Kiev princes. Old Russian princes

Kiev princes. Old Russian princes

According to the preamble to the chronicle, the printed 37 years (PSRL, T. I, STB. 18). According to all chronicles, he entered Kiev in 6488 (980) year (PSRL, vol. I, STB. 77), according to the "Memory and Praise of the Prince Russian Vladimir" - June 11th 6486 (978 ) year (library of literature of ancient Russia. T.1. p.326). Dating 978 year Especially actively defended A. A. Chematov, but there is still no one in science. He died on July 15, 6523 (1015) of the year (PSRL, T. I, STB. 130).

  • He began to prince after Vladimir's death (PSRL, T. I, STB. 132). Late in the late autumn of 6524 (1016) of the year by Yaroslav (PSRL, T. I, STB. 141-142).
  • He began to pronounce late autumn 6524 (1016) of the year. Broken into the battle on the bug July 22. (Titmar Merzeburgsky. Chronicle VIII 31) and fled to Novgorod in 6526 (1018) year (PSRL, vol. I, STB. 143).
  • Sat on the throne in Kiev August 14 1018 (6526) of the year ( Titmar Merzeburgian. Chronicle VIII 32). By the chronicles, Yaroslav was expelled in the same year (apparently in the winter of 1018/19), but usually his expulsion date 1019 (PSRL, vol. I, STB. 144).
  • Sell \u200b\u200bin Kiev in 6527 (1019) year (PSRL, t. I, STB. 146). According to a number of chronicles, he died on February 20, 6562 (PSRL, vol. II, STB. 150), in the first Saturday of St. Feodor's post, that is, in February 1055 (PSRL, T. I, STB. 162). The same 6562 year is listed in graffiti from the Saint Sophia Cathedral. However, on the day of the week, the most likely date is determined - February 19. 1054 on Saturday (in 1055 the post began later).
  • He began to pronomize after the death of the Father (PSRL, T. I, STB. 162). Excancing from Kiev September 15th 6576 (1068) of the year (PSRL, T. I, STB. 171).
  • Sat on the throne September 15th 6576 (1068) of the year, reinforced 7 months, that is, until April 1069 (PSRL, T. I, STB. 173)
  • She sat on the throne on May 2, 6577 (1069) of the year (PSRL, vol. I, STB. 174). Excanion in March 1073 (PSRL, T. I, STB. 182)
  • I sat on the throne on March 22, 6581 (1073) of the year (PSRL, T. I, STB.182). He died on December 27, 6484 (1076) of the year (PSRL, T. I, STB. 199).
  • She sat on the throne on January 1, March 6584 (January 1077) (PSRL, vol. II, STB. 190). In July of the same year he lost power to Brother Izyaslav.
  • Sat on the throne July 15 6585 (1077) of the year (PSRL, vol. I, STB. 199). Killed October 3 6586 (1078) of the year (PSRL, T. I, STB. 202).
  • I sat on the throne in October 1078. Died April 13. 6601 (1093) of the year (PSRL, T. I, STB. 216).
  • Sat on the throne April 24th 6601 (1093) of the year (PSRL, vol. I, STB. 218). Died April 16. 1113 years. The ratio of March and ultrapish years is indicated in accordance with the studies of N. G. Berezhkova, in the Lavrentiev and Troitskaya annals 6622 UltraMartovsky year (PSRL, T. I, STB. 290; Troitskaya Chronicle. St. Petersburg, 2002. С.206), on the Ipatiev Chronicle 6621 March year (PSRL, vol. II, STB. 275).
  • Sat on the throne 20 April 1113 (PSRL, t. I, STB. 290, t. VII, p. 23). Died May 19 1125 (March 6633 in the Lavrentievskaya and Trinity Chronicles, UltraMartovsky 6634 in the Ipatiev Chronicles) of the Year (PSRL, t. I, STB. 295, vol. II, STB. 289; Troitskaya Chronicle. С.208)
  • Sat on the throne May 20 1125 (PSRL, vol. II, STB. 289). Died April 15. 1132 on Friday (in the Lavrentievskaya, Trinity and Novgorod first annals on April 14, 6640, in the Ipatiev Chronicle April 15, 6641 Ultra Martovsky Year) (PSRL, t. I, STB. 301, vol. II, STB. 294, vol. III, page . 22; Troitskaya chronicle. P.212). The exact date is determined by the day of the week.
  • Sat on the throne April 17. 1132 (Ultrapartovsky 6641 in the Ipatiev Chronicle) of the Year (PSRL, vol. II, STB. 294). Died 18th of Febuary 1139, in the Lavrentiev Chronicles of March 6646, in the Ipatiev Chronicle UltraMartovsky 6647 (PSRL, T. I, STB. 306, vol. II, STB. 302) In the Nikonova Chronicle, explicitly mistaken on November 8, 6646 (PSRL, T. IX, STB. 163).
  • Sat on the throne February 22 1139 on Wednesday (March 6646, in the Ipatiev Chronicles on February 24 of the UltraMartovsky 6647) (PSRL, T. I, STB. 306, vol. II, STB. 302). The exact date is determined by the day of the week. March 4. Removed in tours at the request of Vsevolod Olgovich (PSRL, vol. II, STB. 302).
  • Sat on the throne the 5th of March 1139 (March 6647, Ultrapartovsky 6648) (PSRL, T. I, STB. 307, vol. II, STB. 303). Died July 30. (so on the Lavrentiev and Novgorod fourth chronicles, on the Ipatiev and Voskrevskaya annals on August 1) 6654 (1146) of the year (PSRL, T. I, STB. 313, vol. II, STB. 321, t. IV, p. 151, t . VII, p. 35).
  • I sat on the throne after the death of my brother. Printed 2 weeks (PSRL, vol. III, p. 27, vol. Vi, Vol. 1, STB. 227). August 13 1146 defeated and fled (PSRL, t. I, STB. 313, vol. II, STB. 327).
  • Sat on the throne August 13 1146. Smashed in battle on August 23, 1149 and left the city (PSRL, vol. II, STB. 383).
  • Sat on the throne August 28 1149 (PSRL, t. I, STB. 322, vol. II, STB. 384), Date 28 in the chronicle is not specified, but almost flawlessly calculated: the day after the battle, Yuri entered Pereyaslav, spent three days and headed To Kiev, namely, the 28th was Sunday, more appropriate for the throne. Excanion in 1150, in summer (PSRL, vol. II, STB. 396).
  • Sell \u200b\u200bon Yaroslavl yard in 1150, when the city left Yuri. But Kievans immediately called Izyaslav, and Vyacheslav left the city (PSRL, vol. II, STB. 396-398). Then, by agreement with Izyaslav, sat on Yaroslavl yard, but immediately left him (PSRL, vol. II, STB. 402).
  • I sat on the throne in 1150 (PSRL, t. I, STB. 326, vol. II, STB. 398). In a few weeks, the expense (PSRL, T. I, STB. 327, vol. II, STB. 402).
  • Having sat on the throne in 1150, in about August (PSRL, t. I, STB. 328, vol. II, STB. 403), after that in the chronicles (vol. II, STB. 404), the Holiday Exaltation of the Cross will be mentioned (14 September). In the winter of 6658 (1150/1) of the year (PSRL, T. I, STB. 330, vol. II, STB. 416).
  • I sat on the throne in 6658 (PSRL, t. I, STB. 330, vol. II, STB. 416). Died the 13th of November 1154 (PSRL, vol. I, STB. 381-342, vol. IX, p. 198) (according to the Ipatiev Chronicle on the night of November 14, at the Novgorod First Chronicles - November 14 (PSRL, vol. II, STB. 469 ; t. III, p. 29).
  • Having sat down on the throne together with the nephew in the spring of 6659 (1151) of the year (PSRL, T. I, STB. 336, vol. II, STB. 418) (or in the winter of 6658 (PSRL, t. IX, p. 186). Died At the end of 6662, shortly after the start of the Rostislav renovation (PSRL, T. I, STB. 342, vol. II, STB. 472).
  • I sat on the throne in 6662 (PSRL, vol. I, STB. 342, vol. II, STB. 470-471). According to the Novgorod first chronicle, arrived in Kiev from Novgorod and sat for a week (PSRL, vol. III, p. 29). Taking into account the time of the path, his arrival in Kiev dates back to January 1155. In the same year, he was divided into battle and left Kiev (PSRL, t. I, STB. 343, vol. II, STB. 475).
  • I sat on the throne in winter 6662 (1154/5) of the year (PSRL, t. I, STB. 344, vol. II, STB. 476). Lit power Yury (PSRL, vol. II, STB. 477).
  • Slight for the throne in the spring of 6663 in the Ipatiev chronicles (on the outcome of winter 6662 in the Lavrentiev chronicles) (PSRL, T. I, STB. 345, vol. II, STB. 477) in Palm Sunday (i.e. 20th of March) (PSRL, vol. III, p. 29, see Karamzin N. M. History of the state of the Russian. T. II-III. M., 1991. p.164). Died May 15 1157 (March 6665 in the Lavrentievsky Chronicles, Ultra Martary 6666 in the Ipatiev Chronicle) (PSRL, T. I, STB. 348, vol. II, STB. 489).
  • Sat on the throne May 19 1157 (Ultrapartovsky 6666, so in the Khlebnikovsky list of the Ipatiev Chronicle, in its Ipatiev list mistaken on May 15) of the year (PSRL, vol. II, STB. 490). In the Nikonov Chronicles on May 18 (PSRL, t. IX, p. 208). Excanion from Kiev in the winter of March 6666 (1158/9) of the year (PSRL, t. I, STB. 348). In the Ipatiev Chronicles, Iznannaya at the end of Ultrapartovsky 6667 (PSRL, vol. II, STB. 502).
  • Sell \u200b\u200bin Kiev December 22 6667 (1158) of the year in the Ipatiev and Voskrevskaya chronicles (PSRL, vol. II, STB. 502, vol. VII, p. 70), in the winter of 6666 in the Lavrentiev Chronicles, in the Nikonova Chronicles on August 22, 6666 (PSRL, t. IX , p. 213), driving out from there Iaslav, but then gave him to Rostislav Mstislavich (PSRL, t. I, STB. 348)
  • Sell \u200b\u200bin Kiev April 12th 1159 (Ultrapartovsky 6668 (PSRL, vol. II, STB. 504, date in the Ipatiev Chronicle), in the spring of March 6667 (PSRL, vol. I, STB. 348). He left the departed Kiev on February 8 of the Ultrapartovsky 6669 (that is, in February 1161) (PSRL, vol. II, STB. 515).
  • Sat on the throne 12th of February 1161 (Ultrapartovsky 6669) (PSRL, vol. II, STB. 516) in the Sofia First Chronicle - in the winter of March 6668 (PSRL, T. VI, Vol. 1, Stb. 232). Killed in battle March, 6 1161 (Ultrapartovsky 6670) of the year (PSRL, vol. II, STB. 518).
  • He again climbed the throne after the death of Izyaslav. Died March 14th 1167 (in the Ipatievsky and Voskrevskaya Chronicles, died on March 14, 6676 UltraMartovsky year, was buried on March 21, in the Lavrentievsky and Nikonovsky Chronicles, died on March 21, 6675) (PSRL, t. I, STB. 353, vol. II, STB. 532 , t. VII, p. 80, t. IX, p. 233).
  • He was a legitimate heir after the death of his brother Rostislav. According to the Lavrentievsky chronicles, Mstislav Iaslavich in 6676 expelled Vladimir Mstislavich from Kiev and sat on the throne (PSRL, T. I, STB. 353-354). In the Sofia First Chronicle, the same message is placed twice: under 6674 and 6676 (PSRL, T. VI, Issue 1, STB. 234, 236). Also, this plot sets out Jan Dlugosh (SHAVELEVA N. I. Ancient Russia in the "Polish history" Yana Dlugosha. M., 2004. p.326). The Ipatiev Chronicle does not mention Vladimir's replacement at all, apparently, he then did not reign.
  • On the Ipatiev chronicle, sat down on the throne May 19 6677 (that is, in this case, 1167) of the year (PSRL, vol. II, STB. 535). The jointed army moved to Kiev, according to the Lavrentiev chronicles, in the winter of 6676 (PSRL, vol. I, STB. 354), in the Ipatiev and Nikonovsky, winter 6678 (PSRL, vol. II, STB. 543, t. IX, p. 237 ), in the Sofia first, in the winter of 6674 (PSRL, vol. Vi, vol. 1, STB. 234), which corresponds to winter 1168/69. Kiev was taken March 8, 1169On Wednesday (on the Ipatiev Chronicles of 6679, on the Resourcement 6678 year, but the day of the week and the indication on the second week of the post corresponds to exactly 1169) (PSRL, vol. II, STB. 545, vol. VII, p. 84).
  • I sat on the throne on March 8, 1169 (in the Ipatiev Chronicle, 6679 (PSRL, vol. II, STB. 545), according to the Lavrentiev Chronicles, in 6677 (PSRL, vol. I, STB. 355).
  • Having sat on the throne in 1170 (in the Ipatiev Chronicles in 6680) year (PSRL, vol. II, STB. 548). Leaving Kiev in the same year on Monday, in the second week for Easter (PSRL, vol. II, STB. 549).
  • Again sat in Kiev after the expulsion of Mstislav. Died, in the Lavrentievsky chronicle, in UltraMartovsky 6680 (PSRL, vol. I, STB. 363). Died January 20th 1171 (according to the Ipatiev chronicles it is 6681, and this year's designation in Ipatievsky exceeds the March account for three units) (PSRL, vol. II, STB. 564).
  • Sat on the throne February, 15 1171 (in the Ipatiev Chronicle it is 6681) (PSRL, vol. II, STB. 566). Died May 30 1171 Sunday (on the Ipatiev Chronicle it is 6682, but the correct date is established on the day of the week) (PSRL, vol. II, STB. 567).
  • Andrei Bogolyubsky ordered him to take it on the throne in Kiev in the winter of Ultrapartovsky 6680 (in the Ipatiev Chronicle - in the winter of 6681) (PSRL, t. I, STB. 364, vol. II, STB. 566). He sat down on the throne in July 1171 (in the Ipatiev chronicle it is 6682, in the Novgorod first chronicle - 6679) (PSRL, vol. II, STB. 568, vol. III, p. 34) Later, Andrei ordered the novel to leave Kiev, And he went to Smolensk (PSRL, vol. II, STB. 570).
  • In the Sofia First Chronicle, sat on the throne after the novel in 6680 (PSRL, T. VI, Issue 1, STB. 237; t. IX, p. 247), but immediately gave him to his brother Vsevolod.
  • Sit on the throne 5 weeks after the novel (PSRL, vol. II, STB. 570). The printed in Ultrapartovsky 6682 (in the Ipatievsky, and in the Lavrentievsky chronicles), taken captive by Davydov Rostislavich on the praise of the Saint Virgin (PSRL, T. I, STB. 365, vol. II, STB. 570).
  • I sat on the throne after the prisoner of Vsevolod in 1173 (6682 Ultra Martartov) (PSRL, vol. II, STB. 571). When Andrei sent the army in the same year to South, Rurik left Kiev (PSRL, vol. II, STB. 575).
  • In November 1173 (Ultrapartovsky 6682), he sat down on the throne under the agreement with Rostislavichi (PSRL, vol. II, STB. 578). Princes in Ultrapartovsky 6683 (according to the Lavrentiev Chronicles), Svyatoslav Vsevolodovich defeated (PSRL, t. I, STB. 366). In the Ipatiev Chronicle, in the winter of 6682 (PSRL, vol. II, STB. 578). In the Resurrection Chronicle, his reign is once again mentioned under 6689 (PSRL, T. VII, p. 96, 234).
  • Singing 12 days in Kiev and returned to Chernigov (PSRL, t. I, STB. 366, vol. Vi, Vol. 1, STB. 240) (in the Resurrection Chronicle under the 6680 year (PSRL, T. VII, p. 234)
  • Again villages in Kiev, concluding an agreement with Svyatoslav, in the winter of Ultrapartovsky 6682 (PSRL, vol. II, STB. 579). Lifted Kiev to Roman in 1174 (Ultrarty 6683) year (PSRL, vol. II, STB. 600).
  • Sell \u200b\u200bin Kiev in 1174 (Ultrapartovsky 6683) year, in spring (PSRL, vol. II, STB. 600, vol. III, p. 34). In 1176 (Ultrapartovsky 6685) left Kiev (PSRL, vol. II, STB. 604).
  • He entered Kiev in 1176 (Ultrarty 6685) (PSRL, vol. II, STB. 604). In 6688 (1181), Kiev left Kiev (PSRL, vol. II, STB. 616)
  • I sat on the throne in 6688 (1181) year (PSRL, vol. II, STB. 616). But soon left the city (PSRL, vol. II, STB. 621).
  • I sat on the throne in 6688 (1181) year (PSRL, vol. II, STB. 621). He died in 1194 (in the Ipatiev Chronicle in March 6702, according to the Lavrentievsky chronicle in Ultrapartovsky 6703) year (PSRL, t. I, STB. 412), in July, on Monday to the day of McCaveev (PSRL, vol. II, STB. 680) .
  • I sat on the throne in 1194 (March 6702, Ultrapartovsky 6703) year (PSRL, t. I, STB. 412, vol. II, STB. 681). It is expelled from Kiev Roman in Ultrapartovsky 6710 in the Lavrentiev Chronicles (PSRL, T. I, STB. 417).
  • Having sat on the throne in 1201 (in the Lavrentievsky and Voskresenskiy chronicles in Ultrapartovsky 6710, according to Troitskaya and Nikonovsky chronicles in March 6709) by the will of Roman Mstislavich and Vsevolod Yuryevich (PSRL, t. I, STB. 418; t. VII, p. 107 ; t. X, p. 34; Trinity chronicle. p.284).
  • Took Kiev on January 2, 1203 (6711 Ultraphartovsky) of the year (PSRL, T. I, STB. 418). In the Novgorod first chronicle on January 1, 6711 (PSRL, vol. III, p. 45), in the Novgorod Fourth Chronicles on January 2, 6711 (PSRL, vol. Iv, p. 180), in Troitskaya and Voskresensky annals 2 January 6710 ( Troitskaya chronicle. C.285; PSRL, T. VII, p. 107). Vsevolod confirmed the Rüric Board in Kiev. Roman Tesriga Rurik in the monks in 6713 in the Lavrentiev Chronicles (PSRL, vol. I, STB. 420) (in the Novgorod first younger facing and the Trinity Chronicles of the winter of 6711 (PSRL, vol. III, p. 240; Troitskaya Chronicle. S. 286), in the Sofia First Chronicle 6712 (PSRL, vol. Vi, Vol. 1, STB. 260).
  • See the Encyclopedia of Boguslavsky
  • It was planted for the throne by agreement of the novel and Vsevolod after Rurik's Taking the Winter (that is, at the beginning of 1204) (PSRL, t. I, STB. 421, vol. X, p. 36).
  • Rent again on the throne in July, the month is established on the basis of the fact that Rurik is absorbed after the death of Roman Mstislavich, which followed June 19, 1205 (Ultrapartovsky 6714) of the year (PSRL, T. I, STB. 426) in the Sofia First Chronicle 6712 (PSRL , T. VI, Vol. 1, STB. 260), in Trinity and Nikonovsky chronicles under 6713 (Trinity chronicle. C.292; PSRL, vol. X, p. 50). After an unsuccessful hike to Galich in March 6714, he retired in hand (PSRL, T. I, STB. 427). According to the Lavrentiev Chronicles, sat in Kiev (PSRL, vol. I, STB. 428). In 1207 (March 6715) fled again in hand (PSRL, T. I, STB. 429). It is believed that messages under 1206 and 1207 duplicate each other (see also PSRL, T. VII, p. 235: Interpretation in the Resurrection Chronicles as two princes)
  • Sell \u200b\u200bin Kiev in March 6714 (PSRL, t. I, STB. 427), in about august. Date 1206 is specified by synchronism with a hike to Galich. According to the Lavrentievsky chronicle, in the same year I was expelled by Rurik (PSRL, t. I, STB. 428), then sat in Kiev in 1207, driving Rüric. In the autumn of the same year, Rurik (PSRL, T. I, STB. 433). Messages in the chronicles under 1206 and 1207 duplicate each other.
  • Sell \u200b\u200bin Kiev in the fall of 1207, in about October (Troitskaya chronicle. C.293, 297; PSRL, vol. X, p. 52, 59). In the Troitskaya and most parts of the list of Nikonov chronicles, duplicate messages are placed under 6714 and 6716. The exact date is established by synchronism with the Ryazan campaign of Vsevolod Yuryevich. By agreement 1210 (on the Lavrentiev Chronicles of 6718), they went to the Chernigov (PSRL, vol. I, STB. 435). In the Nikonovsky Chronicles - in 6719 (PSRL, vol. X, p. 62), on the Resurrection Chronicle - in 6717 (PSRL, T. VII, p. 235).
  • The last 10 years and is expelled from Kiev Mstislav Mstislavich in the fall of 1214 (in Novgorod first and fighter annals, as well as the Nikonovskaya this event is described under 6722 (PSRL, vol. III, p. 53; t. IV, p. 185, t. X, pp. 67), in the Sofia first chronicle, is clearly mistakenly mistaken under the 6703 year and secondary under 6723 (PSRL, T. VI, Issue 1, STB. 250, 263), in the Tver Chronicles twice - under 6720 and 6722, in Resurrection Chronicles under the 6720 Year (PSRL, vol. VII, p. 118, 235, vol. XV, STB. 312, 314). Data from the heart-painted reconstruction speak for 1214, for example, February 1, March 6722 (1215) was Sunday, As indicated in the Novgorod first chronicle, and in the Ipatiev Chronicle, Vsevolod is specified as Kiev Prince under 6719 (PSRL, vol. II, STB. 729), which in its chronology corresponds to 1214 (Majorov A. V. Galico-Volynskaya Rus. SPb, 2001. p.411). However, by N. G. Berezhkovoy, based on the comparison of the data of the Novgorod Chronicles with Livonian Chronicles, is 1212.
  • His brief reign after the expulsion of Vsevolod is mentioned in the Resurrection Chronicle (PSRL, T. VII, p. 118, 235).
  • I sat on the throne after the expulsion of Vsevolod (in the Novgorod first chronicle under 6722). Killed in 1223, for the tenth year of his reign (PSRL, vol. I, STB. 503), after the battle on Kalka, which occurred on May 30, 6731 (1223) of the year (PSRL, vol. I, STB. 447). In the Ipatiev Chronicles of 6732, in the Novgorod first on May 31, 6732 (PSRL, vol. III, p. 63), in Nikonovskaya on June 16, 6733) (PSRL, vol., P. 92), in the introductory part of the Resurrection Chroniclery Year (PSRL, T. VII, p. 235), but in the main part of the Voskresenskaya on June 16, 6731 (PSRL, T. VII, p. 132). He killed on June 2, 1223 (PSRL, T. I, STB. 508) Numbers in the chronicles, but it is stated that after the battle at Kalka, the Prince Mstislav was defended for three more days. The accuracy of the date 1223 for the battle on the kallet is set by comparing a number of foreign sources.
  • According to the Novgorod first chronicle, sat in Kiev in 1218 (Ultrarty 6727) year (PSRL, vol. III, p. 59, t. IV, p. 199; t. Vi, Vol. 1, STB. 275), which may indicate on his co-burning. I sat on the throne after the death of Mstislav (PSRL, T. I, STB. 509) on June 16, 1223 (Ultrapartovsky 6732) of the year (PSRL, T. VI, Issue 1, STB. 282, vol. XV, STB. 343). He was captured to the Polovtsy, when they took Kiev in 6743 (1235) year (PSRL, vol. III, p. 74). In the Sofia First and Moscow-Academic Chronicles, the last 10 years, but the date in them is the same - 6743 years (PSRL, T. I, STB. 513; T. VI, Vol. 1, Stb. 287).
  • In the early chronicles without patronymic (PSRL, vol. II, STB. 772, vol. III, p. 74), not mentioned in Lavrentiev. Izyaslav. Mstislavich in the Novgorod fourth, Sofia first (PSRL, t. IV, p. 214; t. Vi, Vol. 1, STB. 287) And the Moscow-academic chronicles, in the Tver Chronicles he is named the son of Mstislav Romanovich Brave, and in Nikonovsky and Voskresensk - Grandson Roman Rostislavich (PSRL, T. VII, p. 138, 236; t. X, p. 104; XV, STB. 364), but there was no such prince (in Voskresensk, called the son of Mstislav Romanovich Kiev). According to modern scientists, it is either Izyaslav Vladimirovich, son of Vladimir Igorevich (such an opinion is common since N. M. Karamzin), or the son of Mstislava removed (analysis of this issue: Majorov A. V. Galitsko-Volynskaya Rus. SPb, 2001. S.542-544). Having sat on the throne in 6743 (1235) year (PSRL, t. I, STB. 513, vol. Iii, p. 74) (in Nikonovskaya in 6744th). In the Ipatiev Chronicles mentioned under 6741.
  • I sat on the throne in 6744 (1236) year (PSRL, vol. I, STB. 513, vol. Iii, p. 74, vol. Iv, p. 214). In Ipatievsky under 6743 (PSRL, vol. II, STB. 777). In 1238 went to Vladimir (PSRL, vol. X, p. 113).
  • A brief list of princes at the beginning of the Ipatiev Chronicles places it after Yaroslav (PSRL, vol. II, STB. 2), but it may be an error. Takes this Prince M. B. Sverdlov (Sverdlov M. B. Domongolskaya Rus. SPb, 2002. P. 653).
  • She took Kiev in 1238 after Yaroslav (PSRL, vol. II, STB. 777, t. VII, p. 236; t. X, p. 114). When Tatars came to Kiev, went to Hungary (PSRL, vol. II, STB. 782). In the Ipatiev Chronicle under the 6746 year, in Nikonovskaya under 6748 (PSRL, vol. X, p. 116).
  • Having taken Kiev after leaving Mikhail, Iznan Daniel (in the Ipatiev Chronicle under 6746, in the Novgorod fourth and Sofia first under 6748) (PSRL, vol. II, STB. 782, t. IV, p. 226; vi, Vol. 1, STB. 301).
  • Daniel, taking Kiev in 6748, left in it a thousand Dmitra (PSRL, t. IV, p. 226, vol. X, p. 116). Dmitr led the city at the time of taking by Tatars (PSRL, vol. II, STB. 786) on Nikolin Day (that is, on December 6, 1240) (PSRL, vol. I, STB. 470).
  • According to his life, returned to Kiev after the Tatars departure (PSRL, T. VI, Issue.1, STB. 319).
  • C According to Russian princes, they received power with the sanction of Khanov Golden Horde (in the Russian terminology of the "kings"), which were recognized as the supreme rulers of Russian lands.
  • In 6751 (1243), Yaroslav arrived in the Horde and was recognized as the ruler of all Russian lands "the oldest prince in Russian Land" (PSRL, T. I, STB. 470). Sell \u200b\u200bin Vladimir. The moment when he took possession of Kiev, not specified in the chronicles. It is known that in the year (in the city I was sitting by Boyar Dmitr Eykovich (PSRL, t. II, STB. 806, in the Ipatiev Chronicle, it was indicated under 6758 (1250) year in connection with the trip to the war Daniel Romanovich, the correct date is set to synchronize with Polish Sources. Died September 30th 1246 (PSRL, vol. I, STB. 471).
  • After the death of his father, together with Brother Andrei went to the Horde, and from there to the capital of the Mongolian Empire - Karakorum, where in 6757 (1249) Andrei received Vladimir, and Alexander - Kiev and Novgorod. Modern historians disagree in the assessment, who belonged to the formal seniority from the brothers. In Kiev, Alexander did not live. Before the expulsion of Andrei in 6760 (1252), the rules in Novgorod, then received Vladimir in Horde. Died November 14
  • Sell \u200b\u200bin Rostov and Suzdal in 1157 (March 6665 in the Lavrentiev Chronicles, Ultra Martary 6666 in the Ipatiev Chronicle) (PSRL, T. I, STB. 348, vol. II, STB. 490). Killed June 29, on the feast of Peter and Paul (in the Lavrentiev Chronicles of Ultrapartovsky 6683) (PSRL, vol. I, STB. 369) on the Ipatiev Chronicle on June 28, on the eve of Peter and Paul's holiday (PSRL, vol. II, STB. 580), Sofia First Chronicle June 29, 6683 (PSRL, vol. Vi, Vol. 1, Stb. 238).
  • Sell \u200b\u200bin Vladimir in Ultrapartovsky 6683, but after 7 weeks the siege retired (that is, in about September) (PSRL, T. I, STB. 373, vol. II, STB. 596).
  • Sell \u200b\u200bin Vladimir (PSRL, t. I, STB. 374, vol. II, STB. 597) in 1174 (Ultrapartovsky 6683) year. June 15. 1175 (Ultrapartovsky 6684) of the year defeated and fled (PSRL, vol. II, STB. 601).
  • Sell \u200b\u200bin Vladimir June 15. 1175 (Ultrapartovsky 6684) of the year (PSRL, T. I, STB. 377). (In the Nikonov Chronicles on June 16, but the error is established on the day of the week (PSRL, t. IX, p. 255). Died June 20. 1176 (Ultrapartovsky 6685) of the year (PSRL, T. I, STB. 379, t. IV, p. 167).
  • Having sat on the throne in Vladimir after the death of Brother in June 1176 (Ultrartovsky 6685) (PSRL, T. I, STB. 380). Died, on the Lavrentievsky chronicle, April 13, 6720 (1212), for the memory of St. Martin (PSRL, t. I, STB. 436) in Tver and Voskresenskaya chronicles April 15. For the memory of the Apostle Aristarha, on Sunday (PSRL, T. VII, p. 117; t. XV, STB. 311), in the Nikonov Chronicles on April 14 for memory of St. Martin, on Sunday (PSRL, vol. X, p. 64), in the Trinity Chronicles on April 18, 6721, in memory of St. Martin (Troitskaya chronicle. P.299). In 1212 April 15 - Sunday.
  • He sat on the throne after the death of his father in accordance with his will (PSRL, vol. X, p. 63). April 27. 1216, on Wednesday, left the city, leaving him a brother (PSRL, t. I, STB. 500, the number in the chronicles is not directly indicated, but this is the following environment after April 21, which was Thursday).
  • I sat on the throne in 1216 (Ultrapartovsky 6725) year (PSRL, t. I, STB. 440). Died February 2 1218 (Ultrapartovsky 6726, so in the Lavrentiev and Nikonovsky Chronicles) (PSRL, T. I, STB. 442, vol. X, p. 80) in the Tver and Trinity Chronicles 6727 (PSRL, vol. XV, STB. 329 ; Troitskaya chronicle. P.304).
  • I sat on the throne after the death of my brother. Killed in a battle with Tatars March 4. 1238 (in the Lavrentiev chronicles, still under 6745, in the Moscow-academic chronicles under 6746) (PSRL, T. I, STB. 465, 520).
  • I sat down on the throne after the death of Brother in 1238 (PSRL, vol. I, STB. 467). Died September 30th 1246 (PSRL, vol. I, STB. 471)
  • I sat on the throne in 1247, when I came to the news of the death of Yaroslav (PSRL, t. I, STB. 471, vol. X, p. 134). According to the Moscow-Academic Chronicles, sat on the throne in 1246 after a trip to the Orda (PSRL, T. I, STB. 523) (at the Novgorod Fourth Chronicles, sat in 6755 (PSRL, t. IV, p. 229).
  • Svyatoslav expelled in 6756 (PSRL, t. IV, p. 229). Killed in winter 6756 (1248/1249) of the year (PSRL, vol. I, STB. 471). In the Novgorod fourth chronicle - in 6757 (PSRL, vol. IV, STB. 230). Monthly unknown.
  • I sat down again for the throne, but I was driven by Andrei Yaroslavich (PSRL, t. XV, Issue 1, STB. 31).
  • Sat on the throne in winter 6757 (1249/50) of the year (in december), Having received a reign from Khan (PSRL, t. I, STB. 472), the ratio of news in the chronicle shows that he returned in any case earlier than December 27th. Fight from Russia during the Tatar invasion in 6760 ( 1252 ) year (PSRL, t. I, STB. 473), the victim defeat in the battle for St. Boris's Day ( July 24.) (PSRL, T. VII, p. 159). According to the Novgorod first younger favor and the Sofia first annals, it was in 6759 (PSRL, vol. III, p. 304, vol. Vi, vol. 1, STB. 327), according to the Easter tables of the middle of the XIV century (PSRL, t. Iii, pp. 578), Troitskaya, Novgorod Fourth, Tver, Nikonovsky Chronicles - in 6760 (PSRL, T. IV, p. 230; t. X, p. 138; t. XV, STB. 396, Trinity chronicle. P.324).
  • In 6760 (1252), he received a great reign in Horde and villages in Vladimir (PSRL, t. I, STB. 473) (at the Novgorod Fourth Chronicles - in 6761 (PSRL, T. IV, p. 230). Died November 14 6771 (1263) of the year (PSRL, t. I, STB. 524, vol. III, p. 83).
  • I sat on the throne in 6772 (1264) year (PSRL, t. I, STB. 524; t. IV, p. 234). Died in winter 1271/72 (Ultrapartovsky 6780 in Easter tables (PSRL, vol. III, p. 579), in the Novgorod First and Sophia First Chronicles, March 6779 in the Tver and Trinity Chronicles) Year (PSRL, vol. III, p.89 , T. VI, Vol. 1, STB. 353, t. XV, STB. 404; Troitskaya chronicle. p.331). Comparison with the mention of the death of Princess Maria Rostovskaya on December 9 shows that Yaroslav died at the beginning of 1272.
  • I sat down on the throne after the death of Brother in 6780. Died in winter 6784 (1276/77) of the year (PSRL, vol. III, p. 323), in january (Trinity chronicle. P.333).
  • I sat on the throne in 6784 (1276/77) after the death of uncle (PSRL, vol. X, p. 153; t. XV, STB. 405). Mention of a trip to the Horde this year is missing.
  • I received a great reign in the Horde in 1281 (Ultrarty 6790 (PSRL, vol. III, p.324, vol. Vi, vol. 1, STB. 357), in the winter of 6789, coming to Russia in December (Trinity chronicle. P.338 ; PSRL, vol. X, p. 159) year. He reconciled with his brother in 1283 (Ultrartovsky 6792 or March 6791 (PSRL, vol. III, p. 326, t. IV, p. 245; t. Vi, vol. 1, STB. 359; Troitskaya chronicle. P.340). Such dating of events was adopted by N. M. Karamzin, N. G. Berezhkovoy and A. A. Gorsky, V. L. Yanin offers dating: Winter 1283-1285 ( See Analysis: Gorsky A. A. Moscow and the Horde. M., 2003. P. 15-16).
  • Came from the Horde in 1283, having received a great reign from the foot. Listened to him in 1293.
  • I received a great reign in Horde in 6801 (1293) year (PSRL, vol. III, p. 327, vol. Vi, vol. 1, STB. 362), returned to Russia in winter (Trinity chronicle. P.345). Died July 27. 6812 (1304) of the year (PSRL, vol. III, p. 92; t. Vi, vol. 1, STB. 367, vol. VII, p. 184) (in the Novgorod fourth and Nikonovsky chronicles on June 22 (PSRL, t. IV, p. 252, vol. X, p. 175), in the Trinity Chronicle Ultrapartovsky 6813 (Trinity Chronicle. P.351).
  • He received a great reign in 1305 (March 6813, in the Trinity Chronicle of UltraMartovsky 6814) year (PSRL, T. VI, Vol. 1, Stb. 368, vol. VII, p. 184). (In the Nikonov Chronicles - in 6812 (PSRL, vol. X, p. 176), returned to Rus in the fall (Trinity chronicle. P.352). KazNen November 22, 1318 (in the Sofia First and Nikonovsky Chronicles of Ultraphartovsky 6827, in Novgorod Four and the Tver Chronicles of March 6826) on Wednesday (PSRL, T. IV, p. 257; t. Vi, vol. 1, STB. 391, vol. X, p. 185). Year is set on the day of the week.
  • It was out of the horde with Tatars in the summer of 1317 (Ultrarty 6826, in the Novgorod Chollytime Chronicle and Rogozhsky Chronicler March 6825) of the year (PSRL, vol. III, p. 95; t. IV, STB. 257), having received a great reign (PSRL, t. Vi, vol. 1, STB. 374, t. XV, Vol. 1, STB. 37). Killed Dmitry Tver in Horde.
  • Received a great reign in 6830 (1322) year (PSRL, vol. III, p. 96, vol. Vi, vol. 1, STB. 396). Arrived in Vladimir in the winter of 6830 (PSRL, t. IV, p. 259; Troitskaya chronicle. P.357) or in the fall (PSRL, vol. XV, STB. 414). For Easter tables, sat in 6831 (PSRL, vol. III, p. 579). Kaznen. September 15th 6834 (1326) of the year (PSRL, vol. XV, vol. 1, STB. 42, vol. XV, STB. 415).
  • He received a great reign in the fall of 6834 (1326) of the year (PSRL, vol. X, p. 190; t. XV, no. 1, STB. 42). When the Tatar army moved to Tver in the winter of 1327/8, fled to Pskov, and then to Lithuania.
  • In 1328, Khan Uzbek divided the great reign, giving Alexander Vladimir and Volga region (PSRL, vol. Iii, p.469) (in Moscow annals, this fact is not mentioned). In the Sofia First, Novgorod Fourth and the Resurrection Chronicles, died in 6840 (PSRL, T. IV, p. 265; t. Vi, vol. 1, STB. 406, vol. VII, p. 203), in the Tver Chronicles - In 6839 (PSRL, vol. XV, STB. 417), in the Rogozhsky chronicler his death was noted twice - under 6839 and 6841 (PSRL, vol. XV, Issue 1, STB. 46), according to Troitskaya and Nikonovsky Chronicles - In 6841 (Trinity chronicle. p.361; PSRL, vol. X, p. 206). According to the introduction to the Novgorod first chronicle of the youngerie, the printed 3 or 2 and a half years (PSRL, vol. III, p. 467, 469). A. A. Gorsky takes the dating of his death 1331 (Gorsky A. A. Moscow and the Horde. M., 2003. p.62).
  • I sat on a great reign in 6836 (1328) year (PSRL, t. IV, p. 262; t. Vi, vol. 1, STB. 401, vol. X, p. 195). Formally, he was the co-programmer Alexander Suzdal, but acted independently. After the death of Alexander, he went to the Horde in 6839 (1331) (PSRL, vol. III, p. 344) and received an all the Grand Diction (PSRL, vol. III, p. 469). Died March 31 1340 (Ultrapartovsky 6849 (PSRL, t. IV, p. 270; t. Vi, Vol. 1, Stb. 412, vol. VII, p. 206), according to Easter tables, Trinity chronicle and Rogozhsky Chronicler in 6848 (PSRL, vol. III, p. 579; t. XV, vol. 1, STB. 52; Trinity chronicle. P.364).
  • He received a great reign in the fall of Ultrapartovsky 6849 (PSRL, T. VI, Issue 1, STB.). Sell \u200b\u200bin Vladimir October 1, 1340 (Trinity chronicle. P.364). Died 26 April Ultrapartovsky 6862 (in Nikonovskaya March 6861) (PSRL, vol. X, p. 226; t. XV, Issue 1, STB. 62; Troitskaya chronicle. p.373). (In the Novgorod fourth about his death, twice - under 6860 and 6861 (PSRL, T. IV, pp. 280, 286), on the Resurrection - April 27, 6861 (PSRL, T. VII, p. 217)
  • Got a great reign in the winter of 6861, after baptism. Sell \u200b\u200bin Vladimir March 25 6862 (1354) of the year (Troitskaya chronicle. P.374; PSRL, vol. X, p. 227). Died the 13th of November 6867 (1359) of the year (PSRL, T. VIII, p. 10; t. XV, vol. 1, STB. 68).
  • Han Navruz in the winter of 6867 (that is, at the beginning of the 1360 year), I gave the great reign by Andrei Konstantinovich, and he lost him to Brother Dmitry (PSRL, t. XV, Issue 1, STB. 68). Arrived in Vladimir 22nd of June (PSRL, vol. XV, Vol. 1, STB. 69; Troitskaya Chronicle. P.377) 6868 (1360) of the year (PSRL, vol. III, p. 366, vol. Vi, Vol. 1, Stb. 433) .
  • The first prince of Kievan Rus - who is it?

    The ancient tribes that are located all over the Great Water Way, which connected the whole East European Plain, were combined into one ethnic group, which was called Slavs. Slavs considered such tribes such as Polyany, Drevlyan, Curvichi, Ilmenie Slovenia, Northene, Polochan, Väniki, Radmichi and Dregovichi. Our ancestors erected two greatest cities - Dnipro and Novgorod - which during the establishment of the state already existed, but did not have any ruler. Rodonarchors tribes constantly quarreled and fought with each other, having no opportunity to find a "common language" and come to a single solution. It was decided to encourage their lands and the people of the Galint Princes, brothers named Rurik, Sineus and Trourvor. These were the first names of the princes that entered the chronicle. In 862, the brothers of the princes settled in three big cities - in Beloser, in Novgorod and in Izborsk. The people from the Slavs turned into rivers, since the name of the tribe of the Varangian princes (and the brothers were Varyags) called Rus.

    History of Prince Rüric - another version of events

    Few people know, but there is another old legend about the emergence of Kiev Rus and the appearance of its first princes. Some historians suggest that the chronicle was incorrectly translated in some places, and if you look at a different translation, it turns out that only the prince of Rurik sailed to the Slavs. "Sina-Hus" on the Old History means "Rod", "House", and "Tru-Thief" - "Druzhina". In the chronicles, it is said that the Sineus brothers and the Trumor allegedly died according to obscure circumstances, as the mention of them disappears in the chronicles. Perhaps, simply now "Tru-thief" was indicated as "Druzhina", and "Sina-Hus" was already mentioned as "genus." So the non-existent brothers died in the chronicle and a squad appeared with Rüric.

    By the way, some scientists claim that the prince of Rurik was not someone else, as the Danish confusion by Röriki Friesland, who made a huge number of successful raids on their militant neighbors. It is for this reason that the Slavic tribes and called him to rule them by the people, because Ryrik was dried, Silen, fearless and smart.

    Board of Prince Rurik in Russia (862 - 879)

    The first prince of Kievan Rus, Rurik, was not just an intelligent ruler for 17 years, and the prince of Prince dynasty (who has become a royal) and the founder of the state system, thanks to which Kievan Rus became a great and powerful state in despite the fact that it was founded at all recently. Since the newly formed state has not yet been fully formed, Rurik has devoted a majority of his reign by the seizure of land by combining all Slavic tribes: Northerners, Drevlyan, Smolensk Curvic, the Tribe of Chud and the whole, Pinch curvice, the tribe of the Merey and Radmich. One of his biggest achievements, thanks to which Rurik strengthened his authority in Russia - the suppression of the Vadim brave revolt, which happened in Novgorod.

    In addition to Prince Rurik, there were two more brothers, the affinations of the prince, who ruled in Kiev. The brothers were the name of Askold and Dir, but if you believe legends, Kiev existed long before their board and was founded by three brothers Kiem Cheek and Horiv, \u200b\u200bas well as their sister Lybia. Then Kiev has not yet had a dominant value in Russia, and the residence of Prince was Novgorod.

    Princes of Kiev - Askold and Dir (864 - 882)

    The first Kiev Prince in history entered only partially, since in the "Tale of the past years" about them was very little written. It is known that they were the warriors of Prince Rüric, but then they left him down the Dnieper in the Tsargrad, but, mastering along the way Kiev, decided to stay here. Details about their board are not known, but there are records of their death. Prince Rurik after himself left the board on the young son of Igor, but for now he will not grow up, the prince was Oleg. Having received power in their hands, Oleg and Igor went to Kiev and in the conspiracy killed Kiev princes justifying the fact that they did not belong to the princely kind and did not have the right to pronigify. They ruled from 866 to 882 years. Those were the first Kiev Prince - Askold and Dir.

    Prince of Ancient Russia - the Board of Prince Oleg Oleg (879 - 912)

    After the death of Rurik, the power passed to his deugers Oleg, who soon called the prophetic. Oleg Probe was ruled by Rus until the son of Rurik, Igor, will not be an adult and can not become a prince. It was during the reign of Prince Oleg Rus that received such powers that such great states could envy him, like Byzantium and even Constantinople. Regent Prince Igor added all those achievements that Prince Rurik achieved, and enriched Rus even more. Having gathered a huge army under his beginning, he went down the Dnieper River and won Smolensk, Lyubek and Kiev.

    In the population ingoing Kiev after the murder of Askold and Dira admitted Igor to their legitimate ruler, and Kiev became the capital of the Kiev Rus. Oleg recognized himself with Russians, and not a foreign ruler, thus becoming the first truly Russian prince. The campaign of the thing Oleg on Byzantium ended his victory, thanks to which Rusa received profitable trading benefits with Constantinople.

    During his campaign to Constantinople, Oleg showed the unprecedented "Russian region" by ordering the warriors to nail to the ships of the wheel, due to which those were able to "go" by the wind straight to the gate. The Terrible and Mighty Ruler of Byzantium named Lev VI, surrendered, and Oleg, as a sign of his impeccable victory, nailed his shield to the gates of Constantinople. It was a very encouraging victory symbol for the whole squad, after which his army with even greater devotion was followed by his leader.

    Prophecy about the death of Oleg

    Oleg Probey died in 912, the rules of the country for as many as 30 years. There are very interesting legends about his death, and even the ballads were written. Before his campaign with a friend on Khazar, Oleg met on the road Kudesnik, who prophesate to the prince death from his own horse. Magnies were in great honor in Russia, and their words were considered true truth. Prince Oleg Probe was no exception, and after such a prophecy ordered to bring him a new horse. But he loved his old "combat comrade", which was held with him not one battle, and could not be so easy to forget about him.

    Many years later, Oleg finds out that his horse has long passed into oblivion, and the prince decides to go to his bones to make sure that the prophecy did not come true. Being the bone, Prince Oleg says goodbye to his "lonely friend", and almost making sure that he had passed him, he does not notice how a poisonous snake crashes and bites him. So Oleg prophetic and met his death.

    The Board of Prince Igor (912 - 945)

    After the death of Prince Oleg, Rusy's rule took over Igor Rurikovich, although he was considered the ruler on the fact since 879. Remembering the huge achievements of the first princes, Prince Igor did not want to lag behind them, and therefore also often went hiking. During the years of his rule, Rus was subjected to many Pecheneg attacks, so the prince decided to conquer the neighboring tribes and make them pay tribute. With this problem, he rather did not cope well, but to fulfill his long-standing dream and completed the conquest of Constantinople, and did not succeed, since inside the state everything was gradually immersed in chaos. Mighty princes hand weakened compared to Oleg and Rurik, and this was noticed by many stalling tribes. For example, Dvlyan refused to pay tribute to the prince, after which the rose rose, which had to be packed with blood and sword. It would seem that everything has already been decided, but the Treastane has long built a place for revenge by Igor, and a few years later she fell asleep. We will talk about it a little later.

    I did not manage to keep the prince Igor to keep under the control and my neighbors, with whom he signed a peace agreement. Having agreed with the Khazars that on the way to the Caspian Sea will miss his army to the sea, and in return he will give half the prey received, the prince along with a friend was practically destroyed on the way home. Khazars understood that they were superior to the Russian prince's army, and they arranged a cruel side, after which they managed to succeed only by Igor and several dozens of his warriors.

    Victory over Constantinople

    It was not the last shameful defeat. One more thing he felt in the battle with Constantinople, which also destroyed almost the entire princely squad in battle. Prince Igor was so angry that in order to wash his name from the shame, he gathered his entire squad, Khazarov and even Pechenegs. In such a composition, they moved to the Tsargrad. The Byzantine Emperor rustled from Bulgar about the approaching misfortune, and upon arrival of the prince began to ask for pardon, offering very favorable conditions for cooperation.

    Not long enjoyed his brilliant victory Prince Igor. She climbed him to revenge Drevlyan. A year after a campaign to Tsargrad, as part of a small detachment of Dani collectors, Igor went to the Ridge to collect tribute. But they again refused to pay and destroyed all the assemblers of Podachi, and along with them the most prince himself. So the Board of Prince Igor Rurikovich ended.

    The Board of Princess Olga (945 - 957)

    Princess Olga was the wife of Prince Igor, and for the betrayal and the murder of the prince she brutally dismissed the rafts. Trees were almost completely destroyed, and without any damage to Russ. Olga's merciless strategy surpassed all expectations. Going to a campaign on the estimate (Korosten), Princess and his friend spent almost a year in the siege of the city. Then the Great Government ordered to collect tribute from each yard: three pigeons or sparrow. Drevlyan was very pleased with such a low Dani, and therefore almost immediate hurried to fulfill the order, wanting to draw the princess. But the woman was distinguished by a very sharp mind, and therefore she ordered to bind on the glowing pan to the paw of the birds, and let go of those on the will. Birds, carrying a fire with them, returned to their nests, and since before the houses were built from straw and wood, the city quickly began to burn and completely burned down the dottel.

    After his great victory, the princess went to Constantinople and accepted Holy Baptism there. Being pagans, the Ruses could not accept such an entrance of their princes. But the fact remains a fact, and the princess Olga is considered the first one who brought Christianity to Russia and remained faithful to his faith until the end of his days. When baptized, the princess took the name Elena, and for such a courage was elevated into the rank of saints.

    Such were the princes of ancient Russia. Strong, brave, merciless and smart. They managed to unite the ever-war tribes in one people, form a powerful and rich state and glorify their names for the century.

    The process of property and social bundles among communities led to the allocation of the most prosperous part from their environment. Rostoplex know and the wealthy part of the community, subordinating the mass of ordinary communists, needs to maintain their domination in state structures.

    The germinal form of statehood was East Slavic unions of tribes, which united in supersonunions, however, fragile. Eastern historians talk about existence on the eve of education Old Russian state Three major associations of Slavic tribes: Kuiabs, Slavia and Artania . Kuiaba, or Kuiyuy, then the area around Kiev was called. Slavia occupied the territory in the area of \u200b\u200bLake Ilmen. Her center was Novgorod. Artania's location is the third large association of Slavs - not defined.

    1) 941 - ended in failure;

    2) 944 - Conclusion of a mutually beneficial contract.

    Killed Dutches when collecting Dani in 945

    Yaroslav Wise (1019 - 1054)

    Artified at the Kiev throne after long gravestics with the Svyatopolk Okayann (the nickname received after the murder of his brothers Boris and Gleb, in the future ranked saints found) and Mstislav Tmutarakan.

    He contributed to the flourishing of the ancient Russian state, patronized education and construction. Contributed to the elevation of the international authority of Russia. Set wide dynastic connections with European and Byzantine yards.

    Carried out military campaigns:

    In the Baltic States;

    To the Polish-Lithuanian lands;

    In Byzantium.

    Finally defeated Pechenegs.

    Prince Yaroslav Wise - founder of written Russian legislation (" Russian truth "," True Yaroslav ").

    Vladimir Second Monomakh (1113 - 1125)

    Son Mary, daughter of the Byzantine Emperor Constantine of the Ninth Monomakh. Prince Smolensky (from 1067), Chernigov (from 1078), Pereyaslavsky (from 1093), the Great Kiev Prince (from 1113).

    Prince Vladimir Monomakh - organizer of successful campaigns against Polovtsy (1103, 1109, 1111)

    He played for the unity of Russia. The participant in the congress of the Old Russian Princes in Lishech (1097), which addressed the issues of the harm of the interdiscructures, the principles of ownership and inheritance of the princely lands.

    It was called upon to the reign in Kiev during the national uprising of 1113, which followed the death of the Svyatopolka of the second. Princessed until 1125

    The "Charter of Vladimir Monomakh" was put into effect, where interest on loans were limited in legislative procedure and it is forbidden to pay dependent human debt into slavery.

    He stopped the disintegration of the ancient Russian state. Posted " Teaching ", in which assicted gravestones and called for the unity of the Russian Earth.
    Continued the policy of strengthening dynastic ties with Europe. He was married to the daughter of the English king Harold Second - Gita.

    Mstislav Great (1125 - 1132)

    Son Vladimir Monomakh. Prince Novgorod (1088 - 1093 and 1095 - 1117), Rostov and Smolensky (1093 - 1095), Belgorod and Co-citizen Vladimir Monomakh in Kiev (1117 - 1125). From 1125 to 1132 g. - United Kyiv ruler.

    He continued the policy of Vladimir Monomakh and managed to preserve the unified Old Russian state. Attached to Kiev Polotsk Principality in 1127
    Organized successful campaigns against Polovtsy, Lithuania, Chernigov Prince Oleg Svyatoslavovich. After his death, almost all principalities come out of the obedience to Kiev. There is a specific period - feudal fragmentation.

    The history of Russia has more than a thousand years, although the very different tribes lived to the emergence of the state in its territory. The last title period can be divided into several stages. All Russian rulers, from Rurik to Putin, are people who were true sons and daughters of their eras.

    The main historical stages of Russia's development

    Historians consider the most convenient classification:

    Board of Novgorod Princes (862-882 years);

    Yaroslav Wise (1016-1054);

    From 1054 to 1068, with the authorities, Izyaslav Yaroslavovich was;

    From 1068 to 1078 years ago, the list of Russian rulers was replenished at several names at once (Vslav Bryachvovich, Izyaslav Yaroslavovich, Svyatoslav and Vsevolod Yaroslavlovich, in 1078, Izyaslav Yaroslavovich Rules again

    1078 was marked by some stabilization on the political arena, until 1093 Vsevolod Yaroslavovich Rules;

    Svyatopolk Izyaslavovich was on the throne from 1093 to;

    Vladimir, nicknamed Monomakh (1113- 1125) - one of the best princes of Kievan Rus;

    From 1132 to 1139, the authorities had Yaropolk Vladimirovich.

    All Russian rulers from Rurik to Putin, who lived and regulated during this period, until now, have seen their main task in the prosperity of the country and strengthen the role of the country in the European arena. Another thing is that each of them went to the target with its own way, sometimes completely in another direction than predecessors.

    The period of fragmentation of Kievan Rus

    In the time of the feudal fragmentation of Russia, the change on the main princely throne was frequent. None of the princes left a serious track in the history of Russia. By the middle of the XIII century Kiev came to absolute decay. Mention is only a few princes, which ruled in the XII century. So, from 1139 to 1146, Kiev Prince was Vsevolod Olgovich. In 1146, the helm had two weeks to Igor Second, after which the rules of the rules of Izyaslav Mstislavovich. Until 1169, people like Vyacheslav Rurikovich, Rostislav Smolensky, Irayaslav Chernigov, Yuri Dolgoruki, had time to visit the princely throne.

    The capital moves to Vladimir

    The period of the formation of late feudalism in Russia was characterized by several manifestations:

    Weakening of the Kiev Prince of Power;

    The emergence of several centers of influence that competed with each other;

    Strengthening the effects of feudal.

    On the territory of Russia, there were 2 largest influence points: Vladimir and Galich. Galich is the most important political center at that time (located on the territory of modern Western Ukraine). It seems interesting to explore the list of rulers of Russia, which are reinforced in Vladimir. The importance of this period of history will still have to evaluate researchers. Of course, the Vladimir period in the development of Russia was not so long as Kiev, but it was after him that the formation of monarchical Russia begins. Consider the dates of the board of all rulers of Russia of this time. In the first years of this stage of development of Russia, the rulers have changed quite often, there was no stability that will appear later. More than 5 years in power in Vladimir were such princes:

    Andrey (1169-1174);

    Vsevolod, son of Andrei (1176-1212);

    Georgy Vsevolodovich (1218-1238);

    Yaroslav, Son of Vsevolod (1238-1246);

    Alexander (Nevsky), Great Communion (1252- 1263);

    Yaroslav III (1263- 1272);

    Dmitry і (1276- 1283);

    Dmitry II (1284-1293);

    Andrei Gorodetsky (1293- 1304);

    Mikhail "Saint" Tverskaya (1305-1317).

    All Russian rulers after the transfer of the capital to Moscow before the appearance of the first kings

    The transfer of the capital from Vladimir to Moscow chronologically roughly coincides with the end of the period of feudal fragmentation of Russia and the strengthening of the main center of political influence. Most princes were on the throne longer than the rulers of the Vladimir period. So:

    Prince Ivan (1328-1340);

    Semen Ivanovich (1340-1353);

    Ivan red (1353-1359);

    Alexey Biakont (1359-1368);

    Dmitry (Donskaya), famous commander (1368-1389);

    Vasily Dmitrievich (1389- 1425);

    Sophia Lithuanian (1425- 1432);

    Vasily Dark (1432- 1462);

    Ivan III (1462-1505);

    Vasily Ivanovich (1505-1533);

    Elena Glinsky (1533-1538);

    The decade to 1548 in the history of Russia was a difficult period, when the situation has developed so that the princely dynasty actually broke off. There was a period of timeless when the Boyar family was in power.

    Rust of the kings in Russia: the beginning of the monarchy

    Historians allocate three chronological period of development of the Russian monarchy: until joined the throne of Peter the Great, the Board of Peter the first and after it. The dates of the board of all Russian rulers from 1548 to the end of the XVII century are:

    Ivan Vasilyevich Grozny (1548-1574);

    Semen Casimovsky (1574-1576);

    Ivan Grozny again (1576-1584);

    Fedor (1584-1598).

    Tsar Fedor did not have heirs, so it was interrupted. - One of the most difficult periods of the history of our Motherland. The rulers replaced almost annually. From 1613, the country of the Romanov dynasty is ruled:

    Mikhail, the first representative of the Romanov dynasty (1613-1645);

    Alexey Mikhailovich, Son of the First Emperor (1645-1676);

    Ascended a throne in 1676 and rules for 6 years;

    Sofya, his sister, rules from 1682 to 1689.

    In the XVII century in Russia, finally, the stability came. The central government has strengthened, the reforms are gradually beginning, which led to the fact that Russia has grown geographically and strengthened, leading world powers began to be considered. The main merit in changing the appearance of the state belongs to the Great Peter I (1689-1725), which became both the first emperor.

    Russian rulers after Peter

    The time of the reign of Peter the Great is a flourishing when the empire gained his own strong fleet and strengthened the army. All Russian rulers, from Rurik to Putin, understood the importance of armed forces, but a little was given to realize the enormous potential of the country. An important feature of that time was the aggressive foreign policy of Russia, which was manifested in the violent accession to new regions (Russian-Turkish wars, Azov campaign).

    The chronology of Russian rulers from 1725 to 1917 is as follows:

    Catherine Skavronskaya (1725-1727);

    Peter the second (killed in 1730);

    Queen Anna (1730-1740);

    Ivan Antonovich (1740-1741);

    Elizabeth Petrovna (1741-1761);

    Peter Fedorovich (1761-1762);

    Catherine Great (1762-1796);

    Pavel Petrovich (1796- 1801);

    Alexander I (1801-1825);

    Nicholas I (1825-1855);

    Alexander II (1855 - 1881);

    Alexander III (1881-1894);

    Nicholas II is the last of Romanov, rules until 1917.

    This ended the huge period of state development, when the kings were in power. After the October Revolution, a new political entry - the republic appears.

    Russia during the time of the USSR and after its decay

    The first few years after the revolution were complex. Among the rulers of this period, Alexander Fedorovich Kerensky can be allocated. After the legal registration of the USSR as the state and until 1924 led the country Vladimir Lenin. Next, the chronology of the rulers of Russia looks like this:

    Jugashvili Joseph Vissarionovich (1924-1953);

    Nikita Khrushchev was the first secretary of the CPSU on the death of Stalin until 1964;

    Leonid Brezhnev (1964- 1982);

    Yury Andropov (1982-184);

    Secretary General of the CPSU (1984-1985);

    Mikhail Gorbachev, First President of the USSR (1985-1991);

    Boris Yeltsin, Head of Independent Russia (1991-1999);

    The acting head of state Putin - President of Russia since 2000 (with a break for 4 years, when the state was led by Dmitry Medvedev)

    Who are Russian rulers?

    All Russian rulers from Rurik to Putin, who were with the authorities for the entire more than a thousand-year history of the state are patriots who wanted the heyday of all lands of a huge country. Most of the lords were not random people on this difficult field and made each of their own contributions to the development and formation of Russia. Good and prosperity with their subjects, of course, wanted all Russian rulers: the main forces were always directed to the strengthening of the borders, the expansion of trade, the increase in defense capability.


    862 -1598.

    Kiev princes.


    862 - 879.

    IX V. - Education of the ancient Russian state.


    879 - 912GG.

    882g. - Association of Novgorod and Kiev.

    907g., 911g. - trips to Tsargrad (Constantinople); Signing the agreement of Russia with the Greeks.


    912 - 945gg.

    941g., 944g. - Hiking Igor on Byzantium. / first - unsuccessful /

    945g. - Russia agreement with the Greeks. / not so profitable as Oleg /


    945 -957. (964)

    / Remensha Minor Prince Svyatoslav /

    945g. - uprising in the land of Drevlyan. Introduction of lessons and efforts.


    I. 957 -972g..

    964 - 966 - The defeat of the Kamsky Bulgarians, Khazar, Yasov, Kozics. Joining Tmutarakani and Kerch, open a trading path to the East.

    967 - 971. - War with Byzantia.

    969 - Appointment of your sons by governors: Yaropolk in Kiev, Oleg in Earrows, Vladimir in Novgorod.


    972 - 980gg.

    977 "Death of Prince Oleg in the struggle with the brother Yaropolk for leadership in Russia, the flight of Prince Vladimir to Varyagam.

    978 - Victory Yaropolk over the Pechenegs.

    980g. - The defeat of Yaropolk in the battle with Prince Vladimir. Murder Yaropolk.

    VladimirI. Saint

    980 - 1015gg.

    980g. - Pagan Reform / Unified Pantheon of the Gods /.

    988 -989g. - The adoption of Christianity in Russia.

    992, 995g. - Battle of Pechenegs.

    Svyatopolk Okayan

    1015 - 1019.

    1015 - The beginning of the grooves between the sons of Vladimir. Murder of juvenile princes Boris and Gleb on the orders of Svyatopolka.

    1016. - The battle of the princes of scalp and Yaroslav under love. Flight Svyatopolka in Poland.

    1018 - Return of Svyatopolka in Kiev. Flight from Yaroslav to Novgorod.

    1018 - 1019gg. - Yaroslav with Scholyopolk.

    Yaroslav Wise

    1019 -1054.

    Nach XIB - Drawing up the "Russian truth" (the truth of Yaroslav), consisting of 17 articles, (according to Academician B. A. Rybakov, it was the instructions on fines for scandals and fights).

    1024g. - Battle of Yaroslav with Brother Mstislav Def Area for control over all the territories of Russia.

    1025 - Section of the Russian state in the Dnieper. Mstislav East, and Yaroslav Western part of the state.

    1035g. - Death of Mstislav Vladimirovich. The transition of him from Yaroslav.

    1036 - Education Kiev Metropolis

    1037g. - The beginning of the construction of the church of St. Sophia in Kiev.

    1043g. - The unsuccessful campaign of Vladimir Yaroslavich on Byzantium.

    1045g. - The beginning of the construction of the church of St. Sophia in Novgorod.

    IzyaslavI. Yaroslavich

    1054 - 1073GG., 1076 - 1078.

    1068 - Defeat Yaroslavichi on r. Alte from Polovtsy.

    1068 - 1072gg. - Folk uprisings in Kiev, Novgorod, Rostov-Suzdal and Chernihiv lands. Supplement "Russian truth" "True Yaroslavichi".


    II 1073


    1078 - 1093.

    1079 - Speech by Tmutarakan Prince Roman Svyatoslavich against Vsevolod Yaroslavich.


    1093 - 1113.

    1093g. - The ruin of South Rus Polovtsy.

    1097 - Congress of Russian princes in love.

    1103g. - The defeat of Polovtsy Svyatopolk and Vladimir Monomakh.

    1113g. - Cum of Svyatopolka II, the uprising of citizens, death and procurement in Kiev.

    Vladimir Monomakh

    1113 - 1125gg.

    1113g. - Supplement of the "Russian truth" "Charter" of Prince Vladimir Monomakh about "Purchasing" / Devgers / and "Cuts" / percentages.

    1113 -1117. - Writing "Tale of Bygone Years."

    1116g. - The campaign of Vladimir Monomakh from the son of the Polovtsy.

    Mstislav Great

    1125 - 1132gg.

    1127 - 1130gg. - The struggle of Mstislava with polotsky specific princes. Link them in Byzantium.

    1131 - 1132gg. - Successful trips to Lithuania.

    Grass in Russia.

    Moscow princes.

    Daniel Alexandrovich 1276 - 1303gg.

    Yuri Danilovich 1303 -1325.

    Ivan Kalita 1325 - 1340gg.

    Semen proud 1340 - 1355553gg.

    Ivan.II.Red 1353 -1359gg.

    Dmitry Donskoy1359 -1389gg.

    BasilI. 1389 - 1425gg.

    BasilII. Dark 1425 - 1462gg.

    Ivan.III1462 - 1505gg.

    BasilIII1505 - 1533.

    Ivan.IVGrozny 1533 - 1584gg.

    Fedor Ivanovich 1584 - 1598

    The end of the Rurikovsky dynasty.

    Time of Troubles.

    1598 - 1613.

    Boris Godunov 1598 - 1605.

    LhadmitryI.1605 - 1606.

    Vasily Shuysky 1606 - 1610gg.

    "Semiboyarschina" 1610 - 1613.

    Romanov dynasty.

    1613 -1917.