Director Valery Fokin: Biography, filmography and interesting facts. Theory of Total Fokin and its performances

Director Valery Fokin: Biography, filmography and interesting facts. Theory of Total Fokin and its performances
Director Valery Fokin: Biography, filmography and interesting facts. Theory of Total Fokin and its performances

He studied at a Jewish school in herself, at the thirteen age published in the children's newspaper on the poems of collectivization.

A family

Titles and awards


Work in the theater

Central Cuppet Theater

  • - "Mowgli" by R. Kipling - reader
  • - "Unusual concert" according to A. I. Vvedensky - poet, singer-baritone / Eduard Applubov, Entertainer
  • - "Chestov Mill" I. V. Stem on the play-fairy tale J. Drdi - Lucius, damn first discharge
  • - "My, only mine" B. D. Tuzlukova - archivist
  • - "Divine Comedy" I. V. Stem - Adam
  • "By whining omen" in the Russian folk tale - Herald / Governor / Bear
  • "Magic Lamp of Aladdin" based on the fairy tales "Aladdin and the Magic Lamp" - Vizier / Aladdin
  • "Night before Merry Christmas" on N. V. Gogol - Old fuck / Chub / Ostap / Prince Potemkin

Madt named after M. N. Yermolova

  • Dresser R. Harwood - Norman



  1. 1972 - Unusual concert - Enterprise
  2. 1973 - Divine Comedy - Adam
  3. 1978 - Cousin Pons - Cousin Ponsk
  4. 1982 - the seller of birds - narrator, introductory word
  5. 1984 - Goethe. Scenes from the Faust tragedy - Mephistopheles
  6. 1985 - Mr. Bilbo Begging Hobbit's fabulous journey - the narrator
  7. 1987 - Costume - Norman
  8. 1993 - I, Fairbach - Feyerbach, actor



  1. - Golden fever - Lonely gold killer (tramp) (The role of Ch. Chaplin)
  2. - Girls with Square of Spain
  3. - Police and thieves - Ferdinando Esposito (the role of Toto)
  4. - 100 serenad
  5. - Powers that be - minister of Finance (The role of J. Mono)
  6. - Six transformations of Yana Picker - Elonek (The role of E. Dzieworm)
  7. 1960 - Ghosts in the castle of the sleese - ghost Max (Role of Tomalla)
  8. - Beautiful American - gemini Brothers Viralo (Role of L. de Fügenes)
  9. - Inspector and night - inspector (The role of Kalianchev)
  10. - Forward, France!
  11. - Air adventures - sir Persi Wuer Hermitage (Terry Tomas role)
  12. - How to steal a million - Charles Bonne (The role of H. Griffith)
  13. - Lion in winter - Heinrich II. (The role of P. about "Tula)
  14. - Cromwell - Oliver Cromwell (R. Harris role)
  15. - King Lear - King Lear (Role of Y. Prosvet)
  16. - Black Sun - John Bart (Role of N. Grinc)
  17. - The investigation is completed, forget - Patenti. (R. Kuchcholly's role)
  18. 1973 - Gorgeous - Sharon Editor / Head of Cartopoff Secret Service (KarpštoF) (The role of V. Caprioli)
  19. 1973 - Broken Horseshoe - dr. Peterson (Role V. I. Puchette)
  20. - Adventures in the city that is not - advisor to commerce from the play-tales "Snow Queen" E. Schwartz (Role of V. Skulme)
  21. - Mr. Mac-Kinley flight - mister McKinley (Role of D. Banionis)
  22. - Fifth print - watchmakers Miklos Dührica (Role of L. Eze)
  23. 1976 - time to live, time to love - minister (Role of Y. Prosvet)
  24. 1976 - Red and Black - marquis de la Mol (Role of Strizhenova)
  25. 1977 - Walnut Bread - Walnut bread (Role of A. Shurnah)
  26. - Rafferti - Mort Kaufman, lawyer Rafferti (Role of A. A. Ressa)
  27. - Blonde around the corner - Gavril Maksimovich, father Nicholas (Role of M. Prudkin)
  28. - the story of the experienced pilot - commander of the crew (Role of Badridze)
  29. - on the hunt - sir Randolph Nattleby (The role of J. Mason)

In movie

In cartoons

  1. - Silent pier - reads text
  2. - the story of one crime - text from the author
  3. - Banal story - story story story
  4. - malicious tears of eggs - soundword text
  5. - Where are you, Blue Cinderella? - reads text
  6. - Adventures Locking and his friends (1st series "Little Flower City")
  7. - The wizard of the Emerald City (3 series "Emerald City") - Goodwin Great and Horrible
  8. - Black chicken - Black chicken
  9. - - Adventures of Captain Carrnel - Captain Lunnershel
  10. - Mumina Troll and others - narrator / Mumina Troll / Mumina-Dad / Morra / House
  11. - Mumina-Troll and Comet - Mooms-Dad / House / Morra / Snusmumrik / Narrator
  12. - Mumi-Troll and Comet: Way home - narrator / Moi Troll / Mo Dad / Morra / House / Hamul / Narrator
  13. - Quarrel - soundword text
  14. 1979 - About the puppy - Wolf
  15. 1979 - Peace Tube - text from the author
  16. - Mom for Mammont & Mammont Walrus
  17. - Big and small - soundword text
  18. - Olympionics - soundword text
  19. 1982 - bike taming - text from the author, song
  20. - Student of Star - soundword text
  21. - about everyone in the world - Skzorets-conductor
  22. - Breck - Black coach
  23. 1985 - Dr. Aibolit - Aibolit


TV project


  1. - parade-alle - director of puppet intermedii (joints with V. A. Kosov and I. S. Gutman)


  1. - "Leonid Yengibarov, Meet!" (from the "Great Clowns" series) (documentary) (joints with others)
  2. - On the road, on the road (documentary) (short)
  3. - parade-alle (joints with A. M. Arkanov and I. S. Gutman)
  4. - We need to talk ... (documentary) (joints with K. L. Slavina) - text author
  5. - I will no longer (Sov. With M. G. Lviv


  • 20 Gold Outdoor Melodies - Audio CD
    • Track 16. "Stage to North"
  • Isaac Schwartz. Songs from Movies - Audio CD
    • Tracks 9. "Our town Paris will not yield" (from k / f "Straw Hat")
    • Track 10. "March of the National Guardsmen" (from k / f "Straw Hat")
  • Songs for children and their parents. Issue 1 - Audio CD
    • Track 9. "Song Captain Lunned" (Firthich - E. Chepovetsky)
  • Bulat Okudzhava. Songs from films on poems B. Okudzhava. Collector's Edition (4 CD) (Box Set) - Audio CD. CD 3.
    • Track 21. "Song of the Lost Hope"
    • Track 22. "Our town Paris will not yield"
  • Isaac Schwartz. Best songs, romances and music from movies. Vereshchagin's song - Audio CD.
    • Track 3. Song of the lost hopes (from k / f "Straw Hat")
  • "Ships came to our harbor." "On Tundra, in the Siberian Road ...". Issue 2 - Audio CD
    • Track 2. "Stage to North"
  • "Ships came to our harbor." "In the trums of corals and pearls ...". Issue 3 - Audio CD
    • Track 3. "John Gray" (together with A. Kozlov and A. Makarevich)
  • "Ships came to our harbor." "Twenty-second June ...". Issue 4 - Audio CD
    • Track 2. "Look ..."
  • "Ships came to our harbor." Volume 2 (MP3)
    • Track 23. "Bublika"
  • - "Stars" sing familiar and unknown songs of the composer A. Zhurba - Audio CD. CD 1 ("Melody")
    • Track 18. "Mom with Moldavanka" (A. Zhrub - A. Eppel)

Participation in films

  1. - I return your portrait (documentary)
  2. - Peace to you, shole! (documentary)
  3. - Odyssey Alexander Vertinsky (documentary)
  4. - The artist is not at all the same as the actor ... (documentary)
  5. - Zinovy \u200b\u200bGerdt. Zyama (From the cycle of films "Life of wonderful people") (documentary)
  6. - Benefis Zinovia Gerdt - star Benefis

Archive frames

  1. - Zinoviy Gerdt (from the transmission cycle of the DTV TV channel "How the idols left") (documentary)
  2. 2008 - "Man in the frame. Zinovy \u200b\u200bGerdt "(CJSC" Channel One. World Network ") (documentary)
  3. - There was a cheerful man. Arkady High (Documentary)
  4. - Yes, I'm the queen! Maria Mironova (documentary)
  5. Zinovy \u200b\u200bGerdt (from the Documentary Cycle "Islands")
  6. 28 minutes of love. Neeubilenial zyama (documentary)
  7. Ether stars. Zinovy \u200b\u200bGerdt (documentary)


  • On May 31, 1998, the Rananovsky Monument was opened at the Tananovsky Monument to the street (the character of the Golden Charter), the sample of the monument served Z. Gerdt, who fulfilled the same role in the screening of the novel. The authors of the monument: sculptors - V. Sivko and V. Shchur, architect - V. Sculsky.
  • In 2001, the first edition of the book "Zyama is the same Gerdt!" In which E. Ryazanov, E. Uspensky, P. Todorovsky, A. Arkanov, Gorin, V. Shenderovich, and others are told about the actre. Compilers of the book - T. Poddina and Ya. Groisman.
  • On September 21, 2011, in hersa, the on the eve of the 95th anniversary of Gerdt opened the sculptural composition in memory of the actor. Monument from bronze and granite is made and installed on the means of residents of the city. Sculptor - O. Ershov. At the opening ceremony of the monument was attended by the widow of Z. Gerdt T. Preddina and the People's Artist of the RSFSR A. Shirvindt.

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  • Gerdt, Zinovy. Knight conscience. - M.: AST; Zebra E, 2010. - (acting book). - 448 p. - 3000 copies. - ISBN 978-5-17-067858-7, 978-5-94663-752-7.
  • V. V. Skvortsov. Unknown Z. E. Gerdt (Zyama from Issue; Gerdt? "Well, my uncle!; Southweshin Z. E. Gerdt; Zyama's uncle nearby; Z. Gradt. Rank to Seber). Kazan: New Knowledge, 2005. - ISBN 5-89347-275-6
  • Zyama is the same Gerdt! / Sost Ya. Groisman, T. Poddina. - Nizhny Novgorod: Deck, 2007. - (names). - 280 s. + DVD. - ISBN 978-5-89533-177-4.
  • M. M. Geyser. Zinovy \u200b\u200bGerdt. Zhzl. M.: Young Guard, 2012.


  • Biographies:
  • Zinovy \u200b\u200bGerdt reads the poem David Samoilova "Let's go to the city ..."\u003dqk7jkuo85ge
  • Zinovy \u200b\u200bGerdt performs a friendly parody of Leonid Utesov -

Excerpt characterizing Gerdt, Zinovy \u200b\u200bEfimovich

- So we forgot that we have our "Witch" with us here! Well, let's do something, light up ...
"The Witch" called me often and it was rather nicknamed on their part than the offensive. Therefore, I was not offended, but, honestly, I was very confused. Fire I, to my great regret, never lit and deal with this somehow did not come to mind ... But it was almost the first time they asked me something and I, of course, was not going to miss such case, and even more so, "to hit the face in the dirt."
I didn't have the slightest idea that you need to do that it "lit" ... just focused on fire and wanted very much so that it happened. Passed a minute, the other, but nothing happened ... The boys (and they always and everywhere there are a little angry) began to laugh at me, saying that I only can be "guess" when I need it ... I became very offensive - After all, I honestly tried my best. But this, of course, did not interest anyone. They needed the result, but the result was just with me and there was no ...
To be honest - I still do not know what happened then. Maybe I just had a very strong outrage, what should I be laughing so unfair? Or is it too powerfully stirred up bitter childhood insult? Anyway, I suddenly felt that the whole body was scorched (it would seem, had to be the opposite?) And only inside the hands of the hands, the real "fire" pulsed explosive jesters ... I got face to the fire and threw the left hand to the fire ... A creepy roaring flame as if splashed out of my hand straight into the firefoot boys. All wildly shouted ... And I woke up at home, with a very strong cutting pain in my hands, back and head. The whole body was burning, as if I was lying on a hot roar. I did not want to move and even open my eyes.
Mom was horrified by my "anticipation" and accused me of "all worldly sins", and most importantly - in the incontinence of the word given to her that it was worse than any permanent physical pain. I was very sad that this time she did not want to understand me and at the same time I felt the unprecedented pride that I still didn't hit the face in the dirt "and that I somehow managed to do what from me expected.
Of course, all this now seems a little ridiculous and in childish naive, but then it was very important for me to prove that I might be able to be someone useful with all my own, as they called, "stuffings." And that this is not my crazy fiction, but the most real reality with which they will now have to be reversed at least a little. If only everything could be so childish just ...

As it turned out, not only my mom was terrified by me. Neighboring mothers, having heard from her children about what happened, began to demand from them to keep me as far as possible ... And this time I truly remained almost alone. But since I was a little man very proud, I was not going to "ask for someone as a friend. But one thing is to show, but completely different - to live with it .....
I loved my friends very much, my street and all who lived on it. And he always tried to bring everyone at least some joy and some kind of good. And now I was alone and only myself was to blame for this, because I failed to resist the most simple, harmless children's provocation. But what was to do if I myself at that time was another child? True, the child who has now become little to understand that not everyone in this world is worthy that it would be worth it to prove something ... And even if we prove, then it absolutely did not mean that the one who you You prove, you will always correctly understand.
A few days later I was very physically "walked" and felt rather worn. But the desire to light fire, I no longer appeared already. But I had to pay for my "experiment", unfortunately, quite a long time ... The first time I was in full isolation from all my favorite games and friends. It was very offensive and seemed very unfair. When I talked about this mom, my poor good mother knew what to say. She loved me very much and, of course, I wanted to protect me from any misunderstanding. But, on the other hand, she already became terribly terribly, which almost constantly happened to me.
This, unfortunately, was the "dark" time when it was still "not accepted" to speak openly about the similar, "strange" and unusual things. Everything is very strictly stored within, as "should" or "should not" be. And all the "inexplicable" or "extraordinary" categorically silent or was considered abnormal. Honestly, I am with all my heart I envy those gifted children who were born at least twenty years later, when all these "extraordinary" abilities were no longer considered some kind of curse, but on the contrary, it became known as a gift. And today, no one also poins and does not send these poor "unusual" children into a crazy house, and they value them and respect, as gifted by special talent of amazing children.
My "talents" at the time of such delight did not cause anyone around, unfortunately. Somehow, a few days later after my "scandalous" adventure with the fire, one of our neighbor "secretly" said Mom that she has a "very good doctor" who is engaged in such "problems", like me and if Mom Wants, she will be happy to introduce her with him. It was the first time mom on the direct "advised" to stubborn me into a crazy house.
Then these "tips" were a lot, but I remember that it was then that Mom was very distressed and a long cry closed in her room. She did not tell me about this case, never, but in this secret I "dedicated" a neighbor boy, whose mom and gave my mother such a precious council. Of course, no doctor of me, thank God, did not lead. But I felt that my last "acts" I stepped over some "Rubbrozh", after which even my mother was not able to understand me. And there was no one who could help me, explain or just soothe in a friendly. I'm not saying - to teach ...
So I'm alone "floundered" in my guesses and errors, without anyone's support or understanding. Something tried something did not dare. Something turned out something - on the contrary. And how often it happened to me simply like a man scary! Honestly, I also just still "floundered in guesses" and to his 33 years old, because I did not find anyone who could at least somehow explain. Although "wishing" has always been more than necessary.
As time went. Sometimes it seemed to me that all this was not happening to me or that it was just a strange fairy tale invented by me. But for some reason this fairy tale was too real reality ... and I had to reckon with it. And, most importantly, live with it. In school, everything went, as before, I received only the top five and my parents (at least because of this!) There were no problems. Rather, on the contrary - in the fourth grade I have already solved very complex tasks on algebra and geometry and made it playing, with great pleasure for yourself.
I also loved the lessons of music and drawing at that time. I painted almost all the time and everywhere: in other lessons, during breaks, at home, on the street. On the sand, on paper, on glass ... In general - everywhere, where it was possible. And I painted in the midst of only human eyes. It seemed to me that it would help me find some very important answer. I always loved to observe human faces and especially the eyes. After all, very often people do not like to say what they really think, but their eyes speak everything ... Apparently no wonder they are called the mirror of our soul. And so I painted hundreds and hundreds of these eyes - sad and happy, mournful and joyful, kind and evil. It was for me, again, the time of knowledge of something, another attempt to get to some truth ... True, I had no idea to what. It was just that was the next time "search", which, after (with different "branches"), I continued almost all my conscious life.

The days were replaced by days, months passed, and I continued to amaze (and sometimes horrifying!) His relatives and loved ones, and very often myself, a lot of my new "incredible" and not always completely safe, adventures. So, for example, when I was nine years old, I suddenly, for some kind of, I unknown reason, stopped there, than very much scared my mother and upset my grandmother. My grandmother was a real first-class cook! When she gathered the oven her cabbage cakes, the whole of our family came to them, including Mamina Brother, who lived at a time 150 kilometers away from us and, despite this, came specifically because of grandmother's pies.
I am still very good and with a very big warmth I remember those "great and mysterious" preparations: smelling fresh yeast dough, all night rising in the clay pot at the slab, and in the morning turning into dozens of white circles laid out on the kitchen table and waiting when The hour of his wonderful transformation into lush smelling cakes will already come to the lush smelling pies ... And the grandmother with a white flour with hands, concentrately manual on the plate. And I also remember that impatient, but very pleasant, waiting until our "thirsty" nostrils did not catch the first, amazingly "delicious", the thinnest smells of pirogors ...
It was always a holiday, because her pies loved everything. And someone at this moment did not come in, he always had a place for a large and hospitable grandmother's table. We always stayed late, extending pleasure for the "tea-taking" table. And even when our "tea drinking" ended, I did not want to leave anyone, as if my grandmother "came up" with the pills, and everyone wanted to sit even and "get to warm up" at her warm, cozy homely hearth.
Grandma truly loved to cook and whatever she did, it was unusually delicious. It could be Siberian dumplings, smelling so that all of our neighbors suddenly appeared "hungry" saliva. Or my favorite cherry-cottage cheese cheesecakes, who literally melted in the mouth, leaving for a long time the amazing taste of warm fresh berries and milk ... And even her simplest sauer mushrooms, which she was quasila every year in the oak rummy with currant leaves, dill and garlic, were the most Delicious which I have ever eaten in my life, despite the fact that today I traveled more than half of the world and tried all sorts of treats, which, it would seem, could only dream. But those unforgettable smells of dressed delicious grandmother's "art" could never eclipse any, even the most sophisticated refined overseas dish.
And so, having such a homely "sorcerer", I, to the general horror of my family, one day suddenly it really ceased to eat. Now I no longer remember whether there was any reason or it simply happened for some kind of unknown reason, as it usually happened always. I simply thus lost a desire for anyone proposed food, although I didn't feel any weakness or dizziness, but on the contrary, it felt unusually easily and completely great. I tried to explain all this to my mom, but, as I understood, she was very frightened by my new next trick and did not want to hear anything, but just honestly tried to make me "swallow".
I got very bad and from each new portion of the received food ripped. Only clear water was taken by my extruded stomach with pleasure and easily. Mom has already been almost in a panic when it came to us quite accidentally, our then family doctor, my cousin Dana. Announced her arrival, Mom, of course, immediately told her all our "terrible" story about my starvation. And how was I delighted when I heard that "there is nothing terrible in it" and that I can be left alone without a violent stuffing in me! I saw that my caring mom did not believe it at all, but there was nowhere to go, and she decided to leave me alone at least for some time.
Life immediately became easy and pleasant, since I felt absolutely fine and there was no longer that permanent nightmarish waiting for the spasms of the stomach, which usually accompanied each slightest attempt to make any food. This lasted about two weeks. All my feelings aggravated and the perceptions became much brighter and stronger, no matter how important the most important thing, and the rest went to the background.
My dreams have changed or rather, I began to see the same, the duplicate dream - as if I suddenly rose above the earth and I am free not touching the heels of gender. It was so real and incredibly a wonderful feeling that every time waking up, I immediately wanted back. This dream was repeated every night. I still do not know what it was and why. But it lasted after, after a lot, many years. And even now, before waking up, I very often see the same dream.
Somehow, father's brother came to visit the city, in which he at that time he lived and during the conversation told Pope, which he recently saw a very good film and began to tell him. What was my surprise, when I suddenly realized that I already know about what he would talk about! And although I completely knew that I had never seen this film, I could tell him from beginning to end with all the details ... I didn't tell anyone about it, but decided to watch anything like something else. Naturally, my ordinary "new" did not make himself wait long.
At that time, we held old antique legends at school. I was in the lesson of literature and the teacher said that today we will pass "Song about Roland." Suddenly, unexpectedly, I raised my hand and said I could tell this song. The teacher was very surprised and asked if I often read old legends. I said that it was not often, but I know this. Although, to be honest, so far I have no idea - where does it come from?
And now, from the same day, I began to notice that even more and more often in my memory open some unfamiliar moments and the facts that I could not know and every day they appear more and more. I a little tired of all this "influx" of unfamiliar information, which, in all likelihood, for my children's psyche at that time was simply a bit too much. But since it came from somewhere, then, in all likelihood, for something it was necessary. And I told all this very calmly, just as I always took everything unfamiliar, which brought me my strange and unpredictable fate.
True, sometimes all this information was manifested in a very funny form - I suddenly began to see very bright images of strangers to me and people, as if by taking part herself. "Normal" reality disappeared and I remained in some "closed" from all the rest of the world, which I could only see alone. And so I could stay for a long time standing "post" somewhere in the middle of the street, seeing nothing and not reacting for anything, while some frightened, dignity "uncle or aunt" did not begin to shake me, trying to somehow bring me To the feeling, and learn everything with me in order ...
Despite his early age, I was already (by my bitter experience) perfectly understood that everything that constantly happening to me, for all the "normal" people, according to their usual and familiar norms, seemed absolutely abnormal (although about " Normality "I was ready to argue with anyone else). Therefore, as soon as someone in one of these "unusual" situations tried to help me, I usually tried to convince me as quickly as possible that I'm "everything is fine" and that I absolutely do not need to worry about me. True, it was not always convinced to convince me and in such cases it ended up with the next call of my poor, "reinforced concrete-patient" mom, which after the call naturally came to pick me up ...
That was my complicated and sometimes funny, the children's reality in which I lived at that time. And since I did not have another choice, I had to find my "bright and beautiful" even in what others, I think I would never find it. I remember somehow after the next my unusual "incident", I sadly asked my grandmother:
- Why is my life so unlike everyone else?
Grandma shook her head, hugged me and answered softly:
- Life, my sweet, for the tenth share consists of what is happening to us and nine ties from how we react to it. React fun, kid! Otherwise, sometimes it can not be very easy to exist ... And what is not like, so we all at first or otherwise. You will simply grow and life will start more and more "tinker" you under general measurements, and will depend only on you, if you want to be the same as everyone.
And I did not want ... I loved my unusual colorful world and would not exchange it for anything never. But, unfortunately, each beautiful standing in our life is very expensive and it is necessary to love very much very much so that it is not hurting for it. And, how we all are very well known, you have to pay, unfortunately, for everything and always ... just when you do it consciously, there is satisfaction from free choice when your choice and free will depends only on you. But for this, in my personal concept, it truly worth paying any price, even if it is sometimes very expensive for himself. But come back to my starvation.
Two weeks have passed, and I still, to the great chagrin of my mother, I did not want to eat anything and, oddly enough, physically felt great and perfectly fine. And since I looked like, in general, it was very good, gradually I managed to convince my mother that nothing bad happens to me and nothing terrible to me, apparently, until it threatens. It was absolute truth, since I truly felt great, except for the "super-sensitive" mental state, which made all my perceptions can be a little too "bare" - paints, sounds and feelings were so bright that from this Sometimes it became hard to breathe. I think this "hypersensitivity" and caused my next and next "incredible" adventure ...

At that time, the Living Autumn was already on the courtyard and the group of our neighboring guys after school was gathered in the forest for the last autumn mushrooms. And of course, as usual, I am going to go with them. The weather stood on rarity soft and pleasant. Still warm sunlight with bright bunnies were jumping along the golden foliage, sometimes leaking to the ground and warming it with the last farewell warmth. The elegant forest met us in his festive-bright autumn dress and, as if an old friend, invited to his tender hugs.
My favorite, gilded in the fall, slender birchs at the slightest breeze generously dropped their golden "leaves of coins" and, it seemed, did not notice that it was already very soon, they will remain alone with their nagging and will be shy to wait for when Spring will again dress them into an annual gentle outfit. And only the magnificent, evergreen ate proudly shakeped the old chew, getting ready to become the only decoration of the forest for a long and, as always, a very colorless winter. Under the legs quietly rustled yellow leaves, hiding the latter raw and freight. The grass under the leaves was warm, soft and wet and as it would be invited to step on it ...
I, as usual, dropped my shoes and went barefoot. I always loved everywhere to walk barefoot, if only an opportunity appeared !!! True, for these walks, it was very often possible to pay an angina, which sometimes had a very long, but, as they say, "the game cost a candle." Without footwear, the legs became almost "vigorous" and there was a particularly acute sense of freedom from something unnecessary, which seemed to prevent breathing ... It was a real, nothing with anything is not comparable for him and sometimes it was worth paying for it.
My guys, as always, were divided by couples and went who where. Very soon I felt that for some time I was already alone. I can not say that it was afraid of me (I was not afraid of forests at all), but it became somehow not by myself from a strange feeling that someone watches me. Deciding not to pay attention to it, I continued to quietly collect my mushrooms. But gradually the feeling of observation intensified and it was already little pleasant.
I stopped, closed my eyes and tried to focus to try to see someone who did it, how suddenly he heard someone's voice, who said: - That's right ... - And for some reason it seemed to me that he sounded not outside, but only only in my mind. I stood in the middle of a little glade and felt that the air around me began to vibrate strongly. A silver-blue, transparent shimmering pillar appeared right in front of me and gradually groaned the human figure. It was very high (according to human standards) and a powerful gray man. For some reason I thought that he was like a funny look like a statue of our god Percunas (Perun), for whom we had fires on the holy mountain on the night of June 24 every year.
By the way, it was a very beautiful vintage holiday (I don't know if it still exists?), Which usually continued until the dawn, and who loved everything very much, regardless of age and taste. It was always going to him almost that all the city and, that was completely incredible - there were never no negative incidents on this holiday, despite the fact that everything happened in the forest. Apparently the beauty of customs opened even the most heinous human souls to good, the same slamming door for any brewing aggressive thoughts or actions.
Usually, on the Holy Mount all night fires were burning fires, antique songs sounded in round dances, and all this together strongly resembled an unusually beautiful fantastic fairy tale. Hundreds of lovers started to search in the forest. Flower flower Fern in the forest. There were many such wreaths, and the river for one night became similar to the surprisingly beautiful, gently shimmering the otlocks of hundreds of candles, the heavenly road, according to which, creating trembling golden shadows, floated the strings of good golden ghosts, carefully carrying themselves in their transparent wings. And in the same place, on the Holy Mountain, there is still a statue of God of Perkunas, to which my unexpected guest is so similar.
A sparkling figure, without touching the feet of the Earth, "fell" to me, and I felt a very soft, warm touch.
"I came to open the door for you," the voice in my head was heard again.
- Door - where? I asked.
"In the big world," the answer sounded.
He stretched out his glowing hand to my forehead and I felt a strange feeling of an easy "explosion", after which a feeling appeared and really similar to the opening door ... which, besides, opened right in my forehead. I saw surprisingly beautiful, similar to huge multi-colored butterflies, the bodies, who came out of the center of my head ... They were built around and, tied to me with the finest silver thread, created a surprisingly colorful unusual flower ... On this "thread" in me vibrating a quiet and what -To "unearthly" melody, which caused a feeling of peace and completeness in the shower.
For a moment, I saw a lot of transparent human figures standing around, but for some reason they all quickly disappeared. Only my first guest remained, which was still touching my forehead hand and from his touch in my body flowed very pleasant "sounding" warmth.
- Who are they? I asked, showing on the "butterflies."
"That's you," the answer sounded again. - That's all.
I could not understand what he was talking about, but somehow knew that there was a present, pure and bright good. Suddenly, very slowly all these unusual "butterflies" began to "melt" and turned into an amazing, sparkling with all the colors of the Rainbow Star Fog, who began to gradually flow into me ... There was a deep sense of completion and something else that I could not Understand, but only just felt all his zuc.
"Be careful," said my guest.
- Care what? I asked.
- You were born ... - There was an answer.
His high figure began to fluctuate. Polyana spinned. And when I opened my eyes, to my greatest regret, my strange stranger was not anywhere. One of the boys, Romas, stood opposite me and watched my "awakening". He asked what I do here and whether I am going to collect mushrooms ... When I asked him how much time now, he looked at me with answered and I realized that everything that happened to me was just a few minutes! ..
I got up (it turned out that I sat on the ground), smoked and already gathered to go, how suddenly drew attention to a very strange detail - the whole glade around us was green !!! The same amazingly green, as if we found it early in spring! And what was our common surprise when we suddenly noticed that even beautiful spring flowers came from somewhere! It was completely amazing and, unfortunately, completely inexplicable. Most likely, it was some kind of "side" phenomenon after the arrival of my strange guest. But neither explain nor at least understand this, unfortunately, I could not yet.
- What have you done? - asked Romas.
"This is not me," I burned to blame.
"Well, then they went," he agreed.
Romas was one of those rare then friends who were not afraid of my "antics" and was not surprised by anything that he was constantly with me. He just believed me. And so I should never have never explained to him that it was very rare and valuable for me. When we returned from the forest, I was shaking a chill, but I thought that, as usual, just a little cold and decided not to disturb my mother until there was something more serious. The next morning everything passed, and I was very pleased with the fact that it was quite confirmed by my "version" about the cold. But, unfortunately, it was necessary to rejoice without ...

In the morning I, as usual, went to breakfast. I did not have time to stretch my hand to the cup with milk, like the same heavy glass cup moved sharply into my direction, shed part of the milk on the table ... I became a little bit alone. I tried again - the cup moved again. Then I thought about the bread ... Two pieces lying nearby jumped and fell to the floor. Honestly, I made my hair ... not because I was frightened. I was not afraid at that time almost nothing, but it was something very "earthly" and concrete, it was near and I absolutely did not know how to control it ...
I tried to calm down, deeply sigh and tried again. Only this time I did not try to touch anything, but decided to just think about what I want - for example, for the cup to be in my hand. Of course, this did not happen, she again just moved sharply. But I picked up !!! All my laptop simply voted from delight, because I already understood that it was sharply or not, but it happened only at the request of my thought! And it was completely awesome! Of course, I immediately wanted to try the "novelty" on all the living and non-living "objects" ...
My first hand came across my grandmother, at that moment quietly preparing the next culinary "work" in the kitchen. It was very quiet, the grandmother flew to herself, as suddenly a heavy cast-iron frying pan jumped onto the stove and rushed to the floor with a terrible noise ... the grandmother from surprise jumped no worse than the same frying ... But, you need to give her due, immediately I took my hands, and said:
- Stop doing that!
I was a little offended, because that would not happen, already in a habit, always and accused me (although at the moment it, of course, was absolute truth).
- Why do you think it is me? - I asked in sneaking.
"Well, the ghosts seem to be not yet found," Grandma said quietly.
I really loved her for this calm and unshakable calm. It seemed that nothing in this world could truly "knock it out of the gauge." Although, naturally, there were things that they were upset, surprised or forced to be sad, but she perceived all this with amazing calmness. And so I always felt very comfortable and protected. Somehow, I suddenly felt that my last "leaving" grandmother interests ... I literally "in the church felt", what she watches me and waiting for something else. Naturally, I did not make yourself wait a long time ... After a few seconds, all the "spoons and cooks", hanging over the stove, with a noisy crash flew down the same frying pan ...
"Well, well ... Breaking - not to build, I would have done something useful," Grandma said calmly.
I already suffocated from indignation! Well, please tell me how she can treat this "incredible event" so cool?! After all, it is ... such !!! I could not even explain - what, but I knew exactly that it was impossible to treat what happened, so dead. Unfortunately, my indignation did not make any impression on my grandmother and she again said calmly:
- It is not worth spending so much strength to make hands. Better go read.
My perturbation was not borders! I could not understand why what seemed to me so awesome, did not cause her any delight?! Unfortunately, I was still too small child, to understand that all these impressive "external effects" really do not give anything other than the same "external effects" ... and the essence of all this is just in the fading "mystic inexplicable" Gullible and impressionable people, who my grandmother was naturally not ... But since before such an understanding, I didn't grow up to such an understanding, I was only incredibly interesting to me that I could move it yet. Thus, I, without regret, left the grandmother's "not understood" and moved further in search of a new object of my "experiments" ...

Zinovy \u200b\u200bEfimovich Gerdt (real name - Zalman Afroimovich Slapinovich). Born on September 8, 1916 in myself in the Vitebsk province (now - the Pskov region) - died on November 18, 1996 in Moscow. Soviet Russian actor theater and cinema. People's Artist of the USSR (1990).

Zinoviy Gerdt was born on 8 (21) September 1916 in the vitebsk province (now - Pskov region) in a Jewish family. Need - Zalman Slapinovich. In the circle of friends and loved ones called Zyama.

Father - Afroim Yakovlevich Slapinovich (mind 1933), he worked as a customer in the bench of the fabrics, then settled in a community, he managed a grocery bench and was a man pious.

Mother - Rachel Isaakovna (nee sec, mind. 1949), housewife.

Was the youngest child in the family. He also had a brother Boris and two sisters: Fira and Berta (subsequently Eugene). He studied in a Jewish school in herself. At the thirteen age, it published in the children's newspaper in the poems of collectivization poems.

In 1932 he moved to Brother to Moscow, where he entered the factory-factory school of the Moscow Electricity named after V. Kuibyshev. There began to play in the theater of working youth (tram) of electricians organized by V. Polek.

In 1934, after graduating from the FSU, came to work on a metrostructure of the electrician, continuing to play in the theater.

In 1935, he was transferred to the professional composition of the theater.

In 1936-1937, also played in the theater of dolls at the Moscow Palace of Pioneers.

In 1939, I moved to A. Arbuzov organized by A. Arbuzov and V. Plekom Moscow State Theater Studio ("Arbuzovskaya Studio"), where he worked before the beginning of the war. Holding the role of Altman in the play "City at the dawn" A. Arbuzova.

Initially, Slapinovich originally performed under his real name, then under the artistic pseudonym Gerdt - in the late 1930s, she became his official last name. And the name and patronymic - Zinovy \u200b\u200bEfimovich - appeared after the war. According to the memories of the friendly with Gerdt I. Kuznetsov, the pseudonym was proposed by A. Arbuzov, by the name popular in the 1920s, E. Gerdt.

Participant of war. In June 1941, he went to the front volunteer. In December 1941 he graduated from special short-term fees in the Moscow Military Engineering School and was sent to Kalininsky, then - to the Voronezh Front. He served as the head of the Engineering Service of the 81st Guards Rifle Regiment of the 25th Guards Rifle Division. Guard senior lieutenant.

On February 12, 1943, he was wounded in his foot near Belgorod - when demining mine enemy mineral fields for the passage of Soviet tanks with a fragment of a tank projectile. After eleven operations, the most important of which was performed by the lead surgeon of the Botkin hospital K. Vintsitini (the wife of the famous designer Sergey Korolev), the actor retained the damaged leg, which since then was 8 centimeters shorter than healthy and forced the artist to sweat hard. Disabled War III Group.

"Rolan Bykov brought me to the screen - he took me first in his" seven nannies. "And then I thanked him" thanked "- to remember it ... The role in the" Focuscript "Volodin wrote specifically for Rolan, he loved him very much in his The film "Call, Open the door." I wrote for him, and it turned out that I played. Then Roland was to play Panikovsky in the "Golden Calf". They took a sample, very good was a sample. Schweiter called me to see her, asked for friendship ideas on the topic of the image. Roland - Panikovsky really liked, I got fascinated, began to fantasize, show that and how to play. "Well, let's do your trial," said Schweitzer. And he ended in that Panikovsky also I played. And after that, Roland himself calls me to take me into my film "Car, Violin and a Dog of a Klyax". I understand that I didn't leave him without roles - he always has more work than enough. But not everyone will be so generous. , like him, such good, "said Zinovy \u200b\u200bEfimovich.

Zinovy \u200b\u200bGerdt in the film "Seven Nyanyak"

Zinovy \u200b\u200bGerdt in the film "Golden Calf"

After the release of the Golden Calf, Gerdta did not take away from the proposals to film, despite the chromotomot. Due to active and rich life during filming, a heart attack happened to him. I remembered: "I was scary strung when I learned that the zyama infarction. Tanya then said that the doctors urgently need a drawer of a good brandy. At that time, there is no simplest task. Technical details of the operation will not disclose, I will not sell yourself a little - Motherland. However, I got my brandy! ".

After treating Gerdt, again with his head plunged into the work.

The general public Zinovi Gerdt was remembered, in addition to those mentioned, according to such films as "walking in torment", "the meeting place cannot be changed", "Military Field Romance", Mary Poppins, goodbye! "," Straw Hat "," On Poor Hussare will silence the word "and many others.

Zinovy \u200b\u200bGerdt in the film "Straw Hat"

Zinovy \u200b\u200bGerdt in the movie "The meeting place cannot be changed"

In 1991, he took part in the last issue of the Capital show "Field of Miracles" with V. Leaf.

On December 29, 1994, he was visiting V. Leisteyev in the last release of the program "Peak Hour" of the existing 1994.

In the usual life of Gerdt, according to the memories of Alexander Shirvindt, was "wildly sleeves". At the cottage, she did benches, a table, stools.

The actor very talentedly paroded friends. So, most of all loved the parodies for himself in his performance.

And the biggest passion of Gerdta was poems. As he said himself, His since childhood "pulled to the whole printed in the column." Zinovy \u200b\u200bEfimovich could read Pushkin, Samoilov and Pasternak, whose works knew by heart.

In one of the interviews, Gerdt told: "What would I really do, it is to talk about Russian poetry and read poems to people who are interested to listen to. Poems I know thousands. Love to verses tied me to friendship with many good people - with Marlene Huziev, with Swissers, with Alexander Volodyin, Vladimir Wengerov, Peter Todorovsky. It happened that in recent years of the life of the Tarovdovsky, fate gave me frequent communication with this person. We talked a lot about life, art and, of course, about poetry.. .. know it's somehow a case: Sergey Vladimirovich samples broke his leg, walked in the gypsum. I wrote him a message in verses so that he was not upset. After all, Mephistofel also chrome in part. And Tamerlan, and Byron? And Gerdt? .. Poems They were quite cleverly constructed, I own technique, rhyme. The samples came to delight. "Listen," says, why are you not published? " I then answered him that I am too serious about poetry, I appreciate this gift too high to consider myself a poet. After all, not all poetry, which is written in the column. Paddy hand and poetic talent - different things. I can only amaze the shamelessness of writers who publish any Bad poems. After all, there must be a shame in front of a white sheet of paper, when you stay with him one on one. Here are comic, parody verses, poems "in case" is another matter. With them I can even go to people. One time I am even He spoke with pop, parodying famous poets, and as the author of the parody and as an actor. "

In 2010, AST publisher issued a book from Z. Gerdta "Knight Conscience."

Zinovy \u200b\u200bGerdt - documentary films

Growth of Zinovia Gerdt: 163 centimeters.

Personal life Zinovia Gerdt:

The first wife was the actress Maria Ivanovna Novikova (1918-2003). They got married in 1941, having acquainted at the studio where they played together.

In this marriage in 1945, the son of Vsevolod Zinovievich Novikov, Heat Pictures, Candidate of Technical Sciences was born. He has daughter Ksenia (born in 1977).

From 1960 he was married to Tatiana Alexandrovna Pravdina (born in 1928), a translator from Arabic.

They met when the theater of dolls in which the actor worked, toured in the Middle East. Arabista Tatyana Pravdinus was given to theater to theater. After returning to the USSR, Gerdt and Pradina left their families and began to live together.

Tatyana Predina told: "Love - as a talent, which is given to a very small number of people. We were lucky with Zinovyia Efimovich. We married when they were no longer young. We had families. When we met, I was 32, he was - 44. And soon it turned out that this is a rare happiness as talent, we were given. We met thanks to the tour of the theater of exemplary in Egypt, Syria and Lebanon. Then Zinovy \u200b\u200bGerdta was presented, I had to translate me to Arabic "extraordinary concert". We We traveled a month and a half over these countries, and at first Criting Zinovia Efimovich I took it quite negatively, since I had a feeling that it was an attempt to tie a tour of the romance. By that time I was mentally free from my own husband, which I told me a year before: "I'm not a wife anymore." On the tour, Roman with Zinovy \u200b\u200bEfimovich proceeded quite lyric and was not completed. I met my husband at the airport, his wife. We agreed to meet in Kiev every other day The lot of the party was not far from the publisher, where I worked. Everything developed as soon as possible: he announced his decision to his wife, I am a husband, and then a real novel began. Zyama was not beautiful - low growth, chrome. But it was an extremely powerful man's beginning - what is called "sequapil" - and the ladies could hardly resist. I often spoke: "What a wonderful husband you have!" "What I answered:" I understand you "."

She brought up the reception daughter Catherine (Pravdin) Gerdt (1958). Catherine was married with V. Fokin, then with D. Evstigneev, has the son of Ores Valerevich Fokina (born in 1978), he is a lawyer.

Alexia Gerdta filmography:

1958 - Man with Planet Earth - Episode
1961 - YURCA - Celebrating Team (short)
1962 - Seven Nyanyan - Shamsky, Father Maya
1963 - Newton Street, house 1 - a neighbor with flux
1964 - Fitil (Movie №22 "Why would it?") - Lucky
1965 - year as life - binstedt
1965 - City of Masters - Artist
1966 - Avdota Pavlovna - Samuel Yakovlevich Gorbis, breeder
1966 - July Rain - Episode
1967 - Focuscript - Victor Mikhailovich Kukushkin, Focuscript
1968 - Golden Challenge - Mikhail Samuelich Panikovsky
1969 - In the thirteenth hour of the night - Baba Yaga
1969 - parade-alle - commentator
1970 - Taimyr causes you - a man in a coil coat
1970 - City Romance - Veteran-Frontovik, "Old Sick Economist"
1971 - Dauria - General Semenov, Chairman of the Tribunal
1971 - In the tram Ilf and Petrov - Captain Mazuccho, Trainer
1971 - Live Water - Episode
1971 - Life and death of the nobleman Chertopkhanova - Mossel Lake
1971 - Shadow - Finance Minister
1972 - Carnival - Skukin, Chairman of the jury
1972 - Light water - episode
1972 - large-scale guys - Alexander Mikhailovich, hairdresser
1972 - Stoves-benches - Friend of Professor Stepanova
1972 - Taming of Fire - Arthur Matveevich Kartashov, Head of Gird
1973 - Paradise apples - conductor
1974 - Car, Violin and Klyax Dog - Musician on Drum / Grandpa David
1974 - Straw Hat - Monsieur Tropily, Account in Madame Bocardon store
1974 - Strange Adults - Oleg Oskarovich Kux
1974 - Walking in the flour - Leon Black, anarchist
1976 - the key without the right to transfer - Oleg Grigorievich, physics teacher
1976 - Raffle - Karl Sigismundovich Jolikov, Chemistry Teacher
1977 - Walnut Krakatuk - Watchmaker
1978 - Beethoven's Life - Nicaus Zmecl
1979 - wife gone - neighbor
1979 - The meeting place is impossible - Mikhail Mikhailovich Bomyze, Scharapova neighbor
1979 - especially dangerous ... - Schwartz, jeweler
1979 - Nightingale - Bomx, Advisor
1979 - Three in the boat, not counting the dog - a graveer
1980 - Adam marries Eve - Judge
1980 - Piggy Bank - Narrator
1980 - Heat the word - Personsky, seller of parrots
1981 - Meeting of high snow - Nathan
1982 - Oslay Skura - Orevoir, Poet
1982 - Fairy Tales ... Tales ... Tales of Old Arbat - Christopher Blokhin
1982 - I'll wait for you - Arkady Lazarevich Dalmatsky
1983 - Military Field Roman - Cinema Administrator
1983 - Mary Poppins, goodbye! - Admiral Bum
1983 - Guys - Court
1984 - without a family - Espinass, a charter hairdresser
1984 - Hero of her novel - Prostyansky
1984 - And here came Bumbo ... - Franz Ivanovich, Director of the Mobile Circus-Shapito
1984 - Strip of obstacles - Mikhail Sergeevich
1984 - Monday - day ordinary - Samuel Yakovlevich Finestein, Circus Director
1986 - My gently beloved Detective - Member of the Bachelor Club
1986 - At the Children's Porch sat - Water Tsar
1987 - Kuwarks through the head - the owner of the rat
1987 - Fitil (film number 300 "Autograph")
1988 - thieves in law - lawyer
1988 - Fitil (film number 307 "Doctor called?")
1989 - Bindube and King - Aria-Life
1989 - Interdebchochka - Boris Semenovich, Chief Hrock
1989 - the art of living in Odessa - Aria-Life
1989 - Trip to Wiesbaden - Pantaleone
1989 - You remember our meetings ... (short) - lead
1990 - Childhood Tyoma - Abruumka
1991 - Lost in Siberia - Levenzon, Bukharinets
1992 - Manuscript
1993 - I - Ivan, you - Abram - Zalman, Father Arona
1993 - Life and extraordinary adventures of the soldier Ivan Chonkin - Moses Stalin
1994 - anecdotiad, or the history of Odessa in jokes - artist from Moscow
1994 - Simple - Francois-Marie Aruue, Uznar Bastille
1994 - Overture
1995 - Sad and Happiness - Role
1996 - Auditor - Luke Lukich Flap
1996 - Wind over the city - Mesmer, actor and director
1997 - War is over. Forget ...

Telplektli Zinovia Gerdta:

1972 - an extraordinary concert - entertainer
1973 - Divine Comedy - Adam
1978 - Cousin Ponns - Cousse Ponns
1981 - 50 years old SERGEA Dolls Theater
1982 - the seller of birds - a narrator, an introductory word
1984 - Odessa Stories of Isaac Babel
1984 - Goethe. Scenes from Faust tragedy - Mephistofel
1985 - Mr. Bilbo Beggins Hobbit's fabulous journey - Narrator
1987 - Costume - Norman
1993 - I, Fairbach - Feyerbach, actor

Voice of the films Zinovia Gerdt:

1951 - Fanfan Tulip - Text from the author
1956 - Gray Robber - Reads Text
1959 - Gorbun - narrator
1960 - Leon Garros is looking for a friend - commentator, voice behind the scene
1961 - Nine days of one year - text from the author
1961 - As a rope neither goes ... (short) - text from the author
1961 - Attention, tigers! (documentary) - reads text
1961 - Michelle and Mishutka (short) - text from the author
1961 - Career Dima Gorina - Ranger Text
1961 - Absolutely seriously (Filmalmans) - Author's text for the scenes "
1963 - Attention! In the city of the Wizard! - reads text
1964 - Want - Believe, you want - no ... - reads text
1964 - Returning Music - reads text
1964 - Green light - Voice of the car "Moskvich-402"
1965 - Paris ... Paris (documentary)
1966 - Cancel Ballad (short) - reads text
1966 - Great Clowns (Documentary) - Commentator
1966 - Labyrinth (film play) - reads text
1967 - Strong Oreshk - Scrolling Translation of the German Officer
1968 - Pitsunda? Need to think! (documentary) - offscreen text
1969 - Family Happiness - reads text
1968 - good luck zigzag - reads text
1970 - Two days of wonders - text from the author
1970 - Adventures Aldar Spit - narrator
1970 - Sport, Sport, Sport - Reads Text
1970 - Step from the Roof - Blue Crow
1971 - Ilf and Petrov went in the tram - voice behind the scenes
1971 - not only Circus (documentary) - reads text
1972 - Love a person - a storyteller in the cartoon
1972 - Men - reads text
1972 - stole zebra - text from the ator
1973 - Sad story with a happy end (short) - voice-over text
1973 - Salty dog \u200b\u200b- reads text
1973 - Chickens in the fall count - text from the author
1974 - Monkey Island (documentary)
1975 - Polar Bear (Documentary) - Reads Text
1975 - place under the sun - reads text
1975 - Love at first sight - reads text
1976 - Deniska-Denis (documentary) - offscreen text
1976 - 12 chairs - reads text
1976 - My wife - Grandma - reads text
1977 - Oh, bike! (documentary) - reads text
1977 - Tale of Herbrome Vityaz Fatogram - text from the author
1978 - younger sister - narrator
1979 - Four Hands - Ranger Text
1979 - A trip through the city (Novella in the same name) - text from the author
1980 - Kroshi Vacation - Text About Netzke Figures
1980 - History of one subtletile (short) - offscreen text
1981 - Be healthy, dear - offscreen text
1981 - What would you choose? - voice-over text
1981 - The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and Geclberry Finn - Ranger Text
1981 - Comet - Pins Tuzik
1984 - White Rose of Bezmertia - Ranger Text
1988 - The story of one billiard team - voice from the radio
1992 - Manuscript - reads text

Cartoon voicing Zinovia Gerdta:

1957 - Silent Pier - Reads Text
1962 - the story of one crime - text from the author
1962 - Banal Story - Story Story
1966 - malicious eggs - offscreen text
1971 - Where are you, Blue Cinderella? - reads text
1971 - Adventures Locking and his friends (1st series "Little Flower City")
1974 - The Wizard of the Emerald City (3 series "Emerald City") - Goodwin Great and Horrible
1975 - Black Chicken - Black Chicken
1976-1979 - Adventures of Captain Carrnel - Captain Lunner
1978 - Moomin Troll and others - narrator / mumi-troll / mumi-dad / morra / house
1978 - Moomin Troll and Comet - Mooma Pope / House / Morra / Snusmumric / Narrator
1978 - Moomin Troll and Comet: Wear House - Narrator / Moi Troll / Mo Dad / Morra / House / Hemul / Narrator
1978 - Quarrel - Ranger Text
1979 - About the puppy - Wolf
1979 - Peace Tube - Text from the author
1981 - Mammont Hotel Mammont
1981 - Big and small - voice-over text
1982 - Olympionics - Ranger Text
1982 - bicycle taming - text from the author, song
1983 - Student of Star - Ranger Text
1984 - About everyone in the world - Skzorets-conductor
1985 - Brek - Black Coach
1985 - Dr. Aibolit - Aibolit

Dubbing Zinovia Gerdt:

1925 - Gold Fever - Lonely Gold Field (Tramp) (Role of Ch Chaplin)
1951 - Girls with Spain Square
1951 - Police and Thieves - Ferdinando Esposito (the role of Toto)
1954 - 100 serenad
1958 - the strengths of this world - the Minister of Finance (the role of J. Mono)
1960 - six transformations of Yana Picker - Elonek (Role of E. Dzieworm)
1960 - Ghosts in the castle of the sleeper - Ghost Max (the role of Tomalla)
1961 - Beautiful American - Gemini Brothers Viralo (Role of L. De Fügen)
1963 - Inspector and Night - Inspector (Role Kalianchev)
1964 - Forward, France!
1965 - Air Adventures - Sir Persie Weer-Hermitage (Terry Thomas role)
1966 - How to steal a million - Charles Bonne (Role of H. Griffith)
1968 - Lion in winter - Heinrich II (the role of P. about "Tula)
1970 - Cromwell - Oliver Cromwell (R. Harris role)
1970 - King Lear - King Lear (Role of Y. Jervail)
1970 - Black Sun - John Barth (Role of N. Grinko)
1971 - The investigation is completed, forget - Patest (R. Kuchcholla's role)
1973 - Magnificent - Editor Sharon / Head of the Cartopoff Secret Service (KarpštoF) (Role of V. Caprioli)
1973 - Broken Horseshoe - Dr. Peterson (Role V. I. Puchette)
1974 - Adventure in the city, which is not - Commerce Advisor from the play-tales "Snow Queen" E. Schwartz (Role V. Skulme)
1975 - Mr. McKornley's flight - Mr. McKinley (Role of D. Banionis)
1976 - Fifth print - watchmaker Miklash Dühric (Role of L. Eze)
1976 - Time to live, time to love - Minister (Role of Y. Laweta)
1976 - Red and Black - Marquis De La Mol (Role of Strizhenova)
1977 - Walnut Bread - Walnut Bread (Role A. Shurnar
1980 - Rafferti - Mort Kaufman, lawyer Rafferti (Role A. A. Ressa
1984 - Blonde around the corner - Gavril Maksimovich, Father Nicholas (Role M. Prudkin)
1984 - the story of the experienced pilot - the crew commander (the role of Badridze)
1985 - on the hunt - Sir Randolf Nattleby (the role of J. Mason)

Directors of Zinovia Gerdt:

1969 - parade-alle - director of puppet intermedia (joints with V. A. Kosov and I. S. Gutman)

Scenarios Zinovia Gerdt:

1966 - "Leonid Yengibarov, Meet!" (from the series "Great Clowns") (documentary)
1969 - on the road, on the road (documentary) (short)
1969 - parade-alle (joints with A. M. Arkanov and I. S. Gutman)
1971 - We need to talk ... (documentary) (joints with K. L. Slavina) - Text author
1975 - I will no longer (Sov. With M. G. Lviv

Digid to hell on Kulichki, led to a terrible, a chibar, who was ready to destroy the chibar: "Someday the memorial plaque will hang here" here he died and Zinovy \u200b\u200bGerdt died. " A man of extraordinary wit, he knew how to climb even an unsightly reality in a sparkling joke. Did it with ease.

I have not seen anyone from snoring. Recently, St. Petersburg televisers asked me about the lived life, among other things and about the zyam. They shared, what a wonderful interview was given Orest Fokin - the son of Kati, adopted daughter Gerdt. She told, for example, as if during the war, Zyama participated in the interrogation of the prisoner of the fascist. Then he was ordered him to bring him out of the Occolic and shoot, but Gerdt could not do this and let go of the Germans for all four sides. I do not doubt the sincerity of the Orik, but this story seems to me doubtful. Not the character was my friend, so that it was entrusted to conduct an important interrogation: too frivolous, fondant. In addition, he never heard that he knew German or some other foreign language. Or maybe just did not tell, did not share? The life of another person remains a mystery even after half a century of friendship.

However, I will return to the day of our dating. Guests went only closer to the morning. But Zyama the mistress allowed to remain: despite the lameness and poor look, he conquered her heart. One night was not limited to, Gerdt "swallowed" in the apartment thoroughly. Natasha lived with his father, a famous Moscow lawyer, who was just on a business trip. He returned only in a week, and neither the light either dawn. Seeing in the house of an unfamiliar young man, and even in a rather piquant form, it was terribly surprised:

And what are you here, actually do?

I came to ask your daughter's arms, "said Zyama calmly.

Dad looked expressively at the watch:

Isn't it too early?

I was afraid that she could intercept.

In this instant improvisation was all zyama. His novels, as a rule, were painted entertaining dramatic. Gerdt immediately admitted Natasha: they cannot sign, because he ... married. It was strange to hear this: Zyam behaved like a man idle and the ladies treated him, respectively. Lord when he managed? Who's that girl? It turned out that I was present at this statement, and I fell asleep in Natasha questions. It turned out to be a wife name is Maria. I asked:

And what is interesting to this Masha? Is it good?

She has extraordinary beauty knees. For a woman, this is very important.

Unfortunately, he never explained that there is an outstanding in maiden knee cups. Yes, and the essence of your marriage outlined pretty scoop, I learned the details only years later. Before the war he himself met the Arbuzov with a young studio Masha, a speed romance began. In June 1941, Gerdt went to the front, and the relationship took the epistolary form. It was typically for wartime: soldiers are always important to know that they are remembered and loved at home. Maria has kept her husband's letters, today they are printed. But after in February 1943, Zyama wounded, to be treated and he returned to Moscow, love faded.

Drugs, blackmail, famous patrons - this story had everything to become one of the most loud. But in the media you will not find a word about it. But, according to the version of the charge, the 38-year-old Tajik Kiramamuddin Burakova kidnapped ... Employees of drug control. To then require "whipping" -50 thousand dollars. However, masters of culture stood on the protection of the defendants, the pets of the public and the rulers of the Dum. It is those who love to brand fascism in their interviews and racial discrimination. And who we used to believe.

Brush "crusts"
The 38-year-old Kiramuddine Burakov was born in Dushanbe, graduated from the Kirov university and remained in Russia forever. In Moscow, together with his family, registered in 2000. He is an entrepreneur, and also - a master of sports on judo and the father of three children, two of whom were born in Moscow.
To today, Burakova has accumulated 89 summons. Again and again, he is trying to prove that everything that happened to him is not the fruit of inflamed imagination.
The morning of September 11, 2003, for Burakova began as usual: Take the Son to School, then the daughter in Nurserie. Kiramuddin was already going to sit in his "Mercedes", when a strong man approached him (as long as I call him a faddle), I introduced an associate professioner and demanded a passport. Immediately three more threatened because of the back of Burakova.
One of them is thin, in glasses with a fashionable rim and an elegant beard - very looked at the artist. So let's call him, the artist. Another allocated with fire-haired hair, albeit - red. And the third is a strong guy, it was very suitable for the traditional description of the "Person of Caucasian Nationality". Let's call it black. Trinity removed handcuffs.
"I was sure that these are ordinary bandits that will extort money," recalls Burakov.
They behaved like gangsters. Kiramuddin pushed to the ground, beat, selected the keys from the car, then handcuffed on it and shook the "Nexia" parked nearby. On two cars ("Mercedes" Burakova, the kidnappers were also taken) they reached the "Novoslobodskaya" and stopped in the yard. And suddenly, metamorphosis began to occur with "fraternity". The jargon has changed on official, and through the "reinforced concrete" foreheads began to peck gold cokards.
Burakov was announced: in the trunk of his "Mers" grenades were found. Blackwood searched pockets, pulled out all cash - 31 thousand rubles and 100 dollars, and in their place put a small cellophane package.
The fastening announced Burakov that he was detained for illegal storage, wearing and transportation of drugs and ammunition. How the features of Tabakcoque jumped another character - a certain boss. He promised Burakov to take him to Petrovka and assured that "believing unconditionally" with his people. "
"No relation to the drug trafficking neither I nor my family had ever had," explains Burakov. - The one who called himself the boss, told me that the protocol would break, if I pay 50 thousand dollars.
Burakov understood one thing: it doesn't matter - whether the gangsters are, whether the cops are, or who else - from living still do not get drunk. Tajik is always a default drug dealer.
Do not be afraid, Zubaid!
Potting, Burakov groaned the price - 25 thousand "green" extorters were also quite suitable. In addition, Burakov promised: the wife already today will give them all the pets - 1,800 dollars.
At the meeting with Zubayti, the castle with the Chernya went by car Burakova. Mercedes served as a kind of identification sign. While 1,800 dollars passed into the pockets of the fastener, the redhead and artist of the hostage. At night, the captive was hidden in the garage.
Zubaid for the first time in his life was dismissed her husband. And despite the prevention of bandits, called "02". Dollars of midnight rewrite and marked the operatives of the UBOP WAO. The capture operation was preparing, in which Burakova's wife was assigned the role of bait.
What worried Zubaid, going to a dangerous meeting with a small daughter in his arms, you can only guess. And with my daughter, because I was hoping: the presence of a child will produce criminals.
Seven hours stood a woman on the side of the Enthusiast Highway, where the first date was appointed. But no one came to her. Something alerted the kidnappers.
"They beat me, forced me to call, ask if anyone in the police was not addressed," Kirammuddin sighs. - all the time was convened with the boss, he promised to find out what kind of department "grabs".
None of several outlined meetings took place. Apparently, the "marbles" was convinced that they themselves turned from hunters in prey. Burakov unexpectedly returned the keys to the car and documents. And let go, warning not to relax: they say, the other day you still visit.
Actors and performers
Kiramuddin Burakov appealed to the trauma, gave testimony of militia. His story was far from the only one. People with similar signs using the same transport were at one time a few more Tajik entrepreneurs were processed. All statements are now united, and the investigation began.
They calculated them by calls from mobile: the owners of these numbers were really the police officers. They were identified both by the Burakov himself and the rest of the victims.
Well, it's time to get acquainted with them in closer. Here are the main actors and performers, as follows from the indictment.
The role of the stronger claims Art. Commissioner for particularly important cases of the 5th Department of Service on the Central Bank of the State Committee for Control of Drug Trafficking and Psychotropic Substances in Moscow 35-year-old Police Major Vladimir Rukchkin. The artist pulls Art. Commissioner of the same department, Police lieutenant Orest Fokin. Other characters of this criminal case: Art. Authorized Department Lieutenant Kamo Galustyan (Redhead) and Art. Authorized Renat Garayev (black). Who is the boss, the investigation for some reason is silent (although there is his surname).
According to investigators, the group worked on a simple but efficient scheme. Rukchkin - the native of Tajikistan himself, had a wide network of informants. They found out about the arrival in the capital of Tajiks, who had money with them. Further in the course of drugs were groaning, blackmailing and extortion. Perhaps those whom those who were plunged, the stall and was in the gun (the drug police claimed that in all these people they led the operational development on involvement in drug trafficking. - Aut.), But there is no evidence to this.
Rukchka, Galusto and Fokina detained the first and presented charges at robbery, abduction, extortion and exceeding official powers. However, only the river took into custody. Galustyan went to cooperate with the consequence, and high patrons have come for Fokin. The next day, four petitions signed by the most famous people were afraid to the investigator's desk.
From the personal guarantee of the People's Artist of the USSR Alexander Shirvindt:
"I know that the Orest has always been a responsible and disciplined young man. After graduating from the Law Faculty of Moscow University, the Orest immediately chose a difficult and dangerous work in the police bodies ... I noticed that this work very much likes the Oresa, completely captures him and he He sees a high moral meaning in it ... What happened to him, I consider it a misunderstanding and convinced of his innocence. I personally pass ... "
The same requests - as under the copy, they signed folk artists Eldar Ryazanov, Marina Neelova and the Vice-President of the International Confederation of theatrical Unions Shadrin.
No wonder Fokin seemed to the Burakov so similar to the artist. He really turned out to be a sight of the artistic family, and what else!
Having collected more than six dozens of evidence in the case, the prosecutor's office handed it to the Perovsky court. The state procurement requested for the defendants from 8 to 15 years.
However, the first court considered the episodes of extortion and the abduction of the natives of Tajikistan unproved.
- Witness to defend the trial in court ... One famous actress and told that he remembers very well, as That night Fokin came to the mother and stayed there to spend the night. And this provided him with Alibi, "Burakova's lawyer says. "According to her, they celebrated the birthday of the wife of Orest, but she actually born on another day.
So, according to the first court, all four defendants only exceeded official powers and for it received: Rukchkin and Garayev - for 4 years in general regime colonies, Fokin and Galustyan - in 4 years. The Moscow City Court canceled this decision of the Perovsky court, considering that the court "gave an insufficient evaluation of evidence."
But the second sentence made by the same court, and at all became justified. However, the Moscow City Court canceled him - now it is considered for the third time.
Our certificate
Orest Fokin - Son of the receptionable daughter Zinovia Gerdt Catherine Gerdt from the first marriage with the director Valery Fokin. Named in honor of the favorite friend of the Gerdt artist of the artist Ores Veresky.

Not one True connoisseur of cinema is known to the Soviet and Russian director, actor and teacher Valery Vladimirovich Fokin. Biography, personal life and creative activity of this wonderful person will be presented to your attention in the article. So, let's begin.

Valery Vladimirovich Fokin: Biographical reference

  • Date of birth - 02.28.1946
  • Place of birth - Moscow Moscow Region, USSR.
  • He worked at the theater "Contemporary" (1970-1985), the theater named after Yermolovoy Moscow (1985-1991), from 1991 - artistic director of Tsima, from 2003 - artistic director of the Alexandrinsky Theater.
  • Since 1975-1979 - He worked as a teacher in Gitis.
  • He teaches in the theater school in Poland (from 1993 to 1994) and conducts master classes around the world: in Spain, Sweden, Bulgaria.
  • Member of the "People's Staff".
  • Trustee of the candidate for the presidency V. V. Putin (2012).
  • He supported the accession of the Crimea to the territory of the Russian Federation in 2014.

Childhood and youth

Valery since childhood was a very gifted guy, he was well painted, he was trained in an art school, planned to become a famous artist and link his further life with art. Perhaps, therefore, even then the theater was attracted.

Entered the Moscow Art School of Memory of 1905. After the release began to work as an artist on scenery. Making the theatrical productions in the Palace of Culture of Zuev, thoroughly went to his dream. In 1970, he graduated from the theater school named after B. V. Schukin. The performances of the diploma work played in French. Back in the student years, he managed to put his first 3 performances that had a huge success. For example, the play "Alien wife and husband under the bed" is a great interpretation of Dostoevsky.

Valery Fokin: filmography

The list of films of our hero is quite impressive, as work under the directed Fokina began to go back since 1974. The first was the production of "Dombei and Son". From 1976 to the 1980s, another 4 performances on TV screens are coming out: "Ivan Fedorovich Shponka and his aunt", "between heaven and land", "Kuzen Pons", "Mazaev deficit". In 1982 - a melodramatic story "Transit", in 1992 - Drama "Who is afraid of Virginia Wulf?", In 1996 - again drama, but "Karamazov and Hell", in 1999 - 40-minute documentary "The riddles of the auditor", in 2002 - the dramatic history of "transformation". Recently, in filmography, Valery Fokina filmography: Dramatic "Future Memories", 2014, and Shinel - 2004, the tragic comedy "Numer in the hotel NN" - 2003.

A family

Personal life of the director Valery Fokina is not exhibited for everyone to see. It is known that he is divorced, has two sons: Fokin Ortest Valerevich and Fokin Kirill Valerevich. The former wife Ekaterina Fokina is currently married for the second time.


Valery Vladimirovich over the years of work in the theater and cinema has many awards and honorary titles, among them People's Artist of the Russian Federation, Poland, RSFSR, winner of the State Prize named after Stanislavsky, Prizes in the field of literature and arts for 2000, 2003, 2017, awarded the Order "For Merit to the Fatherland "fourth, third and second degrees, honorary diplomas from the mayor of Moscow, and this is not the entire list.

After the end of the theater school, more than 15 years of his life gave the theater "Contemporary". Every year I put a minimum on one spectrum in my theater and at other theatrical frames of Moscow.

Critics called him a versatile, fragant, even cordial, because all the performances were so different and no similar to each other, which simply did not give in common sense. He puts a deep and sad play about love, separation and death "do not part with loved ones" in 1972, at the same time comedy is preparing, with the elements of satire, the play "Provincial anecdotes" (1974). Performances on the works of Dostoevsky ("and go! And I will go!" - 1976) alternate with the "auditor" of Gogol (1983) and the production of "love and pigeons" (1982).

Fokina has no one style, it is multifaceted and unique, so shielded on the stage of the theater "Do not shoot in white swans" - about cruelty, evil and suffering, "taste of cherish", where they mixed and laugh, and tears. The last performance on the scene of the contemporary under his leadership was released in 2004. This "chinel" of Gogol, who has become a step, in essence, to the creation of a new theater ready to innovate.

"Speak!" With Fokin

In 1985, the director of Valery Fokin, the films of which quickly find their viewer, goes to a new step - heads the theater named after the Yermolova and puts the play "Speak!", Who appeared the main theater event of that time. He was shown in televisionotations to see absolutely everything. Piece A. M. Buravsky in the essays Ovechkin was a dubbing of events in the USSR of the 50s. Meetings of district committees, collective farmers, to which managers are not affected, and on the mind their problems and care. And all one goal is to fight for the truth and honor. Fokin managed to take the viewer even with such a simple material.

Baluyev still remembers the production, and as the Georgian accidentally with the crowd of those who wished was simply listed in the hall, although, as she thought, stood in line for cosmetics. As a result, the door was also broken. This is the popularity of Fokin theater, and he himself received a premium for his contribution to art and literature. Further, he set the "sports scenes of 1981", "the second year of freedom", "invitation to the execution" and "Baby".

Fokin itself creates a cum

Since 1986, Valery Vladimirovich chairs the Commission on the creative heritage of Meyerhold. In 1991, it creates a new powerful theater for the development and support of the directory on the experience of Georgio Skhoter, who organized a combine-theater in Milan from a variety of independent institutions. In a new institution, the most talented directors were collected, who, unfortunately, did not come under the format of the Bolshoi Theater. Since 1999, CIM is state enterprise. For educational activities in the field of development and support of Meyerhold Fokin heritage received a state award. In 2001, CIM moves to a new building on Novoslobodskaya, where, before 2011, Valery Vladimirovich was director and arthruck, and after - President Tsim.

The mystical-fantastic screening of Gogol and his "dead souls" brings Valery Vladimirovich "Golden Mask" and a nomination for the best director. Fokin himself told that the idea of \u200b\u200bthe performance was preparing for a long time. With any formulation of Gogol, the director had a feeling that he misses something that there were some elusive moments that the author had another language, not so coarse and standard. Therefore, several episodes of the "dead souls" read quite in a new way were chosen. This production gives to feel what the characters lived and thought, what listened to what the smells felt. These are not standard scenes to buy a shower, but a modern vision with an inherent ease, weightlessness and tangibility.

"Transformation" by Fokin

"Transformation" - the author's work together with Alexander Bakshi on the novel Franz Kafka brought 3 awards and nominated in 5 festivals (1995-1998, 2001). As the creators claimed, this is a new direction of theatrical search, for which the motto was the words of the very same Kafka that the theater becomes strong when he knows how to do an unreal real. For this presentation, not just the best operators were collected, but the real sculptors of their business.

Fokin and his performances

In 1996, in the two capitals of Russia - St. Petersburg and Moscow - the festival "Valery Fokin. Three performances in the Manege "and" turning Valery Fokina ". In his work, he focuses on the most sharp and painful topics of the whole country in the past and now, perfectly analyzes the characters of the characters, recreates the paintings of that time - no matter, classic or modern. Therefore, his work is of great interest abroad, performances go to the United States, Hungary, Poland, Japan, Germany and France.

"Live Corpse" in the Alexandrinsky Theater

Since 2003, Valery Vladimirovich - artistic director and director of St. Petersburg Aleksandrinsky Theater. And immediately the director Valery Fokin begins to actively work, putting the "auditor", "Your Gogol" and "marriage" of Gogol, shielding Dostoevsky with his "twin" and "Zero Liturgy" (on the novel "Player"), classic - "Hamlet" Shakespeare And the "live corpse" of Tolstoy. The latter continues the series of reflections of Fokina on the relationship between the personality, which is inherent in tragedy and disappointment, with reality: a cruel, confused and evil, prompting a person to leave this mortar world.

By his personal attitude to the characters, the director Valery Fokin also infects the entire acting group, calling for reasoning about the strength and weakness of the Russian man. After all, he himself argued that modern civilization with its scientific discoveries and technologies also brought more and destruction, all entertainment became available, there was no taboo for anything. And only the theater must with their culture, the nravami and traditions to file an example to the young generation and teach his life correct.

"Today. 2016" - Son Kirill's play

For the seventieth anniversary of Valery Vladimirovich - in 2016 - the festival "Ten performances Valery Fokina" was held, which showed all the stages of his work in St. Petersburg and presented them to review the audience. He ended on the birthday of the director - February 28 - the formulation "Today. 2016. "

This performance is the story of the son of Cyril, skillfully filmmed by his father with the help of the newest technologies, about alien lives that the human world saves themselves from themselves and self-destruction. Genre - politics, detective and fantasy. The plot itself is based on an unbearable civilization, which is observing people and wants to stop the fratricide. They wish to destroy nuclear tools, make morality and peaceful thoughts into the brain. But mankind does not seek this. Fokin himself argues that he gladly put this performance, even if the idea was not a son. He always reads Kirill's scenarios and draws something for his productions.

As part of the Marathon, a presentation of the book of Khrasuka "Conversations about the National Theater" was held and the "Masquerade" setting in Mequrahd's memory.

About young Stalin (2017)

Director Valery Fokin, whose biography has become the subject of our review, works on the formulation of the youth of Stalin. Prepared is the first version for rehearsals. Work in co-authorship with A. Solomonov. In January 2018, it is planned to exit the play about Sewing. And in February, the play rehearsals about Stalin are already scheduled. The main character there is young, ambitious and gradually begins to think about freedom by revolution. The plot itself focuses on the fact that such a young man has encouraged to become the most influential person, as his worldview and thought was formed at that moment. After all, in his character, he was combined as a gangster, attacked in his youth to banks and a diligent student, the best in the seminary. And these two personalities will constantly face - both old and young.

Budapest Dostoevsky

Khuduki and Budapest national conducted a certain experiment and put performances based on the works of Dostoevsky. When a colleague chose a standard option about a crime and punishment, Fokin took a very extraordinary story "Crocodile". Indeed, in his time, the "crocodile" there were all segments of the population, everyone took it as a personal insult, the work caused simply a storm of aggression and unflattering words. But Fokin was not afraid and recreated a whole spectacle with a huge figure of a crocodile and a glass cube with panels, managed from the text to extract the metamorphosis of today's days, transferring its presentation to the modern channel, where there are selfie sticks, the evil press, the desire of immortality, of course, quarrels with EU. Everything is imbued with topical, angrily and aggression, because this is a history of man in crocodile and crocodiles inside each.