Kamensky Nastya personal life. Nastya Kamensky - Star Dossier, Italian Wedding and Frank Photo Session

Kamensky Nastya personal life. Nastya Kamensky - Star Dossier, Italian Wedding and Frank Photo Session

I existed for 11 years, the duet "Potap and Nastya" ceased its activities, however, Nastya Kamensky is confident that the group in the previous composition will return to the scene. In the meantime, a new project appeared in the creative biography of the singer, which, for sure, will appreciate her devotional fans.

Kamensky was not easy to flip the page and go further alone, but she still began her solo career, choosing nk alias.

Childhood and education

Nastya was born in 1987 in Kiev. Her father - Alexey Zhmur, served in the KGB, and then he was appointed a concert director in the Choir named after the city of Rope. It was there that he met his future wife, Lydia Kamensky, Mama singer, who was a soloist. Little Nastya has traveled to European countries on the children's exchange program from five years. At first she visited the French family, and then went to Italy, where he regularly rolled for seven years. With Naples, the best children's memories are associated with the future artist.

In the photo Nastya Kamensky in childhood and youth

Parents developed a daughter comprehensively: she began to study English rather early, she was engaged in ballet, sang in the choir, studied music and played the piano. Having received secondary education, Kamensky entered the Ukrainian-American university. Soon she took part in the Music Contest "Black Sea Games", where he received the Grand Prix. Thanks to this event, the girl took up a musical career, becoming cooperating with the famous producer center.

Participation in the group "Potap and Nastya"

The second musical award was Nastya received in 2005, when it was located in London on the "opening of the year", and soon her acquaintance with the musician Alexei Potapenko took place. Having created the duo "Potap and Nastya", young musicians recorded a joint song "Without love", and then the single "not a couple", quite quickly became a hit. After a year later, the couple won the Five Stars Competition at the Sochi Competition. In 2008, they released their debut album "not a pair", thanks to which only reinforced their popularity in Melomanians. A year later, the duet fans were able to purchase their new album called "Do not love my brains", which entered the song "Chumaching Spring", which has not lost popularity so far.

In the photo Nastya Kamensky and Potap

During the career, artists released five albums and recorded clips to such compositions as "on the area", "frills", "love with a discount", "South South" and others. In addition, four times of their songs were marked by the Golden Gramophone Prize. In the creative biography of Kamensky there are shooting in the musical "Red Cap", as well as participation in the show of the first channel "Two Stars". More than once she was a participant and leading various shows on Ukrainian television channels, and in 2017 he became a member of the jury of the Ukrainian project "X-Factor-8". From the last news for 2017, it is known that the participants of the Potap and Nastya duet announced that they decided to interrupt joint activities and engage in solo career. Now Nastya acts under the nk pseudonym and has already rendered a new video for the song "This is my night" to the court.

Personal life

The personal life of the artist is no less interest than her creativity, however, the Ukrainian beauty itself does not like to share the details of his love stories. Back in his student years, a future star had romantic relationships with a young man named Vladimir. But soon he left Nikolaev, where he continued his studies. Couple and now supports friendship.

For a long time, Kamensky attributed a novel with a counterpart for the duet, with whom she not only worked, but also spent time outside the scene by visiting various events. However, the artists themselves denied close relationships, considering themselves close friends. In their life there was a period when, because of the dense work schedule, Nastya and Potap scored overweight. Then, with an increase of 175 cm, its weight was 80 kg. Already later, the actress was able to bring his figure in order, and the company also composed Potap in this. Now it weighs only 60 kg, so that the appearance of the girl pleases her fans.

In recent years, rumors that Kamensky is pregnant and will give birth to a child in a short time. At first, these speculations only annoyed singer, however, in 2017 she informed fans what he was thinking about children. According to Nastya, she previously did not understand how to combine a career with his family, but now everything has changed, and the artist is ready to become a mother. Kamensky also often posts on their videos page, on which it is captured in his home in the kitchen or at the doctor's reception. At the same time, the singer does not hesitate to show itself not painted and without hairstyles.

Kamensky Anastasia Alekseevna - Ukrainian singer, sexual soloist of the popular duet "Potap and Nastya".

It, in addition to vocal data, has a bright appearance, impulsiveness and not an easy character.

It is recognized as the most beautiful and sexy woman of Ukraine.

Childhood and youth

Nastya Kamensky - native of Ukraine. Born in Kiev, 04.05.1987 appeared in the family of professional musicians.

Mom - Lydia Petrovna sang in the National Academic Choir. G. Rope.

Father - Alexey Iosifovich served in the same chore concert director.

Nastya in childhood

He also headed the Dynamo Volleyball team. The girl from the small years was instilled in interest in music.

In addition, Mom tried to raise her daughter to a versatile and give her as much knowledge as possible.

From 5 years, the baby began to participate in the international exchange program of the children of Ukraine.

At first, Mom sends Nastya to France, but did not like the girl there.

She begins to ask for a back and soon returns to his native Kiev. At 6 years old girl went to music school.

Stands to study the game on the piano. Also Nastya visits tennis classes and ballet class.

Learning in an ordinary school girl also managed to thanks to tough discipline and control from parents.

At school age, the future singer is sent to Italy. There she began to spend annually for 6 months over the next 7 years.

Nastya lived in an Italian family and visited the local Naples School. This period of the singer recalls as very important and exciting.

Then she acquired not only the Italian "brothers" and "sisters", but also the second parents.

In Naples, a black-haired girl with curly hair was often accepted for a local beauty.

By graduation, the Nastya, thanks to the exchange program, perfectly spoke in several languages.

However, it decides to learn more than one language. She enters the US-Ukrainian Institute, where all learning happened in English.

The girl chooses a serious profession - a specialist in foreign economic activity.

Simultaneously with serious lectures on economics and finances, Nastya Kamensky managed to pay attention to both their vocals.

In 2004, participates in the "Black Sea Games" contest and wins the main prize.

A year later, it becomes the owner of the English Prize UBN Awards "Opening of the Year".

Creative career

The first step towards the musical future of Nastya Kamensky was the record of the clip to the composition "What difference" in 2006

He was filmed with the support of the producer company Music-Motors. It was at this time that fate faces Nastya with Alexey Potapenko (Potap).

For sample, they decided to sing a duet. Their joint work resulted in the professional duet "Potap and Nastya".

With Alexei Potapenko

In 2007, they became the undisputed winners of the "Five Star" contest in Sunny Sochi.

However, as soon as they started recordings of other songs in the studio, Potap collided with a tough and difficult girl's temper.

The first years of Nastya and Potap had to get used to and adapt to each other. It was originally not going through the day so that the duet does not donate in the fluff and dust.

That's just personal relationships did not affect creativity. Duet stably gave off his hit.

Conquer the Ukrainian audience, Nastya and Potap decide to expand its popularity.

Soon on the territory of Russia in each club and from each window they sounded their dance songs "not a pair" and "on the area".

In just a couple of years of joint creativity, they received many musical awards. Were recognized by the most touring musical duet.

In 2008, their first album "Not Couple" was released. A year later, the audience presented the next collection of hits "Do not love my brains."

The next plate fans had to wait 4 years. "All Bun" goes on sale in 2013

After 2 years, the duet, preparing the next album, writes a joint song with - "Dog Style". Soon remove the clip on this composition.

For these filming, the singer dropped extra kilograms, engaged in individual training with choreographer.

In addition to music, Nastya Kamensky is actively involved in various television projects.

Tries yourself as an actress and TV presenter. She performs a major role in the musical picture "Red Hap".

Also, the singer has the experience of professional photo sessions for glossy magazines. Its candid photos can be seen on the "XXL", "Maxim" and "Playboy" pages.

Work on television

In 2008, together with Garick Kharlamov, he participated in the show of the central channel "Two Stars". Dropped out of it according to the results of the audience.

I also tried my strength in the dance Ukrainian project "Dance for You."

Nastya had to leave the project ahead of time due to the tour of the Potap and Nastya duet.

In 2010, N. Kamensky falls on the show "Zyrka + Zyrka" channel 1 + 1. The company was made by Maria Bersenev. The girl reached only 10 ether.

It was leading on the channel M1 of the morning entertainment program "Guten Morgen!". In 2014, he tries himself as a radio friend.

In 2016, Nastya comes to the channel 1 + 1 as the leading children's version of the Komik laugh.

Personal life

The first serious relationship among Nastya Kamensky arose in student years. The beloved was her classmate - Volodya Dyatlov.

At first they just were friends, and later Platonic feelings grew into something more. However, their love was overshadowed by a terrible automotive tragedy.

Nastya went to celebrate the birthday of the younger sister Volodya, Marusi.

With friend Volider

The car was the young man himself, his parents and 2 sisters, including a birthday party.

Their car was put into ditch. Nastya woke up near the fascinated car with a disheveled and wasping foot.

The doctors who arrived at the place of the accident to save the parents of Volodya Dyatlov and Marusu could not. Nastya from this trip remained a long scar for the whole leg.

Because of the tragedy, the young man had to go to study in another city.

However, Nastya's career went uphill, it acquires popularity. And Volodya begins to jealous, which leads to constant conflicts and quarrels.

Nastya and Volodya take a joint decision to part friends. Since 2009, the girl, heavily worried about the gap, goes completely into creativity.

However, young people did not completely communicate. They meet once a year on the day of the tragedy on June 8 to remember the dead.

For five years of activity in the show-business Kamensky attributed many novels. However, all questions about the personal life of Kamensky reacts negatively, reports vz.ua. But one novel she densitate unable. A young man from Nikolaev named Vladimir Dyatlov is the only boyfriend, with which the singer has been seen so far. Now they are not together.


Nastya and Vova got acquainted on a student bench when Kamensky had not worked with. The guys studied in the same group, mastered foreign economic activity at the Faculty of the Ukrainian-American Humanitarian Institute Wisconsin International University (USA) in Kiev. Loved each other at first glance and began to meet.

Due to the vital circumstances, Vova was transferred from the capital university to the National University of Shipbuilding. Makarov in Nikolaev. And the pair had to continue the relationship at a distance of 500 km. Nastya, living with his parents in Kiev, tried as often as possible to drive to the guy in Nikolaev. He, in turn, came every weekend to her. There was even a moment when Vova gathered suitcases and wanted to move to his beloved forever. But this did not happen.

Later, Kamensky admitted that despite the rumors, she never changed her voyage: "While I had a relationship with the Nikolaev guy, I was only faithful to him. This, of course, it was not easy. I was constantly suited by hysterics until I didn't come up to me Father with the words: "Madame, for God's sake, could you find yourself a man in Kiev?! Because my mother and I can not stand it anymore! "

Instead of searching for a man Nastya left his head to work with Potap. After years, Dyatlov spoke for the first time on this topic. He confessed himself in an interview that relations from Kamensky went on there themselves on themselves, turned out of loved in friendly. And refutes rumors about her excessive jealousy: "All the information that is in the press about me and Nastya is only 30% of the truth, the rest is the fiction of journalists. We parted friends, still support the connection and remain very close people to each other for each other. friend. We are like brother and sister at the moment! "


To date, Dyatlov holds the position of director of the agricultural enterprise in the city of Voznesensk (Nikolaev region.). The guy decided to seriously engage in politics and became one of the youngest leaders of the Party of Regions. In his 26 years, Vladimir Dyatlov is the head of the Party Fractions of the Regions in the Voznesensky Rosiset.

Announced parting with Dyatlov in 2009. But despite this, annually on June 8 they meet. The reason is sad: the anniversary of the tragic death of native Vova. In 2006, Nastya, Vova, two younger sisters and parents went from Kiev to Nikolaev to celebrate the 19th birthday guy there. The plans cut off in one moment ... On the highway, the jeep family of Dyatlov turned over several times and caught fire. The culprit of the incident became a trailer - a house on the wheels, which was attached to the car: passing by the wagon in the air flow turned over the trailer, and he pulled the car behind him.

Official group of Potap and Nastya Vkontakte

Nastya received a concussion and a heavy injury: the scar is still visible on the leg of the singer. Sona Sona Guy made artificial respiration than her life saved. The Father managed to only take to resuscitation, where he died. Moms did not become nine days after what happened. Along nine days later the heart of the sister of Masha was stopped. So 19-year-old Vova remained orphan.

Nastya Kamensky - singer, actress and TV presenter, who became famous in the megapopular duet "Potap and Nastya". The perky girl in short shorts and with an open neckline, she was not 18 at the time of creation of the group, now turned into a standard of style and taste, Nastya leads a solo project NK and is one of the bristlers of the modern show biz. Her talents are concluded in the venue of a seductive brunette, the unusual beauty of which became the visiting card of the ex-participating in the group "Potap and Nastya" and leading it to the Olymp of Glory.

Each viewer of blue screens remembered self-confident and luxurious Nastya Kamensky: Dark curls, songs that occupied the top of the hit parades and granted to the whole country, flying around for quotes, strong vocal data and seductive forms. Frank Nastya has repeatedly starred for a gloss of men's magazines and performed ambiguous compositions "Doggy's style" or "Cum ... fingertips", but few know that the Ukrainian pop and r "n" B performer studied and lived in France and Italy, He knows several languages, and also received education in Wisconsin International University.

An extraordinary Nastya Kamensky is a storehouse of an incredible combination of female sex and literacy, natural data and labor-intensive work on themselves, and it perfectly carries all this wealth in itself and conquers all new peaks.


Kievwoman Kamensky Anastasia Alekseevna was born on May 4, 1987. Mom and dad future artists were closely related to musical activities. Mother, Lidia Petrovna Kamenskih - Natura Creative, singer National Choir named of the rope, from her Nasta went to curly hair and skill to sing. Father, Alexey Iosifovich Zhmur, also a professional in music, he was a concert director of the popular choir of Rope, and the captain of the Volleyball team "Dynamo". Girl's shaft mother - Singer Alla Kudlay. Nastya, the only daughter and the child in the family, took her mother's name (real surname Kamensky), since Papine seemed not too frantic.

Little Nastya grew up with a musical and gifted child, from early childhood dedicated himself to art in all his directions: attended music school, studied vocals, talkers, Solfeggio, the game on the piano, which successfully graduated from 14 years old, was engaged in a ballet circle, played tennis . The parents of the soul were not accustomed to the daughter, and mostly taken care of the successful future girls, providing her opportunities for new knowledge and skills.

Almost all childhood, the girl spent abroad. From five years old, Nastya participated in the children's exchange program, and France became the first country for her. A romantic country with a thin soulful organization could not conquer incendiary Anastasia, therefore, to promote parents, the girl's course after two months was replaced by Sunny and Flame Itia. Within seven years, every six months, the girl lived in Naples and attended a local school. In Italy, Nastya had a second family: parents, brother and sister, who had never had a girl. Thus, living in a natural linguistic environment, the girl learned in the perfection of English, Italian, Russian, Ukrainian. Now, in 2018, Nastya continues to keep the level of the polyglot and is engaged in the study of Spanish. Under the NK label, she released a Latin American composition called "Peligroso", its Kamensky performs in Spanish.

In Ukraine, since 1994, Anastasia studied at the elite pre-waitle gymnasium No. 56, in the prestigious Pechersk district of Kiev. After graduating from school in 2004, a talented girl entered Wisconsin University of USA, the teaching in it is provided in English. Nastya Kamenskaya fell to taste the Faculty of Foreign Economic Activity. At the same time, the girl diligently continues to catch his vocal skill, and labor begins to bear fruit.


2004 marked the debut of the New Star of Nastya Kamensky, who first declared himself on the stage of the Black Sea Games festival and received the Grand Prix title. Interestingly, it was the third attempt to take part in the event, but the talents of the young singer organizers did not emphasize early. After a year, in the British capital London in 2005, its outstanding vocal data was marked by the British award of the UBN Awards "Opening of the Year".

Sexy brunette with a strong voice was noticed by the Producer Center "Music-Motors". In principal to Ruslana Mintzhinsky, with the support of the company, Anastasia releases the first song and the clip called "What Difference". At the time of shooting Kamensky did not even reach an adult age, but provocative gestures and a magnificent acting game of the hot girl remembered the audience. Thus, a promising singer with bright natural data appeared on the arena of the domestic show business, which brought it to a new level of creative activity, radically changing the life and career of Nastya, and in the future led to an outstanding tandem with Potap.

Duet "Potap and Nastya" is a successful product of the production of "Music-Motors", which lasted 11.5 years, which brought real popularity and recognition to artists, numerous awards and premiums. The sources "not a couple" of Potap and Nastya costs a fairly scandalous format of relationships: a capricious and too confident girl and a straight rude guy often quarreled, and seemingly not at all suited each other. An expressive singer Nastya Kamenskaya and Kiev Reper Alexey Potapenko could not find a common language for a long time, but they made great to fulfill the music in the style of "collective farm R" n "b" together. The duo was able to combine two main trumps, which became the key to success: the magnificent voice of Nastya was combined with an ironic spectative of Potap. "I cously glamorous fool, Potap depicts a pathoral pribrud," comments the Maker of the performance of Nastya. Such an unusual combination was the idea of \u200b\u200bthe Potap, to create a spectacular and completely new and fresh level of the group for the Ukrainian stage, in the style of "People's R'n'B", he lacked only a luxurious and bright girl who became Nastya.

The first composition in the execution of an extraordinary duet was "without love," she was written by Alexey himself, and for a long time he could not find a singer who could become better for the execution of the track. A joint clip with the referring was a hit, brought them to a high level of popularity, the first tours, concerts stretched behind it. Extravagant artists began to learn, they began to be interested in and inviting various surveys, to interview. The final verdict about the Potap and Nastya fans were taken out after the song and video clips "not a couple", then they began a real star life.

In Sochi in 2007, at the Five Star Competition, the newly minted group of Potap and Nastya received the Grand Prix, performing three compositions: the Khutorok songs, the author of which was the jury of Sofia Rotaru, "And in our yard" and our own song " couple". Thus, an unusual duet once again approved its status of the frontmen of modern pop and became an absolute winner, going beyond popularity within Ukraine. In March 2008, a debut album was released with a bright group "not a pair" under the label "Real Records". Words and music for 17 compositions included in the album, wrote Alexey Potapenko himself, the clips were removed on the top of them: "not a couple", "caviar", "in kind", "why", "lil rain", "strong nuts "and" ragble ".

Popularity and the number of concerts only grows: Bold Nastya is removed in MAXIM men's magazines, "Playboy", "XXL", in which it does not once appear completely without clothes, and the frank potap gives provocative comments on television, inciting increasing interest in the bold Duet. Erotic naked photo session in the magazine "XXL" is a snapshots with the participation of the Potap, which gently covers the hidden places of its companion, and in 2008 the PLAYBOY pages decorate the photos of Nastya, with a body hidden behind decorative chains. Beautiful Kamenskie decorates not one male magazine, waving fans of seductive curves of the figure, its parameters will sweat in pop sex symbols!

The phenomenal duet is starting to invite to participate in a variety of projects. 2008 was quite fruitful and led Anastasia Kamensky in the Blue Screen: it was invited to participate in the TV shows "two stars", broadcast on the first channel. A partner of a bright and stylish Ukrainian was Garik Harlamov, a Comedy Club resident. For the first time as actors, Nastya and Alexey Potapenko appeared on the screens in the musical "Red Cap", in it the artists played along with such famous personalities like Lyme Vaikule, Timati, Philip Kirkorov, Ani Lorak.

Entering a video to the song "On the area", shot in Darnitsky, native to Potap, the area, in the video Anastasia acts in the image of an eccentric singer Amy Winehouse, the track of the public perceives with a bang, the army of the duet admirers grows, and the group flourishes. In 2008, the collaboration of such contrast artists of the Potap and Nastya received their first awards, they became the "Golden Gramophone" and the "MUZ-TV" premium. In 2009, in the fall, the burning brunette Nastya participated in the television program "People's Star" on the television channel "Ukraine". Trio, consisting of Potap, Nastya and Ulyana Rudakova won: The Trinity performed in the suits of the turtles and conquered the audience.

Nastya Kamensky is invited as a TV host information and entertainment show "Guten Morgen" on the M1 M1 Silent, in parallel with this she also led the program "I love Ukraine" on "TRK Ukraine". With these roles, she brilliantly coped, I remained leading until 2011. The Ukrainian group produces the second studio album in 2009 above the name "Do not love my brains", which included the "Edge of Mi Eh River" songs, "Sandal", "Call by Hope." Music and words to all compositions wrote Potap, videos were removed into three compositions. In the same year, Kamensky's beauty called the "most beautiful woman of Ukraine" according to the popular magazine "Viva!". Anastasia takes part in the dance show "Dance for you", Choreographer Dmitry Dikusar became partner of the singer's parquet partner. The Nastya project left independently due to the tight schedule of the tour, so as not to cancel concerts in Germany, the artist was gone. Soon the original duet of Anastasia and Alexey felt in the "Culinary Fight" show. In 2010, Kamensky is removed in the television project of the Ukrainian television channel 1 + 1 "Star + Star", where she stands up with actress Berseneva Maria, they became the only female duet on the TV show. In 2010, Potap with his wife, Irina Gorony, founded their own producer Mozgi Entertainment.

In 2011, het "Chumachechay Spring" comes out, and the duet becomes the record holder of content sales, this song conquers radiolois, and tele-ester, spreads on the dance flooring and clubs. The duo receives the next "golden gramophone 2011" and Potapenko writes a soundtrack called "Freaks", filled with Nastya for the comedy of the same name. In 2009, charming Nastya Kamensky, Potap, as invited stars, and a young singer Kohl Serg, performed at the vocal TV project "Star Factory - 3". Nastya also participated in 2012 in the Ukrainian-Russian adaptation of the Star Factory program, and was a guest star at the eleventh reporting concert of the New Star Factory, which came to the screens in 2017.

The third album "All Bunch" Group presented in 2013. It entered it the top song "Chumachechay Spring" and Naughty Hans "Ru-Ru-Ru", "Not enough air", "I can't do without you", "together", "Villeto", "if suddenly", on most Of these, funny and drive video clips were removed. In 2014, Nastya first tried herself as a radio friend, she became a DJ of the author's show "On the way home with Nastya Kamensky" on the "Russian Radio". In 2014, the outstanding Nastya and Potap voiced the characters of the Talnia and the spring of the cartoon film "Seventh Gnome". The magic song performed by Nastya for the cartoon called "Belief in your strength" not only liked the viewers of the cartoon, but also quickly passed into the sphere of radio. In the same year, they were announced by one more heroes, already the Ukrainian animated fantasy film "Babai": the witch and Babaya. In 2014, the duet took part in the shooting of the painting "Alice in Wonderland", in it the artists fulfilled the role of Parents Athanasius, rabbit and mice, and together with Alexander Krivoshapko sang the song "On Drum".

In 2015, het "Doggy's Style" in the framework of the last Album "Shield and Ball", executed in the Union with the "Queen of the Russian People's R'n'B" by Bianke. The video is saturated with sex and provocative frames, in which the advantages of luxury singers - Nastya and Bianchi flashes. In 2016, talented Anastasia is called the role of the leading children's humorous quarter of the 95 Quarter Studio Committee. Children "on TV channel 1 + 1. In the same year, there is a new song of Potap and Nastya, the lyrical composition "Umama", which is distinguished by the unusual serious text and a southerling story, perceived by the public, like others, with a bang. The shooting of the roller is carried out in the apartment at home, at the table in the kitchen, where the years of a growing girl who speaks about the importance of the family in her life.

In 2016, the bold duet of ironic potap and luxurious Nastya passed the mark of his 10th anniversary, captured the figure of the World Golden Whales Tour, as well as a concert on November 16 in the metropolitan National Palace "Ukraine" - "Potap and Nastya. 10 years". In honor of the 10th anniversary of the group released the living album "Golden Whales - 10 years", from the 20 most top songs performed by Akapella during performances.

Once again, the stupid brunette drew attention to the speech during the ceremony of awarding a musical award on the channel M1 Music Awards 2016. Nastya Kamensky and Nadia Dorofeeva, the ward of the Potap and a soloist of the pop group "Time and Glass" presented a new joint composition "Abnovos / Dosvidos, "at the end of the speech, the girl merged in a duty and passionate kiss in the lips. After Nastya kissed Nadia, the latter admitted: "Kamensky is well kissed." Nadia with Nastya is a long-standing girlfriend, they met when the girls were 15 and 13 years old, at the children's song competition in Bulgaria.

In 2017, Nastya Kamensky took the reference place of the judge at the show "X-factor" at STB. Artist with rich scenic experience, the favorite of the public, the owner of various musical awards, sex symbol, Nasta trusted to look for talents and help in their formation. In the same year, Nastya Kamensky managed to visit the creative evening of the Ukrainian composer and the musical producer of Konstantin Meladze, there she performed the hit "Salute, Vera".

The final song, the final for the Potap and Nastya's famous Duet - "I ... I (poisonous)". She published in the public in 2017, and written in colleagues colleagues. The last song was removed a deep and sincere video, about the attitude of a man and a woman whose director was Clipmaker Leonid Kolosovsky.


The project of the Potap and Nastya became extremely popular and received recognition with lightning speed. Their hits are becoming world famous, leaders of musical charts every year of activity. The stunning success of the duet is obvious: top albums, clips, many musical awards, record visits to concerts, including abroad, soldered shows on international tours. September 2017 brought stalking and not at all joyful news from artists: Potap and Nastya decided to suspend their working relationships, they called it a "pause", focusing on the fact that they were finally not broken. Maybe their solo works of PTP and NK, they could now displace a veteran group with an experience of 11.5 years, and they diverged to give way to something new. Despite the section, music for an independent project NK, in which Nastya left, Alexey Potapenko writes. The genre of her personal solo creativity - Future Pop.

NK - solo project, it is the net creativity of Kamensky, a new image and role. Updated Nastya - cheerful, open, energetic and modern girl. The colossal creative and life experience, she concluded in his personal project NK, in which music does not have borders. The first song of the Nastya's solo project was the composition of the "# Solochnoy", which quickly won a niche and became a hit, the single and the clip of the singer presented on November 2, 2017. "I really love the night. Night is the most long-awaited guest party, which reveals the entire essence of the female nature. The night is the time of secrets and the beginning of something new, "confesses Kamensky. A video for the song was removed by the famous clipmaker Alan Badoev, in it the singer appears in the form of Cuban beauty: passionate, bright, cheerful.

In December, Anastasia released an acoustic collection of songs and the film "Xmas With NK", in which the most popular Christmas compositions were fitted in four different languages \u200b\u200bin atmospheric acoustic treatment so that each viewer could feel the magic of this evening. The special Christmas project took place on December 25 on M1.

On April 9, 2018, NK introduced the first Ukrainian-speaking song in his repertoire "Trimai" on the "Evening of Ekaterina Osadchai" in his repertoire. The video shot to the song was removed Sonya Plokyuk, words and music was written in co-authorship with Potap. In the roller to the lyrical song Kamensky lies nude in the bathroom, and also appears in a pink coat and a silver dress.

October 11, 2018 NK released its first independent album "No Komments" with the official video of the Lomala sensational track with an epic clip, in which Nastya pleased with sexual and bright images: a burning long-haired blonde in a powder corset appears on the background of different locations, skyscrapers and beaches With funny blue pigtails, executes original dances with ballet. The party was held at Alaska's restaurant in Kiev. Several hundred national artists, celebrities, influentials and media representatives were present at the presentation to support the Ukrainian singer: Masha Efrosinin, Alexey Potapenko, Katya Sidula, Richard Gorn, Sergey Pritula, Katerina Kukhechen, Alexander Stanov, Alexey Zavgorod, Nana , Ruslan Quinta and others.

Nastya Kamensky presented at the event a new incendiary song "Peligroso", written in Spanish and English, which means "dangerous". In the video, shot to the song, the star appears in the dress with a deep neckline and performs very frank dances in the rainforest. Spanish-English track in the genre of Latin-pop Kamensky created in collaboration with Ali Alvarez, Cris Chil, Yoel Henriquez and Potap. Soon NK went to Promotur in Miami, where he presented a song on Radio Caracol 1260am radio, on the evening show "El Happy Hour", "Accesso Total Show" "Despierta America" \u200b\u200bon the NBC channel and others.

In March 2018, the premiere of the sexual clip of the sensational song "Give me" took place. His director became Tanya Muinho, who shot clips to such stars like Monatik and "Time and Glass". In the clip "Let me" Nastya Kamensky changed the color of the hair twice, becoming a long-haired blonde and brunette with a square, and also struck the variety of stylish outfits.

During the holidays in September 2018 in California Nastya, one of the sexiest stars of the domestic show business, created a new unexpected masterpiece - the rep-composition "Pop, like Kim", also entered the album "No Komments". The singer is confident that she is not inferior to Kim Kardashian on the beauty of his forms. On April 22, NK received the "Singer of the Year" award at the Cosmopolitan Awards 2018 awards ceremony.


Interestingly, to the shooting of the clip with the Biank "Dog Style", Nastya was preparing for about 11 months. Because of the hard chart, participation in multiple concerts, the shooting of Kamensky became very corrected.

After the speech on the "New Wave" in 2013, her fans were confident that his favorite singer was pregnant, but she simply would have grown strongly. Lace dress demonstrated a frankly rounded tummy, supplemented by an impressive magnificent chest and not a narrow waist. At the Slavic Bazaar, 2014, Nastya received a frank portion of criticism. The girl shares that she was never small, she always had overweight problems, which need to be diligently controlled, so faced with a problem, she was engaged three times a week with a personal choreographer.

Until 2016, she actively engaged in sports and now demonstrates the tightened figure. During this time, the performer has lost weight, her clothes decreased by three sizes, Nastya acquired slender seductive forms that generously demonstrates in the pictures in Instagram. Now Kamensky is engaged in sports under the leadership of coach Andrei Khomitsky, together with a colleague Potap, as evidenced by numerous video, and photographic materials in social networks. Nastya has now gained a great shape, which he likes to boast of the next photo, providing tumaled legs in miniature skirts, a flat tummy or elastic buttocks in tight leggings, tickling the fantasies of their fans.

The secrets of a slim figure she publishes Nkblog on his Youtube Channel. Nastya became the first Ukrainian pop artist who began a personal video blog on YouTube. The number of subscribers in it exceeds 750 thousand. Sports achievements, the path from completeness to a beautiful figure, tips on healthy nutrition, facts from life, lifehaki, secrets of care and makeup and stoke up concerts - Nastya sincerely share all this in Nkblog, inspiring viewers to follow her annex and achieve their dreams and goals. The bold and frank star is not afraid to seem like a funny and real, in everyday life, outside the scene and without a grima. Anastasia proved that she is not only a talented artist, a bright and memorable creative person, a sex symbol of our time, but also a powerful motivator of a healthy and happy life that she also reached.

Nastya Kamensky's personal life worries many fans of an attractive and charismatic pop singer. Not far from the Kamensky mountains will be 30 years old, and at this age already many are married and have children. However, Nastya is still a formal free girl. It is known about her novels a little, but considering the rapid temperament of the Ukrainian singer Kamensky, it can be argued that they happened.

Nastya Kamensky: personal life, first love

It is known only about Nastya's novel with a young man named Vladimir Dyatlov. She had the first love with him and had the first relationship.

  1. Acquaintance occurred at school. You can only assume how it took place. First love is always beautiful.
  2. Love at a distance. Vladimir studied in the city of Nikolaev, and Nastya Kamensky remained in Kiev. However, at the beginning it did not interfere with their relationship, but then gradually they began to go to no and smoothly switched to friendly. The personal life of Nastya Kamensky for a while stalled.
  3. Now the couple is in friendly relations, they communicate well and support each other. Friendship contributed to the tragedy in the family of Vladimir, Nastya at that time was next to him. After such events, it is impossible not to stay close people.

Nastya Kamensky: rumors about personal life

Nastya Kamensky does not like to talk about his personal life, in addition to the information about the first relationship, nothing is unknown. However, there are some rumors.

  1. Nastya Kamensky and Potap. Banal rumor, because Potap and Nastya Kamensky - group, and they have to often be together and ride on tour, the pop-stars attributed a stormy novel. However, this is not true. Potap is married. According to the singer himself, with Nastya Kamensky, they are far from friendly relations, but simply in business.
  2. Figure of Nastya Kamensky often undergoes changes. The girl is thinner, it gets better. Therefore, rumors about pregnancy Kamensky and future wedding with a new businessman appear. However, rumors remain only at the level of gossip.
  3. Contract. It is believed that Nastya signed a contract for the non-disclosure of his personal life. She has a man, but she hides him from the ubiquitous eyes of journalists.

The personal life of Nastya Kamensky is closed from the press and simple people. But when the singer marries or get pregnant, we will immediately find out.