Technological map of classic and modernity. The topic of the classic lesson and modernity

Technological map of classic and modernity. The topic of the classic lesson and modernity
Technological map of classic and modernity. The topic of the classic lesson and modernity

The subject of the lesson: "Classic and modernity".

The purpose of the lesson:to actualize the vital musical experience of students; to show interest of students to music, as the values \u200b\u200bof national and world culture.

Tasks lesson:

- educational:meet students with the concepts of classics and classical music classic genre, style (era, national, individual); actualization of vital experience of students, expression of personal relationship to music systematization of knowledge of music;

developing:enrich the worldview, expand its spectrum; artistic taste of students, musical horizons and vocabulary of students, the ability to express their emotions and feelings respectively heard; communication skills; Development of vocal choir eavsov; listener culture;

- Educational:respect for the music of different eras and composers, educating the ability to work in the team.

Problem question:

Expected Result:

1. Know the concepts: classic, classical music, classic genre, style.

2. Express your own opinion on the artistic advantages of individual musical styles.

3. Perceive and compare samples of light and serious music.

4. Recognize the works of domestic and foreign composers.

5. The ability to work with the textbook.

6. To be able to work in the group.

7. Expressively, emotionally perceive and execute music (vocalization of instrumental topics, performance of songs).

Type of lesson: introductory.

Lesson Methods: generalization; verbal; vividly auditory; analysis; Stimulating musical and creative activities through the creation of problematic search situations.

MetaProducts: Russian, literature, history, English, photo art.

Forms of organization of training activities: Group, individual, collective.

Didactic material:tutorial "Music. Grade 7 »G.P. Sergeeva, E.D. Cretskaya: - M.: Enlightenment, 2013; Reader musical material. Grade 5.

Music material:

    Introduction "Dawn on the Moscow River" (fragment) to the Opera Khovanshchina M.P.Morsorgsky;

    Ballet "Romeo and Juliet" (fragment "Montextures and Kapuletsi") S.S.Prokofiev;

    Overtures "Egmont" (fragment). L. Bethoven;

    Aria "Memory" from the Musical "Cats". E.-L. Hebber;

    "Beatles" - "Yesterday".

Equipment:interactive board, piano, projector, computer.

Multimedia accompaniment:presentation on the subject of the lesson.

During the classes.

I. The organization of students on the lesson.


Checking readiness for the lesson (Regulatory UUD: Volvary Quality)

II. Introduction to the topic (slide number 2).

A brief conversation about summer meetings with music.

Teacher: - Hello guys! I am glad to see you after the vacation healthy, rested and fun. Have you had a meeting with music during this time? What kind of music did you listen to, performed? (Student responses.)

III . Message Topics lesson.

Teacher: - Of course, you drew attention to the words that are located today on the board - classics and modernity. They are the theme of our today's lesson.

IV. The main stage of the lesson.

1. Discussion on the question "What is classic", "Classical"?

Teacher: - What do you think, mean the word "classic"? What kind of music say "classic"? (Individual statements guys.)

2. Working with the textbook.

Teacher:- Let's clarify. Tutorial. Find and see and read information about what "Classic".

3. Generalization of knowledge.

Teacher: - And so, the classic is ... (Guys continue the answer). Right!

4. Hearing musical fragments of familiar guys (Dawn Overture "Dawn on the Moscow River" to the Opera "Khovanshchina" M. M. M. Monttecs and Kapuletsi from Ballet "Romeo and Juliet" S.Prokofieva, Overture "Egmont" L. Bethoven and Aria Cats "Memory" from the musical E.-L.Uebbera "Cats"), followed by their analysis. (Group form of work.) Problem task.

Teacher:- I propose to listen to musical works, hang them and fill out this table (Slide No. 2), working in the group. ( Music sounds. Guys perform a task.)

5. Discussion on the question "What is style

Teacher:- Now, listening to music and filling the table, you yourself identified the style of era, the style of national, the style of the author. Please explain what is "style". (Student responses.)

6. Working with a textbook.

Teacher:- Let's clarify the textbook. Find and see information on what "style" is. (Individual work guys.)

7. Generalization.

Teacher:- And so, the style is ... (the guys continue the answer). Right!

8. "Classic" (slide number 3).

Teacher:- Think of which of the sound fragments can be attributed to the classic? Let's drink these melodies. (Choral vocalization of musical fragments.)

Teacher:- Let's listen to your answers. ( Each group gives answers.)

(If the opinions of the guys are divided, then it is necessary to introduce the concept of the "classic of the genre".)

9. Acquaintance with the concept of "Genre Classic". Working with a textbook.

Teacher:- Read the information about what "classic genre" is in the textbook. (Individual work guys.)

10. Generalization

Teacher:- Now you know that only the best samples of serious music, but the potest samples of light music can be called classic. An example of this is Aria's memory from the Musical "Cats" of the English composer XX century. E.-L.Webbera. Want to learn it? (Yes.)

11. Vocal-choral work on Aria "Memory" (Slide No. 4).

12. Work with an illustrative side of the textbook (p. 7) is the group "Beatles". Brief information about the group. Purpose: deepen the knowledge of learning that modern music can also be called "classics".

Teacher: - And again turn to the textbook. Before you britishrock band"Beatles" from Liverpoolfounded by B. 1960., as part of which playedJohn Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison, Ringo Starr. With it began the worldwide recognition of the "Liverpool" sound of rock music. Musicians of the group and their producer and sound engineer George Martina belong to innovative developments in the field of recording, combining various styles, including symphonic music, as well as shooting video clips. This rock band is still on 1 place in the list of the greatest performers of all time. The songs of this group are considered a classic - a sample of rock music.

13. Hearing and execution of the "Beatles" song - "Yesterday" (Slide No. 5).

Teacher:- You are probably familiar with their songs. Listen to one of them. (Song "Yesterday" sounds. On the blackboard, lyrics in English. Children can sing on request.)

V. Generalization of the lesson topic.


Teacher:- Is it possible to call music that sounded today in the lesson, modern? (Student responses.)

Teacher: -Can a classic, classical music be modern, and modern classic?

VI . Reflection.

Teacher: - Do you need this music? Justify the answer. (Student responses.)

Teacher: - At the end of the lesson, I ask you to compile Sinwen at the choice: "Classic". "Modernity". (On the task, sheets with synkievine students hand over to the teacher.)

VII . The outcome of the lesson.

Homework (Slide No. 6): Creative Notebook, p. 6. Task number 3 (write the names of the musical works of modern composers who have become a classic. Explain your choice and discuss it with classmates.)

Announcement of estimates.

Exit class.

Appendix No. 1.

On a deserted alley

Following the flash

There will be dark band.

So in life ...

I remember everything, because the past again

What is given only once,

In fuss we lose

Drink up to the bottom ...

But not sorry for me

Now that life lives -

Life that I knew alone.

Do not look back -

Suddenly the heart shouted.

Everything that in the past - in it should stay,

And night - only the day.

Let me find me morning

Without a single breath

Nobeat in the chest.

It is a pity that late

But I still know - I'm happy.

All flies behind.

Infinite Masquerad

Through the branches of the light flows.

The sun will rise - and the memory will run -

How the ghost is dissolved.

Stretch your hand!

How easy it was in the past -

You loved then ...

Shadow of light

I go to night and my memory

Falls asleep forever.

Appendix No. 2.


Yesterday ,

Oh, I Believe in Yesterday.


Oh, Yesterday Came suddenly.

Why She.

I Said,


Oh, I Believe in Yesterday.

Why She.

Had to Go i don "T Know, She Wouldn" T Say.

I Said,

Something Wrong, Now I Long for Yesterday.


Love Was Such An Easy Game to Play

NOW I Need a Place to Hide Away

Oh, I Believe in Yesterday.


View the contents of the presentation
"Classic and modernity"

Classic and modernity

Performed: Music Teacher MBOU SOSH with in-depth study

separate items No. 78 of Voronezh

Pchelentseva L.P.

"Classic and modernity"

Epoch style

(surname of the composer)

"Classic and modernity"

Epoch style

(antique or modern music)

Entry "Dawn on the Moscow River"

National Style (Russian or Foreign)

"Montextures and cabbage" from the ballet "Romeo and Juliet"

(surname of the composer)


Overture "Egmont"


Aria "Memory" from the Musical "Cats"





At night on a deserted alley, after a flash of light, the lane will be dark. So in life ... I remember everything, because the past revival the votes again.

Happiness, which is given only once, in fuss we lose, drink to the bottom ... But I'm not sorry for me now that life lives - the life that I knew alone.

Do not look back now - suddenly the heart shouted. Everything in the past - in it should stay, and the night - only the day.

Morning - let him find me morning without a single breath, without beating in the chest. It is a pity that late, but I still know - I'm happy. All flies behind.

An endless masquerade through the branch light flows. The sun will rise - and the memory will die - as the ghost is dissolved.

Hand - hand me out your hand! As it was easy in the past - you loved then ... I am going on the shadow of the world, and my memory falls asleep forever.



Love Was Such An Easy Game to Play

NOW I Need a Place to Hide Away

Oh, I Believe in Yesterday.

Had to Go i don "T Know, She Wouldn" T Say.

Something Wrong, Now I Long for Yesterday.


Love Was Such An Easy Game to Play

NOW I Need a Place to Hide Away

Oh, I Believe in Yesterday.


Yesterday ,

All My Troubles Seeemed So Far Away

Now IT Looks As Though THEY "RE HERE TO STAY,

Oh, I Believe in Yesterday.



There "S A Shadow Hanging Over Me,

Oh, Yesterday Came suddenly.

Had to Go i don "T Know, She Wouldn" T Say.

Something Wrong, Now I Long for Yesterday.


creative notebook, p. 6., Task number 3

Classic classic (from lat. Classicus - perfect, exemplary, first-class) is such works of art that no matter when they were written are the best, continue to worry many generations of people. What does the word "classic" mean?

Who was a good contemporary of his era, he has the greatest chance to be a contemporary of many eras of the future. A.V. Lulunacharsky Anatoly Vasilyevich Lunacharsky () Russian Soviet writer, public and politician, translator, publicist, critic, art historian.

Sergey Prokofiev () Alfred Schnitke () Rodion Shchedrin (r. 1932)

Achievements of the song "Yesterday" Paul McCartney from Album "Help!", Two years later, was recorded more than a thousand times, which is the Guinness record. The group made an invaluable contribution to the development of rock music. The ensemble not only changed it, but also reached an unprecedented popularity, thanks to which "The Beatles" became one of the brightest phenomena of world culture of the 20th century, selling over 1 billion plates worldwide. "Beatles" is considered the greatest group of all times and peoples. Ed Sullivan's television show with "The Beatles" (1964) gathered spectators. The Beatles team received a star on the Alley of Glory in Hollywood for achievements and contribute to music.

No, even the most inspired words about music can not give an idea of \u200b\u200ball its inexhaustible wealth. No words can do the listener of that effect that the music itself produces ... To learn and love music, it is not enough to read about it. We must listen to her. D.D.Sostakovich Dmitry Dmitrievich Shostakovich () Soviet composer, pianist, teacher and public figure. People's Artist of the USSR (1954), Hero of Socialist Labor (1966). The winner of the five Stalinist premiums and one state award of the USSR.

Internet resources:

Theme of the year:

Quarter Topic: About modern times in music.

Theme lesson : Classic and modernity.

Type of lesson: Combined .

purpose :




educational :

Methods and techniques

Equipment :

During the classes.




Sounds. (Appendix1.1)

Children answer.

Student. Musicians in black fruits

We took violins and alta.

Conductor with usual wagging

I am resurrected my dreams.

Bariton Cello

The souls cut on the nurses,

And swung like a swing

Amazed bow.


Sounds "Joke", I.S. Bach. (Appendix 1.2)


Pupil:Wind-mischief knocks on the window,

The room is warm and quiet.

The sounds of music filled it,

Music beautiful and great!


Music your unique ...

And sit, the breath of Zataiv,

Listening to the melody beautiful.

Sounds « Moon Sonata, L. Betchen. (Appendix 1.3)


Children answer.

Student. Music Sonata felt

And warm, quiet summer evening,


Sounds "Symphony No. 40" V.M. Motsarta(Appendix 1.4) / children answer /.


Student. Music.

She hides

All thoughts, feelings and lessons,

She hides those worst,

That in life we \u200b\u200bcan not pass

Hides also suffering

Their people do not want to understand.

You learn her tongue

And everything will understand immediately.

Or listen for a moment

And learn only one phrase.

Talk to her, but could not.

The world of music opened to you,

After all, music is your God.



"Toccata and Fugue", I.S. Bach

Hearing and viewing onDVD. (Appendix 4)







(Appendix 6).


/ discussion between children /



  1. Teacher



4 . Sinking.

5 . Hearing and analyzing (Appendix 8).



Accuracy of the melody;


  1. . Teacher.
  1. Homework

Explanatory note

Direction of humanitarian.

The lesson stages are as follows:

- "Symphony No. 40", V. Mozart.

- "Joke", I. Bach.

Hearing and analyzing:

- "Toccata and Fugue";

- "Storm".

References used:

"Music", Yu.B.aleev.

Theme of the year: Tradition and modernity in music.

Quarter Topic: About modern times in music.

Theme lesson : Classic and modernity.

Type of lesson: Combined .

purpose : To introduce children with works of musicians working in Newage style.

Teach to compare the music classic and classics in modern arrangement. Students should master the concept of Newage style, the term of the term arrangement.


teaching : Through a comparison with the works of classical music, learning to analyze the music of a new style.

developing : Develop musical perception of samples of modern music.

educational : The spiritual perception of the music of progressive style through the works of classical music.

Methods and techniques . Used the heuristic technology of the lesson. An element of theatricalization is introduced when the material passed earlier is previously. The method of retrospectives is applied, i.e. Repetition of knowledge, classical techniques, which are the basis for the assimilation of the new material. Included interactive method, as well as a method of comparative analysis of classical and modern works.

Equipment : Interactive board, CD DVDs, piano, sheet music, tokens, sheets - emoticons.

During the classes.

1. Repetition of a previously familiar material using the theatricalization element. Teacher. Today at the lesson we will talk about the music of classical and modern. What does the word classic mean?

Children: Exemplary, Perfect, Best.

Teacher. Yes, a modern musician, brought up on classical music, can create excellent music with good meaning. I wonder if the composers of the previous centuries could represent that their music would not only listen to subsequent centuries, but some works will sound in modern interpretation.

I think that both in the modern world also wanted to meet with those famous composers, is not it? / Children agree /.

Teacher. Now listen to the musical work and tell me, what composer does it belong to?

Sounds "First concert for piano with orchestra", P.I. Tchaikovsky. (Appendix1.1)

Children answer.

It includes the student and acts as Tchaikovsky. Showing Slide number 1 (Appendix 2) depicting portrait P. Tchaikovsky.

Student. Musicians in black fruits

We took violins and alta.

Conductor with usual wagging

I am resurrected my dreams.

Bariton Cello

The souls cut on the nurses,

And swung like a swing

Amazed bow.

Teacher. Tchaikovsky's music, she treats us a sound with sound. Waltz rolls us slightly, peace, bliss will provide. LIVE LOADING ART This, passed by the century to the century, left a great heritage to the genius, so that the happy man was.

Sounds "Joke", I.S. Bach. (Appendix 1.2)

Teacher. You probably guessed, who will come to us now? / Students answer /.

It includes a student in the image of I.S. Bach.

Showing Slide # 2 (Appendix 2) depicting Portrait I.S. Bach.

Pupil:Wind-mischief knocks on the window,

The room is warm and quiet.

The sounds of music filled it,

Music beautiful and great!

Teacher: It seems that Bach plays here

Music your unique ...

And sit, the breath of Zataiv,

Listening to the melody beautiful.

Boring piano in stingy loneliness,

Strings were covered with challenge.

Waltz Chopin, Beethoven Sonata,

Notes, chords forgotten forgotten ...

Sounds « Moon Sonata, L. Betchen. (Appendix 1.3)

Teacher. Meet what composer we are waiting?

Children answer.

The class includes a student in the image of Beethoven.

Showing Slide number 3 (Appendix 2) depicting portrait L. Beethoven.

Student. Music Sonata felt

And Star - Munny outside the window Landscape.

And warm, quiet summer evening,

And dull light through rainbow stained glass window.

Teacher. Beethoven! Ludwig van Beethoven! Talent! And the genius of magic! Wonderful music you gave people! That one is always blooming in the soul.

Sounds "Symphony No. 40" V.M. Motsarta(Appendix 1.4) / children answer /.

The class includes a student, disguised into a suit and in a wig, acts as Mozart.

Showing Slide No. 4 (Appendix 2) with the image of Portrait V.A. Motzart.

Student. Music.

What's in this word? - lots of.

She hides

All thoughts, feelings and lessons,

That life gave only to us with you.

She hides those worst,

That in life we \u200b\u200bcan not pass

Hides also suffering

Their people do not want to understand.

You learn her tongue

And everything will understand immediately.

Or listen for a moment

And learn only one phrase.

After all, you will understand, you tried so

Talk to her, but could not.

The world of music opened to you,

After all, music is your God.

Teacher. Everweight and beautiful music of the classics, both foreign and Russian composers.

Now I suggest you pay attention to the interactive board. Conduct the intellectual game "Classical Music Connabilities". Whose team copes faster with the task - gets tokens in the form of notes, which affects the evaluation at the end of the lesson.

On the right side, portraits of composers of Beethoven, Mozart, Bach, Tchaikovsky are depicted.

With the left - the names of the works are given.

Class divide for four teams. Your task is to relate the names of works with the corresponding composer.

At the end of the game "Composers" - students summarize.

Teacher. Modern musicians also appeal to classics. Today we will get acquainted with two famous composers, performers of classical and modern music.

This is Vanessa Mei and Janni Chrysalis. It is not by chance that I am talking about them at the same time, since Vanessa is part of the orchestra who is managed by Janni.

V. Mei - China Mother and Thai - she studied in Beijing in the Russian music school. Its first concerts began to give at an early age, experimented with many musical styles, never limited to classic or only popular music. She always wanted to make something new.

Show presentation about Vanessa May. (Appendix 3)

Today, a new word for you is an arrangement (from Franz. Calova Arranger - put in order).

Arrangement - Arrangement of a musical work on another instrument or other instruments of tools and voices. In pop music is a harmonization and tools of a new or well-known melody.

Works that we listen to you are familiar to you in the original.

"Toccata and Fugue", I.S. Bachin the new interpretation of Vanessa May.

Hearing and viewing onDVD. (Appendix 4)

Teacher. What changes did you hear in this arrangement?

What special did you notice in comparison with the original?

/there is a discussion between students/

Children. Throughout the work, the main topic has been preserved, its polyphonic construction, it is well auditioned in various registers.

Solts the violin as in the original. Only here we hear the sound of electroscripts. Also settled pace and rhythm.

Teacher. What other tools did you hear in the new version?

Children. A shock group of tools complements the rhythm of the work.

The sound of electroscripts gives a special color than the sound.

Teacher. In his works, Vanessa Mei demonstrates a specific understanding of the instrument, the player of the game, the ability to synthesize acoustic sounds with electric. This is an experiment of styles that can be called technoacoustics.

The next composer and the speaker of the estate - symphony orchestra - Yanni Chrysalis.

Showing presentations about Janni Chrysalis. (Appendix 5).

He became known all over the world due to the amazing melodies of synthesized piano and various tools. This is a musician working in Newage style, a new direction of time that is translated as a "new century", "New Era". This movement that has reached public fame in the West in 1970 - 1980, who advocates the revival of spirituality, the revision of established views.

I propose to listen to a friend earlier in the classic version A. Vivaldi from the "Seasons" "Summer" cycle. It will sound in the arrangement of Janni Chrysalis called "Storm".

(Appendix 6).

Teacher. What can you say about the work?

/ discussion between children /

Children. In this anolnaging, the main melody clearly listens, its meaning remained the same. Psychological attitude has completely changed under the influence of other musical instruments added during the arrangement. Special mood, the feeling of flight gives the sound of the harp and pipes.

Teacher. I can add that it is of particular interest that the coordinated duet of electroscapolis is performed by Vanessa May and Samvel Varvinyan. Their execution in combination with other tools attaches inspiration and expression. It also needs to be noted the emotionality of the execution of all participants of the orchestra.

  1. Teacher. And now I want to tell you that the event "in the world of classical instrumental music" will take place in our school. The task is this: To make the possession of posters, you need to make a list of music numbers for a concert consisting of two offices. Our class we divide into two groups. The first will draw up a list of acquaintances of the classic works (foreign and Russian) composers. The second group will write classic works in modern arrangement.

/independent work of students in groups.

Check for compliance with the names of works and surnames of composers.

Teacher. It doesn't matter, in which age was written by one or another music, if it is beautiful, it is nice to listen to it and execute. Before you start learning a new song, I suggest you to match.

4 . Sinking. In the selection of sings, the exercises corresponding to the age characteristics of children and the range of songs are taken into account.

5 . Hearing and analyzing songs "Angel - Keeper" I. Cool (Appendix 8).

Teacher. What are your impressions about the listened work?

Children. Beautiful, bright melody of the song, where the music acts as an angel is a keeper. The lyric gentle - the agitated nature of the music is created by the singery sound of the melody, a leisurely tempo of execution. The range of the song is quite wide. A major foot reflects the joy, kindness and a sense of hill.

  1. The checkout occurs differently: a separate party for boys (the lower sound of notes) and a party for girls in a high register, respectively. In the chorus there is a sequence, when it repeats the party of boys is replaced by a party for girls.

When learning a song, teacher pay attention to:

Accuracy of the melody;

Withstand half durations;

Take the right breath and only during the pause;


  1. . Teacher. Today you met a new destination for you in music - Newage, with his bright arranger representatives who live and create the perfect currently. In their music, you learned the fundamental works of classics that were familiar to you even earlier. Music of these wonderful people makes our lives more rich and interesting.

"Life as a play. It is not important - whether it is longer, and whether he has been played well. "

And now, leaving the walls of our Cabinet, I would like you to express your attitude towards what we talked about. There are notes on your desks - emoticons. The red color means that you learned a lot of new and interesting, blue - information took note, gray - it was boring and uninteresting. Place them on the corresponding color of the color mills.

  1. Homework. Place the poster for the event "in the world of classical music."

Explanatory note

Music lesson is compiled for grade 8 secondary school based on the program

The theme of the year "Tradition and modernity in music" is facing the embodiment in the music of eternal communication times.

The topic of the quarter "about modern modern music." According to the program, she is given 5 hours.

The subject of the lesson: classics and modernity.

Direction of humanitarian.

The lesson stages are as follows:

1. The presentation of a previously familiar material using the theatrical element.

- "Symphony No. 40", V. Mozart.

- "Joke", I. Bach.

- "Lunar Sonata", L. Bethoven.

- "The first concert for piano with the orchestra", P. Tchaikovsky.

Hearing and analyzing:

- "Toccata and Fugue";

- "Storm".

Methods and techniques. The reception of the theatrical element is used when the material has previously passed earlier. The method of retrospectives is applied, i.e. Repetition of knowledge, classical techniques, which are the basis for the assimilation of the new material. Included interactive method, as well as a method of comparative analysis of classical and modern works.

In the vocal part of the lesson, both a group form of learning and individual is used. This form creates conditions for the effective development of the singing voice, vocal hearing. When combing, a complex of vocal - training exercises was developed to activate the voice-forming function of students.

Equipment: Interactive Board, DVD CD, Piano, Sheet, Chest, Sheets - Smileys ..

References used:

"Pedagogical technologies", etc. For.Salnikova.

"Music upbringing", i.e.Vadrov.

"Music", Yu.B.aleev.

The lesson was held in the usual class with the average abilities of students. Children - "composers" artistically coped with their role. During the intellectual game, all participants in the lesson were actively connected. When meeting the main topic, the student's student has well shifted their previously accumulated knowledge with a classic approach to analyzing works. Most children received excellent marks. An important stage of the lesson is the reflection, which allows you to identify the response of students on the pedagogical effect. (Appendix 9).

Theme of the year: Tradition and modernity in music.

Quarter Topic: About modern times in music.

Theme lesson : Classic and modernity.

Type of lesson: Combined .

purpose : To introduce children with works of musicians working in Newage style.

Teach to compare the music classic and classics in modern arrangement. Students should master the concept of Newage style, the term of the term arrangement.


teaching : Through a comparison with the works of classical music, learning to analyze the music of a new style.

developing : Develop musical perception of samples of modern music.

educational : spiritual perception of the music of progressive style through

State budget special (corrective) educational institution for students, pupils

with disabilities

special (Correctional) Secondary School (VII Vision)


Central District of St. Petersburg

Abstract music lesson in grade 7.

Subject: "Classic and modernity"

Teacher: Fedorova

Yulia Vladimirovna

Experience: 25 years

St. Petersburg


The subject of the lesson: "Classic and modernity".

The purpose of the lesson:

Actualize the vital musical experience of students;

Clean the interest of students to music, as the values \u200b\u200bof national and world culture.

Tasks lesson:


Meet students with the concepts of classics and classical music

classic genre, style (era, national, individual);

Actualization of vital experience of students,

Expression of personal relationship to music

Systematization of knowledge of music.


Develop the desire to consciously perceive the musical work,

Develop musical horizons and vocabulary of students

Develop ideas, memory, recreation imagination,

Develop visual and auditory perception.

Develop the ability to express their emotions and feelings respectively heard.


Bring up respect for the music of different eras and composers,

Educating the ability to work in the team.

Raise the artistic taste of students.

Expected Result:

Know the concepts:

1. Classic, classical music, classic genre, style.

2. Express your own opinion on the artistic advantages of individual musical styles.

3. Perceive and compare samples of light and serious music.

4. Recognize the works of domestic and foreign composers.

5. Realize and talk about the influence of music per person.

Type of lesson: introductory.

Lesson Methods: Explanatory-illustrative.

Forms of organization of training activities: Group, individual, collective.


  • G.P.Sergeeva, E.D. Cretskaya: "Music Grade 7" - M.: Enlightenment, 2011.
  • G.P.Sergeeva, E.D. Cretskaya, music lessons - Pounding development - Grade 7. M: Enlightenment, 2013.
  • Funokhthomatics of musical material (MP3) Grade 7.

Music material:

  • M.P.Morusorgsky "Dawn on the Moscow River".
  • S.S.Prokofiev "Montextures and Kapuletsi" Fragment of Ballet "Romeo and Juliet".
  • L.Betshoven Start Overture "Egmont".
  • E. L. Hebber Aria "Memory" from the musical "Cats".
  • "Beatles" - "Yesterday".
  • K.Kelmi "Short circle".

Equipment: music center, piano, projector, computer.

Multimedia accompaniment:presentation on the subject of the lesson.


  1. Organization of the beginning of the lesson.
  2. Actualization of knowledge.
  3. The main stage of the lesson.
  1. Conversation
  2. Continuation of the conversation.
  3. Listening to music.
  4. Breathing exercises.
  1. Vocal choral work.
  1. Sinking
  2. Work on the song.
  1. Summing up the lesson.

During the classes.

I. The organization of students on the lesson.

Greeting. Conversation about summer musical impressions.

II. Actualization of knowledge.

Guys, from a conversation with you about summer musical impressions, I realized that the music is always with you. Music is different, everyone likes his own. And this variety of music makes us think.

What attracts us in it.

And what is the eternal music?

The eternal music that has gained general recognition has incredit value for national and world culture. And today we will talk about the musical works that are the best, continue to worry many generations of people. Such music is called classic. The theme of our lesson: "Classic and modernity".Slide number 1.

III. The main stage of the lesson.


What does the word "classic" mean? Classic is called such works of art that are the best, gained general recognition and have incredit value for national and world culture.Slide number 2.

These works meet the highest artistic requirements, in them the depth of content is combined with the perfection of the form. The classic is called antique art, classical music is applied to the work of the greatest composers of the world, classic can be called works created in the distant past, and modern essays.

The most important and deep processes of time, the spirit and nature of the people are reflected in classical works.Slide number 3.

Obviously, therefore, a musical classic, regardless of its work, remains consonant with our thoughts and feelings, because he speaks of the eternal problems of life. The classic is often opposed to new trends in art. Contemporaries often can be mistaken in assessing musical works. There are many examples of how works that have not received recognition during the lifetime of the authors, later became a classic and entered the Golden Fund of World Music Arts. Let's remember the examples.

Slide number 4.

Let's remember the classic works with you, which, in your opinion, will always like you?

Now let's remember the modern music that you first liked, and then you stopped listening to it and why?

Let's listen to fragments from the already familiar musical works.

Which of these essays are written by modern composers, composers of the past, foreign or Russian

Which of these works can be attributed to the classics?

Which of them belong to the genre are serious, and what - to the genru of light music?Slides number 5-8.

Hearing and analysis of musical works.

(Fragments are heard from the works of M.Morusorgsky, S.Prokofeva, L.V. Bethoven, E.-L.Webbera.)

After listening to each fragment there is a discussion and justification of the opinions of each of the students.

Continuation of the conversation.

There is also the concept of a classic genre, in this case classic call works by light music: jazz, pop, rock music.Slide number 9.

But if this music does not have high artistic advantages, then its popularity is short.

Do you have such that music quickly stops like?

What do you think, why?

But if this music does not have high artistic advantages, then its popularity is short. To learn to understand all the variety of music, it is necessary to strive to understand the content of the work, its shaped system, belonging to a certain style.

Style - means handwriting, including the author, feature of creativity.Slides number 10-11. In art distinguish the style of era (historical), the style of national, individual style-style composer and even a particular performer.

Nowadays the interest of musicians to the classical music of the past is growing. Here recently in the 20th century, our moms and dads were contemporaries of the popular group "Beatles", and now it is popular.Slides number 12-16.

Listening to music.

The song of the Bitles group sounds - "yesterday".

Like music?

Can we attribute it to the classics, or to the classic of the genre?

IV. Conventional-choral work.

  1. Sinking.
  1. Having grilled on the range up and down closed mouth, with the name of notes, on the vowels "y", "o", "and",
  2. using the syllables of "Da de Di -Do Du", "Mi-Ma".
  1. Work on the song.

Music is always bottomless

It means -

Praise Ile Poroshit -

Everyone in it finds what he wants ... (L. Martynov).

When do you need music?

When did the music help you in difficult and happy moments of your life?

Now I will fulfill the song "Closure". She first sounded in the New Year program of the new 1988. Music K.keelmi, lyrics M. Pushkin. A simple melody, wonderful words coming from heart to heart, influenced the love of performers and listeners to this song.

Show song.

What impression was made on you a song?

Is this song contemporary?


What is she talking about? What is her main idea?

Archings of the first line of song. At learning drawn attention to:

Accuracy of the melody;



V. Summing up the lesson.

Did you like to reflect on music?

F.List said: "There is a music that goes to us, and the other that requires us to go to her"

How do you understand this statement?

What art do we call classic?

What kind of music is needed by a modern person?

Why does Beethoven, Mussorgsky, Prokofiev consider the great contemporaries?

What other composers would you call among them?

Can there be classic modern music, and whether we have the right to call modern classics?

According to musical addictions, for what he likes, or rejected can be judged by a person, his taste, the level of culture. "What meets the requirements of high taste, if not forever, then, in any case, durable. The fact that the fashion is born - Zybko, short-term and inclined to quickly give way to a new one, even more fashionable "- said D.B. Kabalevsky.

I remember the well-known statement: "Tell me who your friend and I will tell you who are you ...". The lesson would like to finish the words of the composer D.D.Shostakovich.Slide number 17.

I hope that there will always be a good music next to you: both light and serious. I think that you are more than once on your own experience, how great the influence of music on a person.Slide number 18.

Homework: Students are offered to choose from:

  1. message about the group "Beatles",
  2. find interesting sites about music.

Thank you all for active work, interesting judgments. Individual activity of students is noted.

Internet resources:

  1. 1.Http: //
  2. 2.Http: //