Metal gear is a series of games for pc. Metal Gear is the story of today's greatest gaming franchise

Metal gear is a series of games for pc.  Metal Gear is the story of today's greatest gaming franchise
Metal gear is a series of games for pc. Metal Gear is the story of today's greatest gaming franchise

More recently, the masterpiece ending to the story of Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain has been released. Many people no longer remember all the twists and turns of the plot and the alternative history of mankind. We tried to collect for you the key events of the Metal Gear Solid series over the years in a summary. Happy acquaintance! So, according to Hideo Kojima, everything went something like this:

The year is 1918. The joint efforts of Russia, China and the United States created the Philosophers organization, which sought to control all spheres of activity from politics to economics.

The year is 1939. During World War II, the Philosophers negotiated a treaty to create the Philosophical Heritage. The legacy is $ 100 billion, as well as the names of all secret members of the organization.

1946 year. After the end of World War II, the money of the "Philosophical Heritage" was stolen and hidden, divided between several banks at the same time. All transactions were recorded as microfilms. Whoever receives the microfilms will be able to receive the Legacy. Of course, Russia, China and the United States are interested in the search for "Heritage" to gain strength and power.

1954 year. Following Stalin, Nikita Khrushchev comes to the post of head of state.

1 961 year. Russian nuclear scientist Nikolai Sokolov begins work on a new nuclear weapon project: the Shagohod.

1962 year. It turns out that the Russian side is deploying medium-range ballistic missiles in Cuba, one of the allied countries. For the United States, this is a wake-up call, as Russia could potentially attack the United States if the weapons reach Cuba. At the same time, scientist Nikolai Sokolov begins to fear his own creation of the "Shagohod" and decides to flee to the United States. He escapes from Russia with his family, but is recognized and stopped in Berlin. President Kennedy is demanding that Russia renounce nuclear weapons, but the Russian side does not even think to agree. The United States and Russia are putting their forces on alert up to an all-out nuclear war. After some time, Russia is phasing out its nuclear weapons, but in exchange it wants Sokolov to be returned back to Russia. Sokolov returns and continues to work on the Shagohod project. The CIA creates FOX (Force Operation X unit), which is designed to carry out covert operations. FOX is led by Major Zero.

1964 year. The US sends its best agent, Boss, to Russia to find the Philosophical Legacy. FOX sends secret agent Naked Snake to Russia to find Sokolov and destroy the Shagohod. The mission was called "Virtuous Mission". Throughout the mission, Naked Snake maintains radio communications with fellow FOX members: Major Zero, Sigint, and Para-Medic. While close to completing the mission, Naked Snake's mentor, Agent Boss, stops him. It seems that the Boss went over to the side of Russia, becoming a traitor to the United States.

The military force of Russia is represented by the Special Forces of the GRU. A group of rebel groups led by Colonel Volgin seeks to confront the Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev. The boss gives Russia an American nuclear warhead, which Colonel Volgin uses to destroy a Russian research center. It looks like the US attacked Russia. A very sensible move made by Russia.

The United States is demanding proof from Khrushchev that they did not participate in the nuclear attack organized by Boss and Volgin. They also decide to send Naked Snake back to Russia in order to fulfill Khrushchev's request to get rid of the Boss, Naked Snake's mentor, and Colonel Volgin. The mission was named "Operation Snake Eater".

The KGB links FOX to two NSA agents who went over to the Russian side in 1960: ADAM and EVA. ADAM will help Naked Snake get information and eventually escape. Only EVE will appear at the rendezvous point, stating that she is now in ADAM's location. Naked Snake and EVU will be attacked by fighters under the command of Ocelot. He takes EVU hostage, but ultimately loses and retreats. Naked Snake and EVE learn that Volgin is in possession of the Philosophical Heritage.

As part of its mission to find the Walker, Naked Snake encounters and kills all members of the Cobra group except the Boss: Pain, Rage, End, Fear, Sadness. During the attack, led by Volgin, Boss, and Ocelot, Naked Snake is hit by a bullet and loses one eye. Naked Snake destroys the Shagohod and kills Colonel Volgin.

What Naked Snake didn't know was who EVE really is. She was a spy for the Chinese government (recall that China also wants the Philosophical Legacy. EVA does receive the microfilm, but later finds out that it is a fake. The real film fell into the hands of Ocelot, a triple agent who works for the Philosophers. Ocelot, in fact, he was ADAM, but no one knew about it.

Ocelot is donating Heritage to the United States, but only half of the funds are in it. It is assumed that the second half is held by the KGB. Naked Snake learns that Boss did not betray the United States, but followed orders. She needed to win Volgin's trust by handing over a nuclear warhead. The main goal remained to gain access to the "Heritage". What the government did not expect was that Volgin would use a warhead at a research center to frame the United States. At this point, the Boss's mission was revised: she had to continue to play her role and be killed by the Naked Snake in order to remove everything incriminated from the United States. The boss became the hero of her country, which is remembered as a traitor.

The USA has awarded Naked Snake with a new callsign "Big Boss". Ocelot is in talks by phone with the chief director of the KGB, discussing the role of Nikita Khrushchev. Soon after, Khrushchev is thrown out of the office. Angered by what the government has done to him and his mentor Boss, Big Boss resigns from FOX, led by Major Zero, the chief of the military.

1965 year. Jin joins the FOX bloc and becomes its leader, codenamed Viper.

1966 year. During the War of Independence in Mozambique, Big Boss, now a mercenary, meets Frank Jaeger, a young soldier. He places him in a rehab, believing that he will be safe. However, in a rehab facility, Frank Jaeger is captured by the CIA and used as a test facility in the Super Soldier Project. He is brainwashed and codenamed Null.

1970 year. Gene turns FOX into a rebel group, violating the CIA's loyalty. FOX now intends to find the other half of the philosophers' legacy. Big Boss goes to jail. When he is in prison, he meets Roy Campbell. Big Boss escapes, but the US government accuses him and Major Zero of turning FOX into a rebel group.

Big Boss and Roy Campbell, along with Major Zero, Para-Medic and Sigint, form their own organization FoxHound with the goal of clearing their names and removing the remaining FOX members. Big Boss meets Null, now one of the FOX members, but doesn't fully recognize him. They fight and eventually Big Boss is captured. During the mission, Big Boss gains useful information that FOX has a RAXA mechanism. Big Boss finds and destroys the mechanism, which, as it turns out, was only a test model. On the way to destroy Metal Gear, Big Boss encounters Null again. Big Boss recognizes him as Frank Jaeger, but Null doesn't believe in his story. After the fight, Null loses and still believes in the Big Boss story.

Now he remembers his real name. Big Boss kills Gene, who gives him all of the FOX block property. It includes money, soldiers, plans to create a new military nation. Big Boss stops a nuclear attack planned by the real Metal Gear. The mission is officially completed.

At the same time, Ocelot plans to take control of both halves of the Philosophical Legacy. He kills the head of the CIA and gains the other half of the legacy along with a complete list of the names of all Philosophers. Big Boss returns to FOX with Major Zero, Para-Medic, and Sigint. Major Zero, Ocelot and Big Boss use Legacy to reorganize the Philosophers.

They create the Patriots and choose Big Boss as the face of the organization. The main goal of "Patriots" is to fulfill the Boss's dream - to create a single world. Major Zero begins spreading stories about Big Boss. Some of them are true, some are false. Tension arises between them.

1971 year. Former leader of the Soviet Union Nikita Khrushchev dies of heart attack.

1972 year. Major Zero secretly creates the Les Enfants Terrible project, which aims to create clones of the best soldier of all time - Big Boss. To do this, he uses the EVU as a surrogate mother. Twin brothers Liquid Snake and Solid Snake are born. They are considered imperfect clones. The third clone is considered perfect - Solidus Snake. All clones have genes altered to prevent them from being used against the Patriots.

Big Boss learns about this project, which took place during his powerlessness. Big Boss believes that Major Zero and the Patriots have incorrectly recreated the original Boss ideal. Big Boss leaves the Patriots. Major Zero renames himself and his organization Cipher.

Big Boss creates his own military group, the Militaires Sans Frontieres. Their main goal is to provide military power to those who need it, regardless of nation or ideology.

1974 year. It turns out that Costa Rica is under pressure from an unknown military group that may have nuclear warheads. Galvez and Paz, on behalf of Costa Rica, ask the Big Boss and the Militaires Sans Frontieres to intervene and stop this military group. They offer Big Boss a factory headquartered in the Caribbean called Mother Base as payment.

Big Boss accepts the offer and travels to Costa Rica, keeping in touch with Kaz Miller of the Militaires Sans Frontieres via radio. Big Boss receives confirmation that the group has nuclear warheads. Big Boss meets Amanda, the leader of the Costa Rican resistance. She confirms that the opposing forces are supported by the CIA. Her brother, Chico, was kidnapped by a drone. Big Boss convinces Amanda to join MSF and sets out on a mission to rescue Chico and track the location of nuclear warheads.

Big Boss rescues Chico, who as a result also joins MSF. Big Boss takes him on a mission to find a nuclear warhead. It is revealed that Hot Coldman, a CIA agent, wants to use Metal Gear - created by scientist Hugh Emmerich - to launch a nuclear warhead and test its effectiveness. Coldman attacks Hugh Emmerich, who later aids Big Boss. Emmerich showed him Coldman's plans.

It is revealed that his military army has a Metal Gear, codenamed Peace Walker, which has the ability to select the most appropriate targets to carry out nuclear retaliation without the need for human participation in the entire process. The artificial intelligence of Metal Gear inherits the personality traits of the Boss. Big Boss must stop Hot Coldman.

Hugh Emmerich joins MSF. It is becoming known that Galvez (whose real name is Zadornov) has always worked with Coldman, but now wants to betray him. Zadornov wants to use Peace Walker to attack Cuba, a Russian ally, from a US base. This move will make the US guilty and divide the north and south, thereby giving Russia a big advantage. Zadornov wounded Hot Coldman and forced him to reprogram the AI ​​to attack Cuba. But in reality, Coldman is reprogramming the AI ​​to attack Cuba, but it looks like Russia was in control of the attack.

The United States is ready to respond with fire with its own nuclear force. Peace Walker, controlled by the will of the AI ​​Boss, sacrifices itself by drowning in the lake, destroying the fake attack and preventing the start of a nuclear war. With the mission complete, Big Boss, along with Miller and scientist Hugh Emmerich, return to Mother Base to begin developing their own Metal Gear called ZEKE.

Paz steals Metal Gear ZEKE and takes control of it, claiming that it is returning it to the leader, Cipher. She accuses Big Boss of taking the wrong path after leaving the FOX team and Major Zero two years ago. Paz asks Big Boss to join them, but Big Boss refuses. Paz plans to use Metal Gear to launch nuclear missiles and blame the attack on Big Boss and the MSF team.

The battle begins and Big Boss eventually destroys Metal Gear ZEKE. Paz suffered from the explosion and is believed to have died. Miller reveals the secret to Big Boss that Cipher is Major Zero. Big Boss tells his troops that they will serve under the command of any person, regardless of nations and ideologies. Also, they will soon build a nation they can call their own, called Outer Heaven.

1975 year. The International Atomic Energy Agency is sending a letter to MSF requesting an inspection of Mother Base. Big Boss and Kaz Miller believe this inspection is actually a Cipher maneuver to find a Metal Gear ZEKE nuclear warhead, as revenge for what happened a year ago.

Big Boss and Miller discovered that Paz had survived the blast and they plan to kidnap her in order to gain information on Cipher's real origins. They sent Chico on an expedition to find his sister. But he sneaks in unnoticed and tries to save Paz on his own. He was soon captured and chained along with Paz at the Omega camp.

Chico is terribly tortured by Skull Face, the leader of a new group called XOF. Chico eventually shatters and gives Skull Face all information about MSF and Mother Base, confirming the location of Metal Gear ZEKE. Skull Face forces Chico to send an SOS signal to the Mother Base. Skull Face learns that Paz is a simple agent of Cipher, who met Zero face to face and, as a result, decided to torture her in order to find out his location.

Skull Face's goal is to free itself from the Cipher. He sets two bombs on Paz's body, anticipating the possibility of Big Boss rescuing her. Big Boss and Miller realize that the SOS signal can be a trap, but they decide on a rescue mission anyway. Big Boss finds Chico in a state of panic. To avoid unwanted attention, Big Boss stuns Chico and summons a helicopter to return him to Mother Base. Big Boss moves forward on his mission, finding and rescuing Paz by flying off in a helicopter.

On the helicopter, Big Boss learns that there is a bomb in Paz's body, and thanks to the doctors, it is possible to extract it. After they fly to the Mother Base, they are attacked by XOF. Mother Base is destroyed and it seems that only Big Boss and Miller will survive the accident. On the helicopter, Paz reveals that there are other explosives in her body. She jumps out of the helicopter and explodes. An MSF helicopter collides with an XOF helicopter, leaving Big Boss in a coma.

1979 year. During the Rhodesian Civil War, Frank Yeager kills a young couple. Upon discovering that they had a daughter, he is pierced with deep regret and decides to take care of her as a sister. He gave her the name Naomi Hunter. She will never know that Frank Jerer killed her parents.

1990 year. Solid Snake, directed by the US government, fights in the Persian Gulf.

1991 year. Big Boss is (again) at the head of FoxHound. However, the US government is unaware of this. The US also doesn't know that Big Boss is also the head of Outer Heaven. Outer Heaven is developing TX-55 Metal Gear in order to be able to fight Major Zero and his group - the Patriots.

The collapse of the USSR. GRU Colonel Sergei Gurlukovich, a friend of Ocelot during the Cold War, forms his military group called the Gurlukovich Mercenaries with the aim of restoring and raising Russia to its former glory. He can be considered the same person for Russia as the Big Boss is for the United States.

1995 year. The USA, learning that Outer Heaven is building their own Metal Gear, decides to send FoxHound to destroy it. Big Boss continues to lead Outer Heaven and FoxHound. Since Big Boss is the head of FoxHound, he sends Frank Yeager to investigate Outer Heaven. Jaeger, codenamed Gray Fox, fails the mission and is captured. Big Boss sends Solid Snake, one of the best agents in the United States, to rescue Gray Fox. Solid Snake rescues Gray Fox and advances on his mission to destroy Metal Gear.

Big Boss finds out that he is the head of Outer Heaven and tries to stop Solid Snake. Big Boss says he has taken control of the FoxHound faction again in order to postpone the Solid Snake mission and finish the construction of Metal Gear. Solid Snake destroys Metal Gear along with the entire base. While everyone thinks he's dead, Big Boss survives the explosion and retreats to the Middle East with his soldiers. Roy Campbell replaces Big Boss and becomes head of FoxHound.

1997 year. Big Boss helps Zanzibar to declare independence from Russia.

1999 year. A new crisis looms over the world, which is due to a lack of oil. In order to solve this problem, Dr. Kio Marv is developing synthetic oil. Dr. Kio Marwa is kidnapped by Zanzibar soldiers who want to hold the world hostage by controlling the development of synthetic oil. In order to prevent Dr. Kio Marwa from escaping, Zanzibar is making full use of Metal Gear on their territory. Roy Campbell, current head of FoxHound, sends Solid Snake on a new mission. This time he needs to save Dr. Kio Marw.

Solid Snake learns that Big Boss survived the 1995 events and that Dr. Kio Marv is dead. However, the agent wants to find a synthetic oil formula. Solid Snake is attacked by Gray Fox, who controls Metal Gear R. Solid Snake destroys Metal Gear and participates in the fight against Gray Fox in a minefield. Solid Snake kills Gray Fox and then accepts the Big Boss attack. Once again, Solid Snake wins the fight. Before his death, Big Boss reveals to Solid Snake the secret that he is his father.

The Patriots retrieve Big Boss's body. Major Zero sends him into a cryogenic coma through the use of modern nanomachines. Its goal is to use the Big Boss genes in the future to increase the productivity and effectiveness of the skills of each soldier. Ocelot, who disagrees with the plan, begins a conspiracy against Major Zero and the Patriots.

year 2000. Roy Campbell leaves FoxHound. Liquid Snake joins FoxHound and later takes control of the group.

year 2001. Major Zero is getting old, losing trust in all people and does not want anyone to take control of the Patriots. Major Zero accompanies the development of an advanced AI (called the System) that takes control of the Patriots. The system consists of four different AI cores and is controlled by a fifth AI. Solidus Snake is organizing the upcoming Shadow Moses incident.

2003 year. Dr. Naomi Hunter develops FOXDIE, a virus that can kill a specific person based on their DNA and nano machines. Her main plan is to use the virus against Solid Snake, which killed Gray Fox (Frank Jaeger, who adopted her and cares for her since 1979).

2005 year. FoxHound, under the leadership of Liquid Snake, is fighting on Shadow Moses Island in Alaska. They have Metal Gear REX and are threatening the US with a nuclear strike unless they hand over Big Boss's body and $ 1 billion within 24 hours.

Roy Campbell, not a part of FoxHound since 2000, sends Solid Snake on a mission to find two hostages: the chief of DARPA and the president of ArmsTech. They will be able to give Solid Snake more accurate information about whether Liquid Snake can actually carry out a nuclear attack.

Solid Snake finds the DARPA chief, who dies immediately after a heart attack. Solid Snake finds the president of ArmsTech, who is held hostage by Ocelot. The latter is currently on the side of Liquid Snake. Ocelot fights Solid Snake in a duel. At the end of the battle, Cyborg Ninja appears and cuts off Ocelot's arm.

During the first part of the mission, Solid Snake was rescued by Meryl Silverburg (daughter of Roy Campbell), as well as scientist Hal Emmerich (son of Hugh Emmerich, the scientist who helped Big Boss develop Metal Gear ZEKE in 1974).

Hal Emmerich, better known as Otacon, is developing Metal Gear REX unaware that it contains a nuclear warhead. Upon learning of this, Hal decides to join Solid Snake. Solid Snake confronts the Cyborg Ninja and, after a tense battle, learns his true identity: Gray Fox - Frank Yeager. Solid Snake realizes that this is a new part of Liquid Snake's plan: he wants to join Sergei Gurlukovich's mercenaries and turn Shadow Moses into a new Outer Heaven, pursuing Big Boss's dream of a world with free soldiers.

Ultimately Solid Snake finds Metal Gear REX controlled by Liquid Snake. Gray Fox intervenes again, destroying part of Metal Gear REX in an attempt to help Solid Snake. Liquid Snake crushes Gray Fox to death.

Solid Snake destroys Metal Gear REX and fights Liquid Snake. Liquid Snake decides to run away, but dies of a heart attack while escaping. Solid Snake, discussing the current situation with Naomi Hunter, realizes that she infected him with the FOXDIE virus at the beginning of the mission. She did not know that Frank Jaeger was alive and therefore introduced the virus at the very beginning of the mission. Solid Snake may only be able to live for a few years.

Following the events in Shadow Moses, Revolver Ocelot, the sole surviving member of FoxHound, reports events to the US President, indicating that he was working as a double agent for REX data recovery for the US.

Revolver Ocelot reveals the identity of the President of the United States, the third Big Boss clone, Solidus Snake. Solidus Snake was put in the position of President of the United States by the Patriots in 2001 without disclosing his identity.

2006 year. Natasha Romanenko, who helped Solid Snake in his mission, published a book titled: In the Darkness of the Shadow Moses Island: An Informal Truth, which reveals all the events of the Shadow Moses incident, including the participation of Solidus Snake.

Solidus Snake is forced to resign from his post as President of the United States and temporarily goes into hiding with Ocelot. Ocelot uses Liquid Snake's arms as implants. After the surgery, it appears that Liquid Snake's psyche is trying to take control of Ocelot's mind.

Solid Snake and Otacon found Philanthrophy, a non-governmental organization dedicated to halting development of any new Metal Gear models.

2007 year. Solid Snake and Otacon find out that the new Metal Gear RAY is being transported from the US by tanker. The information was confirmed by Emma Emmerich, Otacon's half-sister. Solid Snake's mission is to infiltrate the tanker and take pictures of the new Metal Gear, proving its existence to the world.

As soon as Solid Snake gets on board the tanker, the ship is captured by Russian military forces. These are mercenaries headed by Sergei Gurlukovich since 1991. Solid Snake meets Sergei Gurlukovich's daughter and fights with her. Olga Gurlukovich decided to stay on the tanker despite the fact that she was pregnant.

After defeating Olga, a US drone appears in the sky and photographs Solid Snake, which is now under US indictment. Solid Snake infiltrates a tanker and photographs Metal Gear as US Infantry Commander Scott Dolph addresses his soldiers. After the performance, to everyone's surprise, Revolver Ocelot appears, revealing plans to take Metal Gear RAY with him.

Sergei Gurlukovich also appears on the tanker and takes Scott Dolph hostage. Sergey Gurlukovich explains that they intend to take Metal Gear RAY and sell it to Russia in order to revive its former glory. Again to everyone's surprise, Ocelot says this is not his plan. Sergei Gurlukovich suggests that Ocelot continues to work with Solidus Snake, but Ocelot says he works for the Patriots.

Sergei Gurlukovich is angry because of Ocelot's betrayal and tries to kill him, but Ocelot takes out his pistol faster. Ocelot kills Gurlukovich, his soldiers and Scott Dolph. After that, he launches explosives mounted on a tanker and escapes aboard another ship along with Metal Gear RAY. Solid Snake is accused of stealing Metal Gear RAY and therefore goes underground.

The media that are under the influence of the Patriots publish material that Solid Snake carried out terrorist activities and hijacked an oil tanker. Fearing an environmental catastrophe, the Navy dispatched foot soldiers to eliminate the threat. The media claims that Snake, nevertheless, blew up the tanker and killed everyone who was on it, including himself. At this point, water purification is needed, which enables the Patriots to hide the construction of the Great Shell.

Olga Gurlukovich takes a leading role in her father's army. She gave birth to a daughter, Sunny, who was taken hostage by the Patriots as a force of influence on Olga.

year 2009. It is revealed that a terrorist group calling itself the Sons of Liberty has taken everyone on the Great Carapace hostage. The leader of the group claims to be Solid Snake. Among the hostages is the 44th US President James Johnson. The Sons of Liberty are demanding $ 30 billion and claim that if denied, they will destroy the Great Shell, creating an incredibly large ecological disaster.

FoxHound sends Agent Raiden to the Large Shell in order to rescue the hostages. Here he is assisted by a man named Iroquois Pliskin. After meeting with the leader of SoL, it is clear that he is Solidus Snake, but he called himself Solid Snake to tarnish the name again. In fact, Pliskin is Solid Snake. During the mission, Raiden learns that the Great Carapace is nothing more than a huge Metal Gear called Arsenal Gear.

Arsenal Gear is powered by AI Patriots. Raiden and Solid Snake, with the help of Otacon and his half-sister Emma Emmerich, establish a virus in the AI ​​of the Patriots. Vamp kills Emma Emmerich. He is a member of SoL. Ocelot returns and reveals that Raiden's entire mission is just a show orchestrated by the AI ​​Patriots. The goal of the mission was to recreate the events of Shadow Moses Island, as well as to form new super soldiers as good as Solid Snake.

AI Patriots contacts Raiden and orders him to kill Solidus Snake, otherwise he will kill Raiden's beloved Rosemary. Raiden ends up at the core of Arsenal Gear, where he battles a series of beams from Metal Gear RAY. He then meets Solidus Snake. Solidus Snake reveals to Raiden that he is his adoptive father. Raiden follows the AI ​​Patriots' orders and kills Solidus Snake.

Angered by his manipulation, he vows to find and kill the Patriots.

2011. The Patriots complete the development of Arsenal Gear. The battleship that Ocelot will soon steal, he renames Outer Heaven as a reference to his own military formation, Big Boss. Ocelot is hiding on a ship in Shadow Moses and wants to house an AI recovered from the original Arsenal Gear.

year 2012. Raiden rescues Sunny from the Patriots. Shortly thereafter, Sunny begins to live under the protection of the Otacon.

year 2014. Ocelot is now under the control of Liqud Snake and is named Liquid Ocelot. Solid Snake, which ages very quickly, becomes Old Snake. The world is currently completely controlled by private military companies (PMCs), which are made up of soldiers reinforced with nanomachines. The largest PMC is the one run by Liquid Ocelot. The UN wants Liquid Ocelot to be killed, and thanks to Roy Campbell's persuasive words, Snake decides to go on a mission with him. Together with them goes Sunny - the daughter of Olga Gurlukovich.

Snake's first attempt at killing Liquid Ocelot was unsuccessful. However, he learns that Dr. Naomi Hunter is being held captive by Liquid Ocelot. Snake is rescued by Naomi Hunter, who reveals that the FOXDIE virus is mutating in his body. She also tells him about Liquid Ocelot's goal: he wants to capture Big Boss's body and use his biometrics to gain access to the main AI of the Patriots. This guarantees him control over all nanomachines in the world and, as a result, all PMCs.

Snake fights a number of mechanized robots. In this he is assisted by the Cyborg Ninja, who, as it turned out, is Raiden. Liquid Ocelot gains the body of Big Boss and turns off all PMCs in the world except his own. He plans to destroy the Patriots, and in order to do this, he needs to gain access to nuclear weapons that the Patriots do not control: in Metal Gear REX, which is located in Shadow Moses.

Snake infiltrates Shadow Moses and takes control of Metal Gear REX before Liquid Ocelot can do so, which ultimately takes control of Metal Gear RAY. They begin a battle of machines, which ends with severe injuries on both sides.

Liquid Ocelot jumps aboard the Outer Haven, and Snake, along with Raiden and the Rat Patrol team, follow. After passing through the Outer Haven microwave protection system, Snake stops the railgun by loading the FOXALIVE virus, created by Naomi Hunter and Sunny. The virus destroys the Patriot System, which in turn destroys all AI and nanomachines in the world. The whole world becomes free from the Patriots.

Liquid Ocelot reveals the secret that FOXALIVE has been his plan all along. This is his path that fulfilled the dream of Big Boss. Liquid Ocelot and Snake fight in a final duel, after which Liquid Snake dies. Snake visits Big Boss's grave. He has only a year to live and in view of the threat to kill everyone after the mutation of the FOXDIE virus, he decides to say goodbye to life.

Before pulling the trigger, a man approaches him, pushing another person in a wheelchair. This man is Big Boss who was carrying the paralyzed Major Zero. Big Boss explained that the frozen body that Liquid Ocelot was using was the body of Solidus Snake and it worked because he was a clone of it. Big Boss explained that Major Zero allowed the AI ​​to take control of the Patriots, who made the world dependent on the war economy.

Big Boss realized that this picture was completely opposite to the opinion of the Boss and completely cut off the oxygen to Major Zero, which he needed to live. Snake and Big Boss reconcile, after which Big Boss dies in his arms.

2018 year. Raiden joins a private security organization called Maverick. Their goal is to protect all who need military support.

In Africa, the prime minister of the nation is trying to rebuild the country after the damage caused by the war. Once they were attacked by a PMC called Buyan and taken hostage. Raiden follows the kidnappers, but the Prime Minister is killed. Raiden fights against Sam Rodriguez, the more powerful Cyborg Ninja. Raiden loses the fight, loses an eye and an arm.

Maverick is tasked with intervening in Abkhazia, where the group is trying to overthrow the government. Maverick sends Raiden, who has recovered from the fight, to capture the leader of this group, Andrey Dolzaev. Raiden finds evidence that Desperato is the PMC that attacked the Prime Minister. He supports the group in Abkhazia and plans an attack.

Raiden travels to Mexico where Desperato's lab is located. He soon learns that several children have been kidnapped in this laboratory. Also, their brains were removed, and their children were trained to become cyber soldiers for the World Marshal, an American PMC. Maverick is not allowed to attack the World Marshal, so Raiden, outraged at what they have done to the kids, becomes a mission outcast and searches for the World Marshal's headquarters.

Raiden finds headquarters and defeats Sundowner, the head of the PMC who assassinated the African prime minister. Raiden realizes that the attack is directed at US President Hamilton, who is planning a visit to Pakistan. It is this place that becomes the next destination of Raiden.

Due to an enemy attack, Raiden is forced to jump out of the helicopter. Now he needs to find Solis, a private space company that could allow him to reach Pakistan before the planned attack. Raiden meets Sam Rodriguez again. They fight and this time Raiden wins.

Raiden gets to Solis, where Sunny is currently working. The launch is successful and Raiden lands in Pakistan. Raiden discovers that Colorado Senator Stephen Armstrong is behind the attack. Armstrong, using the new Metal Gear EXCELSUS, wants to start a war between the US and Pakistan. Thus, he is going to revive the military economy and use it to become president.

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My first author's translation(The concentration of copy-paste- 0% ), it turned out pretty well, the text is divided into three parts, because there is a lot of it) Wait for the next parts this week. When reading, I advise you to include something from the soundtrack MGS so that feel.

The Complete History of Metal Gear, Part One.

The Complete History of Metal Gear, Part One.

The storyline is so confusing that even myself Hideo Kojima does not understand her. Be prepared - this article can cause brain circuits. Here will be a list of all the events that happened in history. MGS, including those that were not in the games of the series.

China, Russia and USA form an organization "Philosophers".

This year are born Jack, Naked Snake and Big Boss.

Grandfather Otacon'а (Octacon) starts work on "Manhattan Project".

President John F. Kennedy refuses to submit to the organization "Philosophers".

The hit man kills Kennedy.

Platform: PS2 (2004)

Remakes: PS2 (2005) - MGS3: Subsistence; 3DS (2011) - The Naked Sample

Description: Most people who are not complete idiots believe that Snake eater- the best game in the series Metal gear... It is one of the most technologically advanced games on PS2, and much better in the update. "Тhe Subsistence" which brought in a 3D camera.

Story: FOX agent Nakeed Snake- father Solid Snake- descends with a parachute into the Soviet jungle on orders Major Zero to rescue a Russian weapons designer and sabotage the facility that houses the new Soviet superweapon - Shagohod... He is betrayed by his own mentor- The Boss whose betrayal and hijacking Walker the main villain Volgin "ym (Volgin) covers the detonation of the nuclear bomb that failed Virtuous Mission to failure. The world is on the brink of a nuclear war. The United States, accused of bombing, makes a deal to prove its innocence of what happened, they send Naked Snake to kill Boss and destroy the stolen Walker... In the jungle, he is assisted by an ex-NSA agent Eva (Eve) fighting the agent Spetsnaz "a (Special Forces)- Ocelot 'om (Ocelot), learns about the existence "Philosophers" and their heritage fund- $ 100 billion misappropriated Volgin.During the pursuit of the Soviet base, Nakeed Snake kills and Boss and Volgina and learns the whole truth about his mission. Eve reveals that she was a triple agent - an American agent who pretended to go over to the side of Russia, but in fact went over to the side of China - and tried to ensure "the Legacy" for the Chinese. Boss was supposed to deliver the fund to the US, but was killed Nakeyd Snake by order of the United States. As a result, the United States received half of the fund and is doing Snake new The boss, but leave him to the mercy of fate, angry at their country and the whole world.

Big Boss saves Frank Jaeger later became Gray Fox from the civil war in Mozambique.

Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops

Platform: PSP (2008)

Remakes and Expansions: PSP (2009) - Portable Ops +

Description: The game turned out good, with excellent mini-missions, but with terrible controls, which were probably designed for people who have three thumbs on two hands

Story: Six years after the events in Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater, half of the inheritance is still walking the world and Fox Renegades looking for Big Boss to question him about the whereabouts of the money. During imprisonment at Renegade, in a former abandoned Soviet missile bunker in Colombia, Big Boss meets Green Beret Roy Campbell and escapes from prison. When Big Boss meets his comrades from " Operation: Snake Eater missions " and learns that he is blamed for everything because of betrayal Fox, and creates an organization "FOXHOUND" to hunt Fox renegade... His squad includes Zero, Para-Medic, Ocelot,Eve, and Jager.

Fox creates the first genetically altered super-soldier Gene.

Big Boss wins and Fox, and Gina which admits to Big Boss true receiver Boss, transfers Renegade under his command, foundation, and plans to create a military-ethnic state Army's Heaven.

Insurrection Fox was organized Ocelot and Zero to get the CIA director out of hiding and capture Inheritance of all Philosophers Tired of the inappropriateness and internal politics of the secret government Philosophers, Ocelot kills the head of the CIA, takes control of Legacy and forms a new group of American Philosophers With Zero, Big Boss, and former members Foxhound from Snake eater under a new name. After realizing the collapsed dream of the first Boss of a united world "Patriots" Zero soon took control of every authority in America and did Big Boss a legendary figure and nominal head of their organization.

Foxhound creates the American Army Division.

Big Boss is injured and falls into a coma. Initiated by Zero, genes Big Boss use to create three children using Eve like a surrogate mother. Solid and Liquid Snake were twins - imperfect clones of their father - while the third brother, Solidus was a flawless clone Big Boss... After recovery, Big Boss learns of betrayal Zero and went to Patriots, leaves Foxhound and wanders the Earth ...

Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker

Platform: PSP (2010)

Description: Originally named Metal Gear Solid 5, it has become one of the top 3 PSP games.

Story: Big Boss returns itself to its former codename- Nakeed Snake and adjoins the military organization "Soldiers Without Borders"- recruited by Costa Rican agents to help free the country from its growing military presence. Snake gathers an army, learns about Peace Walker- another Metal gear a prototype designed as a nuclear deterrent. Powered by, Ai based on reason first Boss, Peace Walker will respond with fire without hesitation, launching nuclear missiles at any target that attacks him. KGB kills CIA agent Coldman who operated sales offices in Costa Rica. Before dying, he decides to reprogram Peace Walker on fire in Cuba and sends fake data to Air defense. Solid Snake pretending Big Boss to convince the United States that the launch of nuclear missiles is a fake. When the USA believed Big Bossu, Walker's AI decides to flood the robot in the ocean, thereby interrupting the fake signal. Big Boss and his company, together with the designers Walker build their Metal gear who is being stolen by his own secret agent Zero- Paz Andrade who plans to launch nuclear weapons Metal Gear "a towards America and develop MSF (Militaires Sans Frontieres, "Soldiers Without Borders"). Snake does as he should have done - Kills Zika before turning to his troops and promising them their own country - Outer Heaven...

The chronology reveals the stories of the games to some extent, although it only lists key events and characters.

Metal Gear Solid 3: The Snake Eater (2004)
1964 year

Although Snake received the commendation and the title of Big Boss for the "Eater of Serpents", he left the civil service and created his own military company, Militaires Sans Frontières ("Military without Borders").

Once his assistant Kazuhira Miller said that some Ramon and Paz wanted to hire MSF in order to cleanse their native Costa Rica from the troops of an unknown aggressor that had flooded it. Although the customers look extremely suspicious and Snake even "splits" one of them, he agrees to the offer when he is shown evidence that the Boss is alive and in Costa Rica.

As we find out along the way ...

The hero goes to save her and Chico, and in his absence ...

The platform is attacked by XOF forces, infiltrating under the guise of inspection. MSF forces are defeated, Paz, into which enemies have stuck explosives, jumps out of the helicopter, where Snake, Miller and the MSF medic are, but too late - all three are in intensive care. Snake falls into a coma.

Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain (2015)
1984 year

The hospital where Big Boss lies has been attacked. With the help of Ocelot, Snake (now Venom) escapes from there and goes to the Seychelles, where Miller founded the Diamond Dogs organization. Fulfilling military orders in Afghanistan and on the Angolan-Zairian border, the "dogs" are on the trail of XOF and its leader Skull.

Snake rips off the masks

It is revealed that XOF was once created as a support squad for FOX, including for Operation Snake Eater, but later spun out of Cipher's control. Having tried out the whereabouts of Zero from Paz, the Skull was able to seriously undermine the health of his boss (he miraculously survived). Zero, in turn, went to great lengths to save Big Boss. He even helped Miller put the "dogs" on their feet. And it was he who asked Ocelot to take care of Big Boss and Snake's Venom.

The boy named Eli, whom Venom met Snake in Africa, is one of the results of Les Enfants Terribles, a US government project under the patronage of Zero to clone Big Boss's "ideal soldier". In the future, he will become known as Liquid Snake. In the same game, it turns out that Volgin did not die in 1964, but became (thanks to his hatred of Snake and the "boy in the gas mask" - Psycho Mantis, one of the "bosses" of the first) "fiery man".

Metal Gear (1987)
1995 year

It's all in the hand

After the events of MGS, Ocelot hooked up on Liquid Snake's hand, and now Liquid's personality gradually takes over him. After betraying the mercenaries and tricking Solid Snake, Ocelot sinks the tanker and hides on Metal Gear.

year 2009

The villains scrutinize the enemy

A young FOXHOUND operative Raiden, under the leadership of Campbell, must infiltrate the Big Shell plant, which was seized by the Sons of Liberty, and built on the site of a tanker wreck to rescue the hostages, among whom is the President of the United States. The terrorists are led by Solid Snake.

In addition to Raiden, a special forces detachment infiltrates the object, but only one fighter named Iroquois Pliskin survives. In all other respects, what is happening strongly resembles the events of four years ago.

It turns out that ...

The Iroquois is Solid Snake, who was declared a terrorist after the events on the tanker, although this, of course, is not the case. The real leader of the "sons" Solidus Snake is the third clone of Big Boss, formerly the former president of the United States. His goal is to destroy the Patriots.

However, in reality ...

Liquid did not capture Ocelot's body. The gray cardinal of the entire series, by and large, was just pretending to be Liquid, continuing to work for Big Boss. In the finale, Snake arrives at Big Boss's grave and is about to commit suicide, but Big Boss himself and Zero, who is barely alive, suddenly appear. Big Boss reveals to Snake the background of the whole saga: it was he, Zero, Ocelot, EVA and a couple of other people who once founded the Patriots, but then their paths diverged. Big Boss demonstrates amazing awareness of the events of recent years, kills Zero, and then dies in the arms of Snake, reconciled with the best of his clones before dying.

Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance (2013)
2018 year


Ocelot is a secret agent who works for everyone, but in fact only pursues his own goals, which he partially voices at the very end of each MGS... Seeks to help Big Boss (although sometimes you can't say so directly). Appears in the overwhelming number of games in the series as one of the "bosses", in an unusual role of an ally.


All games and add-ons in the Metal Gear series

In the not too distant future, cybernetic technologies have become an integral part of the world. Three years after the collapse of the Patriots regime, which for a long time controlled the whole world, the situation on the planet has escalated to the limit. Power is concentrated in the hands of those who own the technology, most of the PMC's private military companies, formerly controlled by the Patriots, have turned into criminal syndicates.

Release date: January 9, 2014

The year is 1975, a period of recession and relaxation of tension. The conflict in Vietnam is practically over and the world is beginning to thaw out after the Cold War. Despite the fact that tensions between the superpowers are gradually decreasing, a small military formation has taken root in the Caribbean. This is a completely new type of troops, an army without a nation and land to return to.

Release date: December 18, 2014

It has been nine years since the events of Ground Zeroes. Snake known as Big Boss awakens from his coma. The year is 1984, the Cold War is in full swing, confidently pulling the planet towards a global catastrophe ... Snake, thirsty for revenge, will have to settle into a new world for himself and find new ways to secret organization XOF.

Release date: September 1, 2015

Combines stealth action gameplay, exploration and survival elements. Continues the tradition by combining stealthy movement with gameplay possibilities - exploration and survival. An alternate version of events transported to another universe. Create a character and overcome all difficulties.