Drunk Grigory Leps fell right on stage while performing - video. It became known why Grigory Leps fell on stage during a concert

Drunk Grigory Leps fell right on stage while performing - video. It became known why Grigory Leps fell on stage during a concert
Drunk Grigory Leps fell right on stage while performing - video. It became known why Grigory Leps fell on stage during a concert

On the eve of the network, the video of Confucus Leps appeared during the performance. The record is captured as a star performs the song "I am happy" and at some point loses the balance, falling right on the stage.


Gregory took one of the guards in a matter of seconds, after which the musician continued to sing. The user who posted a video on the Internet claims that this is a record from a concert in Rostov-on-Don. The author of the roller considered that the singer was drunk.

Reporters contacted the director of Lepsa Maya Serikova, who explained why he fell, and refuted rumors about alcohol intoxication. According to her, the artist really stupid on stage, but not because of the alcohol, but because of poor well-being.

"I would not like to tell the whole country to tell and give medical reports on the health of Gregory Viktorovich, but I consider it necessary to answer a lie about the allegedly" drunken fall ". On this day, Leps turned to his doctor who strongly recommended not to go out on stage in the evening, - told Maya journalists. "Especially behind there were three flights per day from other concerts and events."

It turns out that Leps has long been observed problems associated with pressure. These are the costs of profession and constant flights. However, even with the poor well-being, Grigory preferred to fulfill obligations.

"Speech it was a long time ago, he could not let me bring such a person. Once again, there is a person, and not a robot. It has the right to weak, the more related to health. We all were afraid of it. Thank God, everything cost. For people who are savoring that "Leps fell drunk," I will explain separately. Leps has not consumed alcohol for medical recommendations for several years now. At all. The only thing he drank is in that evening - tea with honey and fresh juice, "- quotes Site Life.ru Maya.

Also, the director of the singer told that the record laid out on the Internet was not made in Rostov-on-Don, but in the Moscow road restaurant, where a private event was held. That is, it was not a concert in front of a large audience. The representative of Gregory is about presenting to whom it was profitable to define him, deliberately disinformation of people that it happened on tour, in front of the audience.

"I admit that this was done specifically, given that Leps's cash collecting now in cities can only be envied. To spoil the reputation of Gregory in the eyes of the audience, so that, as they say," release the Polyana "? - suggested Serikov. - Well, such stands - Completely in the spirit of our show business. "

The director of Gregory noted that there is in this star serpentarium and good people. "Thank you so much Nikolay Baskov, who was present on the performance and, seeing what a lie was poured into the address of Leps, did not silent! "- thanked the" Natural Blond "Maya.

Previously, Baskov made supported a friend in the media. "It was in Moscow, on a private holiday, I also attended there. What they write that Grisha was drunk - complete nonsense! He came to me in the dressing room before the performance, ask how I am doing and how I feel - I feel I complained that I have a headache because of the weather. Grisha said that he was not very good, since he had pressure on that day. What kind of drinking is about? - Nicholas wonders. - He did not use anything, man has become bad - With everyone happens. "

Posted on 11/20/16 09:39

On November 19, the Youtube channel appeared a scandalous video called: "Drunk Grigory Leps on a speech in Rostov-on-Don."

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For a minute video, shot by some of the audience, it can be seen that during the fulfillment of her hit "I am a happy" singer, obviously not falling into the phonogram, rushed on stage. On the pitch's line: "I am happy, I'm not LSU" Lepsa unexpectedly led to the right and he began to fall on the stage when last moment Guards barely inkkomy We managed to pick it up and put on your feet. The singer continued the speech and showed the audience that everything is in order.

According to the singer, a concert in Rostov-on-Don took place on November 15, but the scandalous video appeared on the network only recently.

The video of the incident with Leps on Youtube has already looked at almost 150 thousand people.

The scandalous video caused a storm of comments on the net. Many Internet users accused the singement that he was drunk on stage and does not respect his audience. Some sarcasm emphasized that what country, such and singers. However, there were those who suggested that the mentor of the show "Voice" just felt badly.

It should be noted that the performer of Hita "Ryumka Vodka on the table" recently publicly admitted that he suffers from alcohol dependence.

Yes, I drink! So what? - told Grigory Leps on the air NTV. - And I will do it always when I want! And if I start drinking, I do not stop until I fall. I will be fun: I will go to one restaurant, in another ... why not? Alcoholism, he is alcoholism. You want - you drink, do not want - you drink anyway ... then just tolerate and climb out of this state ... Can I call myself an alcoholic? Rather yes than no. After all, I can't drink like normal people: A glass of wine, sat and went to sleep. I, if hard, then I will not stop! Many people are thugged. And when they begin to endure one after another, you begin to think about it, and when you?

Recall, a few years ago Grigory Leps argued with one of his friends on large amountThat up to its 50th anniversary will not drink. Singer, really, was able to hold out whole year. And winning the dispute, again "untied". However, this does not interfere now the 54-year-old member of the jury show "Voice" is actively touring.

November 20, 2016.

An incident video published.

Today, "news" was put on the air frame of the fall of Gregory Leps from the stage during the concert in Rostov-on-Don in the theater named after Maxim Gorky. An eyewitness announced a video of the incident in YouTube. During the execution of the song "I am happy like no one!" Grigory Leps suddenly swayed and, having lost the balance, fell. The guards immediately put on the feet of the artist. He continued his speech, as if nothing had happened.

According to the radio station "says Moscow", Grigory Leps was drunk. Allegedly after the fall, the singer even forgot, in what hand he has a microphone, and began to sing to another. In this case, the composition was performed under the phonogram.

Grigory Leps himself keeps silence about what happened. His PR-Director Maya Serikova refused to comment on the incident. The concert in Rostov-on-Don Gregory Leps gave on November 15, but the happened became known only now - after the eyewitness announced the video.

Recall, the 54-year-old Grigory Leps is a mentor in the fifth season of the show "Voice". Channel One, where successfully goes one of the most rating programs on russian televisionAlso, not yet responded to the scandalous incident.

Journalists contacted the director of Lepsa Maye Serikova, who explained why Gregory fell, and refuted rumors about alcohol intoxication.

I would not like to tell the whole country and give medical reports on the health of Gregory Viktorovich, but I consider it necessary to answer a lie about the alleged "drunken drop".

On this day, Leps appealed to his doctor who strongly recommended not to go out on stage in the evening. Moreover, there were three flights per day from other concerts and events. The fact is that Grisha has long been observed with pressure-related problems - these are the costs of profession and permanent flights, "said Serikov.

However, even with poor well-being, Leps preferred to fulfill obligations.

"The speech it was a long time ago, he could not let him down - he is so man. Once again, I emphasize a person, not a robot. It has the right to weakness, especially associated with health. We all were afraid of everything. Thank God, everything cost. For people who are savoring that "Leps fell drunk," I will explain separately.

Leps does not consume alcohol for medical recommendations for several years. At all. The only thing he drank is the evening - tea with honey and freshly squeezed juice, "

maja assured.

Also, the director of the singer told that the record laid out on the Internet was not made in Rostov-on-Don, but in the Moscow road restaurant, where a private event was held. That is, it was not a concert.

"I don't know who it was beneficial to throw this video into a network, deliberately disinforming that this happened on tour, in front of the audience. I admit that this was done specifically, given that the cash collectors of Leps are now in cities can only be envied. To spoil the reputation of Gregory in the eyes of the spectators, so that, as they say, "release the Polyana"? - suggested Serikov. Well, such substairs are quite in the spirit of our show business. "

The director of Gregory noted that there is in this serpentarium and hookers.

"Many thanks to Nikolai Baskov, who was present on the speech and, seeing what a lie was thrown into the address of Leps, did not silent!" - Thanked Maya "Natural Blond".

Previously, Baskov made supported a friend in the media.

"It was in Moscow, on a private holiday, I also attended there. What is written like Grisha was drunk - complete nonsense!

He went to me in the dressing room before the performance, ask how I was doing and how I feel - I complained to him that I had a headache because of the weather. Grisha said that he feels either not very, since he had pressure on that day. What kind of drinking is speaking? -

nicholas is perplexed. "He did not use anything, a man became bad - with everyone."

A video recording with Gregory Leps, who losing the balance during the performance, appeared on the network in this weekend and the press immediately suggested that the fall in the artist is associated with its alcohol. However, the star representatives denied this information and reported that the singer was not drunk, and sick, and it was the disease that caused the incident.

The video on which Leps barely does not fall from the scene during the execution of "I am happy", was laid out on the November 19th network. Fans and journalists wondered - did the artist really played a concert drunk, because before it was noticed for him. It turned out that the entry and signature to her, speaking about the drossment of the singer, nothing more than provocation. Maya Serikova, director of Gregory Leps, told Life about the star disease. The representative of the artist reported that the "drunk video" was thrown on the Internet to discredit the singer.

"Very funny and ridiculous to read the accusations against the artist, really cooling on the stage because of the bad well-being that evening. I would not want to tell the whole country to tell and give medical reports on the health of Grigory Viktorovich, but I consider it necessary to answer a lie about the alleged "drunken fall". On this day, Leps appealed to his doctor who strongly recommended not to go out on stage in the evening. The fact is that Grisha has long been observed with pressure-related problems - these are the costs of profession and permanent flights, "said the director of Leps. She also added that the singer was offered to abandon the speech because of bad well-being, but he did not want to bring people and played the program.

In addition, Serikova stressed that Leps for several years at all does not use alcohol for medical reasons. "The only thing he drank is at that evening," tea with honey and freshly squeezed juice, "she assured.

In addition, despite the fact that the signature to the video is trying to convince us that the fall occurred at a concert in Rostov-on-Don, in reality the incident occurred at a private event in the Moscow Safis. Serikova suggests that such a "substab" was made by the envious of the Leps, which is now on the wave of popularity. "To spoil the reputation of Gregory in the eyes of the audience, so that, as they say," release the Polyana "? Well, such supports are quite in the spirit of our show business, "the director of the singer was disapprovingly noticed.

It is worth saying that he supported Leps and his colleague on stage Nikolay Baskov. The artist stated that he could not talk about any drunken speech, because behind the scene, before the start of the concert, Leps himself complained about his poor well-being and pressure problems. "He came to me in the dressing room before the speech, ask how I was doing and how I feel - I complained to him that I had a headache because of the weather. Grisha said that he feels either not very, since he had pressure on that day. What kind of drinking is speaking? "," Baskov told, adding that it was bad on the stage to become anyone and therefore it is not necessary to reduce everything to the topic of alcoholism.