Accurate height above sea level. What is height above sea level

Accurate height above sea level. What is height above sea level
Accurate height above sea level. What is height above sea level

We all studied in school geography and with the term "height above sea level" are familiar not by first. This definition can be found in popular science television programs, on the pages of magazines, newspapers and other means of information. Let's look at modern ways to determine it.

The sea level relative to which the distance to the object is measured is an aqueous surface in a state of rest, which is perpendicular to the relative forces applied to the mass of water. The water level varies very often and the moon phases, the power of the sun and wind, evaporation. Therefore, to calculate the average value, you need to maintain the necessary calculations.

Height above sea level is the point (coordinate) in a three-dimensional area, which indicates which height is a certain object with respect to the level of the sea taken for zero. It can also be approximately defined as a vertical from the subject to the middle height above sea level, without taking into account tides and flow. The height of the point above the level is considered positive, lower - negative. Two other coordinates of the geographical location of the object - longitude and latitudes.

If we take Russia for an example, then its highest point is Elbrus - 5642 meters, and the lowest - the Caspian Sea, the highest point of which is approximately 28 m.

How to find out the height above sea level

In the old man, height above sea level can be viewed in special topographic maps, which displays all heights. But there are more modern methods.

  1. You can find out what a height above sea level using a satellite navigator running from a specific program, for example, Google or Google Earth (Google Earth). First you need to download one of the applications to your smartphone or computer and using the prompts to determine the distance from the sea level to the object you need. Working with programs is very simple: look at the cursor to the desired place on the map, and the information is automatically issued.
  2. Measuring the level of a particular area is available on GPS devices. The devices determine the heights based on the information obtained from the satellites. GPS receivers with a built-in barometer-altimeter have the greatest accuracy of the indicators.
  3. In the search bar of the Yandex browser, drive the "height above sea level" and the city, country, a mountain, etc. you need, especially this information will be useful to travelers who are going to conquer the mountain peaks. So you can find out in advance what heights will have to overcome and prepare for climbing.
  4. How to determine the height knows the application called Altitude, installed on smartphones. It defines a point above sea level in real time, as well as the speed of movement and other data. The results may not be quite accurate with a discrepancy of one and a half or two divisions.

Also measuring the height of the terrain above sea level can be carried out using an altimeter tool that is used to measure the height of the lifting or point above sea level. Use the altimeter is very simple:

  • run the device and determine the adequance value corresponding to current weather conditions;
  • failure the device and hold the "SET" button. After that, the device itself switches to the desired mode and indicates the height pressure at the current time;
  • reduce the indicators to normal using the "SET" button. Saving the received parameters in the main menu, the screen will display the height above the sea level of the desired object.

Altimeter - Device for measuring height above sea level

How to find out the height above sea level, using a particular method - the case is purely individual, but the altimeter will issue more accurate readings compared with mobile applications and GPS.

The highest and low area of \u200b\u200bsushi above sea level

If we talk about the highest and low points on a global scale, then the first refers Mount Everest, the present name is Jomolungma. It is located in the Himalayan mountain system at an altitude of 8848 m above sea level. The second top of the mountain rises at an altitude of 8760 metro.

Everest is a clear winner among all the planets in the level of hill. As early as the 19th century, the Radhanat Sikdar geodesic worker from India measured her height. But since then the data has changed, and the mountain turned out to be even higher than it was announced initially.

The lowest point above sea level is considered not one, but at once two. The first is on land. This is the coast of the Dead Sea at the Border of Israel and Jordan. There is a point at a mark of 417 meters below the sea level, but as specialists declare, annually an ETT increases by 1 meter.

The second point is called the Mariana depression and is deep under the waters of the Pacific Ocean. This is a bottomless crater, which in its lowest point has a depth of more than 11 thousand meters below sea level.

Pressure dependence on the height above sea level

At different height, atmospheric pressure indicators will also be different. Many people regularly face the problem of the close relationship of poor well-being and oscillations of atmospheric indicators. For this reason, it is impossible to make hikes to the mountains and fly on airplanes, especially for long distances.

According to researchers, the dependence of pressure from height above sea level is determined by such indicators: an increase of 10 meters causes a decrease in pressure per marker, i.e. Every 100 m on average there is a decrease of 7.5 mm. RT. Art. While the height does not reach 500 meters, the changes are not felt, but it is worth climbing 5 kilometers, the values \u200b\u200bwill be twice as much optimal, which will affect well-being. This is due to the diluted air and reducing the amount of oxygen required for living organisms.

How to determine the height of the city above sea level?

The other day I was asked, Kirill Yasko writes, about what height over the sea level is the Crimean cities of Yalta, Alushta and Simferopol. At first I wanted to dismiss this issue, but curiosity pushed me to check me what the Internet writes on this topic.

It turned out that the network is almost impossible to find references to the height of most cities of the former union. Amazed by this fact, I decided to correct the situation.

To begin with, climbed in Wikipedia and brought references about what is the height above sea level and from what sea should be considered. That's what they write there:

Height above sea level - The coordinate in three-dimensional space (two others - latitude and longitude), showing at what level of the sea level adopted for zero is one or another object.

Baltic height system (BSB) - the system of absolute heights adopted in the USSR in 1977, whose counts from zero of the feat in Kronstadt. From this mark, the height of the support geodesic items are counted, which are marked with different geodesic signs and are applied to cards. Currently, BSB is used in Russia and a number of other CIS countries.

In the theory, everything is clear - you need to take a detailed topographic map and see what heights there are marked. But where does it take this card?

The first thing that occurred to - look into Oziexplorer.. This is a special program for working with GPS (satellite navigator). One of its functions allows you to determine the height simply pointing the cursor space on the map. With her help, I easily found out that Alushta is located at altitudes from 0 to 130 meters above sea level. Yalta - from 0 to 200 meters, Sevastopol - from 0 to 100, Simferopol - on average 250 meters above sea level.

However, this method is not too universal. After all, the question is still the question "where to get the card?", This time digitized. I had the Cards of Crimea, but with the rest of the world I did not work out ...

The answer was literally lying on the surface, that is, on the Internet. No first year there is a service Google Earth. - A kind of digital globe glued from the photographs of the earth's surface with the "cosmic" height. There must be a function of determining the height. I downloaded the Google Earth distribution (a free version), installed it and started learning the menu. There were no altimeters there. Strange ... Maybe you need to read a certificate? I also did not find.

Almost desperately, I suddenly noticed at the bottom of the screen there is a quick running differ. Eureka! This was the altimeter.

On joy, I began to run around the map and measure the height of all cities in a row.

  • Ekaterinburg height above sea level - 250 meters.
  • Moscow height above sea level - 130 meters.
  • Saratov - 40.
  • Makhachkala - 15.
  • Krasnoyarsk - 140.
  • Perm - 150.
  • Chelyabinsk - 250.
  • Ufa - 125.
  • Kazan - 90.
  • Nizhny Novgorod - 70
  • Ivanovo - 130.
  • Yaroslavl - 98.
  • Voronezh - 104.
  • Petersburg - 13.
  • Arkhangelsk - 7.
  • Novgorod - 28.
  • Murom - 105.

Height above sea level of some cities of Ukraine:

  • Kiev height above sea level - from 90 (level of the Dnieper) to 190 (famous Dnipro Kruch) meters.
  • Kharkov - 122.
  • Chernivtsi - 240.
  • Khmelnitsky - 299.
  • Ternopil - 336.
  • Vinnitsa - 294.
  • Cherkasy - 80.
  • Krivoy Rog - 85
  • Zaporizhia - 75.
  • Kherson - 50.
  • Donetsk - 241.
  • Dnepropetrovsk - 68.
  • Sumy - 125.
  • Poltava - 150.
  • Chernigov - 117.

In the western part of Ukraine, I was interested in the height of such settlements:

  • Lviv - 270.
  • Ivano-Frankivsk - 343
  • Uzhgorod - 187.
  • Mukachevo - 181.
  • Rakhov - 430.
  • Yasina - 650.
  • Yablovsky Pass - 930

I hope you understand that all the data obtained is not too accurate. Google Earth is not a professional instrument with guaranteed accuracy and reliably known errors. She has completely different goals.

In addition, the term "city height above sea level" is very conditional. After all, the city is not a point, but a huge object, different areas of which have different heights.

Card Description:

Before you, the world map from Google, open on Novosibirsk. On top of the card, the coloring of heights above sea level may be superimposed, the grid in the latitude / longitude / longitude or QTH-locator, the shading indicating the day / night. The search string allows you to find the place of interest to the QTH-locator, address, or geographic coordinates.

First click on the map sets the first (" N."- initial) point. The second click on the map sets the second (" TO"- finite) point. After the task of both points on the map, the Red Radio distribution route will be held, the height profile schedule between the specified points will be displayed below the map. Left - the initial point, on the right - the end point, vertical height above sea level.

In the place of interest on the map of the height you can make click, this will lead to the installation of a special marker (" ! ") In the appropriate site of the main card. By moving the mouse to the primary map area, you can explore the surroundings near the installed marker. Leading the head of the profile of heights You see the parameters of the current point, and the marker is displayed in the corresponding geographic location (" X."). You can change the map scale for better object details, the card will automatically be positioned so that the marker is displayed in the center of the screen.

In addition to the profile of heights on the map, a straight line of the radiole is drawn connecting the antenna suspension, the ellipse of the first Fresnel zone, and the power of the received signal across the entire route is calculated.

The calculated power values \u200b\u200bare conventionally designated by the surfaces of the earth's surface:

  • red - 7-9 or more, scores on the s-meter scale;
  • orange - 4-6 points;
  • yellow - 1-3 points;
  • green - less than 1 point;
  • the black - no signal.

On the profile of the height, you can choose and increase any area you are interested in - for this you need to click on the left mouse button, stretch the rectangle appeared on the desired map fragment, then release the mouse button. To restore the original map, you need to make the right mouse button right.

At any time, making a click on the main map, you will specify a new end point, the height map will be rebuilt to display the profile to the newly selected point.

This service also allows you to construct a radio signal coating zone of radiated from point 1 (" N."). By installing the starting point and setting the source data, click the "Calculate" button - you will see the coverage area draws in real time. The "Stop / Hide-show" button allows you to stop the occurring calculation of the coating zone or "hide-show" coverage zone. The greater the selected number of samples, the higher the accuracy of the calculation of the coverage area, but the more and more time will be required to hold it. (And the calculation time is more dependent on the power of your computer, but from the speed of issuing topographic information by Google servers.)

Change automatically selected width of the lines denoting the signal level using the buttons " + "And" ", And after fixing them permanent - daw in the FIX field.

Button on the main map " Clear markers"Deletes all installed markers and the results of calculating the coating zone, it is advisable to use it if you want to set a new starting point and produce a new cycle of calculations. Button " Full Screen."Puts a map display to full screen mode, repeatedly pressing returns standard window mode.

For ease of use, the Cursor Coordinates are constantly displayed on the map: Latitude (LAT), Longitude (LNG), QTH Locator, Height (EVAL).

"," HTML ":"

Hello. Is it possible to determine the heights (above sea level) of the route (ymaps.RUTE) with standard means of the Yandex.Cart API?

"," ContentType ":" Text / Plain ")," Proposedbody ":(" Source ":"

Hello. Is it possible to determine the heights (above sea level) of the route (ymaps.RUTE) with standard means of the Yandex.Cart API?

Hello. Is it possible to determine the heights (above sea level) of the route (ymaps.RUTE) with standard means of the Yandex.Cart API?

"," ContentType ":" Text / Plain ")," Authorid ":" 40032217 "," Slug ":" 23137 "," Canedit ": false," Cancomment ": false," isbanned ": false," canpublish " : false, "ViewType": "OLD", "ISDRAFT": false, "IsonModeration": false, "Issubscriber": False, "CommentsCount": 12, "modificationdate": "Thu Jan 01 1970 03:00:00 GMT +0000 (UTC) "," ShowPreview ": True," ApprovedPreview ":(" Source ":"

Hello. Is it possible to determine the heights (above sea level) of the route (ymaps.RUTE) with standard means of the Yandex.Cart API?

"," HTML ":" Hello. Is it possible to determine the heights of the Yandex.Cart with standard Yandex.Cart API (ymaps.RUTE)? "," ContentType ":" Text / Plain ")," ProposedPreview ":(" Source ":"

Hello. Is it possible to determine the heights (above sea level) of the route (ymaps.RUTE) with standard means of the Yandex.Cart API?

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The most famous mountains in Russia - the Caucasus. They inspired the creators of the gold and silver centuries. Lermontov's poem is an excellent confirmation of this, and the "Caucasian captive" Pushkin, and the story of Tolstoy. And someone happened to live here, at the most mountain peaks. Travelask will tell about the highest city of Russia.

City in Kabardino-Balkaria

Tyrnyauz is the center of the Elbrus district, which is located in Kabardino-Balkaria. It is located in the south-west of the republic, on the shores of the Baksan River, just 40 kilometers from Elbrus. You just look at what types are open from the windows of the houses.

This is the highest mountain city of Russia: it is located at an altitude of 1307 meters above sea level.

The city is small, its area is only 61 square kilometers. But the landscapes are impressive here, especially against the background of the "killed" panels.

Height differences are huge: 1.5-2 kilometers.

All terrain is cut by ridges and gorges in which the mountain rivers "live".

The city even has a "his own" vertex - the highest point of this settlement is the rocky and climbing toumbashi, its height reaches 2786 meters.

It is said that during the fogs and low clouds, the river surface flies cranes. Probably, for this city and got its name: from Karachay-Balkarian language Tyrnyauz translates as a "caravel gorge".

History of high mountain city

In 1934, a tungsten-molybdenum field was opened on this territory, on which a mining and processing plant was opened. Here and tyrnyauz rose. First, workers were worked here by workers' local gulag, and then in their place they came Wolnonamed. After the collapse of the USSR, the city had to be tight: a plant for the extraction of metal, suffering from periodic villages, slowly bent. People began to move to larger cities. And now this is some kind of city-ghost with dilapidated houses and frightening criminal stories, leaving a terrible impression.

Of course, it is planned to revive the city and the plant in particular, however it lasts the last 15-20 years.

Today through the city is a road leading to Elbrus, so Tyrnyauses see many tourists.

Who is above Tyrnyowa

But the highest settlement of Russia is the village of Kurush. This is also the southernmost point of the country. It is located in the Duzupack district of Dagestan at an altitude of 2560 meters above sea level.

It is from this aula climbers make ascent to many Caucasian peaks: Bazarduzu, Schalbuzdag and Ezdag.