Rules for the sale of theater tickets. Can theater tickets be returned? How to return a ticket to the box office

Rules for the sale of theater tickets.  Can theater tickets be returned?  How to return a ticket to the box office
Rules for the sale of theater tickets. Can theater tickets be returned? How to return a ticket to the box office

Many believe that it is almost impossible to return purchased tickets to a theater, cinema or concert. This opinion is also facilitated by the signs of the administration over most of the ticket offices, indicating that "tickets cannot be exchanged or returned." However, in this case, consumers should be aware that the law is on their side and allows them to refuse to attend the show until it starts, even without giving a reason. How to do this correctly is described below.

Can the theater ticket be returned to the ticket office?

Many theatergoers have probably faced such a situation - tickets for the premiere of the play have been purchased, but due to unforeseen circumstances that have arisen (called to work on the weekend, relatives have arrived, the temperature has suddenly risen, and so on) a person will not be able to go to the performance. What to do, because attending a theatrical performance can be quite an expensive event? In this case, take the purchased invitations to the performance back to the cashier, because, in accordance with the Russian law on the protection of consumer rights, you are obliged to return the money spent. However, you should be aware that you are entitled to hand over the purchased theater invitations to the cashier only before the start of the performance.

How do I return tickets to the box office?

Let's take a closer look at how to correctly return the purchased tickets to the box office of the theater organization. First of all, you need to come to the window in advance, before the start of the performance. In addition to invitations, you must also have your own identity card (passport) with you. Then follow these step-by-step instructions:

Tell the theater cashier that you wish to return the tickets you purchased earlier, back and explain the reason for this decision (although, according to the law, it is not at all necessary to talk about the reasons for refusing to attend the show).

Write a free-form statement, but following the generally accepted standard template:

  • To whom the document is addressed (head, theater administrator);
  • Who the paper comes from (name, address, passport details of the client);
  • For what performance and for what date the invitations were bought;
  • How much money you paid;
  • Why did it become necessary to hand over the purchased receipts to the cashier;
  • What are your requirements - to return the money back;
  • Link to law - in accordance with the consumer protection act;
  • At the end of the document, you put your signature, and also indicate the date of the appeal.

Submit your claim to the administrator, enclosing theater tickets.

Wait until the decision on the appeal is made (this period, according to the law, should not exceed 10 days).

In the event that the responsible person (administrator, senior cashier) refused to accept your application, the procedure changes somewhat:

  • Ask at the cash desk for the complaint book, which should be given to you at the first request, and make an appropriate entry;
  • Pay a personal visit to one of the following organizations - Rospotrebnadzor, Ministry of Culture, Union for the Protection of Client Rights;
  • In the organization, you are filing a complaint that the theater administration refused to accept your complaint;
  • To certify the fact of refusal, involve two witnesses and secure their signatures under the document.

Usually, the appeal process lasts no more than two weeks - this is the period established by the consumer law. After this period, you will receive your funds back.

Can theater tickets be returned on the day of the performance?

You can return the purchased invitations to the cashier any day, even on the day of the performance. However, this must be done before the start of the theatrical performance. In this case, the amount of money returned will directly depend on how early you hand over the tickets to the ticket office. So, in accordance with the established regulatory enactments:

  • At least 80% of the cost will be refunded if you handed in the receipt to the cashier 14 days before the start of the performance;
  • 70% - if this period was 7 - 13 days;
  • 50% - if you brought invitations a week or earlier before the scheduled premiere.

Besides, you should be aware that a full refund is not possible in any case as the client will be charged the actual theater expenses. But in this case, it is not taken from the ceiling, but on the basis of regulations, which must be presented to the consumer at his request.

How to return a theater ticket purchased online?

In our information age, invitations to performances are often purchased not at the box office, but via the Internet. Is it possible to hand them over in this case? Yes, this can be done following the same principles as for refunds of regular tickets. The client has the right to surrender invitations if they were purchased on the website of an official theater representative. As a rule, the resource itself describes a detailed refund procedure. For example, the refund amount depends on how many days the person took the decision to refuse to visit the theater. For example, if it happened on the day of the premiere, then he can count on a refund of only about 10% of the amount paid, and if 14 days before the performance, then he will be returned 80% or even more of the cost of the purchased tickets.

Write a free-form statement, but following the generally accepted standard template:

  • To whom the document is addressed (head, theater administrator);
  • Who the paper comes from (name, address, passport details of the client);
  • For what performance and for what date the invitations were bought;
  • How much money you paid;
  • Why did it become necessary to hand over the purchased receipts to the cashier;
  • What are your requirements - to return the money back;
  • Link to law - in accordance with the consumer protection act;
  • At the end of the document, you put your signature, and also indicate the date of the appeal.

Submit your claim to the administrator, enclosing theater tickets. Wait until the decision on the appeal is made (this period, according to the law, should not exceed 10 days).

Is it possible to return a theater ticket back to the ticket office - refund procedure


If at the time of contact, there is money in the cash desk, then basically, the cashier gives it out on the same day, right away. If the session was paid for by means of a bank card, then the funds will be deposited on it to the person who made the payment.

There are situations in which the ticket amount is fully refundable. These include:

  • cancellation of the submission;
  • transfer to another number;
  • the provision of services of inadequate quality, for example, the destruction of the scenery, the failure of the actor, etc.;
  • replacement of the assigned performance with another.

In all these cases, the money is returned to the client in full.
How many days before the theater ticket can be returned? According to the current legislation, this must be done before the start of the performance at any time. As soon as the viewer has received information, it is necessary to immediately submit the document for the concert.

Can theater tickets be returned? ticket refund policy

Of the Rules, unless otherwise provided by the agreement between the Company and the Organizer. 8. The Organizer is responsible for the return of funds to the Clients in the event of cancellation, replacement, postponement of the event, as well as in the event of a legitimate refusal of the Client to attend the event before it starts, unless otherwise provided by the agreement between the Company and the Organizer.


If the Client wishes to make a refund for the electronic and / or mobile ticket he has purchased, the Client selects the "Return ticket" option through his personal account, after which an SMS message with a confirmation code is sent to the Client's mobile phone, which the Client must enter in the pop-up window of the monitor for successful performing an operation to return an electronic and / or mobile ticket. 10. The time of return (receipt) of funds to the Client is specified by the Client in addition to his bank, of which he is the cardholder.

Can theater tickets be returned?

For example, ticket refunds are made “only in case of cancellation / replacement / postponement of the event”, and such a restriction is illegal. One of the Moscow theaters tried to apply such a restriction in its rules.

And here's what happened. The Rospotrebnadzor administration fined one of the Moscow theaters (cultural institution), which included in the contract with the spectator (ticket) conditions that infringe on consumer rights established by the legislation on consumer protection, namely: the theater's electronic ticket contains information according to which “purchased Tickets are exchanged and They are not subject to return, except for the cases of cancellation, replacement or transfer of the performance to another date ", as well as in p.

How to return an electronic theater ticket?

The Contractor undertakes the obligation to carry out, at the request of the Customer, a refund to the Customer for the previously rendered Contractor's Services in the event of cancellation / replacement / postponement of the Event. In case of ambiguity, you can call the phone numbers indicated on the website or write to the agency's e-mail (with a letter of delivery notification). And on the website of the agency "Ticketland" the return options are directly provided. To order tickets online (, you need to do the following. Step 1. Log in to your personal account. Step 2. Enter the "Orders" tab. Step 3. Select the order you want to return and click the "make a return" button.
A ticket refund form will open below. Step 4. In the form that opens, press the button "make a refund". Step 5. In the window that appears, enter the code sent to the phone specified during registration and click the "OK" button. Step 6.

Can theater tickets be returned?

How to return a theater ticket purchased online? Tickets can be bought at the box office of the cultural institution itself, at ticket kiosks, from intermediaries, as well as on the Internet. Intermediaries are also entitled to sell such documents. The network carries out the sale and booking of electronic documents.

In case of cancellation of the session, you can submit the document by submitting an application online, and you can also contact the cashier of the institution. The peculiarity of submitting an electronic document is that the money will go only to a bank card, thus the time for giving money is increased in comparison with the delivery of a document purchased at the checkout.

How can I return tickets to the Mariinsky Theater? The rules for submitting documents are spelled out on the official website of the Mariinsky Theater. Time restrictions have been set: the ticket must be returned 10 days before the day of the performance.

Is it legal to return theater or cinema tickets?

Mobile ticket - an input electronic document purchased by the Client through the website or the Ticketland mobile application, automatically generated through the online order section online in the form of a graphic image with a QR code, which, when scanned with special equipment, confirms the Client's right to attend the event and receipt of the Organizer's services specified in the mobile ticket. The Organizer's service is the organization of events provided by the Organizer, the attendance of which is possible upon presentation of the Ticket. Company Service - a service provided by the Company to the Client for the return of funds to the Client for the electronic and / or mobile ticket purchased by the Client online through the Company's website through the Client's personal account.

Returning tickets to a theater, concert or other event

This will avoid litigation with the event organizer in the future. If a dispute still arises, you should insist on your own. The law protects the rights of the consumer and allows you to return money if the application is made in a timely manner.


The moment of contacting the administrator for a refund must be recorded. Tickets must be original. If they contain pasted information, corrections or other adjustments, they will be invalidated and no return will be accepted.

Return tickets to the theater on the day of the performance You can return a ticket to the cinema a few hours before the start of the event. The same rules do not apply to the theater. The usual minimum period for ticket return and receipt of money spent is 3-5 days. If the person applies later, the application will be rejected. The period is individual in each case.

Rules for the return of electronic and mobile tickets on the website

Organizer - a legal entity or individual entrepreneur providing services for holding an event that has entered into an agreement with the Company for the provision of services for the sale of tickets to the Clients for the Organizer's events, in pursuance of which it has provided / provided the Company with ticket information for sale. Electronic ticket - an input electronic document purchased by the Client through the website, automatically generated through the online order section online in the form of a graphic image with a BAR code, when scanned with special equipment confirming the Client's right to attend the event and receive the services of the Organizer specified in the "electronic" ticket.

Conditions and documents for a refund for a theater ticket

The actually realized input document is a contract for the provision of services for a fee. And like any other, it can be terminated. In this case, one should be guided by Article 782 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and the "Law on the Protection of Consumer Rights", in particular its Article 32.

Application procedure In case of cancellation, replacement or postponement of an event, input documents can most often be handed over immediately at the company's cash desk. The procedure is simplified as much as possible. The main condition is to apply before the start of the concert, performance, or session.

But can theater tickets be returned in the same way on other occasions? Definitely, it will not be possible to pass it after the missed event. And if you contact in advance, most likely, a refusal will be received from the cashier.

Therefore, you need to contact the administration of the institution. Return requests must be made in a formal style in writing in duplicate.

How to return an e-ticket to the theater

These Rules are an offer of the Limited Liability Company "Moscow Directorate of Theater and Concert and Sports and Entertainment Boxes" (abbreviated - LLC "MDTZK", OGRN 1137746647114, hereinafter - "Company"), which is addressed in accordance with clause 2 of Art. .437 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation to any Client wishing to return electronic and / or mobile tickets, money for the purchased electronic and / or mobile tickets to an event if the Client legitimately refuses to attend the event through the Client's personal account on the Company's website www.ticketland. ru. Before making a return, the Client should familiarize himself with the terms of these Rules.

You can return an e-ticket on the same website where the ticket was purchased (on the website of the theater or agency).

As a rule, all online operations for purchasing and returning tickets are indicated step by step, you just need to follow the recommendations.

In addition, any online (real-time) ticket sale is made on the basis of a ticket purchase and sale agreement in the form of a public offer, when an organization publicly offers a service and concludes an agreement with everyone who applies and fulfills the proposed conditions.

In public offers (usually placed at the bottom of the site page) there is a section on ticket refunds.

For example, a public offer is posted on the website of the ticket distribution agency Ticket to the Theater LLC, in clause 4.1.5 of which it is said that the Contractor undertakes to carry out, at the request of the Customer, a refund to the Customer for the Contractor's previously rendered Services in case of cancellation / replacement / transfer Activities. In case of ambiguity, you can call the phone numbers indicated on the website or write to the agency's e-mail (with a letter of delivery notification).

And on the website of the agency "Ticketland" the return options are directly provided.

To order tickets online (, you need to do the following.

Step 1. Log in to your personal account.

Step 2. Enter the "Orders" tab.

Step 3. Select the order you want to return and click the "make a return" button.

A ticket refund form will open below.

Step 4. In the form that opens, press the button "make a refund".

Step 5. In the window that appears, enter the code sent to the phone specified during registration and click the "OK" button.

Step 6. Wait until the end of the return procedure.

To return tickets for mobile phones registered on the website, the procedure is also scheduled (

The website also publishes the Rules for the return of electronic and mobile tickets (, in clause 9 of which it is said: ticket The Client chooses the "Return ticket" option through his personal account, after which an SMS message with a confirmation code is sent to the Client's mobile phone, which the Client must enter in the pop-up window of the monitor in order to successfully complete the operation to return an electronic and / or mobile ticket ".

The money is transferred to the card from which the payment was made, or to bank details.

Now about the refund.

According to Art. 32 of the Law of the Russian Federation of 07.02.1992 No. 2300-1 "On Protection of Consumer Rights" (hereinafter referred to as the Law on Protection of Consumer Rights), the consumer has the right to refuse to fulfill the contract on the performance of work (provision of services) at any time, provided that the contractor pays the actual costs incurred by him related to the fulfillment of obligations under this agreement.

The wording “actually incurred expenses related to the fulfillment of obligations under this contract” covers, for example, the expenses of an agency (but not a theater) that has already performed its duties, acting on behalf of the theater under an agency agreement. Typically, the commission is up to 10% of the ticket price.

Unfortunately, the public contracts of these agencies contain a clause that infringes on the rights of consumers. For example, ticket refunds are made “only in case of cancellation / replacement / postponement of the event”, and such a restriction is illegal.

One of the Moscow theaters tried to apply such a restriction in its rules. And here's what happened.

The Rospotrebnadzor administration fined one of the Moscow theaters (cultural institution), which included in the contract with the spectator (ticket) conditions that infringe on consumer rights established by the legislation on consumer protection, namely: the theater's electronic ticket contains information according to which “purchased Tickets are exchanged and are non-refundable, except in cases of cancellation, replacement or postponement of the performance to another date ", as well as in clause 11.1 of the Regulations on the rules for the sale of a theater ticket, ticket management and theater visits, it is indicated that only" upon cancellation, replacement or postponement of an event ( performance), the viewer has the right to return the purchased tickets to the theater and demand the return of the money paid ”, which is an infringement of the rights of consumers established by law.

The theater challenged the decision of the administrative body to the arbitration court, which, having examined all the circumstances of the case, came to the following conclusions.

In accordance with Part 2 of Art. 14.8 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, the inclusion in the agreement of conditions that infringe on the rights of the consumer established by law, entails the imposition of an administrative fine on legal entities in the amount of 10 to 20 thousand rubles.

According to the provisions of Art. 9 of the Federal Law of 26.01.1996 No. 15-FZ "On the Enactment of Part Two of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation" in cases where one of the parties to the obligation is a citizen who uses, purchases, orders, or has the intention to purchase or order goods (works, services) for personal needs, such a citizen enjoys the rights of a party to an obligation in accordance with the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, as well as the rights granted to the consumer by the Law on the Protection of Consumer Rights.

In accordance with paragraphs 2, 4 of Art. 421, paragraph 1 of Art. 422 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the parties can conclude an agreement, both provided for and not provided for by law or other legal acts; the terms of the contract are determined at the discretion of the parties, unless the content of the relevant condition is prescribed by law or other legal acts.

The contract must comply with the rules binding on the parties, established by law and other legal acts (peremptory norms) in force at the time of its conclusion.

By virtue of Art. 32 of the Law on the Protection of Consumer Rights, the consumer has the right to refuse to fulfill the contract on the performance of work (provision of services) at any time, provided that the contractor has actually incurred expenses related to the fulfillment of obligations under this contract.

By virtue of Part 1 of Art. 782 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the customer has the right to refuse to fulfill the contract for the provision of paid services, subject to payment to the contractor for the actual costs incurred by him.

In accordance with paragraph 1 of Art. 16 of the Law on the Protection of Consumer Rights, the terms of the contract that infringe on the rights of the consumer in comparison with the rules established by laws or other legal acts of the Russian Federation in the field of consumer protection are recognized as invalid.

Consequently, those conditions of the contract that restrict the rights of the consumer in comparison with the rules established by laws or other legal acts of the Russian Federation in the field of consumer protection are recognized as infringing.

The theater's electronic ticket contains the following information: “Purchased tickets cannot be exchanged or refunded, except in cases of cancellation, replacement or transfer of a performance to another date”. Thus, the theater has limited the consumer's ability to refuse the service and return tickets to the ticket office in any cases other than those specified in clause 11.1 of the said Regulation.

In accordance with Part 2 of Art. 2.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, a legal entity is found guilty of committing an administrative offense if it is established that it had the opportunity to comply with the rules and regulations, for violation of which the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation or the laws of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation provides for administrative liability, but this person has not taken all measures depending on him on their observance.

There is no evidence in the case file that it was impossible for the applicant to comply with consumer protection legislation due to extraordinary events and circumstances that it could not foresee and prevent, while observing the degree of care and discretion that he required.

On the basis of these conclusions, the arbitration court refused the theater to satisfy the appeal against the decision of the Rospotrebnadzor department (see the resolution of the Ninth Arbitration Court of Appeal dated 08.22.2016 No. 09AP-36246/2016 in case No. No. 305-AD16-21406, the theater was denied the transfer of case No. A40-93832 / 16 to the Judicial Collegium for Economic Disputes of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation for revision of this decision in cassation).

Having bought a pass-through document for a concert, play or performance, a person expects to have a pleasant pastime. But life situations do not always stand on the side of the citizens of the Russian Federation and they lose both tickets and the money spent on them. To resolve emerging issues and controversial situations, a law "On consumer rights" was issued.

If personal circumstances arise and a person cannot attend the planned event, he has the opportunity to surrender his form. To return, you must have an application, identity card and a purchased pass card.

A ticket to a circus, theater or concert contains information about:

  • about the organizer of the event;
  • venue;
  • start time of the event;
  • price.

A pass pass can be:

  • electronic;
  • paper.

The Theater Regulations stipulate that the buyer has the right to purchase a pass-through document:

  • at the box office of the theater / concert hall;
  • on the official websites on the Internet.

Buying pass coupons from hands does not guarantee the buyer a refund of the funds spent.

A pass-through is a form of strict reporting and, upon sale, is recorded in a special register. The buyer can book tickets from 5 to 30 days before the start of the event. The booked forms are collected no later than 5 days before the start of the concert / performance.

The ticket form is approved in an organizational manner, according to the Order of the Ministry of Culture No. 257 "On the approval of strict reporting forms."

The Law "On Protection of Consumer Rights" enables citizens to return the money spent for a purchased ticket or exchange it for another.

According to the provisions of FZ-2300-1, non-food products must be returned or exchanged within 14 days. The day of purchase is not taken into account.

If a citizen bought a ticket to a concert, but the event was canceled, or he was unable to attend for personal reasons, he has the right to return the money spent. To do this, he needs:

  • statement;
  • purchased ticket.

Refunds are fully guaranteed to the buyer in case the concert was canceled due to the fault of the organizers.

Step-by-step instructions for refunding money for purchased theater or concert tickets if the event was canceled due to the fault of the organizers:

  1. Contact the ticket office where the tickets were purchased with a request to return the money spent.
  2. If a refusal is received, then ask to call the director / administrator of the theater / concert.
  3. Write two identical applications, attach a ticket to one of them and give it to the person listed above.
  4. On the second copy, the person in charge must sign and date and indicate that he received the first copy.
  5. Within 30 days after receiving the documents, the person in charge is obliged to return the money to you.
  6. If the amount of money was not returned within the provided period, then the consumer can go to court.

Important! If the theater director / concert organizer refuses to take an application from the citizen, he can send it by registered mail by mail. And after receiving, the person in charge is obliged to return the money to the citizen within a month.

Data that are indicated in the application for a refund:

  • reason for return;
  • method of purchasing a ticket - online or at the box office;
  • amount spent;
  • attached ticket.

The application is drawn up in any form, but must comply with the requirements established by law.

How to get the money spent on the ticket back if you missed the event for personal reasons?

The algorithm for resolving the issue is the same as in the case of cancellation of the event by the organizers. Just before going to court, a person should write a complaint to the local committee for culture. In it, he describes the whole situation, relying on the provisions of the law.

According to Article 32 of the Law "On Protection of Consumer Rights", a citizen has the right to refuse the purchased services, but he must pay off the costs incurred by the organizer. But the provisions of the "Tax Code" stipulate that only those expenses that are documented are reimbursed.

Also, article 33 of Federal Law No. 2300-1 describes the obligations of the contractor in relation to the consumer. He must inform his client in advance about the circumstances, in case he wants to cancel a concert or performance.

Last date when concert tickets can be returned

Each organizer has its own rules for refunds. You can return tickets for the concert up to 3 days before the start of the event.

Terms and amount of refund for the given ticket:

  • if a pass-through document is submitted 14 days before an organized concert or performance, then the viewer is refunded the entire amount that was spent on its purchase.
  • if you return the purchased passage document 8-13 days before the start of the event, then the refund amount will be 70% of the original cost;
  • if you return the purchased passage document 4-7 days before the start of the performance / performance, then the refund amount will be 50% of the original cost;
  • if the consumer returns the purchased passage document 3 days before the proposed event, he will not receive any money.

If the ticket was paid from a bank card, then the buyer's money will be transferred back to his account.

If a concert or performance is postponed, the client is offered two options:

  • replacement of a passing sheet for another day;
  • full money back.

If the ticket for the event was sold at a discount, then the amount of money for the surrendered ticket will also be at a discount.

Grounds for refusing to refund money for a ticket

The procedure for refunding a ticket for a concert is described above in the article. But there are situations when the organizers refuse to refund the entire amount:

  • the ticket was returned one or two hours before the start of the performance / concert;
  • a pass-through document was not attached to the complaint;
  • the client demanded a refund after the end of the event;
  • the client has requested a refund for the courier services;
  • if the passage document is not authentic.

Important! Tickets are not refundable 1-2 hours before the start of the concert, performance or performance.