What you need to know about the world of Harry Potter? We are preparing for the "vessel's night" - everything you need to know about the world of the new series.

What you need to know about the world of Harry Potter? We are preparing for the
What you need to know about the world of Harry Potter? We are preparing for the "vessel's night" - everything you need to know about the world of the new series.

Passed a huge way. Now in the "Pecterian" universe starts new film - Ninth, Spin-Off About the world of magicians "Fantastic beasts and their place of habitat." What you need to know about the world of Harry Potter, what did we miss, reading seven novels about Hogwarts students? Let's try to fill the gaps!

Books, Films, Performance

To begin with, we recall: everything you need to know about the world of Harry Potter, described in the seven major books that were fused (8 fantasy), as well as four additional ones. Recently, the cycle has been replenished with Roman "Harry Potter and damned child"In which our favorite characters are already adults (a performance has been put on this work).

Already an adapted novel "Fantastic animals and where they dwell" was written in 2001 under the pseudonym "Nut-scanner". In the series itself, this book is Harry's textbook on his third year of study in Hogwarts (when Hagrid led the class of magical beings). "Quiddic through the century" (also 2001), as is clear from the name, this is the story of the beloved sport of wizards. "Fairy Tales of Barda" - five novel 2008, which give the key to the characteristics of the three items necessary for Harry to defeat the Dark Lord. And finally, Harry Potter. Prehistory "( short story out of 800 words).

Features of Hogwarts

The fact that Harry is a student of the School of Magic Hogwarts, whom the distribution hat "appointed" to the faculty of Gryffindor, and that he met the most devoted friends of Ron and Hermione, everyone is also known. And now we turn to the fact that you need to know about the world of Harry Potter: these facts are familiar only to the dedicated fans of the series, because part of them sounded in an interview with Rowling and when communicating with fans.

In the world of Potter, there are approximately three thousand challenging Britons.

Foreign students in Hogwarts are not accepted - only residents of the United Kingdom of the United Kingdom.

It was shown to us by Hogwarts an old castle with high vaults and spacious halls, fireplaces and alkalo, and if Maglas were seen, then there would be a faded with a warning transparency before them: "Beware: Danger!".

Sign of vulnerability

Harry Potter glasses are not a random item, but a reminder of the vulnerability of the hero.

Daniel Radcliffe retained two pairs of glasses as souvenirs - from the filming of the first film and the final part of Ptteriana.

It is curious that Harry Baby appeared on a tice alley in the Hagrid motorcycle, on the same means of movement he left the Detunia's aunt in the final book.

In fact, the postal owl Harry was called not a letter, but Hedwig (this name the writer found in the list of saints). In the films, the role of a feather friend is played by the trained owl of Gizmo.

Something about the dean of Gryffindor

Professor Minerva McGonagall in his youth was a Kviddich player, and, of course, advocated his native Gryffindor.

Minerva is a very strong aimag (turns into a cat). Animagi usually take the appearance of an animal reflecting the essence of the wizard. For example, the devotion of Sirius was embodied in the PSA.

Dean McGonagall Widow, her husband Elfinson died from the bite of poisonous creature. Minerva - Half-Blood, while the spouse of Professor was a purebred magician.

Magic essences as they are

Each of the young wizards had their own patronus, a defender from evil devenors. It is caused by the "Expex Patronum" spell (translated from Latin - "I am waiting for a guardian").

It is curious that Ron's patronus appeared in the form of a dog breed Jack Russell Terrier (this is a hunting dog, which, in particular, deals with otters), and Hermione is a patronus - otter. It turns out, they are related souls!

It was also at Lily and James Potters, Harry's parents: the mother had a patronus of Lan, a deer performed at the father.

By the way, Lan was the patronus of Severus Snowda, and after all he loved Lily Potter. Harry was inherited by James's patronus, a deer.

When Fred Wasley died, his twin George lost the ability to cause a patronus.

Dementors are not capable of reproduction - they grow, as if mold, in places where there is despair and decomposition.

And now - about another magic essence, Boggart. This is a ghost, taking the form of the biggest fear of the hero, to which he is. So, Boggart Ron - Giant Spider, Harry - Dementor, Woland de Morta - his dead body, and Neville Dolbupps - Professor Severus Sneg.

Why did Severus hated Neville so much and quit him? The prophecy reads that the elected could be not Harry, but Dolgupus. If it happened, Lily Potter would be left alive.

Core Euscal stick - Festrala's tail hair. This wand is the only one of its kind.

Harry got the opportunity to see festras only after he got very close to death - Cedric Diggori died in his eyes.

Died happy? Then you are not afraid!

Do you know at what age didn't the professor of Albus Dumbledore? He lived a long age - 150 years.

Volan de Mort was killed in 71 years old.

If a person dies happy, he will never become a ghost.

Sirius Black died with a smile on the lips.

But Mirtl's Plaques in vain so much roared and committed suicide - now she is doomed to wander in a not very pleasant place of death, toilet room.

Rowling had plans to deal with Ron Weasley in the middle of the cycle, but then she chose another "sacrifice", the godfather Harry, Sirius Black.

On the origin of several names and surnames

In the family of chambers of Blacks, it was customary to call children the names of the stars, so, Sirius is named after the brightest star, it is in the constellation of Big Psa.

Surname Eaters of the death of Malfoev Latin origin: Malefih - Master.

Dumbledore received his last name because of the habit of mumbling (buzzing), because in translation from the ancient English "Dumbledore" means "bumblebee."

Volan de Mort is not guilty that he is alien to love. His father at the time of conception of the Son was enchanted, was under love potion.

What else do you need to know about the world of Harry Potter? Read the books, watch a movie about fantastic creatures (this is the beginning of a fresh franchise), and you will definitely make new discoveries. Calculated: every 30 seconds someone in the world takes a book about Harry!

May 19 in the sale of "Witcher 3: Wild Hunt" - the most big game This spring. "Wild hunting" is a turning point for the series: if the previous "Witches" was perceived by many as a product "on an amateur", then the new part is a unconditional blockbuster, which riding in one row with giants like and. The scope and beauty of the third "Witcher" attracted a new audience, which not only did not read the books of Angeya Sapkovsky, but did not even start the previous games. Specially for beginners GMBOX was a brief guide in heroes, geography and major events of the world "Witcher".

Geography and history "Witcher"

The location of the "Witcher" series is a huge continent of the unnamed. It was once inhabited by elves, gnomes and Krasnolyuda, but after several wars between elves and Krasnolyudas, the latter retreated into the mountainous areas of the mainland, and the elves occupied the valleys and forests. Somewhere 500 years before the events of the Games on the continent, the colonists arrived and disgregated a series of wars against other races. Soon people became the dominant force on the continent.

Subsequently, the elves and Krasnolyuda began to be considered second-rate citizens in the society of people, they were allowed to settle only in small ghetto. The same who did not live in the ghetto, had to put up with severe conditions and settle in the most non-microgenic regions of the continent who had not yet taken to people. Over time, racial discrimination has not evaporated anywhere - players watch it and in the games of the series.

Today, the main valid players on the continent is one constantly expanding empire in the south and conglomerate of states in the north.

Northern kingdoms - This is the alliance of human states located north of Ampel Mountains. Residents of these countries are called Nordling. Most states relating to the Northern Kingdoms are independent, therefore, between them, both armed conflicts and territorial disputes and dynastic marriages. But when the threat of the region hangs over the countries of the region, they come to the consensus and get up to the shoulder.

In the northern kingdoms there is no single religion or pantheon of the gods, but two cults are most common. The first worships the Maltelier, the Mother Goddess, taking care of their children. This cult is the most peaceful in the northern kingdoms, the dogmas of his adepts - tolerance and the help of neighbor.

Major's main opponent - Cult Eternal Flame. His cleric fanatically worships a negascique flame, which is considered the essence of all the lives. This religion even has its own military education - the knightly ordinar of the flaming rose.

Nilfergard - The most powerful empire in the history of the world of the Witcher, located in the south of the continent. It is famous for both the prosperous economy and a strong army with talented commanders. This empire, for the most part, has expanded due to the conquest of border countries, which after the occupation became new provinces. The inhabitants of the empire believe that the "real" Nilfghardians are only those who were born in the heart of the empire, and not in the conquered lands.

Nilfgagarda Empire often invaded and occupied parts of the Northern Kingdoms - the history of their conflict is famous for two full-scale wars. In the second part of the "Witcher", players see the birth of a third war that will grow up in new game. The final events of the first war - the Battle of Soddensky Hill, in which the North lost 13 magicians from 22, but won the Cultra, one of the northern principalities by Nilfghardians. The sword of the second war was the battle for Brenna, in which Nydlings broke the forces of Nilfgardians and won.

Who are such magicians

TRISS Merigold - the most famous wizard "Witcher"

Few, some event in the world "Witcher" costs without the participation of magicians. Mages are small, but possess colossal power and strength both in their profile and in politics.

Few possess the potential to become magicians, and a similar gift carries risks. The man who found that he has a similar gift (the so-called source), must learn to control its own abilities, otherwise it will fall into a semoretum trans. To do this, schools of magic are created, where talented children are trained for many years, gaining knowledge and mastering magic. Such words as a magician, a wizard and a wizard are usually attributed to people who have been trained in the Magic Academy, such as Areetuz or Ban Arda.

Because of his forces, magicians are growing slower than ordinary people. They know how to pull the energy of four elements, teleport over long distances, treated, and, of course, kill in the blink of an eye. With all this, they also have tremendous knowledge in science and politics, which makes one of them beautiful advisers for high-ranking specials. Finally, they are well organized: at the beginning of the Book Saga Magy North Kingdoms decided important questions Within the framework of the chapel chapter, and later female wizards formed a lodge of magicians, including Magichek as northern kingdoms and Nilfgarda. True, during the events of the second game Lodge ceased to exist.

Who are such witches

The main character Geralt series - Witcher

Witches - the wandering murderers of monsters who have been trained in the schools of the Witcher, which includes ruthless mental and physical processing and mystical rituals. Since childhood, when their abilities give to know only hints, future witches consume mutagenic mixtures and are subject to other tests to prepare for clashes with the most dangerous monsters - most of their opponents have inhuman speed, strength and other deaths. In fact, the Witcher is a mutant, grown especially in order to hunt and kill any evil. Because of the "processing" of the Witdoms live for a long time and possess the immune system, which is resistant to many diseases and potions, dangerous for ordinary people. Witches are distinguished high power, speed and endurance and rapid reflexes; Their wounds quickly heal. They are still sterile.

Witches are trained in special schools. It is known about the existence of schools of a wolf, snake, griffin and cat. Heralt, the main character of the series, studied at the Wolf School.

Who is heralyt

Medallion Geralta - sign of his belonging to the School of Wolf

Geralt from Rivia - The Witcher, the Son of the Wizard Visenna, who soon took him to the wolf's witch's witch - the fortress of Caer Morcher. At school heralt passed through numerous mutations, which gave him inhuman physical and mental capacity. After it was selected for additional, more dangerous mutations, and he was the only one among other young witches, who managed to survive them. Its white hair, completely devoid of pigment, is the side effect of these experiments. After completing the workout, he, like all the fellow on the workshop, became the murderer of monsters. However, unlike other witches, he often turned out to be in the center of the most important political events Despite the fact that he tried to keep politics as far as possible and stick to neutrality. Despite attempts to stay aside, Heralt often have to do a heavy choice.

At the end of the Book Sagi, Geralt dies in Rivia, defending nonhumans during the pogrom - the next act of racism of people in relation to other peoples. However B. game Series He returns to life, though not remembering both about his past and his friends and friends.

An important role in the fate of Gerasta is women played - you can read about them in .

Heralt fights with whom

Typical day of Geralal

The witch's universe is filled with frightening monsters and dangerous creatures, some of which came from slavic mythology and Polish folklore. Therefore, it is possible to meet ledge, mermaids and water on par with fictions of Western Fantasy - elemental, ridges, visivers and griffins.

A more dangerous threat will be played in the new game - the wild hunt mentioned in the title.

Wild hunt is the King of the Horde of the Ghost Riders, suddenly arising in different parts The world and also suddenly disappearing. People believe that it appears mainly during the winter. The appearance of wild hunt is an omnory of misfortunes, death and ambulance. But despite the certificates transmitted from the mouth, many believe that it is simply a magic phenomenon, not the Horde of Ghosts.

What happened before the events of the Wild Hunt

Emgyr Var Emrais - Emperor Nilfgard

Before the third game, Heralt met with the king of wild hunting and his ghosts both personally and in dreams. However, now the wild hunt will be the chief enemy of Geralta. In parallel, this heralett, one of the few remaining witches, is to find a child of the destiny, a girl with ash hair, a living and extremely unstable weapon, which they want to control all the forces of the world. At the same time, a third war begins against the background between Nilfgard and the Northern Kingdoms.

"Witcher 2" told about the murders of the rulers of the Northern Kingdoms: first, the mysterious killer was removed by Demavend, the King of Aedirna, and then Foltest, Lord of the Temer. In these crimes accused Loop Clavies. At the end of the second game, in 1273 the Kings of the North, Magi and Nilfgaga Ambassador gathered in the city of Lok Muinne. The Assembly was convened to determine future borders and the balance of power in the northern kingdoms and restore the Council and Consul of Charger. Over time, it became clear that Emgyr Var Emrais, Emperor Nilfgard, and not Lodge, became the customer of the murders. So another conflict broke out between the North and South.

It is still unknown at what stage of the war is before the beginning of the third game. It is only known that the Nilfgaga army crossed the Yaruga River and marches to the north, using chaos on the lands of the killed kings. It seems that Geralt will turn out again in the center historical eventsAlthough he would like to stay aside.

Dear readers! Among you, there are probably the "Witcher" experts. If you think that we missed some details that are important for understanding the "wild hunt" by newcomers, add us in the comments, and we will expand this material.

Since 2013, four full-length film polishes have already been released, and now the story goes into small screens. The USA Network channel begins to produce the eponymous series, whose events unfold in the same world. All films were practically not related to each other plot, and the new project will also have its own line. Therefore, it is not necessary to study everything before viewing. But it is useful to find out how it works fantasy world « Ship Night"And why it all started.

What is the essence of the "vessel"?

The events of all films occur in the fictional world of the United States of the future, where the government, which calls himself "new founding fathers", invented a way to bring the country out of the crisis. Every year they arrange the "vessel night" or, if we translate literally, "cleaning" - the time when any crimes are legitimate.

Everything is very simple. Throughout the year, Americans live as usual: they work, visit shopping centers And go to visit each other. If someone becomes bad, an ambulance will come, if they rob - the police, although the crimes in this world happen very rarely.

However, every year on March 21 at 19 o'clock in all cities, sirens sound, and on radio and television announce the beginning of the "Night's Night". From that 12 hours, any violence and even murders become absolutely legal, only without the use of weapons of mass lesion. Police, ambulance and all the rest public services This night does not work.

Any office worker, a janitor or a student can take a baseball bat, a gun or a machine, go outside and kill everyone who he does not like. Although a hooligan from the neighboring house, even just a random passerby. This is called "release the beast", and thus the state gives citizens to get rid of the accumulated to further whole year live quietly. People are not obliged to participate in violence, many simply locked up in homes, and those who have the opportunity to buy themselves the latest security systems - such sells the protagonist of the first film.

However, a significant part of the population considers their duty to participate in "cleaning", because according to official information, it was she brought the state from the economic crisis and again made the United States to the prosperous country.

How does violence help the economy?

At first, this question really remains a mystery. In the first film, events are concentrated only on one family, and the whole action takes place in their home. It is shown only that wealthy citizens are sacred in the correctness of the method, although they themselves do not want to participate in what is happening. The main character is locked in the house with his family, but strangers are besieged, and then their own neighbors. And their only task is to live until the morning.

The authors immediately throw the viewer into the world, where everyone is convinced of the benefits of the "vessel", but how can it help ordinary people - unclear. Explanations come in the second part of the franchise having an anarchy subtitle. This film is more like a fighter than a chamber thriller. Here, a group of unfamiliar people is on the street in the "Judgment Night", and they will have to face hooligans, crazy and even with prepared soldiers.

And here it turns out that violence is not at all such a chaotic and uncontrolled, as the government is positioned. In addition to street gangs, maniacs and simply brought to the extreme office workers During the "vessel" in the cities, trucks with professional mercenaries run. They track the groups of citizens, which represent the greatest danger, and shoot them.

But only this work is not limited. The mercenaries are sent to poor neighborhoods, where they destroy representatives of the lower layers of the population. So the state eliminates itself from social payments, Growth and other problems associated with numerous ghetto residents. Officially, this massacre can not be carried out, therefore, the "vessel night" was invented, which creates a visible effect of universal equality. But in fact, as shown in the first film, most wealthy people have the opportunity to hide in their homes, and the number of poor people are artificially reduced.

How did ordinary people drawn to it?

From the very beginning in films about the "vessel", the authors talk about the congenital tendency of man to violence. IN ordinary life People are accustomed to hiding it, but if they give the opportunity to "release the beast", they will gladly take the weapon.

In fact, everything is not so simple. In the bed "The vessel's night. The beginning "tells in more detail the history of the first" cleaning ". It turns out that after the economic collapse of the state, the "New Founders Fathers" party hired scientists for the conclusion of the country from. One of them also offered to carry out such an experiment.

However, even residents of poor quarters who are accustomed to violence have practically not interested in a strange idea, and many even wanted to leave the city. After all, one thing is to say that someone you want to kill, but quite another - really to take a weapon in the hands, even if it is not punishment for that. Therefore, the government suggested that people compensation: a certain amount just for the fact that they will remain at home, and significantly more - if they take part in the worry.

At the same time, the emphasis was done on the inhabitants of poor quarters. First, because the experiment is actually calculated on them. Secondly, for them money is more serious motivation. But all the same most people perceived it only as the need to be filled in their own homes.

The experiment was on the verge of failure, and then the official who was responsible for the statistics, and decided to use mercenaries. They had to draw street gangs in shootout to prove the effectiveness of the method, and, as already mentioned earlier, clear the poor quarters. The deception worked, the next morning the government was reported on the success of the experiment, the economy gradually went to the mountain, and the "vessel" began to arrange every year.

And over time, everyone supported the idea?

For many, of course, the "vessel night" really turned into an opportunity to spill all the hidden cruelty. To nobody recognized them, people put on bright masks and costumes, dress up, like on Halloween, and girls even buy automatic machines with rhinestones. Particularly cruel, but not very bold groups of wealthy people for money find victims. So, for example, poor old man May agree to torture to pay the debts of their daughters. Well, for someone - as for the chief hero of the second part - "cleaning" becomes the possibility of legal revenge.

Of course, not everyone turned into murderers. But in the world where there are no laws and 12 hours a year reigns violence, everyone had to adapt. Those who cannot afford the security system, protect their homes or shops with weapons in their hands.

In the third film with the subtitle "Year of Elections", it has already been shown that some part of the inhabitants are trying to help those who have suffered from street faithless. One of the heroines goes through the streets in the armored minibus and tries to provide first aid to the wounded or take them into the underground hospital.

In addition, a whole resistance movement was formed, which is trying to destroy the current order. However, they turn out to be a deadlock situation - you can only make a coup with the use of the same violence. The main storyline of the third film, finalizing the franchise, talks about a presidential candidate woman who promises to ban the "vessel night". It supports more and more voters, but "new founding fathers" decide to use the latest "cleaning" to get rid of an unwanted competitor.

The film ends at first glance Happi-end: the heroine still wins the election and cancel annual violence. However, the final shows that such a decision causes new wave protests and collisions. And this can lead to even greater bloodshed.

What will be the series?

As noted earlier, all films from the "Ship Night" series are separate stories occurring in the same world. Therefore, the plot of the series is unlikely to be connected directly from any of the parts. And the action will unfold, probably before the events of the third film, since "cleaning" is still legal.

According to the description, the series will tell about the former Marine Sea, who receives a strange letter from his sister and comes to it just before the start of the "vessel." Now he must protect his relatives from reigning around violence. The series starts on September 4, and then it will be published weekly on Tuesdays on the USA Network channel. A total of 10 episodes are planned. According to the authors, they will become a completely new chapter in history about 12-hour violence.

Mark Khostein, COINDESK editor, about why the word "fraud" is like to use in the cryptocosces.

In childhood, we all heard a story about the boy, who shouted: "Wolf!". This story teaches not a panic to panic, otherwise no one will believe you when the situation truly becomes dangerous.

But this basbe has another morality, less obvious and more disturbing. It is important to understand those who have turned out to be the host (that is, residents of the village): if someone spent you in the past, reporting on the obvious danger, next time he can tell the truth. Therefore, if you wish him with bills, there is a chance that the wolf will really come for your sheep.

it a big problem For everyone who is trying to figure out the world cryptocurrency, and even more so for those who are trying to earn it.

Everywhere fraud

Bitcoin fans (Bitcoin), especially maximalists, are accustomed to call everything they find a little dubious, or just what they do not like, "fraud".

Although fraud is a serious criminal offense, in social networks and on the forums they are rushed to the right and left, as schoolchildren in the dressing room are thrown by calls. Although, justice for the sake of, this word sometimes takes the value, far from the offensive.

In notes to its brilliant essay of 2014 "All - Fraudsters" (Everyone "S A SCAMMER) Michael Goldstein from the Satoshi Institute Doboto writes:

"The word" fraudster "carries heuristic rather than accusing character."

If you, like Goldstein, think that Bitcoin will soon go to the moon, the seller who takes bitcoins is a fraudster. The fraudster and the one who is trying to buy your bitcoins, even if he is ready to give you his apartment.

According to this widespread definition, fraud is any attempt to get your bitcoins.

You can look at this situation on another side. When small investors say that "all these altcoins and ICO are fraud" is the same thing that saying the child "Dikifu shoots needles". In reality, this is not quite so, but if the child believes, he will stay away from the needle and avoid troubles.

Among the dangers that lie in the world cryptocurrency - bad ideasin which blindly believe; good ideaswhich are poorly implemented; and frank fraudulent schemes. It is believed that the first two categories are rather subsets of the third.

Risk of defamation

In the Wild West of Kryptomir, it may be in the order of things, but in civil society the word "fraud" means criminal intent. If someone is called a "fraudster", it damages the reputation of a person (unless, of course, the charges are not repeated so often that they lose their weight). Without convincing evidence, such a label is a potential slander.

You can express your doubt in the idea or in a business model or the ability of the team to realize the conceived, not jumping to direct accusations of fraud. Sometimes the specified direction of thought can help reveal criminal schemes. One of the first articles on Enon contained neat assumptions that the company is tangled, and true value Its shares are not so great. The time has shown that it was still gently said.

But such an insult as a "fraudster" is the easiest way to be heard in online playback, and it seems that this is another reason why it is so every weekly.

In addition, if cEO The largest bank in the United States may call Bitcoin fraud, while his organization creates a private blockchain based on Ethereum (protocol that probably would never exist without Bitcoin), then why should someone be followed by words?

Wolves nearby

Returning to rural residents who ignored the shepherd boy, there are many ingenious schemes in this space.

This month, one startup collected 375 thousand dollars on ICO, and then evaporated. There are more such stories.

Often, people who question someone else's sincerity is also prone to exaggeration or theatricality in other situations. Therefore, you should not roll your eyes or shrug when the trolls begin to shout: "This is a fraud!". Sometimes they are right.

In this industry, it is more complicated to distinguish a clean signal in a stupid noise than anywhere else.

Prepared Tia Aryanov

What does the term "ghost in armor" mean?

The original name of the paper manga Masamune Siro sounds like "Kôkaku Kidôtai" (1989), but in all the rest of the world, it is known under its English-speaking (proposed, by the word, the author himself) option - "Ghost in the Shell". Unfortunately, such a successful, meaningful and capacious name is almost undevelopment into Russian. The poetic "ghost in the armor" sounds beautiful, but not exactly exactly. More closest in meaning looks like a "soul in a steel shell" or simply: "Spirit in the flesh."

What is the essence? By 2030, people learned to put the human brain into a special capsule, and even completely overwritten it to neurochips, capable of improving the work of intelligence and make any person online without any gadgets. Such a design was chosen by cybermog.

Then the development of a cybertel (they are shell - "shell"), which can be changed as gloves: the service life of a similar device is almost unlimited. In that the perfect world Each person (who, of course, has money) became immortal and beautiful.

At the same time, artificial intelligence developed in parallel - and to distinguish the help of a robot from the cyborg with a human brain, the term "spirit" / "Soul" (Ghost) was introduced. Cyber \u200b\u200bwalks in a thin face separating the living consciousness from artificial algorithms, just devoted to the adaptation of manga Masamune Siro.

Five-minute movie scene

Who is Kusanagi motor?

In film the main heroine The "Ghost in the Armor" plays the Hollywood Star Scarlett Johansson and her name of the world of Killian, we will not be spooled why. In Anime, the heroine is a pseudonym Motoc Kusanaga (which means "striking sword"), although those surrounding, as a rule, call her just a major (in the film will also be the same).

"Iron Lady" - not only by body, but also "spirit". Practical, rude, sharp, even arrogant and extremely cold - professional to the bone's brain. At six years experienced a plane crash, after which the doctors were forced to go to one of the world's first body cybernetization. Then the girl fell under the housing of the government, numerous upgrades were held and turned into a supersoldt, as well as in a perfect woman, whom to spit on the seductive proportions of his titanium body, but do not care about his capabilities.

Scene Creation Motor Kusanaga in Anime Mamor Osi

Virtuoso possession of various combat techniques together with the ability to remotely crack everything that moves, allow the Major to solve the most complex tasks at the head of its elite detachment (see below). However, being an ideal machine for murder, the girl has a thin soulful organization - it is inherent in deep reflection about the own consciousness and borders separating artificially from the living in the plot very confused world of "ghost in the armor".

And so looks like a similar scene with Scarlett Johansson. Music specially wrote Kanji Kawaii, Author of the Soundtrack to Osi's films

What is the ninth department in which it serves?

After the third and fourth world wars, the Earth was divided between several political blocs, and the Afraid of the world contributed to the fact that great amount Cybernetized veterans, many of which belong to the state. As a result, various ministries of the Japanese bureaucratic car began to form a chance to form detachments from these veterans to protect the country and themselves.

Ninth Department of Bureau public security Japan - a division created by Major's personally under the patronage Daisuke Aramaki, who worked in counterintelligence several decades. A detachment specializes in the most resonant and dangerous cases of cyberrorism, as well as on the destructiveness of proud nodes of numerous political intrigues of New Japan.

Who is the ninth department?

Elite Ranger, which has a huge physical force (and infrared eyes). Stores loyalty only by Major. Danish actor Pilou Asbek, known for the role of Euron Grazeja in the "Game of Thrones" and Pontius Pilate in Bekmambetovsky "Ben Gur"

2 of 6.

The only one in the detachment (besides Aramaki) one hundred percent person. This detective and approximate family man. Playing his Singapore actor Chin Han - his own man in Hollywood. It can be seen both in the filmmixes "Marvel" and DC

© Central Partnership / Paramount

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Sniper, who lost his left hand and eyes, after which he received in compensation to the cyberflaws and the "Eye of Sokol", allowing to hit targets at any distance. His role is performed by a real-terrain actor Yutak Izumihara, before that, for example, playing a Tokyo radio trainer in the "untarled" Angelina Jolie

© Central Partnership / Paramount

6 of 6.

What other ads were manga?

The main question: how to watch it? In reverse order. That is, the first chronologically goes "at the origins", followed by a single syndrome, and at the end it is best to watch Osi's films.

Let's go back to the film: Michael Pitt was in the trailer. What is he doing there?

The appearance of the hero of Michael Pitt - Hideo Kudze - in the film means that the game version of the "Ghost in the Armor" in the formulation of Rupert Sanders ("Snow White and Hunter") will not be a remake of Anime Mamor Osi. She will be a collective collage of all available on this moment Manga's shields Masamune Siro.

At the same time, it was originally planned that Pitt will play a "laughing person" - the main antagonist from the first season of the Single Syndrome, but then this concept has undergone a change, and the focus was Hideo Kudze - the opponent of the ninth department from the second season.

According to the plot, his past is inextricably linked with the past major. Together with the motor, he survived the aircraft crash as a child, and it was the girl who persuaded him to complete cybernetization of the body. After Kudze, he turned into a military cyborg, completely devoid of emotions, went to the sickness and became a secret leader of all military refugees in Japan. In the movie Kudze - Pitt turned into a hacker, but the connections with the motor did not lose.

The video about how the same "naked" cyber settlement is arranged, in which Scarlett Johansson starred

After all, was some scandal associated with Scarlett?

Many outraged that the actress with European appearance was invited to the role of Motok Kusanagi, but in the film the heroine is at all the name of the world of Killian. "I have nothing against Scarlett Johansson. In fact, I am her fan. But I decisively against whitening this typical Asian role, "wrote