International Museum Day (7 postcards). Congratulations on the Day of Museums in prose wishes in your own words Postcards with International Day Museums

International Museum Day (7 postcards). Congratulations on the Day of Museums in prose wishes in your own words Postcards with International Day Museums
International Museum Day (7 postcards). Congratulations on the Day of Museums in prose wishes in your own words Postcards with International Day Museums

Beautiful and official congratulations on the Day of Museums to workers, colleagues in prose with the holiday, original wishes to the director, text from the administration, from employees, thanks in their own words.

Congratulations on the Day of Museums to employees in prose

Dear museum workers! Congratulations on the Day of Museums and want to wish successful work in the cultural field of our society. The museum worker is the title of the medium of spirituality, which is most trying to support national culture and instill with its future generations.

Thank you for unpleasant work in the field of cultural enlightenment and a huge number of educational work. In this important day, we wish you a big personal happiness and success in future endeavors!

Dear workers! On International Museums Day, accept our congratulations with a universal professional holiday. The museum is a valuable repository of historical memos, as well as the place of spiritual treasure, whose guardians are exactly you, dear colleagues.

We wish you limitless joy, inspiration on a professional field. After all, thanks to your painstaking activities, we have the opportunity to constantly learn the limitless strength of the country's culture. Happy holiday!

Wishes in your own words text colleagues with a holiday

Dear Colleagues! On the eve of the meaningful for our profession - the International Day of Museums, we want to congratulate you and wish peace of mind, joyful days. The work done for many years, is the proof of sincere love and respect for its case.

The museum is a separate world filled with the sacrament of history, and you can share these secrets with cultural lovers. We wish the new day brings a smile and did you happier.

Multivaable colleagues! An employee of the museum is a profession that requires attention and responsibility. Every day, employees protect the exhibits important to the people and are to visit the younger and mature generation. You, dear colleagues, do a huge educational and educational work.

In a professional holiday, I wanted to wish unlimited happiness in every home. Let the new day be filled exclusively with positive impressions and bright memories. Happy Museums!

Congratulations on the Day of Museums Director, Head in Prose

Dear (name, patronymic)! From the team give you congratulations on the upcoming holiday - Day of Museums! It is known that the successful functioning of not only museum, but also other institutions depend on the tactful leader, as well as a properly constructed form of work. Our employees highly appreciate cultural, good understanding.

You are responsible for the savings of spiritual values \u200b\u200band make a working environment every day better. We wish daily warmth from loved ones, mental harmony, joyful life events, as well as the inexhaustibleness of the positive energy that you pass to your employees!

International Museum Day is celebrated throughout the world since 1977, when 11 ICOM General Conference (International Council of Museums), held in Moscow and Leningrad.

On this day, many museums open their doors for everyone, completely free and happily showing their exhibition halls, new exhibits.

Congratulations on the International Day of Museums! I wish people crowded from museum exhibits, wondering all sorts of expositions, causing their culture and spirituality. Let there always be sponsors and subsidies, visitors and frequent guests. Stretch, develop and always be open to new admiring views!

Today we congratulate on the holiday of those who, by the kind of professional activity or in the call of the soul, are somehow connected with museums. Museums Day is celebrated worldwide. Thanks to the museums, each of us becomes available cultural and material values: masterpieces of painting, archaeological finds, unique items. We wish museum workers to never be empty, and visitors are to go to the museum to be part of the cultural program.

On International Museums Day I want to wish everyone without exception a lot of interest in history, art, life and traditions. Let in museums will never be empty, let every trip in this amazing place gives a lot of impressions, positive emotions, exciting adventures and important discoveries.

Congratulations on your wonderful holiday, which urges to appreciate the cultural heritage of the nation, returns us to a glorious historical past, creates a sense of pride for achieving previous generations. We wish you pleasure from visiting museums, new impressions and expansion of your horizons.

Each museum is an opportunity to touch the part of the story and return to hundreds, thousands, and maybe millions of years ago! Attend museums as often as possible, because it's so exciting! I wish you new impressions, amazing discoveries and bright emotions!

Congratulations on the international day of museums and I want to wish that the museum always was and remained a carrier and an enlightener in the history of various spectra and branches of human life. Let them not lose their popularity campaigns in the museums, let everyone know something interesting there, let all we manage to draw in museums the necessary and entertaining information about the most different dates and events.

I congratulate on the international day of museums and sincerely wish to be proud of the rich history of the eyelids, I wish in every subject to find something interesting and wonderful for myself. Let hiking in the museums deliver a lot of pleasures and pleasant impressions, let the new day prepare a new discovery and success.

Congratulations on the international day of museums and I want to wish in the conditions of modernity the importance and importance of the work of museums, so that they can always talk about the most famous facts and incidents so that everyone can learn something interesting here, to learn something unusual and familiarize himself in detail With any question of questions or event.

I congratulate on the international day of museums and I wish to always penetrate the history of the Motherland, individual facts, certain events of social life, the life of any hero, I wish to always remain a tireless enthusiast and, with each day, to discover something new, interesting. And let the museum for each of us be a good faithful friend.

Happy International Days of Museums Congratulations to all! It will always be one of the components in the development of each of us. We wish you all harmonious growth, wealth of the soul and mutual understanding.

Dear colleagues, workers of museums, here and our common holiday has come. Let your halls are replenished with new and interesting exhibits that will always delight and fascinate. We wish you excellent health, excellent mood and a lot of good grateful visitors.

Congratulations on the Day of Museums! Let the collections come true and peacefully stored in the covers fragile exhibits, let visitors are numerous and polite! Let the legacy of our ancestors, of which time and the corner of the Earth they were not, helps us with adequate to live today and create the best future!

Touch the story so easy ... just come to the museum! They are different, for every taste, but everyone is unique and requires special attention, as if he is a living being storing for human generations of a fragment of history ... Happy Museums! Let all collections be as if new, let the frozen story come to life with your help every day!

The work of the Museum is not so simple, it requires responsibility and attentiveness. Love of the museum workers to the past, the entire old and mysterious is limitless. You, as if parents, protect their braids and protect them from time destruction. Let your profession give you pleasure and a lot of good grateful visitors.

The museum is a whole world, a separate particle, in which you can trace the evolution, the development of cities culture, the lives of whole peoples, scientific and technical progress, art and history. Today we wish everyone to work in this oasis of culture, was appreciated for their works and always felt excellently!

Today has come a wonderful holiday dedicated to all Museum workers. In each country there is such a place, when you can see the most outstanding exhibits of different eras for the development of indigenous culture. Thanks to museum workers, we can give themselves such a luxury. We wish them longevity, prosperity and success.

Congratulations on the Day of Museums! Every hour of the affairs of the past days are increasingly moving away from us, but we could not call a civilization if they were not kept carefully our story ... Today I wish all the treasures of the history of prosperity, and their employees - a long and happy life rich in good stories!

Who is able to save any exhibit safe and preservation to bring people all the charm of history, and shows live proof of thousands of visitors? Of course, this is a museum worker, it is to him today we express great thanks for the opportunity to contemplate the magnificent objects of art, science, culture and history!

Dear friends, today we want to congratulate those people who their work retain the lives of many things, subjects that are in themselves the story of the long-lasting years. Museum workers, today your holiday, and this is a wonderful reason to spend time in a circle of friends and get a lot of congratulations in your address.

Dear workers museums, keepers of relics, historical values \u200b\u200band works of art! Heartily congratulations on your professional holiday - International Day Museums !
Someone once is very true and beautifully noticed: the activities of museum workers lies at the junction of the past and present, thereby determining the future. And from this it follows that the museum workers are conductors between those who have gone and coming times.
Not everyone is given. It is forces only by the Museum workers - people are whole, intelligent, sincerely loving the case, which serves, knowing the true price of works of art and historical artifacts that the museum is a special world with his inner rich life; This is the place of aspiration, which unites culture and history, spiritual and material wealth around itself, without which the further development of the people is impossible; This is a unique unique repository of experience and achievements of past generations.
Thanks to the daily labor time and the scrupulous work of Museum employees, people have the opportunity to fully experience the course of history, to get acquainted with the stages of human evolution, to understand what vital values \u200b\u200bwere the main for our ancestors and compare them with the main landmarks of modern society, see and admire the beauty of the created centuries Back masterpieces. Yes, you never know what is still available to humanity, thanks to the activities of museums and people, working in them.
Dear colleagues, with the holiday of you, with international day museums ! Thank you during the years of fruitful museum activities, for serving an important and noble cause of patriotic, spiritual and cultural education of our citizens, for the preservation of generations for the descendants and the introduction of young people to cultural values.
I wish you, people with a wide soul and open heart, who are not afraid of taking responsibility, loving history and knowing the true value of the continued exhibits, new unique historical finds in your priceless funds, the introduction of modern organizational, communication and information technologies in your desired business, interesting Exhibition projects, fascinating and meaningful excursions, as well as faithful assistants in preserving and exhibiting museum objects, mutually beneficial and productive partnership, progression of interest in your museums.
I wish you active creative work, moral and material satisfaction from it, personal happiness, good health, success in all endeavors, prosperity, mental balance, love, wealth, joy,
Sun, inexhaustible enthusiasm, longevity, no less than the exhibits you are stored, and more than grateful visitors, for whom, in fact, you work.

May 18 - World Museum Workers Day and all those who work in such establishments celebrate their professional holiday. This significant date concerns not only Museum staff, but also those who are happy to regularly visit various exhibitions and exhibits.

Interestingly, this date was not always noted, but only a few decades. At the annual meeting of the Council of Museums, it was decided to introduce this holiday to the World Calendar. Thus, this wonderful date appeared - the day of the museum worker, it is currently noted in more than 150 countries of the world.

Museums are an integral part of the culture of each city of our country and the world, they are able to educate society and enrich it necessary knowledge about history. Museum exhibits are very diverse and have their topics, therefore, the holiday of the museum worker is held annually under a certain slogan and style.

Some of the latter were days dedicated to the theme of the theft of museum values, as well as the role of museums in the education and enlightenment of society. "Museums and Tourism" - under such a slogan, a celebration of the day of the museum worker in 2009 was held. "Museums in the name of a social guarantee" - such a topic was discussed and analyzed on May 18 in 2010. "Museums and Memory" - this topic was devoted to the celebration in 2011.

The anniversary date of the day of the museum worker accounted for May 18, 2012, on this day the main topic was "museums in a changing world. New challenges and inspiration. " In 2013, the holiday was celebrated under the Slogan "Museums and Social Changes", in 2014 the topic of the Collections available in the museums of the whole world became relevant, and in 2015 museums and the development of society. The day of the museum worker is marked large and thoroughly prepare it. Various lectures, stories, new exhibits and exhibitions, in addition to all the museums of this day the doors are open to all and absolutely free.

Every year increasingly gaining popularity and is in demand holiday called "Night of Museums". In the cities where this event is held, special buses are allocated, and a certain route of visiting exhibitions and museums is drawn up. The main purpose of such an action is to enrich the population with knowledge of existing museums and famous exhibits. It is held on the night from Saturday to Sunday closer to the day of the museum worker who want to visit such objects is constantly increasing, which has a positive effect on the culture of cities.

Postcards with International Day Museums