Crosses on the grave: Signs and religious rules. That symbolizes the cross in the legs and in the head

Crosses on the grave: Signs and religious rules. That symbolizes the cross in the legs and in the head

There are various opinions about when to establish a monument to the grave after the funeral. Someone is repelled from religious reasons, and someone from purely practical considerations. Let's try to figure it out when it is best to start pleasing the grave.

Traditions and customs

Orthodox Christians immediately after the funeral are installed on the grave of the cross, which, as a rule, stands on the grave from one year. However, in other religions, it does not mention how it is necessary to extract the grave after the burial, so relatives can solve themselves how to equip the grave of the deceased.

But people of all religions, as well as atheists and agnostics converge in one - the grave of a close man should be beautiful, well-groomed, care for it, a permanent cleaning, weeding, as well as a monument.

Monuments on the graves of people who profess any religion often reflect the religion of the deceased and members of his family. Sometimes the monument even apply prayers.

The burial time is one of the factors from which the time depends when you can safely put a monument on the grave. Relatives often fluctuate when it is already possible to remove a temporary wooden cross (like Orthodox Christians), and put a monument from stone.

When is it better to install?

No Orthodox source gives a specific answer when you can replace the cross to the monument on the grave. Instructions on this issue can be asked to the priest of the cemetery temple. The most common answer is the statement of the servant of the Church, that the cross on the grave is the best way to landscaping the grave, but if the relatives want to put a monument on the grave, it is recommended to take a monument with the image of a cross, temple, icons. Replacing the same temporary cross to the monument recommended no earlier than a year after the death of a person.

According to the documents, any tombstone must be designated by a special sign on which the name must also be indicated and the years of life of the deceased. This plate is attached to a temporary cross, but in case of establishing a monument, it is engraved on it, so you can be sure that all the formalities for the arrangement of the grave will be observed and the burial place will be designated for a long time.

Specialists say that you can put a monument on the grave in a year without fear of anything. In some cases, you can put it later or before. One year is enough enough so that the soil is afraid and asslaved, and then you did not observe how early the monument is settled together with the Earth. In the event of a late installation of the monument, it can be asked together with a loose soil, to twist or even go into the soil.

The Council to put a monument in a year is not strict. Time can be reduced depending on the time of year on which the funeral and concrete climate came. You can install a monument even six months later, if the winter has passed since the funeral. For autumn and winter, the Earth will be lost as it should, and the spring will already be installed. In winter and autumn, the soil is more active than summer and spring.

You can hear the opinion that the monument must be put no earlier than two years from the moment of the funeral. This opinion is erroneous and unreasonable and caused, as a rule, the desire of people to protect themselves for a hundred percent. Indeed, for two years, the land will be able to settle enough and the guarantee that it remains still loose and the monument will see, insignificantly small.

What conditions do the installation depends on?

The setting of the monument entirely depends on weather conditions. In the rainy season, the Earth will be afraid much better, and 3-4 rainy season, when the precipitates fall out and dry out, it is enough for the Earth to ask enough.

It is not recommended to establish a monument in the winter or in front of the winter season, since the earth can be asked for winter. That is why in a solid firm for the installation of gravestone monuments you will not allow you to establish a monument in the winter or before in winter. After all, each company is a stirring about its reputation, and the quality of the product is important for it. It is also important to the quality of the product, so it is also important to postpone the installation of the monument to spring will be a profitable and right solution.

The term through which the monument can be put also depends on the material from which the monument is manufactured. For example, if you want to put a granite monument from a natural stone on the grave (they are 4-5 times heavier than analogs from granite crumbs), then it is necessary to wait for at least a year, since under the high weight of granite slabs a monument can occur or glance.

Among the laity there is an opinion that if an Orthodox Christian is buried, the installation of the cross on the grave is made in the legs. If we are talking about the place of the last refuge of Catholic or Lutheran, the cross takes place in the headboard. This does not quite correspond to the truth, since there is no single tradition. At the same time, according to the clergy, there is no element of heresy.

The symbol of which is the cross depending on the place of its installation

In accordance with the Christian tradition, the dead man must be buried face to the east. That is, the head is directed to the West, and the feet to the east. That is how Christ was buried in a cave grave. In the New Testament, it is said that before the end of the world comes, the resurrection of Christ will occur. It will rise like lightning from the east.

Following him, they will be resurrected all the departed who should appear before the terrible court and rising, they will see Christ in front of them. Located in the legs, the cross is a symbol of support and eternal life. The cross installed in the headboard is the symbol of Horugwi, with which it will be in the hands of a person who participates in the general resurrection. It marks the victory over dark forces.

What is said about where they put a cross on the grave in the legs or headboard in church dogmas

The clarification of the church says that the location of the cross should rather be attributed to religious traditions, and they have nothing to do with the dogma. Everything is explained by exclusively by local customs, as well as what religious beliefs adhere to close deceased.

For the church, it is not fundamentally where the cross will stand in the head or in the legs. Just so historically it happened that the Russian Orthodox uses the second option. And in countries where Catholics prevail, more often use the first.

Opinions expressed by clergy

Among the priests of the Orthodox Church on this issue there is no conventional opinion. So if you take a book called "God have all alive," it is said there: "Cross, a symbol of salvation, towers over the grave of every Christian (he is put in the legs)."

In revelations from Father Afanasiya (Gumerov), it is said that the dead, in accordance with Orthodox customs, are put in the land so that their head is directed to the West. Accordingly, the face of the dead man "looks" to the East so that he is available to the sunrise, which is destined to be born in the east, and "die" in the West. The position in which the deceased is is designed to express silent prayer, as well as his desire to follow the light from the darkness, that is, from the West to the East. From the world of earthly to eternity.

Introducing the end of the world, Christ will appear from the East, as it is there, according to the Bible, a paradise is located. And at the time of his coming, his face should be seen dead, while he should have the opportunity to see the faces of all the dead. The cross of Christ is installed in their feet. And all Orthodox churches are built in such a way that the faces of believers at the time of prayer are facing the east.

But the Heroshimons of Amphilochius (Nikolai Fedorovich Nikolai) in his book "The Power of Cross Christ" writes otherwise. It says that the time has come when people learned to put the cross in the legs of the deceased. And at the same time, he expressed his readiness for the adoption of any, albeit even the most cruel flour, just no one who had ever heard the wishes from him to put a cross in his feet. And if after his death, someone will do this, then he will come from the moment to show where he should be.

Responding to a question of the hallway about how to put a cross, Father Oleg Molenko said that the day would come when there would be a glorious universal resurrection of the dead. And God's strength will resurrect all the dead people, calling them to rebel their graves. And those whom the cross put on her legs, waiver, first will see a salvation symbol with each believer. Then how to deceased, which cross installed in the headboard, or by ignorance, or for any other reason, it is destined to hit his head about its foundation.

Thinking on everything that was discussed above, everyone himself must decide for whom to follow and, depending on this, how to install a cross on the grave of the deceased.

When to establish a monument to the grave. Where to put?

Terms of installation of the monument in the cemetery.

There are two views on the question when to establish a monument to the grave. Sometimes you have to hear that it is necessary to put in 40 days. Of course, from the point of view of common sense, it is necessary to put a monument when the earth after the burial of the village, the soil is added, fully a hunted foundation. If this is not done, not to avoid the skew of the monument on one side, or the worse than the sediment or failures in the ground. The time of complete shrinkage of the Earth after the burial is considered a year.

It is worth paying particular attention to the installation of the monument on the grave. On one soil, a lightweight installation is sufficient, for heavy monuments and viscous moving ground, it is necessary to pour a good foundation, tightly connecting stella, stand, base or fence. Installation should be thought out, it is necessary to take into account the water drains, level of land. If you decide to establish a monument yourself and continue to follow the grave, I will not know why the graves will be shattered.

It is necessary to establish a monument in dry, warm weather, in the season, which lasts from May 15 to October 15. The same applies to the installation of the fence, table, shops or base.

What does Christian religion speak about this? In the Orthodox funeral, it is customary to install the cross, and this is the main thing. As for the monument, the only thing that the father is recommended on this issue is the preservation of the cross in a fence or the engraved cross on the monument.

Do you know why you need to install a monument on the grave? Do I need to replace the cross to the monument? We wrote about this separate article.

When we dealt with a monument on the grave, it is necessarily a warm season and not earlier than a year after the burial, now let's talk about the installation of the monument in the cemetery. First on the legal side of the issue. You can buy and order a monument where you want to go where the price will arrange you where the masters like. No one is right to limit you in your choice. Masters on the installation of the monument need to be invited by professional, unprofessional installation of the monument can lead to a drop in the product and even to its destruction, which would not really want.

Where are the monuments? As a rule, stele is installed on the place of a wooden or metal cross, which in turn can be preserved and rearranged right behind the monument. If you do not want to save the cross, he dreamed or spoiled, in Christian customs, the cross do not throw out, and harness.

In each religious ceremony, its rules for installing the monument. It can be put in the feet of the deceased or in the head. Having established a monument as religion requires, it is not rarely installed and a fence, it creates a sense of privacy.

Old people often ask their relatives not to put a monument at all, a heavy tombstone causes them to have negative emotions, many say: let me stones, so that the stone does not give me a stone and so on. Therefore, if it is possible to talk about the desire of your elderly relatives, try to ask about it in life, and in the investigation to fulfill their will. If you can't ask or decide, then just do it better to you, as it will be good for your calm.

Let's return to the installation of the monument. Too strict standards and guests on the installation of stone products on the graves today are not, but there are some details on which all the same should turn your attention yet. Approximately 5-7 years after the burial relatively inexpensive coffins begin to collapse, the Earth falls into the formed emptiness, the grave can be asked. With the usual installation of the monument, not enhanced with horizontal beams, the monument can be tamed, will have to be remontable. Take into account all the details when and how to install a monument, the best will turn to professional installers. Experience in such installations will allow you to save and not worry over several years.

Why the cross put in the legs

05/26/2016 by Yuri Utkin no comments ...

Where to put a monument: in legs or head?

Usually, people rarely think about where to put stele to the mustache - in the legs or head. By that time, when the installation time of the stele is coming, they are already taking some decision, but are guided, often, incomprehensible, even ghostly facts.

Therefore, we decided to delve into the essence of the question and find the answer for him.

The Orthodox Church believes that the installation in the legs or the head is a pure example of the manifestation of the traditions of the place where the person lived and was buried. If crosses put the crosses in his city or village, and after and steles in their feet, then this tradition should be adhered to. If on the contrary, then the answer is the former.

Specific negative words about what you need to put only in the head, and in no way in your feet you will not hear, because it is a choice of live relatives of the deceased and it will not be considered heretical. Accordingly, everyone itself is waited to decide where and how, and most importantly - what a monument ...

"Thank God! Batyushka, why in our Orthodoxy such a disagreement about the question: how does the cross put on the grave - in the legs or in the head? In the book "God is all alive," on the blessing of Archbishop Amvrosia (Schurova), purchased by me in Pocheev, it is written on page 15: "The cross, the symbol of salvation, towers over the grave of any Christian (it is put in the legs)." In the book "The Power of the Cross of Christ" by Jeroshimones of Amphilochius (Nikolai Fedorovich) writes on page 102: "And here it was the time that the cross began to put in the legs of the dead man. So he said: "I am ready to take any, the most cruel flour, but only that from my mouths did not touch the words: put a cross in the legs. And God forbid, so that I put a cross in my feet, I will come from there and show where the cross is placed. " He asked his father, he put a counter question - "And where do you start to baptize?", Giving me this to understand that you need to put in my head. So where are the truth? "

Often, people who rank themselves come to Orthodox, disputes arise about how to equip the grave of a deceased relative, so that, on the one hand, not to break the canons, and on the other hand, to do everything as they say, no worse than people. This publication contains advice of clergy for the most frequently asked questions.

Where to put a cross?

It is considered that in the Orthodox tradition - to put a cross in the legs of the deceased, and in the heads the crosses put Catholics. But even on Orthodox cemeteries, the cross installed in the legs can be seen infrequently. No heresy, according to the priest of Igor Semenov, does not have any other tradition. The cross installed in the legs symbolizes the support that will help the resurrect man climb from the grave. The cross installed in the headboard is a symbol of victory over the dark forces that the risen man will incur as a banner.

What monument does not contradict the Orthodox traditions?

Igumen Fedor Apple ...

ieria Dionysius said (a): ...

Coming to the grave and leading a mental conversation with the departed, I look at the cross or to the tombstone. And it (as it turned out) is installed in the legs of the deceased. And it turns out somehow strange - you add and communicate mentally with your feet, and not with the face of who visited whom. Maybe I misunderstand something ...

Maybe. As far as I know, the dead are the face of the east, while the cross or monument is established in the headboard. All my deceased relatives are buried exactly. -

Deaders put face up. And the body itself, possibly, oriented East (head) - West (legs). Not ready to say anything. Author + - -

It is the opinion that the cross in the headboard put on the Catholic or Lutheran tradition, and in Orthodoxy put in their feet. It's a delusion.

In all Christian confessions, crosses put both in their feet, and in the headboard. It all depends only on local traditions.

For example, we have ...

Thank God! Batyushka, why in Orthodoxy we have such a disagreement about the question how does the cross put on the grave in the legs, or in the head?

In the book "The god of all is alive" by the blessing of Archbishop Ambrose (Schurova) purchased by me in Pokayev, writes on page 15: "The cross, a symbol of salvation, hurt over the grave, every Christian (he is put in the legs)" In the book "The strength of the crossta christ "Iєroshimona amphilochius (Nikolai FєDorovich Trukchaninov) writes on page 102:" And here it was the time that the cross began to put in the legs of the deceased. So he said: I am ready to take any cruel flour, but only that the words did not touch my mouths : put a cross in the legs. And God forbid, so that I put a cross in my feet, I will come from there and show where the cross is placed. " I asked my father, he set me a sequence question - and where are you going to be baptized, gave many way they understand that you need to put in my head. So where is the truth?

Answer: Forever God Glory! I agree with the opinion of your father and with opinion ...

Question №2374.

Where should the cross stand on the grave of the deceased?

Sergey, Tolyatti, Russia

Hello, Father Oleg!
Peace to you!

After reading the diary of Brother Igor, I first learned that "that Armenians put a cross from the head, and the Orthodox at the feet of the buried". Now they are confused, and not in Armenian whether my relatives are buried, as, probably, all "Orthodox" and non-uninfordled in the cemeteries of the Russian Federation.
Maybe I'm mistaken, but the cross has a head. Is it all the problems of Empheshnikov? Specifically? Damage? How can this be reflected on the deceased on that light? Is it not a sin to rearrange the cross on the grave of the deceased?

Father's response Oleg Molenko:

The cross on the grave of the faithful member of the Church of Christ Christian is the testimony of his faith, loyalty and hope that he carried in life. The cross accompanies a person in his life from the fastener of Baptism and before his death, when the soul and the body in the inevitable definition are divided by death. And on the death of a Christian Cross stands ...

Last Tuesday, May 14, Orthodox believers celebrated the Radunitsa, the day of remembering the dead. That day, people visited relatives and loved ones in the cemeteries, prayed, the priests sanctified the graves. One of our readers, visiting the cemetery in the village of Zadubye, noticed that on some graves, the monument is not at the head of the head and in the legs. This innovation also noted a native of the village of Rezubye Anatoly Sidorevich, who reported this in the "GC" and independently tried to find an answer to the question: and where in fact, according to Orthodox canons, you need to put a tombstone and monument? The relatives of the deceased, who put a monument on the worn in the desired cemetery, did not make much difficulty. The correspondent "GC" asked the relatives of the deceased, with which this retreat from local traditions is connected.

Valentina Sidorevich explained that she was a believer man. Often it happens in the wakes, I read a lot of religious literature, listened to different preachers and came to the conclusion that the monument should be ...

Today, Russia is developing under multinational conditions. Mostly people lodging themselves to Christians, Muslims, Buddhists. Their faith is different, but traditions have points of contact. This concerns, for example, funeral. The ceremony itself has religious features, but all of them use typical attributes, such as monuments. Squeezing structures are an integral part of the burial, but no confession establishes a strict time frame for the installation of monuments after the funeral. Immediately after the burial post a time, that is, a temporary monument. The prevailing part of the population is Orthodox, most often for these purposes they use a wooden cross, as it is quite lightweight, inexpensive and does not require significant costs, while the funeral itself is not cheap. Monuments and crosses are installed in the legs or headboard so that the hill itself is open. Allowed photos or signs on the monument. According to Christian canons, it is prohibited at the grave to do anything 40 days after the burial.

After how much you can put a monument after the funeral: Technical Side Question

Given the lack of prescriptions for the construction of the monument, should be proceeding from the point of view of practicality in solving this issue. Naturally, for a successful installation of the monument, it is necessary that the earth would have been rambling. The time required for this process depends on the pore of the year, the composition of the soil. For example, on the rocky soil, the monument will be well in 9 months, but for maximum confidence, experts advise the monument on the grave a year later, when the seasonal cycle is completely passed. By this time, the Earth will give a shrinkage, and the monument of a high-quality installation will be excluded.

We must define correctly at what time you can do installation. The season of such work begins in the spring when the earth is enough and ends in autumn to the first cold. Therefore, if the installation period falls for the winter, it is better to wait, as no installer will not be able to establish a monument with a volatile soil, and already in the spring you will encounter the unpleasant consequences of the rush.

The fact that the administration of each cemetery determines the timing when you can put a permanent monument to the grave. Moreover, this process requires documentary. So, for the initial installation and further replacement of the tombstone, it is necessary to obtain permission. To do this, contact the cemetery administration with the package of necessary documents.

We have been engaged in the production and installation of monuments for 20 years. Our experienced staff can guarantee you quality performance.