All-Russian ICT Olympiads for schoolchildren. Informatics - Olympiad for Schoolchildren "Highest Test" - National Research University Higher School of Economics

All-Russian ICT Olympiads for schoolchildren.  Informatics - Olympiad for Schoolchildren
All-Russian ICT Olympiads for schoolchildren. Informatics - Olympiad for Schoolchildren "Highest Test" - National Research University Higher School of Economics

First (qualifying) extramural stage (strictly according to the schedule)- November 17 - December 2, 2018

The Olympiad is held for schoolchildren in grades 9-11.

Olympiad level: 2.

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History and description

For the first time, the Higher School of Economics took part in the organization of Olympiads in computer science in 2011, becoming one of the co-organizers of the Open Olympiad for schoolchildren “Information Technologies”, the main organizer of which was SPbNIU ITMO. Since 2012, the Higher School of Economics has been a co-organizer of the Moscow Olympiad in Computer Science for Schoolchildren. In 2013, the list of subject Olympiads within the framework of the Interregional Olympiad for Schoolchildren "Highest Sample" was supplemented by the Olympiad in Informatics.

In 2013 and 2014, the Olympiad was held under the title "Modern Information Technologies". At the same time, the tasks included tasks not only in computer science, but also in mathematics. The Olympiad was held in two stages: the 1st (qualifying) - was held remotely (online), the 2nd (final) was held in person at the same time at the regional sites of partner organizations.

In 2015, the Olympiad became known as the Informatics Olympiad, retaining its format in two stages. And already in 2015/2016, it was included in the List of Olympiads for schoolchildren, annually approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. At the same time, the content of the assignments has changed significantly. The tasks of the 1st stage consisted only of tasks in computer science, the purpose of which was to identify the general level of knowledge in computer science, as well as the skills of an algorithmic approach to solving non-traditional problems in the participant of the Olympiad. The tasks offered to the participants of the 2nd stage of the Olympiad suggested writing program code as a solution and testing the solution on a group of tests in real time. For the Olympiad, the system was used ejudge ... An essential feature of the 2nd stage of the Olympiad in such a format is the need to install and support a sufficiently large range of language programming tools in the venues of the full-time stage of the competition, determined by various methods of teaching a computer science course in Russian schools.

Since its inception, the Olympiad has been held with the active participation of MIEM at the Higher School of Economics. At the moment, the Faculty of Computer Science (FCS) plays a significant role in organizing the Olympiad. Its teachers and staff are members of the methodological commission and the jury of the Olympiad, develop tasks, analyze their solutions, and also coordinate the work of regional platforms for holding the Olympiad.

Conducting the Olympiad serves to develop the interest of young people in computer science, covering all aspects of the modern world. The applied goal of the Olympiad in Informatics is to identify and attract the most talented and prepared young people in the field of IT to study at the Higher School of Economics.

Activities and events

The competition is focused on the development of creative abilities and the formation of competencies in design and research activities. For schoolchildren in grades 9-11.

Ministry of General and Vocational Education of the Sverdlovsk Region

State autonomous professional educational institution of the Sverdlovsk region

"Technical school of food and services industry" Culinary "

Methodical development

Conducting the Olympiad

in informatics

for students of 1 course

by profession Chef, pastry chef

Compiled by: Shamanaeva Irina Sergeevna

Position: teacher of computer science

Yekaterinburg, 2016


to the design stage of the Olympiad in Informatics

The project assignment was developed on the basis of the work program "Informatics" by profession Chef, confectioner

    Organize your own activities, based on the goal and ways to achieve it, determined by the leader.

    Analyze the working situation, carry out current and final control, assessment and correction of their own activities, be responsible for the results of their work.

    Search for information necessary to effectively perform professional tasks.

    Use information and communication technologies in professional activities.

to the theoretical and practical stage of the Olympiad in Informatics

The list of competencies, the skills of which are determined for assessment:

    Create information products.

    Accompany the information process.

    Prepare VT for work.

    Manage information processes.

Assessment of assignments for all rounds is carried out in accordance with the approved criteria.

Conditions of conducting

Olympiads in computer science

general information

The scheduled time for the competition will be approximately 2.5 hours. Of them:

Stage 1, project stage - 7 minutes * number of participants;

Stage 2, theoretical - 30 minutes;

Stage 3, practical - 120 minutes

Prepared for each stage:

    a memo for the participant;

    score sheet (in an Excel spreadsheet);

    for stage 2 - a memo for an expert.

Project stage

To protect the project, participants will need a screen, a projector and a computer. It is also necessary to provide for the possibility of playing sound during the presentation of the presentations.

Theoretical tour

Each participant will need a ballpoint pen to participate in the theory tour.

Practical stage

For each participant in the Olympiad, you must provide:

    a computer with an installed operating system, office suite.

    The job is in the printed form.

Dear participant

Informatics Olympiads!

Stage I of the Olympiad in Informatics - a creative project.

Project activity includes the search, processing and presentation of information in the form of a creative project on one of the topics suggested to you:

    The profession is a cook.

    A computer in the profession of a cook.

    European cuisine.

    Meat delicacies.

    Vegetarian cuisine.

    Modern technologies for cooking meat dishes.

    Assortment and features preparation of fish dishes.

    Own theme.

The project must be provided in the form of a presentation.

Guidelines for developing a presentation

Consider the following when designing and creating your own presentation:

    The presentation must have at least 15 slides.

    First slide - title where the topic of the speech (presentation) and the speaker are announced, the last one - Bibliography. The rest of the slides are filled with content on the topic presented.

    The information in the presentation must be comprehensible.

    Information presented in different ways should be placed on the slides: text, list, diagram, table, diagram, etc. (do not overload the slides with "clean" unstructured text).

    The background of the slides can be customized using a template or of your choice.

    The information on the slide should be proportionally distributed, there should not be a lot of empty space, the words should be readable.

    All headings in the same style (color, font type, size, style, alignment methods). There is no full stop at the end of the heading.

    The size and color of the font are selected so that it is clearly visible (when demonstrating through a projector - at least 24 points).

    The text is justified (in extreme cases - to the left).

    Underlining is not used in the text, as it indicates a hyperlink in the document.

    Graphic images (pictures, photographs, videos) are placed on the slides at the request of the user.

    Customize the animation effects on each slide (the title should appear first).

    It is necessary to monitor the combination of all used colors and color schemes.

    Change slide settings for each slide.

    The animation should run in time, and the slides should change at the click of the mouse.

    When giving a presentation, you cannot limit yourself to reading text from slides.

    Before a public speech, the presentation must be rehearsed, the text of the report, information on the slides and the change of slides must be synchronized.

Assignment to prepare forII andIII stage of the Olympiad in Informatics

Topics for preparing forII stage - theoretical

    Units of information measurement. Transfer from one unit to another.

    Monitor specifications.

    Processor characteristics.

    File name. The full name of the file. How can you find a file on your computer if you don't remember part of its name?

    Examples of programs belonging to the following groups: operating systems, service, telecommunication and network programs, multimedia programs, programs of the Microsoft Office Professional package, programming systems

    Formulas in MS Excel. Writing rules. Relative and absolute addressing. (How the formula will change when copying).

    Archive file concepts. SFX archive.

    Types of computer graphics. Basic concepts.

    Software and hardware for Internet connection.

Skills forIII stage - practical

Task: Create a text document with one page on which you need to fit different objects:

  • graphic objects,

  • charts.

This requires the following skills:

Text editor Microsoft Word .

    Customize page settings.

    Create sheet border.

    Create bulleted lists.

    Split text into columns with separators.

    Insert autoshapes with text, pictures from files, screenshots.

    Create WordArt.

Table processor Microsoft Excel .

    Create a table and fill it with text. Format text in a table.

    Be able to enter formulas (for calculating the amount, percentage).

    Create a chart to a table. Sign values ​​on the chart.

    Link a Word document to an Excel table (the table is inserted as an Excel object).

Dear participant

Informatics Olympiads!

Enter your last name, first name, patronymic ________________________________

The second (theoretical) stage is carried out in the form of a test. The test includes 15 tasks covering different sections of the program. Before each task, instructions are given on how to complete it. For each correctly completed task, you will receive 1 point. The maximum number of points for the test is 15. Duration of work is 30 minutes. Be careful. If you made a mistake and want to correct it, then you are offered to cross out the incorrectly chosen option crosswise and circle another. Corrections in other form are not permitted.

    In a text editor, the Copy operation becomes possible after:

    setting the cursor to a specific position

    from saving the file

    file printouts

    selection of a fragment of text

Circle the correct answer

    The sfx parameter when archiving means that the archive

    1. self-deletes after unpacking



Circle the correct answer

    If a character was missing when entering the formula = , then

    1. the system will interpret the entered information as data

      after finishing editing an error message will appear

      after editing is complete, 0 will appear in the cell

Circle the correct answer

    The pattern? L * .c * matches a filename

    1. LUC.COM




Circle the correct answer

    Executable files own extensions

    1. Circle the correct answer

    Incorrectly written formula

    1. Circle the correct answer

    Minimum unit of vector image

    1. Match the content of the first and second columns. Enter the numbers you have chosen in the table of answers.

    Match the characteristics of the monitor and the processor.




        1) monitor


        2) processor

      clock frequency

      sweep frequency

      system bus frequency

      diagonal screen size

        1. Circle the correct answer

        The file is located on the C: drive in the GAMES folder, which is a subfolder of the DAY folder. Full file name

        1. C: \ \ GAMES \ DAY

          C: \ GAMES \

          C: \ DAY \ GAMES \

          C: \ GAMES \ DAY \

        2. Circle the wrong answer

        1.5 MB is

        1. 1.5 * 2 10KB

          1572864 bytes

          1536000 bytes

        2. Circle the correct answer

        Given a fragment of a spreadsheet in the formulas display mode

          1. A1 + 1

          When copying into cell OT - cell A2, the following formula will be displayed in cell OT

          B2 + 2

        1. Circle the correct answer

        A computer connected to the Internet must have ...

        1. IP address

          Web server

          Home Web Page

          Domain name

          Circle the correct answer

        What can be used as an object when creating a hyperlink?

            Provider company

            Network protocol


        1. Circle the correct answer

        What are the names of the programs that allow you to browse the Web?





        1. Circle the correct answer

        What is the antivirus program based on?

            pending the start of a virus attack

            to compare program codes with known viruses

            on deleting infected files

            on creating viruses

          Dear expert!

        1. Each test item is evaluated from 0 to 1 point:

          1 point - the task was completed correctly,

          0 points - the task was completed incorrectly.

          The answers to all tasks are given below.

          The maximum score for the test is 15.

          Corrections are allowed in the form of an incorrectly selected option crossed out crosswise. Corrections in other form are not permitted.

            1. Expert Answer Form

            1. Dear participant

              Informatics Olympiads!

            2. The third (practical) stage is carried out in the form of practical work on a personal computer. Practical work includes an assignment covering various sections of the program. The rule for completing tasks is indicated below. Duration of work 120 minutes. The maximum possible number of points that you can score is 20.

              You have a job that requires attention and concentration. The task must be completed as accurately as possible. You must present all the results of your work to the jury in the form indicated in the task itself.

              Be aware of the safety and health regulations while working. Take care of your health.

              We wish you success in your work!

            3. Tasks of the practical stage of the Olympiad in Informatics

            Open a text editor.

            Create a document based on the sample.

            Create a table in a table processor:

            Calculate the values ​​in the columns using the formulas: "Cost of devices", "Total cost of devices", "Cost of installing a network".

            Create a chart for the table.

            Add a table with calculations and a diagram to the text document.

            Save all documents on Desktop in the folder with your name and present the results to the Jury.

The last task of the qualifying round has been added. Tour ends: February 13 at 23:59:59 Moscow time.

Let us remind you how to take part in the tour:

To participate in the tour, you must register with the ECP and receive a unique token of 16 characters (if you participated in the first qualifying round, then you do not need to do anything else). After that, you need to link your account in the testing system using this token (see the "Account Linking" tab) and proceed to solving the qualifying round (see the "2 qualifying stage" tab). The tour can be decided at any time until 23:59:59 on February 13th - this is the only time limit.

Conditions and input data are available to you

The second qualifying round of the Moscow Olympiad for grades 10-11 has begun. It will run until February 5, 2017.

To participate in the tour, you must register with the ECP and receive a unique token of 16 characters (if you participated in the first qualifying round, then you do not need to do anything else). After that, you need to link your account in the testing system using this token (see the “Account Linking” tab) and proceed to solving the qualifying round (see the “2 qualifying stage” tab). The tour can be decided at any time until 23:59:59 on February 5th - this is the only time limit.

We remind you that in the second qualifying round (and on the face-to-face round) only text files with answers must be submitted for verification.

Conditions and input data for tasks are available to you. This archive contains 4 files for task A: a0.txt - an example of input from a condition, a0ans.txt - an example of an output from a condition, a1.txt - the first test, a2.txt - the second test. For other tasks, only the letter differs. You need to generate text files with the answer and submit the answer for the first test of Problem A to the testing system in Problem A1, the answer to the second test in Problem A2. For other tasks, only the letter differs.

To participate in the tour, you must register with the ECP and receive a unique token of 16 characters. After that, you need to link your account in the testing system using this token (see the “Account Linking” tab) and at 14:00 start solving the qualifying round (see the “First qualifying stage” tab).

The rules for the round coincide with the rules for the municipal stage of the All-Russian Olympiad in Moscow (see Appendix 3). During the tour, testing takes place only on tests from the condition!

Our all-Russian pedagogical portal provides an opportunity to participate in free online tests in computer science, in olympiads and creative contests. We invite you to take free tests created on the basis of the school curriculum from 2nd to 11th grades. These Olympiads are designed to test your knowledge, and they also contribute to the consolidation of the studied programs. Construct an Olympiad in computer science of 10 questions, after the completion of which you will be able to find out your result, and you can also order the production of a personal diploma. You can download the diploma after completing the assignments. The site contains interesting, informative and entertaining tests

Olympiads in computer science for 2016-2017 for schoolchildren

This section contains numerous tests in computer science for grades 2-11. The tests are designed to prepare for the 2016-2017 Olympiads and exams. Tests were compiled in accordance with the specifics of control materials. Online computer science tests are a great opportunity to test your knowledge and prepare yourself for the Olympiad.
The time for passing the tests is unlimited. Our pedagogical portal offers a lot of interesting and informative tests. To answer each question provided, you should choose only the correct answer. To complete the task, you need to go through all ten points by clicking on the correct answer and the "answer" button. You can also skip any task and move on to the next by clicking on the "skip task" button. To get the correct answer, you should click on the "check" button, so you can check the correctness of your answer and move on to the next task. By marking the answer, as viewed, you can skip the task for a while, returning to it later. Thus, online computer science tests for 2016-2017 will be able to develop memory, gradually you will be able to improve your result in answers, thereby preparing yourself for a real school or All-Russian Olympiad.

Computer Science Tests for Teachers and Educators

The task of each teacher is to prepare his ward for difficult tasks at the Olympiads, and the task of any educator is to awaken interest in the study of various subjects. Currently, computer science has become one of the most popular subjects studied in the school curriculum. At the moment, information technology is developing at a rapid pace, and wherever we go to work, it has become an important requirement, knowledge of a computer and several programs. Computer science is a rather complex subject, the study of which requires not only school, study time, but also your own desire to learn this area. Coming home, any child can turn on the computer and start playing or chatting on social networks, however, no one can tell about the computer itself about its structure, how technologies are developing and where progress is striving. On our portal, any student from the 2nd to the 11th grades can test themselves for knowledge, and thus prepare independently for tests, exams and olympiads. Online olympiads, creative contests and much can also be taken as an example for their educational activities. For example, any teacher, teacher, can set the tests presented on our portal as a control work. Upon completion of the tests, any student and any teacher can receive a diploma and certificate. You can order a diploma after completing the test on our website, and then you can easily download it.

Center for Talent Development "Mega-Talent" - holds distance Olympiads of the international level. Our Computer Science Olympiad is an educational event where pupils and students can demonstrate their knowledge of computer and information technology. We reward all participants in our Olympiads with diplomas or certificates. The organizing teachers receive testimonies and thanks from us.

Our merits:

  • We held 400 Internet Olympiads in 47 school disciplines.
  • Informatics Olympics revealed the talents of 15,000 schoolchildren from 12 countries.
  • We paid the teachers 2,500,000 rubles to print out assignments and awards.
  • Having held one Olympiad, 98% of teachers come back to us again.

5 steps towards a teacher

Our main task is to organize effective interaction with teachers. This is why we strive to follow 5 simple steps in running an Olympiad.

  1. Each teacher receives assignments for all categories of participants.
  2. The design of the awards is constantly changing so that each time you receive a different diploma, certificate and commendation.
  3. The costs of printing assignments and rewards are compensated to save you money.
  4. Active organizers receive valuable gifts.
  5. Our support team answers your questions in an online chat, as well as by mail and Skype.

Distance Olympiads "Mega-Talent" is convenient

You yourself choose a place and time convenient for you for holding the Olympiad. Your students will experience less stress, which will give them the opportunity to show themselves to their fullest.

The Olympiad in informatics from the MDG "Mega-Talent" will appeal to a wide range of students, regardless of their academic performance. Professional methodologists made the assignments so that they not only corresponded to the Federal State Educational Standard and the school curriculum, but also opened up new horizons for development and self-improvement.

The task sets for each class consist of 15 test questions of different types:

  • Questions with one or more correct answers.
  • Analytical and chronological questions.
  • Questions on the exclusion and correlation of two data series.
  • Test assignments for working with illustrative sources.
  • Test tasks for solving problems.

Cost of participation

The registration fee for participation in each Olympiad is set separately. MDT "Mega-Talent" compensates for up to 30% of the registration fee, so that the teacher does not have to print assignments, diplomas and certificates out of pocket. The more participants, the higher the percentage of compensation. You can learn more about how it is calculated after registration.

Teachers-organizers of the Olympiads participate in a specialrating of teachers , according to the results of which we award prizes to the most active at the end of the month and at the end of the half year.

How often do computer science Olympiads take place?

Olympiads "Mega-Talent" are held throughout the academic year. All-Russian Olympiads are held once a season in autumn, winter and spring, and in the intervals between them international ones. Each season, the assignments change to match the material that the students have already mastered in the classroom.

How are participants' responses checked?

The check is fully automated. The system impartially checks the participant answer options that you have recorded in your personal account and issues its verdict along with the publication of the results on the website. Further, you can freely download and print certificates and diplomas.

How to become an organizer of the Olympiad?

  1. Register on the website of the MDG "Mega-Talent"
  2. Fill out an application for participation in the Olympiad in Informatics, indicating the number of participants
  3. You confirm your participation by paying the registration fee and get access to all tasks and methodological recommendations for the Olympiad.
  4. Print out the received materials and conduct the Olympiad.
  5. Enter answers on the site so that the system can rate them and generate rewards for members.
  6. Download personalized award materials. Participants - certificates and diplomas, you - a certificate and gratitude.

How to pay for participation in the Informatics Olympiad?

The following payment methods are available:

  • Payment by credit card (online);
  • Payment according to the receipt, at the Russian Post office;
  • Payment using electronic payment systems (online).

Can schoolchildren and students from outside Russia participate in the event?

We hold international Olympiads. Schoolchildren and students from most of the CIS countries participate in our Olympiads. The tasks of all Olympiads are written in Russian, therefore, to participate in any of our events, you need to be fluent in Russian.

Are there any other questions? The answer will surely be found