Basic concepts about MS, MG, Colors. Rapper dictionary from MS

Basic concepts about MS, MG, Colors. Rapper dictionary from MS
Basic concepts about MS, MG, Colors. Rapper dictionary from MS

A large number of Young people are currently fond of rap music. Not surprising, because today it is the most popular and fast-growing genre in the world. It includes all the best of other directions of music.

Modern MC-performers

Rapper can combine several styles at once in one of his song. Therefore, it is important that modern musician Interested in different genresBut at the same time knew "his roots". Studying the history of rap, novice performers sometimes meet with unfamiliar concepts and abbreviations. One of the most common ones is MC (MC).

Not all lovers of hip-hop culture can clearly explain the beginners, which means and how MC is decrypted. Many artists add these letters at the end of their scenic name. For example, the well-known Noize MC.

The first meaning of the term

Master of Ceremonies is primarily a leading concert or club party. This term comes from an English abbreviation (pronounced in Russian as "EM-SI"), which is customary to be invoked. It is literally translated as the "Hosted Party". After all, Emsi is a person who makes the maximum effort in order for the party to truly succeed.

EMCI not only spends the party itself, but also announces the audience to guests, DJ, conducts various contests, "turns" the listeners. He must "feel" his audience, her desire and how the mood changes. EMCI is not only a lead that announces performers, he is also a soul of a party, her heart and "blown up" brain!

MC - artist who is accompanied by dance music I says words from the scene to raise the public, as well as submit to her DJ. Emsi must entertain the audience. He makes up in advance to then pronounce them from the scene, usually by a recitative, in rap-style. He must "warm up" people, raise their emotions to the maximum positive level.

But not everyone can become steep MS, because they should always feel exactly the audience want this moment. Moreover, Emsi must have a great sense of humor, decent vocabulary and ability to instant improvisation.


On Jamaica (where it was born musical style Reggae) MC decrypt as masters of parties playing seals by adding rhymed calls to music, prayers, jokes. Since the 70s of the last century, this concept is associated with hip-hop. Emsi reads stamped texts that are written in advance or are composed by impromptu (freESTILE) to warm up the crowd or comment on any significant event.

With the development of rap culture, the MC concept is decrypted as Microphone Controller (Microphone Controller), MIC Checka ("Checking Microphone"). Over time, some talented Emsi received significantly more popularity than DJs represented by them.

This contributed to the widespread development of RPP-Batlov culture. In them, performers had to demonstrate their skills, adjusting to unfamiliar bits, while trying to surpass the opponent. Today, the MC designation is decrypted as a "rapper". At the same time, for many music lovers, it has kept the former, having a wider meaning for them meaning.

What is "MC"?

"MC" - Abbreviation from Motorcycle Club (eng. - Motorcycle Club) - a rigidly ordered organization, consisting of at least six bikers.

What is "MG"?

"MG" - Abbreviation from Motogang (Eng. - Motobanda) - the former name of the MS. Now the motoclubs are not fundamentally dealing with criminal activities, i.e., constantly in sight of the authorities. The MG units that do not hide their orientation are preserved.

What is RC?

"Riders Club" is a club of people who make love for motorcycles. The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe club is basically moto tourism. In the bulk, these are people who do not comply with strict statutes, but having a certain arch simple rulesconcerning the main rules of behavior on the road and driving column. RC has in their ranks of women as full members. As a rule, the members of the Riders clubs are law-abiding and good guys who will always help on the road. Not rarely riders clubs are clubs owners of a certain brand or a motorcycle model (example, Gold Ving Club).

what that « MSS»?

MSS - "Motor Cycles Club". MSS usually does not require official registration. The essence of "MSS" - the association of people on the principle of friendship and love for the motorcycle, for joint holding leisure, communication, travel, etc. "MSS" - the organization is extremely democratic: all the chten club decide that the club will do, and what rules will be to know. In the most cases, a member of the MSS can be any, regardless of age, gender, social pose. Many MCS have in their ranks of women as full members. Usually a person becomes a challenger, and through a certain time (from different clubs from 3 months to 2 years), becomes a full member. Most of the MSS -Clubs are small (10-30 members) and not many have branches. As a rule, MCS does not have its own "club-house". Somewhere weekly at a certain time, meetings occur. These are open meetings and are not obligatory, members of "MS" may be present on them. But once a year there is a mandatory meeting only for members on which the problems of the club are resolved. MSS have three or more elected posts. This "Chairman" (Chairman), "Treasurer" (Treasurer) and SECRETARY (secretary). As a rule, "Chairman" is endowed with less power than "president" "MC". "MCC" wear a club logo on the front of a leather jacket (vests) or on a sleeve, etc. If MSS wants to become "MS, they should ask permission from the local department of MS, who is the owner of this area. Otherwise there may be trouble. "MCC" apolitical and neutral. They do not participate in conflicts between "MS" -Klubami, do not have territorial claims and ambitions on dominance, as a result of which they do not have friction with MS. "MSS" is a type of club, where motorcycles go for pleasure, enjoy life and parties ...

What is "Club-House"?

"Club-House" (Club House) is the Holy Saints "MS". "Club-House" is usually called a room that belongs exclusively to this "MS" and anyone else. Foreign people cannot cross the "CH" threshold, except when they are invited by the President or the administration of the Club. For each extraneous indoor "CH", any of the members of MS is personally responsible, in the event of the wrong behavior of the guest, the MS member may incur serious punishment. The "CH" hosts quarterly and emergency meetings. In "CH" is kept the banner "MS". Also in the premises of "CH", the documentation and the material base of the club used to conduct various types of shares can be stored. In "CH" very often contains boxes and equipment for the repair of bikes (especially if this "MS" has its own sports teamsparticipating in drings or moto-crosse.).

What is "Chapter"?

"Chapter" (English - separation, in Russian is used on the principle of transcribed - Cpeta) - separation of this motoclub, based in another area, consisting by at least six bikers.

How many MC can be in this area (city, state, country)?

If in this area already exists MS, its members negatively refer to attempts to open new ClubSince the interests of the motoclabs in the future will definitely cross, which will lead to inevitable conflicts, and therefore, and to responsibility to the authorities. Therefore, if a new group People are worthy - it is taken into the existing MS, if not - expelled. Sometimes there are exceptions: for long years Wars and prisons of MS "got lost" to each other (for example, "Hell's Angels MC" and "Bandidos MC"), although conflicts occur periodically.

What is "colors"?

"Colors" (English - colors) - coat of arms of the Motoclub, its graphic inscription and location, as well as the letters "MC". Colors are usually executed in one or several colors of the national banner. For example, spurs "Hell's Angels MC" (USA) - red with white, "Silver Bullets MC" (Ukraine) - blue. Those who are not members of the Motoclub, copying, use and stylization of graphic drawing of the coat of arms and the names are prohibited.

What kind of motorcycle should I have, if I want to become a member of the MS?

Any. But there may be exceptions: Some MCs owning a package of shares of any of the motos, can put forward certain requirements for the motorcycle brand, mandatory for all Members and Prospects.

How is MC created?

There are two options for creating a motoclub. Both options imply the existence of a group of people who are ready to go to all for the sake of MC and each other. First option: A new MC opens with its own colores, developing independently. Later he can become Chapter of another MC. The second option: negotiations are underway with any of the MS on the opening of Chapter. And in that and in another case, unacceptable the use of other people's spools.

What hierarchy exists in ms?

The MS is determined by the initiative group of people - oficiers (English - officers).

Higher step of hierarchy - president. On his vest there is a special stripe - "Presentative" or "pres".

The next thing is the vice-president (stripe - "Vice Pressident" or "Vice Presters".), Automatically replacing the president when leaving or death of the latter.

Secretary - leads all the "paper" work in the club.

"Road Capitain" (English - Road Captain) is the most competent person in MS regarding travel planning on a specific route. That is, he must know well this road, all filling stations and recreation places on it. For each new route, a new Road Capitain can be elected.

"Treasury" (English - Treasury) - cashier managing Financials MS.

"Sergeant of Arms" (eng. - The military sergeant, armed sergeant) is a completely rigid figure. The authorities show it the greatest interest. Always, even on vacation, follows the order in MS. Determines the measure of punishment for those who guessed. "Member" (English - Valid Member) - Member of the Motoclub, can meet the name "Full Member" (English - Full Member).

"PROSPECT" (English - Candidate, promising newcomer) - a candidate who is being prepared to become Member. There is no right to vote at meetings and decision-making rights. In his colores there is no name and coat of arms MS.

"Hanground" (English - Cleaning about) - Possible Prospect, currently performing "draft" work in MS. On his vest, only the name of the region is common.

What is a club vest?

The vest can be leather or denim. Solours and badges for special differences are applied to it, if any. After applying the first of the spoors, the vest becomes the property of the club. It is unacceptable that the vest is in his hands not a member of the Motoclub.

Is there a special follow-up scheme in MS?

Exists. The scheme is very tough, always followed, for MS is always in motion, moving at high speed in any weather. Failure to comply with this scheme can lead to an accident.

How to become a member of "MC"?

It is necessary to communicate with the local MS, whose representatives, considering your candidacy, put forward certain requirements and prescribe a trial period. After expiration test period Either you will be accepted in MS, or it will be refused to say that members of the MS cannot be colored, women and representatives of non-traditional sexual orientation.

Biker vest

Why do we wear the same vests? As a matter of fact, the same should be opposed by the Biker Spool. Freedom, repeatedly inflamed in all films, novels and songs on a motorcycle topic, seemingly obliges to the fact that the real biker should be directly expressing in everything, sending the fuck everyone and everyone who though a little bit at the most self-expression.

Let's look at this matter on the other hand. It is well known that the "Angels of the MS" angels of the modern design of the MS became the "Angels of the Modern MS", which remaining the military pilots of the US Army. Thus, the common uniform form for all team members was for them and the continuation of the usual lifestyle and style lifestyle, and a reminder to society that a group of strong guys can organize themselves, linked to the army-type self-discipline. Post-war tents were difficult to surprise the presence of an arbitrarily large gang. But the gang, built on an army model and publicly demonstrating its own differences signs - there was a real challenge. Of course, a cowboy vest for any resident of the southern states is the same as the sediment for an ideologically convinced Ukrainian. But imagine that this embroidery several hundred people decided to sew shoulder straps and other distinctive army signs - the philistine would have scorn. The same apparently happened to the average man. Indirect confirmation of this - in the films about bikers Hollywood very reluctantly shows this, uniform part of the MS. On the contrary, the bikers appear in the very same wild and ridiculous clothes, remotely resembling vests, but without flowers, and are no longer the same. After all, any unauthorized over organizedness of citizens for any state is a threat. The pride of the state suffers from the fact that some people do not just want society to leave them alone, but also able to organize their lives themselves clearly, according to the charter, and with their own ideology and combat colors. Moving to the topic of necessity or "deprive" such Things like a biker club vest. She is most likely not needed by a person with the character of wild and freedom-loving. He will be "Gold" and dealershype in a quarter from home. Or Zhuja. Both are not a motorcycle. Both also connects among themselves the fact that no special obligations do not carry the owner of the wheel and wants all the problems - and is able to solve himself.

The biker vest of a single club sample suggests that the motorcyclist publicly signed under the concepts of concepts before the whole world. First, it is a public recognition of yourself equal to all other bikers, regardless of how much money and personal steepness you have. Secondly, the biker smirling his daughty individuality says that he is a manifold of generalized ideological concepts, if you please, the traditions born not in person in his head with a hangover, but the traditions of non-good and respected in advanced community circles. Therefore, all his individuality is entitled to implement in Tuning, Castomasing and in the demonstration of the ability to move on two wheels - and here there is no limit to perfection, it is possible to express all year round.

The story knows examples when a person is plot and he doesn't want to wear a vest. The answer is extremely simple - he may be arbitrarily good boyfriend And Rider, but he does not need MS by definition. It is still like a good athlete or violinist, for whom a career, and passion, and philosophy, do not want to go to the army under the contract, and philosophy are manifested in personal, rather than group actions.

Yes, the vest is easier for you, if you have. And gangsters and traffic cops. But here the practice of practice rests in the principles of vital activity of any particular club. If the Tusovka strives to warm up with society in any manifestations - then it is MG rather, with all the ensuing consequences.

If the meaning is simply to live on the road, then the maximum aggressiveness in relation to society is a denial of it in general and for all reasons. Then the vest is like a rattling on the tail at the rattling snake, which says: people, warning, do not touch me, you are tired of you with all your boring public rules and problems, I do not want to hang out on ideological reasons, in principle, I have my own company . And you will pester - get in the pumpkin. What sometimes should be done.

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  • The values \u200b\u200bof the plural in Russian, A. Festa. This book will be made in accordance with your order using Print-On-Demand technology. Reproduced in the original author's spelling of the publication of 1888 (Publisher "Voronezh" ...

Today, almost in all nightclubs have their own showmen or, as they are called, MS. But in 2000, this profession was not so popular as now. Alexey Mogilevsky is one of the first. He started with the fact that he conducted contests on discos. Then then came up with the stage name - smile (translated from English - smile)

Now Meschak Smile is one of the most popular MS Kherson. Read more about his profession he told himself.

What does "MS" mean?

MS - Master of Ceremony (literally translated from English-Wizard according to ceremonies). In general, MS and MS and MS abroad are "two large differences" If at a foreign scene of MS to music reads rap or something else, like "YO!", "Come on!", Then we still have contests, performs the work of an entertainer (announces the release of show ballets, DJs), " Takes "the public. We can say that MS is a kind of leading disco. Working MS, I learned to "feel" the audience, work with young people. I am often invited to different events. Recently I was the leading contest Miss-Kherson-2003, and now I am conducting a program at one of the Kherson Radio. - Festivals are often held - peculiar competitions for MS and DJs. You participated in one of these shows and took prize place. What do you think is the key to success?

Perhaps in behavior on stage. If some of my colleagues come out with the seated phrase "Kherson girls are the best !!!", then I'm trying to be more original. I never have a pre-harvested script. On the stage you need to behave naturally, and therefore you need to be able to improvise. In addition, the public is different. If there are solid people in front of you, then humor must be appropriate.

What is a disco party?

Merry relaxed youth. But there are also lovers to silent. They can not be perceived seriously. Once in a nightclub in which I work, a mexican show took place. I was on stage in a mexican costume. Someone from the crowd shouted: "Hey you, Pedro!" I turn to him gracefully and say: "Pedro is you, and I - Mucache!" Everyone laughed, and the guy after that behaved fragrant.

You say you spend contests. What kind?

Normal entertainment contests. Such are often carried out in children's recreation camps. Here is my favorite competition: several people come to the scene. They are distributed by drinks, and at the request of MS, all participants rush one shed. On the team "Let's go", they begot to drink water. And the winner becomes, for example, Vasya, who drank the drink last. Everything is in bewilderment ... then they report that the competition was on the most hairy feet ... at one time was popular and such a competition: two teams come to the scene. The one wins the longest rope from his things. Some participants wanted so much that remained only in underwear.

Is the MS Profit Profession?

In general, the work is well paid. When MS came to Kherson from Kiev, he received $ 50 per evening. I am also often invited to different nightclubs, not only Kherson.

Work mainly in the evenings. What are you doing in the afternoon? - In the afternoon I work at school. Teaching work and economy. Many funny stories are connected with this. I remember, on the eve of the first school day, a large disco took place before the dramaater. Many MO-boats gathered. I was ms. All evening worked on stage. When the next day the guys saw me at school, exclaimed: "Oh, smile! What are you doing here? " "I am your new teacher"I replied. They were shocked. But despite the fact that my disciples often see me in another role, there are no problems in the lessons with discipline. When in live air By radio playing prizes, sometimes my students are called. Send hello to your teacher of the economy ...

Can a girl be MS?

Sure. At one of the festivals, my opponent was a girl from Nikolaev - MS TARA. I ran into her in the final. Even nervous a little.

For you, what you do, work or hobby? - Both. Hobby - because I like it, and work - because money is paid for it