KVN Games with team participation Station sports. Order KVN Sports Station

KVN Games with team participation Station sports. Order KVN Sports Station
KVN Games with team participation Station sports. Order KVN Sports Station

The team that was supposed to become a champion Higher League Club fun and resourceful. January 10, 2018 she turned 15 years old. Who are we talking about? About the KVN team "Sports Station". The composition of this company, her life earlier and now, victory and loss, and the story is all that so worries those who have seen at least one speech by the guys.

History of creation

Despite the fact that the year of birth of the teams consider 2003, it appeared much earlier. The KVN team "Sports Station" appeared in the Pedagogical Institute physical culture and sports. Three participants of the team - Kozomoma, Pishenko and Nikifoinko were trained there.

Curious fact! Kozomoma and Nikifornko were friends in childhood. They with warmth remember times when they played together in football. However, after a long interruption in communication, they met again only at the university.

In 2002, a set in the KVN team was announced at the university. It was done to participate in the Cup of the South-Western Administrative District and responded as much as 40 people.

Team name

The participants of the "Sportivnaya Station" team did not immediately come up with such a cosmic name. There were also the options to name ourselves "Sunshine". There was an option to appear before the public, being the team "Children of Captain Schmidt".

Some believe that the word "station" in the title is associated with a metro station with a similar name. However, in fact we are talking About space station.

The second part of the name is not a slogan in life. So the composition of the team "Sportivnaya Station" decided to give the tribute to the faculty, on which they were all studied

First speeches

For the very first speeches, the team practically did not invent their own jokes. They took them from magazines and newspapers. Such an approach seemed to be quite normal.

In the semifinals of his first game, the "Sportivnaya Station" team took only third place, but it did not prevent her to get into the final. But there, Fortuna did not smile.

However, it could see only at first glance. It was on that game that the guys acquired friends who played important role In the formation of this "car" humor.

The beginning of the formation of the team composition

Only three remained from the first team itself - this is Dmitry Kitomoma, Ivan Pishenko and Alexey Nikifoinko. The remaining participants of the "Sports Station" are guys from other teams.

So, after participating in the Sochi festival of 2003, the composition of the KVN team "Sportivnaya Station" has replenished a person from the team of MFU. Unfortunately, their own university had no money to finance the team's speeches. So, in "Sportivnaya" a girl appeared - Rosita Evtich.

From there, the team went to act in the central league "Start KVN". Konstantin Obukhov played in the team of competitors. In the final of the League "Start", the guys took the second place and the next year they rushed back to the Sochi festival. Already there they received an invitation to perform in the "First League".

After they flew on 1/8, the composition of the KVN team "Sportivnaya Station" was replenished with another newcomer - Vladimir Labaev.

Euroleiga KVN in Minsk

Although the guys have already tried to perform in this league in 2004, despite the loss, they risked once again and did not lose. In 2005, in Minsk, they looked secondly in the second place. But what's good?

Some could decide that this is only another second place. But in fact, it was such attempts to make the team more experienced, which allowed them to accept invitations to participate in the Premier League KVN.

Premier League KVN

To participate in the television project, a formed team went. Almost until the very end, the guys kept, as if one family.

The captain of the "Sportivnaya Station" team became Ivan Pyshenko. He always showed himself as a bright and very talented actor. Nobody in the team never doubted the correctness of this choice.

The team's face was always and it was he who became the captain of the team when she fell into the television version of KVN. However, this, as before, was only a need caused by the rules of the project. Basically, all solutions team took together.

In the Premier League, the guys in all games won victory. So they got the most grand Prize - Ticket to the Higher League.

First participation in the tower

The first year was difficult for the whole team KVN "Sports Station". The photo of that time serves clearly evidence. With each game, the guys were becoming more and more sluggish and therefore flew in 1/4.

At this stage, the team did not break again. They risked and took part in the Higher Ukrainian League. There they "rolled out" their cult rooms "Fathers" and "Snegire". This made their favorites of Ukrainian spectators and, naturally, the winners.

Financial difficulties

In 2008, the team lost the sponsor. To continue to play in KVN and not miss the season, the guys had to look for the opportunity to earn. But their stales did not help them go further than 1/4.

In 2009, Alexey Yurin came up with the famous "George" number. He allowed the guys to go to the semifinals.

All the composition of the KVN team "Sportivna Station" took part in the event, dedicated day Birth of KVN. However, in the overall standings, the guys were in last place, but it did not break their spirit.

The brightest season

In 2011, the guys appeared a good sponsor. Then it was decided to try again to conquer the Higher League of KVN.

In order to reach the top, the team changed the style. Surprisingly it worked. Each game ended in the first place. In addition to the one that was final.

"Juice" from Samara just 0.2 points bypassed the "sports station". Yes, the champion of the team never became. In one of the interviews, they even indignged that their humor was worth winning.

Command Fishka

Everyone remembers the brand farewell of the team. Many ask what this final outlet means.

In fact, the guys just love very much famous picture John Evidsen with Sylvester Stallone in leading role - "Rocky". From there and take music.

And crawls with hands and screams is a way to throw out emotions. Each of the participants shouts with something. So, Ivan often shouted: "Lelik, I'll sit down!", And Rosita: "Puck".

Life after KVN.

Since 2012, the team has no longer performed in the club's official leagues, although pleased with their appearance on special projects and as assistants for younger teams.

The guys have families, children, their own television projects. Moreover, on the Internet it is easy to find their own website on which they offer their services as leading at the wedding and other events.

Moreover, the guys are always happy to help raise the corporate spirit. To do this, they offer their services as teachers and organizers of corporate KVN - an interesting species of teams.

Personal life of team actors

In total, there were 11 people in the team, 6 of which are actors. They only were not embodied on the stage. But what do we know about them? Consider the biographies of the three most famous of them.

Dmitry Kozomoma. Born in Moscow in 1981. It was always easy and open guy. After the KVN participated in several interesting projects, among which "laughter in big city"(STS) and" Tower "(Channel One). Since 2014, together with his friend, Ivan Pyshenko is a resident Comedy Club.. Until 2016, he said that the sick and was free, but later the cute photographs with a girl were increasingly on his page in Instagram. Who she is still not known.

Ivan Pyshenko. Also a native of Moscow. Born on January 25, 1982. Parents have always supported the hobbies of the Son and did not interfere with it to develop. Often, his image on stage is absolutely opposite to what Ivan in life. As for personal life, he has Olga's wife, and in 2013 a son was born in a couple.

Konstantin Obukhov. This young man was the director of the team, and now he is creative producer Comedy. Club Production. There is practically no information about his life. It is known that from February 14, 2009 he is married and happy in marriage.


When the guys began to play in KVN, most of them were almost 21 years old. Their parents could decide that humor is not something worth doing an adult man. But we see that the guys did not just do a favorite thing. They really succeeded in it.

So parents must trust their children, and youth - go to the goals set. "Sportivnaya station" was a small university team, which became famous in the end not only to the whole country, but also beyond.

  • Rosita Evtich - Director

KVN "Sportivnaya Station" - KVN team from Moscow.
In order to find out the conditions of invitation and order a performance on a celebration, call, official website page KVN team Sports station and contacts direct concert agent on the site.
Formed in 2002, in the Pedagogical Institute of Physical Culture. Vice Champions League KVN "Start", Voronezh 2003 Vice Champions Euroleague KVN, M. Minsk 2005. Champions Premier League KVN 2006 on this moment The semi-finalists of the highest league 2009.
The team played his first season in the three leagues. In the Moscow Student League of the MS KVN, the team "Station is directive" played for his native university, but, by coincidence, they had to refuse to participate in the semifinals, and the season in this league for the team from Pifka ended prematurely.
The second league in which the guys took part (but already as MFU) was the Moscow League Debut. Winning the quarter finals, the team came in the 1/3 finals of the Father's League and had already reached the semi-finals.
And in October 2003, the team "Sports Station", PIFK, invited to participate in the Interfacult Cup KVN MGPA 2003 - 2004. And in May 2004, on the finals of this Cup, they became indisputable champions.
The most successful league this season for the guys was the central league of MS KVN Start in the wonderful city of Voronezh. Because It is in this, educational league, they became vice champions. There they learned what good editors and a warm hall. And I understood that Eugene Donskaya (RUDN) and Vera Zborovskaya, actor and author of the Women's MGSU (which is now artistic director Teams). She also explained to the guys in Sochi, how to like "Tusovka", and why everyone laughs when someone climbs. But, of course, these are not the only people who helped the team and did from the guys those who became.
After a successful season in Voronezh, our guys (again as MFUs) got into the Sochi Festival Gala concert 2004. The team invitation to the first league gave a chance to guys show their talents in Tyumen. But ... In the 1/8 finals, two teams left the competition arena: Yakuts and our.
The team digested by defeat came to Moscow and continued the season in MSL. In a habit of habit, without waiting for the semi-finals, there was a sad parting with the abbreviation of the MFU, but not with friends.

Composition of the team "Sports Station":

  • Ivan Pyshenko - Captain, author, actor
  • Dmitry Kozomoma - Face of the Team, Frontman, author
  • Konstantin Obukhov - author, actor
  • Alexey Nikiforenko - author, actor
  • Vladimir Lebaev - author, actor
  • Ekaterina Gashkova - Financial Administrator
  • Dina Nikitina - Administrator
  • Rosita Evtich - Director
  • Egor Gorbatov - Sound Engineer
  • Daria Ovchukova-Suvorov - Private
  • Ksenia Barabanova - Private

The lead and leader of one of the most popular programs Television, who has become a nationwide game, in Israel, Japan, Australia, is a cheerful and resourceful club. President of the International Union of KVN and creative association "Amik".


Decree of the President of the MS KVN on the ban on the plus phonograms.

Decree of the President of MS KVN "On participation in non-Neknovsky television projects."

Rules and instructions for the work of the official leagues of MS KVN

Mail KVN stopped his work. You can use the temporary archive of KVN mail to extract from your mailbox valuable information for you. Email Archive KVN will stop its work on March 1, 2015.

Thank you for all this time you were with KVN mail.


In KVN, everything happens not as normal people. Although W. normal people There are our reasonable traditions. For example, textbooks every year reprinted, after correcting and complementing and complementing.

This book has already experienced three reissues. And this is not the limit, comrades! After all, KVN is changing along with our life, which means that the process of improvement is infinite!

The most amazing thing is this book, most of Which has been written for six to seven years ago, KVNschiki continue to read and even claim that reading it implies not only historical interest, but also practical benefits.

Our days

Today KVN is also not similar to KVN 50 years ago, as unlike the first television vehicles with a lens on modern flat screen devices, the sound of Dolby Surround and other addicts. But still. What started?

1956 year

History of the KVN team "Miemp Station Sportivna" from the mouth of the participants themselves.

Hello guys!
Vova:Do not get sick!
Dima: E-gay!

- And the first question: what are you waiting for this interview?
Lesha:Well ... we wanted, well ... win something.
Vania:Yes! Yes! Win all interview in the world !!

- Okay. Guys, how did the KVN team "Miemp Station" appeared?
Kostya:Maybe I will start?
Vania: Probably not! I was not even then!
Dima: E-g ...
Vania:Shut up!
Lesha:So I'll start! It all started back 2002 (plays a suitable music). The Pedagogical Institute of Physical Culture decided to create a KVN team to participate in the prefect of the South-West District of the city of Moscow. As a result, a team collected from two faculties, in which I and Dima got. Everything was fine until we realized that Shirma herself was not going anywhere.
Ivan:And here I appeared!
Kostya: Crazy to get away an important occupation!
Vania:Everything is important in KVN!
Lesha:Do not quarrel! So, everything was fine. But we understood that the team would not float without the name.
Dima:And what are we, sailing somewhere?
Vania:Shut up!
Lesha:There were options to name the sun, the children of Lieutenant Schmidt, UPI, but all these sounds were not new. Since all team members were athletes and studied in a sports university, we realized that the name should be associated with sports.
Dima: And then I proposed to be called "Ball Station"!
Lesha:We immediately poked the ball, but the "station" is so simple! And then we were overwhelmed and for three four they said: "Sports station"! And they went to the Scene of the JUSA Cup. It was on this cup that the leading and editor of the Evgeny Don Cup (RUDN) noted us. Waying the Cup, we realized that you need to move on. But since our university could not provide us with financial support for a trip to the Sochi Festival ...
Dima:We cried ...
Vania:But Zhenya Donskoy said, do not despair, and invited us to the team of MFU, who he and Vera Zborovskaya was at that time (Women's MGSU). Without guessing that these people will be a mom and dad for us, we went to Sochi!
Lesha:The result of the 13th Sochi Festival (2003) for our team was hit by an increased ranking and an invitation to the Moscow Student League, where we played as "Sports Station", and as the "MFU team" in the Voronezh League "Start"! No wonder this league is called "Start", it was in her with Pope and Mom we took the first step in a large KVN. By the way, Anatoly Vasilyevich Shulik and Valentin Ivanov, editor of the league, taught us to correctly implement what was born in our heads. For what thank you so much! As a result, we became vice-champions losing in the final of the Lipetsk Metallurgists team.

- And what?
Vania:And here we are on the 14th Sochi Festival (2004), where, after a successful ledge, the concert of the Sochi Festival with the number "Christmas tree" came to the gala, where we had a joke method. The result of the festival: the first league (Tyumen city), where, probably, because of the lack of experience, we fly away from the first game.
Vania:We cry again.
Lesha: After this game, we worried so much that they were even falling apart. And so we stayed in four, I, Dima, Lesha and Rosita ...

- What kind of Rosita?
Vania:Rosita went to us from MFU. it only person In our team, who went to us from MFU, but went with us.

- You all correctly formulated?
Dima:Not particularly of course, but we continue.
Vania: Since we were left again, they continued to play the favorite KVN at the faculty games of their university, whose champions we became two years in a row. There, in the faculty games, we found our fores from the team "Likbez" and invited him to our team.
Vova:So I appeared.
Lesha: In the same year, our friends, the team "Guys from our yard" of Mytishchi, offered us to try their hand in their team. We agreed and went to Minsk. When you playing one game, we did not find our place in the composition of their team and decided to part friendly.
Vania: But we left from there not with empty hands. Dmitry Solovyov, and Kostya joined us.
Dima: Here we are already a gang!
Lesha: And these combat makers we decided to try our strength at the same Top Cup of the Prefect of the South-West District. Winning the Cup:
Dima:We cried.
Lesha: But this time from happiness. After that, the KVN-Ovsky calm came for us. Many of us graduated from the institute, and it was necessary to move in education on. I and Vanya entered the graduate school of the Moscow Institute of Management Economics and Law, where the KVN team had once existed. It was within the walls of the institute that we met with a sweet, director of the team, and Egor to our sound engineer. Thus, our team has gained their home in which we live to this day.
Kostya:We combined their efforts and went to Sochi (2005) already as the KVN team "Miemp Station Sportiv."

- It's terribly interesting, and what, and what?
Dima:Well? What? Let's go and arrived. Everything is logical!
Vova:On the 15th Sochi festival had fun.
Dima:What notice is also logical!
Vania:We really wanted to get into the tower.
Kostya:So we got into the Euroleague. Minsk city. It is from this season that we understand that without diamonds, we have nowhere and Vane randomly someone cut off the pants. The team emblem also appeared - Horse! It symbolizes intelligence, wisdom, dynamic strength, agility, speed of thought. But honestly, we first came up with this emblem, and only then they already found out that it means. So the team style appeared.
Vova: We really enjoyed playing Minsk. This is a very beautiful and hospitable city. As they say, what city, such a league.
Vania:This season was banner for us, we became the vice of Euroleague champions, losing the team of "Smrequare" Minsk, got acquainted with the editors of Leonid Kudroudo and Yuri Krachchik, we had the first fans that support us and now. And it was this year that the station athletic opened in the Minsk metro. Such a gift was made by local authorities.

- And you went to Sochi?
Dima: Well, we first drove home, and then we really went to the city of Sochi.
Kostya:So, Sochi (2006). For the first time we get into full-format performance. What is very happy and traditionally want to go to the tower again.
Vova:So, Premier League !! It so happened that the Premier League season, we do not lose any game, became champions. Automatically deserving the right to play in the Higher League of KVN. For this, we thank our fans, editors Mikhail Gulikova and Valentina Ivanov, known to us on the League "Start" and Yevgeny Donskoy, who, as you see, in parallel, we also achieved certain success.
Vania:And already in the rank of champions Premier League we arrived in Sochi (2007).
Lesha: And now our dreams of the highest league have gained reality.
Dima: (crying) Well, finally!
Kostya:At the 18th festival, we again fall into full-format performance and begin preparations for the same eighth highest league of the International Union of KVN Season 2007 (hereinafter plays the most suitable music from the movie Rocky, the guys are bold with their hands and make lips).

- Thanks guys!
Everything:Yes, not for what Alexander Vasilyevich ...

MIEMP, Sports Station
All the names are fictional, coincidences with real name and characters - chance!

Dmitry Kozomoma is a talented comedy artist, widely known in Russia and the CIS countries, one of the frontmen of the KVN team "Sports Station". His special acting style has long been peculiar business card Native and brought this comedy team a lot of glorious victories.

But what else can be said about this bright and, definitely, the talented artist? What expensive Dima came to the scene of the club cheerful and resourceful? What bright events are his fate? You will try to find answers to these and many other questions today.

Childhood Dmitry Leather

The future famous KVN-KNN appeared in the world's most ordinary family and was in early childhood Most. ordinary child. He never differed in special success in school or in some other industries. On the theatrical scene Dmitry Kozomoma appeared no more than other students. Yes, and in those rare moments when his performances still happened, he never got out of a series of other schoolchildren employed in a particular formulation.

Little Dmitry Kitomoma was a regular guy: Loves to walk with friends, walk on discos and make new acquaintances. And only here, among his buddies, he was a real star. Close and native people knew Dmitry as a sociable and open guy who certainly became a soul of any company. He adored to joke, parody celebrities and is in the center of attention.

Graduate high School, Dmitry Kozomoma entered Moscow Pedagogical state Universitywho chose almost Naobum. At that moment, when the guy got up before choosing, some of his friends had already decided on a future specialty, and Dmitry decided not to lag behind the buddies. But the fact that the guy was in a pedagogical university played a decisive role in his life and a future career.

Star path Dmitry Skin. KVN

In 2001, during one of the student parties, Dmitry Kozomoma met his future teammate partners - Ivan Pyshenko and Alexei Nikiforenko. Together they decided to create a KVN team and very soon came with such a proposal to the rector. Having received "good" high bosses, three guys took up their plans to implement their plans. In 2002, the KVN team made his debut in the Minor League and very soon began to collect prestigious trophies one by one. So, in the list of awards of the team "Sportivnaya Station" was a silver medals of the League of Voronezh, Minsk Euroleague KVN, as well as the main awards of the Higher Ukrainian League.

"Sports Station" - Kozomomom - one house

It is very noteworthy that for some time Dmitry Kozomom also spoke with other comedy teams - KVN teams "MFU team" and "Guys from our yard" (city of Mytishchi). However, the most significant achievements in its professional career On the stage of the club cheerful and resourceful, of course, with a native team. Together with the "Sports Station", our today's hero became the winner of the Moscow Premier League (2006), as well as the owner of the Special Presidential Jurma Festival "Voting Kiwyn" (2010).

In the 2009 season, the team for the first time achieved serious success in the highest league of the club cheerful and resourceful, coming immediately to the semifinals. After that, there was no successful season 2010, which was marked only by receiving the presidential kiwin titled above, and then a real breakthrough in the 2011 season. That year the team became the Champion of the Azov League KVN and got to the final of the Higher League. Those silver medals have become an apogee of a long stage path of the popular team. From that moment on, Dmitry Kitomomom and other participants in the project "Sports Station" no longer appeared on the stage within official games KVN.

KVN, "Sports Station", Dmitry Kitomomoma - Loader

Dmitry Kozomoma after KVN. Comedy Club and other projects

After stopping the speeches in the transfer of Alexander Maslyakov, "Sportivna Station" went on tour in the cities of the CIS. Thus, the geography of touring speeches contained the cities of Russia, Ukraine, Belarus of some other states. Subsequently, each of the participants of that legendary team went his way. Many KVN artists stopped their speeches, but not Dmitry Kitomomom.

Thanks to the bright game and talent, the young man very quickly received many interesting proposals, which led him to the popular comedic projects "Laughter in the Big City" (CTC) and "not gross bags" (MUZ-TV). In 2013, a popular comedian actor "lit up" in the "Tower" project, which was published under the auspices of the First Channel. In this sports and entertainment program, the artist struggled for victory together with the team "Dolphins", but did not get to the final.

Dmitry Kitomomoma in "not grinding bags"; Release with Timur Rodriguez

Since 2014, Dmitry Kozomoma and Ivan Pishenko are comedy residents Club on TNT. A creative duet that has developed since the time of KVN to this day can be seen on the air of a popular entertainment channel.

Dmitry Kozomoma and Ivan Pishenko in the Black2White show

In 2015, Dmitry Kitomoma again appeared on the STS in the third season of intellectual-humorous quizzes " Big question", Becoming a regular participant of the show. Led by Vasily Dmitry Dmitry Kozomoma, Andrey Bednyakov and Alexander Yakushev tried to answer caverzny questions Either right or funny, earning points. The program received a good response of television viewers and the channel Directorate declared the release of the 4th season, but the show fans did not see the continuation.

In 2015, another project was released on the STS with the participation of Dmitry Skin - "Big Kitchen". The former Cunster, together with Dmitry Nagiyev, acted as a lead, told about the peculiarities and "internal kitchen" of popular channel TV projectors. This in the creative atmosphere, which is present in any kitchen, shared invited "star" guests - band "Bandera", Ksenia Borodin, Ingrid Oerinskaya, Georgy Dronov and many others.

Trailer for the film "What Men Creating 2"

In the same year, Dmitry first received an invitation in the full-length movie. The continuation of the Russian comedy "What men are creating" appeared at the box office in the same year 2015. Dmitry played another specialist in female hearts, whose skill level depended the security of the whole country. Special bright impressions The actor remained from filming bed scene from