reproductive, adaptive, locally modeling, system-modeling knowledge, system-modeling creativity.

The main pedagogical skills of N.V. Kuzmina refers: Gnostic, designer, constructive, communicative, organizational. A.K. Markova The concept of "professionalism" uses in two values \u200b\u200bas "regulatory professionalism" and "real professionalism". In the first sense, we are talking about a combination of personal characteristics, which should have a person to fulfill certain employment at a professional level. These are the requirements that the employer may submit to a potential employee. Real professionalism, as a set of formed psychological qualities, a person acquires in activities after a while. In this case, professionalism becomes its internal characteristic. A.K. Markov highlights two sides of professionalism: the state of the motivational sphere of human professional activity (what motives are encouraged by a person, what a professional activity in his life, what kind of goals he personally seeks to achieve how satisfied with labor, etc.) and the state of the operational sphere of professional activities A person (as he reaches the goals, which technologies use, what means - knowledge, mental operations, the ability to use).

Key point in the motivational sphere to achieve a high level of professionalism, from the point of view of A.K. Markova, there must be a spiritual filling of the profession: the focus of their professional activities for the benefit of people; the desire to stay in his profession; The desire for humanistic ideals, motivation to achieve higher levels in labor, achieving success with the optimal preservation of its own resources. The key point in the operational sphere is the "technological" provision of spiritual filling of the profession: developed professional consciousness, a holistic vision of an image of a successful professional; bringing themselves in line with the requirements of the profession; Real performance of professional activities at the level of high samples and standards, mastering skill; development by man itself by the profession; making your creative contribution to the profession; Attracting the interest of society to the results of their work. A.K. Markova notes that the mastery of new technologies is not yet professionalism, "in pursuit of new technologies we face that the" techniques "are, and no spirituality (holiness) in labor."

LM Mitin, exploring the problem of the professional formation of man, notes that it is the spiritual principle that spirituality must determine the level of its professional development. The scientist presents two models of the teacher: a model of adaptive behavior and a professional development model. In the first model, an adaptation of a teacher to external circumstances is observed, as well as the subordination of the environment (parents, disciples) to their interests in the form of social requirements, expectations, norms. In this model, a person tries to "fit out" into the labor process, guided by the postulate of time saving and strength.

Professional tasks are solved on the basis of spent algorithms that are converted to stamps and patterns. LM Mitin stresses that the adaptive behavior is the most common among domestic specialists from different fields of activity (80-82%). Representatives of this model quickly comes up and "exhaustion", immunity to something new in labor activity. In the professional development model, a person can go beyond its activities and see its work as a whole. The teacher in such a model is a designer of its activities based on the valued value indicators.

The difficulties faced by a person in the process of work are perceived as a professional lesson and the ability to move forward, solving complex tasks. The teacher lives in a creative search and feels freedom on one side, and on the other - the responsibility for making decisions. In the developed L.M. Mitina psychological technology of professional development of the future specialist emphasis is not on learning new examples of activity, but on the "transformation of motivational, intellectual, affective and - ultimately the behavioral structures of his personality. In fact, this is the technology of optimizing the process of forming the spirituality of the individual. " From the point of view of S.A. Druzhilova, a professional is a person who is an individual, personality and subject of activity, therefore professionalism should be considered as a systemic education in three planes: as a property, as a process and as a state of a person-professional.

As a property, professionalism makes it possible to create the conditions worthy of a person's life, to be confident in the future, as professionals are competitive in the labor market and will have more favorable conditions for professional growth and self-improvement. How the process of professionalism is formed a long period, in each professional area and each person this period of time is individual.

Professionalism as a state of a person can be inner and external. Internal professionalism is recorded by the subject of a subject of a comfortable or uncomfortable feeling in the subsystems of the body or the whole organism. External professionalism is the degree of well-being, which can be observed by external signs. S.A. Druzhilov Professionalism of the teacher determines as a special property of a specialist systematically, effectively and reliably carry out complex activities in a wide variety of conditions. Scientist Professionalism does not identify with the characteristics of highly qualified labor, it, in his opinion, is a special human worldview.

To acquire professionalism, a person must have a desire, character, ability and aspiration for self-improvement. Deserve attention Research A.R. Fluewn, which highlights the three modes of human existence, in accordance with which the formation of a professional is: possessing, social achievements and ministry. The modus of possessions is in the desire of a person to convenience, minimizing efforts in all spheres of vital activity. The main installation of a person is aimed at meeting its needs. For a person, there are no moral obstacles, other it uses to achieve its goals, which makes professionalism impossible. The modus of social achievements consists in comparison with others, in rivalry, self-affirmation at the expense of others, disposal from its entity. Modeus of ministry is characterized by love for people, the desire to send their professional activities for the benefit of others. A sense of tremendous power appears in man, giving himself another, he frees a huge energy that increases workability and promotes the development of professionalism.

The author notes that the modes allocated to them are not isolated from each other, each of them takes place in the life of any person, however, one of them is the main, and others are a means of realizing attitudes towards life. A.R. Furnaced believes that the specified modes, in turn, are the stages of the formation of a professional, under which the scientist understands a person who has aware of his life destinations, which is the subject of his work and owning activities in general, the results of the labor of which exceed the result, which is aware of For the consequences of the implementation of activities and having freedom in the creation of funds for its implementation. Close to position A.R. Fluayarev's ideas of the priest G. Egorova, who deepens the thought regarding the implementation of professional activities in different mododules. As emphasizes G. Egorov, professional activities in the model of ownership leads to professional destruction and stagnation, that is, to professional degradation of the personality.

In this mode, the professional development of a person is limited by the borders of the presentation, the opportunities that the field of professional activities provide. Value benchmarks are also limited to the framework of the elected modus. The development of a person as a professional and as the personality of the city of Egorov sees in a model of ministry, which stimulates the formation of higher life senses, makes a person capable of openness, encourages self-development, self-improvement, to enrich the personality and self, and another person. In this modus, a person sees the value of another, for which professional activity is carried out. A professional seeks to create unique conditions for the other, since the purpose of its activity is not limited to a professional result, but focuses on serving another person.

G. Egorov gives such a definition of a professional: "Professional - a subject of own professional activity, which is internally manifested as creativity associated with exit outside the professional field, and inward - as creative self-conciliation, self-residue associated with exit to the limits of its own cash carried out on A single morally value-motivational basis in the service modus ". OG Krasnoglylkov considers teacher's professionalism as a system integral personality characteristic, which includes the following interrelated components: pedagogical competence, pedagogical skills, professionally significant qualities, individual image, which together create the unique individuality of the teacher and ensure the effectiveness and optimality of his professional activities. G.V. Sorokumov clearly distinguishes the concept of "specialist" and "Professional".

If a specialist is a person who owns a certain level of competence in accordance with the regulatory requirements of the profession, then a professional is a competent person who performs its professional duties on a spiritual and moral basis. The competence of a professional is spiritualized by love for his work, people, responsibility and genuine freedom. "The core of professionalism is a personality, and its leading professionally important quality is intelligence. But the generating support of professionalism is spirituality and morality of man. " Thus, a professional is a carrier not only professional knowledge and ways of activity, but also a carrier of professional-moral values, a person who has a high level of responsibility for adopted solutions capable of self-development, self-improvement, aspiring to the spiritual filling of the profession, to its development and ready serve other people.

I. V. Chebotareva, S. V. Korkova

When someone puts the goal to become an expert in one or another skill, first of all, the phrase "Perfection in practice" comes to mind: the more time you dedicate the case, the more craftsmanship you can achieve. However, it is necessary to devote time not only to quantity, but also quality. ELLE KAPLAN Entrepreter and Financial Expert (Elle Kaplan) told about the principles of the so-called "electoral practice", the effectiveness of which is confirmed by scientists.

Anders Ericsson (Anders Ericsson), Professor of Psychology and the author of the book "Peak: Secrets of the New Science of Skience of Expertise), has studied people who have become the best in one way or another - from chess grasisters Until the best virtuoso musicians. His observations are contrary to traditional ideas. Eriksson discovered that if you want to become incredibly successful in something, it is important not only and not so much the number of hours spent in practice, but also their quality.

The rule that masters enjoy is called "selective practice" - a reasonable method that will help you become the best in what you want.

But what does this "selectivity" appear? For most skills and skills, not all kinds of practice are equally useful. A simple repetition (execution of the same actions again and again) will help you develop a habit, but will not always make you better.

Biheworal psychologist James Clear (James Clear) is agreed with this point of view: "We often think that we get better in something just because I gain experience. In fact, so we simply strengthen our habits, and not develop. "

And now explain: the essence selectivepractices are laid in its name, that is, it is necessary to approach the case with certain intentions, goals and calculations. Each your step should have a clear meaning, you must know exactly what to do on every particular day, as well as how and when you reach your goal.

Here are some ways to introduce election practices in your daily life.

Do not be afraid of failure

"Failures allowed me to learn about yourself such things that I could not know anymore."

Joanne Rowling

Having learned the idea that failures would help you to achieve greatness, you can proceed to election practice. Instead of repeating the things you studied again and again, you can improve in what you will have the least.

Grow gradually

"Be patient. Self-development is a very thin matter, it is the Holy Land. There is no way to find the path shorter and cut. "

Do not try to learn everything immediately. It is better to work out one skill at a time, so you gradually be able to reach something more (and it will definitely cost it).

Slide your new goal for segments - where do you need to start to continue your way? Do you know how to read sheet music to play just a purchased guitar? Have you learned to warm up in front of the marathon, who has just been recorded? Collect the case to gradually, and the final result will be much more solid than if you were grabbed for everything at once.

Keywords: young specialist, experienced professional, human quality

Many confuse the words "specialist" and "Professional". But if you understand, are they similar? To understand who needs to be called a professional, and who is a specialist, you need to understand the difference between words specialty and profession. It would seem that. Let's try.

With a specialist Everything is easier nowhere. He graduated from the university, received a specialty. Everything. Became a specialist. There is some theory, some skills in the potential. Experience is optional. As they speak in the people, it is young specialist. Zero level.

Next, with the help of adding adjectives, we get more advanced specialists. there is experienced specialist - He has experience, it means that he worked in a specialty for several years. there is high-class specialist or high-level specialist. He received the status of a person who is greatly disassembled in some aspect of the Specialty Council. And still there linden special - He makes a lip with a smart look.

What about a professional? According to logic, a professional is the one who is engaged in something within their profession. We will look at using an etymological magnifying glass:

Profession is a word from English. A person who called himself a professional, publicly declared any matter of his profession. The verb "Profess" is translated - "openly recognize".

Today everything has changed. Look at the words "Killer-Professional" or "Thief Professional". There are still professional extortionists and beggars. What nonsense? Let them try to publicly declare his "cases." They will immediately say!

If the meaning of the word "professional" does not fit with the words "Killer" and "Thief", why arose such phrases? Because the meaning of the word "professional" has changed. Now it means not so much to "be a representative of the profession", how much "do the case without errors, at the highest level." And what is the case, useful or harmful, does not care anyone. That is, in this case it is not necessarily a socially "approved" profession. That's how everything turned upside down.

In principle, this is the principal difference between a specialist and a professional. The specialist is associated only with the work in the field of activity he studied at the university and operates within the framework of the profession, and, as a rule, in its workplace in one organization.

By the way, cases of consumption of such phrases are seen as an "professional specialist, which means a specialist who fulfills his duties without mistakes, is infinitely qualitatively.

As for the professional, then recently there has been a tendency to call a person who acts not so much as part of the profession, how much does it activity that brings profit at all . Get a lot of money for what you do - call a professional! Beautifully disassemble in your field, but do not know how to earn it? Although crazy, you can not consider a professional.

In addition, a professional is more independent. The one who is called a professional is always a much competent specialist in issues such as the organization of processes and time, communication, finance management and business independence. Roughly speaking, a professional is more independent and free than a specialist who, as a rule, "sticks out" to the organization and all of the above "complex" tasks leaves to solve the management.

In general, the word "specialist" is more clear to the Russian person. Even in the dictionaries, it determined more clearly than the word "professional". Take a look into the dictionary of Ozhegov, for example. And the word "professional" is usually determined by the word "specialist" with the addition of distinctive features. Because this word has not yet passed in Russian. Therefore, while its value is unstable.

But summarize.

Who works better? And a professional, and the specialist work well, only a professional earns much more.

Who competent? In matters of special subtleties, a high-class specialist is not inferior to a professional. But in matters of independence at the level of organization of the business process, a professional is distinguished from a specialist.

Whose opinion is worth more? The one who gives a more vital council. So, the opinion of the professional. Although there is someone, whose opinion is even more expensive. But about this next time.
Site - author and source

Is there a skill in our lives, which is able to make a person successful in almost all industries, no matter what competition will come to? We will succeed in everything and learn to achieve any goals. What is this skill who are owned by successful people and do not use less successful? Brodude will tell you how from the Green Yunz to go into the category of a decent husband, how to turn out of an unlucky lover in a professional, which is guaranteed to achieve the goals.

1. No need to wait for inspiration

Take an example of a scriptwriter to make a lot of work every day. On the one hand, this is his activity for which he receives money, on the other, you need some inspiration to do what is needed. Is it possible to do work well only when you feel the motivation and strength to create, especially in such a creative profession? Of course, this is an integral qualities, but a large role is played by self-discipline.

If it is necessary to work only on inspiration, it will be possible to create a quality material from time to time, and the main task layer will be made of the hands badly. The secret is that you have to understand the need for your work and do everything for its implementation, not letting the brain and the chance to think that certain activities require inspiration, otherwise it will be impossible to work.

An excellent example was the conversation of Stephen King (SC) and George Martin (DM), which illustrates an example of how important it is to adjust yourself to work, and not wait for inspiration:

DM: How do you manage to write so many books for such a short time? I think: "Excellent were half a year, I wrote already three chapters," and you wrote three books during this time!
SK: This is my job. I write 6 pages per day, and then edit them. It turns out that a book with 360 pages I write for about two months.
DM: You have no days when it finds a stupor? Did you write one sentence for the week? When you check email and think: "Maybe I'm not so talented?". Do you have such days?
SK: Not.
DM: (gives peace and king indescribable grimace, replete with the entire range of emotions, experiences and droplets of hatred).

What excuse can you find for yourself after Stephen King himself, the horror king, says that even such a subtle substance, like inspiration, can be systematized and? If you are a professional about your business, then you do not need pathetic excuses: you just take and do your job.

2. The difference between a professional and amateur

It doesn't matter what exactly you are trying to become better, but if you do work only when the peak of motivation at the limit, it will not be possible to develop the ability to consistently make certain actions to achieve the result and become a professional. It can even be called supercopiness - to adhere to the schedule daily and perform their work, especially when you do not feel the need for this at the moment. It is such an ability and need you to succeed in your affairs. When you train every day, regardless of the circumstances, you do your body better and better, you work on the skills, you become a leader in your profession. It is effective, it works, but why is it so difficult to follow this rule?

3. Being a professional is very difficult

Apply the plans for their implementation is very difficult how professional you can. In fact, there is very difficult pros. Most of the time we struggle with internal conflicts. We have the goals that would really like to achieve, but we proceed to their implementation only when we find enough time, inspiration or motivation for it.

Even by creating a perfect schedule, there will be days when you want to sculp and do not fulfill your work. In the hall there will be no strength to workout, you will sit at work in social networks. But the ability to activate the performance at the moment when the least wants to work, and makes a person a professional. Profi always adhere to the graphics, and lovers are subject to exposure to external factors that are able to break their schedule.

4. You will never regret the start of important work

We do not want to make a workaholic from you and do not say that only because they work more than others. Their trump card lies in the discipline and the fact that they make the necessary things to achieve the result, and do not speak about it.

There is a goal that is very important for you, and you will work a lot to achieve it. Not because you want to work more, but from the realization of the importance of the final results and the need to work to achieve them. You will have to work not when it is convenient, and when it is necessary. Becoming a professional means to perform paramount priority tasks, despite other factors. It is not necessary to build workaholic from yourself and play the role of the victim, which is uploaded by proceedings. This is the lot of lovers who are not aware of the importance of the great goal that needs to be achieved.

5. How to become a professional

There are three steps with the help of which a real pro.

1. Realize what exactly you want to work hard
Your goal is the main impulse, because it is much easier to get something when you know what you want. It sounds simply, but many people do not succeed only because they do not know the subject of their desires.

2. Create a schedule in which all actions will be indicated.
It must be done to keep track of the tasks with which to deal with. It is very important to create a schedule from the actions that need to be performed, and not from the results you need to achieve.

3. Adhere to the schedule for at least one week
Stop to whine how hard to follow schedule for a month or year, and comply with your weekly schedule. Over the next 7 days, do not allow yourself to go from the selected path. Do so every week without building the grand plans. Over time, you will notice how to develop discipline and you will be extremely demanding on the observance of the schedule.