Valkium sign. Walkiriya is who in Slavic mythology

Valkium sign. Walkiriya is who in Slavic mythology
Valkium sign. Walkiriya is who in Slavic mythology

The Walkiriy symbol refers to solarium, that is, solar signs. At the heart of the graphic drawing of Valkyrie - left-sided (that is, the "rotating" left) swastika. This is an important symbolic aspect that indicates the identity of the sign to military culture. And although it is believed that Valkyrie is a symbol of purely male, it's not quite so. Of course, every man is a warrior. But the warrior is not necessarily a man. Women could be warriors in antiquity, as well as women, therefore, it is right to note that the Valkyrie is a symbol, the value of which goes beyond traditionally male attributes.

The four-bearer walcium symbol swastla has a dual interpretation. On the one hand, this is the movement of the Sun, in the general sense - the power of the light giving life. At the same time, four rays of swastika personify justice, wisdom, nobility and honor, four qualities that defined the Slavic warrior. That is, Valkyrie is a Slavic symbol, imbued with a deep positive symbolism. In fact, it is difficult to say whether Valkiria was used as an overlap. It is unlikely, because the meaning of the symbol does not boil down to some protective functions, Valkyrie does not protect anyone from anything.

Even if we appeal to the traditional German-Scandinavian mythology (which is as close as possible to Slavic), there Valkyrie - the Virgin warriors on the winged horses (the widespread misconception - Valkyrie themselves were covered) who were chosen from the battlefield of the fallen Vikings. Then the souls shared equally between Odin and Frygg. The souls that fell to the same were heading to Valhalla and became Einkeria, the proudels of Asgard. Those that Frigg took themselves, went to Folkwangvangr, where the Queen of the Gods served.

That is, the Slavic symbol of Valkyrie, the value of which is unlikely to have an overlap aspect, includes several etymological reservoirs. Unfortunately, it is not known how and where it was used, because there are no archaeological finds or documents on the basis of which at least indirect conclusions could be done. However, the miracle of the surviving fragments of the Vedic tradition of Slavs tell about the symbol of Valkyrie, as about one of the brightest and strong signs of Slavic culture. Of course, many such conclusions may seem unfounded, because about this symbol we will not know from some historical sources, and from modern texts that many scientists tend to consider not even reconstructions, but rather fantasies. On the other hand, it is impossible to deny one simple fact: when the Slavs looks at the photo of the Walkiriy symbol, there is a feeling of disagreeable recognition. Curious and difficult to explain, but it really is. The Black Sun, Walkiria and many other swastor and near-worst symbols are not reflected in the historical chronicles of Slavs, but their power, their energy for us is obvious. Our ancestors called this memory of blood, probably the closest modern scientific analogue of this turnover - genetic memory.

Returning to the graphic features of the Slavic Symbol of Walkiria, it is impossible not to notice that in this case the swastika is inscribed in two crossed squares. The square (and digit 4) is a symbol of the earthly world, the embodiment of the four elements, the soil under our feet, the foundation (including ideological). Two squares are, on the one hand, doubling the image, on the other, is an indication of the binary base. At the same time, two digits 4 are given in the amount of 8, numerologically this is a symbol of permanent movement, aspiration for the better, self-improvement. That is why many believe that Valkyrie is a symbol, the value of which is not coming down to the purely military culture. Probably, this sign personified progress, first of all - spiritual, and, as if we were now told, professional.

Thus, it is possible to approve with full right that Valkiriya is a symbol of multidimensional and not the easiest in terms of understanding. Like any sacred sign, it needs to be comprehended by studying, probably esoteric practices. And who knows, perhaps, someone will open new aspects in it, but already - purely for themselves. Nevertheless, for example, Walkiriya Tattoo is not the best option. First, because at the moment there are very few people able to fully realize the meaning of this sign, and "stuff" what you do not even understand is, at least, stupid. The second point concerning Tattoo Walkiri is that our ancestors did not pinch the tattoos before 33 years old (except for exceptional cases). It was believed that otherwise it could cause a person irreparable damage, because the tattoo, as our ancestors believed, was applied not only to the physical body, but also to other (energy) human bodies. Of course, for the majority, all these statements look fiscal, especially since there are no real historical confirmation of these statements. But obviously, this is the question of faith, not science. Although our ancestors believed that it was two sides of the same medal.

Valkyrie is a mythological character of interest for modern cultural studies, as well as an image that is popular in folk creativity. Until now, I write books about Valkyrie, write songs, paint these virgins. They are also popular in fantasy genre. Many authors are inspired by this way to create their heroes. But where did Valkyrie come from? Who is it? Where were the first mentions of the Warper Devs? What is the significance of Walkiriya in Slavic mythology? Where is her roots? What archetype of public consciousness gave birth to her?

Who are Valkyrie

Valkyrie is a mysterious creature that various peoples have their own appearance and description. Most often it is a girl or a woman, a goddess or her assistant, associated with death and wars. The collective image of Valkyrie is a Valcian Velice, who accompanies the soldiers in the world of the dead, the patroness of soldiers and a friend in the battlefield.

Some sources of Valkiri are depicted by virgin wings on the back. In some, this is a Virgo in the armor, which flies over the battlefield on the Coe's winner.

They were also considered simultaneously by the patrons of warriors, sometimes participating in the battle, and sometimes just watching its outcome.

The origin of the word "Valkyrie"

The roots of the word "Valkyrie" have a Scandinavian origin. The meaning of the Word is encoded by two words of the Old Science language Valr "Crucians killed in the battle" and Kjósa "choose". This reflects the mythological role of this creature on the battlefield as a conductor of the killed soldiers in the kingdom of the dead. Also in the Word, there is a reference to the place called Valgall - the palace of the soldiers in the world of the dead.

Given these etymology, it is worth understanding that she came to Slavic mythology from Scandinavians. However, Valkyry Scandinavians and Walkiriya Slavs have a lot in common.

Archetype of the Great Mother and Valkyrie

Any mythological image of a junior is born from archetypes that already exist in our consciousness.

The roots of the image of Valkyrie, of course, originate in an ordinary earthly woman who can go in itself a new life. However, the consciousness of a person shares the image of a great mother into two components: giving life and taking it. Fertility is essential in the formation of mythological image of various goddesses.

And the other side of the image of the Great Mother was transformed into a separate character - Valkiria.

For example, with the word Walkiriy, the Icelandic combination of Velu Māte, which means "the Mother of the Dead". In Scandinavian mythology there is such a concept as "the Father of the Dead" - Valfọọr. It is logical to assume that where there is a father, there is always a mother. Due to the onset of patriarchal defendant in the Scandinavian tribes, the mother of the dead did not appear as a pair element for Valfọọr. In the Baltic version, on the contrary, there is no such direct term as the Father of the Dead, but there is Velu Māte.

Where are the mention of Valkyriy

The first mention in written sources appeared in the work of the "Elder EDDA" - a collection of ancient-visa songs about the battles, the gods of the Scandinavian Pantheon and heroes.

There are also mentions of Valkarius and in the ancient German mythologists, where they are daughters of Odin and help him in Valhalla. You can also meet the image of this in the "Nibelungi Songs".

In less well-known sources, there are also mentions of Valkyriy. For example, in "Promotion of Welver", "Speech of Grimnira", "Gulvi's Vision".

Scandinavian myths and Valkyrie

Walkiriya in Scandinavian mythology is a Veliver Velice, which helps soldiers in the battle. In some sources, its property is mentioned to influence the outcome of the battle, in others, on the contrary, their subordinate position is emphasized in relation to the goddess of Frey and Odin and inability to help the soldiers.

However, they accompany the fallen in the world of the dead. At the same time, Valkyrie is described as a beautiful girl in the armor and helmet on the cereal cable.

Also one of the functions of these girls is serving soldiers on the feast in Valchull. They bring drinks to the heroes that fell like valiant soldiers.

What is the role of Walkirians in Slavic mythology

In the Slavic Vedas there is also a mention of Valkyrie. What is Valkyrie in Slavic mythology - the question is still controversial.

In the Vedas, it is mentioned as the Goddess-Patron of Warriors. As in the Scandinavian mythology, the goddess Valkyrie accompanies warriors who died in a battle in the sky Halu, where they will now live and sing headed by God's wolf - the God-war, the defender of Slavic peoples.

In Slavic culture, she was also considered a defender of the Vedas, protecting them from evil eyes. In Slavic mythology gained higher status. Unlike the Scandinavian servant or daughter Odin, the Slavs Walkiriya had a full status of the goddess.

She could solve the fate of the Warrior, who heard her, to predetermine the outcome of the battle. The Slavs goddess was not a warrior, she simply defended the warriors from the unfavorable outcome of the battle and accompanied them into the world of others.

At the same time, people who died their death or not in battles, took the goddess Marjam.

Place Valkrie in Slavic rituals

Valkyrie was considered a defender and comforter of warriors, along with that keeper of the Vedas. This role is also determined by the participation in the rituals of Slavs.

Valkyrie was depicted in the form of a charm, which was designed to protect his owner from evil forces. Moreover, it could not only be warriors, also a charm was also done for men, and for women.

It was believed that the symbol gives an additional valor of a man who is wearing, and a woman is an additional source of wisdom.

Also, this symbol was applied as a print on handwritten books. After the appearance of writing and Christian culture, this symbol was still sometimes used as knowledge protection.

It was from the legend of Valkyrie that the custom appeared in women to let the braids and not cut them in any way if their man is in battle.

Initially, even during the times of Slavic paganism, it was believed that the goddess Valkyrie had earthly helpers, ordinary devs, who transmits his strength and magic through her hair.

Symbol of Walkiya

Valkyrie is also one of the images of the ancient Slavs carrying esoteric symbolism. This symbol consists of a circle, symbolizing the daily celestial luminaries, into which two squares and a four-pointed specific shape of the swastuby are concluded.

This symbol combines four important aspects of military Slavic culture:

  • Nobility. It was believed that anyone who wore this symbol was becoming more noble.
  • Wisdom. The ability to think and act intelligently and clearly.
  • Justice. For a warrior, this was considered the most important feature of character.
  • Honor. The ability to defend their people before the enemy.

This symbol was considered a defender of the genus of Slavs. War is always losses. And Valkyrie is a symbol that was able to smooth the negative energy of the war, as well as to give parties to the fighting, peace and humility before the battle. The most humility that makes act on honor and conscience regardless of the alleged result of the war.

It turns out that this sign of Valkyrie in Slavic mythology is not only a virgin virgin. This is something sacred, personifying the protection of the entire Slavic race. And in fact, the fact that Valkyrie and as a character, and how the symbol is very firmly rooted in the Old Slavic culture, not accidental.

For many years, the image of Valkyrie has changed, scientists argue who they really are. Divine beauties with a tender soul or cruel warriors of darkness? According to different sources, the god of each other was 12 or 13, and each Valkyrie had its name and its appointment. Slavs also read these virgins, and those who are wanted with their sign and buy in the 21st century to protect warriors and kinda.

Valkyrie - Who is it?

Myths have retained a clear image of these girls, although their descriptions change over time. Who are Valkyrie and what do they look like? These are the warriors who traveled on the winged horses and gathering the souls of fallen warriors to send to Heavenly. There were the best warriors of all times, and beautiful girls served them at the table. Sometimes they had the right to determine the course of the battle and grant the victory mortal. Valkyrie appeared when the gods ruled on the ground, about their origin will be 3 versions:

  1. The daughter of God is Odin.
  2. The servant of the Supreme God who died in the battle of the daughter of the princes.
  3. Heiress the genus elves.

In the German and Anglo-Saxon myths, legendary warrins were described in different ways:

  • beauty with gold hair and pale skin.
  • virgin Swans.
  • bold horses on beautiful horses whose swords have radiated light.

Power of Valkyrie

Valkyrie were special creatures, no race could compare with them in military art, the myths say that they did not even give way to the shorten. And only death could stop such a girl, because they are not sensitive to pain. For other versions, the warrior always remained immortal and forever young. If you rely on the data of different myths, the warrior-Walkirium had a huge force, which was given:

  • excellent vision, allowing to see during the moon and stars;
  • the ability to swim, owning any combat techniques and all kinds of weapons;
  • resistance to magical diseases and spells.

There are versions that the strength of these devans gave an unusual armor and their names, the legends retained such 13. Slavic myths called the power of the warrior valor, honor and, it was believed that these qualities would give warrior Slavic Walkiya's warrior. To carry his specialists today recommend people who are looking for wisdom and preserve pride in any situations.

Sign of Valkyrie

In ancient times, Slavs highly revealed the sign of Valkyrie - the personification of wisdom and justice. It represents 4 repetitive runes ha - movement, and the runes P is a sign of death. It was worn by almost all the soldiers of Kiev Rus, it was cut out of the wood or burned out of iron, sometimes tattooed right on the body. Many knocked the sign of Valkyrie on a sword as a sign of courage, it was believed that such a weapon gives justice in battle.

The priests used a seal with a warriper sign for the protection of scrolls of ancient knowledge of Slavs, the sign was read as the strongest. According to ancient legends, women Valkyrie patronized with such 4 qualities:

  1. Justice.
  2. Honor.
  3. Wisdom.
  4. Nobility.

Valkyrie - Mythology

Valkyrie is the Virgin Warper, with the filing of the Scandinavian myths, they are customary to depict in armor, horned helmets, with shields and spears. Sagi was described that the glitter of their weapons arose the Northern Lights, which covered the road into the title of the gods. The duty of beauties is to accomplish the souls of the fallen in Valgall, but only those who died in battle could be given to this honor if the warrior died from wounds in his bed, he had no warranty after him.

In the first legends, Valkyrie was described as cruel angels of death, which were eager for the suffering of dying warriors, enjoying the bloody battles. But hundreds of years, this image has acquired more merciful features. Virgin chants themselves, like bold and brave beauties who gave honor and respect the best of the best, who did not regret life for the sake of stealing glory.

Valkyrie in Slavic mythology

Walkiriya in Slavyan also enjoyed a huge wrench. This name means - "That that collects the dead," therefore described it as a goddess, accompanied by the fallen heroes in the Gardens of Iriad. She was depicted with swan or silver wings, it was considered, allegedly the last thing I heard the dying warrior, this is the swan song of Valkyrie, who notified the gods about the appearance of a new bright soul for the kingdom of the dead. Walkiriya was mentioned even in the chronicles of Russia, they had the right to wear only the best winners, and that - with the permission of priests.

Valkyria - Scandinavian mythology

Walkiyia in Vikings are described as bold warriors who fulfill the will of God Odin, hanging the victory marked by God. But after a while, the girls began to fall in love with mortals, and give them a victory in their will. Having received the power of the Supreme Divine, one deprived the Valkyrie of this right, focusing only on the performance of his will. He expelled them from Valgals, the girls could only look after the soul of the warrior until his horse would take him. Having lost the privileges, the warriors acquired their wings and turned into a halftole, which singing facilitates the flour of warriors.

Books about Valkyrie

One of the most ancient Saga is the "older EDDA", in which Valkyrie is described as Women-Bogatlish, beloved heroes of Helga and Velund. Saga "Sigdriva speech" tells about the love of the Warper Sigdriva, who dismissed Odin, she returned to Sigurd from eternal sleep. At different times, writers returned to this topic, and in the 21st century the books about Valkyrie and Vampires occupy the top lines of the rating of popularity. Even in children's literature, Dmitry Emets dedicated a lot of pages in the series about Methodius Buslaeva.

The most famous works about the legendary warriors are called:

  1. "My Ragnaret" Max Fry.
  2. Valkyrie Maria Semenova.
  3. "Keeper Swords" Nika Perumova.
  4. "Where the gray-haired God gone" Robert Howard.
  5. Valkyrie Paolo Coelho.

The spirit in female form, helping the souls of the dead warriors to find their place in the posthumous world, taking the shape of a swan, a winged Virgin on a white horse or a wolf. This information gives the Scandinavian mythology in the heroic "senior edde". Valkyrie, which are daughters of Odin, have always carried a security feature. In the ancient Scandinavia, the Virgin, shining his armor, guarded the souls of the died on the battlefield and directed them to the path of the rule. They carried the soul, accompanying the flight to the immortality of the standing and mournful songs.

Nowadays, Valkyrie in the form of the overawe is guarded and protects warriors, this charm, carrying male energy, gives the courage, the strength of the Spirit and the opportunity to leave the world of Javi with honor, and also gives victory in the battle and achieving its goals.

The question arises how the Deva-warrior is connected from the Scandinavian ledges with our Slavic worldview, how did the Walkiriya charm come to us? Scandinavians and Slavs, do they have something in common? To deal with these issues, you need to go deep into the history and mythology of the Scandinavian and Slavic peoples.

Ancient Scandinavians and Germans, together with other tribes, constituted a single community of Slavic tribes, where beliefs, customs, rites, symbolism and legends were unlikely, it is similar. After holding the parallels between the Valkyriyi, the godders of the Baltic Slavs, and the Western Slavic goddes known to us, it can be noted that those and others are endowed with the ability to turn into swans and all of them are endowed with magical power. Recall the princess swan from Russian fairy tales or her opposite - an evil spirit, a wretchedness, bringing a love fever, a soul.

Valkyrie, turning into the swans, attributed the souls of the dead warriors in Valhalla and sang them the funeral songs, Tsarevna Swan helped to survive the fairy-tale hero and win both in this world and in the otherworldly. In the most ancient myths, militant maids either had their origin from the elves, or were the daughters of Scandinavian princes, endowed by mystical abilities and the ability to turn into birds. With the adoption of Christianity, the image of the heroic Virgin loses the mystical meaning, together with him the ability to contact the bird. During the times of Christians, Valkyrie is already just maidening on swans and pick up the dead on the battlefield.

Nowadays, the symbol of Valkyrie stepped over the border of the traditional image of the Northern Virgin Heroine, accompanying the souls of the dead Vitya in Valchalla, in the hall of the Frey Goddess, for relaxing after severe taut feats. Valkyrie is no longer just "picking up the dead," this is a symbol of honorable death, even rather a symbol of post-mortem glory and military honors.

Symbol of Valkyrie in the ancient Slavs

The Slavs have a symbol of Walkiriya, which is a four repetitive runes of ha, denoting movement, and repeated runes P, symbolizing the completion of a person's life cycle, that is, his death was particularly revered by priests. The runes enclosed in the circle, symbolizing the infinite cycle of rebirth and updates, were used by priests to help attachments in the wiseship.

The Walkiriy symbol defended Vedi and Vedic knowledge, not allowing unworthy people with evil intent to them, they were sealing particularly important scrolls.

Walkiriya as an esoteric emblem, symbolizing the protection of true knowledge, accompanied the Slavs for thousands of years and has helped them and return to them for thousands of years. Valkyria, carrying not only the energy of death, but also the fiery energy of the revival to the new life, embroidered on clothes, applied to ceramics, cut out of wood or minted on weapons.

Made this symbol and in the form of faiths from metals:

  • Yellow;
  • silver;
  • gold;
  • silver;
  • copper;
  • bronze.

The tradition of making fabrics wearable on the chest was reborn in our time together with the revival of Slavic culture and Vedic religion among young people and middle-aged people. Walkiro made of gold or silver can be ordered in workshops where masters work, manufacturing charms and other items decorated with security symbols.

Valkyrie in modern Slavic tradition

Walkiriya is one of the strongest and most ancient faiths intended for people whose occupations represent a risk to life or health. These are not only warriors, but also athletes engaged in extreme sports, as well as travelers, firefighters, military doctors, fishermen, hunters. This list includes priests, keepers of knowledge churring the life of the communities of Slavs Ariyev. The protective symbol is used by priests to seal the Vedic texts containing sacred knowledge.

The breastplastic symbol of Valkyrie can be used not only by men, women who have fallen into a difficult situation and in need of developing male qualities, it will also be useful for gaining vitality and self-confidence. Women can wear a symbol-suspension, but Walkiria embroidered on clothes, especially in the collar, sleeves, belt look good. These places are especially vulnerable and need protection, that is, embroidered Valkyrie works if it is protected by all open places plus a loin.

Walkiriya, located in the work area of \u200b\u200bthe house or in the office, will help a woman to achieve financial independence and make a career using such male qualities as perseverance, independence, the ability to achieve their goal, criticality. But married women and young girls wishing to be loved ones, at home it is better to shoot Valkiria to remain cute and desirable and not combustible men with excessive manifestation of independence and stiffness, invalid in the family. At home, a woman is the keeper of a family hearth, a wife and mother, so the armor must be removed in a safe place.

Boys can be given oberegWalkiria from twelve years, when the period of growing and aware of themselves begins as an independent person who wants achievements and victories. The breast guard is a pattern to himself, this warning concerns all - men, boys and representatives of the beautiful half of humanity, as it works only in this position. For the younger girls it is better to choose another oberegcarrying female energy.

Before the land came to Earth, people believed in the gods living in the sky, under the thickness of the earth and in the waters of the sea. And the gods had their messengers and servants. They carried mortal and grace, and the kara owners of their own. And everywhere were gods: in the birth and death, in feast and in adversity, in the world and in war. People wore their signs of their gods to draw them and help to get in the affairs and called signs these overalls.

The charm means a person protecting from harm, from all evil, helping and multiplying. The overalls were called by the soul of human enlightenment, clean and health to give. Walked power only for good deeds.

The old Slavs knew that the charm was supposed to be gold or silver. Silver wagon wisdom and tranquility gave, and the gold force and power aggravated. Usually gold wubblers wore warriors. The most significant of them was considered the Slavic Charm Walkiriya.

Valkyrie, if you believe the mythology of the northern peoples, was the messenger of death and she rushed on his huge horse on the battlefield and picked up the souls of the dead warriors. Only the bravets and heroes have received the attention of the newsrier, only the soul, unworn cowardice touched her hand. Sometimes Valkyrie could solve the outcome of the battle, or could give the power and weapon of the chosen of the gods. Heroes's souls she accompanied to her father Odin in Valhalla, on the Day of the Great Warriors and Gods.

Valkyrie was presented in the image of an excellent maiden with long golden braids, in shining armor, whose defillas gave birth to the Northern Lights in the sky. From the sword of the Virgin proceeded, and he cut off the soul of the deceased. According to some legends instead of a horse, Valkiriy was rushed over the battlefield on their heavy, silver wings. Hence the opinion that Valkyrie could turn into beautiful swans. The last thing I heard the dying, was the swan song of Valkyrie, who heated heaven about the march of the new soul.

In the literal translation of Valkiriya means "choosing death". Northern peoples and Slavs, including, believed that in the hands of these viritants there was the fate of all mankind. Initially, it was the opinion that Valkyrie was ferocious and ruthless death angels that were drunk by battles and blood. Later, he began to believe that Valkyrie fair and kind maids giving sweet and painless death were injured. A lot of legends says that Valkyrie fell in love more than once in mortal heroes and changed their divine power in return for the soul and life of their chosen. It was believed that sons were born, even if even mortal valkiries, became great and invincible warriors.

Walkiriya Walcine Value.

The Slavic Walcium Charger has a Scandinavian roots. At least, this symbol could wear both men and women, but Walkiriya's guarded, was predominantly a male, designed for Varyag warriors. No man went out on the battlefield if he did not have this charm. From the very birth, the fathers of their sons personally had a leather strap with a faucet, so that the Veliver-Warper guarded them from the pigeons of all sorts and bravery grunted in the souls.

It was believed that Walkiriya's charm brought good luck in battle. He gave power in his hands to keep the sword longer, gave light in the eyes so that the enemy could not deceive the warrior. Usually, the chambers were wooden or gold, and rushed on the neck, but also this symbol met in the form of tattoos and embroidered ornaments on clothing. Also, Walkiriya was done as engraving on weapons. It was believed that so it became stronger and tidy.

But the war could not only be physical, but also morally, when doubts and fears were overwhelmed by a person. The charm came to the rescue and in this case. He gave calm and peace, helped take the right decision and find the surest way. Walkiriya was guarded and did not allow a person to go down and make sin.

The Walcyrian symbol was not a wonderful virgin with wings, and a strict geometric shape, on which the cross was depicted with curved ends, symbolizing the cycle of life and the sun, and the rhombus on the square is the snowy field of the Svary God. According to his meaning, Walkiriya means the protection of the Earth, the faith of his and the genus of its own.

The symbol of Valkyrie combines all the most important features of the real warrior: honor, wisdom, nobility and justice. Without these qualities, no man can be considered warrior. Warrior must be wise and not allow the enemy to fool himself; He must have the honor and fight for his shrines and do not hide cowardly from the threat; It must be noble and not shed innocent blood and respect even his own enemies; It must be fair and only right things, without secrets and sv. Walkiriya's guard is a kind of Military Code of Honor, Universal and combining the fundamental concepts of morality and humanity.

Not only in war, the fate of people were wonderful Walkirii, but in the world. The priests believed that the Virgin Warper Shields were protected by the Book of the Vedas from the demonic forces, and peak justice, following none of the mortals violating the laws of the gods.

Together with the wisdom and tranquility, some aggression is also peculiar to this, but it is human and caused only by the desire to defend, since Valkyrie is not only a messenger of death, but also the patroner of brave defenders.

Men wore this charm, not only for success in a military business, but also to find a woman with a decent and strong spirit, able to divide his burden with him and give birth to healthy and strong sons. In turn, women wore this charm to become stronger and hardening their character, become more enduring and ready for any adversity.

Walkiriya's champion, as one of the most powerful solar (solvent) characters, is easiest to charge with sunlight. To do this, it is enough to fly to the white surface, so that at noon it is touched by the rays of the sun and heated, filling it with sunny and light strength. At the same time, pronounced, as in many cases, a universal conspiracy: "Sun-Yar, filled this charm and protect me!". To clear the charm of negative energy, it is enough to hold it about two hours in a wastewater, which will take with it all dark and evil.