Julius Fucik (Cesh. Julius Fucik; Sometimes you can meet writing Julius Couch)

Julius Fucik (Cesh. Julius Fucik; Sometimes you can meet writing Julius Couch)

Class hour "Indifference"

"People! Fear indifferent - it is from their silent consent that all the most terrible crimes in the world are happening! "

Julius Fuchet (Czechoslovak journalist, literary and theatrical critic)

Group SZ-21

Date of March 29, 2013.

Purpose: to form the right attitude towards such a person as indifference, work out each of your opinion on this problem.

Preliminary preparation: form three groups

Necessary materials: Film, cards with statements.

Equipment: Computer, projector, board.

Class hour time:

Good afternoon, my dear guys! Today I would like to talk to you about indifference and, as a result of this, about the manifestation of cruelty.

As Bruno Yasensky spoke at one time, do not be afraid of enemies - in the worst case they can kill you. Do not be afraid of friends - in the worst case they can betray you. Fear of indifferent - they do not kill and do not betray, but only with their silent consent exists on earth a betrayal and murder!
Very accurately and correctly expressed the thought characterizing our society. It never differed a special humanity and desire to someone help. Although individual people who are not indifferent to someone else's misfortune were always, but indifferent, unfortunately, more. Russian studentsconducted an experiment. Twelve times they "robbed" in the subway. Face-made face, eight times - even removed the boots with a guy. Experiment resultsshocking: Only once a woman did not care: "What are you and boots taken?" Many similar crimesperformed daily. And who is to blame? In my opinion, it is an indifferent society that is the culprit of such incidents. People do not rush to the rescue, afraid that the criminal hurts and they? Maybe. But rather, they think that there can be no such thing with them. And once in the role of the victim, sincerely surprise, why the society is so cruel and indifferent. What happens to us? Sometimes the one who would like to help does not make it just because people will say: "Do you need anymore?" Or just afraid of condemnation and oblique looks.

Information from the dictionary "The indifference is the state of an indifferent person, indifferent, deprived of interest, passive attitude towards the surrounding".

Name me, please synonyms of the words of indifference (indifference, passivity, apathy)

I bring to your attention the film, after viewing, which we will try to find out why it happens.

Movie (6 minutes).

I. Setting Groups (10 minutes):

    Call the reasons for such behavior

    What could be done to change the situation?

II. Quest with groups (10 minutes):

Cards with expressions about indifference, give your explanation

III. Quest with groups (10 minutes). Give an analysis of the situation.

Situation 1.

Situation 2.

Situation 3.

The dictionary says that cruelty is a human feeling that does not know pity, regret, sympathy. This is the ability to cause suffering to people or animals.

    Cruelty is always the result of fear, weakness and cowardice. (Gelving)

    Cruelty is the creation of an evil mind and often a cowardly heart. (L.voro)

    Cruelty always stems from heartlessness and weakness. (Seneca)

Never be afraid to help people! Only so we can remain people, and not just creatures. Only by improving themselves, we are improving society. Seeing the good deeds and acts of others, maybe hind the hearts and indifferent. And then we will stop afraid that no one will come to the rescue.

And now I ask each of you to name what you liked or did not like that you have learned and do you need it.

    Indifference is paralysis of the soul, premature death. (Anton Pavlovich Chekhov)

    If you are indifferent to the suffering of others, you do not deserve the name of the person. (M. Saadi)

Read the statements. How do you understand them? Explain.

    Science invented the medicine from most of our diseases, but did not find the means from the most terrible of them - indifference. (Helen Keller)

    The worst crime that we can do in relation to people is not to hate them, but to relate to them indifferent; In this - the essence of inhumanity. (B. Show)

Read the statements. How do you understand them? Explain.

    Easy to hide hatred, it is difficult to hide love, it is more difficult to hide indifference.

    People live and do not see each other, go side by side, like cows in the herd; At best, the bottle will spread together.

    People now do not have time for each other.

Situation 1.. Anton, leaving the class to change, picked up unnoticed from the desk the phone from his classmate to then sell, and spend money on his pleasure. It noticed several people, but did not stop him. Later, when the noise was raised, again everyone was silent.

Situation 2. Old grandfather tried to move the road. Rather, he was able to switch to a larger to a larger, no one stopped. Drivers were signaling, circled, but no one passed.

Situation 3.

A young man landed from the bus, and he stood on the cold for 12 hours, having received serious frostbite. Now he needs an operation - the doctors fear that they will have to amputate handbrushes, reports Radio "Watch FM".

The disabled Vitaly Seduchinsky accompanied the mother, but she slipped at the bus stop and did not have time to go into the salon. Doors slammed right in front of her. Catch out the son on another bus woman could not. The young man went to the final stop - in the village of Novosilicataya. Ask for help a young man simply could not - by virtue of the state of health, he does not speak. After 12 hours, at 4 o'clock in the morning, the disabled disabled at this stop. She caused ambulance.

1. "Fear of indifferent! This with their silent consent is performed all evil on Earth! "
(Julius Fuche, February 23, 1903 - September 8, 1943)

2. "Do not be afraid of friends - in the worst case they can betray you.
Do not be afraid of enemies - in the worst case they can kill you.
But be afraid of indifferent - they do not kill and do not betray,
But only with their silent consent are performed on Earth
All the lowest crimes "
(Roman "Conspiracy of indifferent", Bruno Yasensky - July 17, 1901 - September 17, 1938).

I give a formal point of view on the "Rossian attitude" to the war in Ukraine, formed by the powerful Russian elite in the media.

"66% of Russians against the introduction of Russian troops to Ukraine;

Moscow, July 7th. Most Russians against the introduction of Russian troops to Ukraine, however, every fifth allows such an opportunity in the event of a safety threat to our citizens. This is reported on Monday to VTsiom.

So, in a few months, the proportion of respondents who admit that the war rises significantly between Russia and Ukraine in the near future - from 17% at the end of March to 30% in June. At the same time, it was much less than those who consider the incredible similar scenario for the development of events - today 54% think so (14% is called military actions absolutely impossible, and 40% - extremely unlikely), whereas in late March there were 80%. Finally, 11% of respondents stated that such a war is already.

Two thirds of Russians (66%) speak out against the introduction of Russian troops to Southeast Ukraine in order to stop the military conflict. This position is more separated by older people (71% over 60 years old), residents of large and medium cities (74-75%). The need for military intervention by Russia states a quarter (27%) of respondents, and above all, Muscovites and Petersburgers (41%), supporters of the Communist Party (35%), low-income respondents (35%).
At the same time, reflecting on what events could cause for the introduction of troops, already a third of respondents (33%) said that Russia should not be done under any circumstances. According to the fifth fraction of the respondents, Russian troops can enter the Ukrainian territory, first of all, if they continue to die civilians in Ukraine (18%), or the threat of terrorist acts on the territory of the Russian state (18%) will continue Attacks on our gearbox at the Russian-Ukrainian border (18%). Another 13% of respondents believe that the cause of military action on the Russian side may be the introduction of NATO troops into the territory of Ukraine. And 10% would suggest to respond to requests for the introduction of troops from the Donetsk and Lugansk national republics.

New cases of the death of Russian journalists consider a speedy basis for entering the troops of 7% of the survey participants. Others (7%) tend to agree to military intervention subject to continuing sabotage against Russian trains and gas pipelines. And only 3% of respondents said that everything had already had enough to take such a decision "

Funny, isn't it?

Since when did the strategy and tactics of military operations, the state interests of the state are solved by voting?

We (RUSSIAN) have come with this.

I'm not talking about billionaires and multimillioners. There are many of them - about a million. They have long been no Russian elite - this is the elite of the West. This is a cut downhove.

Less rich (living in the "this country"), not burdened by moral and moral stood, was not bad in this life, especially in major Russian cities. Proposed property in the gamers, Maldives, Cipra, Seychelles, etc.

They still live and, most importantly, think that it will continue to go further ... to fly on business trips and on holidays in "Europe" and "America" \u200b\u200b- the main thing is not lit up in disrepair to these "Svetamy democracy" (suddenly they are listening to Mossad, NSA or CIA ???).

There are many of them - these cowardly and sub rule traitors of their peoples that lay down to the "new world order" (in Russia there are millions of 20-30).

Their substantiation: The World Government creates a new one (even if fascist), but its world order, and we should accept it (we have already settled in it).

But why the devilish order, and not divine?

This question is their answer: we do not care. . . - If only we could sweetly eat, fuck with beautiful worshipers of female Ali Magaze floor, having power, money and buzz, kayfan ...

Point of no return - passed.

70-90 %% of individuals of our species will die. This is mainly indifferent (whose "huts with the edge"). Nature laws - not change.

Live, indifferent ...


Here such a menu offers one of the institutions of the capital, located right on the Maidan itself (Fig. At the top).

The names of some dishes are not surprised - plunged into shock. The entrepreneur who decided to play on the feelings of people, hit the point: the tragedy in Odessa is represented by him as "Colorado beetles" in Odessa "(baked)," President "of Ukraine merged into the word game together with Dmitry Yarose, turning into a dish" P (Yarosh ) ENKO in chocolate !!! ", made this businessman-the kitchen to his list also Oleg Lyashko and Arsen Avakov, and the name of the Russian president became probably the most favorite item in his menu.

These urgency caused a fair indignation in Kiev.

But why, you, the Lord, the Kievans did not indignantly, when in Odessa live burning your compatriots in Odessa, and some of you even applauded this barbarism?

These are not groundless accusations - everything is imprinted on the Internet and you - not to turn ...

In 1925, Bruno Yasensky, the Polish poet and the prose of a radical left sense, left with his wife to Paris. Four years later, he was sent for communist propaganda, and specifically - for a revolutionary utopian novel "I zhu Paris". Yasensky became a citizen of the USSR, the editor of the Journal "International Literature" and a member of the Board of the Union of Writers. Thirty-seventh he was arrested and a year later shot.

In addition to Polish, Yasensky wrote in French and, already in the USSR, in Russian. Because of his arrest, his last novel "Conspiracy of indifferent" remained unfinished. However, the wife retained the manuscript, and in 1956 the "plot ..." was printed in the "New World".
The novel was premissible epigraph:
Do not be afraid of enemies - in the worst case they can kill you.
Do not be afraid of friends - in the worst case they can betray you.
Fear indifferent - they do not kill and do not betray, but only with their silent consent exists on earth treachery and murder.
Robert Eberhardt. "Tsar Petecanthrop last"

Robert Eberhardt - the name of one of the main characters of the novel, the German intellectual of the anti-fascist, in the specialty of the anthropologist; "Tsar Petecanthrop last" is the name of his unpublished book. The epigraph to the novel immediately became a walking quote.

With it, the saying is echoing, usually attributed to John Kennedy:
The hottest places in hell are assigned to those who keep neutrality at the moments of great moral crises.

Kennedy really quoted these words in two of his speeches - in February 1956 and September 16, 1959, both times with reference to Dante.
The early version of this saying appeared in the book of Theodore Roosevelt "America and World War" (1915): "Dante took a special inglorious place in hell for those low soul of angels who did not dare to become nor to the side of good, nor to the side of evil."

And this city's final form (with the signature: Dante) received in the collection of thoughts and aphorisms "what is the truth", published in Florida in 1944. The author of the collection was Henry Powell Spring (1891-1950).
Theodore Roosevelt was much closer to Dante text than Spring and Kennedy. At the beginning of the third song of the poem "Divine Comedy. Hell "describes the run-up of hell:
There sighs, crying and an inflated cry
In the darkness of the sadness were so great
What at first I'm in tears of dynamic.

And with them angels are a bad flock,
That, not worn, was and not true
Almighty, interfering.

They overthrew the sky, not torture stains;
And the abyss of hell does not accept them,
Otherwise, wines would have been ingenected.
(Translation M. Lozinsky)

In turn, Dante developed the thought expressed in verses of the revelation of the Apostle John, i.e., apocalypse:
You are not cold, no hot; Oh, if you were cold, or hot!
But, like you warm, and not hot and not cold, I will monster you from my mouth.

Neutral in the struggle between God and the devil Dante places at the entrance to hell, and not at all in the "hottest places." But since the XVII century, Protestant preachers spoke about the "hotst places in hell" both in England and in the United States. These places were discharged either with unrelated sinners, or to bootiers, or (already in the XIX century) hypocrites.

In Russia, and in other countries, the saying about the "hottest places in the hell" entered into use as a quote from Kennedy's speech. But at least one day it met us much earlier.

At the end of 1929, the Communist Academy held a multi-day discussion of literary review errors V. F. Pereverzev. As usual, the discussion was reduced to gluing on the political labels discussed. Schukin, a former Chekist and a military worker who graduated from the Institute of Red Professors was led by this event. In his final word, he collapsed on colleagues who were pronounced Pereverzev not enough Zheno:
- I want to dwell on the category of objected, or rather, on the category of those who participated in this discussion, which, according to Dante, were prepared in hell the hottest places, notice, not warm, namely, the hottest places. This is a category of people whose Dante calls neither cold, no hot, and warm.

Wise thoughts

Worker of Czechoslovak Communist Movement, Writer, Critic, Journalist. National hero Czech Republic. CCP member since 1921.

Quote: 1 - 15 of 15

Fear indifferent! This with their silent consent is committed by all evil on Earth!

The hero is a person who at a decisive moment does what you need to do in the interests of human society.

Even the most strict insulation can not isolate anyone if a person does not isolate himself.

Each fraudster is demanding on the poor memory of who should be deceived.

Everyone who was faithful to the future and died for it to be fine, like sculpture carved from stone.

People, I loved you, be vigilant!

We speak different languages, but there is no difference in our blood - blood and the will of the proletariat. (Report from the loop on the neck)

Do not be afraid of enemies - they can only kill; Do not be afraid of friends - they can only betray; Fear people indifferent - it is from their silent consent that all the most terrible crimes in the world occur.

But the dead we will live in a particle of our great happiness; After all, we have invested our lives.

About one I ask those who will survive this time: do not forget! Do not forget any good nor evil. Patiently collect evidence of those who fell for themselves and for you.
The day will come when the present will be the past when they will talk about the great time and the illegitimate heroes that have worked out. I would like everyone to know: There were no random heroes. There were people, everyone had their name, their appearance, their aspirations and hopes, and the flour of the most imperceptible of them were no less than the flour, whose name will go down in history. Let these people always be close to you as friends as relatives like you yourself!
Full generations of heroes fell. Love at least one of them, like sons and daughters, proud of them as a great man who lived in the future. Everyone who was faithful to the future and died for it to be fine, like sculpture carved from stone.
(Report from the loop on the neck)

About one I ask those who will survive this time: do not forget!
Do not forget any good nor evil.
Patiently collect evidence of those who fell for themselves and for you.

Some individuals can: morally decomposed, the people - never.

Look at people with a broken conscience even more terrible than on beaten.

I loved life and for her beauty entered into battle. I loved you, people, and was happy when you answered me the same, and suffered when you did not understand me. Who I offended - sorry, who pleased - do not be sad. Let my name be sophisticated by my name. This is my covenant to you, father, mother and sisters, you, my fucking, you, comrades, everyone who loved me as hotly, like me. If the tears help you wash off the eyes of a wax, pay. But do not spare. I lived for joy, dying for her, and it would be unfair to put in my grave of angel sorrow.
The first of May! At this time, it was already built in the ranks on the outskirts of the cities and deployed banners. At this hour, the first ranks of the troops are already walking on the streets of Moscow. And now millions of people lead the last fight for the freedom of mankind. Thousands are dying in this battle. I am one of them. Being one of the warriors of the last battle is great!
(Report from the loop on the neck)

Do you agree with the statement of B. Yasensky "fighting indifferent - they do not kill and do not betray, but only with their silent consent exists on earth treachery and murder"?

What is indifference? This is the worst quality of man. It means indifference to anything: things, thoughts, life ... and sometimes to people. B. Yasensky somehow said: "Fear of indifferent - they do not kill and do not betray, but only with their silent consent exists on earth treachery and murder."

And you know, he was right. Is an indifferent person able to act worse than indifference?

This topic is interesting both overseas and Russian writers. First of all, I would like to dwell on the story F.M. Dostoevsky "Boy from Christ on the Christmas tree." The protagonist arrives in Petersburg along with his mother, which soon dies due to the illness. After her death, the boy becomes nobody necessary: \u200b\u200bno one serves a piece of bread to save from hunger, no one donates him some warm things so that the child does not froze. Even the order passing by the main hero of the order turns away from him. Indifference too much overwhelmed souls of people.

This is an indifference to the problem of a child who remained quite alone, destroyed him: the boy freezes on the street. And after that you still think that you should not be afraid of indifferent? What do not be afraid of those who just allow death to take the innocent soul? Very vain ...

As a second example, I would like to take the story of Yu. Yakovlev "He killed my dog." Cabinet, the main character, picks up a dog on the street and brings her home. Mother of the boy immediately showed indifference to the animal: she said that Sasha himself cared for her. Even when the father of Cebor kicked the dog to the street, and then shot her at all, the woman showed her full indifference. Like a man. The parents of the boy showed indifference not only to the fate of the poor animal, but also to what their child would feel. Mama Cebor, a woman who should be all for his child, allowed so inhumanly to come with his father. She did not kill, did not betray. But because of her silent consent, there was a killing of a dog, and first of all the murder in the child of his soul.

Thus, it becomes clear that the indifference is the worst quality of man. Only from the indifference of people on Earth still there is a betrayal and murder. So should we be afraid of those whose worst act is indifference?

Updated: 2017-11-08

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