Alexey Mikhailovsky is the main creator of the scandalous show. Vasilina Mikhailovskaya: biography, photos and interesting facts

Alexey Mikhailovsky is the main creator of the scandalous show.  Vasilina Mikhailovskaya: biography, photos and interesting facts
Alexey Mikhailovsky is the main creator of the scandalous show. Vasilina Mikhailovskaya: biography, photos and interesting facts

There is hardly a person in Russia who has never heard of reality -show "Dom-2". The scandalous TV show has attracted millions of views for many years. This is the world's first show about how people try to find love under the gun of cameras. TV viewers know their heroes by sight. They are recognized on the street, they are very popular in social networks, they are being watched live.

But few people know that Alexei Mikhailovsky has been a constant producer of "House-2" for many years. His behind-the-scenes work is admirable. Alexey comes up with new ideas and maintains ratings for over 12 years, helping people to meet their love and find their happiness. But the producer himself does not like to flaunt his life and carefully hides his biography from prying eyes, demonstrating only successful work in his field.

Creative way

Alexey Mikhailovsky, whose biography contains a lot unknown facts, was born in the capital in 1969. Alexey never talks about his childhood in interviews. It is only known that creative way the famous producer began in the early 90s. Then he firmly decided to connect his life with television. At first, Alexei was interested in political activities: the preparation of news broadcasts and election programs.

He soon realized that it was not his, and completely retired from politics. The famous producer for a long time collaborated with the first channel, namely with the program "Vzglyad", the program "Time" and "Here and Now". After a good start on television, he was invited to NTV. After working for a short time on a well-known TV channel, Alexey left him, and Mikhailovsky's career stopped at whole year until an interesting offer was received to work in a new project. This project was "Dom-2" - a new entertaining unusual show.

The origin of the project

Alexei Mikhailovsky was seriously interested in the new idea. He developed his own vision of the new show, describing in detail the nuances and sending it to the organizer of the project "Dom-2".

He figured out how the project should develop, where the Filming(he himself found the filming site). I came up with the rules for staying on the project and thought over the conditions for being in the perimeter. Also developed a voting system. He clearly explained to the organizers the criteria for recruiting participants. The ideas were fully approved by the organizers of the Dom-2 project.


And so in 2004 the project started. On May 5, the first participants entered the perimeter. There were 15 of them. They were the pioneers of a new TV show. Some of them are still very popular today. The presenters explained to the newcomers the rules of conduct on the project, told the conditions of being in the show. As planned by the famous producer, every week the participants must choose a person who will leave the TV show - so only the highest-rated participants were to remain in the perimeter. Thanks to Alexei Mikhailovsky, a lot of participants received all-Russian glory... Everyone knows their names: Roman Tretyakov, Elena Berkova, Wenceslas Vengrazhanovsky, Victoria Bonya, Alena Vodonaeva, Stepan Menshchikov and many others. Some, after leaving the project, continue to work on television, like real stars.

Alexey Mikhailovsky, whose biography contains many unknown facts, was sure from the very beginning that this would be the channel's highest-rated project. He explains this by the fact that on the show "Dom-2" it is impossible to predict the outcome of even one day. There is no scenario, since it is impossible to control the emotions of people who are in the same confined space. Participants spend 24 hours a day under cameras, and any experiences are recorded both day and night. Viewers like to look at some of the behavior patterns of people. The project helps to look at relationships from the outside, and for someone - to understand themselves using the example of heroes.

Personal life

Over the entire existence of the project, Alexei Mikhailovsky has witnessed many marriages and reunions of hearts in love. It is safe to say that the producer himself was not alone during the creation of the show, back in the 90s Vasilina Mikhailovskaya appeared in his heart, who actively helped him in his creative activity from the very beginning of the project creation. She became a co-producer of the project and supported her husband everywhere. In 2000, they had a son, Maxim.

No one knows for certain why the couple broke up soon. Most people think that Alexei Mikhailovsky himself is to blame for everything. The producer's biography was updated new intrigue, the man exchanged marriage for a new relationship with a famous participant TV set by Natalia Varvina ... Their romance developed very rapidly, and already in 2012 they got married, having played a very modest wedding. The couple later sealed their relationship with a church wedding. Today they are very happy. Thus, the producer of the famous reality the show found love on its own project.

Alexey Mikhailovsky - producer with capital letter... He created a truly popular project and thoroughly put all his efforts into it. For more than 12 years, the show has been pleasing its viewer with more and more new ideas.

More recently it became known that Alexei Mikhailovsky was dismissed from the Dom-2 project. Recently, the ratings of the show began to fall, and the producer could not save the audience of the show. Many argue that now no one is looking for a relationship on the project, but this is just a way to live on everything ready.

Everyone is used to gigolo and prostitutes who don't even try to hide it. Not a single decent person will cross the threshold of this house. Maybe someone still decided to pull this show out of the pit of failure and the first step was the dismissal of the general producer.

Alexey Mikhailovsky led this project for 13 years, we can say that Dom-2 is his creation, and the participants in the scandalous project are his children. And no, this is not strange, because he helped many to get well settled in life after the project. Recently, everyone learned that Mikhailovsky is leaving his post.

It is not yet known whether he was really fired or left himself. Alexei himself said in an interview that he himself decided to leave the project. Mikhailovsky said that he had been very tired for thirteen years and could no longer bear it all. In the near future, he plans to take up his personal life and family. Natalia Varvina, the wife of the producer and former member"House-2", fully supported the spouse in this decision, which completely prompted him to leave.

The producer of Dom-2 Alexei Mikhailovsky was fired: the reason why Mikhailovsky left was found out

Many people say that the gene of the producer was "displaced". V recent times Alexander Karmanov, an influential businessman who owns shares in the project and begins to create his own team, began to take a lot of part in the management of the project.

The ex-wife of Mikhailovsky posted a post on Instagram, where she wrote that she was sure that Alexei did not leave of his own free will. From the first day of creating the project, the girl worked with ex-husband over "Dom-2" until 2014, and she is completely sure that Mikhailovsky himself is to blame for being "kicked" from the show.

There are two versions of the producer's departure:

  1. For thirteen years of work, Alexey is tired of making ratings and wants to finally devote time to his family. Mikhailovsky also does not like the active participation of Alexander Karmanov in the fate of the show.
  2. The producer was really fired due to a sharp decline in ratings scandalous show.

But not without good reasons Mikhailovsky began to upset the excessive interest of businessman Karmanov in the project, since he is suspected of puppetry. After his appearance, the host of "Dom-2" became ex-wife Alexandra Olga Orlova, whose nature seems absurd for a reality show, because the girl herself is very intelligent and well-bred. Fans of the project are sure that her appearance on the project is directly related to the activities of Karmanov.

After the dismissal of Alexei Mikhailovsky, the show is expected big changes and not the fact that in better side.

The producer of Dom-2 Alexei Mikhailovsky was fired: the fate of the project after the producer's departure will change

Rumors began to circulate on the network that if the producer was removed, then a big coup awaits the other participants in the project. In any case, this may not bother Olga Buzova, who creates the program's ratings. But it is worth worrying about Ksenia Borodina, who may follow Alexei, because they believe that she does not make the audience particularly interested and can easily be replaced by someone more interesting and scandalous.

The audience of the show "Dom-2" has been declaring for several years that the project in some way has already outlived its usefulness. Nevertheless, people continue to watch it. It is likely that after Mikhailovsky leaves, there will be big changes in the project: the rules or traditions of reality will change. But it is too early to talk about it.

This is not to say that after the producer leaves, the project may change for the better, but rather the opposite. Viewers are sure that Dom-2 will soon end its existence.

The general producer of the reality show told DOM-2 magazine about the ex-spouses, the family project and plans for the future.

Alexey Mikhailovsky with his wife Natalya Varvina
Photo: Oleg Zotov

The country's main television set has become a second home for producer Alexei Mikhailovsky. Here he worked with a team of 200 people for almost 14 years. During this time, Alexei himself managed to find a soul mate - he married the ex-participant and choreographer of the project Natalia Varvina, and in the near future he wants to become a father for the third time. Therefore, he leaves the project to come to grips with his family.

I remember how I came to the show in 2004, - Alexei recalls. - Then I painted the concept on several sheets, and in it there was a reality ... about a simple construction site! A little later, during discussions, we decided that people should not only work, but also have romantic relationships.

You have so many people under your command. Do you think you are a good boss?

This is what people should appreciate.

They say very much. You help all of them develop.

I have always had this position: not to take anyone from the outside, but to raise my own personnel. By the way, there are those who have been with me for many years ...

For example, we worked with one of the main producers, Lehoy Markelov, on Volgograd television in the youth edition of the DoZa channel - for those who are “before” and for those who are “for”. At "DOM-2" a significant part of the employees grew up with me and now they make this show the way it is and how it will remain. And some even paired off-screen. Indeed, our people fall in love with each other and build families, work with wives and husbands. I can name at least two pair right off the bat. Nastya and Lesha Kobozeva, producing Ilyukha Tsvetkov and Anya Kochesheva, who got together and gave birth to children. We have here big family! The project employs employees who managed to get married, divorced and find a mate again, while at the same time communicating normally with their former halves.

Natalya Varvina leaves after her husband
Photo: Oleg Zotov

"Build your love" in the literal sense.

You know, love cannot be "built" completely! "Building" must be constant, day after day, all life! Passion is not eternal and you need to work on love, to support what has grown on this passion. Well, do not forget to enjoy! What else is love for?


Alexey Mikhailovsky has devoted almost 14 years to work at DOM-2
Photo: Oleg Zotov

Do you remember your first love?

Of course. The girl's name was Inna. We are in kindergarten in a quiet hour they slept side by side, and held each other's hands. The teachers walked by, whispered and moved. Then, at school there was a girl with whom I was secretly in love for 8 years - Tanya. Unfortunately, now she is no longer there. She was killed in 2002, right next to the house where she lived.

There was once unrequited love? Or maybe you were thrown, refused?

Once, I was 21 years old, already during my work at the factory I was passionately in love with a very windy girl, and at some point she exchanged me for another. It was a blow! True, for two days. Then I wrote a couple of poems, then spent a month trying to restore this relationship. But, in the end, he spat and scored. And a year later she found me herself, but I was no longer up to her, although of course the thought "nice" flashed through.

Are you a proud person?

Yes, proud! But there is also pride that gets in the way. But it interferes not only with me - with everyone! This sin sometimes arises and does not allow me to hear people. For example, when from the outside you are told some things diametrically opposite, and you, "cool dude", think "why are you pouring everything into me here?" Often such outside views turn out to be the truth, which you are not ready to hear because of pride. Sometimes I understand everything, but emotions outweigh.

Are you easy to get emotional?

I may be enraged by a mockery or deliberate misunderstanding of the question. People see where your boiling point is, and begin to specifically influence it. At some point, you realize that this is a provocation, but you cannot restrain yourself.

Alexey has been working on the reality show since its launch.
Photo: Oleg Zotov

V family life all the same? We women often provoke. And also, we can be capricious.

Natalia and I don't have that. We can say that we somehow agreed: such an attitude is unacceptable. For us, baseness is a provocation within the family. Our guys from "DOM-2" live by this - these are their role model, game: quarreled - made up in bed. We also have models, but absolutely opposite ones. Both me and Natasha may be in a bad mood, at such moments we say to each other: “don't touch me yet” - that's all.

But you weren't always so wise. Still, you are now in your fourth marriage.

The first marriage, which took place at the age of 19, we do not consider at all - it was still a childish prank. But seriously, I have great respect for what happened and for the women who were next to me! It was my fault that it didn’t work out, largely because I didn’t fully understand the responsibility, because in the first place I always had a job, not a family, because I didn’t know what to do when the first passion faded away. No one knows this right away, because happy marriages not so much. Now I understand that I was not ready for a family then, because student years it didn’t happen to me - I served, and I was making up for a cheerful youth after thirty. Our marriage with Vasilina (Mikhailovsky's first wife, - editor's note) actually broke up in the fall of 2004, at the very beginning of DOMa2. But we continued to work together for many years.

And although our relationship was not simple, we always found a compromise for the sake of a common cause. There was love, passion - and then you realize that you are absolutely different people, and just thought badly about what they did. But with Natalia I was lucky. We were lucky! And we are happy! And yes, the very case when we did everything deliberately, calculated, if you like. We fell in love in 2010, but when we got back together in 2011, we already went through a long hiatus.

Alexey with his mother and wife Natalia
Photo: Personal archive

Was this hiatus related to your pride?

This is not the point at all. I just at one moment mistakenly thought that I didn't need all this. I thought, made a decision, and at one point left the horizon, acting very cruel to Natalya. Then it seemed to me that it was right. We continued to communicate discretely for several months, and at some point we simply decided to move in. And they never parted. At that time, Natasha lived in Moscow and moved in with me.

Apparently, you know how to compromise.

In our case with Natasha, this is not a compromise but feelings! But if in general, then yes - I am always looking for him, because solid is very brittle, and flexible does not break and lives longer. It is always possible and necessary to moderate the ardor and think. Sometimes, at a moment of total disagreement, I “give up” if it ultimately gives me a win. Because the people who argue with you are ordinary people and also expect attention and praise. It's just that someone is quiet, and someone is quite loud. The latter are all on Instagram.

You also have an account with 150 thousand subscribers.

There are 170 thousand of them. But I am not leading him. My experiment with this social network ended, and I clearly understood that I don't need this crap. Looked at how it works. And now I only monitor other accounts. Now I'll show you which ones.

Alexey opens Instagram on his widescreen phone. “Here is Hugh Jackman, Miley Cyrus, Olga Buzova, Vlad Kadoni, Ksenia Borodina, Madonna, AC / DC, many other stars, TIMES edition, Arkady Novikov and his delicious photos with food ... art accounts, ideas from which I use to decorate my home. Still subscribed to stores with vinyl records- I have more than three thousand in my collection ... "

“It's already evening time, and are you sitting here on Instagram?”, - Natalya Varvina's wife walks into the office of the general producer.

Alexey and Natalia will meet New Year with family, at home in Moscow
Photo: Oleg Zotov

I showed Anya who I followed. Here Natasha is keeping her blog, and, perhaps, on its basis we will conduct a joint one for entertainment. Go to restaurants and leave video reviews.

And when you are rubbed in public, do you read?

Of course not! There was a time, I even answered, but now I forbade myself and my wife too. This pointless activity is very addictive, and you begin to live in a reality that does not exist.


≪I'm a pity that mom didn't have time to get to know Lyosha≫

Natalia supports her husband in everything

Natalya sits down next to her husband and immediately takes his hand.

Natasha, when her husband announced his departure to the staff of the TV project, he assured that you made this decision together.

Alexey: she's my wife, of course, she influenced me! At one point, we realized that we were chatting about work at home almost all the time. I woke up one day and said "that's it, I'm leaving", life turned out differently - we found time for personal communication, walking the dog ...

Natasha, did Alexey offer you to stay?

Natalia: It was absolutely obvious to me that I was leaving for my husband. Both he and I. Moreover, we left for the sake of the family - why should I stay and not see Lesha.

Alexey: Two, as one whole - the concept of "HOUSE-2", where one goes there and the other. What can she do here without me?

Natalia: Nothing. When you spoke your farewell speech, you assured me that you were not going to get in touch for six months.

A.: This is true. I want to rest. Are you sure you won't remember six months?

A.: This is a property of character and mind: I will get anything out of my head in a day.

What about the comrades from work?

A.: Nastya and Leha Kobozevs, Ksenia and Kurban, Rastorguev, Kadoni - everyone will stay! Where can we go without them? If you are about whether it will hurt to communicate with them - no, it will not. That's how my brain works.

N .: I am the same - I adopted it from my husband.

What else do you learn from your spouse?

N .: Kindness. He is limitless good person... He is tolerant of everyone. And I am more aggressive and harsh. So I agree: when I came to work on the project, everyone said to me: “Alexei Nikolaevich is a good policeman”.

A.: What is kindness? You cannot be just unaccountably kind to everyone, like Prince Myshkin. After all, kindness is a method. My method!

N .: Oh, now you will assure us that you are an evil genius and that you are thinking up everything cunningly. Woland is straight.

A.: Well, when I left you in one moment - was I kind?

N .: No. And why did you even remind me of this?

A.: I mean that all people are made of different things. Besides goodness, there are also flowers of evil. It is important that you grow more in yourself, which part of the garden you water more often.

You, Alexey, what have you learned from your wife?

A.: I learn from her to be kinder and more happy with what is around us, to hear each other more! Generally the right relationship- this is when you strive to perceive important things on the one hand, to hear each other. Some can understand a partner for the rest of their lives by only 25%. We have so far managed to increase this figure to 50%. And it looks 100%.

It doesn't work that way. People are generally inclined to think out, twist. What to say about women who think differently. We need to clarify. And often Alexei asks you if he understood everything correctly?

N .: No

A.: This is not the case in family life. Here, sometimes everything is in silence, glances, tactile sensations.


Spouses are ready to start a new life
Photo: Social networks

Do you often quarrel?

N .: Of course, we quarrel. But we quickly put up, because we understand that these were emotions.

A.: Many couples troll each other, lead to emotions, swear violently, and then violently reconcile. This is not the case with us. But I do not judge anyone - they want pleasure. Everyone in life strives for pleasure.

What is your thrill? Travels judging by your flights.

A.: Our thrill is in ourselves! Being close to each other, and where is not so important!

N .: We have all cruises with romantic overtones, because we always go together. Sometimes we meet friends who are resting in the same city, and sometimes our mother flies with us.

A.: Traditionally, we fly to Paris for Natashka's birthday. But this year we missed it, it's a pity. We will make up for sure.

Where do you want to return?

A.: On the sofa. To the dog and TV series.

N .: We love to watch new items in an embrace.

A.: Natasha reviewed all of "House Doctor", "Desperate Housewives", "The Big Bang Theory". I like more about naturalness, such a straightforward real - "True Detective", "Ray Donovan", "13 Reasons Why?".

You talk so smoothly, they say, do not immediately reconcile, do not bring each other. But nevertheless, Natasha, surely there is something in her husband that cheers you up?

A.: Now he will say that he gets up in the morning, and the whole kitchen is in crumbs, because at night I ate.

N .: Well, I'm not mad about this anymore. My dad taught me the rule "where you got it, put it there," but Lesha does not adhere to this.

A.: We just have different ideas about order. By the way, here's what still pisses her off: I believe that you can walk around the apartment in shoes. When you have forgotten something, you do not need to take off your shoes - the floors will withstand everything.

N .: I just wash these floors. Moreover, I am ready to come running, take off my shoes and bring, but he still stomps in his boots.

A.: Now I will also wash the floors. Yes, and did not refuse before.

N .: And I, fool, never asked you.

A.: Laughter, laughter, and I want to say: I found the person who seemed to have always been there. I am comfortable.

Alexey and Natalia parted at one time, but soon realized that they could not live without each other

Didn't you have a lapping?

A.: There was a feeling that everything had been like this all my life. In its place.

N .: I was alone for a very long time, but I was always sure: "mine" - it will come. And now I’m sitting in that very picture “Moscow Does Not Believe in Tears” and think “how long have I been looking for you” ... It’s a pity that my mother didn’t have time to meet Lesha - she would have liked him very much!

A.: Natasha has an ideal relationship with my mother.

N .: I call her "mom", and Lesha my dad - "dad".

You knew him from the project. How did he know about your transition from producer to groom?

A.: Yes, we just stood on the street, smoked, and he said "Lech, right?" I answer yes. And that's all.


Alexey and Natalia hid their romance from the public for a long time
Photo: Personal archive

Do you have a clear separation between home and work? Is it difficult to exist as a boss-subordinate?

A.: My mother once explained to me that generosity is one of the main male virtues! Therefore, we do not have quarrels over the fact that "dinner is not ready".

N .: He rarely praises me, but I need encouragement. In fact, we argue, but these are creative moments - no big deal.

Do you get up at the same time and go to work together?

N .: No. Sometimes I may not know where Alexey Nikolaevich is. Sometimes we can have breakfast together, and then part for the whole day.

A.: But the weekend is sacred. In winter we go skiing in the park, and in summer we ride bicycles.

N .: We also go to the sports club together.

A.: The song will tell everything about us. Now I’ll play you the track that I gave Natasha - this is about our whole life.

Natasha finds on her phone the song “I Love You Anyway,” which Alexei wrote and sang especially for her.

N .: There is every line with subtext! For example: “I haven't bought the cream, so I won't pour some coffee, only I love you anyway” - this is about the fact that sometimes I forget to buy them for him, but he does not swear at me. Lesha gave me a song for 35 years. I just turned it on in the morning. I burst into tears, and then again, and again.

The couple intend to focus on building a happy family
Photo: Personal archive

Well, my husband, like a real producer, knows how to surprise.

N .: Yes, we were joking: when he forgets to compliment, you just have to listen to the song.

You said that after leaving the "HOUSE-2", you are planning to do family project... Open the plan.

A.: The family is the big and most important thing that a man should come to! This is home, love, and, of course, children. This is for life. We dream of children. In film " Godfather"Don Carleone says" if a man pays little attention to his family, he does not a real man". So - it's time to become real!

Name: Alexey Mikhailovskiy (Aleksey Mikhailovskiy)
Place of Birth: Moscow
Activity: producer of the TV project "House 2"
Family status: married to
Natalia Varvina

Alexey Mikhailovsky: biography

Alexey Mikhailovsky - general producer scandalous Russian reality show "House 2", in the structure of which he has been working for more than 12 years.
He was born in 1969 in Moscow. Alexei spent his childhood and youth in the capital. At the very beginning of the 90s, Mikhailovsky got on television. At first, he was mainly engaged in the promotion of political figures, as well as the preparation of news broadcasts. In the 21st century, Alexei completely retired from politics.

He worked with Alexander Lyubimov in the talk show "Vzglyad", as well as in such popular programs like "Time" and "Here and Now". Mikhailovsky gained extensive experience in producing activities thanks to Sergei Shumakov on the independent television channel NTV. But after the leadership changed there, Alexey was left without work.
For a whole year, the man sat at home with virtually no work. And then one day he received an offer to take part in the casting for the vacant position of producer in a completely new show in terms of format. The television construction "House 2" with the slogan "Build your love" has become a novelty both for Russia and for the entire world television.

TV show

Alexei Mikhailovsky was fired up by this idea. He developed his own idea, wrote down its concept on paper and went to the organizers of the "House 2" project. His idea was fully approved, and Alexey proceeded to organize the set: he found the territory, came up with voting rules, criteria for getting into the show.
The first shooting day of "House 2" is considered May 5, 2004, although viewers saw it with a 6-day delay. It was on that day that 15 people entered the project perimeter for the first time, and every week one of them was replaced by a newcomer. Many of the participants in the show have received high-profile fame in the country. Suffice it to name such names as Olga Buzova, Elena Berkova, May Abrikosov, Roman Tretyakov, Ventslav Vengrzhanovsky, Irina Agibalova. All of them, and hundreds of other names as well, owe their fame to Alexei Mikhailovsky.

The producer himself explains the mega-popularity of the program by the fact that the project is constantly changing, the audience does not have time to get used to one innovation, when something new is invented. In addition, the openness of the manifestation of emotions by the participants in front of the cameras allows the fans of the show to see from the side different models of human behavior and track the consequences of this or that action, the said phrase, a fleeting action.
It should be noted that the idea of ​​"House 2" is one of the few domestic projects that have been sold abroad. The show with the general concept "How To Build Your Love" was bought by Dutch, British and American broadcasters.

Personal life

I must say that for 12 years the television project "House 2" has contributed to more than a dozen marriages. One of the weddings was played by the producer Alexei Mikhailovsky. In 2012, he married one of the participants in the show, Natalia Varvina. The celebration passed quietly and modestly, few people knew about it, although many suspected about the relationship between the lovers. The fact is that Alexey and Natasha first appeared at an open party on the occasion of Olga Buzova's birthday. And in the summer of 2013, the couple also got married in a church, and this time the holiday was widely covered in the press.

But it should be noted that for Alexei this marriage was the second. Back in the 90s, he married for the first time. By the way, his first wife Vasilina Mikhailovskaya was a co-producer of the show "House 2". In 2000, their son Maxim was born in their family. Vasilina remained in her post even after breaking off relations with her husband, but in 2014 she decided to leave the scandalous television project. Biography of Alexei Mikhailovsky contains many white spots. He does not like and does not want to talk about his childhood. It is only known that already in the 90s he firmly decided to tie his future life with television. True, at first he planned to develop in the field of information and analytical programs - to cover news, talk about politics. Since the end of the 90s, Alexey has completely departed from this topic.

He managed to work for ORT, then he was invited to NTV, after leaving there, he was out of work for a whole year and did not know what to do with himself, while the management of the TV channel TNT did not outline to him her vision of a new reality show and did not invite him to participate in its creation.

Mikhailovsky eagerly got down to business and outlined on 20 pages how he sees new project... He described in detail how the selection of participants will take place, the voting system, locations, what the house residents will do. The channel's management fully approved all the ideas.

On May 5, 2004, the first participants of the show entered the perimeter of the project, some of them still retain the popularity acquired many years ago. Thanks to Mikhailovsky , Stepan Menshchikov, and other members, whose participation ended long ago, received fame, money, a road to fame.

Possible long-term popularity is due to the fact that the producer himself believed in it from the first day. He explains the audience's love by the fact that there is no clear script on the project, and its participants act like ordinary living people with their unpredictable characters and actions. The project helps many to understand themselves, and allows others, having looked and analyzed the mistakes of others, to avoid their own. Mikhailovsky believes that a show of this format will be interesting to viewers at all times.

By the way show House 2- one of the few domestic projects, whose format was bought out abroad, because it usually happens the other way around - on domestic television all foreign counterparts glow.

The most popular stories about Mikhailovsky's personal life various rumors... It is known that he was married to Vasilina Mikhailovskaya, in 2000 they had a son. For many years, the wife supported her husband in all his endeavors and was by his side in difficult minutes... The marriage broke up through the fault of Alexei himself, who was captured by a new feeling.

Many remember the charming one. The blonde beauty did not manage to build a strong relationship on the project, but she became famous thanks to her participation in the group “ Istra witches ”, She left the project in May 2011.

At the birthday party Olga Buzovoy Varvina and Mikhailovsky appeared together, and in 2013 the already held spouses invited guests to the wedding. Their marriage was secret and was not covered in any way in the press.

Vasilina Mikhailovskaya worked on the TV channel as part of the creators of the show until 2014 and did not comment on the situation around her and ex-spouse situation, and then left her position, allegedly due to moral exhaustion. Varvina does not work there as a concert director.

They say a lot of good and not so much about Mikhailovsky. So, former member the show accused him of drug use, viewers often criticize him for explicitly directing some of the situations taking place in the perimeter. Nevertheless, it must be admitted that it is thanks to him that the project has been retaining its unquenchable popularity for 13 years. It is also the great merit of the producer that the show changes over time and adapts to changing living conditions, and the audience pays him with love and unflagging interest.