Exercises for pumping legs and priests. Beautiful ass - how to pump the buttocks, effective exercises for gaining super forms

Exercises for pumping legs and priests. Beautiful ass - how to pump the buttocks, effective exercises for gaining super forms
Exercises for pumping legs and priests. Beautiful ass - how to pump the buttocks, effective exercises for gaining super forms

All girls dream of a healthy, beautiful and elastic body. Most of them begin to work on themselves because of dissatisfaction with their own booty - it seems to them unappropriate.

In order to pump the jagged muscles and make a "juicy" ass, there are quite a few simulators, special programs are being developed, fitness instructors pay about a third of the duration of the lesson.

In fact, it is not so important - where to do. Buttock muscles can be equally well to pump and during self-work house, and during training in the gym.

How to pump the buttocks without squats

By the way, we have an excellent complex.

What is really important is the strong desire of the girl to have appetizing buttocks and work on them, because, contrary to many marketing promises, no simulator and super-well-known coach will help you pump up the ass per week. Alas!

What do you need to make a girl to pump up a beautiful ass?

In order to pump up a beautiful ass other than desire and time you need:

  • eat right;
  • master the fundamental bones of the "buttock" exercises, paying special attention to the implementation technique.

Basics of healthy nutrition

We will now go exactly about the right nutrition, which should be the basis of a healthy organism, and not about short-term (and often ineffective diets!):

  • Power should be balanced and used products must contain carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins and minerals.
  • "Bad" quick carbohydrates should be excluded: snacks, sweet drinks, cakes, cakes and other sweets, follow the amount of flour and grain products.
  • It is necessary to exclude the consumption of "bad" animal fats: sausages, smoked, sala, margarine, not abuse milk fats, butter and fatty sea fish.
  • Drink plenty of water, limit - tea and coffee consumption, eliminate - alcoholic, sweet and carbonated drinks.
  • Control salt content in food.
  • Exclude fried food from the diet, preferring a couple cooking, cooking, quenching.
  • Put your diet with vegetables, fruits, mushrooms, greens.
  • Include in your menu grain, legumes, dairy products, eggs, fish, low-fat meat.
  • After training, it is necessary to eat something from the group of "useful" fast carbohydrates to restore forces and muscles.

In addition, you need to try less nervous - the girls love to "eat" stress and rarely do it with the help of useful products.

Proper nutrition and training

Before starting training for pumping the berium muscles - you need to evaluate your weight. After all, the muscles are pumped - the right balance of exercises and nutrition. When pumping muscles, the diet makes more calories. If the girl has overweight before starting training, then you first need to lose weight - otherwise, instead of the muscles there will be a fat stupor. To do this, you need to begin to adhere to the rules of healthy nutrition including in your diet all the products you need, choosing among them the most noncalcory representatives.

When the body weight becomes desired - they begin to gradually increase the calorie content of the diet. The calories received must be missed to feed the growing muscles. You can trust the calculation of your daily calorie rate by a sports nutrition specialist, and you can make this calculation yourself with the help of special programs that are easy to find on the Internet.

As initial training at the stage of weight loss, it is better to prefer cardionloads (running, walking, swimming, aerobics), as a result of which metabolism improves, blood circulation, muscles and joints will earn. Then gradually introduce exercises for pumping buttocks.

Even if everything is in order with weight and the only nonideal part of the body of the girl - it's a pop, then it is impossible to build training only on some exercises for the jagical muscles. Any training starts with a warm-up (dancing, running in place, jumping), finish stretching.

Exercises for training berry muscles

Now we will analyze the main exercises and their correct execution technique for training beautiful berry muscles.

Major exercises for pumping berry muscles:

  • Deep squats, they are often found by their name "Sumo squats".
  • Drops.
  • Mahi legs.
  • Thrust with weight.
  • Lifting the pelvis (the position "SIDS").

Deep squats - the foundation of the pumped priests with the right technique of execution. The legs need to put a little wider shoulders, tilted the body ahead, moving the body weight on the heels. Nurse need to be as close as possible to the floor, holding the back strain. The knees should not go beyond the socks of the feet and fall inside. Captures, when an angle of 90 0 is formed between the shot and the thigh with the buttocks, pumped the muscles of the thigh, and the exercises are small with such an exercise technique. In the lower position of the muscle, the buttocks need to strain and climb up on the tense muscles. At first you can put a low bench behind yourself and try to reach her booty when squatting. Read more about. In the future, the exercise can be complicated and squatted with a barbell. The frequency of exercise - 3 approaches 10-15 times.

Fallen Especially effective after squats. They can be made on the smooth floor, steppe or simulator Smith. The main thing is to follow the knee, it should not go beyond the socks. You can increase the efficiency of the exercise by weight - for beginners are perfect dumbbells. It is enough to perform 3 approaches to 15-20 times.

Girls often ignore Romanian or becoming straight legs, considering her male exercise. And in vain. For those who wish to have a beautiful ass, the rod of the rod is an effective way to make the muscles of the buttocks. One of the few exercises forming a beautiful transition from the feet on the ass. Here, it is important to bend the knees as little as possible as little as possible, dropping the priests at the expense of "protrusion". When performing this exercise, fat burns well! It is enough to make 3 sets for 10-12 times.

Mahi feet Effective when performing standing on all fours with a support in hand, you can perform them from the "standing" position, tilting the body ahead or with the help of special simulators. The main trick is to strain all the muscles of the leg, especially the beric and muscles of the thigh. Exercise must be performed by each foot of 3 repetitions 25 times.

Pelvis From the position of "lying" makes the fodder muscles work well. At the same time, it is important that the back will be as "pressed" to the floor as much as possible to the floor, and the TAZ climbed due to the voltage of the bridge muscles. Periodicity - 2 approaches 20 times.

Effective exercises to pump up a beautiful ass at home

Of course, a list of exercises aimed at pumping proclaims is not limited to presented, but they are basic and novice them is enough. The main thing is the right technique of execution. In the future, if necessary, you can enable additional exercises. Good luck! And beautiful ass!

There is nothing more inconstant than the definition of a reference of female attractiveness. More recently, the unfortunate girls morified themselves hunger, sat on hard diets and feared once again to go to the gym to find a thin and angular "model" figure.

However, there is now a reverse trend, and women with sporting figures and pleasant rounded forms come to honorable first places. Particular attention, of course, is given to the buttocks as one of the problem areas. So what should be done in order to find an elastic and bulk ass?

Do I need to attend a gym or a specially selected diet? And is it necessary to visit the gym, or can you pump up the ass at home?

Beautiful ass - perfect parameters

Moderately developed and neat buttocks without sagging or flawless skin attract a look at any bikini competition. In order to achieve the desired forms, the participants do not regret the forces in training and comply with strict diets.

It's important to know! No matter how they advertise "miraculous" creams and any other drugs, only a set of measures can make the ass: a properly selected training schedule, a balanced diet and cosmetology procedures.

The notorious 90-60-90 have long been gone in the pastAs failed beauty theory. After all, it often turns out that when 90 cm has been reached in the girth of the buttocks, their owner is still dissatisfied with his body.

The most protruding point of the buttocks in the perfect pope should be located approximately in the center of the priest or slightly above it.

So what are the parameters of the perfect priest?

They are as follows:

  • behind the berries are visible to their roundness;
  • soft fabrics are very elastic when feeling, during the movement of the pop, it should break a little;
  • the ass does not prevent, it is tightened. This means that the highest point on it is in the same plane as the middle of the pubis;
  • the fold under the buttocks is expressed as minimal or absent completely;
  • there is a fold between the buttocks, resembling the letter V;
  • there are no rashes or cellulite on the skin.

With a careful consideration of ideal priests in the profile, it is possible to notice its correct radius and lack of sagging. The most protruding point of the buttocks in this case is located about the center of the priest or slightly above it.

How to pump up the ass in the gym. Photo before and after

Photo before and after a regular visiting gym can really surprise you. With proper perseverance, even the saddestly looking ass can be made by the standard of beauty.

In order to achieve such results, you need to adhere to several sufficiently simple rules:

  1. Before starting the exercise, it is necessary to perform a warm-up complex. It includes the usual "school" warm-up, which is so loved by teachers of physical education, teaching joints and training Cardio for 15-20 minutes. The latter is rapid walking (about 6-7 km / h), jogging, exercise bike and ellipse.
  2. You can pump up the ass in the gym in two ways.: With the help of simulators or using free weights.
  3. If you have not engaged in sports for a long time or you can not imagine how to make a program of workouts for uniform load distribution, then you it is necessary to use the help of the coachor give preference to classes on simulators.
  4. Exercises using free scales (rod, dumbbells, weights) are the most efficient. Also, they are an order of magnitude more difficult for classes on the simulators due to the need to maintain balance.

Beautiful ass - how to pump the buttocks, exercises

The most effective exercises for pumping the buttocks in the gym and the acquisition of beautiful priests are considered:

  • deposits in Smith car;
  • squats with a barbell or dumbbells;
  • lunges with dumbbells;
  • bulgarian baffles;
  • squats in the gakk-simulator;
  • hyperextenia;
  • hooms in the position of lying;
  • flexion of legs in the simulator;
  • mahi legs in the simulator.

It is required to perform 20-30 times in 3-4 approaches. You can change the simulators during the workout to study another muscle group, the main thing is not to get confused in those exercises that still need to be done.

How to quickly pump up the ass at home

Since the muscles of the buttocks are involved in almost all movements, then to pump them at home will be a little more difficult than in the hall. The main thing in class at home is not to regret yourself and exercise until the appearance of the burning and sensation of "burning" of the muscles.

You can do the exercises at home every other day or daily, relying on your own feelings. In the event that it is necessary not only to pump up the ass, but also to remove fat from it, the cardio is required to be complemented.

What exercises need to be done to pump up

Whatever new directions arose in the world of fitness, and basic exercises for beautiful buttocks remain unchanged:

How to squat to pump up the video

Squats are considered a rather complicated exercise.

For the greatest effect and to avoid injuries, it is necessary to comply with the technique of their execution:

  1. Legs arranged a little wider shoulders line;
  2. The knee should not go beyond the level of the sock. It costs at right angles during the lowering of the body;
  3. The back is straight, the head does not lean, there is no deflection in the lower back;
  4. The emphasis is made on the heels;
  5. The main stress goes to the buttocks.

Note! The deeper you are squatting and the wider legs are placed, the stronger the buttocks are strained.

How much do you need to squat to pump up the ass

Fortunately, the jagged muscles quickly begin to adjust their shape due to exercises. To obtain the first results, it is enough to perform daily 30 squats of 3 approaches.

A break between them should not last longer than a minute. Total performing 90 squats per day, you can correctly adjust your ass.

If you feel that the exercises performed is not enough (the ass after them is not "burning", which means the incomplete work of the muscles), then you can gradually increase the number of squats to 60 per 1 approach. It must be remembered that the fulfillment of all 3 approaches is extremely important, so the increase in the load is reasonable.

Is it possible to pump the ass squats

How attractively looks like the buttocks, depends on three factors:

  • shape of pelvic bones;
  • the amount of fat;
  • tightening and degree of development of berium muscles.

The decisive factor is considered the latter on which it turns out to be exposed by squats. So, undoubtedly, squats are quite effective way to pump up the ass.

Total, performing 90 such simple exercises as squats a day, you can minimize the buttocks as quickly as possible and get a beautiful ass.

Note! You can rock your jagged muscles as you like, however, if you do not get rid of the fat stratum on them, the ass will not have aesthetic look due to cellulite.

Also, the mood can also be ruined substantially and the fact that the buttocks will significantly increase in the amount due to the grown muscles and the former amount of fat.

How to pump up the ass without squats

Squats, undoubtedly, are an excellent exercise, however, they categorically do not fit people who have any diseases of the knees or osteochondrosis of the lower back.

In a similar case, the following exercises can be performed to adjust the priests:

  1. Stand on the floor, focus on your knees and elbows. Slowly raise the bent right leg before the hip parallel with the floor. Keeping equilibrium, delay in this position until discomfort, and then also slowly lower the leg. Repeat with left. If the load is not felt or legs have to keep too long, then you can clamp a light dumbbell between the caviar and the rear surface of the hip.
  2. Repeat the previous exercise, Raising the straight leg.
  3. Stand smoothly, if necessary, take the dumbbells. Making focus on the left foot, tilt the body forward, while lifting the right. Bending the second leg is impossible. Lower the housing to parallels with the floor, and the body and the raised leg should be located on the same line. Slowly raise and repeat the exercise with the other foot.

How to pump up and legs

The most effective exercises for pulling up and giving the form not only to the buttocks, but also kicks, are considered:

  • Bouncing on elevation. For this, a chair or a sloping stool is not suitable due to a bad balance. It will be optimal to purchase one or two stepboards. Consider that when you descend, jumping is not recommended, as this injures the knee joints.
  • Ssed jumping. Everything is simple: I sat down-jumped, sat down. Watch out for the knee joints and implementation technique.
  • Raising legs: in the side, back, forward. Having lifted the leg, delay in this position before the appearance of discomfort.
  • Mahi foot on all fours. It is considered one of the most efficient exercises that can be performed at home.
  • Chair. Putting your back to the wall, you need to move down it down to the formation of a straight corner in the knees.
  • Tilt with crossed legs.

How to pump up and chest

Due to the remoteness of two muscle groups, there is no exercise, which would allow simultaneously to work the chest and buttocks.

Nevertheless, you can combine the lifetime of dumbbells and soumely squatting:

  • take in the hands of sufficient weight dumbbells;
  • when squat, bend one hand, the second is omitted;
  • when lifting, change the position of the hands;
  • feeling fatigue, change the exercise by changing the bending of the hands during squats.

You can also perform the following exercise:

  1. Take the dumbbell sufficient weight.
  2. Without bending legs, tilt the torso to parallels with floor. Hands straighten and divide a little on the sides.
  3. Start slowly bending and blending hands towards chest. This will allow the infant of the breast muscles, and thanks to the need to maintain balancing the buttocks will be involved.

How to pump ass and press

For the simultaneous study of the press and priests, a classic plank is perfect. To perform it, it is necessary to rely on the elbows and on the socks, while maintaining a straight line of the body. After 10 seconds, the unprepared person will begin to burn and the press, and the ass.

The lightweight exercise option allows you to replace the focus on the elbows focus on the straightened hands, and the hands must be located exactly under the shoulders.

Exercises to pump up the ass video, photo

How to pump up the ass

With thoughtless performance of all exercises in a row, you can not only not achieve the result, but also harm your own body. In order for this not happened, it is necessary to figure out how to properly pump up.

Brazilian Pop

In order to pump a Brazilian ass, you need to make two things:

  1. Reduce the ass due to fat combustion;
  2. Rain it due to muscle formation.

It is all achieved through training and diet.

In the diet, it is necessary to include rich in potassium and vitamin C products, And also completely remove simple carbohydrates from it (the flour of higher grades, crushed cereals). Any carbohydrate dish is allowed to receive no later than 12 hours of the day, the basis of the diet should be protein.

The exercise scheme in turn includes the following:

  • full squats below parallels with floor;
  • deposits in Smith car;
  • bulgarian baffles;
  • sumo type squats with dumbbells or gay;
  • squat on one leg. The second must be installed on the sock and minimize the focus on it;
  • lifting legs on the floor when the elbow and knees are stopped.


If the ass is completely flat, it means that, on the one hand, the buttock muscles are not pumped out, but on the other - that the percentage of fat is minimal. This greatly simplifies the pumping of the jagged muscles, since one problem is to get rid of the fat layer, it has already been practically solved.

For the fastest formation of flat priorities, it is recommended to perform the following exercises for 20-30 times in 3 approaches:

  • range rod with barbell or dumbbells;
  • squats: Classic, Plie, Sumo, on one leg and other;
  • flunches: on the floor or Bulgarian;
  • lifting the housing from the position lying, the legs are bent in the knees.

Nevertheless, you should not wait for stalking results, since the muscle constitution will not change much. Although the rugged ass in any case looks much better than frankly flat.

Is it possible to pump up the ass if she is thin

Anyone can pump up the muscles: both thin, and fat, and even the one who has not been engaged in physical education. The difference in the exercises performed will also be minimal.

A thin girl or a guy needs to start working on simulators, as well as when performing a traction and squats to use dumbbells instead of a bar. Much attention is required to pay such exercises as Mahi legs on the parties, lifting the pelvis and the formation of the bridge.

How to effectively pump up the ass man

The structure of male buttocks is no different from female, so exercises for the formation of priests are the same for guys and girls.

However, there are several weighty differences:

  • men are able to recover faster after training;
  • men's muscles are more enduring;
  • due to testosterone muscles in men increase much faster than women;
  • due to the biological characteristics of men easier to get rid of the grease layers.

All this makes the task much easier. In order for a man to quickly and effectively pump up the ass, it is only required to increase the load to increase the burden.

For how much you can pump ass

On the Internet there are many different courses promising the formation of buttocks in the shortest possible time. But is it possible in practice?

How to pump up the ass in 2 - 3 days

In no way. Even if you are engaged in a few hours a day, training an exceptionally fifth point, you will not achieve special results.

Anyone can pump up the muscles: both thin, and fat, and even the one who has not been engaged in physical education.

Be careful! With excessive loading, the muscles can be injured so hard that any physical education will have to forget for a long time.

But if it still has an urgent need to make your buttocks tightened for such a short time, then you can use a special pulling linen, which will allow at least visually to make your ass pumped.

How to pump up the ass in 2 weeks

2 weeks are the minimum for which the results from training begin to manifest. The best option to pump up the ass in 2 weeks is a personal consultation with an experienced trainer. He will be able to choose the required set of exercises, will help draw up a diet and give other recommendations.

For the rapid improvement in the appearance of the berries of the house, the following steps can be drawn:

How to pump up a month

Month is considered a more serious deadline for which stunning results can be achieved. However, recommendations remain the same as for a two-week "race" to pump up priests.

The only difference is that exercises are recommended to perform in a dayTo give muscles time to rest and on growth.

For what time you can pump the buttocks to the girl

It all depends on the individual initial parameters and the response rate of the body to stress. FROM animal minimum for which at least some improvements can be seen, is considered to be approximately 1.5 weeks.Although, in practice, it takes about 3 weeks to begin changes.

Is it possible to pump up the ass without other restrictions

Of course available. The muscles grow in proportion to the load on them, and when performing narrowly-controlled exercises, they naturally will increase.

However, without restrictions in nutrition and increasing overall mobility, all acquired muscles will be hidden behind a fat breakfather, which is absolutely anywhere. And, although the ass will be pumped out, it will most likely seem like Tolstoy.

In order to get pleasant forms of the buttocks, serious work and some restrictions in the usual things will be required. However, if the desire to find a dream figure will be stronger, then after a few weeks of classes you can gladly admire your reflection.

How to pump the buttocks at home exercises:

Beautiful ass - a complex of daily exercises for 20 min:

Try the best exercises for buttocks at home that will help you keep in the form not only the ass. These 9 exercises for training the berry muscles at home are more efficient than squats to give elasticity of priests.

Of course, it is a pure truth that squats are useful for the muscles of the buttocks, but they are too boring. That is why performing squats alone so difficult. In addition, there are full types of squats, including in a pair, performing which you will achieve a much greater effect than from simple and boring exercises.

Immediately look at the video with exercises for the jagged muscles, which can be done in the hall, and below you will find exercises for home conditions

Ready? Try these nine exercises for the buttocks developed by a specially personal coach of the National Academy of Sports Medicine in New York - Chelsea Danan. Repeat each exercise 45 - 60 seconds in the specified order. Make three approaches, that is, each exercise is three times and soon you will not recognize yourself.

1. Bridge on one leg

Lie on the back, legs bent in the knees, and the feet on the width of the shoulders. Holding a kneel on the same line, pull out and lift one leg. On the exhale, squeeze the buttocks and lift the stretched leg as high as possible. Hold in this position, then go down, but so that the buttocks do not touch the floor. Repeat this exercise several times each foot, while do not touch the foot foot.

2. Looking with foot pulling

Stand on all fours, put the knees on the width of the shoulders, and the wrists on the same line with the shoulders. Raise the left knee and make the waist feet to the side. Hold in this position, then return to your previous position. Repeat this exercise 45 - 60 seconds with your left foot, and then repeat the same right.

3. Rainbow

Stand on all fours, knees on the width of the shoulders, and the wrists of the hands on the same line with the shoulders. Pull your left foot back and remove a little left. Pull socks. The elongated leg should be on the same level with your back. Holding your leg straight, lower it until the floor is touching the floor. Then lift the leg at the starting position and squeeze the muscles of the buttocks. Lower the leg in the same movement, but now it's a little right. Return to the starting position. Repeat this exercise 45 - 60 seconds, and then change your leg.

4. Fucks

Stand straight, legs on the width of the shoulders, hands on the hips. Make a step back to the left right foot, while bend the knee and pull them to the floor. Your left knee must remain on the same line with the left ankle. Hold in this position, and then make the wave right foot as far as possible forward. Repeat the exercise 45 - 60 seconds, and then change your leg.

5. High squats

Stand your legs on the width of the shoulders, the left heel is a little raised. (For additional load, lift the entire foot from the floor and pull the leg forward) when squating, the buttocks must be parallel to the floor. Your knees should be on the same line with your fingers. Hold in this position, then make the right heel and return to its original position. Repeat the exercise 45 - 60 seconds, and then change your leg.

6. Sticks up

Stand on all fours. The wrists and legs on the width of the shoulders. Feet stretched, knees slightly bent, but do not touch the floor. Bend the left knee 90 degrees. With a bent foot, squeeze the buttocks and lift the right heel as high as possible. Hold in such a position, and then return the left knee to the place. Repeat the exercise 45 - 60 seconds, and then change your leg.

7. Swing

Stand straight, legs on the width of the shoulders. The right foot is a little ahead of the left foot. Bend the left knee, strain the press and lean forward, holding the left foot on the same line with the spine. Take yourself with both hands to the floor. Hold in such a position, then return to the starting position. Repeat the exercise 45 - 60 seconds, and then change your leg.

8. Squate on socks

Stand straight. Put the legs so that the distance between the feet was wider than the distance between the shoulders by about twice, and pull out the socks slightly forward. Holding his knees above the ankles, strain the press as stronger as possible and sway so that the buttocks are parallel to the floor. Lift the heels from the floor slightly. Hold in such a position, then return to the starting position. Repeat the exercise 45 - 60 seconds.


Stand straight. Feet should be on the width of the shoulders, socks are turned slightly ahead. Holding the knees exactly on one line with ankles, sneezing. Make focus on the heels and make squats, turning the legs on both sides by 45 degrees. After that, go back to the original position.

Set of exercises on the buttocks at home: video

Numerous winter holidays and a sedentary lifestyle in the cold season have noticeably affected your figure? Alas, for most women it is the most relevant problem. Therefore, the spree of sports clubs on the seams from the surging flow of those who want to urgently put in order a figure in front of summer holidays, and indeed in front of the season of open T-shoes, light dresses and short skirts.

In the adjustment, almost every part of our body needs. The legs need to return harmfulness, the press is tumped, well, and the pope is elasticity.

Agree, in the swimming season are beautiful, elegantly outlined buttocks are no less relevant than slender legs, a thin waist and a high breast. However, it is possible to give this spicy part of our body the necessary forms without grueling classes on simulators. We just need the will, patience and a complex of effective exercises for buttocks, which can be done at home.

And after 3 weeks the most stubborn and persistent waiting for an amazing result!

Before proceeding to perform exercises, several useful tips.

How to achieve greater results?

Try to load the jagged muscles any free minute. How? Yes, it's very simple: strain alternately and relax your "fifth point". This can be done anywhere - in line in the supermarket, on the way to work, sitting at the computer in the office.

Implementation of the exercise complex Always complete the cool shower and rubbing the buttocks with a rigid washcloth or a terry towel. This helps strengthen the blood circulation and prevention of the formation of a hated "orange" crust. Try to walk more often, especially on the stairs. A good effect for strengthening the buttock gives swimming.

Increase the number of approaches as the skills purchase.

The given gymnastics can be included in, at first it is better to do it every day for a month, then you can do in a day. If it goes into the habit, your ass will always be elastic and tightened.

To perform exercises, get a special rug or a small thin blanket.

Complex of effective exercises for the berries "Perfect ass"

1. Source position: Source on all fours, beyond the elbows, the head is raised.

Exciting effort, pull the leg back. Hold in this position and breathe like this: exhalation, breath, exhale, delay your breath.

Next: Lower the head, your abdominal muscles draw, take the starting position. From this position, the foot, set back, raise higher, directing the toe down, and stay in this position, leading to 8. To lower the leg.

Perform 3 approaches to each leg.

2. Source position: lying on the back, hands on the way down palms, legs bend in the knees, keep the feet straight.

Slowly raise the hips, while not pulling the top of the body. Get the bottom of the back and strain the buttocks. Take the starting position.

Follow 6 approaches.

3. Source position: standing, relying about the back of the chair, spin smooth, heels outward.
Make a breath and slowly take back the leg to the limit, straining the buttocks. Toe to extract the foot, lingering for 10 seconds, and having exhaled, take the starting position.

Run 10 approaches for each leg.

4. Source position: lying on the stomach and overlooking the chin into crossed hands, keep legs together, bent in the knees.

Strain buttocks, stomach, legs and slightly raise your knees from the floor. Slowly take the starting position.

Perform 4 approaches.

These mega-efficient exercises for the buttocks will make a beautiful and embossed also back and shoulders.

5. Right position: standing straight, legs hold together, hands along the hips.

Having made a deep breath, start running on the spot, raising the heel as possible and hitting them on the buttocks.

Perform, counting to 50.

6. Source position: Sitting on the floor, palms to close on the back of the head, the legs are slightly diluted.

Holding your back straight, promote forward, due to the work of the buttocks, one, then another legs. Start the exercise slowly, gradually accelerating.

Perform, counting to 50.

7. Source position: Stand, holding legs on the width of the shoulders and stretching hands forward.

Slowly squat, holding the back straight, without taking off the feet from the floor and slightly flexing in the lower back. Then also slowly take the original position.

Perform 10-15 approaches.

8. Source position as in # 7.

Bending the legs, slightly slide the pelvis back, as if sitting down on the chair. The top of the body move slightly back and forth. Watch out for the buttocks - they should not fall below the knees.

Perform 8 approaches.

9. Source position: lying on the stomach and rubbing the chin into crossed hands, foot socks inside. Slowly raise and lower the leg, all the time performing the rotational movement. Thread at this time the muscles of the second leg.

Perform 10-15 approaches for each leg. Watch that the chin does not move, and the socks were all the time turned inward.

10. Right position: Sitting on a chair, straightening your back, feet tightly pressed to the floor. Tighten your belly, folding hands in front of you. Lift your legs, straining the buttocks. Take a tilt forward, touching the thighs, bow your head, inspire, lift your head. Now slowly take the starting position.

Perform 10 approaches.

All women dream of an elastic ass, as well as about a beautiful round shape of their buttocks. But not all for one reason or another have a beautiful form of buttocks. Probably the reason in the absence of knowledge, and maybe excessive love for food does not give to see the result.

Women to pump up the buttock muscles are not so difficult, even more so they have the bottom of the body of the top of the top, which gives advantages to acquire the desired forms of your ass. At home, to pump the buttocks will be more difficult than in the gym, but completely under the power of each young lady. If you have additional burden at home, you must use them - it will be a huge plus in led by the roundabouts of a rounded form.

But not all women equally easily pump ass. You can train a lot, make special exercises on the buttocks, run in the morning, but if you have buttocks covered with fat, you will not see the desired result. It's like cubes of the press, they have many people, but not everyone is visible due to the presence of fat in the abdomen. Unfortunately, the fat is locally burning, so one workouts on the buttock muscles will have little, you will have to connect a diet.

We will try to disassemble the simplest exercises for pumping priests at home. Often the simplest exercises are the most efficient and the more easily performed on the technique.

Training and anatomy

Buttocks fold with three muscles: a small, medium and large buttock muscle. Of course, you do not need it, but we will be able to break the workshop on the specialization of a separate part of the jagged muscle. For example, you have sticking hip bones, then you need to pay focus on the small and middle jagged muscles. Their pumping will give a good visual effect, namely the beautiful hip roundness. It is clear that such specialization of training already for advanced athletes when a certain foundation has already formed. And beginners need to do basic exercises, as they affect many muscles and the result in the form of absorbing muscle mass on your ass will not make himself wait.

If you are going to train your ass at home, the choice of exercises is not entirely large, therefore, to make a normal training program, we will need to learn the technique of not quite familiar exercises. Of course, we will not offer you quite a delusional exercises that can be found on the network, all sorts of locust poses and another pun. First, we collect the entire list of exercises for the ass, which can be done at home, and then make a full-fledged complex of these exercises. If possible, you are more understandable to exercise technique, we will lay out photos or videos to each exercise.



Basic exercise for berium muscles, as well as the muscles of the quadriceps and hips. To some extent affects the ion-colored muscles and muscles of the back. Always take squats as the basis of your workout - this is the most useful exercise for pumping the berries.

When performing squats, the back should always be straight, stretched as a string, look exactly in front of them. Blush correctly, breathing when lowering, exhale on the rise.

Remember, exhale should be on an effort, it concerns any exercises.

Only with the help of squats, you punish the ass of impressive sizes, as we love to speak - the Brazilian ass. Excellent If you have a small girly at home, when adapting the berium muscles to the squats without weight, you can take the girlet and truly surprise your buttocks. You can also experiment with footage: narrow, medium, broad setting, change their every workout.

Explore video squats

Classic drops

In this exercise, a large jagged muscle is included in the work. One of the most effective exercises for pumping priests, after squats, but a bit more complicated by the technique of execution.

Look carefully the technique of execution on the video and try to repeat if you have already learned it, you can take two little dumbbells and draw out with them. At first it will be difficult for you to keep the equilibrium so do not spish to perform a lot of repetitions. You can do slowly, with a delay at the bottom point, in order to accustomed to the muscles stabilizers and you could not lose balance. The accent is always done on the front leg, we take all the weight on this leg and repel more than the heel than a stop, so that you feel the bordon muscle. This exercise can be performed as standing in one place, and imitating walking with a variety of legs.

Technique of classic attacks:

Alternate feet feet in the paternlea "Boots of the Donkey"

This exercise is called "donkey strikes", but there is little meaning in such a name. Okay, the essence is not in that, get on all fours, put my back smoothly, do not bending, bend a little leg and raise up to the point at which you feel the maximum voltage in the buttock and slowly lower the leg. Make 10-12 repetitions on one leg, then another.

Exercise equipment for video:

Bridge lying

Also a good exercise for the buttocks that must be in your arsenal of exercises for buttocks.

It affects the large buttock muscle, as well as on the muscles of the hip, which greatly develops the rounded outline of your ass. Additional weight for bridge lying is not required, this exercise, as it were created specifically for training at home.

The technique of the bridge is lying on the video:

Squat with a fib

Complex exercises for the buttock muscles will suit already prepared athletes that calmly keep the balance, and also know how to feel the muscle when performing simple exercises.

Squate technique with a nice leg:

Alternate lifting legs lying on the stomach

This exercise is more concentrated, it is easy to feel the buttock-made muscle. It is well suited for novice, as lying on the stomach it is easy to keep an equilibrium and you can concentrate on the development of the target muscle.

Exercise technique:

Before proceeding with the training, carefully examine the technique of performing these exercises. The wrong technique is not enough that will not bring the result, but also can harm health.

Drawing up a training program

Now the above exercises, we need to properly grouped so that we can plan full workouts a week ahead.

We will create a set of exercises for training programs and pick up the exercise so that you evenly load all the muscles of the buttocks for a week. If you have the opportunity and desire to run, it will be an excellent addition to training.

According to the set of exercises, which we describe below can be done a month, then you need to or make the exercise permutation, or increase the number of repetitions. This is done so that your muscles do not adapt under load and always received microtrauma, which will lead to their growth and strengthening in the future.

Training for buttocks 1

Training for buttocks 2

Training for buttocks 3

It is advisable to spend 4 workouts per week, but if your jagged muscles do not have time to recover, then you can leave only 3 workouts every other day, on Saturday and Resurrection. If you feel the load for you too light, then review the exercise technique and the number of repetitions. I am sure that with the right execution of all exercises, the next day you will feel good ass.