The ILO is divorced with the wife of Maria Gural, this is true: what is the reason for the divorce who his girl is. Russian singer married Ukrainka: Published photo Why the ILO divorces his wife

The ILO is divorced with the wife of Maria Gural, this is true: what is the reason for the divorce who his girl is. Russian singer married Ukrainka: Published photo Why the ILO divorces his wife
The ILO is divorced with the wife of Maria Gural, this is true: what is the reason for the divorce who his girl is. Russian singer married Ukrainka: Published photo Why the ILO divorces his wife

Who took himself the scenic alias of the ILO. Biography, nationality and personal life of this young man are interested in many fans. A few years ago, the artist became one of the participants of the Black Star Inc. label. And began to gain increasing popularity.

ILO. Nationality

If you judge by last name and name, then this artist, of course, is Russian. And he was born on March 2, 1990 in the small town of Krymsk Krasnodar Territory. But here is the appearance of a rap artist atpic for the Slavic guy who is Matvey Melnikov, better known under the alias of the ILO. His nationality is Russian, although the artist and has brown eyes, dark-skinned skin and dark hair.


The parents of the boy tried to instill with the love of the love of knowledge and art that they did well. In childhood, Matvey had noiselessness and desire to stand out. Therefore, he sent his energy to sports and dances.

In five years, his family moved to Krasnodar, where Matvey lived to the fifteen years. In this city, Matvey began to do dancing, first by ballroom, and later folk. A great achievement for the boy was admission to the dance group of Alla Spirit "Todes" in 2000, at that time he was 10 years old.

As a child, he delivered a lot of trouble to his parents, loved to spend a lot of time with friends and disappeared into their company for several days.


Already at the age of fifteen years, Matvey moved to Moscow, where he continued to go to school and dance. There, a young man replaced the choreographic direction, he was very attracted by hip-hop. He wanted to and well managed not only to dance to this direction, but also read his texts. Thus, the career of Matthew Melnikov as a rapper.

Student years

Despite the revisible character and permanent employment by dancing, the young man managed to graduate from high school with a gold medal in 2007.

Matvey decided in Moscow State University to the Economic Faculty, which he did without much difficulty. In 2012, the diploma was perfectly passed, and Matvey decided to continue their studies in the university graduate school. All this time, the guy did not stop actively and stubbornly to engage in hip hop and rap.


As a student of the Central Moscow School, Matvey composed texts, but a few months later the guy felt that he wanted to write his songs professionally. Thus, in 2006, cooperation with the recording studio GLSS began, which ended with the work of Matthew there as an artist on a formal basis.

In 2009, the young artist for the first time participated in the "Battle of Respect" competition, where he became one of the 40 best of the thousands of contestants. In the same year, Matvey changed his old pseudonym on a well-known now - ILO. The nationality of the singer is Russian, but because of the thick dark beard and the darkness of the skin, many fans often suggest that he is a native of the Caucasus. By the way, the guy flows not only Russian blood. The ILO reper, whose mother's nationality can be called Greek (after all, in her family were the Greeks), even his wedding first wanted to play names in Greece.

In 2011, participation in the first international hip-hop summit was crowned for an artist with a brilliant performance. In the same year, the first album of the Mota called Remote, who accommodate 12 tracks. On the composition "Millions of Stars" later removed the video, and with the participation of Ilya Kireyev, the song "Cats-mouse" was recorded.

The next year came out the second album Moth - "Repair", it consists of 11 songs. One of the works entitled "To the shores" was very popular in 2012, this composition was used in a documentary film called "Black Game: Highway". And also on this song, a clip was shot in the city of Krymsk.

In 2013, Raper was invited to cooperate as an artist Black Star Ins. As a result of the general work, many popular songs came out, as well as the Album "Dash".

In 2014, Solnik Azbuka Morze saw the light, except for Moth, Timati, Misha Crupne, Nel took part in the album. And also this year ILO has shown himself as an actor. The artist starred in a short film called "Capsule".

In 2015, the ILO became the leader in the process of shooting the video to the song "Day and Night". The popular Russian footballer Dmitry Tarasov and his wife Olga Buzova, who is known as the leading TV project "DOM-2" took part in this screen.

In recent years, the ILO is actively working to create new tracks, he also collaborated with such popular performers as Bianca and VIA Gra.

Currently, the artist continues to lead active creative activities, goes on tour, releases clips and participates in TV projects.

What is the nationality of the ILO and his wife?

More than half a year ago, the ILO associated himself to be a marriage. Matthew Melnikova's wife - Maria Giral - was born in Lviv, later he came to learn and moved to Kiev, she met Raper. Young people first communicated in social networks, then Artist ILO, whose nationality is Russian, invited Maria to Moscow to participate in the shooting of the clip.

It was after filming and began their novel that ended with marriage. The wedding of young people was distinguished by modesty and romance (the couple was dressed in and jeans, after registration of marriage, they released a couple of white pigeons into the sky).

On August 5, 2016, Maria Giral and Matvey Melnikov, more famous as the ILO rapper, we were concluded in one of the Moscow regulations. The nationality of his spouse is Ukrainian, a fashion model girl and starred in his clip a few years ago.

Matvey Melnikov is a famous Russian actor and a rap performer, an ex-participant of the popular Soul Kitchen project. Since 2013, the artist Black Star Inc. He is known to the public under the ILO pseudonym.

Childhood and school years Mota

The future Raper ILO was born on March 2, 1990 in the small town of Krymsk. In 1995, Matvey Melnikov moved to Krasnodar, where he lived for 10 years. Parents from the Small years have attracted him not only the desire for knowledge, but also the love of creativity. Matvey, being a birth from a small town, since childhood wanted to stand out. Music went with him hand in hand from early childhood.

In 5 years, Matvey began to engage in the ballroom, then folk dances. At the age of 10, he became a member of the Krasnodar Studio Alla of the Spirit "Todes", which at that time seemed to be his parents with a considerable achievement.

Despite this, Matvey was not an exemplary and enhanced child. In childhood, he often disappeared from the house for a few days. He loved spending time with friends. Much spent a lot of sports.

At the 15th age of Matvey Melnikov moved to Moscow, where his passionate hip-hop passion began. During the classes, the dances of Matvey felt an insurmountable desire not only to move in rhythm music, but also impose his own speaking on top of this music. So began his career as a rap artist.

Student years Mota

Thanks to the knowledge to the knowledge, in 2007, Matvey Melnikov graduated from high school with a gold medal, as a result of which she easily entered the Moscow State University to the Economics Faculty. In 2012, he successfully defended the diploma, he entered the graduate school, continuing to carefully care.

First, the ILO wrote texts exclusively for his pleasure. Over time, the talented guy had a desire to write something more serious, not at the voice recorder, but in a professional studio. This happened in 2006. Collaboration with the GLSS Recording Studio ended in that the ILO has become its official artist.

Career Mota

In 19 years, Matvey took part in the "Battle of Respect" competition. As a result of a successful demonstration of his talent, he fell into Tor 40 of several thousand participants. At this time, on the advice of Ligalize, Matvey Melnikov changed his old nickname (Bthamot2bdabot) to the current - ILO.

Two years later, he was brilliant at the first international hip-hop summit. In the event held in Luzhniki, celebrities such as Raekwon and Onyx took part.

At the same time, his first album in the style of Relax was recorded, the producers of which were Lvsngh and Mikkey Vall. The album "Remote" consisted of 12 tracks, one of which was shot by the clip "Millions of Star". In the record of one of the songs of the album ("Cats-Mice") took part in the famous musician Ilya Kireev.

The tracks of the album "Remote" were the most harmonious and calm. The ILO strived to "hook" his fans of light, spiritual lyrics. After the release of the album, a rap artist appeared a lot of fans.

ILO and Bianca - absolutely everything (track premiere)

In early 2012, the second album of the artist was recorded under the original name "Repair". It consisted of 11 tracks, in the creation of which Ilya Kireev, L'One, Katya Nova, Liya took part.

The clip on one of the songs of the album ("To the shores") was filmed in the hometown of Matvey Melnikov. After presentation on October 5, 2012, the video took one of the leading positions among the Russian clips of this year, according to a survey conducted at one of the popular sites. Track "To the shores" can be heard in the documentary film "Fair game: Highway".

Personal life Mota

Being an avid fan of Spice Girls, Matvey since childhood dreamed of taking one of the soloist groups. His idol was unsurpassed Emma Banton. Matthew's personal life is quite calm and measured enough. Since 2014, he met with a girl named Maria Giral. On August 5, 2016, the lovers were combined with marriage.

Now Mot has a huge number of fans. Some even guard guy at the entrance, which Matvey is trying to treat with a maximum understanding. The guy believes that the crowd of fans is only the cost of profession.

ILO today

Regularly visiting the Soul Kitchen parties, the ILO got acquainted with many performers from Black Star Inc. Therefore, an invitation in 2013 to the office was not surprising for him. As a result of their cooperation in the same year, an unforgettable single "# motorcycles" appeared. Later on this track was removed no less effective clip. After half a year, another album was recorded - "Chestka".

a (Matthew Melnikova). And this summer (August 5), the lovers were finally married. About how Masha and the ILO got acquainted, how the fans of the popular rapper include, and what she does, read in our interview!

I was born in Ukraine, in Lviv. Everything was my childhood, and in Kiev I moved to learn. In general, initially my father had an idea to send me to Canada, but because Mom was afraid to let me go so far, Canada was replaced by Kiev.

Dress, boots, christian dior; top, alisa kuzembaeva; Ring, Roomchik

I moved to Moscow at the beginning of this summer, in June, and moved directly to Matvey, who, like a real man, just kidnapped me from Kiev. (Laughs.)

First time in Moscow it was difficult for me, most likely, with unaccustomed. It was difficult to get used to the climate, because in Ukraine the Sun is much more than here. Moscow is cold, mainly gray, but there is a reverse side in everything. I like the scale of Moscow, she motivates, and I think it is a suitable city for young people. Here you want to move forward.

I was a very calm child. From an early age he went to ballroom dancing and had something busy all the time: the school is dancing - a ballet hall. On the weekend I went to competitions or seminars. Since my mother is a philologist, my studies paid special attention, so I graduated from school with two fours.

We have a very close relationship with my mother. Even when I left to live in Kiev, I tried to come to her as often as possible. Despite the fact that my parents are divorced, I never felt deprived of love and care. I have always grabbed the attention of Mom and Father. Therefore, I can say with confidence that my childhood I had bright and happy.

My mother is Ukrainka, and from the side of the Father in me the Jewish Blood flows. By the way, our first joint new year with Matvey we celebrated in Israel. It was a very unexpected trip for me. Matvey Artist, and he has a very dense concert schedule, so I did not build any plans. But at the end of November he wrote to me: "Well, you already invented, in which dress will you celebrate the New Year in Israel?" (Smiles.)

all slides

Our story of the acquaintance with Matvey is not as many of them want to see. I was not one of those fans who write to their idol. (Laughs.) Matthew found me through the photos on the social network, through our common friend. I remember, I received a notice that he added me to Instagram, but I admit honestly, then I knew nothing about him. When I went to his page in response, I saw that the guy was pretty and, as it turned out, a participant in the label of Black Star Inc. I added it in response, and commenting photos began. (Laughs.) Then we began to correspond, and after some time they met in Moscow. For a date I came with a friend. We sat with her, and suddenly wares Matvey with the phrase: "I'm only with tour!" At first I did not like it, but after 10 minutes everything changed. It is difficult to convey those feelings. His insanely burning eyes and meter eyelashes conquered me instantly. I love Matvey's eyes very much, they have good, clean, and, probably, it was in them immediately fell in love.

There was immediate peace between us, and it was a feeling that we knew each other for 100 years. After this meeting, he again invited me on a date, on which our first kiss took place. From now on, we are always together with Matvey. Everything so twisted, spinning, and here I am already with a ring on your finger. (Smiles.)

The offer from Matvey was very unexpected for me. Although, I will not hide, I waited for this, and it seems to me, he suspected about it. We flew to Thailand, you wanted to relax from the Moscow bustle and just enjoy communicating with each other. We had such a wonderful issue at the hotel that I did not want to leave him, but Matvey insisted that we would go on a tour. We went to the island, according to local, one of the most beautiful in Thailand. When 30 minutes left before departure to the return route, Matvey decided to dive into water. I first did not want, but he insisted that I decided not to reap and dived, and when I had emerged, I saw Matvey with burning eyes, which began to confess in love and handed the ring. It was the very moment when I am a person who can always give an answer to everything - could not find words. I first just looked at him, well, and then, of course, the cries and squeaks of happiness began. (Laughs.) Of course, I said yes.

Now I can say that I am ready for the family. If earlier I have difficulty with the answer to this question, now I do not doubt a second. It seems to me that a woman can be so strong enough to answer when 100% confident in his man.

When you love a person, it's hard to say for what exactly, because even his flaws become loved. Probably most of all Matthew I love for how I feel next to him. My eyes glow every day, and I gained harmony, calm. Next to him I become kinder, patient. For me, these feelings are new, because before I considered myself a tough person. Next to him, I get better, I feel filled, whole. Previously, I saw my shortcomings, but I could not fix them, and then suddenly you meet a man who simply changes you for the better.

Now my main job is Matvey. I want to give him my care, warmly, family comfort so that he always returned home into a clean apartment, and in the kitchen it was waiting for a delicious food. He is very tired and squanders a lot of energy, so he needs a woman who will give strength and warmth. Therefore, the idea that I can work from the morning to the evening, it goes herself. But at the same time I still find the opportunity to implement my ideas. Now I am engaged in the organization of a charitable ball to help two children's homes. In general, I have a lot of ideas and plans that I definitely implement in the near future.

When communicating with a person, I always look into my eyes and think that you can say a lot for them. It is important for me to experience a person energetically and to catch a mental connection. If this happens, then I will continue to communicate. I also like people with a sense of humor, open and sincere.

I am not from those girls who devote all their time appearance. I absolutely calmly go without cosmetics, I do not make any cosmetic procedures, and my only secret of beauty are ice cubes with a chamomile, which I every day moisturize my face.

I do not see any point in paying attention to the opinion of the people who barely know me. For me, the words of those people I love are important.

Now for me, happiness is when Matvey returns after the tour and rejoices a meeting with me when I see how he smiles. Happiness is to see mom's eyes and understand that she is near and healthy. For me, happiness is concluded in the happiness of my loved ones.

In life, the most important thing for me is love. It is with her I go through life.

On January 22, 2018, information about the social networks appeared that the Mota's wife gave birth. All confirmed the newly minted parents themselves, when on their pages in one of their social networks, posted congratulatory speeches to each other.

Matvey Melnikov, who is more famous under the pseudonym of the ILO and his wife Maria, almost simultaneously posted posts in their microblogs, in which they told about their main day.

Photo: Singer ILO has become a happy father

"Now we are a full set and a full-fledged family, thanks for my son, my best wife and your beloved mother," I wrote the ILO, adding a touching photo on which they hug a baby together.

"This is the happiest day in our lives. 01/22/18 !!! Welcome to the family, son! We love you insanely !!! Favorite, you are our hero! So supported, it helped. The best dad, so love !!! "," a young mother wrote in his microblog, adding another photo.


Maria Giral, gave different publications in the interview, where they told how they met the singer Motom and one after another dispelled rumors that are created around their family.

Couple got acquainted on the Internet, and the first initiative showed Matvey as a true man and wrote to her. As the girl is recognized, about Matthew Melnikov, she did not know anything, she did not know that he was already famous in Russia a rap performer. Almost a week, only with a break for sleep, they guided the correspondence and decided to a personal meeting.

True, Maria did not decide to go alone and called his girlfriend with him. But since the sympathy was mutual, the second date took place. Masha seeing the eyes of Matvey, and his metering eyelashes immediately fell in love.

Maria moved to Moscow from Ukraine, she had already lived in Minsk for more than one year. Maria Giural began to live with Matvey almost immediately, it was he insisted on it, one can say stole a girl and transported to himself.

The offer to become a wife, Masha received from Matvey, being thousands of kilometers from their home, in Thailand. On vacation it turned out to go unexpectedly, how and get from your beloved ring. Matvey organized his bride to truly fabulous rest, and the proposal did on the island. Just swimming in the sea and knowing nothing, Maria, emerging out of the water, saw her beloved. He spoke a lot of touching words and asked the main question to which the girl replied "yes."


On August 5, 2016, Maria Giral and Matvey, Maria Giral and Matvey, was officially registered in Moscow, the spouses now wear one surname of Melnikov. Wedding was very modest, the bride and groom were in T-shirts and jeans. Only two wedding attributes were newlyweds, these are wedding rings and a beautiful, bright bouquet of the bride.

Matvey and Maria staged a magnificent celebration only after 7 months. Here it was all, a gorgeous dress and a veil of the bride, a suit at the groom. Many famous guests, T-Killah rapper, a football player with Anastasia Kostenko, Egor Crend and Laura Juglia.

And on this day, the mystery of the wedding pair occurred. Mary has already spoken about such plans for their pages, but did not go into details.

Before registration of the relationship, the couple has already met for two years. The fact that Mot's wife on a large period of pregnancy and coming soon, it became known in October 2017. After watching a new video, which was removed on the song "When the word disappears," everyone could make sure. It was there that Masha showed his rounded belly. After that, ILO and Mary stopped hiding an interesting position and more often began to lay out photos in their social networks.

What does Marina Melnikov do

The Mary Giral model has already been popular at home at home, and it happened after she ranked second in the beauty contest "Miss Lviv". Her life in Ukraine was boiling, she participated in promotional photo sessions, fashion shows. But immediately after she became the wife of the famous rap artist Mota, Masha gave his family all. Matvey considers his chief, the muse and devotes her poems and songs.

Before the birth, Maria Melnikova was engaged in charitable projects, namely, he helped several orphanages and participated in the organization of the ball on which cash was collected.

Apparently now, when it became known that Mota's wife gave birth, she will break with her head into motherhood, and it will be possible to see her less frequently at parties.