Large priests that changed the fashion. Five examples of a new trend

Large priests that changed the fashion. Five examples of a new trend
Large priests that changed the fashion. Five examples of a new trend

Home Encyclopedia. Fashion vogue magazineAt the end of last year, announced the onset of the new Beauty era of large pop. And if the outstanding forms of the "fifth point" Jennifer Lopez could not last years To make a fashionable revolution, then the "weighty achievements" of her sequences achieved this! For the first time in the XXI century plastic Operations For the form correction and breast size, it has decreased around the world, giving way to a more popular procedure - gluthelasty (increasing the buttocks).

Therefore, the new trend should not be ignored, as well as it is impossible to be indifferent to it. Huge priests and megapopular dance trunk culture (hard-shaking buttocks) can only be loved, admire them, or be considered ugly and hate.

Well, before you finally decide on to this respect, I propose to get acquainted with the main stars and the propaganda of this worldwide "pop".

Jennifer Lopez

Of course, it was Jennifer Lopez - POPERA "Pop" -Zhanra. Another 10 years ago, the singer insured his buttocks for $ 300 million. Today she is 45 years old, but she is even even in best formthan in youth and easily dates odd to girls shame. To keep the brand, the star extends himself in the gym, fanatically monitors the food and makes the body peeling a scrub on the basis of diamond dust - so that there is not even a hint of cellulite!

Iggy Azalya

The 24-year-old Australian hip-hop performer has become widely known in Russia due to the same our beloved Jay Lo. More precisely, their joint singles with the speaker name Booty ("Pop").

By the way, both singer, despite the difference in age, dance hard and light in the video with the same force. And both priests exactly in trend!

Nicki Minaj

No less religious and hot became the clip of the American 32-year-old hip-hop singer Niki Minaz. Boast to her how you see, there is something. Moreover, more than! But in this "more" just the question - can such superviving forms be natural? Judging by the first photo, where nickname sits on a chair, definitely not - silicone implants in the buttocks resemble unnaturally bloated balls. But as they say, taste and color ... Judging by the record viewing of the clip on the song Anaconda, hundreds of millions like it!

Kim Kardashian

In the artificial origin of the advantages of 34-year-old Kim Kardashian, there is also no doubt, although she herself does hardly denier. In addition to priests, she especially has nothing to be proud, because it was directly proportional to an increase in its "fifth point" the career successes of the girl grew. So the star of a reality show became a singer, actress and model.

Jen Salter

So who is exactly working on their outstanding forms, so this is a 21-year-old American Jen Salter. The girl became famous for his fitness page in Instagram, and today became a famous fashion model and a sports instructor. So her beautiful ass - definitely not silicone liter, and piles of pumped muscles. Just look at the daily workouts athletes!

Well, for those who are not ready to bother themselves in the gym, nor enrich plastic surgeons, there is a third solution - Corrective Booty Pop underwear with lush linings in the right places.

It enjoys great popularity from buyers. However, some are still unhappy that ... the lining is too small. As they say, there is no limit to perfection!

Dear friendsAnd what do you think about the cult of big pop?

Illustration:, HBVL.BE,,,,,,,

Stars are always in sight, they are discussed, so it is not surprising that the ratings of the most attractive pop and among the stars of men are drawn up, and among the popular representatives of the weak gender.

The most sexy ass stars

Some celebrities strive to be as thin as possible, torment themselves with diets, try not to demonstrate their figure in candid photos, Complex for unnecessary kilograms, including in the field of priests. Some not only are not shy of lush forms, but also proudly demonstrate luxury priests.

To demonstrate the "fifth points" of the beauty appear in tight dresses, shorts, short skirts and jeans. IN frank photo sessions You can see many stars, they appear in such magazines as XXL, Playboy and Maxim. There are ladies who have become known just because of the rustling ass. So Kim Kardashian, the participant of one of the reality shows, reports that he never increased its buttocks through plastic surgery. Jennifer Lopez, the owner of the "soft place" of non-standard form also constantly struggling with rumors regarding plastic berries.

Singer Beyonce loves dynamic and bright dance Shake Poya, which has repeatedly recognized one of the most beautiful in the world. The owner of a beautiful priest is recognized by Katy Perry. Next to her in this ranking is Jessica Alba.

During the speeches of Shakira, the views are often chained to her pope, which herself latin American singer Very proud. Singer Rihanna specifically does not wear too much clothes to be able to demonstrate its charms, including a soft place. This is especially true of its stage outfits. Almost the perfect form of Pops are famous for american actresseslike Eva Mendez and Jessica Biel.

Our celebrities are also not lagging behind. Beautiful is considered the "fifth point" Anfisa Czech and Victoria Boni, who at one time participated in such a show as "Dom-2". According to Natasha Queen, her appetizing ass is not only given to her nature, but is the result of classes in the gym.

It seems that all girls speaking in the VIA Gra group were selected exclusively by beautiful placesLowned below. We are talking about the hope of Granovskaya, about Svetlana Lobod, about the faith of Brezhnev.

Men with the most beautiful pops

Why is it considered that the most attractive part male body - This is the buttocks. Beautiful is considered a puffed pop with embossed muscles. The reason most likely lies in biology. As you know, the ass monkey is a place that is significant for them, which is comparable to the mane lion or a rooster comb. It is possible that human attraction to Popam is simply atavis.

Many people surveyed and girls among male advantages Male priests put the beauty if not in the first place, then on the second, believing that beautiful male buttocks, in general, are very rare. It is known that more often men's taped priests are found in men of the Arab countries. Women european countries Lucky is much smaller, the exception is only Spain.

In the medium, the figures are more than sad, moreover, in recent years, men's priests, worthy of attention, are ever less common. Most likely, the reason lies in a sitting lifestyle. Unfortunately, most men do not even bother. Among Asian Women are those who stop relations with men if the kind of male buttocks has negative influence on their moral state. The buttocks of David Beckham are perfectly delineated, and a considerable number of women secretly sighs. The most beautiful booty in the world is recognized by the "fifth point" of Saiba Bombota. This title was assigned to him almost simultaneously with a contract for the ads of male linen TM Sloggi, concluded for one year.

Sasha Baron Cohen and Bruce Willis is most unattractive in Hollywood.

The most beautiful ass in the world

According to the rating drawn up, beautiful booty It is believed to be a Kim Kardashian. It is its charms that are recognized as the most attractive. Rihanna ranked second. Wasting many forms, it constantly demonstrates in their clips. Photo model Gina Mullins, despite his forty nine kilograms, has an appetizing figure and an attractive booty. It is in the third position of the rating. On the fourth place - Pixie Lot. According to her, beautiful bends, she achieved thanks to the stubborn classes of choreography and dancing. Katelin Winters often appears on the pages of one of the most popular male magazines Zoo. Its part of the body below the back is especially attractive. The girl ranked fifth ranking. Attractive recognized and Scarlett Johansson's ass.

If one or another stars have gained a similar number of votes, then Kim Kardashian won a convincing victory, leaving the "rivals" far behind. The forms of the secular lioness are known to the whole world, and as soon as it comes to choosing the most attractive priest, a confident victory again and again won Kim.

But women make beautiful not only rounded parts of the body. In contests beauties, their criteria. .
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Hello, my respected! Today we are waiting for an unusual article. And all because it is a female, b - she is about the appetizing part female figure - Buttocks or, as they are called in common, ass. In the course of the notes, we ourselves perform the role of sculptors, and we will create the fifth point of your dream with our own hands, and more accurately find out how to make a Brazilian ass.

Girls (and maybe boys), occupy your places, for the material is exclusive, and the article is just a bomb!

How to make a Brazilian ass: the foundations of construction

I recently conducted a small survey among the male population on how they evaluate the Popen gagen their chosen. So, I decided to burn some answers (I would like to hope that the guys will not find this note, and that I will not get for the disclosure of confidential information on the header :)). So, that's what was said or, so to speak, it was recorded from the words of the respondents to the question: "Do you like two halves of your second half?":

  • obviously lacks volume and bulges, and so sometimes I want it to make it even in the palm;
  • a little flat, it would be possible to add roundness and mass;
  • neat, but the Brazilian ass looks juicy and looks more spectacular.

These answers were obtained.

The ladies may seem that their young people just lit up ... perhaps. However, at a minimum, listen to the point of view or the Wishlist of his cavalier is worth it, well, as a maximum, to do with your "Zhenya" (not a name) in full and learn how to make a Brazilian ass. Actually, we will last last today.

Well, start (And at the top that was, just thoughts in hearing?) I would like the fact that Brazil is famous not only to football and its carnivals, there are also the most delicious "ass" in the eyes of men, and indeed the women of these territories are famous for themselves. And the first thing that comes to mind with the phrase "Brazilian girl" is her ass. It must be said that men are far from the opposites in the evaluation of female forms, and their icted look allows for 8 seconds to determine whether it is worth drowning to this lady.

Now I will say, maybe a hurt for many of our girls. Russian fifth points markedly losing their visa from Brazil, but because Men love shapes and volumes (so that you will hold it for what), it is no wonder that they touch the priests of foreign production and forget about the local manufacturer. Not to be unfounded, spend comparative analysis Buttocks of representatives of Russia and Brazil. Actually, that's what we have.

I think the picture is very indicative, and it is clear who is a favorite here.

What is the secret of Brazilian ass, and maybe if I personally acquire such "Zhenya"? Good questionlet's answer it and start as usual with the theory.

If you follow the articles on the project (And for this you need to subscribe to the newsletter), then aware that there are different. From here it is logical to assume that there are various types of forms of female buttocks. Let's get acquainted with them closer, so it is better to understand, the owner of which "zhenya" you personally.

How to make a Brazilian ass: Forms of women's buttocks

№1. Bubble Butt (bubble)

Ideally round ass, which is like a form reminds soap bubble. It has a good mass and almost perfect round shape.

№2. Coke Bottle (bottle)

Woman's figure resembles a bottle. It has a direct narrow torso and wide and lush thighs.

№3. Heart-Shaped Butt (heart shape)

One of the most desired forms of the buttocks is a form in the form of an inverted heart. The owner has a small waist and big hips.

№4. Hourglass ( hourglass)

The owner has a big breast, thin waist, wide thighs and large buttocks.

№5. Shelf Butt (Shelf)

The term is used to describe very big priestwhich mimics the shelf. Woman usually has slim stomach, thin waist and very massive rear axles. An example is Ceme Kim Kardashian.

This is not all forms, just those that we have touched little in the article by the types of figures, and which I would like to highlight in this note.


For a better assimilation of the material, all further narration will be divided into subpowers.

Test pencil

This is a pretty ancient test. (applied already in the 70s), with whom I met in one overseas book on fitness. It allows you to determine, and whether your "Zhenya" actually needs in a suspender. Its meaning is that you take a pencil and put it under the fold priests. If the pencil feels freely (delayed), then the buttocks require work on them. Also, this test can be carried out on the chest, in order to determine whether it has provisions.

How to make a Brazilian ass: three secrets

You probably think that monkeys of Brazilians are from nature such buttocks, and then everything is in genetics. Of course, genetics plays a role, and far from the last, but I think that every russian girl It can become the owner of the Brazilian ass. And now we will learn three main pillar, on what they are based on their Popangagen :).

So, suppose you already go to fitness (in gym) And decided to acquire the most best buttocks in the hall. In this case, it is necessary to change your approach to training. That's what I mean.

Most effective strategy Build a strong and bulk ass (and not flat, like fitness models) is the choice of the correct type of load. Many women think that light weights and multiple repetitions are what it is necessary, but such an assumption is incorrect.

You will see much top scores (and in a shorter time)If you become the so-called Weight Lifting Workouts, i.e. Training using moderately heavy burdens and the right "doctile" exercises. This can be attributed.

№1. Full squats

You can often hear that you need to nail to parallel. Say it brazilian girlswho are squatting in full seed or, as they say, "Pop floor". It is incomplete way (short movement range) takes away from your buttocks rounded forms. So if you have healthy knees (and girls usually have less problems with it than men), then perform a full seal with a decent weight.

You need to start warm up from an empty griff, and as you work up the barbell. If you want to remove the load from the spine, then perform complete squats in. On average for training some squats need to perform 3-5 approach by 8-10 repetitions.

№2. Split squats / drops

One of the most effective ways "Roundings" buttocks, which will just burn biceps of the thigh. Such squats can be performed both with a barbell and dumbbells (see image).

It is also important to go deep down deep and show a "good step" in the poverty position. Step lengthening will allow focus more on the biceps of the thigh, and not the quadriceps, which is the purpose of this movement. An excellent embodiment of split-squats can be their variation in the Smith simulator.

Number 3. Sunset on the platform

Another chip from the so-called Brazilian training of the priests - an approach to the platform (STEP-UPS). In this exercise, the main "salt" is a step than it is higher, the greater the orientation on the buttocks. It can be performed both with dumbbells and a barbell (Bodybar).

In the process of execution, in addition to pumping the bottom of the body, there is a great arson of calories.


In this note, we will not consider nutritional issues and aerobic activity, of course, all this must be present. Our goal is to pay attention to the main "building components" of the Brazilian ass.

So, we looked at the flower, i.e. What adjustments are to make in the current training, now let's go directly berries and go to ...

How to make a Brazilian ass: the practical side of the question

Many young ladies are perplexed why Brazilians have such ass)? Maybe there is a secret? Yes, he is! He is in understanding the questions of an anatomy and a special training system called the triangle method (Triangle Training Method). Intrigued? Then we went.

On the Internet and many popular groups In contact, you can see the following drawings explaining how (than) properly train the buttocks to give them a total roundness. Here are these drawings.

It would seem, once walking on the Internet, then the proven information? Nifiga of this, this is a fabricated buttock anatomy, and it lists exercises based on this counterfeit anatomy. Who is profitable?

Well, for example, those who actively pianite their discs called Brazilian Butt Lift and smashing brews on the young lady, ready to give everything, just to make a Brazilian ass. Of course, this is not a crime, but such a schedule flooded the entire Internet and firmly sat down in the minds of many ladies. In fact, such a training method is a triangle, exists, and there is a single faithful anatomical map of the buttocks, and our further narration actually will be devoted to these two things.

The present anatomy of the buttock muscle is the following picture.

Large berium weaves (and occupies the area) Twice more than the average and small combined. Small buttock is located under the average in the upper exterior quadrant. It is not positioned as bottom part (area / department) buttocks.

In other words, there is no separation of muscles on the position, as, for example, in the same breast (from which the top is bundles at the top, bottom - beams at the bottom).

Pictures above We are told that the best exercise for the impact on the middle region of the buttocks are jumping with the breeding of the hands of Jumping Jacks. In fact, there are exercises that activate the Muscle Gluteus Medius in 10 Once more, in particular - the leads to the side of lying on the side and breeding legs lying on the side of the elastic ribbon. Those. It turns out, from the point of view of anatomy, that as such a triangle method (When three exercises affect different parts of the buttocks), not. It's just that this name was stuck, it is beautifully filed in the form of a picture and therefore made a name. Therefore, for the convenience of Wordformes, we will call our training as Triangle Training Method or Brazil Butt Workout.

The main trick of this training is the impact on different buttock muscles at different angles. The high intensity and saturation of the program allows you to solve several problems at once on the formation of volume-elastic tasks:

  • raising buttocks;
  • reducing the volume of the thighs;
  • reduction of problem areas;
  • burning the excess layer of subcutaneous fatty fiber.

How to make a Brazilian ass: 8 main exercises


All exercises are visual and therefore their execution technique does not require explanations.

№1. Warheading back

And in motion.

Perform 4 approach (by 2 For each leg) by 12 repetitions.

№2. Squat with dumbbell m / at the feet

Perform 3 approach by 10 repetitions.

Number 3. Surveillance (SUMO) with girling

Perform 3 PO approach 10 repetitions.

№4. Raising the corps by the bridge

And in motion.

Perform 3 approach by 10 Repetitions for each leg.

№7. Squats with jumping

Perform 3 approach by 10 repetitions.

№8. Split lunches with a jump

Perform 3 approach by 10 repetitions.

The same workout program can be rounded, i.e. Make circular. To do this, it is necessary to carry out all the exercises for each other by the train with minimal (better without him) The number of rest m / in exercises. Circles in this case must be performed 3-4 .

For the Domask, I will give a training program for creating a Brazilian ass at home.

Use these two programs, and soon you will get the most appetizing buns :).

I have everything on it, let's summarize.


Today we thoroughly learned the question of how to make a Brazilian ass. I must say that you will no longer find such a detailed material on this topic. Therefore, read everything again and do the most important thing - to bring your fifth point from the chair, and now, without departures for tomorrow, start doing exercises. I assure, after a few months you will have the best "Zhenya" in the hall, well, on the beach you will reach the longest loop of men. I wish you success, my beauties, up to communication!

PS. Each comment is +1 to volume, so unsubscribe!

PPS.Help the project? Then leave a link to it in the status of your social network - a plus 100 Points to karma, guaranteed :).

With respect and appreciation, Protasov Dmitry.

Scientists with their eternal tendency to systematize 13 types of female pop and invented names for them.


What does it mean: Outstanding, but elastic buttocks. Such a type of priests can create a problem with owners low height - Fulfue and visually shortening even more.

Famous "medium": Singer and actress Jennifer Lopez.

The case when everything is harmonious and beautiful: high breasts, a narrow waist and lush buttocks - and here is Lopez Beauty Etalon for many. But how much is it worth the effort to keep the title of the most expensive priests in the world! The star is constantly trained and eats properly, and even created a project for fans, where it is divided by the accumulated rich experience in creating an ideal figure.

Bethegirl Challenge is a 10-week program under the guidance of Jay Lo. It includes recipes of healthy food, workout plans, advice and, of course, motivation from Lopez itself.


What does it mean: This is when the girl is very thin with a tight diet, but nothing wants to hear about training. Then fat leaves, the satellites do not come to his place. So they hang out behind two such "rags".

Famous "medium": Actress Tara Reed.

We saw many stories when the chase of the perfect figure led to a sad result. Back in December last year, the public suspected from Tara Reed anorexia. During his holidays in Palm Springs, the actress laid out photos in Bikini, but the fans then did not inspire the photographs of the package, but were horrified, seeing the star figure. And although Reed never suffered from completeness, now the body of the actress was very strong.

The girl, by the way, is aware of her "trouble", the photo of her fifth point in Instagram is practically no.


What does it mean: Very large buttocks. The fact that, expressing the words of the singer Bianchi, is called the "ass of the crane". As a rule, such a form of the buttocks possess the dark-skinned beauties, which are very proud of their forms and emphasize them in every way.

Famous "medium": Singer Niki Minaz.

Queen fashionable dance direction Tver has a very magnificent buttocks. True, fans suspect that the singers - good job Plastic surgeon, not daily workouts.

The discussion wave caused a star photo made on the speech of Iheart Radio Music and Fashion Rocks. The picture is sitting on the chair, and the girl's buttocks live separately from her. The unnatural shape of the fifth point spawned a new round of discussion about possible operations. Although, there was plastic there or not - who is important? We are still as if hypnotized by watching the Anaconda clip.


What does it mean: Both elastic buttings are so much that, it seems, they themselves rushed to the lower back as two bubbles.

Famous "medium": sowing lioness Kim Kardashian.

"Pop like Kardashian" is already a steady expression. It cannot be said that Kim became famous at the expense of his fifth point, but the figure played not the last role in the process of "promoting" stars. Pop forms, like Kardashian - Popular Hosteg in social networks.

Recall how for the sake of shooting the cover of the magazine Paper Kim completely exposed its outstanding forms. "And they say that I do not have talents. Try you to keep the glass of champagne on my ass," 34-year-old Kim joked in Twitter.


What does it mean: It's like "bubbles", only even more. Such ass - how comes complete to the Figure Fig.

Famous "medium": Member of the Realistic Show Chloe Kardashian.

Chloe, like the whole female part of the Kardashian family, also a carrier of lush, sexual forms. But her buttocks exceed the fifth point of the famous sister. Paparazzi more than once photographed Chloe into the profile and the suspicion appears every time that the girl uses the lining. Well, or corrected the ass in surgeons, again.


What does it mean: Here the direct association is a soft, loose, touched by cellulite.

Famous "medium": Singer Lady Gaga.

So who said that happiness is in an ideal figure? Despite the beach pictures where Lady Gaga's forms really resembled cottage cheese, the singer is the bride of enviable handsome Taylor Kinny. Gaga proved: cellulite buttocks are not a sentence.

"He gave me his heart on Valentine's Day, and I replied" Yes, "in February this year laid out Stephanie snapshot, on which the ring with a huge diamond in the shape of a heart is banging on her finger.


What does it mean: Large, but flat pop with the "ears" on the hips. Very difficult to adjustment even with hard workouts.

Famous "medium": Actress Jennifer Love Hewitt.

Last spring, being pregnant for the second time, in one of the interviews Jennifer Love Hewitt admitted that he had no goal to lose their goals after giving birth. According to the actress, now she has a lot of others, much more important concerns, and it will be to think about her appearance last.

Jennifer reminded that it is important to place priorities correctly: "If I have a free hour and choose to go to the gym or lie on the sofa, hugging a daughter, I'd rather stay at home and spend time with OSM." And who condemns her for this choice?


What does it mean: Volumetric thighs, followed by eye but eyes. Rather, care and care. In general, you just missed the workout, slightly weakened the mode - and the result immediately on the pope. Such buttocks look perfect only when the rods and massage therapist are clouded.

Famous "medium": Singer Beyonce.

Almost like "Amazon" Jay Lo, "Afrikanka" Beyonce is famous for the buttocks. Many stars with lush forms are just such a type of buttocks. Just given beautiful formsIt seems that it is more difficult for her than a rival: the singer was recognized that I was sitting at least 10 different diets!

Beyonce was fucking, then Tolsts all the star career. I lost weight to "Grammy" by 30 kilograms, and then scored everything dropped and added from above 15! And this despite the fact that it is constantly in motion.

It came to the point that Beyonce became the mod lawmakers to actually invented diets. For example, a lemonade diet, the principle of which is 1.5 liters of specially cooked drink and ... all.


What does it mean: not big, not small, moderately elastic pop Size S, which will fit into all standard patterns.

Famous "medium": Model Dautzen Cres.

Naturally, the world should exist in the world. Such, the average. The former "Angel" Victoria's Secret has exactly that and its fifth point is proud of, despite the fact that the Master Photoshop is constantly trying to "improve".

For 4 years, the model is regularly engaged in ballet. "It the only appearance Fitness, which can bring the body to the perfect state, she recently admitted in one of his interviews. - I was engaged in and run, and Pilates, and yoga, but they did not pump my muscles as ballet! "

However, the creech can easily skip the workout, disrupt the day mode and afford to lunch fast food. Our person.


What does it mean: Convex and elongated type of buttocks. Frequency, but straight a raisin figure for the owner of such priests.

Famous "medium": Italian model of Rafaella Moduno.

To shine on the podiums and in frank styling, it is not necessary to be the owner of standard priests. The Italian model of Raffaell Moduno with his "droplets" starred in several photo shoots for men's magazines, because of what, however, was disqualified from the Miss Italy show.

The model loves training, but pizza loves even more. Here you have a secret of beauty.


What does it mean: Large, but the shiny ass, which is very often found at grandmothers - by virtue of age reasons. But some not "lucky" and in youth ...

Famous "medium": Singer Kesha.

In his microblog, the cache, not embarrassed, lays out photos of the naked parts of the body: the seductive photo in the purple tones, then Selfie, where she sits without clothes in front of the mirror, while her makeup is applied.

Over the past few years, the singer has changed a lot: instead of appetizing forms on the beach demonstrates noticeably fusedly teles. Loseette - Tolstayet, in general, everything, like everyone else.


What does it mean: Such a "ass-s-cam" is small, neat, elastic. All models dream of having such, some lucky.

Famous "medium": Top model Miranda Kerr.

The star has an elegant figure, silky hair, snaps on the cheeks and a seductive look, in principle, like all of her colleagues from Victoria's Secret. But the main thing is the main thing - a beautiful ass. No photoshop healthy image Life I. correct care followed by The star is engaged in sports, makes makes massages with a dry brush, drinks water and never saves sleep time.

Kerr is powered by a group of blood, that is, eats only those products that it is suitable, uses a lot of untreated vegetables and fruits in food, and also engage in yoga and trains daily. It is impossible to be so perfect.


What does it mean: Numerous surveys revealed that this is the form of a person's samples consider the ideal. Thin waist And steep hips - the ideal of sexuality.

Famous "medium": Actress and fashion model Ember Rose.

The figure of Amber for a long time causes questions from the public. Well, you understood - "victim of a plastic surgeon" and all that. Rose had to be justified even for "fatty", although the parameters of the star practically model: breasts - 94 cm, waist - 69 cm, and hips - 102 cm.

"How can I be fat, if with a height of 175 cm I weigh 68 kg? I have a very good personal trainer. I have been doing sports every other day every day," an ambhember indignant in one of the interviews to the Western portal.

After giving birth to the star weighed 92 kilograms, but thanks to daily training quickly returned to the previous form. And, as we see in the photo, it does not complex about the figure at all.

Scientists from Oxford University found that women with outstanding booties possess excellent health and much smarter than their peers without such forms. To such conclusions, researchers came after a survey of 16 thousand representatives of the beautiful sex!

Editorial "So simple!" gathered 7 good arguments why women S. big buttocks Healthier and smarter. Causes are impressive!

Women with big pops

Researchers say that if your figure resembles a pear fruit, then you are on proper path. Figure similar to the apple - explicit sign Togo to go to himself and his physical form.

As you see, massive "Fifth Point" Good indicator of good health and even mind. It turns out that girls swinging the ass and trying to be like Kim Kardashian, do it for the sake of health ...

Nastya is engaged in yoga and adore travels. Fashion, architecture and everything beautiful - this is what the heart of the girl seeks! Anastasia is engaged in design interiors, and also makes unique decorations with floral topics. Dreams to live in France, teaches the language and vividly interested in the culture of this country. It believes that a person needs to learn a new one all his life. The favorite book of Anastasia - "Eat, Pray, Love" Elizabeth Gilbert.