Andrei Makarevich: biography, personal life, family, wife, children - photo. Andrei Makarevich: Creative Biography, Children's Years, Secret of Success, Photo of the musician Andrei Makarevich

Andrei Makarevich: biography, personal life, family, wife, children - photo. Andrei Makarevich: Creative Biography, Children's Years, Secret of Success, Photo of the musician Andrei Makarevich
Andrei Makarevich: biography, personal life, family, wife, children - photo. Andrei Makarevich: Creative Biography, Children's Years, Secret of Success, Photo of the musician Andrei Makarevich

He is the legend of the domestic rock. At the time of the Soviet Union, his songs were banned because of their content, and today he should be hidden and live away from his homeland. His concerts are canceled, and a political race is organized for the man himself. He does not like politics, journalists and paparazzi. But he, he is loved by the public, his mansionate people, and his compositions are heard not one generation of people. And all this he is Andrei Makarevich, whose nationality causes many questions.


Andrei Vadimovich Makarevich was born on December 11, 1953, located on the Volkhonka. His father - Vadim Makarevich - was Belarusian by origin and architect in the call of the heart. A mother - Nina Shmulovich - Jew for nationality and phthisiar, doctor of medical sciences by profession. Therefore, Andrei Makarevich, whose nationality is difficult to designate any one erup, is related to bulbs, and to the Jews.

Based on what gifted personalities were the parents of Little Andryushi, we can conclude that the boy himself grew a rather brilliant child. I learned how to read, and so he began to go to school for one year earlier than his peers. Thanks to her dad, he was engaged in drawing, and Mamino had an influence forced him not much less to give time to music. So, Makarevich (nationality is indicated above) from childhood he felt craving for art and everything beautiful. Although, in order not to smear, it should be mentioned that Andrei loved music, but her study was not easy for him. Already at seven years, he became a disciple of the music school, but nothing good from this venture came out: he did not fit in his head, and Solfeggio, who lasted for several hours in a row, in general, took the student from himself. And it was not easy to removed, and brought the child to neurasthenia. Therefore, after two years, parents had the opportunity to take the future star from this institution.

The emergence of rock in the life of young dating

Andrei did not come out with the classics. But heavy rhythms and melodies Andrei Makarevich, whose nationality is a Jew on his mother, Belorus in Pope, perceived with a bang. Due to their work, Vadim Makarevich often traveled foreign business trips. From there he brought the records of Western prohibited musicians. Basically it was rockers. And here, young Andryusha to the tips of the hair is the so-called aesthetics of freedom. According to Makarevich Jr., he, while studying in the seventh grade, began to write poems with his classmates. These were a poem of a mockery of the ideology of the Soviet Union and a notebook with such masterpieces passed through the hands of the whole class. And Andrei learned to play the guitar, knowing only three chord.

Arrival "Bitles"

But the most real musical and song creativity Makarevich (nationality, biography is described in our article) got carried away when he studied in the eighth grade. And again everything happened thanks to the Father. From one of his commanders Vadim Makarevich brought a plate of the group "Beatles". Andryusha returned from school just at that moment when the parent rewrite the compositions on a small tape recorder. Andrei Makarevich says that from this moment there was a change in his musical consciousness. He says that before the advent of the legendary team in his life, he would not have heard anything. Beatles he listened to all day long, and when his parents were driven out to the balcony, as they could no longer bear this music, he turned on the tape recorder on the full volume so that the entire districts could enjoy amazing sounds.

Makarevich's first musical team

Not only Makarevich Andrey Vadimovich (whose nationality is already known to us) crazy from Four from Liverpool. All familiar and close friends of the guy were fond of her work. Andryukha studied in a specialized school with an English bias, so he easily translated with his classmates and reigned the legendary beatles. In 1968, Andrey was created by his first own four. It consists of two boys and as many girls. But in 1969 it was decided to retrase a group in an exclusively male team. Therefore, girls were asked to leave, and two guys were invited to their places.

First, the ensemble was called The Kids, and then it was renamed it in the "time machine". It is the cars, not a car. So Makarevich, whose nationality is no longer a doubt, began to climb his star, albeit forbidden Olympus.

Personal life artist

Career Musician developed rapidly: constant tour, rehearsals, moving. Perhaps because of such a way of life, he could not find one-sole and most beloved woman. As Makarevich himself says, whose nationality is ambiguous, for his 60 years he knew many beautiful ladies. But I did not meet this love. His first spouse was Elena Fesoundenko: he created a family in 1976, but this marriage existed only three years. Then he was in his being of the lady named Alla, who gave Rocker, but this Union lived as much as the previous one. There is a leader of the "Machine of Time" two more daughters from different women.

Here is such a pet, the loves of the public, a fair, mischievous and freedom-loving rocker.

Makarevich Andrei Vadimovich (r. 1953) - Russian singer, musician, composer and poet, bard, artist-schedule, television lead and producer, leader and the only participant in the musical team "Time Machine", which did not leave the group from the day of its foundation. Since 1991 - Honored Artist of the RSFSR, since 1999 - People's Artist of the Russian Federation.

Birth and family

His Dad, Makarevich Vadim Grigorievich, was born in 1924. During the Great Patriotic War in battles on the Karelian front, legs lost. After the war, I went to work in the workshop of the Horstrokeject of the Senior Architect. In 1956, he was invited to the Moscow Architectural Institute to teach at the Department of Construction Physics. Worked at this place until 1993, received the title of associate professor, then Professor. He took part in the development of the "Victory Monument" in Tallinn, the Moscow monument Karl Marx, the pavilion of young naturalists on the VDNH. During the world's exhibitions in Montreal and Brussels, as well as national exhibitions in Los Angeles, Genoa and Paris, decorated Soviet pavilions.

Mom, Nina Markovna Makarevich (Maiden Surname Schmilovich) was born in 1926. As a child, he studied at a music school, by profession was a physiology doctor, worked at the Central Research Institute of Tuberculosis. She defended her thesis, had many scientific papers, among the Soviet microbiologists, she one of the first began to study netuberculosis mycobacteria.

Grandfather and grandmother on the paternal line were teachers. Grandfather before moving to Moscow taught in a rural school. Grandmother led biology, after the war, he managed the station of Junns, had the title of Honored Teacher of the RSFSR and the reward - Order of Lenin.

The grandfather on the mother's line was a shoemaker, her grandmother worked in the Moscow criminal wanted list (MOR) by the pathologist and forensic examination.

In 1962, Andrei was born the younger sister Natasha, she, like father, architect.

Children's and school years

In Moscow, near the Museum of Fine Arts named after Pushkin, on Volkhonka Street, there was a two-storey house of the former princes of Volkonsky. After the war it was a communal apartment, here and the childhood of the future musician passed.

The boy was comprehensively developed, he read a lot, loved to watch how he draws his father, sometimes helped him. The future represented myself in different ways: at some time he hardly wanted to become a diver and examine the sea depths, then decided to devote himself to science of herpetology, which studies amphibious and reptiles. I liked the little Andrush collecting butterflies.

Soon the family received a separate apartment on the Komsomolsky Prospect. In this area, Andrei began studying at School No. 19, which was considered a specialized, in it inhibited English.

But most of all the boy was attracted after all the music. Father himself greatly played the piano, there was also a lot of records in the house. Therefore, Andrei got used to the constant sound of music - both modern and classical. However, when he was given to the music school on the class of piano, he studied about three years and threw classes. By the time he had already met the work of Bulat Okudzhava and began to play a guitar game for independent training. He gradually began to compose poems and play the bard melodies.

In addition to the music of the boy, I was still interested in sports, from the fourth grade, he walked on underwater swimming classes, later he was fascinated by mountain skiing.

Acquaintance with "The Beatles"

In 1966, an event that turned Makarevich's fate was happening: he heard the music of the group "The Beatles". Andrei, like many of his peers, became an avid Bitoman. The guy then seemed to: Everything he heard before, was not music, and only now the feeling came, as if from the ears pulled out Wat, for a long time did not give him a beautiful one for a long time. Everything inside it was moved and turned irreversible.

In the morning, he listened to the "The Beatles" school, coming home after classes, again included the melodies of his beloved group, and they sounded in the apartment to a deep night. When the parents exhausted by "Bitlas" ended patience, they put her son with his tape recorder to the balcony. And he made the volume on the full power so that everyone around could also listen and enjoy.

In the eighth grade, Andrei organized a music team at the school called "The Kids", the guys played in the style of Folk Rock, Country, and also performed a cover version of English-speaking compositions.

In 1968, Andrei organized a group of "Time Machine", which included his classmates, the same bitoman, as he, - Sasha Ivanov, Igor Mazaev, Pasha Rubin and Jura Borzov. Soon they also joined the guy from the parallel school Sergey Kawagoe. This team became for Makarevich the matter of his whole life, for almost half a century he is her permanent leader, the author of words and music, the performer of many songs.

"Time Machine"

However, receiving a certificate, at the insistence of parents to have a higher education and a decent profession, Andrei continued his studies at the Moscow Architectural Institute. Three years later, he was expelled. The official version sounded like "untimely care from a workplace on a vegetable base." And this was unofficially a closed order of a party organization, which did not share the passion for Makarevich rock music.

"Time Machine" still remained for Andrei in the first place. Along the way, he began working in the hyphotath (the organization was engaged in the design of buildings for spectacular structures and theaters). He recovered at the institute, studied at the evening office, in 1977 he received a diploma in the specialty "Architect" and "Artist-schedule".

And in 1979, the "Time Machine" issued an official contract with the State Concerto-Gastro Bureau "Soyuzoncert", which gave her legal status. Finally, Andrei was able to leave the hypnotheater and be in the work book by the performer and musician.

The group gained rapid popularity in the country, their every new song became a classic of Soviet rock:

  • "Circle of clean water";
  • "Will be a day";
  • "From end to the end";
  • "Right";
  • "Flag over lock";
  • "You or I";
  • "Candle";
  • "Puppets";
  • "Oh, what a moon";
  • "Flying Dutchman";
  • "Three windows";
  • "Black and white color";
  • "Turn";
  • "Snow".

Records "Machines of Time" Diar to the Soviet Union, the musicians became famous, and a large tour of the tour began. In 1987, they went beyond the USSR, concerts were held in Poland, Mozambique, Japan, Spain, Bulgaria, USA.

Compositions "Machine of time" sounded in popular movies:

  • "Afonya";
  • "Speed";
  • "Double overtaking";
  • "Barman from the Golden Anchor;
  • "Dogs";
  • "Glass labyrinth";
  • "Moscow holidays";
  • "Murder arithmetic;
  • "Schizophrenia";
  • "Crossroads".

In 1992, the book "Everything is very simple", where Andrei Makarevich tells about the life of the group. The team of the 25th anniversary of the team noted a grand presentation on Red Square in 1993. In 1998, in honor of the 30th anniversary of the group of all members of the team, the honorable orders were awarded.

In 2002, Andrei organized the "Orchestra of Creole Tango", which included the best Russian jazz musicians. From this time, he droves on tour with two teams - "Time Machine" and "Orchestra of Creole Tango".

In 2003, in honor of the 50-year-old anniversary, the President of the Russian Federation V. V. Putin signed a decree on the removal of the Makarevich order "For merit to the Fatherland" IV degree.

Personal life

In the life of Andrei Makarevich, there were three official marriage and several unformed legitimate romantic relationships.

The first marriage was registered in 1976 with a student of the historical and archival institute Lena Fesoundenko. Her father was a famous political observer. Parents presented a young gorgeous apartment, but a joint life was not delivered. The team of "Time Machines" at that time did not see the lumen from the tour, which did not contribute to the strengthening of family relations. Spouses lived for three years.

Alla Golubina became the second chief of Makarevich. They got married in 1986, a year later, the boy was born Boy Ivan. These relationships are the same as the previous ones, they lasted about three years. The son of Andrei, Ivan Makarevich, - the Russian musician and the actor, graduated from the MCAT Studio School in the course of Konstantin Riken, is known on the films: "Fight with shadow", "Fight with the shadow. Revenge "," Ivan Grozny "," Sun House "," Metro ". Vanya supports a close connection with his father.

In the early 1990s, the musician had a close relationship with the radio hosting station "Europe-Plus" Ksenia Strege.

In 1998, Makarevich entered into a civil marriage with a journalist Anna Christmas, at that moment she also worked as a press attache in the team "Time Machine". In 2000, Anya's girl was born, but a joint child did not save these relationships. Shortly after the birth of daughter Andrei and Anna parted.

The third time Makarevich officially married Natalia Pigeon in 2003. The woman was younger than his spouse for 15 years, worked as Grimer, photo checker, stylist. This marriage turned out to be longer than all previous ones, the couple lived together about seven years. In 2010, Andrei and Natasha divorced.

Andrei has another extramarital daughter Dana. She was born in 1975, and Dad learned about her existence when the girl was already 19 years old. She constantly lives in the United States in Philadelphia, works by a lawyer, married to a businessman. With the father of the relationship supports, but rarely comes to Russia.

Since 2013, Andrei has lived in a civil marriage with the Russian singer Maria Katz (scenic pseudonym Judith). She was the first Russian performer who represented his country at the Eurovision International Competition in 1994, performed the song "Eternal Wanderer" and took the ninth place.

Andrei says about all his former women. The reason for the separation was always the same: love passed, and if there is no feeling, then why live and torment each other, it is better to stay in time and stay good friends.

A television

At Russian television, Andrei Makarevich is certainly associated with the culinary transmission of "Smak", which comes out on the first channel almost a quarter of a century. The first ether took place in November 1993. On a visit to the musician every week, the domestic show business, sports, politicians, cinema and theater came to cook their branded dish.

It was the author's transfer of Andrei, even the name "Smak" was decrypted as "with Makarevich" (or "Makarevich Tips"). His first guest was the best friend, a wonderful actor Alexander Abdulov, who was preparing pilaf.

In March 2005, the program was closed due to the fact that it had already been on television too long. Makarevich began to lead a new program "Three windows", in which the famous guests came again, but they were shared not only with culinary secrets, but also their creative achievements. Also in the transfer, Andrei demonstrated many fragments of his travels around the world.

However, the "three windows" was too low ranking, the transfer was closed, and "Smak" was revived, but with the new leading - showman Ivan Urgant. The first guest in the renewed program "Smak" was its author and inspirer Andrei Makarevich.

In 1998-1999, Makarevich led another copyright "Abazhur", where he talked with the stars. His first guests was Alla Pugacheva.

In 2001-2002, Andrei was the leading music program "Makarena".

From 2003 to 2006, he introduced the audience with the beauty of the underwater world in his next author's program "Underwater World with Andrei Makarevich".


Since 1970, the musician regularly suits the exhibitions of its graphic works, and they are taking place not only in Russia, but also abroad - in Italy, USA, Latvia, Great Britain.

Among his other hobbies - diving, underwater photo and video, cooking, billiards, archeology. As in childhood, Andrei is fond of collecting, only now it collects not butterflies, but shock and string tools.

Makarevich is a member of the Board of Trustees in the Charitable Foundation for the Protection of Animal "Bim". Together with the Russian singer, Elena Kamburova at the Mendeleevskaya station station, opened a monument to the dog killed in the metro station. Repeatedly gave charitable concerts, reversed funds from which was going to help homeless animals.

Andrei Makarevich is a popular musician, People's and Honored Artist of Russia, as well as the leader of the Time Machine group.

Popularity came to him in 1979 after signing the contract with the Soyconcert and the legalization of the "Time Machine". To this day, the artist actively participates in touring life, develops new projects and performs with solo concerts. Andrey released two biographical books, as well as a couple of collections of poems.

Until recently, he consisted in the Council for Culture and Art under the President of the Russian Federation, but because of the big workload in musical activity, the Council left.

Personal life

Family life of a popular musician is no less interesting than professional. Officially, Makarevich was married three times. With the last wife, living in marriage seven years, he broke up just on the eve of his move to a new home. Andrei Makarevich has two children (son and daughter) from different wives and one extramarital daughter.

Today, according to numerous press reports, Andrei Vadimovich lives with the singer of Masha Katz, also known by the pseudonym Yudif.

House Andrei Makarevich

Makarevich lived in the village of Pryushkino for a long time (the house acquired from Leonid Yarmolnik), but after starting in the village of full-scale deforestation, I decided to change the place of residence. Relations with local residents did not set out from the very beginning, and therefore Makarevich without any regrets moved to a new cottage.

The village "Pavlovo" is approximately 17 kilometers from the Moscow Ring Road in Novorizhskoye Highway. There is a lake on site, as well as a well-developed zone for walking and leisure, leaving right into the forest and illuminated by antique lanterns. Access to the forest and the presence of a lake became one of the decisive factors when choosing exactly the village. Here, the inhabitants of their famous neighbor are calm, without any complaints.

Andrei Makarevich came to the new three-storey house, Andrei Makarevich was already free from Uz marriage with Natalia Pigeon and the arrangement was engaged independently. The house turned out to be very interesting and bright. On the territory there is a large swimming pool, great bath, artist's workshop, as well as a barbecue area.

In the interior of the elite cottage there are many collectible and original things. Makarevich Famous collector: Collects antique dishes, dolls, bells, musical instruments, keys from monasteries and beads.

Together with Makarevich in the cottage he lives his beloved Broungild, for her, a whole room is equipped for it. Especially for the "lady" bring mice, hares and frogs from environmentally friendly reserved areas.

The house of Andrei Makarevich can be found not only in tightly planted by the trees of the yard and purely tonsured lawn, but also on a huge cow located on the balcony. Burenka drove to the musician after a charitable event, in which the stars were painted cows. Makarevich really liked this event, and he decided to establish a copy to his balcony.

Did not hold the attention of Makarevich and one of the main rooms in the cottage - the kitchen. It has stoves and a variety of smokehouses. Andrei Makarevich is wonderful and constantly treats its guests with original dishes of its own preparation.

The village "Pavlovo" located in Novorizhsky highway is considered one of the most prestigious. The average cost of a plot of thirty-acres with a house of 800 sq. M. Varouted from 4 to $ 5 million.

In contact with


Andrei Makarevich is a popular Russian singer, a talented composer, a permanent leader of the group "Time Machine". Andrei Vadimovich composes poems and texts for their songs, writes paintings. His songs are relevant at all times. Many viewers remember him as the broadcast program "Smak".

Because of the recent loud statements, Makarevich recorded almost in traitors of the Motherland. However, Andrei Vadimovich himself somehow admitted: his policies never interested. Most of all, he wants his main business in the world - music.

Parents have seen Andryuha successor of the Father's business - Vadim Grigorievich Makarevich, a famous Soviet architect. But in the first grade, nevertheless gave it to the music school, in the class of piano. Noah, a guilder was not given to the boy, and the lessons of Solfeggio brought to hysterics. In the end, Andrei left classes.

Khrushchev "Thaw" of the 1960s expanded the horizons of Soviet people. One of the discovery was the music of the British group "Beatles". Andrei Makarevich first heard Lennon and McCartney in 12 years old - and also went crazy: "It was a feeling that the whole previous life I wore cotton wool in the ears, and here it suddenly was taken out. I just physically felt like something inside it turns me, moves irreversible. The days of the Bitles began. Beatles obeyed from morning to evening ...

Sometimes the parents exhausted by Bitles drove me to the balcony along with the tape recorder, and then I did the sound to the complete, so that everyone around the beatles also listen to ... "By the way, the" Beatles "records appeared in their home thanks to the father of the family Vadim Makarevich. He asked his colleague a foreign record and rewrote it to a tape recorder. Of course, a passionate teenager wanted to play "like Bitles" too. Together with his father, he even drank his first guitar from plywood.

But only in the USSR Bitlomanov did not complain, and English-speaking songs too. But Andrei found a way out. Studying at school with an English bias, he, together with classmates Misha Yashin, Larisa Kashperko and Nina Baranova created the group The Kids ("Children"), which performed English folk songs. The guys played at the evenings of school amateur activities, where even Caverits "Beatles" were performed. All this was filed as the learning process of English.

Once the musicians of the famous VIA "Atlanta" arrived at school. The head of Via Alexander Sikorsky allowed schoolchildren to play on their equipment. Makarevich was fighting the sound of bass guitars. But it was difficult to buy it in those years. Then Andrey acquired the usual acoustic and put on her strings from the cello. The sound turned out quite acceptable.

Another major step was the decision of the teenager to collect a new team, which received the name of Time Machines ("Time Machines"), this name came up with Drummer Yuri Borzov. In the same year, the guys recorded their first album to the home tape recorder.

Perform rock in the USSR was an ungrateful matter. Little rock bands masked under VIA, playing rocks under the guise of folk music. The Soviet group with the English-language name and student staff did not have a chance to become famous. Makarevich not immediately, but agreed to rename the name on the "Time Machine". The move was successful, and in 1973 the company "Melody" recorded the Zodiac vocal trio plate, which accompanied the "Time Machine".

"... Even such a trifle helped us to exist: in the eyes of any official idiot, the ensemble, who had a plate, is no longer just Hippari of the Satellites," the musician recalled. A year later, the director of Deliaia invited Andrei and his team to play in the Athoza Comedy. The frame did not get into the frame, but in the scene, where Kuravlev's hero comes to dancing, the song Makarevich sounds "You or I". But the fee of 500 rubles allowed the musicians to acquire a tape recorder "Grundig", which for a long time served them with a recording studio.

The "self-" records of the "Time Machine" meanwhile sprawled around the country. Makarevich's voice became the sign of thousands, but what he looks like - not many knew. And yet, the "machinists" became popular. When girls found out that this smiling curly guy was Andrei Makarevich, immediately showed interest to him. But his heart already belonged to Elena Fesoundenko, the daughter of a famous journalist-international.

On the wave of popularity, the leading transfer of the "Music Kiosk" Eleonora Belyaeva recorded a whole issue with "machinists". And although the program was removed from the air, musicians had high-quality records of their songs.

For several years, the "Time Machine" did not have access to a big scene. In the end, in 1979, a conflict occurred between the founders of the group Makarevich and Kavagoe, which was the result of the group's closure. And only six months later, Alexander Kutikov convinced Makarevich to revive the "car".

The tired of the persecution of the authorities, Makarevich, ottoly agreed to conclude the first contract with the Soyconcert. This gave the right to legal tour activities. However, the debut plate "Machine of Time" came out not in the USSR, but in the US "... Without any participation and knowledge, on our part, it was called" good luck hunters and sounded disgusting, - recalled the musician. - Surprisingly, we have never seen money for it. " But Makarevich was summoned to Lubyanka, where he gave explanations, as a record with his songs was released behind the ocean.

The 1980s became the peak of the popularity of "machinists". So, in 1981, the director and husband of the singer Alla Pugacheva Alexander Stefanovich invited the group to be held in his film "Soul", where the main role was performed by Sofia Rotaru. After the film received several prizes, the artists gathered at the apartment of Makarevich to celebrate success. Living the floor below the elderly teacher decided to teach the musician and at night caused the police.

The door opened Mikhail Boyarsky. Patrols were made. When Sofia Rotaru, Rolan Bykov, Ivar Kalnynsh, began to go to the hallway, the guys in shape realized that their arrival did not mean the celebrity to enter the party. Apologizing, they left - however, a harmful neighbor for several years did not give the Makarevich quiet life.

Although the concerts of the "Machines of Time" were always accompanied by anshlagami, until 1986, the Group was prohibited in Moscow. Only the restructuring finally brought the "car" from the shade. At the same time, in 1987, Makarevich married the second time - on the beautician Alla Golubankoy. The son of Ivan was born in marriage. But already three years later, the family life gave a crack due to frequent touring. Then Andrei had civil marriage with Ksenia Ksenia Strezhe and a journalist Anna Christmas. The latter gave him daughter Anna. The third official wife of the musician, the stylist Natalia Pigeon, has lived with him seven years - from 2003 to 2010.

What was the reason for the success of the group in Soviet years? Fans of creativity Makarevich saw in his songs a protest against the Soviet system. He himself then escaped politics. Only in August 1991, the "Time Machine" opened on the side of Yeltsin, speaking with a concert on the barricades, and in 1996 the artist became a trustee of the president. Yes, and with Vladimir Putin, he initially had a good relationship, he even became a member of the Presidential Council on Culture.

Andrei Vadimovich's transition to the mill of fierce critics of power occurred after the events in Ukraine in 2014. He did not accept the return of Crimea to Russia and more than once did loud statements. The keyboard player and the director of the "Time Machine", supporting the policies of power, were dismissed Makarevich. Fans responded in different ways: someone was on the side of the idol, someone categorically opposed, and someone just did not understand why the musician was engaged in politics. But this is a completely different story. Andrei Makarevich made its contribution to the development of domestic music. And the status of the icons of the Soviet rock him belongs to the right.

Ivan Andreevich Makarevich - actor, musician and a beginner fashion designer, the son of the People's Artist of the Russian Federation Andrei Makarevich, Bard and the Creator of the Legendary Rock Group "Time Machine".

Among the most notable works of Ivan in the cinema - "Fight with the shadow", "18-14", "Brigade: Heir", "Sun House" (there he played his father in youth), as well as television series "Ivan Grozny" and "Drunk firm".

Childhood and family

The future artist and representative of the famous creative dynasty appeared on June 30, 1987 in one of the hospitals of the capital. According to the father's line in his family, except for musicians, there were also architects - Grandfather Vadim Grigorievich and Aunt Natalia Vadimovna. Father himself, Andrei Makarevich, graduate of the Moscow Architectural Institute, also considers himself first of all the artist, although fame received, of course, like rock performer. Mom Alla Mikhailovna and grandmother Nina Markovna dedicated themselves to medicine, one is a cosmetologist, the second - physiara. Ivan has two sisters on the Father - the eldest Dana (born in 1975) and the younger Anna (2000).

Soon after his birth, the parents parted. However, the boy did not perceive the divorce as a tragedy, as he firmly knew that he had both mom and dad, to whom he could trust. He lived with his mother, but his father actively participated in his upbringing, and, as a clever person, he did without strict prohibitions and morals, and did it in the process of communicating and on a personal example. For example, Vanya constantly saw that Andrei Vadimovich is a very responsible person and always holds this word, so he himself tried to fulfill his promises.

He graduated from the forty-fifth gymnasium - one of the most famous and prestigious metropolitan schools of Moscow with an in-depth study of foreign languages. He was engaged in average, it happened that I missed the lessons. The teachers remembered his father more, who arranged concerts every year for students, and after the speeches they led the entertaining discussions with children.

Rules of Life Ivan Makarevich

For two years, the teenager also learned in a music school in a guitar class, but, according to him, without any pleasure, although Dad tried to "suck" him in every way. Regarding the game on the piano, he was still enough for one lesson to understand - and this occupation is not for him. But the father found once in the attic, the African drum immediately attracted the attention of 12-year-old Ivan, and since then he plays on strikes - contrary to the established opinion, a variety of and complex tools.

The traditional holiday of his graduation class - the last call - passed in the nightclub Makarevich-senior. At the event, the founder of the "Time Machine" was performed first, then Ivan, during his studies in the gymnasium was a crowded person. How then joked Andrei Makarevich, he spoke at the heated of his son.

Actor career

In 2004, he became a student of the Studio MCAT. Konstantin Rikin was the head of his acting course. However, due to the fact that he "did not grow up with the famous teacher", after a year of study he was expelled from the university. In 2005, a young man attempt happiness in Gitis, and after 4 years he was already a graduate of the workshop of Sergei Golomazov.

The diploma performances of Ivan were the "Days of Turbines" (Lariosik), "Demons" (Petrusha Verkhovlensky), "Nonperdannica" (sovers). Soon after the release, he entered the service in the Moscow Drama Theater on the Small Bronnaya (where he was busy in the most famous play of his beloved drama Toma Stoppard "Arkady") and in the theater of the new drama "Practice", where for several years he played in a very popular play on The work of Natalia Moskina "Heat".

The debut work of the novice actor in the cinema was the role of bone, the brother of the girl's chief hero of Alexey Sidorova (by the way, director-director of the famous television series "Brigade") "Fight with the shadow" (2005). Two years later starred in his sequel. In 2007, the Historical adventure tape "18-14" was reached by rental, in which he played a Lycean friend Pushkin Ivan Pushchina. In the picture, his character on nicknamed Jeanno actively participated in the investigation of brutal crimes.

An invaluable experience, the actor considers participation in the series Andrei Eshpaya "Ivan Grozny" (2009), where he had a chance to play a young king, from the young years surrounded by intrigues, attackers and conspiracies ("Adult" version of Tirana played Alexander Demidov). The director Makarevich Jr. called the insanely wise man and was delighted with the entire cast. In particular, noted that, though she did not intersect on the set with Chulpan Hamaya, who played the race from Kazan, but he still "felt".

In 2010, he presented the role of a completely different plan to the audience. The artist who has a striking resemblance to his father depicted him in his youth in the tape "Sun House", Drama on the script of Ivan Okhlobystin and Garika Sukachev. A film about the Hippie Epoch in the USSR turned out to be sincere and mental, exactly recreation and events of those years.

In 2012, the audience saw the actor in the key role - the son of "Hero of the 90s" Sasha White - in the continuation of the cult series "Brigade" ("Brigade-2. Heir").

In 2013, the film-catastrophe "Metro" was released, where Ivan Makarevich played the assistant driver's train. At the end of the same year, he became a participant in the next interesting project - the television series "Survive after". The script was so greatly interested in the actor that he persistently passed the casting several times, as a result, having received the role of computer genius of Sasha nicknamed the skate.

"Survive after": Ivan Makarevich as a skate

The work as an actor Ivan successfully combined with speeches in the groups "The Principle of Ant" and "Stinky". In addition, he writes his own music under the creative pseudonym name James Oclahoma. He also could be seen as the leading show "Internet heroes" on the channel "Pepper".

Ivan Makarevich: Acoustic Speech

In 2016, the younger Makarevich was filmed in the new series of the post-apocalyptic series "Survive after". He also harmoniously fit into the star ensemble of actors working on the creation of the criminal comedy Grigory Konstantinople "Drunk Firm". The creators of the mini-series promised a non-banking scenario, abounding unexpected turns, as well as an outstanding cast - Mikhail Efremov, Marat Basharov, Evgeny Tsyganov, Victoria Isakov and others. Personal life Ivan Makarevich is hidden from outsiders

He is a calm peace-loving person, from the age of 14 - a vegetarian, loves to cook and even dreams of his own bakery. It is not indifferent to dogs; Together with my mother helped homeless animals. Do not watch TV at all. In terms of creativity, the maximalist, so it considers it impossible to be filmed in empty TV shows or play bad performances. He likes to design and simulate clothes, engaged by stand and diving (immersed to a depth of 38 meters).

Stand-Up Vanya Makarevich

The artist confessed to his subscribers on the network that he was baptized and cut. There was a time when he taught "Father Our" at the insistence of her grandmother, then he was fond of the ideas of the Jehovah's Witnesses organization (walked around the apartment and asked citizens: "Do you know that Jesus loves you?"), Then he became interested in the ideology of Satanism. But subsequently, in principle, he stopped following any faith.