Harry Potter and damned child flibust. Harry Potter and damned child

Harry Potter and damned child flibust. Harry Potter and damned child

Piece "Harry Potter and damned child. Parts first and second " Can not be delivered in part or completely and cannot be used except for a straight license from the copyright holders of the work, J. K. Rowling and Harry Potter Theatrical Productions Limited.

For all questions you can add on the following email address:

[Email Protected]

Dedicated to Jek Thorn, who entered my world and magically transformed him.

J. K. Rowling

Joe, Louis, Max, Sonny and Merle - it's you ... The sorcerers of the street ...

John Tiffany

Part one

First action

The first scene

Kings Cross Station

Station Polon to the people; All busies are in a hurry somewhere. Among the horses are two loaded carts, a large bird cage is melted on each top. Trolleys are carrying two boys, one - James Potter, the other - Albus Potter. They are followed by their mother Ginny. Harry, a man of thirty seven years old, brings the daughter of Lily on his shoulder.

Dad. He is again.

James, too.

I just said that he could get into the "Slytherin" ... And he still can ... ( fading under an angry look of the Father) … ok, I'm quiet.

Albus (mother)

Will you write to me? Will you?

Every day, if you want.

Not. Not. Not every day. James says Most receives letters from home once a month. I do not want ...

Your brother last year we wrote three times a week.

What? James!


Albus is indignantly looking at James.

Yes. Do not believe everything that he talks about "Hogwarts". He is a big joker, your brother.

JAMES (with a smirk)

Can we already, please let's go?


Albus looks at the father, then to the mother.

You just need to go straight into the wall between the platforms nine and ten.

Everything is so great here!

The main thing is not to stop and do not be afraid to crash, this is the most important thing. Best of all with a run, if you are nervous.


Harry and Lily are taken for the Albus truck, Ginny - for James's trolley, and all together, stringly run to the barrier.

Scene Two

Platform 9¾.

It is all shrouded in a thick white ferry "Hogwarts Express".

And here is also full of people - only not business people in strict costumes, and sorcerers and witches in the gowns. Everyone is trying to break through their adorable siblings and say goodbye.

Platform 9¾.

Where is everything? They are here? What if they did not come?


Harry shows on Ron, Hermione and their daughter Rose. Lily rushing to them.

Uncle Ron. Uncle Ron !!!


Ron turns around and when Lily runs up, picks it up on her hands.

Of all the potters, my favorite thing.

Cooked me focus?

I heard about the spirit-nose? There is such a "amazing ultrafoci weasley." Patented thing.

Mom! Dad again with her stupid things.


In your opinion, stupid, and he believes - Super Suite, and I ... that the middleness is half.

So, by a minute. Give me now ... air. And now I ... I'm sorry if my garlic smacks ...


He breathes Lily in the face. That giggles.

From you smells of oatmeal.

Boom. BAM. BAMS. Young lady, get ready: you can not feel the smells ...


Ron Strins nose from her face.

Where is my nose?


Reveals palm: there is empty. It was a stupid focus. Everything is delighted with what he is stupid.

You are stupid.

Everyone again stared at us.

It's because of me! I'm terribly famous. My experiments with noses - something legendary!


That's certain.

Parked something at least normal?

Fine. Hermione thought, I won't rent a mublovy driving exam, imagine? She thought I would have to fail the examiner.


I did not think anything like this, I believed infinitely in you.

And I endlessly believe that he frowned the examiner.


Albus pulls Harry for the mantle. Harry looks at his son.

What do you think ... what if ... what if I enrolled in "Slytherin"? ..

And how is it bad?

Slytherin - College of Snake, Black Magic ... Do not take brave there.

Albus Slotus, you were named after the two directors of Hogwarta. One of them was a Slytherin - and, perhaps, I did not meet anyone in my life.

But what if ...

If it is so important for you, for you personally, Watches wrapped your feelings.

My teaching.


Until this day, he never uttered this out loud, and another moment of the word as if he would ring in his head.

In "Hogwarts" you will grow up, Albus. Honest word, you have nothing to be afraid.

In addition to toughles. Their beware.

Are they invisible?!

Listen to your teachers do not listen James and do not forget to enjoy life. So, now, if you do not want the train to go without you, let's jump ...

I run by train to the end of the platform.

Lily, stand younger.


Rose, do not forget to pass from us from Nevillu.

Mom, well, as I say professor Hello?


Rose heads for the train. Albus turns around, finally hugs Ginny and Harry and follows the rose.

Well, all then.


He climbs into the car. Hermione, Ginny, Ron and Harry stand and look at the train - whistles sound on the platform.

With them, everything will be fine, right?


"Hogwarts" - a great place.

Great. Beautiful. And food is full. I would not give everything to come there.

Al is experiencing that it is credited to Slytherin. Strange.


What's this! Rosa is experiencing when it breaks a quida record in the number of heads - for the first year or on the second. And whether she will be allowed to pass the exams on S.O.V.

But I do not understand - and in whom is it such ambitious?

And you would, Harry, as if I would be al ... well, if the truth is?

By the way, Ginny, we always suspected that you can please in Slytherin.

Honestly, Fred with George took bets.


Want time for us already from here? And then everything stare.

Three always stare on you when you are together. And when separately - too. For you forever views are chained.


They are sent to the exit. Ginny stops Harry.

Harry ... Everything will be fine with him? Yes?

Of course, how otherwise.

Harry, Ron, Hermione and Ginny again turn out to be on the platform with which express is sent to the school of magic and sorcerence. But this time Hogwarts prepared to take into students already their children. At the end of the seventh and, as expected, the last book about Harry Potter, the main characters ended their way in Hogwarts, grew up and acquired their own offspring. In 2015, readers are stunned by the unexpected news - all the fans of Harry Potter waiting for the continuation of history. Theatrical play was created by Joan Rowling Joan, Jack Thorns and John Tiffany. Tickets for it were joined 2 years before the show, and the Book of Harry Potter fans were waiting with such an anticipation, with no one of the previous parts.

On the night of July 30, July 31, the play was on sale, and right in the morning a squall of critics from readers hit John Rowling. "I sincerely hoped that he would fall in love with this book as well as in seven previous ones, but I am very disappointed," "This story is not a continuation of the seventh book, but a solid nonsense", "Joan Rowling was to be able to publish such" - and even more A hundred similar angry comments. If you remember, with what trepidate the readers to Joan Rowling treated and what we were looking forward to each of the 7 parts of the book, it becomes clear - something in this world went wrong.

The readers were unhappy with the great many moments - from ridiculous intentional intrigues to the blurred images of the main characters. In the play, for the first time in 7 parts published, the characters change. Despite the fact that Hogwarts students have already grown, Rowling continues to represent the reader the image of the surviving boy 19 years later - and he did not change very much. Harry is tormented by nightmares, where he sees himself locked in the Dark Chulana, the scar is discernedly hurt, and the evil aunt of Petunia imposes all the work on his house.

Childhood injuries are still honored by Harry, although he has already matured and possesses everyone, what she sought so long. He has a wonderful wife and beloved children, faithful friends nearby, a high position in the ministry and a favorite business - a battle with dark forces and their supporters. The only thing that grieves Harry is his stretched relationship with the son of Albus. He tries to be like their successful father, but absolutely does not have any abilities in Kviddic, dissatisfied with the distribution of Slytherin distribution to the faculty and does not enjoy specially popular in the commodity school.

The school is depicted again from the point of view of albus. Not for the first time, Hogwarts causes some rejection in the soul of readers. The only blow-up for Albus is a friendship with the same packed teenager, as he himself - Scorpius Malfoy. Non-promoters even dismissed gossip that Malfoy's father is Voldemort himself. In fact, Voldemort is not a son, and a daughter who intends to return to the past and change the fate of the Father. The basis of the plot is a funnel of the time that transfers us to the very beginning: the horizontal bar of the three wizards and Godrikova Wpadina, where Harry lost his parents. Joan Rowling depicts every episode through the eyes of an adult Harry, which again and again experiences events of many years ago. Much attention in the play is given to the conflict of fathers and children - the constant opposition of the younger generation of the senior, Harry fails to find a common language with his son, and Voldemort can also be born a child.

Part one. Part two.


The first act

Act two


Act Third

Act fourth


Jack Thorn, who came to my world and created something beautiful in it.

- J. K. Rowling

For Joe, Louis, Max, Sonny and Merle ... You are all the wizards ...

- John Tiffany

- Jack Thorn

Translating to Russian language

Alexander Averba, Svetlana Tonkonozhenko, Oleg Chumachenko, Daria Nicholenko, Melinda Tayzhetinova, Anna Slandko, Tatyana Osipenko, Nadezhda Shinkareva, Shef. Alexander "Tiziano" Polyakin, Ksenia Kotikova, Anton complaints, Rioter_Blast, Olesya Stapleeva, Dionysus Korneev

Translation editors

Anna Sankonko, Vladimir Seleznev, Dionis Korneev, Daria Nikolenko, Melinda Tayzhetinova


The first act

The scene is the first. Kings Cross

The lively and crowded station, full of people trying to go somewhere. Among the noise and bustle, two huge cells will thunder on top of two carts. They are pushing two boys, James Potter and Albus Potter. Their mother, Ginny, goes next. Thirty-semilenient Harry holds her daughter lily on his shoulders.

Albus: Dad. He continues to talk it.

Harry: James, stop.

James: I just said that he could get into Slytherin. And he can ... (Under the gaze of the Father.) Okay.

Albus (looks at her mom): You will write me?

Ginny: Every day, if you want.

Albus: No. Not every day. James says the majority receive letters from home about once a month. I do not want ...

Harry: Last year, we wrote to your brother three times a week.

Albus: What? James!

Albus condemningly looks at James.

Ginnya: Yes. It is unlikely that you want to believe in everything he tells you about Hogwarts. Your brother loves to joke.

JAMES (with a smirk): Please, can we already go?

Albus looks at his father, then to his mother.

Ginny: All you need to do is go straight between the ninth and tenth platform.

Lily: I'm so worried.

Harry: Do not stop and do not be afraid that you will quit, it is very important. It is better to disperse if you are nervous.

Albus: I am ready.

Harry and Lily put their hands on the albus truck ... Ginny takes James trolley, and the whole family with difficulty overcomes the barrier.

Scene second. Platform nine and three quarters

The platform is covered with a dense white steam, emanating from Hogwarts express.

She is very crowded ... But instead of people in strict costumes walking in their affairs, it is filled with wizards and wizards in the mantles trying to say goodbye to their favorite offspring.

Albus: That's it.

Lily: Wow!

Albus: Platform nine and three quarters.

Lily: Where are they? They are here? Maybe they did not come?

Harry points to Ron, Hermione and their daughter Rose. Lily quickly runs to them.

Uncle Ron. Uncle Ron !!!

Ron turns to them, as Lily runs to him. He grabs her.

Ron: Isn't that my favorite potter?

Lily: Do you have a new focus?

Ron: Have you ever heard of magic breathing hoarse

Certified nasal abduction from Mr. Weasley?

Rose: Mom! Dad wants to show this disgusting focus again.

Hermione: You say - disgusting, someone will say - wonderful, and I say

Somewhere in the middle.

Ron: Wait. Let me just chew this some ... air. Now I'm sorry if the garlic stinks a little ...

He blows her face. Lily giggles.

Lily: you smell like oatmeal.

Ron: Bing. Bang. Boeing. Young lady, prepare for the fact that you will no longer be smelling ...

He pulls her out.

Lily: Where is my nose?

Ron: Ta dame!

His hand is empty.

Lily: It's stupid.

Albus: Everyone is staring again on us.

Ron: That's all because of me! I am extremely famous. My tricks with the nose are legendary.

Hermione: Yes, this is something.

Harry: Parked normally?

Ron: Yes. Hermione did not believe that I could pass the Maglovsky driving test, so? She thought I would have to put the confounder's spell on the examiner.

Hermione: I didn't even think about anything like this, I was absolutely sure of you.

Rose: And I am absolutely sure that he really left the confundus spell on the examiner.

Albus: Dad ...

Albus grabs Harry's gown. Harry looks down.

What do you think ... what if ... what if I get into Slytherin ...

Harry: And what's wrong with that?

Albus: Slytherin is a serpentine faculty, the Faculty of Dark Magic ... and not at all the faculty of brave wizards.

Harry: Albus Severus, you were named after two directors of Hogwarts. One of them was a graduate of Slytherin and, perhaps he was one of the brave people I've ever met.

The continuation of the cult history written by Joan Rowling, and received a decree in eight films, conquered hearts and children and adults. The release date of the film Harry Potter and the damned child is interested in hardly every second inhabitant of the planet.

The life of a sirester-wizard, raised in school, where magic is taught, with each book gained more and more amazing turns. Now it's hard to find a person who would have said that he never heard about Harry Potter.


Harry is an ordinary guy with unusual abilities. In his blood, the magic that he successfully studies at school for wizards. Together with their friends, Ron and Hermione, the boy has been tested from 11 years old, which is not under the power of adults and experienced magicians: fighting the giant snake to save his sister's friend, saves her godfather from death, participates in the worldwide wizard tournament, and after All his strength throws on the struggle with a dark magician who destroyed his parents.

In the final, seventh part, shared forces of friends and allies, as well as thanks to the heroism of the main character, good wins: the main enemy disappears foreverAnd the last thing that sees the viewer - the happy heroes of 20 years later. Harry and Ginny send their children to school, like Ron with Hermione. Such an ending pleased everyone, even in the film and there were many sad moments.

After many years, the author decided to release the continuation, whose film is promised to take place in 2018. To the question "When will the new film of Harry Potter come out?", It is impossible to answer exactly, because the book itself came out in the middle of 2016, and judging by the dynamics of the filming of the previous parts, on large screens, the film will be released in 2019.

In the center of the film will appear the younger Son Harry - Albus, and the son of Draco Malfoy - Scorpius.

Guys, hearing about the opportunity to return one of the old friends Harry - Cedric Diggori, kidnap the flywheel of time and trying to keep the guy's life in every way, thereby changing any detail at this time. Each time changes occur more significant, but in the end they neutralize themselves who have decided to send in time.

In addition, at the end of the film Harry Potter 8, the epic battle is promised between the main characters and the daughter of Wolan de Mort. Hepping End at the end must definitely please the viewer and give hope for the exit.

  • In the new part of the actress, playing Hermione, will be replaced by another. The fan's discontent caused the fact that Numa Dumuzene, the performer of the role of Hermione Weasley-Granger, is black, although the character has a standard European appearance and white skin color. Joan Rowling itself allows the fact that the character may be black.
  • The release of the film Harry Potter and the damned child will show us the union of former enemies - Potter families, Weasley and Malfoev. All the long-standing enemies will force offenses and unite against the worst wizard of all time.
  • Harry Potter Character was created by the prototype of the author's child's friend of the book, with whom she played in wizards.
  • In the world there is a real Harry Potter - a man for 70 years already, and, despite the fact that he has no relation to the history of the wizard, he is very popular in adults, children and presses.

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Piece "Harry Potter and damned child. Parts first and second "can not

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rowholders (J. K. Rowling and Harry Potter Theatrical Productions Limited).

For any questions, contact your address: [Email Protected]


Harry Potter and the Cursed Child Parts One and Two

JEC Torn, who came to my world and

created something beautiful in it.

J. K. Rowling

For Joe, Louis, Max, Sonny and Merle ...

You are all wizards ...

John Tiffany

of the year. While we rehearsed, it is nozzles.

Jack Thorn


Harry Potter.

Ron Weasley.

Hermione Granger.

Draco Malfoy.

D and n and n o t e r.

A l b u s p o t e r.

With to about r and y with m and l f about th.

And m about with d and g g about r and.

D E L Φ and D and G G O P I, his niece.



Albus Dumbledore.

D o l o r e s a m b r and d g.

R O u s g r e y n d Е Р - y and z l and.

Dr. Y E M S P O T T E R - M L A D S I.

L and l and p o t e r - m l a d sh i.

P l and k with a m and r t l.

In the e d and m a - p r about in about dn and c,.

Ma d and m t r

D I D I E R N O N.

T E T I P E T U H L I.

D and d l and d u r s l b.

Sorting Hat.

X and r and d.

S t a n c i o n n y y s m o t r and t e l b.

C e d r and k d and g g about r and.

In and to t about rk and m.

In about l and n - d e - m about r t.

D W-Mc p o t e r - with t and p and y.

L and l and p o t e r - s t a p sh and I.

To a r l d f n k and n with





P o l l and ch and n

I nn f r e d e r and k with


Harry Potter.

Yu n and i g e r m and o n a

G R E Y N D Y E R.

In t o r o s t e p

e n n y e l and c a.


The first act

The first scene

Kings Cross

Bitted, packed by people of the station. Everyone is rushing somewhere. Among the noise I.

the fuss is the rumble of two huge cells on top of loaded

carts. They are pushing two boys, d y ia m and a l b y with p o t e r s. Their mother

D w and n and, goes next. A thirty-semiconded man, g and r r and, holds his

daughter, l and l and on shoulders.

A l b y with. Dad. He continues to talk it.

G and r r and. James, stop.

D f y m s. I just said that he could get into Slytherin. AND

he can… (Under the gaze of the Father.)Okay.

A l b y with (looks at the mother). You will write me?

D w and n and. Every day, if you want.

A l b y with. Not. Not every day. James says most

the guys receive letters from home about once a month. I do not want ...

G and r r and. Last year, we wrote to your brother three times a week.

A l b y with. What? James!

Albus condemningly looks at James.

D w and n and. Yes. Do not believe everything that he tells you

about Hogwarts. Your brother loves to joke.

D f y m with (with a smirk). Please, can we already go?

Albus looks at the Father, then to the mother.

D w and n and. All you need to do is go straight through

barrier between the ninth and tenth platform.

L and l and. Can not wait!

G and r r and. Do not stop and do not be afraid that you will die, it is very

important. It is better to disperse if you are nervous.

A l b y with. I'm ready.

Harry and Lily put hands on the albus truck ... Ginny takes James truck, and

the whole family rushes to the barrier.

Scene Two

Platform nine and three quarters

The platform is covered with a dense white ferry, which produces Hogwarts express.

Here, too, very closely ... But instead of people in well-stitched costumes walking on

his deeds, now wizards and witches in the gowns. Most of them are occupied

by saying goodbye to his favorite offspring.

A l b y with. So she.

L and l and. Wow!

A l b y with. Platform nine and three quarters.

L and l and. Where are they? They are here? Maybe they did not come?

Harry points to the r o n a, g e r m and o n y and their daughter r about u s. Lily rushes to them.

Uncle Ron. Uncle Ron !!!

Lily runs, and Ron turns to her. He grabs her in hand.

R O N. Is it my favorite potter?

L and l and. Show for me focus?