Caring for parrots. How to organize the right and high-quality clutter care

Caring for parrots. How to organize the right and high-quality clutter care

It is believed that wavy parrots do not require special care, as well as material investments and are the most simple for home content. However, it should be borne in mind that these feathered, like any others, require the implementation of certain care conditions, since they are responsible for the health of the bird. The wavy parrot in good condition was cheerful and attentive to the people around him, subjects, tries to attract more attention to themselves and follows all what is happening around him.

The living conditions of the parrot should not only provide its security as such, but also to promote the normal and proper processes of vital activity. For a more understandable distribution of all aspects of the care of wavy parrots, we divide the points:

  • Correct cell selection.
  • Internal cell equipment.
  • Temperature and light mode, humidity.
The main place where the bird will conduct an overwhelming amount of time is the cell. Therefore, it must necessarily be equipped with all the rules, and comply with some standards. There are parrots that spend only the night in the cage, and all day fly around the apartment. Such birds should be completely delighted with fear household appliances I.people. However, even in such cases it is believed that the main habitat remains the cell.

Correct cell selection


The first criterion when choosing a cell is its size. You need to choose a future house based on the number of feathered. The size of the cell should be so that the parrot can inside freely to paint the wings and wave them without the assist wall.

In height, the dwelling should also provide some space. It should be enough to take off on a pranchie or swing. The free cage allows a wavy parrot to some extent to compensate for the lack of movements.

At the moment, the range of cells for parrots in pet stores is quite wide, so there should be no problems with its choice for a particular species.

Pond material and cell form

Metal cells are most common, but also there are wooden. Please note that the parrots are big lovers to gnaw all that they surround them, and the wooden cell purchased by you can become unsuitable for use already in very short time.

The distance between the rods also plays the last role when choosing a home. It is necessary to acquire such cells, between whose twigs your pet could not push the head. There are cases when the parrots push their heads between the rods and cannot free themselves to independently, and in the absence of timely assistance from the owners - die.

For conventional wavy parrots, the thickness of the rods 2mm and a distance of 15-20mm will be quite sufficient.

When the content of wavy parrots do not advise you to buy a round cell. In it, the pet will not be able to navigate well. When choosing a cell, pay attention to the door. Its fastening should be quite reliable, otherwise the bird can independently get out. As practice shows, the parrot, left unattended, is able to shove a lot of unpleasant affairs or injury.

Equipment inside the cell


The main attribute of the inner decor of the cell should be a wooden barbell or swing. Depending on the size of the cell and the number of parrots, there may be one and more barns. It must be installed in such a way as sitting on it, the bird could freely straighten his wings, while not touching the walls of the cell.


As an additional place for a wavy parrot point in a cell, under the roof itself, swing swings from a strong tree can be installed, as a constant seats-based metal base can adversely affect bird health.

Feeding and drinker

Drinking and feeder must be located inside in such a way that the litter does not fall inside. It should be considered the fact that a wavy parrot needs a movement, so you should consider such a layout inside the cell so that the bird should be constantly running.

Temperature and light mode, humidity

It is important that the accommodation conditions of the parrot in the apartment are as close as possible to natural conditions. The apartment climate is different, although not essentially, but the caring owner must take into account all the factors that can affect the health of the pet.


The birthplace of a wavy parrot is Australia, in which a pretty dry and hot climate (up to 40 degrees of heat). However, this does not mean that such a high temperature will be comfortable for the parrot. The most optimal temperature for the content is 22-25 degrees Celsius.

In the event that the degrees will exceed the norm, the bird will try to independently lower the body temperature: pulling the head, breathing with a wide open beak and even pulling out its own plumage.

Cooling, as well as overheating can lead to quite serious diseases of the bird, even with the possibility of fatal outcome. Therefore, in the case of a decrease in temperature below allowed, the use of oil or UV heaters is recommended.

Light mode

Proper care for the wavy parrot also provides for exposure of the light mode. Light lighting around the cell should be approximate to the normal life cycle of the parrot. For a more convenient installation of the daylight, the use of opaque black tissue, which is covered by a cell. Wavy parrots for normal life requires 12-14 hours of sleep in the winter and 10-12 in the summer.

Cell lighting should be preferably solar, since there are no ultraviolet rays in the spectrum of household lighting, which positively affect the production of vitamin D a bird.


The wavy parrots are considered to be the most undemanding parrots from all, since their environment is almost fully consistent with a comfortable person.

The humidity of the premises for the content of the wavy parrot should be within 50-70%.

A significant role in bird health is also played by the proper nutrition with which you can find in another article.

Of course, everyone wants their home pet lived for a long time and happily. Such life is impossible without certain efforts from the owners. About what needs to be done to ensure a wavy parrot Care and maintenance at home and thereby help your bird live as long as possible, you will learn in this article.

What you need to know before making a purchase?

The new pet in the house is not only joy, but also a big responsibility. In this regard, you will have some problems and restrictions. Therefore, before answering the question, how to keep and properly care for the wavy parrot at home, I will tell you about the constraints that arise from the owners of these birds. Here you need to consider several facts:

  1. Wavy parrots early stand up And excellent sing. Therefore, every time in the morning you will hear a cheerful song of your bird.
  2. You will have to make a daily order in the room where the pet dwells, as it will many litter feathers, various scraps from papers, husks from feed, litter and the like.
  3. If there are many colors or other plants in your house, you will need to remove them from the room where the bird will live. The fact is that when you release a parrot, he may be nibble leaves in plants, I will taste the land. All this can lead to poisoning and infection with helminths.
  4. The content and care of wavy parrots at home will make you refuse to use indoors where birds (birds) of various spirits, aerosols, fresheners, smoking, painting nails, food cooking, etc. The wavy parrots (both females and males) are very sensitive respiratory system. Therefore, such flavors can cause serious harm to their health.
  5. Moral and financially prepared for the fact that the parrots may appear different diseases. You can also detect allergies on a feather friend. All this leads to spending time and money, since without timely medical care can not do.
  6. In no case you can not leave a bird in solitude for a long time. If you decide to leave to rest somewhere, then the duration of rest should be no more than two days. Otherwise, it is necessary to find a person in advance who could care for a pet for some time, and to acquaint them with each other.

Readiness for such circumstances shows that the acquisition of a wavy parrot is for you. Next, let's talk about what rules for the care and content of such birds exist.

What things need to have to take care of the wavy parrot at home?

For a favorable mental and physical development of birds, you need to create a comfortable living in the house for it. Nothing should threaten the fellow friend's health.

Preparing a place for a cell, for the residence of a new pet, you need to in advance before you bring it home. To avoid possible injuries when walking a parrot around the room, remove all items that can be at least somehow dangerous for his health: chemicals, various crayons, markers, broken and small things, wires.

Be sure to implement the correct care and maintenance of wavy parrots at home you need to buy cells. They must be comfortable and equipped in the right way. Namely - to include drinking, feeder, swimming, acher and toys. Special attention when buying, please note the form of bird housing. I advise you to buy large Instances, rectangular shape. Since in nature, these birds often fly from the branch to the branch, in order to feel comfortable, they need a lot of space.

Bird housing should be in suitable for a favorable mental and physical condition of the bird. Therefore, think primarily not about the aesthetic beauty of the room, but about the comfort of the parrot.

What conditions are suitable to properly care for wavy parrots?

The cell must be at home in calm place. That is, where no one will interfere with the wavy, where he will not hear loud voices and sounds. Of course, the bathroom, a kitchen or an entrance hall - these are the worst options for its placement. In general, moving is a very stressful situation for birds, they see new places, other people's people. Therefore, they need time and peace for adaptation.

Climate The room also needs to be suitable for a comfortable bird stay. In no case can not put the cage next to the windows, with heating devices. Also should avoid drafts. Necessary temperature mode is approximately - 22 - 25 degrees. Average percentage recommended humidity in the room - 60% .

If the street is warm enough, you can put a cage on the balcony. For the health of the parrot will be useful in the sun and outdoors. However, with the content of wavy parrots, it is also necessary to take into account that they do not like too high temperatures, heat, heat. Straight rays from the Sun should not fall on the bird, so half the cells cover with a light cloth. Then your feathered favorite can hide in her shadows from direct sunlight.


If you correctly care for a wavy parrot (boy or a girl) after purchasing (purchases in a pet store or with hands), then he will be able to live approximately 15 years. Balanced Feeding (or necessary diet) is an important component of the competent content and care of parrots. These birds have a high body temperature (about 41 degrees) and, accordingly, have a rapid metabolism. In this regard, the pet should be powered correctly in order to fill its organism in a timely manner with all the necessary nutrients.

You can feed the winged friend:

  • granulated feeds
  • vegetables
  • seeds
  • cereals
  • fruit.

Sometimes in small quantities can be given:

  • pasta,
  • bread,
  • boiled chicken
  • sweet baking.

Wherein do not let's often sweets!Their use leads to excessive activity.

In no case let's Salted, pickled and fried food, avocado, strawberry berries, papaya, alcoholic dairy, tea and coffee drinks, cocoa, chocolate, meat and fish products.

The parrot should always have clean water in the drinking. Also, in addition to fresh waterHe is needed vitamins and Mineralsthat contain in large quantities phosphorus and calcium. Therefore, it is recommended to give a bird's limestone. Also, the presence of grain and small gallets in the diet of the parrot helps the work of its digestive tract. Therefore, take care of your pennate friend can get these elements important for its health.

How many times a day feed the wavy parrot?

Usually, once a day is quite enough. During the day, the bird eats a special mixture of green, the number of which is approximately two or two and a half teaspoons.
If you have noticed that this feed rate is not enough that the bird does not eat during the day, that is, 2 options for action:

  1. find another 1/2 teaspoon;
  2. cake 2 times a day, dividing the daily rate in half.

Do not feed your feather Pet only dry food! In nature, they do not eat dry grain. They should have a diverse diet!


The conditions of detention, breeding and care for wavy parrots at home provide for communication. Wavy parrots need to communicate either with a person, anyone with relatives. It is better if the bird has the opportunity to spend time and with the owner, and with other birds. Disconnection, scarlet, shortage or absence of communication lead to health problems. A pet can start suffering from depressions and pull out his feathers.

Therefore, speaking every day and play with the bird. Also let me go to the room freely fly.

Before issuing Parrot in a free flight, check the closure of doors, refrigerators, windows, washing machines and so on. In addition, it is necessary to hide or close all objects containing water. For example, bathroom and toilet room. Open aquariums and filled glasses are also not a place in the room where the parrot will fly. The fact is that, perhaps he will want to buy, choke and drown.

Follow the parrot, so that nothing happens to him. And, of course, if you have other animals at home (cats, dogs, etc.) who are not averse to play or hunt for a bird, remove them from the room with a parrot.

Of course, you will not always be together with your feather pet, so take care of him toys. Huge happiness of the parrot can bring a settling to him another bird that would have become pair. Correctly care for wavy parrots - it means not only to look after them, but also for their offspring. That is, create all the conditions so that the birds can take care of their chicks. If you have a male and female, then they will need a nesting house with a nest for chicks.

Cage care

During each week, clean the cell no less than two times. To do this, use warm water. It should not contain any substances that you usually use in everyday life for cleaning or cleaning something. That is, do not use the parrot powder, floors, floors for floors, and the like. Take care that you have a cleaner brush. For these purposes, it is excellent, for example, not necessary, used toothbrush.

After you wash all things that are in a cage, do not forget to wipe them with a dry cloth. The dirtiest part of the bird housing is the pallet. Therefore, clean and wipe it carefully. When cleaning will be completed, you can put a new paper on the bottom of a clean cell or sprinkle a special, bought in the pet shop.

Bird care

Periodically, the parrots are needed bear their claws and beaks. For this purpose they need objects from wood. It can be some wooden toy, a small toy tree, a wand, floor feeder, wooden drinking bowl, etc. The hosts must ensure that their birds can easily meet the need for cohotov and beak.

Also, the parrots are seasonal linka. Useful information about these difficult periods in the life of feathered friends and about.

Follow the behavior of your pet. If he behaves not as before, and you do not know the causes of such behavior, please contact the veterinarian. This should be done as soon as possible - with the first suspicion of the disease.

Watch the condition of bird litter. Liquid litter for a long time may indicate that the parrot fell ill.

I hope that this article helped you find everything interested in life, the peculiarities of the care and maintenance of wavy parrots at home. And now you know what you need to know all the owners of these winged pets.

Below also additionally post an interesting video on the topic. I highly recommend it.

Please tell us in the comments as you care for your wavy parrot?

Movable, noisy, loud and cheerful decorative bird - a wavy parrot. Such pets live almost every third Russian family. Ptahi feathers usually have a greenish or blue wavy shade. For home content, such exotic birds are ideal.

Description, Feature, Appearance

Bright overseas Pttashki became covered in Europe from Australia. The number of feathered spread rather quickly, they actively multiply at home, and not just on the will. Pets, divorced by people, are well adapted to life and microclimate of apartments.

Chatty and noisy parrots can even utter short phrases. They imitate some sounds and words, without understanding the meaning. Slender bird has a long tail. They participate in the exhibitions of ornamental birds and win first places.

The length of the bird wing reaches 10.5 cm. They are used for seating, flights, supports when walking. In flight, decorative parrots are like swallows. In search of food in nature, the parrots fly fast enough, especially if they are very hungry and necessary, finding food.

The pennate of this family has tenacious and developed paws with long fingers of pinkish, reddish or gray-blue shade. They know how to capture their dense parts of food, small food, walking on the ground or even move along the trees. The color of the eyes of wild parrots on the will is almost white, yellowish, dark blue. They even distinguish between the color palette.

Merry pets have a strong beak. It covers a dense horny layer. The form is like such a nose of birds on those who have predatory birds.

With the help of a powerful beak, the parrots quickly overload seeds, shoots, can crush large food. It is also a reliable way to protect against small predators and snakes.

The tongue from the wavy parrots is thick and short with a oroging cover, which helps toolt the surface of the beak, break fruit, clean the grains. In the natural landscape, thanks to the shade of plumage, parrots remain almost imperceptible.

The head and goiter of birds usually has a yellow shade. It goes to the back zone. In the sun, the plumage of wavy parrots fluoresits. So males quickly attract females for nesting. Bird's glow is noticed during the day, and people are just at night.

I propose to familiarize yourself with another kind of very beautiful and smart parrots in the article: how to keep and care for home

Where do wild parrots live in nature

The birthplace of wavy pets is considered Australia. This is the main habitat habitat. They mainly live on the eastern and southwest coast, where fewer thick forests. The nesting is carried out birds in semi-desert areas and steppe zones with rare trees and shrubs.

They bring offspring in the wild, regardless of the time of year. We live parrots with flocks. On the plains they are looking for herbs seeds, water and other food are wanted on green plains. The feathers are quickly moved and can fly over long distances. Today, the liking parrots from Australia is prohibited, since the bird population is reduced.

How to determine the floor of poultry

Determine the floor of the future Pet is not difficult. At the base of the beak there is a certain zone - aweskov:

  • in young males, she is purple, and females - blue with a border around the zone of the nostrils;
  • mature male birds have a lilac wax or dark blue, and females are brown or beige-blue. She gets such a shade during nesting.

How much will the wavy parrot

On average, the bird of this type lives 10-15 years. Rare specimens in the wild live to 8 years, mostly twice the smallest. In nature, they kill predators, natural cataclysms, as well as hunger. With good care at home, the pet can reach up to 20 years.

The colors of wavy parrots

Favorite decorative bird has a variety of plumage colors:

  1. Cobalt Ptahi for the first time appeared in London at the parrot exhibition in 1910
  2. Olive green are derived in France.
  3. Yellow parrots were obtained as a result of crossing in Belgium.
  4. Light green - Natural natural color.
  5. Dark green appeared in France.
  6. Heavenly blue brought Belgian ornithologists.
  7. Serious green parrots live in Australia.
  8. Gray individuals were brought from England and Australia.
  9. Purples appeared in German breeders.
  10. Bright yellow parrots (ottino).
  11. Albinos with red eyes were bred in Germany in the 40s.

By plumage, you can distinguish your homemade pet from wild. Distressed curly parrots with plumage in the form of curly stems. Spenglas have a waviness with a mirror reflection, the Czechs are distinguished by a fluffy hat and larger sizes.

Chubby or crested birds have a kerching on the head of different shapes. According to the degree of color allocate monochrome and multicolor birds. Among them are penguins, harlequins and feathery with a chaotic location of the specks.

What eating wavy parrots

Basically, all feathered breeders buy special mixtures for feeding them. They include sunflower seeds, onion herbs, canary, millet, oats. The product should not contain any chemistry, dyes and expired shelf life.

Sometimes it is useful to give Ptah grocessed oats, only every time fresh. The remaining remnants immediately throw out the feeders. The finished mixtures are mandatory allowed during the causing of chicks, molting, and if the bird got sick.

For a good health of the wavy birds, they are injected into the diet:

Caution gives special cereal sticks for birds or honey crackers. Fruits and vegetables are in fresh and clean. Vitamins are administered only during the feeding of offspring, illness, strong stress or molting.

It is forbidden to give bird alcohol and chocolate, sweet candy, rhubarb and potatoes, milk and kefir. Parrots are often etched by homemade decorative plants. In order for them normally, the digestion, it is necessary to pour clean sand into the cage.

It is useful to give birds in the conditions of the house linen seed, rice porridge, buckwheat, wheat or rye. They are dried without adding salt. A fresh corn is suitable for feeding, grapes, banana, clover grass, dandelion, moc.

How wavy decorative parrots breed

In captivity, the birds of this family live 10-15 years. Before nesting in nature, the female chooses the male. It usually attracts the features of the color of the male representative, the ability of his feather fluorescence under the influence of sunlight.

In Australia, for a year, the female raises chicks twice. Pets must have long breathing in front of the nesting. In natural conditions, wavy live in crevices of rocks or voupels of trees.

For domestic pets, the house with a solomine bedding is equipped. At one time, the female on average I postpone 3-5 eggs. Sometimes 10-12 pcs. She raises them 20 days. The male at that time miners and brings food. Chicks are born blind and bare.

A few weeks later, their body covers a dense fluff. A month later, feathers appear. Normal plumage is formed not earlier than 3 months of age. You do not need to buy a bird. Genetic diseases come after the first molt.

Cell arrangement for a wavy parrot

The feathered pet should live in a spacious and clean cell. The norm per parrot is 30 cm width, 35 cm height and 40 cm Length. It is better to take a large aviary or a cage twice as much so that inside the bird can fly a little.

Inside there must be different porrodies from the tree, and not plastic. This is important for the stratification of claws on the paws. Too thick or thin plastic porridges can cause deformation of the fingers and claws in birds, corns and holotopesh.

In mandatory, the wavy can be fresh in the nest of the wavy, it is poured daily into a special attached cream. The grain mixture is being added to the feeder. Separately there is a container for mineral feeding and soft food. On one side, a stone is attached to the beak. Parrots love toys - ropes, swing, bells. For faster and easier to clean the pet, the cage is equipped with a deep retractable pallet.

The cell is washed with soda and warm water. No cleaning products apply. From the cell of the feather friend is better released daily, fly around the room. It is previously ventilated, but then closed the vents and windows.

They are drawn by curtains so that Ptah does not hit the glass. Clean all the room plants so that the wavy parrot is not poisoned. Feather pets are very loved by water procedures. They regularly substitute a vehicle with water, spray during the heat of birds in a cell from the sprayer.

How to choose a wavy pet

Experts recommend buying a pet 3-4 months. Adult parrot will be adapted for a long time and can even get sick. It is better to give preference to parrot breeders who hold pets in the correct conditions. In the markets can be stumbled upon an unhealthy bird.

Healthy ptah has dense feathers, clean and shiny. On the legs of even flakes. The patient is a slightly lifting, indifferent to others, often nourished, with dim and spontaneous feathers.

It is important to remember before buying that the feathers like to sing and can do it very early in the morning. They are growing a lot - paper scraps, feathers, litter, husks from feed. Every day they will have to remove and clean the cell so that there is no unpleasant odor of feces.

Fans of indoor flowers should rearrange their plants into another room. The bird can try the land, cutting out the leaves, after which it is to pick up helminths.

Near the parrot and in this room, where it lives can not smoke, spray perfume, air fresheners, painting the nails, cook food. The delicate breathing system of wavy from this can seriously suffer.

What are the wavy parrots

Very often decorative parrots are getting sick. They begin to sneeze and hilt. Their feathers are often amazed by the downstairs and ticks. This causes the loss of feathers and itching. If the bird lost appetite and looks sluggish, it is quite possible she picked up worms. Periodically, it is necessary to check the client parrot cloth, especially during the breeding period.

Sick birds are treated with antickel means, chamomile decoction, vitamin preparations, sprays from ticks, guide a lamp for cell disinfection.

How best to care for a wavy parrot

Stress for the bird - moving to a new habitat. At this time, it is better not to include a loud TV, remove other pets that will excite a feathery friend. At night, some breeders cover the cell thin sheet, making several slots for air intake.

On warm days, it is possible to set a cage with birds on the sun, to produce vitamin D. Parrots are usually limited twice a year. It is feeding with vitamins and try not to disturb. Occasionally can be added ascorbing or lemon juice.

It does not need to be boiled. A common filtered or bottled water is suitable. Once a month in the feather house, a master cleaning is carried out, wipeing it with water, decoction of wormwood or chamomile.

Temperature and suitable lighting

In the room where the wavy friend lives, it is important to maintain a favorable temperature, microclimate and lighting. You can not put a cage with pets on drafts and direct sunlight, near hot batteries. Suitable temperature for domestic birds - 20-22 degrees. Humidity - 60%.

Light mode is very important, so that the bird can sleep and relax. The balcony is put in the spring and summer in non-good days. At the same time, you can throw light tulle or make a zone with shadow.

How to teach a parrot

Little parrots with wavy plumage are distinguished by memory, inquisitive and intellectual temper. They are studying, playful and sociable, very observational. They know how to open and close the cage, if she has a simple latch.

Live them better by small flocks or couples, since the birds are very sociable.

They adore all sorts of toys that can be soldered, taken in the beak. Such devices are sold in any pet store. To teach a pet to speak, it is better to buy a young active part of 3-5 months, prone to loud chirping.

If your child asks a little colored parrot, think in advance about how to care for him, what feed is needed and how much time will take your time. Let the parrot not so much take time, like dogs or other pets, but still need to follow their health.

The most important question for caring for such a pet is a cell selection. The cage for the wavy parrot should be spacious and made of conventional metal rods. At night, if the bird works you, you can cover the cage by any cloth. The parrot calms down and will understand that it is time to sleep.

Home parrots

Homemade wavy parrots are very beautiful and interesting. Children love to talk to the bird, watch the game. The colors of their plumage is so diverse that each color is surprising. Each wavy parrot is unique, photos of any bird attracts attention, as they are really interesting and curious creatures.

Parrots, like all living things, need caring care. It is important to know which cell is needed and how often it must be cleaned. All this we will analyze in our article.

How many little parrots live?

The natural range for parrots of this species is Australia. There, the parrots feel great among wild thickets. But in the cities they also got along well. How many wavy parrots live in urban environments? In the wild, these birds live only 8-10 years. But thanks to a person, their lives can be longer.

A wavy parrot at home lives for about 15 years, only sometimes lives to 17. These birds are afraid of drafts, they can hurt. Like people, they are also subject to bacteriological and viral diseases, so they can die before without proper care.

When you choose a bird, pay attention not to a more beautiful pet, but on a healthier. That bird, which is too calm - does not chirbish, does not play, perhaps something is sick. It is best to buy a parrot in a good pet store or right at the breeder with extensive experience of breeding, and not in the natural market. That is, where the birds are cared for birds.

Budgerigar. Care and content

How to care for wavy friends so that they live for a long time and pleased their owners with their cheerful temper and twitter? Let's talk more about the content of the wavy parrot.

It is very important a cage to keep clean, often change water. Every day the parrot is desirable to produce from the cell so that he can straighten the wings and fly. Without movement, they do not have it, especially if the cage is cramped. Long sitting in a cage Bird not only quickly loses interest in games with people, but also earns obesity, because the birds also need to move to lose calories.

Food for wavy parrots need to take a qualitative, good proven brand. But besides the feed, you still need to give many vegetables, fruits. During the masonry of eggs, female need chicken boiled eggs.

Birds require mineral food, such as the ground energies. We need both greens, in particular parsley.

The cage constantly there should be a feeder with ordinary feed, and near need the same for gentle grain. Power should be diverse. Only one millet cannot be given. Nuts, fruits, corn and seeds are suitable. Everything must be moderated in the diet. Homemade wavy parrots often eat and often straighten. On the day they do it from 40 to 50 times. This is considered a normal chair.

Every day you need to change water in the drinking. If water is not fresh, the bird will get sick. Clean the bottom of the cell is required three times a week, but when the parrots are two or more, then, accordingly, it is necessary to clean it more often.

It is important to monitor the condition of the beak and claws. The bird should have a piece of chalk or sepia for sharpening beak. After all, the beak is also growing, like nails in humans, and over time, a long key hinders a bird.

What kind of cell fit?

The fact is that the parrots need a lot of space in the house. Keep them constantly in the cage - no way out. The bird will be bored, she needs to knead the wings. The cell itself should be large and spacious, especially if there are two parrots.

In the length of the parrot house should be at least 60 cm, and better 80 cm. Height - at least 50 cm. Additionally, you need to attach the drinking and a small bath for parrots. If the rods are painted, then you can not drink between them.

Wooden cells will not fit, since the boat parrot necessarily spats the wooden rods.

There are various curly cells on sale. But they are suitable more to transfer the bird, but not for living. Best is the usual, unpacked cages of rectangular shape. In such dwellings, birds are more conveniently climbing the stairs, play. The parrot itself is not as important as his house looks like, he needs a comfort. Sometimes he is sad, and he needs a "personal" home angle. Another advantage of the rectangular cell is simplicity of care. To straight rods it is easy to attach all sorts of pet toys - these are bells, rocking and more.

Additionally, you need to say a few words about choosing porch. It is not worth buying barbells, placed sandpaper, which have recently appeared in pet stores. The paws of the wavy parrot can bleed.

The diameter of these crossbars should be different. One put a little higher, the other is on the lower floor, this location is convenient for birds.

Do I need a mirror with a poan friend?

When people buy one parrot, breeders recommend attaching the mirror to him to the cage so that he does not feel so lonely, did not give up. But there is another opinion. Many believe that so pet will not learn to speak. Although this point of view has not yet been proven.

Cubs Parrot

How do wavy parrots multiply? If you decide to buy a couple and try to output a few chicks, then keep in mind that the couple you yourself choose may not bring chicks. Parrots form a union for life. And if he or her a couple did not like, mating will not happen.

The most prolifics are between the ages of 2 and 8 years old. The female brings about 6-9 young at a time. The offspring is displayed more often in the summer, when the day is more than 12 hours and enough heat for them. After all, the parrot is a thermal-loving creature. The female rises eggs exactly 18 days. Trying all the time to turn them over them, as the egg, which suffered heat, will die.

In the summer period, parrots need to give more fruits and vegetables and germinated grains so that they safely brought their offspring. If you want to get the rating in the winter, you will have to additionally warm and illuminate the socket.

Display female chicks conveniently in a cardboard socket. To equip it, it is enough to cut a small hole on the side of the box, with a diameter of 5-7 cm. It's a lase for female. And so that the male fell to the nest and fed the female, he needs to build a small barrel near Laz.

What wavy parrots when only hatched? Chicks are hatched so helpless and weak that the female has to feed them in a lying position. They are inextriced, and their eyes are completely closed. The weight of only hatched chicks of all a little more than one gram. Their mom is all the time with them, climb into the nest and scare the female. Chicks will come out of the nest to the 23rd or 24th day, when they already raise the bulk and they will have a plunder.

Signs of the disease from the parrot

When your parrot feels bad, it can be seen by some changes in his behavior. Of course, a bird, although speaking, cannot say that she has something hurts. But the attentive owner should notice the following signs:

  1. The bird lowers the tail and looks weak. She is not interested in things from things or toys.
  2. Failure to eat.
  3. Parrots cease to clean feathers when they are bad.
  4. On the keyboy, the growths are sometimes detected.

If the parrot is just a little sluggish, you need to put the lamp near it and warm. In a comfortable temperature, and this is 27- 28 ° C, it will be done itself. But when the situation is serious, it is visible on the growths and, perhaps, there will be strange discharge from the keyboy. Then you need to immediately call the veterinarian and sign up for reception.

Parrot diseases

What you need to know the owner of a wavy parrot about diseases of these birds? First, the fact that health and well-being depends on the conditions of its content. High-quality feed and frequent inspection of beak and suddenness should also be included in the practice. So you react to the disease in time.

The bird can be infected with salmonellosis and die in a short time from dehydration, since with diarrhea all the water quickly leaves the little Taurus of the parrot. Infection comes from the use of infected water or dirty food. Either the parrot contacted other birds, for example, at the exhibition.

Another common disease is psychotaxy. When overheating or after the stressful situation of moving to another house to the new owners, the bird can get sick. The parrot disappears appetite and run nose. A characteristic feature is swelling tissue and selection. Previously, whole flocks died massively from this disease, which is caused by chlamydobacteriums. But today, with the help of antibiotics, the disease is well cured.

Also, the bird can get knemidocoptosis or to be infected with ticks. In general, there are a lot of diseases. It is necessary to constantly follow health, so that the parrot does not die ahead of time.


The subspecies of the wavy parrots of the main three. These are wavy monochrome, with a motley plumage and crested wavy species. In each group, many varieties of coloring. The main natural color is light green. Stripes on the head and on the back of the waves play the role of masking in green more often. Blue, white, gray and other tones and shades are derived using selection.

Those who are engaged in breeding birds know that monophonic parrots with light shades of yellow or pure-white colors have more faded, poorly pronounced wave patterns. And on blue feathers and dark green, this pattern is visible very well.

Multicolor parrots, in turn, are divided into three more subspecies: harlequin, motley wavy and parrots-penguins.

It is best breeding in captive parrots of light green. And those that were deemed selectively are poorly adapted, they are weak, and with them hard when breeding.

How to teach talk?

If you want to teach a parrot to speak, then you need to buy a boy, and one, without a pair. He will then be bored, and he will get used to a person faster, will try to "find a common language" with his owner.

How to teach the wavy parrot to pronounce the first "words", and then phrase, or rather, to teach them to parody people? Parrots, in fact, do not say, and imitate human sounds, absolutely not aware of them. Moreover, the voices of children and women in most of these birds are better to depict. To the bird began to learn imitate, you need to constantly talk to it.

Wavy parrots cannot remember many words. Total about 10-20 phrases. Their larger relatives say more and better. However, wavy birds are easier and cheaper than Jaco or Cockada, and they adapt to ordinary city rooms better.

At first, one word will have to repeat, more often pronounce his name. Then the phrase in which this word is present. And even later, if the parrot comes talented, you can see some kind of children's poem or joke. But it should be noted that all this takes a lot of time, and the owner must gain patience and do not shout at the parrot if he does not work.

How to tame?

After you brought a purchased parrot to your home, let him get comfortable. A few days try to completely disturb it. Come only to change food. In no case do not take it immediately in hand. At the parrot shock, and he must first get used to you. Over time, we talk more often with him. You can open the cage in a few days so that he played in your room and became interested. Do not scold him if it breaks something, and do not turn on loud music.

Your task is to support the atmosphere of trust. You can not have enough bird with your hands, you can not scold her. Otherwise, she will be afraid of you and, perhaps, treat hostile. In general, parrots are very friendly and go to contact well. But frightening the bird or caused violence, planting in a cage with hands, the location of a small pet you will be lost forever.


What can I say to summarize the information? Homemade wavy parrots need a good and clean house, in high-quality feed and friendly. The content of one parrot is not so problematic. It is necessary to monitor its health and the condition of the beak. Long beaks can be trimmed, but it should do this veterinarian, not the owner.

Food is needed for your pet diverse and good enough. Feed the bird with mineral feed, pieces of fruit, be sure to give greens. If all the rules of care will be observed, your parrot will live for a very long time.

A wavy parrot at home is very well adapted. These birds are interested in people, they quickly learn and can bring a lot of joy to the house. However, do not forget that by bringing a parrot to the house, you are responsible for his health.

The boat parrot belongs to the type of parrot and is the only representative of wavy feathery. By purchasing a wavy parrot, to begin with, it should be decided with the aim of staying in the house. He can simply speak as a favorite pet, which will become an excellent friend or the purpose of his acquisition can be further breeding these birds.

It is from this criterion and will depend care Behind the wavy parrot.

Care rules for a wavy parrot, how to choose a feather friend

Most people who are going to acquire a wavy parrot, absolutely do not know what to pay attention to the purchase and how to further contain their pet. In order for the feathers to grow healthy and cheerful, it should be discouraged in more detail on this issue.

How to choose a wavy parrot?

Stands with the maximum severity Take this issue. It is best to acquire a wavy parrot from a specialized breeder than a bird market. This will give the opportunity to inspect the place where the wavy parrots live. Moreover, in such a place, the risk to purchase a sick bird is much less than on the market.

The bird you like should visually inspect. A healthy person is active with clear eyes, the plumage is glorifying and will not shine in different directions. Each paw should be 4 fingers. Two of them in front of the paws, two from behind. The patient is a wavy parrot, as a rule, sits motionless, he is not interested in what is happening around him, the plumage is laughed, and the area around the clock can be smeared with liquid flowering.

Optimal age For the purchase of a bird is the period from 2 to 4 months. It was during this period that wavy parrots quickly get used to the person and a place in which the bird will live that much simplifies the process of further detention.

Definition of age

In order to avoid cheating from the seller about the age of the bird, you should independently be able to determine how old the wavy parrot. For this there are certain signs:

It is worth noting that these criteria are not suitable for the birds of the birds, the whole color of which is always white or yellow. Such eyes are always black, and the beak is light.

Definition of a wavy parrot floor

You can distinguish parrots by sexuality in the color of the flaws. While the birds are still young, then both sexes are light lilac. In 4 months, the area over the beak in males acquires blue, and in females this part of the beak becomes beige. But after puberty, and this age is 9 months, in the females of the wax starts to darken down to brown.

Wavy parrot care and content, choice of dwelling for wavy parrots

For prosperous The content of the wavy parrot at home he needs not only the presence of high-quality feed, but also the correct placement of the cell.

How to choose a cell location?

The best place where the cell will be located is the bright part of the room. It is not recommended to install the cell on the windowsill, since the wavy parrots are affected by drafts. Nevertheless, daylight lights need for wavy parrots: in the summer time of the year at least 12 hours, in winter from 10 hours. That is why in the cold seasons, when the light day is rather short, the owners should additionally illuminate the cell. In order for domestic loves to get used to its owner faster, it is necessary to put a cell at the human height level.

Choosing a cell

In order to correctly choose a cell, it is necessary to pay attention to the following criteria:

Equipment for cell

In order for parrots to feel in their home comfortably, it is necessary to put no less than two barns of different diameters, drinkers, feeders and various toys.

All porrodies should be located in such a way that the parrot can easily fly from one to another.

Drinking Must be made of glass or porcelain. In such drinkers, water is much longer than fresh. Every day, the drinking bowl needs to be washed in hot water. You can use the soda to clean the soda, which then you need to thoroughly wash and wipe the drinking dryer with a dry cloth.

Must be minimum two. One will be located dry food, in the second fruit and vegetables.

Especially in hot summer days should be put in a cell bath. Water in the bath should not be too cold or hot. As soon as the bird refreshed in the bath, it should be removed from the cage.

If only one parrot lives in the cage, then a small mirror in the top of the cell should be placed. It will help the wavy parrot not to feel lonely.

Wavy parrot: care, content and diet

In the diet, these birds include a large number of different fruits, vegetables and feeding.

Grain The mixture consists of oats, flax and millet. It is best to acquire such a mixture in hermetic packaging, on the surface of which there is a transparent site. This will help visually assess the quality of the purchased goods.

Vitamins Parrots are obtained mainly of fruits, vegetables and various berries. They love to nibble carrots, cabbage leaves and cucumbers. As for the fruit, apples, oranges and peaches are ideal. Berries included in the diet of the wavy parrot are represented by blackberry and raspberries. However, the parrots will not refuse parrots either.

To parrots grow active and shone their health, they should be given mineral food subordinate. As an organic feeding, you can use chalk or sand. These substances are filled with calcium, which is necessary for the organism of the feathery.

The first days after the acquisition, the bird should be kept separately from other birds if they are available.

Changing the situation can create a stressful situation for the bird. Therefore, the main rule of pet care is the fence of it from external irritating factors. Such factors include loud sounds. In no case cannot raise the voice to the parrot. Talking with him, you should make your voice as gentle. No need to try to force your pet in your hands forcibly. It will only aggravate the position, and the adaptation process will delay for a long time. But as soon as this barrier is overcome, you can start teaching your bird to talk.