Tips for parents "Children our repetition" work on their mistakes. Proper work on errors

Tips for parents "Children our repetition" work on their mistakes. Proper work on errors

Error work system
in Russian lessons

1. Traditional shape of work on errors

We give, for example, the task class: Find among the words of the word with the spell "unstressed vowels in the root" ("non-promotable consonant in the root", "letters and, y, and After hissing ", etc.). Remember the rule.

Then the errors are corrected, test words are selected, graphically the conditions for choosing an orphogram are indicated, similar words are selected. Orally (or writing) contains a phrase or sentence with a word in which an error was made. Such work is carried out by correcting typical errors.

Here is another version of the same work.

On the board, groups have written words with missed letters. Pupils determine the type of spells. And then - all the others, as well as in the previous work.

This work is carried out on a spent scheme:

I. Orphographic errors.

1. D. e.the roar is a tree. Back e.rubber, D. e.awesome.

We hid from the sun in the shadow of thick trees.

2. Praz d.nick - Praz. den. Praz dura d.niche.

There are just a praz d.nicky, and there is still a praz d.nicky soul.

II. Punctuation errors.

You heard the noise of the forest ? (question)

III. Speech errors (in creative work).

Them Merry Gomon was heard from everywhere. (Instead of pronoun themit was used their.)

2. Unconventional form of work on errors

We admit that such work is equally uninteresting and disciples, and the teacher. Everyone is looking forward to calling (Note: Teacher - First of all), Even if the work is not communicated to the end. (Teacher makes this work on the house descending by the end of the lesson.)

So that it does not happen, there are dozens of ways to make this work to make a living, interesting. Moreover, fix (or even re-learn) Subsection rules.

Actually first stage work on errors is warning work These same mistakes. Since the bulk of errors - on the spelling of the unstressed voice in the root (in the National School this is a real Beach), then I spend great vocabulary work. She is very extensive. After all, it can not work on mistakes to fall from the sky. It should be in a logical connection with what we do at the lesson.

Everyone knows Word Words. Do not check them, not explain. But ... not always. Here, such an interesting section of linguistics, as ectoology comes to the rescue. And spells are checked by historical or borrowed roots (cm aboutmotherland - Sneakers, in e.licked - Vel). Moreover, the historical or borrowed root is denoted by a dotted arc. Such work makes some recovery, because Children come into contact with the history of the language.

Another reception. In Russian, many words with roots that are not used in pure form and are detected only in dictionary sockets. These are the roots like - -, -bav- (-bavl-), -en-, -d- (-az-) other. If an error is made in a word with one of such roots, arrange auction "Who is more?". Children for some reason especially do not like root --- (- -). But so much "wonderful" check words to it: gum butfor, Z. butsigning, Z. buts (ladies ne eyes), And, of course, the words are simplerly selected: imitate, defeat, hit, expression, express etc. As you can see, work on errors has become even more interesting.

With some roots in which students stubbornly allow mistakes, we are still doing such work. Root - and -st. Here eternal confusion, even "Yot" does not help about. We tried to construct offers in which all words should be with this root. Stoying at the rack stands standing, while the stagnant tincture is imagined during the restructuring near the extension. The second offer looks like this: The stock stopped at the stop to suspend the machine. Is the sentences meaningless? What do you? They make sense - root stop - o, hundred - a.

Here are some more techniques in the work on errors. They are known for you.

An error in the orthogram "Letter b at the end of the verbs after hissing. "

Recall the rule. Now we write as many proverbs as possible, sayings with verbs on the hissing.

Spectach icher. - Murlish people " (2nd un.), So two got two; seven times measure cut once (do not.), And you write immediately to the notebook, and now you have water in a stump (N.F.). The recording of proverbs, sayings, accompanied by such "benevolent" comments, is remembered. Writing orfogs is monitored.

With errors on the orthogram " O - E. In the suffixes and endings of nouns and adjectives, you can work like this. Children will remember the rule. The teacher then proposes: who will write down the words with the suffix -Onek - After hissing? And who is more - with a suffix -Ex-? After such a formulation, such an accurate task is difficult to write them incorrectly.

Do not refuse such tasks:

1. With words in which errors (5-7 words) are made, make a crossword. This job than useful? Houses guys will work with intelligent dictionaries. There they will see how many and what values \u200b\u200bhave these words, how they are written, as used in speech. Here you have work on the development of speech!

2. With 1-2 words make charaks. Here the guys are simply doomed to consider each letter in the word to force the prefix, suffix, and maybe the whole word.

For example: 1st syllable - prefix;

2nd syllable - numeral;

The 3rd syllable - in the verb of the 2nd SPR. units. h. 2nd;

all word - verb (Way).

3. You can play Burim. Rhymes and poems are unexpected, funny. But the spells are remembered.

For example, suffixes -Eva-, -OV.

Namal - Obur e.podole e.put, zanosh e.put.

Conversations aboutpatient aboutput.

Not Pushkin, of course, but in children something happened.

In the notebook just smoke,
But the doubts will begin to overcome:
It is impossible to patent item!
Will have to spend the night,
In the notebook so as not to smoke!

Due to no attention and punctuation errors. But before we make a slight digression.

Modern Russian language was significantly replenished with borrowed and new words. Changed rhythm of life. He became rapid. All this was reflected in what would you think? Of course, in the work on bugs!

So punctuation. Appeal. I remembered the rule of formulation of punctuation marks. Corrected a mistake. I propose to bring a similar example: Write an Esemask mom (imagine: you are a student). They immediately write: "Mom! Came money! " I ask: why is exclamation? Answer: Laughter in the hall, so the students are writing! Another Esemask is already searched: "Nastya, let's meet today." We are with you extra.

We put signs in the non-union proposals. "Rejoice - in Russian nothing was asked!", "Not a lesson - boredom! We go to the cafe? " This is also eshemis.

Changing Signs for Interjections:

"Hooray! Vacation! Freedom will take us joyfully at the exit! " (Poor Pushkin!) Or: "Yes! The teacher got sick! ".

The rapid rhythm of life affects the emergence of new words. The word "is one of the favorite activities while working on errors.

In one of the last dictations, almost half of the 6th grade struck some unknown virus: wrote round aboutto give instead round butto give. Verification word rare "DCA did not help. In the dictation "In the footsteps of my mistakes" again 5 people wrote about fundamentally. Then I asked to form as many words as possible with this root of the bessfixifix method (in a way that is very popular in the youth environment, especially in Esemask). That's what happened: ripaths, guidelines, rogades, nagad, deposit, arrogant. It seems a non-vector style, but "business". Letter but well remembered.

This is not entirely literary word permentary helped in one case. Some students wrote ground itr. e.singing. Of course, we were fixed all, explained. The presentiment that the virus still remained, I immediately offered to make as much difficult words as possible with the word tr. isenie,highlighting the letter i.

Umopotr ifundamentopotron isinging, Gorpotr. ierroncepotron inovopotron isinging.

Jokes jokes, but how much resourcefulness manifested, the ability to own the word!

Often, students make mistakes in words formed from unchangeable words, like a word today's. Traditionally, it is written through e. instead i . We reviewed the word formation process: today - today, possed this example: yesterday - yesterday.But it did not impress any impression. Signed so recorded. Then I ask: make up such words from thanks, despite, later (sleeves). It intrigued, caused revival. Result: thanks i, discrepancy i, Forwardmaster i, desolest imitten. In all words, Suffix has retained - i. I hope that it will continue in the future and in the word today's.

Work on errors is not an end in itself and not a game of words. This is a serious creative work requiring certain knowledge and skills, as well as fiction and fantasy. A certain place in it occupies work on the development of speech. I mean not only work on the design of proposals, replacing unsuccessful words, etc. It goes without saying. What a speech, you will now understand.

One student managed to write saboka instead dog. In his work, he repeated these mistakes then again. I still forgot how correctly writes. He somehow mentioned that tired like a dog. Class picked up: we need your dog like the fifth leg of a dog,Azamat. Lives with a dog like a cat with a dog,what's on this dog he ate a dog (And already, probably, not one, guys laughed). Here where the dog is buried. Now on Azamata all dogs will hang and even ps under the taili will not leave anything.

From such an abundance of "Dogs", Azamat finally began to write like all: dog. And so you can work on a mistake: with a joke, with a laugh, but - seriously.

Sometimes all methods and techniques for errors remain useless. So it was writing -, - In verbs. Some mass psychosis was associated with this orfig. Fight fire with fire. At this mass psychosis, I also took a mental attack. At any lesson, on a change, in a class hour, where words with this orfogram met in speech, I asked what kind of verb is responsible for what you write: - or " Still, I took the top. Stopped writing - It is possible, it turns out, and so work on errors.

Revives work on errors, activates the attention of students and a kind smile when classifying words with errors. This can be done like that.

I. Check! (ORF. 1-4)

II. Explain! (Almost all other spells)

III. Remember! (ORF 2)

IV. I don't understand! (Words with learned spellings)

V. This non-Russian Russian! (Grammatical errors)

Vi. "Fance cannot be pardon" (punctuation errors)

Tedication work gets emotional support. Ultimately, it works for performance.

3. Interprecotement in the work on errors

It is almost impossible to achieve a competent writing and the right Russian speech only by the lessons of the Russian language lessons. Therefore, the interpreciation is very important. With the meaning, spelling of words, students get acquainted in the lessons of mathematics, history, geography, biology. In notebooks on these subjects, among other things, vocabulary work is conducted. And in social studies lessons often write writings. Knowledge of these disciplines often help in working on errors. For example, a word square Children checked the Latin word quadra with whom they met on mathematics. Words with root geo- Explained from the point of view of their education.

4. Stages of learning to work on errors

As you can see, work on errors is a creative work that requires many skills and skills. The skills of these and skills are purchased in the process of phased training.

Stage I. Initial training begins with work on errors in working notebooks. I write down the words with the mistakes of the mistakes, I emphasize the wrong written letter. The student issues this word until the end of the line, be sure to emphasize the same letter.

Stage II. The same in working notebooks. I write out words with the missed spell. The student must find this word in the exercise and insert the desired letter, and then this word to write to the end of the line, be sure to emphasize the inserted letter: uG_DAL

III stage. Work is somewhat more complicated. After words with missed letters I put a dash. So this word needs to be checked, i.e. Pick up verification. And if after the word there is a comma, it is a vocabulary word, you just need to write it to the end of the line.

L_ster -

P_RAD, ...

IV stage. I prescribe words with missed letters. The student inserts the letter, selects the test, immediately writes two single words or two words on the same orfigrama, indicates and denotes an orphogram.

L. e.snack - Forest, Podl e.juice, L. e.sovik. Orfogram: Checked unstressed root.

IN grove in G. schu, in cha schu. Orfogram: and, y, and After hissing.

Only after the IV stage work begins on errors in control and creative notebooks. Until then, all errors were corrected and recorded in the working notebooks and in the dictionaries in the "My Error" graph.

With punctuation errors and speech such phasing work is not conducted. The guys immediately learn to graphically and verbally explain the formulation of punctuation marks and correctly rebuild offers.

5. Control over the assimilation of the material on errors

Work on errors is not an end in itself. Correction of errors, the repetition of the rules does not end. On the material of the words in which the errors were made by the dictates "in the footsteps of my errors", cards are made with tasks of type: to reveal the brackets, insert the missed letters, designate, in which part of the word letter is missing, designate an orphogram, etc.

And in the 6th grade, I practiced work with special cards "My Errors", where the words in which errors were made, with the letters of letters are written. Periodically, children work with these words, rewriting them in a notebook and inserting missed letters.

6. Innovative forms of work on errors

All types of work on the mistakes listed by me apparently will seem interesting. But they have one significant disadvantage: they are designed to memorize individual words. Hence a fairly low level of efficiency, which means literacy. After all, remember how all the words are written (and about 120,000) are almost impossible. What to do? Do not hide for general formulas ("they read little"), do not argue about "congenital literacy", not to scold the ministry ("again the number of hours has been reduced"!).

L.Y. Paza
but. Adyge Habl,
Honored teacher

Each parent wishes his child happiness, worries about his security, and does everything to explain what can be done and what can not be done. And it's already a thousand times already saying, negotiated many things, but again your child makes one and the same mistake.

Very often, we say our kids one, and they ourselves are completely different. And our children simply do not understand how to do. Excuse that parents can, for their mind, does not fit. Any psychologist will say that only at the age of nine children begin to think logically. And until that time only imitate. Let's see what, first of all, we do wrong, we ourselves, and then you will ask from our children.

To begin with, let's determine which there are "it is impossible!" There are things that you forbid. And the child is listening to you. You know for sure that nothing terrible will happen if you forbade the child one thing, but with you he can do some things. This is the first, and the most common mistake. Let an example be a long-suffering oven. Probably there is not a single parent who, with despair, did not pull out his child from the hot oven. And then outraged: "Well, how much can you repeat, it is hot, it can not be touched." So, there must be absolute bans that act in any case. You will be wrong if you allow the baby to play a cold oven. We have already found out that he simply cannot understand the difference why in this case the mother allows you to play, but in the other there is no. We understand that when it is hot, then you can burn, the child does not know that. And it does not know until it knocks down a certain age.

And so, the first conclusion, choose those prohibitions that categorically prohibit. Do not create precedents anymore. It would be nice, if you yourself in the presence of a child did not do what he categorically prohibits him. I understand that it is hard, but if you have the opportunity, it is better to make such things without children.

Let us turn to the following points. We definitely teach the child that in no case cannot be accepted, and even more so, approach unfamiliar people. But here you see, as your baby is happy to take a candy, or speaks with a grandmother in the yard. "Again!" - You think. Let's see what you, you are doing wrong. If you tell the child that you can not approach unfamiliar people, but at the same time, having met my girlfriend, which the child has never seen, immediately start talking to it, then .... Let's go back to the first point. The baby does not understand, you just said that it is impossible, and this aunt is not familiar, but you are talking to her. First you need to tell your child that this aunt, Mine friend, introduce them, and say that they can now communicate. It seems like a simple action, but your baby does not arise a sense of contradiction. Tip Second: Even if you know this person, and your child is not, then first imagine them to each other.

Very often you can see such a picture. Many people die when they see small, and not very children. And be sure to treat them with something. But you ourselves said that the child could not be taken from unfamiliar people. Again misunderstandings for the kid. Here you already need to show hardness. Even if another grandmother, or saleswoman in the store, or aunt at the crossroads, in a minibus .... Gives your baby anything, and let you know that she does not want anything bad, it is impossible to resolve. You, if you really want to not offend a person, you can take themselves, and then give the baby. But in no case of the hands in the hands of an unfamiliar person.

Tip: And it is better to give up at all, because the baby may not understand again why mom can be, but he can not. Yes, people are offended, but here you need to understand that you are more expensive. An adult man can be explained why you refused if it is sane, but this is a much harder child.

Fourth error. Often parents say that it is impossible, but at the same time they forget about what is not only possible, but also need. See, quite often this situation is that the child is lost. He is confused, does not know what to do, because it is impossible to contact someone else. This is your omission. Tip number four: Be sure to tell the child to whom it can seek help. Let it be and not familiar person, but if he is a policeman, a guard, doctor, then these people can help him. Explain what they do that this is their profession - help people. And they will definitely say what to do.

And last, so to speak note. Teach the child on the examples. Children are best understood if they clearly show, tell in the form of a fairy tale. Not in vain, it is fairy tale and are our first teachers. It will be even better if the child itself is in such a game. Come up with some kind of situation, or take the plot of a familiar fairy tales. And play it by using as many adults as possible and children. Such a visual manual and the game at the same time, and lesson, and is remembered much easier, and almost the first time. Do not lose time if you're in the queue, we are going in public transport, or stand in traffic. Any time can be used. Seeing some kind of situation, pay attention to her the attention of your child. Ask that it is not right, no matter how he entered the place of a person or other person. Play this option when you find yourself at home. We emphasize once again when the child participates in a situation, he remembers her. No need to read many hours of notations, they do not bring use not to you, not for them.

Here are such work on bugs, we need to do it yourself. And what else is important, it periodically make mini exams. You can agree in advance with a person unfamiliar to the kid, and ask your friend to approach the child. Look what your child will do in this case. If you are in a large store, you can easily get lost. And do not consider it cruelty, because you now control the situation. You see the child, see how he behaves, to whom it turns out. It may seem mockery, but you will definitely know that your baby learns, and how he behaves in a situation when you won't be near. Probably it is worth it.

The new meeting at the headquarters of the Junior Union "Road" began with reading letters. The first paragraphs of our tutorial did not leave readers indifferent, and they also decided to speak.

Professor Road: Well, I open the first envelope. We are written by a scientist with the characteristic surname of the Umnov: "Don't you dug, gentlemen, deeper? The scientific world has already formed a new point of view on the discussed problem. She is like that: student self-government is simply impossible in school! Pupils will never be able to independently manage the school. They are not even adults and conscious citizens - they simply do not have the necessary experience! At school can exist only sO -Fill, but not self control."

Fedya Pessimists: This is what it turns out, our tutorial should be thrown out? It turns out that there is no self-government at all ...

Vasya activists: And "co-management", then happens? In my opinion, it is no longer there anymore! At least I have not seen him anywhere, but I found out it anywhere from a letter of smart scientist ... Oh, on the contrary, a scientist Umanov.

Professor Road: Yes, Vasya, among the intelligent brother of a scientist, a lot of those who come up with new words all the time. Their scientists themselves do not have time to learn, not that simple schoolchildren.

Fedya Pessimists: Hope a ticket on the exam on this very "co-management" I will not pull out?

Professor Road: I think it is unlikely. I can assume that the word it appeared like. I read someone, like Mr. Mr. Merbova, the words "student self-government" and thought: "This means that students themselves manage everything and everything." And covered the scientist silent horror: the poor school, what will happen to her! Predit the worker of science and after a minute, another exclaimed: "Eureka! Co-management - here is the salvation of mankind! "

Fedya Pessimists:And things! Is no one could not explain to this scientist what !? He thinks that self-government is the same as self-government!

Vasya activists: Yeah! Dictatorship of schoolchildren! And then after such scientific discoveries, many interesting things are going on! For example, the guys come to the director and say: "We want to establish self-government." And he answers with a tricky squirrel: "In school, children, self-government does not happen. It only happens CO-management. The last, so to speak, the peak of science. So, sorry, it will not work: it is necessary to keep up with the times! "

Fedya Pessimists: And our Marivanna read the first paragraphs and said, very so expressive: " Such Self-government is not necessary! " See, without any co-management cost!

Vasya activists: She probably calls himself like that - "Our School." We were told on the story about one king, who also joked so much. I wake up, it happened, in a good mood, gathered all the courtiers, climbs on the throne and announced: "The state is me!"

Fedya Pessimists: Yeah, - Louis. I do not remember only which by number. Listen, so we are, - like court, it turns out?

Vasya activists: And the mode in which some schools live is called "teacher monarchy"! Come on, Brother Fedor, PLATENTATE!

Professor Road: Something, colleagues, you joking too much today!

Fedya Pessimists: Lie, professor, main jokes are still ahead. Our head teacher said so: "We would be glad that our self-government was, but only students have everything passive. They will not go for it. "

Vasya activists: Cool excuse, stronger "co-control" time in ten!

Professor Road: By the way, many teachers say it is absolutely sincere. For them, this is a serious problem.

Fedya Pessimists: Even two. The first - as in the first five years of study to turn a normal person in a "disciplined student". And the second - how for the remaining five years it does not give him to turn back.

Vasya activists: In one of the schools of our city, Masha is learning, my friend. She also said something like that, they say, no one wants nothing to do anything, all passive ... I went, walked, complained, complained ... And then I gathered such a school council that the school was crawred!

Professor Road: Colleagues, enough to frolic! Let's come back to letters. We write a schoolboy Nikolai Neformal: "As soon as the disciples break into the school parliament, they will immediately begin to" inflate cheeks ", and, in the end, will turn into finished bureaucrats. And our homeland and so moans from the Zasili bureaucracy. Why create bureaucratic structures also at school? All questions need to be solved informally. Want to spend a holiday at school - come to the director and agree on everything. Unhappy as a teacher - again go to the director. And you will see that without self-government everything is solved much easier. "

Vasya activists: And what if the director does not want to go to meet you? Or are you to meet the director?

Fedya Pessimists: Then comfort yourself the fact that the director is also the enemy of bureaucracy! Does not allow students for parliaments to sit and cheeks to inflate!

Vasya activists:Cool position of this Nikolai Neformalova, by the way! You see, the school parliament is solid formalism! For some reason, as soon as the disciples begin to declare their rights, they immediately hang label of formalists and bureaucrats.

Fedya Pessimists:Yeah! And in addition, "folk festivals" arrange! They say, we do not need any rights, we will be forever with holopas, and Tsar-Batyushka we are - director of native!

Professor Road: We just have a letter from the director. "I will express the opinion of most of my colleagues," Anna Petrovna is strictly written by the metropolitan handwriting. - School is an educational institution. The main thing in it is the educational process. It is not by chance that when entering our school, children meet two large posters: "Study - our main work" and "Diary - a student's face." The learning process should lead an experienced adult - director, and no self-identity here can be. Extracurricular work can and should be performed by school self-government. But only so that this does not interfere with their studies. "

Fedya Pessimists: So we, it seems, have already agreed that the school should not set the mark, but to cook ...

Vasya activists:Just Anna Petrovna believes that "prepare for life" and "give knowledge" is the same thing. No seriously! I met people who argue in such a spirit: "Being ready for life means, it means to be able to overcome difficulties. So what's the difference what to teach! The main thing to learn was difficult . " Like this!

Professor Road: So here. Anna Petrovna advises schoolchildren: do not interfere in the educational process, and extracurricular work is yours. We accept this offer?

Fedya Pessimists: First, "CO-management", now "educational process" ... You first show us this "process"! So that we understand where it begins, and where - ends!

Vasya activists: It begins the first call, and ends - the last. Came at six years, came out in seventeen - the process is finished, the result is on the face!

Fedya Pessimists: U-U-y ...

Vasya activists:And seriously, we recently met with the guys from the Junior Union "Road", which produce the children's human rights newspaper "School - the territory of the law". They are there a lot of interesting things about this "educational process" write. In one of the schools at the lesson, the teacher puts the bottle of peps-cola and straight "out of the throat" snaphers. The whole class of saliva is allowed, but the process goes! In another school, the teacher teaches children to sit straight: who burned over the desk - we rush up the backup! There was also an article about the employment: he has not explained anything new for three months. Gives the guys the same task, and it pulls on the cutter cutter on the wood carving. Intropriate - and sells its own students. They even counted how much he earns on it. Guys who have written about this, the class teacher the entire lesson was peeped!

Fedya Pessimists: I wonder what topic she recorded it?

Vasya activists: So recorded: "study"! .. Relax, Fedya, it was a joke. Of course, what is supposed, I recorded. And added: "Paragraph, which we did not pass because of these hooligans, read at home. In the next lesson, write an independent job. "

Professor Road: I wonder what I would tell Anna Petrovna Strict?

Vasya activists: She would say something like this: "These Yunsians insulted with their yellow press thousands of teachers of our country, who from the last strength, for the benchmarks are heroically carrying knowledge to children!"

Fedya Pessimists: It turns out if the salary is small, then you can do with the disciples, what do you think?

Vasya activists: And at the same time say that self-government in no way should interfere with it!

Professor Road: Vasily prompted us a very important thought. Let us advise Anna Petrovna and other directors not be afraid that the student government prevents the learning process. On the contrary, the educational process can be made better if the director will rely on self-government. After all, what happens in school, in which there is no student government? The director in most cases does not know what is happening behind the closed doors of the class: teach children there or do something else. Many teachers in such a school do not understand that they work not for themselves, but for children, and therefore, sorry, chellurit. And the disciples are forced to accept everything, because any disputes with teachers immediately affect their assessments. Student self-government can change this situation in the root: the quality of the educational process will be controlled by the schoolchildren themselves. If the director really wants to give children a good education, he cannot but listen to the opinion of the school council. Suppose, the Council said that Marya Petrovna should not instead of explaining a new topic to organize the children to work. Wise director in response to this will certainly say: "Completely true!" "And make sure that the next time the teacher does not put a lesson with a" talk of souls. "

Fedya Pessimists: Wise director? And what, the directors are not very ...

Vasya activists: Fedor! As it could come to your head! You almost offended all the directors of the Universe!

Fedya Pessimists: It's good that our director now does not hear me!

Professor Road: No, colleague, on the contrary: it is very bad that the director does not hear you! Student self-government is also valid that it helps teachers and schoolchildren to establish a dialogue, understand each other. After all, those and others are often unhappy with each other. They really do not hear each other, although they meet every day. And the sites on which they could negotiate, they do not have. If those and others will be able to find out the relationship of civilized, then teachers will not have to apply force, and the disciples - to write in the desktop of teaching words.

Vasya activists:So, student self-government helps create such a negotiation platform?

Professor Road: If, of course, it is exactly the self-government that allows students to influence the solution of real school problems.


1. Did you come across the opinion that the student self-government does not need to develop? How did this opinion justified? What can you say?

Schmykova Natalia Gennadievna
Position: teacher
Educational institution: International Education Complex "Harmony School No. 97"
Locality: city \u200b\u200bIzhevsk
Name of material: essay
Subject: "Working system on errors in Russian lessons"
Publication date: 09.03.2016
Section: secondary education

Municipal general educational institution "Secondary School No. 87"
System of work on errors in Russian lessons
(Attestation work on 1 qualification category). Teacher: Schmykova Natalia Gennadevna. Izhevsk, 2010.

Work plan:
1. Introduction. 2. Work on spelling errors of students: 1) The causes of the appearance of spelling errors in children; 2) warning of spelling errors in written works of students; 3) fixation by the teacher of spelling errors in written works of students; 4) taking into account words with spelling errors from students' work; 5) teacher training for errors; 6) work on spelling errors in the lesson; 7) Further work on words that made it difficult for students. 3. Work on punctuation errors of students: 1) Causes of punctuation errors in students; 2) Prevention of punctuation errors in the written works of students; 3) fixation by a teacher of punctuation errors in the written works of students; 4) accounting of punctuation errors from students' work; 5) Work on punctuation errors in the lesson. 4. Conclusion. 3.

No one will argue that work on errors is necessary, since this is an important stage of formation of spelling skills of students. But traditional work on errors brings little benefit. How is it usually done? Work on errors do everything: and those who received "2" and "3", and those who received "4" and "5". They are issued on the word board in which errors were made, the spelling of words is explained, verification words are recorded for this rule, similar examples are given. And so on the board turned out from 10 to 35 words (depending on the age of students). Pupils are well coped with this work, and the one who received "2", barely manage to mechanically write off the recorded on the board. Does this work help him improve literacy? Never. And in general, why do such work to fulfill all students? Why, for example, Vasya Petrov, who for the dictation received "4", work on errors that Dima Ivanov or other students allowed? When after such a job, you ask children, what mistakes they allowed in dictation, they remember only those over which the entire class worked and which were recorded on the board. They remember their mistakes, and if you ask about those that were allowed in previous works, they will not even remember how they were. To correct the situation and get the result, it was necessary to look for a way out of the situation. I had to find, read and work out a lot of methodological literature before the system of work on errors, which allowed to get the desired result. four

2. Work on spelling errors of students.
Work on spelling errors allowed by students - an important stage in the formation of spelling skills. It should be carried out by the teacher regularly in a specific system.
The reasons for the appearance of spelling errors in children.
The appearance of spelling errors in the written speech is the natural phenomenon of the learning process. They arise due to objective and subjective reasons. Objective reasons are: - ignorance of the spelling norm by the time of written work; - Operation with a vocabulary that students use mainly in oral speech; - psychophysical fatigue of children by the end of the written work; - the presence in words with one or another orphographer of difficult cases in the use of spelling rules. Student students spelling norms are divided into not studied by the time of written work and not studied at school. Norms not studied by the time of the letter refer to either the program of this class (for example, in V class, the emergence of errors allowed by children when studying the name of the noun on the spelling of spelling, which will be studied only in connection with the adit, verbs), or to programs subsequent classes (for example, in V - on the spelling of the spells, which will be studied only in the VI class). Errors for unefogram not studied at school may appear in any class, including in X-XI. The following methodological rules flow out of this fact: before writing it is necessary to prevent possible spelling difficulties, do not include them in the number of errors in assessing spelling literacy. Usually such words are discharged on the board, orphograms that may be incorrect are emphasized, and their short explanation is given. Since the spelling is associated with all sections of the language (including with vocabulary), it is of great importance to an understanding of the children of the words, their designs, their editurn-with Yamantic Nearby, T AK as a f o r m and r about in a n and e spelling skills Requires operating with a large number of words. But this condition is not sufficiently implemented, since the study of spelling ends at 13 years (VII class), and the main stream of the new vocabulary collapses for children in the following years of training. From this fact, the following methodological rule follows: In the process of studying spelling in V-VII classes, it is necessary to introduce as much new vocabulary as possible, and in the VIII-IX classes - to study the syntax and punctuation on everything new and new vocabulary. five
To carry out such work, we use the benefits in the Russian language for high school students and for entering universities (for example, manuals edited by Rosentyl). As special observations show, spelling errors most often appear at the end of writing. Given this fact, it is necessary to make a small break before the end of work, which should be replaced by psychophysical fatigue. You can carry out a conventional physical attachment, a small workout or even just offer to children to pull. The methodological rule should be attention to words that have difficult cases of applying spelling rules. Its systematic implementation will warn the appearance of spelling errors in students.
A warning





In the spelling methodology there are two understanding of the essence of the warning of errors: warns their appearance all the system of work on spelling (N.N. Algahina, L.K. Nazarova) and direct warning of errors in certain words before performing certain written exercises (M.T . Baranov). Special work on the prevention of spelling errors has two forms: self-control of students for the performance of work and a teacher-organized dictionary-spelling work. Self-adjoint student. Self-control - intentional reread the student written in order to find possible errors and their corrections. Self-controlling of schoolchildren is developing using the following techniques: a story spelling of progress; Associate comparison written with printed text; check written by spelling dictionary; Morphem word membership in order to find the spells in the highlighted parties of the word. A storytelling spelling, at the same time accompanied by visual perception of written, allows you to find and spelling errors that violate the phonen composition of words. It is used both when writing off and when writing dictations. It is useful and when checking presentations and essays. It should be achieved that students constantly use a story spelling progress when checking written. The aligned comparison of the written print text applies to write off. Using this reception of self-control, students can go from the printed text to handwritten or from handwritten to the printed. Checking with the help of spelling dictionary is useful when performing learned by any work. Previously, students should report that in the spelling dictionary, there are no information about the endings of words. It gives the standards of spelling letters in the rest of the words, as well as 6
Unbroken writing. It is impractical to check all the words of the student handwritten text using the spelling dictionary, so students need to specify individual types of unsophograms that cannot be verified or difficult to do this. The membership of the word on the morphemes as a reception of self-control is useful in any cases when the student is doubtful in the correctness of writing letters in the highlighted parts of the word. Acquaintance with the listed methods of self-control is gradually. Special work on the prevention of spelling errors. This work is organized by the teacher before performing both training exercises and control works. In both cases, various types of dictionary orphographic work are carried out. As exercises warning spelling errors, visual and warning dictations are used, working with a spelling dictionary. A significant role in the work on the prevention of spelling errors plays re-performing exercises, which is especially effective in a weak class. In the spelling methodology, there are two forms of use of such exercises: the re-complete use of their use for new purposes and dictionary-orphographic work on the basis of the vocabulary of previously performed exercises. Repeated work on previously executed exercises is offered after 3-4 lessons, when the skill of writing words begins to fade and therefore needs to be reinforced. To re-execute, it is advisable to use exercises entering elements of systematization and variety of spells. Re-execution of the exercise may precede the vocabulary and spelling work on the mistakes made by children.
Fixation by teacher spelling errors in written works

In the spelling methodology, there are several ways to fix spelling errors in students' notebooks: 1) an error is emphasized by one feature, strokes and corrected; 2) the error is emphasized, strokes, but not corrected; 3) It is indicated by a part of the word in which there is an error, for example: "Touch" 4) emphasizes the entire word in which there is an error, for example: "Consight" 5) No underscores are made, a conditional sign of spelling error is put in the fields. In previous cases, the fields also put a sign of a spelling error. The method of fixing spelling errors is elected by the teacher, depending on the purpose of the work (either or control). When checking the tests, as well as presentations and essays, the first two methods are used (but more often the second method). When performing training exercises, all listed error fixation methods are used. The sequence of their application is determined by the learning goals 7
Children from the ability to find and correct errors. The first method shows how to designate how to cross and how to correct errors; Next - teaches the error correction; Third way - finding and correcting errors in one or another morpheme; The fourth - teaches the search for errors in the word, and the fifth - in a number of words in the string. Not all students simultaneously master the listed skills, so in the same work the teacher will use different ways to fix errors and among different students, but during the school year it is necessary to spend all children through all the methods of fixation.
Accounting for words with spelling errors from student works.
Working on errors is carried out on the basis of the consolidation of the conditions for the choice of orthograms whose spelling is not comprehended by students, and the assimilation of spelling words in which errors were allowed. To work in the first direction, it is necessary to know the types of spells, who are not learned by schoolchildren, in the second, are lists of words that made them. Work on errors in certain words requires their accounting by the teacher. In the spelling technique there are two approaches to their registration: general-class and individual mistakes takes into account the teacher in a special notebook; General-class mistakes takes into account the teacher, and the individual - students themselves. School experience shows that the second approach is economical and more efficient. It provides greater performance. Accounting by teacher of general education difficulties of schoolchildren. Its form and volume depends on the species of written work performed by students. For all cases of accounting in all classes where the teacher works, it is advisable to have a special notebook, which lists of words are entered in which schoolchildren made mistakes. To register words with errors from training exercises, performed in the working notebooks No. 1 and 2, in the accounting notebook, separate pages are allocated, at which the number is written, the subject of the lesson, the type of work. The technique of accounting is as follows: the teacher is taken by the teacher a notebook of a weak student, words with errors are written from it; After checking the next works, the teacher, firstly, complements, if necessary, words with errors, secondly, notes any sign (for example, ৆) the number of students who allowed this error. At the end of the page, it is advisable to record students' surnames that allowed a large number of errors. As a result of such an analysis, the teacher receives a clear picture of the current spelling difficulties of schoolchildren: the vocabulary indicating the frequency of each error. Accounting for errors made by children in control dictations, presentations and essays, due to the generalizing nature of these types of work, is organized differently. It requires simultaneous grouping. The simplest form can serve as the type of spelling and its place in the word. To register words with errors, two pages are required (reversal of notebooks). eight
The number is inscribed when the work was carried out, its appearance and name. Both pages are divided into several graphs, in terms of the number of spells tested in this form of work. Filling into this graph of the accounting notebook is advisable to start from writing out words with errors from the proven work of a weak student. When checking the rest of the notebooks, the teacher replenishes the linen, and indicates the number of errors made by students in recorded words. The filled account lens gives a clear picture of the level of assimilation of the orfogs verified at the moment. For the completeness of the information about spelling literacy of students is useful at the account sheet, specify the number of different marks, the number of works with one, two, etc. Errors. Accounting for speaking words in which spelling errors were admitted. Accounting for such words is individual. Having received a proven job as a teacher, each student issues in the corrected type of word or in notebooks No. 1 or 2 (if it is errors in class or homework), or in a special notebook "My errors" (if these are errors in dictation, essay or presentation). In notebooks No. 1 and 2, registered words it is advisable to record a column on the fields, enclosing them into the frame, so that the Slovenic Was Notice: Schoolchildren will continue to contact him repeatedly. Very interesting in this respect, the experience of M. Gangina, who submitted by it in the book "Grammatical first-aid kit". In the student notebooks, instead of familiar characters (sticks and ticks), different numbers appear that the teacher has been checking. Each error strictly corresponds to one or another digit, sending a student in the "elaboration of errors and inaccuracies." Such a small needlework brochure makes every student. It would seem why she? After all, all the orphograms and points are in textbooks, reference books and dictionaries. But the textbook is big and someone else, and the book is small and mine, self-written and even illustrated. Orphograms and points appear in it as the material is studied and not always according to the program, because it was sometimes necessary to explain the spells that are studied much later in the program. Here is one fragment of "Studies ...": I see the spells working for this 19. Connecting vowel o or e in difficult words. I note the roots, of which the word consists, and buckle in a circle connecting vowels: sandals. 20.Force consonant in the root. I pick up and write through the screw the test word and three more words with this root: sad - sad; sad, buried, sadness. The notebook after checking will acquire different numbers: the digit without a circle is an orphogram, a digit in a circle - Preamogram. nine
Also, one of the two on the fields of his notebook, the student acts like that. Opening the "elaboration ..." on the desired figure, it worked out by the instructions outlined in the right column. In the middle and older school, it is once again to open "elaboration ..." are writings and presentation. Gradually, the spells and the pointogram without any cloth are postponed in memory, of course, if they are constantly addressed, and not from time to time.
Preparation of teacher to work on errors.
The preparation of the teacher to work on spelling errors is made up of a number of elements: checking notebooks, compiling accounting sheets of spelling errors, drawing up a lesson plan on which (or on its separate part) is planned to work on errors. The content of the first two elements of preparation is described above. Let us dwell on the drawing of the lesson (or part of it) work on errors. Preparation for work on spelling errors in training exercises. Work on errors in training exercises is carried out as many times as the student notebook is checked (see "Norms of testing notebooks"). Consequently, the element of work on errors is included in the daily activities of the teacher in the lesson. The following material is included in the lesson plan for the next topic: 1) the overall assessment of the work performed (it is reported to the distribution of notebooks); 2) List of 2-3 most common mistakes; 3) the text of the dictionary and spelling warning dictation from 5-7 words, most of all difficult students; 4) different types of tasks with words in which it was most mistakes; 5) Task to learn spelling words from an individual accounting sheet. Thus, throughout the lesson, work is provided for difficult in spelling words. Preparation for work on errors in control dictations. Experience shows that all types of mistakes admitted to students are impossible to work. It is advisable, analyzing the accounting list of general-class mistakes, choose a part of the types of unsophograms, over which it is planned to work at a special lesson. They will be 5-6 most frequency orphograms. Among them should be: a) the spells tested in connection with the studied grammatical theme; b) difficult spells previously covered in other grammatical topics. In terms of the prepared lesson, the following structural elements are needed: the overall assessment of the results of the control dictation; Fixing errors to schoolchildren and accounting by the words with errors; work on each of the selected types of unsophograms; dictation from words over which work was carried out in the lesson; Summing up the lesson and job task. 10
The overall assessment includes the following information: promotion of students in the mastering of spelling; a list of types of spells, most of all complicated students; Quantitative performance of completed work. Given the situation in the classroom, the teacher will add other information. It is important that the reported information does not charge interest to the planned work. When correcting errors, individual help is needed to weak students, so in terms of the lesson, you should specify the names of such students. To work on each of the selected types of unsophograms, such types of work should be provided: Record the name of the alpogram explanable; dictation from words with a given spelling taken from test work, with an explanation of its choice; Other teacher's choice exercises (selection of single-damned words, drafting phrases or proposals, education of different forms of the word, including work on the textbook, work with cards, etc.). Work on one type of orthograms is usually designed for 5-6 minutes. The task of the house provides for the repetition of students of all the words, over which work was carried out, as well as memorizing spelling words from personal accounting sheet of individual errors. Preparation for work on errors in presentation and writings. The lesson of work on errors in presentation and writings is devoted to the correction of speech and meaningful shortcomings. Work on spelling errors is transferred to the next grammar lessons and spelling and is drawn up dispersed. Work on spelling errors can be a homework. Analyzing the accounting list of general-class mistakes, the teacher chooses the most frequency among them, but not more than 5-6 species. The next lesson plan includes the following material for each of the selected types of unsophograms: a list of all words with a given spelling, which had an appropriate error; the distribution of them into groups by the degree of difficulty; the inclusion of these groups into the system of exercises selected for the topic studied (for the formation of forms of words, drawing up phrases and proposals, etc.); Vocabular dictation from these words at the end of the lesson. Work on spelling errors in presentation and writings, thus lasts for several lessons, which ensures sufficient strength of the assimilation of children's spelling of difficult words.
Work on spelling errors in the lesson.
Work on errors involves their explanation, correction and consolidation of the correct writing of words. Depending on the types of work, there are three techniques for organizing the correction of errors and fixing the spelling rate. Organization of work on spelling errors in training exercises. This type of error work is carried out in terms of 11
Studying a new topic after each test of notebooks. At the beginning of the lesson, the results of self-exercise are reported. Schoolchildren entail their work: work on errors. Then the errors are corrected, the words in the corrected form are recorded by a column on the fields of the notebook; The inserted spells are emphasized, and the recorded words are part of the frame. Further, students again write these words into the string and denote them the conditions for choosing the inserted orfogs at the place of errors. In the process of fixing a new topic, words in which there were errors for various types of training work. Organization of work on spelling errors in control dictations. It is held at a special lesson, which begins with the announcement of the topic and its records. Teacher, informing the results of the control dictation, distributes the notebooks in which students under the guidance of the teacher correct the mistakes allowed, discharge them in a corrected form in the notebook for the test work, emphasizing the inserted spelling and denoting the morphum in which it is located. The students then proceed to accounting corrected words for further individual work. Word record is made in the notebook "My Errors". Orphograms are highlighted in words and designate parts of the words in which they are. The rest of the work on errors is carried out in the notebook for control dictations. It is necessary to keep in mind the following: Be sure to graphically designate the conditions for choosing orfograms on the place of the mistakes made. Organization of work on spelling errors in presentation and writings. A special lesson accesses only work on errors in the content and language design. Work on spelling errors under these conditions is the following actions of the teacher and students: - Teacher reports general information on spelling literacy of students; - Students correct their mistakes and write them in a corrected form in the notebook "My mistakes" (appropriate than a column), emphasize the spells at the place of errors and denote the morphemes in which they are located. Children who have gained "5" work on individual cards (usually exercises of increased difficulty), while all the others work on their mistakes. Explanation and consolidation of the correct writing of words in which errors were made are transferred to the next grammar learning lessons; Each of them is a set of work on one type of orthograms. Thus, the teacher dispersed will work over 5-6 types of spells that most complicated schoolchildren. Words with fixed orphograms will simultaneously serve as a lexical material for studying a new topic. 12
In independent work on mistakes, children are very helpful to their personal handwritten dictionaries, which they lead from the fifth according to the ninth grade and on the materials of which the teacher conducts various types of work.
Further work on words that make students.
Students can repeatedly make mistakes in the same words for a long time, therefore, it should be re-referred to them in the lessons, using the words from accounting sheets of general-class errors. Words from individual accounting sheets of students (lists of words in work notebooks and in the notebook "My mistakes") are used in the poll of children (it turns out how they learned the spelling of certain words). Vocation dictations are preparing from the general schoolrialines collected by the teacher when checking notebooks - training and control. Regular appeal to difficult words involuntarily causes students to systematically look into their records to memorize the writing of these words. Based on individual accounting sheets, such, for example, exercise are performed: a letter from the memory of difficult words; education of different forms of words, phrases and proposals based on difficult words; The compilation of individual alphabetical lists of difficult words from a number of individual lyouts (at a certain stage - at the end of the study of the topic, at the end of a quarter, half of the year, school year, etc.).
3. Work on students' punctuation errors.
The punctuation error is non-use of the writing punctuation mark, its use where it is not required, as well as the unreasonable replacement of one punctuation mark to others. A punctuation error is opposed to a punctuation rate reflected in the punctuation rule. Work on punctuation errors is the required link in the formation system of punctuation skills.
The reasons for the appearance of punctuation errors in students.
Punctuation errors are currently occupied by the first place compared to other types of errors. So, on average, one spelling error in written works of students accounts for four to five punctuation errors. Their prevalence is explained by the emergency complexity of punctuation skills, which is based not only on the knowledge of the syntax and the ability to quickly schematize the structure of the writable proposal, as G.I. Pancakes (2), but also on the ability to express different meanings in communicative units - offering and text. Punctuation errors naturally appear by virtue of both objective and subjective reasons. Objective (arising from the nature of the scope of punctuation) are the following causes (or punctuation risk factors): - ignorance by students of a punctuation rate for the time of writing written work; - the communicative and speech basis of the formulation of punctuation marks associated with the allocation of meanings that must be identified by means of graphics; - Communication with a rather complicated grammar; - the presence of a mass of restrictions in the use of punctuation marks in the same syntactic position; - the ability to semantically in different ways to clarify the communicative unit. Subjective (dependent on the peculiarities of perception and mental activity of the writing) are the following reasons: - Inaccurate or complete ignorance by writing a punctuation rate; - ignorance of identification signs of semantic segments to be allocated by punctuation marks; - as a syntactic and semantic analysis of the sentence; - Mixing the conditions for choosing punctuation marks, leading to the creation of writing false rules. The listed causes act apart and in the aggregate. Most often, the appearance of punctuation errors is explained by the house of interacting causes. fourteen

A warning





The appearance of punctuation errors warns the entire punctuation system. At the same time, there is a need for special work aimed at neutralizing the causes of errors and to prevent errors in the next written works of students. To neutralize the reasons for the appearance of punctuation errors, appropriate work techniques have been developed. Consider them in relation to each of the reasons. If in the proposed exercise it is impossible to do without not yet studied syntactic designs, you should first clarify the appropriate standards and specify the signs that they must. Before familiarizing with the new norm, it is necessary to form a syntactic township from schoolchildren and durable skills to syntaxically disassemble this design. Given the connection of punctuation with a speech, it follows to the system of punctuation exercises to include communication exercises aimed at expressing those values \u200b\u200bthat underlie the semantic segment under study. In the language material, selected for punctuation exercise, all versions of this provision must be presented. A significant role in the warning of errors is played by work, providing knowledge of identifying signs of semantic segments to be allocated or non-punctuation by signs, as well as comparison and contrasting the conditions for choosing the norms mixed by children. Special work on the prevention of punctuation errors is organized before the performance of test work and work on the development of connected speech of students. To prevent punctuation errors in the upcoming control dictation, proposals are discharged from it with the syntactic structures that previously caused difficulties from other students. The selected material for two to three lessons before writing a dictation is used as a didactic material. In a strong class, the teacher offers similar examples, and in the weak - discharged from the text of the dictation. Such work in combination with other punctuation exercises provides sufficiently stable, good results. Such work is carried out shortly before writing presentations, the texts of which are pre-exposed to punctuation analysis. Of these, proposals are discharged with the syntactic structures studied or currently studied. These or similar proposals are included in the exercises for dispersed work on two or three lessons. In a weak class, it is advisable to report that such proposals can meet in the text of the presentation and it is advisable to remember how the punctuation marks are set. In the process of acquaintance with the text of the presentation at a special lesson for the development of a connected speech appropriate to pay 15
The attention of children on repeated syntactic designs, as well as post on the board table schemes of similar proposals, indicating the punctuation marks in them. The content of work on the prevention of punctuation errors in writings is developing, first, from specific shortcomings made by other students in the same work, secondly, from syntax structures that schoolchildren can use to transfer their own thoughts. The first group of syntactic-punctuation material is used for dispersed preparation, and the second - in the lesson of the development of speech during the preparation of working materials for the composition.
Fixation by teacher punctuation errors in written works

When checking the student work, it is familiar to the notebook on the fields, it is customary to indicate a student about the presence of a punctuation error on this string. The place of errors is emphasized by one feature, and the mistake itself or the teacher stresses and the desired sign is superimposed, or this should make a student himself during the distribution of notebooks in the lesson. Here is an excerpt from the work of the student, proven by the teacher. "Suchea, assembled for a fire_Ancalis stone, and thick, wet smoke, mixed with the same gray mist_Hello lasted on the ground." The correction of punctuation errors does or the teacher itself when checking, or provides it to students depending on the purpose of work. If she was a training, then the error correction is advisable to provide students. If the work was control, then in order to save time in the lesson, the teacher can fix the teacher when checking notebooks.
Accounting for punctuation errors from students.
In work on punctuation errors, it is impossible to take into account specific proposals, as they are non-refined, and are created every time again speaking to reflect a specific event. This is a significant difference from the accounting of spelling errors in words that are reproduced by speaking, therefore it is advisable to keep records of not specific proposals in which punctuation errors are allowed, and the schems of these proposals with the inclusion of the corresponding semantic segments in them, for example: in the teacher's account, not Full scheme, and only the part in which the error is reflected, for example: accounting for punctuation errors is necessary to organize effective work on them, and teacher and 16 should participate in this accounting
students. The teacher registers general-class errors - frequency and typical, and students are their individual errors. Accounting by teacher of general education difficulties of schoolchildren. Registration of students' errors is advisable to conduct in the same notebook in which the teacher fixes spelling errors. The punctuation technique has developed two forms of punctuation errors: for errors made by students in training exercises (in working notebooks No. 1 and 2), and for errors made in control dictations, as well as in presentation and essays. To register punctuation errors made in training exercises, the teacher introduces the page errors in the notebook; On it, it places the scheme of proposals in which errors were made, in the sequence in which they are located in the exercise text, and notes the number of students who made errors, for example: due to the fact that the test dictator is checked by the possession of several punctuation norms, and the presentation and Works are non-standard exercises, accounting for punctuation errors in them it is advisable to record according to the types of semantic sections of the semantic segments of the studied and checked. For this purpose, in the notebook of accounting errors, the teacher assigns two pages (reversal of notebooks), which are divided into as many graphs as punctuation norms is checked. Each column corresponds to a separate norm. These graphs fit out schemes of proposals in which punctuation errors are made, and indicates the number of students who allowed such errors. An example of filling such a account (on the turn of the notebook): the type of work, the date of the error occurring an error in the involuntary turnover of errors with homogeneous member members in C L COP of the offer of an error in direct speech dictation 15.09.10. - 10 7 5 - Accounting for individual punctuation errors. Children need to know their punctuation gaps to work on them. Registration of their mistakes, schoolchildren are carried out in working notebooks No. 1 and 2. For this purpose, they discharge proposals in which mistakes were made, and build their schemes, emphasizing the place where the norm was broken. At home, it is necessary to choose from works of fiction (better from works, at this time studying on the literature lessons) offers with structures in which errors were made.
Work on punctuation errors in class
Work on errors in the lesson - the correction of their students and consolidate the punctuation norm - precedes the preparation for her teacher. It develops from the following items: checking notebooks, filling out an accounting sheet of errors and drawing up angle work on errors. Preparation of the teacher and the organization of the lesson depend on the type of proven written work of students: the training, control, on the development of connected speech. Depending on this, three techniques of work on punctuation errors differ. Methods of work on punctuation errors in training exercises. Work on punctuation errors in previously executed training exercises is combined with the theme of the next lesson and is included in its plan as an organic part. The current elements are planned, the following elements are envisaged: - Fixing errors and their accounting when distributing notebooks; - Including a teacher of proposals in which punctuation errors were to the system of didactic material chosen to consolidate the new (in the form of dictations, drawing up proposals, the selection of similar proposals, finding and writing out the same proposals from the textbook or from other sources). In the future, it is advisable in the lessons when checking the homework to offer the mini-dictation from their personal accounts as an additional task. Such an organization of work will oblige students to systematically repeat the material difficult for them. Methods of work on punctuation errors in control dictations. For work on errors in the control dictation, a special lesson is given. In the V-VII classes, a punctuation work will take only part of the time in this lesson, and in VIII-IX classes, the lesson is mainly dedicated to punctuation. It will not be possible to work on all allowed errors due to the limited time, therefore, it should be selected in V-VII classes 2-3, and in the VIII-IX classes 4-5 disturbed norms - typical and frequency. The resentmental plan turns on, firstly, the assessment of punctuation literacy as a whole and individual students (first of all those who have advanced in mastering punctuation); secondly, for each selected norm: - all the proposals in which it had in dictation was recorded; - It is planned to explain the errors and drawing up schemes of proposals; - Includes an exercise in which there are proposals with the norm under consideration. At the final stage of the lesson in the VIII-IX classes, it is advisable to provide a small exercise on the development of a coherent speech, aimed at using those semantic segments, over which work was carried out at the lesson (creative or free dictation, the composition of the miniature, an essay by supporting words, etc. d. ). It is proposed as a homework, firstly, remember the norm of signs of signs 18
The punctuation when using the semantic segments considered at the lesson, secondly, any independent exercise, such as the preparation of proposals with these semantic segments. Methods of work on punctuation errors in presentation and writings. At a special lesson, the work on punctuation errors (as over orphographic) is given a small part of the time for the results of the results and for correcting and accounting errors. The actual plan turns on the following material: before the distribution of notebooks - the message of the general results of punctuation work; After distributing notebooks - correcting individual errors with students and accounting for these errors. Work on punctuation errors - above their explanation and consolidation of the norm - is postponed to the next lessons of the Russian language and is being implemented dispersed: on 2-3 lessons in V-VII classes and on 4-5 - in VIII-IX classes. To work on each individually, an error in the purvious plan includes: - its explanation when checking the homework, including the preparation of the proposal scheme; - Proposals with this norm as a didactic material for a new topic. Being dispersed, work on punctuation errors provides conditions for a long workout.
4. Conclusion.
Despite the fact that the spelling and punctuation technique has a rich history and that in our time there are also a lot of publications on the issues of learning to a literate letter, learning spelling and punctuation is very difficult. The formation of the skills of the competent letter from schoolchildren is perhaps one of the most difficult tasks you have to solve the teacher-wondered. But it is this task that is indicated as the most important software installation. In the educational activities of schoolchildren, the letter occupies a significant place, and therefore students are constantly faced with spelling and punctuation, and very often such "clashes" ends with the "defeat" of the student, and sometimes a complete defeat. The proposed system of work on errors allows students to cope with its own problems that arise in the process of learning spelling and punctuation. This system, as it seems to us, allows us to make a teacher to get the result in learning spelling students and punctuation.
5. References.
1. Algaazina N.N. Formation of spelling skills. - M., 1987. twenty
2. Blinov G.I. Method of punctuation at school. - M., 1978. 3. Grigoryan L.T. Training punctuation in high school. - M., 1982. 4. Lomsov A.F. Training punctuation in high school. - M., 1975. 5. Basics of the Russian language methodology in 4-8 classes / ed. A.V. Teucheva Idr. - M., 1982. 6. Attaching G.N. On the system of spelling exercises // Rus. Yaz. at school. - 1978. - № 6. 7. Razumovskaya MM Methods of learning spelling at school. - 2nd ed. - M., 1996. 8. Skoblikova E.S. Generalizing work on spelling. - M., 1994. 9. Readings according to the method of Russian. Teaching spelling and punctuation in general educational institutions / Cost authors. V.F.Ivanova, B.I. Osipov. - M., 1995. 21

Lessons of generalization and systematization of knowledge

Lessons for the formation of language skills and skills


The lessons for the formation of language skills and skills (consolidation) are carried out if several lessons are assigned to study the material, for example, the study of the topic "Conditional turnover. The signs of punctuation during the particle turnover "are devoted to 2 lessons, in the first lesson there will be an explanation of the new material, on the second - consolidation.

At the stage of checking homework, it is advisable to use the frontal survey to repeat the new material studied in the lesson, as well as the cards of different types.

For a solid absorption of knowledge and developing the necessary skills, the teacher must develop a system of various gradually accurate exercises. In the structure of the consolidation lesson, independent work may be included, which monitors the level of knowledge assimilation. In this case, the lesson will be combined. If the recurrence elements on the previously studied topics are included in the spelling five minutes, the lesson will also be qualified as combined.

The main stages of the consolidation lesson:

1. Orgmant.

3. Fastening.

5. Homework.


Repetition lessons include repeat on multiple topics or partition. They are held at the beginning of the school year to repeat the studied in previous classes (for example, in the 5th grade, the repetition passes on the following topics: "Parts of the word"; "Ophogram"; "Natural name"; "adjective name"; "Pronomation 1, 2 and 3 -Ho face ";" verb ";" Nasrechny ";" Prepositions and alliances ";" Text, Topic of Text. Filty "). The lessons of this type are necessary for repetition and systematization of knowledge at the end of the study of the section, at the end of the quarter and school year.

The structure of the lesson is as follows:

1. Orgmant.

2. Checking homework.

3. Repetition.

4. Summing up, assessment.

5. Homework.

If there are stages of the lessons of different types in the lesson, then such a lesson is called combined (for example, if the lesson explanation of the new material includes a spelling five minute to rule, studied several lessons back, then this is a stage of repetition, which means a lesson combined).

7.1. Lessons work on errors Committed after writing dictations, writings and presentations. To prepare for the lesson, the teacher needs to systematize students 'errors and analyze them, as well as choose exercises eliminating gaps in students' knowledge. In the lesson, generalizing tables and schemes can be used.

Stages error Lesson:

1. Orgmoment (1 - 2 min.).

2. The word teacher (no more than 5 minutes):

a) the overall characteristic of the quality of the work performed (bringing quantitative indicators);

b) overall analysis of the most typical errors (spelling and punctational).

3. Work on bugs (time is determined by the number of errors analyzed):

a) work on spelling errors (Typically, 5-6 spells are analyzed at the lesson (in grade 5 - 4), about 5 minutes are allocated to each spell. Working on a spelling error includes 3 stages: 1) Explanation of the correct writing of the word in which an error was allowed; 2) the wording rule; 3) consolidation.

b) work on punctuation errors(work includes analysis of the 3 - 4 points (in class 5 2 - 3), for each of which is given for about 5 minutes. Work on punctuation errors consists of three stages: 1) an explanation of the formulation of punctuation marks in the proposal; 2) the wording rule; 3) consolidation;

c) individual work on errors (Individual work is necessary if any errors have not been considered in the lesson; at this stage it is important to think about the students who do not need to carry out individual work).

4. Summarizing (not more than 5 minutes).

5. Homework (not more than 5 minutes).