Male scales are very strange people! Libra.

Male scales are very strange people! Libra.
Male scales are very strange people! Libra.

Sign Characteristics Scales

As a rule, these are pleasant people, benevolent, but they can be gloomy, they don't like them, when they are commanded. They are very intellectual, but at the same time surprisingly naive, they themselves can speak for hours, but at the same time they are good listeners. These are active people, but rarely do something hasty. You probably embarrassed it? In this sign there is some kind of change of qualities that surprises even them.

The symbol of this sign is gold scales, so their main goal is to achieve equilibrium in everything. As a result, they can be depressed, confused, irritation, although they usually produce a complete impression. Their usual state is the change of moods. They have a smile of Venus, who can melt you, in front of these people it happens very difficult to resist. They are often in a state of indecision, when they need to take some solution. Their behavior may also be different: they can talk too long, listen to, to peer quarrel, to discuss.

This sign always strives for harmony. However, some scales may abuse food, alcohol, love. This sign is also known as "lazy scales", it means that they can work very much; painstakingly and stubbornly, and then suddenly dope in the chair and the period of laziness begins. This is their condition as natural, because They need to restore their strength and on such periods they are useless to be treated to work. After recovering the strength, they return to work.

So, this is not a dual sign as Gemini, but we can say that they can submit two people in one. They instinctively feel that the period of activity they need to alternate with rest, they have very strong emotions. The philosophical approach to the sophors and joys allows them to smooth their own problems. This is usually physically and mentally healthy people. The greatest danger to their health is to abuse everyone. Sensitive body part: chest, legs. But never they should forget about the rest.

Their character is made up of equal parts of kindness, tenderness, justice, clear argument, stubborn reluctance to capitulate, philosophical logic and indecision. And they always strive for the truth, a straight line of response, after weighing all the opportunities. But their long thinking of different sides can irritate, because They can long in an indecisive state. They never take hasty decisions. If the solution is accepted, it will be final.

Among the scales are rarely eccentric people, they are very scarpurous in their work, honestly, are extremely responsible. They do everything, as follows, to redo anything later. Do not like extremes, for example, manifestation of anger. They have a fantastic ability to concentrate and deeply penetrate the essence of the subject. They are born with love for books. They love harmony of sounds, flowers, poetry, they strongly affect art. These are lovers of everything beautiful, in one word is the aristocratic souls.

To understand the truly changing air sign, you need to solve the weight of the scales: when the scales are lowered, their optimism turns into a panic, which aghesion depressions. When scales are balanced, harmony comes between rich intelligence and loving, sympathetic heart. No wonder this sign of autumn, because Winter is too cold for them, and summer is hot. They must be in the middle in a balanced state.

Zodiac sign male scales

Characteristics of the sign of the zodiac

This person will give you many tips. He always has solutions for all your problems and questions. No need to believe that he meets your devotional dreams. It will change some of them and will object to others. Its habit is all rationalized, including love, can bring you to rabies. I have to warn you that as soon as the scales distribute their charm on you, it will not be easy for you to break the relationship. Try to get rid of it - also, that get out of a bear trap. If you try to get away from him, he will persuade you to stay with such logical and intelligent evidence that it is useless to try to win over it. It will become so pleasant and gentle that you will forget about his annoying shortcomings. And your heart turn to him again. And from now on, consider that your struggle is lost. His dreams will become your dreams and you will do everything for his happiness. You will wait for a smile on his face, and few people can resist his smile. The charm of the weights is not as a hypnotic attraction of scorpion. The attractiveness of the scales is real and logically justified. It has nothing supernatural.

His behavior is full of contradictions. You may have to shout on it, get up to get on your head to attract his attention. Do not be so naive to think that love with him will be smooth and calm, even despite the fact that they are controlled by Venus. However, when he remains in a state of equilibrium, life with him is pleasant, light and cheerful. For him, a huge tension is to accept any decision, and even accepting it, it can change it without good reason.

The words "love" and "scales" are practically synonymous. It was the scales that invented a love romance and brought him to such art that did not compare with the novels of Lviv, scorpions and calves. This is already talking about something! He will use any trick, causing you and can conquer almost any woman. However, having got it, he does not always know what to do with her further. Carefully processing it and enchanting, it begins to hesitate. Is it worth it to take advantage of her defenseless state or marry her, and something else or something else is not different. The mental struggle begins. And here begin difficulties. He will not lose interest in women to 90 years old. It may be just an interest if he is happily married, but love itself will never get bored. Even if she takes the form of a simple reflection: "How would I have with another woman?"

Since he can love to be surprisingly easily and early comes to him, he is often surrounded by the girls, from which he cannot get rid of. Scales do not want to hurt someone's feeling, although they are very often not even aware of how people can injure when they are in a bad mood. He does not like to say "no" and rarely realizes that tightening the novel is more cruel than a fast and honest gap. A long-term agony can even be painful. And only Aquarius can take this or that decision with great reluctance.

If the scales feel that they are not fair to someone, then there will be no end of their painful indecision. Being unfair for them is still killed. Unwillingness to be cruel can push him to an unsuccessful marriage. Thus, the scales can miss real love in their lives. The natural tendency of men-scales is the estimation of each third woman as the only partner. And very often his friendship and love are unsuitable. But what is surprising, scales are not very often suffering from a broken heart. He can forget you with insulting speed and perhaps less than another man will allow himself to regret last love. He may have several bruises after the explosion, but there will be no long experiences. Exceptions are rare.

It is much easier to imagine a soft-grateful scale man in the vice of a decisive woman who convinced him that throw it - a big sin. Finding into such Silks to the scales will be an unfortunate arrestant. But both of these extremes exception. Most scales remain free enough to enjoy the love novels completely, not allowing sentimental bonds to tie themselves. They are not too interested in your secrets, although at first glance it seems that it is interesting for him all connected with you. But look attentively and you will understand that he does not notice what is happening under his own nose. Everyone can notice, but not he.

And although he may argue a lot, the purpose of his reasoning is not an understanding of another person, but a conversation about abstract things and the desire for equilibrium. His questions are directed not to find out the reason, he just wants to paint the facts on the shelves. He will discuss everything "for" and "against" with amazing logic and rationalism. His findings will be very valid, accurate, intelligent and practical. But he has no desire to find out the personal motives and feelings hidden under the surface. It is only interested in the facts. Deep penetration into the nature of fish, scorpions, an aquarium in his opinion, only spoils the clear picture to which he strives. He instinctively feels that such a psychological study does not suit him. The way it is.

If you look extravagant, it makes the output that you are passage money. Consequently, you cannot rely on you in this regard. And the fact that the waste of money can calm you from any shock, he does not occur. He is not a psychiatrist. If you are greedy, then he may think that you just need to get someone's approval that you are well referred to money. But he has no desire to discover that you have a secret fear of losing your independence, you will be without money. Scales are judges. Always remember that scales argue from abstract curiosity. It seems that he is trying to endure something, but it is not. It is absolutely not a gossip, as it may seem. And it's almost impossible to endure the secret of it. Therefore, you can trust it.

But as for your personal experiences, you will be somewhat difficult with him. You can pour him a soul, but you will suffer from the fact that he does not notice your inner experiences. He wants you to be good, but it rarely understands your most casual desires. And the fact that he is a master of love and love technology does not mean that he deeply penetrates your mood.

He is difficult for him to cope with his. Nothing could be more annoying than you rush to him in order to complain that someone hurt you, you are looking for sympathy. What do you get in response? His first question will be: "What did you do to do it?" And then he will begin to tell you what you were wrong until you pay from resentment. And even at the same time, he won't be on your side, if he believes that you are really wrong. And very many troubles occur from this lack of weights - lack of understanding of the soul of your partner. And it seems incredible despite the fact that it has such an intuition, such logic, such a clear mind. It will not be a soul, on the contrary, typical scales are quite generous. He gladly spends money on what brings beauty and happiness. You prepare to be a good mistress, because His house will be the center of hospitality at any time of the day and night.

Do not drag it to those places where many people, because he physically does not like big gatherings. Crowds of unfamiliar people violate its balance. All scales have an instinctive disgust to physical contact with the crowd. His social life will be filled with intellectual, bright personalities, but this should not be a crowd again, otherwise he lacks air. Scales may unexpectedly leave you in the theater one, because it covered claustrophobia - a typical tendency of weights.

The biggest danger in living together with them and the nearest road to the divorce with him is a mess in the house. For him, it is extremely important how the house is being done. Do not forget about it, otherwise it quickly removes you. He himself may not be very careful, but he thinks that you have to clean everything behind him. He may not complain, but gradually the secretary with a subtle taste can become more and more attractive for him. He needs harmony to preserve equilibrium. His house should be a beautiful, quiet oasis among the messy world. You need to be guess enough to understand why he began to disappear from home or why he sleeps when he was at home. Since he is weak even in analyzing his soul, you must analyze more often. He may not even suspect that his bad condition is caused by the fact that he saw you with a smeared shiny cream. He may not even realize that he is unpleasant the orange color of the curtain in the bathroom. Therefore, put yourself in order, as well as your home and once understand that your husband is a wonderful person.

Children get a lot of good from him, he will always explain to them why he punishes them. And it will not cause anger in the child. He will charm the children with his charm. But oddly enough, the male scales do not have a lot of desire to have children. For him, there will always be a wife in the first place. And of course, if you fall in love with this man, you must offer him everything absolutely, right up to the offer of marriage. But pay attention to one subtlety, because of which he forces exactly how to make decisions: if something happens not, he will quickly say: "Well, because you decided, and not me!" Know what you do. When you hear such a phrase, you have to say: "Yes, I decided if I left the decision for you, we would still stand under a street lamp and would talk about love and would have received the inflammation of the lungs!" Naturally, he will immediately argue with you, but as soon as he acquires his balance and smile, you, like in the old days, standing under the lantern, tell me again: "I love you!"

Zodiac Sign Woman Scales

Characteristics of the sign of the zodiac

Each woman has a little from a man and in every man there is a little from a woman. This feature relates to the weights. Woman scales can be gentle as forget-me-not, speak a quiet and gentle voice, wearing dresses with lace. But with all his femininity, pleasant manners and elegance, she can wear pants with amazing ease and they are very walking at the same time. Its mental processes operate with male logic, it can be a good partner to you in any discussion. It can even exceed a man in a conversation, although the female side of the scales is usually very tactful to exercise his explicit victory over a man, at least to marriage or until the honeymoon will end. During your courtship, she will never beat you in chess, but also will not hide your sharp mind for pits on the cheeks.

Sooner or later, you will have to face the power of her mind, mental abilities at any time, as soon as the slightest opportunity to appear. All that would be said about whether it is estimated to be estimated from all sides - all positive moments and negative. It may even lead a discussion in the form of a monologue. At the same time, she will smile to you through every third word. Libra can convince you with logic label and you will not lose a lot, except for your pride. But you will not regret it, under the influence of its charm. It usually happens, because its final decision is very thoughtful.

In addition to typical aspiration weights, weigh twice to make sure that she did not miss anything, she can quite satisfy the man who needs or romance or cooperation or both. Its trend is discovered based on a sincere desire to a fair and proper decision. On the other hand, most of her opinions are presented with diplomatic tact, which softens the blow. The desire to be always fair forces it to weigh everything. You may be tired by such a serious approach, but it is very important in serious and important issues. Woman scales do not believe that what she thinks is always correct and finally, your opinion deserves the same respect as it has not yet come to the only correct solution based on its arguments and yours.

Most women scales work. They need money to acquire pleasant things that you can buy them. Weighs need to have many beautiful feathers to decorate their nest. They love to dress beautifully, have dear perfume, love classical music and of course you. And you, apparently, surprises that there is something men in it. Yes, it has a part of male, but it is unlikely to notice her male mind under pretty hairstyle. Scales feel bad in the ugly environment, which is why it must earn money to get out of such a situation. If there is anything on earth than she values \u200b\u200babove all - this is a man whom she loves, for which he cares and which respects. She absolutely harms loneliness. Its the greatest need is to cooperate with a man both in work and love. She is literally not able to live alone.

Woman scales that comes to the astrologer, asks usual: "When will I meet someone and really love him?" For her marriage is a joint venture. And the rules in it are the same strict as at any work. You are president, treat you with respect, she is the Chairman of the Commission, which keeps you from mistakes, while very feminine. It is created for cooperation. She will take part in all your interests. Your entertainment is its entertainment, while it will always obey you if you want to change your career or move to another city, make new friends. Here you are fully owner. Its role to smooth out unpleasant situations and protect you from impulsive deeds and ill-conceived solutions.

We must pay tribute, she has no desire to hang a stone on your heart, rather she wants to remove all the stones from your road. She won't want to impose her decisions for which she then would be responsible and in most cases she will tell you gently and unobtrusively. The most average woman scales are very intellectual and has the ability to analyze. It can help you when solving your business problems. She rarely allows her emotions to prevent her to accept a fearless decision, and she can give you the best advice than your banker. Its ability in this area covers many disadvantages.

In addition, she brings the pearls of his wisdom with such charm and friendliness that it will not shock you. On her iron hand, the velvet glove is dressed and it can take you away from the wrong way so gently that you think that it was completely your thought. Ansims, scorpions, lions, Tales usually take such a woman on a pedestal and make her. And it is quite fair, because it also wores them. Strangers who arrive for the first time in your home may think that before them Adam and Eve in the Paradise Garden (but two scales stay with difficulty).

You will get great remuneration, living with weights. She will never open your mail, she just won't come in his head. She will not reveal your secrets and will not put in an awkward position before the boss. It is possible that she will charm his smile. Even if the scales are losing balance, sooner or later they come to harmony. There will be moments when you might think: is an angel or the devil? But the angel is manifested in it more often, you will not have a lack of physical confirmation of her love, because it is sentimental as old lace and very sensual. And although she is aware of their shortcomings and sincerely talks about them, her smiles, gentle touch and frequent kisses will hide them, as well as her male mind.

Your home will look like a picture from the magazine. Most of the scales use silver in the house, pay a lot of attention to such attributes as good wine, nice music, a varied menu. Taking into account her mind so that you still want to have? Being a woman is the main calling her. And here she strives for perfection. The male side of her mind will rarely bother you, if you do not feel about the men who believe that the woman should be a slave and say nothing but "yes" and "no". Your scales will speak much more, she loves to speak, but will also be a good listener if you need an audience.

This woman is strong and soft at the same time. And not every woman can save such a balance. Her soft manners and the ability to smooth the angry wrinkles on your face can make you think that she is weak and helpless and that it will also be defenseless and feminine when the trouble occurs. And here you are mistaken. At the moments of crises, it will be made on 9 parts of steel. Perhaps you will not notice this, because There was no such case.

Open your eyes when your family is in a difficult position. And you will see who will save your ship from the crash. The truth should not insult your male dignity, no one except you knows how you need her hand stretched to help when you need a good advice. She will never break your role, be grateful to her for it, you can always rely on it. And besides, as it looks good, when it works in the pants in the garden or goes to the universal. There is nothing wrong with that a woman wears trousers, if it is with the same ease and grace you put on an evening dress or a silk peignoir when you are together. And for the weights it applies. One of its most valuable qualities is the ability to hide your sharp mind for charming femininity.

She will love her children and care for them, but speaking frankly, they will be on 2 place after you. They are younger partners, and you are president, and she never forgets about it. But if you spoil children, she will interfere. Her children are always well maintained. But one of the reasons why she started a child is what she wants to make you happier, give birth to children, she is mostly for you.

Woman's scales can sometimes fall in extremes: either there is too much, or more measures to drink wine. There may be moments when it will be silent for a long time, and sometimes talk too much. Such moments are never delayed for a long time. Her scales usually come to balance, but you can help her in this. When one of the cups dropped too low, add her love to her and it will rise. If the other fell from an excess of sadness, facilitate its understanding and sympathy.

What other woman can look like a princess when you lead her to the ball, and then completely can reincarnate, wear heavy shoes, fasten the zipper on the jacket and help you cut firewood for the fireplace? If she is still not dedicated to the song, write your own music at the Waltz pace and dedicate her to your woman-scales.

The most serious emotions they are experiencing is love for themselves and constant doubt. Feelings of weights - the secrets of their souls are full of torments. Doubt - their permanent state.

Sensings of weights - what the secrets of their soul tell

They necessarily need to be in a state of equilibrium. Any little thing can confuse them. And as soon as they reach harmony - they calm down, but this state ceases to be interesting for them, and he is beginning to overestimate its values. Then they again come to doubt that entails such characteristics as indecisiveness, imperidity and others.

You can talk about it as much as you like! Scales, regardless of whether a man is, or a woman, possess a high level of self-love. They try to surround themselves with all the best and strive for luxury. Often it leads to the fact that they have overestimated requirements for their partners.

The main senses of weights - indecision and in love

It is important for them that the potential satellite in life has an attractive appearance, so that its level of intelligence meets certain requirements, so that it was a unique combination of the outer shell and the inner world. But, most importantly, with all these features, this potential partner should be able to be a neutral muse, which should extol scales on the pedestal, while not interfering with their personal space and the inner world.

If we talk about love, then here the feelings of the scales are especially strange. They can love emotionally, their inner gloves seemingly pushing on some emotions. But no, they are rationalists, they are carefully "weighed" their love, thinking through everything to the smallest detail. And if the partner is not suitable, at least one point, from about, from about a million, who invented their scales - relationships are doomed to failure.

In sexual relationships, the scales simply amaze. They can love, want sexual contacts. But they do not show special pleasure and desire. They are important, so that around them spinned, they were adored and seduced. And they will simply reward a partner with their condesception. However, it is important to take into account that the weights are characterized by the following feature - they quickly get used to the partner, they borne relationships and they can remove from unnecessary physical contacts.

Male scales - The name of the zodiac sign speaks for itself - these men tend to equilibrium and harmony in life. They have something that is absent from many other men - internal intelligence. In the bus, they will definitely refuse the place of the old woman, and in front of the entrance, will miss the woman forward. Moreover, it does not even depend on their upbringing - they just feel intuitively that it is right. Men Weight Scales in Life are not arrogant, do not seek to surround their piece, they are peaceful and stacks, do not tolerate scandals and try to avoid them.

Male Scales - Family

In the family with such living - solid pleasure. There are no scandals, disassembly, accusations - everything is smooth yes sweet. Provided that you are not the heroine of Brazilian TV shows. With a calm woman, such a man blooms - he earns well, and the house helps. For such a man, the world in the house is the key to his happy life. If you have a long calm in the family in the family, and you are a lover to roll up a cheerful scandal, then the man's scales will not support you - it will be mascully to shrink and wait for the end of the concert. Such a man will not stand with foam at the mouth to prove his right point, it is more important to inner peace. Because of this, many consider it, but in fact - this is an indicator of restraint and internal force. If he begins to dissuade, emotioned - it means you have moved. For a man's weights, the most important is a mental equilibrium, and he seeks to preserve it in any conditions. Even in such combat.

Be or not to be ... or as scales make decisions

Male scales by nature is honest and open, does not tolerate lies and hypocrisy. In the scandalous situation, it will smooth out the corners, something even to infringe upon yourself. Yes, by and large, to him and nothing to find fault. He is not a windmaking - the left is not a lover to left, with friends - it is not being disturbed, at work - an exemplary officer, in the house - the first assistant. That's just a lack of him that he loves to weigh all "for" and "against" for a long time, constantly fluctuates, with difficulty makes the final choice. And even then all the time doubts. Some women, especially not distinguishing and patient, is infuriated. But it is always interesting to talk to him. A man scales understand art, loves to walk on exhibitions and museums. Scales love beauty in all its manifestations, they are real estates.

Scales - the perfect zodiac sign

In their lives, everything is fine, ranging from the beloved woman and ending with repairs in the apartment. Such men are taken for any business - they make it long, carefully, not allowing negligence, so the result is always excellent. Weighs high intellectual abilities, they generally in nature are thinners. But not too generous words, more and more silent and listen. This man is easy to take a compliment, it immediately flashes and cares.

Some believe that scales are the most perfect zodiac sign. For someone, it is so, but here is lovers of bright sensations, such a man will not suit - he will not be able to give a lot of energy and emotions. He is for calm, in order, for peace around the world.

Male Scales - Compatibility

Ove woman

Everybody is present in their relationship: not only love and passion, but also an eternal competition for the place of the head of the family, the initiator of which is the lady. In general, the calm family life does not see them. But if a woman erupts his pride and a sense of superiority, it will begin to feel like a stone wall and then a couple awaits a harmonious marriage.

Woman cancer

Both signs are pretty thoughtful and emotional nature, they have a lot of things. But they all occur with seven-world steps: a very long courtship and making a decision on marriage. But if the relationship between them has begun between them, though very leisurely, it will be seriously and for a long time if each of the signs will focus more on the pluses than the disadvantages of the partner.

Woman Lev.

Both signs have the power, sense of justice and loyalty. May often and warmly arguing among themselves due to the reluctance of the lady to take a point of view of a man. From here there are frequent quarrels. But, despite all this, the signs complement each other's characters, if the lion at least sometimes tries to restrain the desire to be a dictator in the family, and the man will do it often compliments.

Woman of virgin

Virgo is closed and pedantic. This sign will not need to find a common language with a bright and sociable man scale. But, contrary to everything, this union is highly durable. But, in truth, most often the marriage turns out to be long because of the habit of cohabitation together or the reluctance to change something. The Union can be happy if Virgo will stop swearing with his man because of a rare disorder in the house, and the scales will stop laying the scandals because of the timid comments of the companion.

Woman scales

There is no doubt that such a couple will have spiritual relationship that all people have with one zodiac sign. Scales in their partner seems to gain their second "I". Here and sexual life is great compatibility, and in everyday life. Quarrels in a similar family - a rare phenomenon, because each decision is made weigly. The man for the sake of his beloved with joy is compromised, and the lady often pleases his soul mate. Very harmonious relationship.

Scorpion woman

Scorpio does not know how to make compromises. With such a woman will be very difficult to live a man of weights due to excessive pride ladies. But together with joint efforts, if the Scorpio will make attempts to behave calmly and reckon with the opinion of his man, and the scales will fully support their life companion, then the marriage may well be successful.

Woman Sagittarius

The union of these signs is based on a strong friendship. Their characters are very different from each other, but emotional weights will never be bored with such a cheerful special, like Sagittarius. But the marriage that is based on mutual understanding, passion, support and goodwill, as if doomed in advance for harmony and happy life almost without quarrels, well, except for trifles.

Woman Capricorn.

The signs of the zodiac are practically incompatible with each other. Constantly fighting for leadership in the family, and therefore, if for a short time, they will not find a compromise and the power will not take place, the relationship will come to the relationship. Especially severely union for weights, because all his flaws his passion remembers him all his life. These two are difficult to understand each other both in everyday life and in their sex life.

Woman Aquarius

One of the best unions for a person with a sign of scales. There is a harmonious, durable, but hot passion is not different, but rather based on mutual understanding, common interest, respect and friendship. The desire of each such a couple to peaceful and unwillingness to quarrel (or to discuss, but not to be offended by each other) plays an important role in the development of peaceful relations.

Fish woman.

Union does not differ in strength. You won't call such a marriage, but I will definitely not be sincere love. Sometimes it seems like a woman gives pleasure to conflict with your man. But, if over time, both partners will look at the world more optimistically and learn to listen to each other, to make attempts to reconcile immediately after another quarrel, then less harmonious existence is quite possible.

Woman Taurus

A happy marriage, but, if, on the contrary, the taurus is a man, and a woman's woman, then there is little good enough. But in sexual life, such a partner for a man with a sign of the zodiac scales is the best option, since such a variety and passion between weights and other signs of the zodiac is not observed. This pair has an excellent marriage based on trust and easy relationship to everyday problems.

Representatives of scales (September 23 - October 22) are distinguished by balance and tranquility. Websites like helping people, in connection with which they won the glory of great humanists. They are tirelessly fighting our life under the signs of justice and the world, and are constantly taking care of their loved ones and family members. They do not like conflicts and make everything possible to avoid such situations. Scales are very gentle, good, caring people, and they always try to make sure that all their loved ones feel happy.

However, often others begin to use the softness of the scales for their own purposes, and representatives of this sign fall into the category, which is called, trouble-free. They put people in the first place, as a result of which others may hurt them.

Scales are good-natured, we are fascinated, charming, which allowed them to quickly turn around friends. These are open, funny, loving people. But at the same time, the circle of their friends is narrow enough, as they consider only those who truly dear to their heart.

As for love affairs, in this sense, the scales are simply wonderful partners. Indeed, some believe that scales are the best partner option for long-term relationships. And it is easy to make sure how you learn them closer.

If you are planning to start a relationship with weights, then below you will learn about why this step may be the best solution among all you have ever done.

Why are the scales the most faithful partners among all the signs of the zodiac?

1. Scales are very faithful.

Scales do not like surface relationships, they want them to be real. When you just begin to meet with weights, ask yourself if you really need a long-term partnership union, as they will not even spend time on something less serious. The scales will occupy your side, whatever happens, and never betray you. They will not allow themselves to delay their eyes on other representatives of the opposite sex or to enter into emotional contact with someone else. They need you and only you.

2. They love to make people happy.

Weighs in nature are very disinterested and they rejoice when they can give anything to another person. Even if they are able to help only one person, they will do it without asking questions. They are ready to make an impossible for their second halves and always put them in the first place. For cooking home dinner, they will cost all the stores in search of the desired ingredients, as a result of creating something special only for you. They possess big hearts and find the main pleasure of their lives in making you happy, take care and love you.

3. Scales are very loving

If you need a favorite person who will be completely given to you, will make for you various surprises, for example, will prepare for you an unexpected journey to the next city, and will always boast you in front of your friends and relatives, do not look for anyone better than the scales.

Representatives of this sign do not hold back their feelings, and they do not need anything but that. They understand and know only real, deep love. And the scales will give you a full-fledged love relationship, and all that they want in return is love and support.

Wearables are very important in relationships with someone, and when they find their own second half, they give themselves 110%. Scales simply love to love, and will always do everything possible to help you even in the most difficult situations.

4. They are hopeless romance.

Do not think that they will be limited to only romantic dinner and cinema - it is too prosaic for them. They will prepare such a date for their partner that he will surely feel that this is something unusual that it was done specifically for him.

They listen carefully to all that you say, and pay attention to the things that you really like. For example, if you tell me that you love riding riding, they will find a way to deliver such pleasure. They will surprise you with three dishes dinners when you return home after a long working day, just because they want to see your smile. They will play a song for you, mess up a poem, get a walk around the beach at night, will talk to you about your hopes and dreams and never get tired of doing you happy.

5. Scales do not like conflicts.

Another positive quality of the scales is their ability to see both sides of the problem, and do not rush to the conclusions too fast. They believe in justice and the possibility of peaceful permission of the situation, and will avoid conflict until the latter, as far as possible. Representatives of this sign will talk to you in a calm, respectful manner, and if you start screaming or angry, they will just go to the side until you calm down. They do not like to pour oil into the fire and are rather balanced personalities.

If you need a weathered partner that will never increase votes and will always find time to listen to you, then a scalar sign, whether a guy or a girl becomes your best choice.

(24.09 – 23.10)

Scales - embodied archetypes of the peacemaker, creator of beauty and appraiser


Scales are the embodiment of the archetype of the peacemaker. They have congenital ability to quickly seek consent and harmony in any situation. The aggravated sense of justice makes them constantly monitor the development of events, gives the ability to notice any malfunction of equilibrium.

When the balance is violated, they instinctively speak and make something that can restore this equilibrium. They know: To take overall irritation, you need to smile, joke, pick up the interlocutor, to draw the overall attention to what no one noticed before. They justify losers and at the same time praise the rest for good work. Some scales make it mentally, others boldly stand up and defend justice. Idealists scales draw in their imagination, how to create a world where everyone will be well (including them).

In general, the scales fight against disharmony and injustice. They painfully see any injustice or disrespect in relation to another person. They will use all their abilities to build a harmonious relationship. The peacemaker believes that his main task is to maintain balance in the surrounding world, and does everything for this.

Everybody does not like the disharmony, and everyone has their own way to deal with it. Some scales simply go into their inner harmonious world, in the hope that others will change. Others are trying to correct the situation with active actions. In any case, the weights of the day does not pass without try to make the world more just.

Most scales are inborn diplomats. They know how to tell the truth so that they do not become enemies after that. They disarm the interlocutor with their charm and cause a sense of respect for themselves, because they can show their mind and insight. The talent of the psychologist helps them see what the motives are the behavior of a person, what is its strengths and weaknesses, and that he really needs.

Scales have a sixth sense that tells them when they need to leave a person alone. They try not to upset anyone, do not bring to the limit (in contrast to who often get people). In those rare cases, when scales still come too far, they know how to choose the right words, soften the sharpness, heal the wounds applied. "I said that you annoy everyone? I just wanted to say that sometimes others do not understand why you behave in one way or another." Peacemaker's skills help weights to understand the motives of behavior of other people, help articulate their idea so that others seem to be that this is exactly what they themselves want.

Scales have congenital talent for mediation, negotiating. They know how to understand the point of view of another person and know how to see the value and truth in each of the approaches to solving the problem. Objectivity helps them to overcome all emotional reactions and pay attention only to facts.

Intermediary scales are able to understand the needs and needs of other people, to submit an idea in such a way that the opponents can understand. Even if there was some conflict, the scales may see what is common in the points of view of the opposing parties, and lead them to consent on this basis. Weighs have a talent to achieve consensus - they see what can give and get each of the parties.

In the first half of life, your ideal partners are twins and aquarius, related souls on the element of air. It is only necessary for the first to study, mastered a promising profession, and not rushing in search of a better life. And from water, only one thing is required: the desire to take in his house numerous friends of a young wife, including representatives of the opposite sex. In the second half of the life, Lion needs Lion or Sagittarius. The first, however, is suitable with one reservation: it should not have weakness to gambling and expensive clothes. Scales will not get to the wife to learn family money. And the Sagittarius is suitable for the role of an ideal pair of weighs, only if there is a high social status.

The best pair for weights

Aquarius: This pair is waiting for love-friendship and love-entertainment. Scales and aquaries enjoy each other primarily on an intellectual level, scales sincerely glue from the aggregation of Aquarius, which in turn will be inspired by weights. From this pair can get a productive creative tandem. They will always enjoy each other's society and will not lose mutual interest for a long time. How predicts a horoscope compatibility of water scales, the marriage of this pair promises to be extremely successful.

Twins: If these two zodiac signs meet, then usually the motto of their novel becomes "after us at least a flood," this confirms the compatibility horoscope. Gemini and scales like entertainment and are constantly in search of vivid impressions. They do not burden themselves with household problems and prefer rapid pleasures in deep feelings. But despite the seemingly frivolity, they understand each other with a half-clow and create the impression of an ideal pair. The novel may end with a good marriage, as the Horoscope compatibility of the Scales of Gemini predicts.

Sagittarius: The novel promises to be delicious. How predicts a compatibility horoscope, scales and shooters are a beautiful and romantic couple. Scales attract the Sagittarius to their tenderness and an easy attitude to life, and for them the Sagittarius themselves - an eternal adventure hunter, which makes a variety and brightness element. Scales are the perfect satellite for Sagittarius, as they manage to constantly warm his interest in themselves, and in the end, even such a loving wind will tell themselves. As a horoscope of compatibility of scales Sagittarius promises, marriage promises to be successful.

Worst pair of weights

Fish: The beginning of the novel of this pair will be fabulously beautiful: strawberries in chocolate and champagne in ice. Both of these signs of the zodiac love tender confessions and sentimental words, and also do not want to get out of the sweet pink wool of their romanticity. But, as a compatibility horoscope warns, scales and fish can begin to conflict precisely on the soil of manifestations of their feelings. Fishes need protection and support, and scales are not ready for this and consider it routine obligations. How predicts the horoscope compatibility of fish scales, these relationships will be beautiful, but fragile.

Cancer: In the relationship of this couple there will always be some kind of shortness, this indicates a horoscope compatibility. Cancer and scales are somewhat different in the emotional plan, which can lead to alienation. Sensitive cancer is waiting for him to be appreciated and defended, but a little more superficial scales focus on themselves and do not notice the changeable mood of their partner. It is in this that the reason for the future quarrels is covered, causing a horoscope compatibility scales of cancer.

calf: The relationship of this pair of signs of the zodiac cannot be called simple: too many they differ, the horoscope compatibility assures. Scales and calf sometimes look at life at different viewing angles. Weighs like light entertainment, and the calf prefers not to waste time. He considers his companion to transzhira, meanwhile as the weights of the Taurus seems to be crumbling. The right to a long existence This novel will affect only if the scales are settled with the deformity of the Taurus, but it is unlikely, as confirms the horoscope compatibility of scales Taurus.

Strained relations

Libra: The relationship of this couple is reminded by a film about love, but in the end they become too significant because of the game to the public, which scales are unnecessar. The horoscope compatibilityPrognoses a fascinating and bright novel to which both participants will relate to the eternal holiday of life. The Brazdes of the Board in such an extradition usually assumes the male scales. Horoscope compatibility foreshadows: perhaps at some point, the weights may seem that they communicate with themselves, and it will take all interest on no. To avoid this, it is worth finding distracted interests. As the horoscope compatibility says, the woman's scales are more loyal to her partner, and it is she often eliminating all conflicts and quarrels.

Scales are often considered the most attractive people from the point of view of the opposite sex. Astrologov has its explanation for this, as well as their other character traits.

Many people are very respecting those who were born under the influence of a scale of scales and even call for this some reasons. Traditionally, they attribute such qualities as diplomaticity and harmonious balance of character, as well as purely external appeal. What makes representatives of the sign of the zodiac scales exactly as they are? We will deal with that drives and controls them from an astrological point of view.

Astrology Zodiac Sign Scales

Everyone who was born from September 24 to November 23 can safely attribute themselves to representatives of this zodiac sign. Every person for his strengths and weaknesses responds to the position of the planets in his horoscope, which you need to know by astrology. Therefore, our planet-patron on the sign of the zodiac is performed by the main features of each of us. Here's how the scales look like this alignment:

Planet patron: Venus
Planet in exaltation: Saturn

Planet in exile: Mars
Planet in fall: The sun
Element: Air

The most powerful influence on born during this period is provided by Planet Venus, so all the qualities with which the astrologers were given, in the best degree developed by the scales. Venus is the only planet called by the name of the Roman goddess, and not God, and it traditionally carries the feminine start. Venus worshiped as a goddess of love and beauty. Actually this is the answer to the question of why most representatives of the scale are very attractive for the opposite sex. You can always check it out: just look at.

Planet Saturn, actively acting in the scales born under the sign, gives them the talents of the teacher, as it affects the diligence of people and a sense of responsibility. Not a gift is called the "planet-teacher." But, on the other hand, the quality for which Mars is responsible and the Sun is developed weakly, which can sometimes interfere with life. Mars allows you to be active and have a strong will, and the Sun is to show leadership qualities and in general to express.

As representatives of the air triad horoscope, the scales show the following quality typical quality:

  • communicability;
  • developed intelligence;
  • diplomacy;
  • relative superficialness;
  • mobility.

However, like each sign of the zodiac, representatives of the scale of scales have pronounced features that are peculiar only to them.

Scalar Sign: 10 Unusual Facts

Patron of weights, Venus, makes representatives of this sign of the zodiac very sensual people. Perhaps this is precisely this is the main complexity of their character: one of the bowl is filled with the necessary knowledge and logically argued judgments, but there is both the second, completely devoted to emotions. Depending on which of them will one of them, this side of the representative of the Sign of Scales you will learn.

As already understandable, the equilibrium of the wards of Venus turns out to be extremely unstable. If something suddenly does not and for some reason it is really seriously perceived by the scales born under the constellation, believe me: I will not sweet anyone. They will bring out of themselves all whom they will find to blame for, and may be distorted. In fact, most problems appear on scratch. Sometimes weselves simply should be helped to speak out, calm down and they themselves will destroy everything.

Scales - diplomats and connoisseurs of all beautiful. It is this quality that makes them come to themselves. They like politeness, they try to be causing themselves and naturally react positively to the same behavior of others. Often they very sharply react to rudeness and negligence in relation to them. Therefore, they themselves try to smooth conflicts and are trying to solve issues so that everyone is satisfied with the final result.

Everyone who was born under the sign of the scales can be bred in the fact that they are the real estates. They use their developed sense of excellent to select their own style, usually very relevant and flawlessly suitable for them. Sometimes they look at the same diligence and workplace.

Due to susceptibility, scales are often keen on thin matters. Art for them is both the source of emotions, and how to get important vitality. And with his help, they can relax.

Weighing information is necessary as air. Often they are considered to be gossip, which is not always true. But it is definitely to receive new knowledge to them vital. This also applies to the sphere of their professional activity, and what happens to people with whom they closely interact.

Emotions are something very close to representatives of this sign of the zodiac. But it is necessary to understand that emotions and feelings are something very different. In the first case, we are talking about something superficial, about what can quickly pass. Due to emotionality, scales can be very in love and windy. But the same quality can be used to adjust the mood.

Lenalty in a large extent characterizes the scales. We can say that they are often waiting until the latter, as if "swinging", and only then begin to work. Often they show obvious apathy.

The disputes are considered to be their native elements of the sign of the zodiac scales. The fact is that they like no other can see everything "for" and "against." They can prove any point of view, even the one that does not adhere to themselves.

The ability to reflect, oddly enough, sometimes puts them in a dead end. Seeing both the advantages and disadvantages, the scales can not always understand what it turns out to be weighty and fluctuate with the final decision. Sometimes it is difficult for them to make a decision because the scales know how they sometimes lack good luck. So you can protect yourself and give confidence in actions with the help of a talisman stone for good luck.

The combination of these qualities and shows the typical description of the scales sign representatives. Remember that astrology is serious and do not forget to click on the buttons and

I once dreamed of a strange dream: as if I could make huge scales with two bowls, and I put some abstract man of medium fatness on one cup (in a dream and it happens), and I also began to put different plants and animals on another bowl. .. and I did it in order to find out who weighs how much and who will translate whom ... Of course, I was not so stupid to start weighing with invisible protons, electrons, atoms and even bacteria - they are certain they will not ransive my abstract person, on the fact they are a microworld ... And I took the fattened, the replenished lamb and put it on the scales (one left, in a dream and it happens), I thought that I would translate my man, but it was not there : The bowl of the scales did not flinch and did not go down ... I weighted the fatty lamb separately: seventyly with an excess kilo, heavier than my impersonal person, but still did not pull him on unusual scales!
Then I caught a dolphin in the sea (how long in a dream, wept?) And put it on the bowl of these original scales. Well, I think, if it does not otwebs, then the balance of my person is abstract (maybe, that person - me? ..), but it was not there! As if not a smart dolphin, and I threw the dust for that bowl of the notorious: it does not react, and everything, the bowl of unusual this! Strange weightlessness of what seems so large, solid and heavy! .. The same happened with a chimpanzee monkey, which is smarter even a dolphin and which I specifically lend to this weighing in a local zoo ... Well, I need to see real scales for the first time ... And all the old, it turns out, was fascia! ..
Does there be a creature on Earth, able to translate even the most misunderstood person?! (Not me, do not rejoice) ...
And I got in Africa an elephant, and put it on a scales on a bowl, but he could not exist even my abstract, unnamed person ...
Well, I think, the blue whale is one hundred and fifty tons, it will be harder to be harder, - still not sheaf rye ... But the seventieth cellogram man (in vain it's so calling him contemptuous?) I turned and whale! And who would have thought that a person is so heavy!?.
Then I fastened hundreds of stars from the sky and threw them on this inexplicable bowl of scales, - Well, I tried in advance, now the Bowl of this will move, albeit reluctantly and with a terrible creak, like the shoes of Odessa movers, but succumb! .. But In vain I was hoping: it turns out, even I am heavier and more valuable and huge stars and the sun?!.
I did not believe, once again weighed everything and Perevsed himself, with witnesses, but the result was the same ... it turns out, the scales are right, but I thought wrong I thought, believing that there is something or someone harder or more valuable Even the most defeated and snotty man ... I wanted, by the way, throw on this scales of a lingerie baby: what if a great elephant, or the more whale whale all the same, the baby is miserable, impersonal, will it outweigh? .. But waved his hand: herself again Deception, not scales, - they are just exact, they will not be deceived ...
Instead of epiloga. I always knew that a person was not a present that he was a hard creature, but I first unwindly exclaimed: but not the same! ..

The only inanimate symbol in the zodiacal circle, the scales are the second sign of the air element.

A distinctive feature of representatives of this sign is the desire for harmony in everything. Sensitive to beautiful, inborn diplomats, who have the resistance of the spirit and an increhensible will to victory in any rivalry, scales often act as judges, as well as lawyers at all levels.

Constancy, reliability and creative power - the best qualities of this sign!
And here are another 15 wonderful qualities that are characteristic of the scales:

1. They converge with others.

Weighs easily like people, because they can make you feel interesting and important. They are beautiful listeners.

Scales are well aware of your feelings and emotions. And they know how to perfectly predict the consequences of their own and other people's actions.

And all because they are very observational and have exceptionally good perception skills. They strive to get closer to people who like them, looking for many friendly relations.

At the same time, they can not tolerate superficial people and exclude you from their circle of communication immediately, if they wonder for you False and hypocrisy.

2. They are very kind.

Scales do not promise to solve any of your problem, but when there is a need - they make every effort to help you. If you need emotional support, refer to the weights. They will dispel your care and doubts!

Nothing disrupts the inner world of weights is stronger than the negative. All people from the environment must have positive energy and avoid conflicts. If this does not happen, the scales are disappointed in humans and stop communicating with them.

3. They are inborn diplomats.

No one copes with awkward situations better than the scales. They are famous diplomats and with ease explain any oddities. At the same time, they hold stylish and elegant.

Weighs likes to be surrounded by other people. Just laughing, discuss all sorts of absurdities for hours or complex questions - that's what makes them happy. Scales - creative souls who need dialogs.

4. They are inquisitive.

Scales - air element, so they always strive for self-development. Of paramount importance is the power of intelligence.

They always retain the ability to think rationally. In any situation, they are looking for and find ways to optimize workers and household processes. It is natural curiosity that allows them not to stick in one place and always move forward.

5. They are disinterested.

Scales are very susceptible and in fact interested in what happens in the life of friends. Even if they have conflicts, they quickly smooth them at the expense of their charisma and kindness.

To help neighbor, weights do not need additional reasons. They are always happy to stretch the hand of help, without requiring nothing in return. But if you try to use them, they will draw you out of their lives.

People stretch to the weights when they have problems, because they know how to look at the situation from the outside. Scales are trying to understand all points of view before drawing conclusions.

Naturally, it attracts people, so the scales always have a lot of faithful, reliable friends. And although the scales will not be friends with the scoundrel, for the sake of friends they are ready to negotiate at least with the devil.

7. They have a shared taste.

Scales are under the influence of Venus, which has been identified for a long time from the goddess of love and beauty. Scales appreciate beauty in everything: in friends and loved ones, in art, letter and music ...

Therefore, they pay more attention to the interiors and design. They are proud of their taste and have full right to it! However, they do not hide that they love everything beautiful and high-quality.

8. They are perfectionists.

Scales are always looking for the best, most perfect, the most harmonious way to live life. In their ideal world, everything is balanced and fair. There are no conflicts in this world.

Of course, there is no ideal world. And this is the main disappointment in the life of the scales. Therefore, they constantly seek to achieve personal perfection.

9. They are fair.

Scales are ideal chiefs. They know how to control the energy of other people and at the same time do not use their skill for mercenary purposes.

For weights, justice is very important, so they never require more than those can give.

Scales relate to work with genuine interest and appreciate healthy relations in the team. So they themselves do everything to support harmony and relaxed concentration.

10. These are real romance.

Scales love deep and with all my heart. If you are lucky and one of you loved someone from people born under this sign, you can be sure of: You fell into good hands!

Scales want their partners to know and felt that they care about them. They are capable of small pleasant surprises, and on broad gestures. If you had or continues a novel with weights, know: Whatever happens, you will remember it all my life!

11. They know how to enjoy life.

Scales - as a rule, very cultural people. They appreciate their social environment and nature. They are usually read, well informed and stylishly dressed.

They equally can appreciate the colorful sunset, and a deep educational conversation. It is this ability to find pleasure in everything allows them to maintain relaxation and calm in life.

12. They work on conscience.

Although the scales are often considered lazy, in fact, the whole thing is in choosing a career. If the elected path is suitable for weights, then in your sphere they will achieve any heights!

And the scales always achieve success in social life, because they never stop their achievements on the stairs. They can not tolerate mediocreness and always demand more - and from themselves, and from others.

13. They adore adventures.

Scales can not sit for a long time in one place and do not tolerate monotonousness. For them, life must be interconnected by interesting events, adventures, travel, etc.

Finding a person similar temperament, they can become truly happy. So if you like adventures, hold on to the weighs with both hands! You will not regret!

14. They are very attractive.

Scales often have magnetic appearance, although, of course, not all of them can be called handsome and beauties. Their beauty is in naturalness.

For this reason, they do not need to work hard to make their appearance noticeable. They do not seek recognition intentionally, but still get it. The identity of the scales attracts almost everyone - without exception!

15. They are not egoists.

Scales are loyal partners and lovers who put your needs above their own. But they are not inclined to believe in love at first sight.

In relations, they are careful, and with them you can hardly count on quick sex. They are looking for a truly solid connection. But but finding it, they will surround you with such a concern that others can only dream of.

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